The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 27, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL HIMSBM MACHINERY U.*l\ IV •CTIVE OPMUHOH. ICiit'pHx the 4 ontlnued Irllrtl) In \rn lork *lnrka Trade aharn ihe Holiday Dullneee—4'wlleu Kvlarra < loard Med> Hal I >rhaa|rd In II I'wlnla l;i>nrr-<|ilrlia Turpentine Firm Ml ,W,P-Halaa Firm nl Ikr llrclluea In I'alra-I.eral aud Trlr. a rwpbl<- Markrla. The Morning News Office, Wednesday. lire. 28, Tlie re-opening of the merkei* to-day Wee not attended with unuauel nnttvHy m any quarter. There *• not a great deal doing In cotton trading, and the other markete. with the exception of New York stocks, were seemingly In need of stimulating factor*. The cotton future* market cloaed *ieady. with prices net unchanged to 11 point* lower. At no time during the day an trading active, and the *e**lon closed with duUnesa and Indifference Ih* promi nent feature? The English markets be ing cloned, there were po quotations from the other aide. The Savannah spot market closed steady, with sales on the •pot of wo bale*. Only a email business was transacted through brokers owing to the limited offering* of cotton from the Interior. Holder* atill stick lo their pur pose of markeelug their holding* Intellt. gently, eo that offering* are not usually expected In the faco of a declining mar ket. such as than which followed to-day's dealing*. Continued activity prevailed In New 1 ork stocks, which closed Irregular wllh a strong undertone It looks very much like prices are to close up hard against Vhe and of the year With the usual accompaniment of enthusiasm attending the announcement* of disbursement* af ter Jan. 1 II will not he surprising to * large element If the hull* use them lo enliven Interest In the upward movement which now seems to be well under way. A* times the movement wa erratic, though there were no evidence* at any time that the n-actlona which followed Indicated any check to the present ten dency, The following resume 'of the dif ferent markel* will show the torn and quotation* a* the closing to-day: COTTON- The cotton market colsed sieatly with su* of *0 Poles on the s|u Aside from rhe spot bust ness very little was done during the. .lav There was not a great deal of cotton offering through brokers. the <lay closed with nominal trading in progress The day's receipt* were S.SSI, Hiteimvt *.757 lax; yeur. ami K. 320 year lie tore last. The following were tha official po! quo- I t;tot;s at 4he close of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: f This I,4*t | day. | year. .;ovd inMdH'ig * *-!• 7 1 * M h Idling 5-1* 7# !-•>* ml.ldilng * 13-11* 15-16 Mmkei steady. **:r.. *6O. Ravannah Revelp*>. Exports oral Stocks: Receipt* this day “.Wl Receipts this <htv last year 4.7f.7 Thl. tlay year before li 16. SW Re elots aiiu’e Repi. 1. lfhw . ^r.H2 Same day last veal 628.08* -1o kon hand this day 1J7.233 B.trttc day k*ai year 131.144 It-.rlt ts and Rtocks at the Ports— R. ripts this day 36.4 HS H. tdpts this day last year *.t>43 It,- -elide thl* day year before lasi Ai.! 7B Total rc- slpt* since Sept. 1. I*oo. 4.368.JW Sjme lime lost yeur 2.525.U5 Y.a. Itefore lust 5.*>.173 rtlo. k t ;tH |e>rls lustay 553.4 W B'O'k saint tlay last year I.l'^i,*6l Dully Movement* at Other Ports— tlslves'on—Holiday; net receipts. 10.06*. gross. 10 061; stock. 225.822 N't w orlewns—yulet and easy; middling, S 7-16; net receipts. 3.25. gross, 1.260. rales. 2.060; stock. 304.766. Mobile—Quiet: middling. net re t elpt*. 611; gross. 611; sales, HU; stock. 24.607. t 'harleston—Firm; middling, 9',; net re t < ii*ts stoek. 22.424. \\ llmlngton—Holiday; stoek. M.2/3 Norfolk-Rtetidy; middling ‘*. net re- II pi*. 161; gross. 161. sale". *57; stock. E- 238. Kalllmore— Nominal. middling, lo; net ret elpts. 1.350: gro*s. 1 .RuO; etock. 14.0 C N.w York—Dull; middling, 1“ 4-16, net receipt*. 3.213; gross. 4 244; ale*. 2.022; clock. 61.966. 80-lon—Holiday. , Philadelphia ~6julet; Ini.ldling 10 9-16, t receipt-, las, aids-, I— vtcek. t.!*'.'. D.dly Movements tal Interior Town-- Vugusta—lThrce dtfysi steady: middling, |c v ; net receipts. 2,466; gross. 2.596; sale-. 67; stock. 64.199 Memphis -Rieudy; middling, 9 9-16; net receipts. 2 267. gross. 4 363, sales, 5<W slock. 169.962 Hi Louis— Dull; middling. 9\; net re einls, 1.969; grogs, I 995; sloek. 72 487 <'lnclnnatl—(Three days), quiet; mid dling. 9S: net receipt*. 2,46fc gro*. 2.566; stock. 9.079. ,r ' Houston—Holiday; ii-f r.-elpts. **9F prues. 8.394; stock, 113.88' Isoul'vllle— Firm: muffling. W* Kkport* of Cotton Thl* Day; Halveaton—To Orest Britain. 60. France. 12.963; continent. 1.963 New Orleans—Coaetwl.e, 2,311. Mobile—i'oast wise 10T* ffsvermah—f'oasiwise 6,423. Norfolk—Ooesltvlse. I.Bn New York—To Great Britain. 2,356; con tinent, 2.043. Total foreign exports from ill pons thW •lay—To great Britain. 2*93; to France. 12.953; to the continent. 3.9 th Total foreign exports from all ports thus fir thla week—To area; Britain. 7V6<x>, tc to the continent. 43.017. Tutal foreign exports tdnee Sept. 1. 900-To Great Britain. 1.609.0*3; to France, 543.778, to the con I Inant. 1.U2.W7. ■BA ■ Alt COTTO*. I'tlcaa about ax follow*: V'ltra choice I'lorlda* M 0H Panry amnia* HVWT2 Fxtra choice Georgias ll4 Photo# amntn* 3® ®— F.*tn ft nr OtorfUn I* # Pla* Dwiyta) II ( fl . elpts an<l blocks— !tm-0! l***om Itcceipta post Week *.**■ 11®* Kxportx past week l.*l® Itecelpta this season I **.*27' Mali's Paal week . Mb’ Mm 8:oi-k on hand ! *.**2 ®M®' I OTTO A II T 1 lira The Market I loses Art I arbeaged With Prlrra II Point* lower. New Tork. Deo ha* been main >* since collar, speculation has been •nftned lo the mearr ilea!lna recorded the exchange dutlna to-day. Fiuetua ll> na were hardly In harmony with the apathy, reachimc a tnatier of U polnl*. Oi the first call Hie Igellng was steady, but few trades were made In the absence of news from tit* Knallsh market, which wa Mill Closed. Prices were unchang*l lo i |lnts higher on ftrsl sales, ami for the rest of the forenoon did not vary ix4r4*. Thr room **•* ••hourly lMiKii(M4peil by toiitliy of onbi* from the public and foreign conllnsnt and by inmiflMent Inform., lion from Ihe > rop country. The afternoon seaeloti was *ome whai mure Interesting In Ihe way of changes of values. Bdon after Ihe noon hour an esCmote for Inrgr receipt* al New Orleans to-morrow lad lo nervous *** selling, which cetne et a time when buy aia were lew ami far between Price# *ul- MURPHY & CO . INC,. Hoard of Trsds Building, savannah. Prlvata leased wire* direct lo New York. Chicago aud New Orleans. COTTON, STOCK* AMD (7R AIM, New York office. No (1 Broadway. Offices in principal citi#t throughout tit# Pouth WrMo for our Mark*! Manual and uock por tal'Uf lg insti ucLppi for trt.ltft frrrO am) broke ovno 1 to tl puint* from th# lw#t kvel of tho morning Thor* Mai* nothing In tho way of##xett tnrnt. Boon afterward tb* pit pr##rnte#| an Immlm.ite pprcUulr uru) for the r of tho day huino* mrorllv while ** re <x>nflr>el to a |M>int or 0. Hhoria aetw mud* by* of a ‘ , aquoo*e‘* in Januar> antS Mari h. ml )*> reports Unit UealraMd grail*# of Rpot cotton in the Booth werefacarce an*i held at m Plight |rvrrii im 'Di# market clope.i Purely Ptetuiy with price* net un changed to 11 putntt lower. FLK'TI t llONk |\ |*|Tl HM. New lork D#c* -COl ion futui * Opefel P(* .mI) Ui| loeod i>an l> Steady. Price# . fol.oui*. Upon. High. Low Cloo. January 9.44 *• 7 9.M F#bruar> .. 9Pi !♦ 4* 9.14 .£? *M *r ti v 4*, 9.4 ft 933 j April .9 Jo 94 2 l.k 9.^* May 9. :w 9.40 9. y **.;* June ,9.3 k 9>l 9.27 9.fT. July 9.10 9.30 9.1% Ms AugUPt 9.0) 904 8.9 b VUw Beptemer 4.J7 8.37 8 .40 I,** October $.03 S.Q 8 M 9 .*i Decern *r 10.O'. 19.10 19.00 999 %•:%% ohi.kan* i otto* k#ti nkp. N*w OrleaiiP. Doc. 26.—<’041011 fuiun# ilmk)} Do. hid 9 % April 9.23*99 25 Jan. .. . t.3ft4f9.Jl May .. ... .9 :ffvi9.J2 Feh. .. . ..9 27h9 .3$ June 9 IPU9.‘ March 9.&&9..M Ju.y ,9.16m9 13 COTTON UCm'.Ra New York. Dec 24.—Murphy A *’o. nr Liverpool market \w> cloaed to-day <ni account of hotUlay. ronoequontly trxJ.u* or. t.ilp alie wan on a very 4tmit''d and- or.llrM principally to eal*- by long!# Their wmb little change in price* until the announcement of rather liberal esti mate# to-morrow at Non Or loan*, which resulted in price* ik•• ilnlng k to 8 |K>lnte from the opening llgure# New Orleans expect*- to-morrow 2U.900 to 22.tw0 U.1&2 laet year; llouaton 8.300 to an tiiipt• Itat year He. retary H**pter iinnoun. <•' total jori receipt# to De-. >. thlP year. 4 :#*s.(!♦*. ugsinat 3.(15.718 Unt year. ami 5.575.(31 year before. The mar ket eloped on a range of about 19 pom.a under la-*; Hat unlay a cloae. Now York. I># . 36.—-Hubbard Bros. 4- Cos. *#\ Our market was without Lu-ug pool advice# thk morning that market not opening until to-morrow, opening quiet at better i*im our rnatkei alowlv eagged under the bt*enc. of any outside demand. and tie large Intel ror movement for th- ban week T 11 - proemp*m to le !#>•*■) ret eiplP. u*im#t 47 - <OO bale* iaMt e-a eon. wul the ahipmeitia 7s.<3p* bate*, afalnet ao.*) laPt year. Tn>- De*-Miller popltion was relatively firm t th# rime ha# panpetl, wiien any more cot ton can m* b>uglit in the South for deliv ery ut line toaitlon. and there Ip #rlll an outplaiahng nhort inter*at which hu-- tain* the price. It l# estimated that alxrut suhb' baloe will b# tendered ami tha*. our mock will he Increased by 20,000 jale*. tilt % I.OOUV Non York. Dec. 29—The market lias worn quit* a holiday apiiearar* e to-day. (here bovln* heen only a limited attend ance of buyers In any department. There have been no intiiM<-tiottS of ait) moment r,-pot fed In either cotton or woolen Roods, business ruling quiet throughout The tone of the market is dull, but there Is t.ii quotable change In prices anti neither buyers nor seller* are looltina for any de velopment* of consequence (or the bal ance of the year. NAVAL STOHKV Wednesday. Dec. 2 HPIKITrt TI'HPENTINE.- ilokrtb ac tivity characterised the day's dealuia* 1 the turpentine market. Tue opening w tlrm at Me. with sales o( 327. and closing flrnt and unchanged, with further sales of 3w The demand was sattet.i tore oti the whok. and considerable trading waa •tone, both for foreign .nal domestic sc count The day - * receipts were I,Mi. and the exports 90. ROSlNS.—Declines in pales was Ihe fea tore of tile day In the rosin market, N went off Iso, W. U Sc, and \V. W. 25c. For some time it ha* been known that n considerable quantity of Ihe high grad o have been a<-< umulatlng. and n was be lieved I here would be a vlsMlng in prices before any great quantities would re sold. Other than these there were no price changes reported. The de lines were at the opening call, when sales of 3. K barrels, were reported, ■'Onstliuling the tianaaetlons for the dat . The receipts were T.SOI. and Ihe export*. 2.233. Prices aa follow*. a. I), c fi so i Si m D I *> K 1 5 E 1 40 M 1 K KIN 2 n (1 I SO W O 235 H t * W W 3 SO llei>elpts Wednesday— Spirits. Kosln. C. R R - I.MO F A W 452 3.57* jt A <3 1 *25 Flats .. v 30 W* Steamer Day IT *1 Steamer Murchison l** Exports Wednesday— Spirit* Rosin s S Stats of Texas. Balto. 1.130 S t* Nacoochec, New York 09 ( 333 Ur S S West water, Man rhester ™ Naval Stores Statement— Spirit* Roin Stock April I. 1200 3.117 113.50* Receipts 10-day 1.4* T.OO’* Receipt* previously JIJ.3S7 *31.10; Total since April 1 M® 071.3< |.'.xn*rts to-day ** . Export* previously 27r.'W Wd.Wl Total since April 1 271 094 x-3.19" Stock on hand hl* dap ... .5 > Stock same day last year 17 <M 177.450 Charleston. I>ec. 39 Turpentine tnurko'. him .tsv Rosin firm unchanged. wilmtmcton. N C.. Deo. 29-flp.rl.s tur peutlne. nothing doing, receipt*. K. Rosin firm. 31 "tl 75. Crude turpentine du.l, 31""d r ' - - c*>lpt W- \ . ... rVr steady *1 31 *>; reeslpt*. ••*. TIIU Rl< R HtHkKT. By Dan Talm.rge * Sons' Cos. During the past week buslnes* w. of limited proporllotis In the rice market, buyers lndl*poed (o lake on -lock in FINANCIAL. F.A.RogorsSCo.,inc. Bankers. Broker, sad Dealer* la Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions FOR ( AH tIK MARLIN- Prompt Serv.ce.l lbe>*! Trtatmet.t W'itelm tetins tpeclsl gaolaikia aandee sad booklet Salet, a*4 lertaiet, •• s*e<etelle* a gg WALL 4TRKKT. NEW VHR^- JOHN W. DICKEY, Atoek, end Band Broker, AI44LMTA, GA. Write far LiaL IHE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1000. view of cloning accounia; atill confidence ! waa manifest by engaacment# for do- 1 livery after the turn of the year: total transaction* on hitler c count nearly treble .hat of the prerlOU* week Advice* from the HotiUi note generally active onditlon# and depleted holdtng* |n cleaned. Along the Atlantic toje. 4he movement wai fractionally abort of Inat weak, a* the a#*ortment I# narrow, firmly hold, and operator* dlpo*e<| to wall for more ideniiful supply. Kail volume of htiPlne** I* reported from the Bouthwet; Interior polnti-. however, aomewha! <ll*- criminated ag.tlr.*t h . atioe of tardy movement of ax>od by railroad*. Handi cap-* of tht* character ere erlouo m the-e day*, when tho a\>-riige merchant carrle* limited HtA. k# and mupi ► are quick supply Mill# In the re-pecilve lo< alltles have r loved down for the holiday and re tumptioti bv Home of the larger one* will be deferred the eccond week In January. A* a re*ult. cleaned *to* k# are dul> pprH*lated % and no ctn'e**lon-* olj tali thh even where trad, r- offer to rpake liberal InveiMtnent under plight r*late. Ja|Ntn command* the chief pairoitage on account of popularity, and It* king ob tained on rM*oitihl* term*: other Ptyle* are le* abundant rind priced at more, on good* cf equal cln# lxw tirade# arc diligently -ought by I'orto Btcan and other buyers for t xi>ort. and up thl* demand I# not only large but con- Plant, relatively full \uliiee would #eem .iquml hereon for Ihe balance of |hg -* noan fix %xri %i.. MONEY—The demand kee|>* fairly up with the xupply FOREIGN EXiHANOE Market pad)'. Commer la 1 demand. $4 s3‘*. plxty d*t>*. $4 79\. nlnotv da\ $4.7. franca, I’arl* and Havre sixty day*. -'2' 4 ; Misty da\*. Belgian. 24**. mark#. Plxty day#, yt 13-16. ninety da ye, 93 7-16 DOMEBTH’ EXCHANGE rtloaly; bank# are buying at l * dl*count and veiling a followp: s2.', and under. I<V pre mium. 32-'. to fSO, I.V- premium. $.V> to il<y. 3k* premium; H*o to 939 25*' premium; l.m and over par. BE<*rHITIEB- The market 1# getting active all around, with light offering*. Pluck*. Bid Ahk. Aoguata ant I Savannah It H 17:t 171 Atlanta and We*i !*o4nt 135 do ( p r cent certllVwtea .109 Augu#ta Factory $4 Id Citizen# Bank . 134 Chatham Hank 112 113 Chatham R E A 1 Cos., A Mi 59 do do li 57 f*K Eagle ami Phoenix Mfg Cos. 102 105 Kdlaon Electric Ilium. <*o 107 11“ Eruerprlne 3f'g. Cos. . 1 103 Germania Hank IS) Georgia and Alabama / .. .3k 29 Georgia Railroad, common 217 Granite villa Mfg Cos 190 17“ J P King Mfg. Cos UK H 6 Langley Mfg Cos 115 117 Merchant*' National Hank 19> 121 National Hank of Savannah 155 Oglethori*- Having* and Trut ..110 People*# Having# and Loan lbl 103 Heaboard common lo 11 do preferred 3M* 29^ Mouth we* tern Railroad Cos 113 111 Savannah Oa# Light Cos 24 25 Bouthern Bank I*l K 1 Savannah Bank and Tru#t 19J Hlbley 3lfg CO . Augu*ta HT. (8 Savannah Brewing 104 ... Bond*. Hid A*k Char . Cos.. A Aug iPt s*. 1960 .399 110 Chat A Gulf K K 5 per cent lPt mortgage 102 i**4 Atlanta illy 4b. 1923 107 109 Augupta city 4*. 1927 W 109 do 4V. 1925 HI do 7*. 1908 W •lo (#. 1913 132 Ala Mkl. s#. md and 192*. M A N H>l* a 1024 Augupta Factory, h per <*ent. IMS.III 113 Hrunawlck A Weattrti 4*. C H R A Banking collateral S*. 96 J C. of O Ist mrtg. >, IJM*. F A A 121 C of Oa. .#*ll 5* 1945. MAN W 9N C of Ga lat income#. 1945 6l do 2d tin-ome* 20 2! do id Incomes. 1945 $4 §4 C of U. <M O. A A Dlv.) 5# 1947. J A J 9R 94 C. of G. (Eaton Btanch). 50. IVA. J AD 97 M 4 Clty A Suburban R R J*t 7# 11 4'oluinUuo City s*. MR** —lO7 Charleston city 4#. 19ta lOu Ivj Eagle A Phoonlx MID* #. 1928 I*jM 110 E*ltPou Electric lbuminating (# H* Enterprise Mfg. 6#. 1902 102 Ga R. R. 6# 191“ 115 117 G P A F.. 1947. J A J 119 114 (i*or(la A Alaimm 1 l#t .#. 1945 lUS 107 Georgia state 34*. IR’ J A J... 111 <k 24#. 1915. 91 A N 107 do 44#. 1915 1194 13>4 MavOn city 6*. 19|n J A J 116 11$ do 44*. quar. Jan log 109 Ov-ean Bteum*hlp s#. 19JW .104 lU$ Savannah city s*. quar January 191# 110 111 do s*. quar.. Ftbruary. 39W luo 1094 Mouth Carolina Ptate 44# 1931 .117 119 Sibley Mfg Cos. (#. 15P3 102 Mouth Bond 5 99 1(9 H. F A W mt'ge 6#. 1934 125 11% • It* Ot* 1- * StL gold IM e.U9 114 do Sf John Dlv. lt 4 1944 .... 95 96 kOXKI if %It R I IT. New York. Dec. 39.- Money on call tlrm nt 4v |w*r refit.; l*t lojn 4 |>*r int. Prim* men*antll** paper 4' 4 fy.V* per cent, jftrritn* en’hnni" firm, with actual !>u*. Ill***" In banker*' Mil- at HMS for le nt.iml and at fl MffifcfH M for idxiy dny. ported rate*. fills -iml sl*3**. <‘omnwr . iaJ. fl wff4.S(*fc. Silver certificate*. 64**41 6T liar aliver, Mexican loliara. lor. iJm ertm* nt huiuli* otronn; atafe horvt.* In active, railroad bond® lrroini!ar. UTOt h %Ml The I liiAins Im uu In r H III* t It* lu ilrrioiM 4tnuitf. N* w York. Deo. J* —The flock market went through ®o*ie aetonUhlnv viclsni* tule* to-day, but It® rnoi*c •MoninWttx plw wa the haul recurrence of the un. dcrtoite of etrctitfth which ha* come Into rupport the market prrnbinntly of Uif and driven off all mood® of depre*- •fta*. After o|M*ntt;s with a skyrocket ;il\jn in prict* followed by a drop very like the lUtt ekyrocket a stick, the mark* t gath ered ttaeff together again and. I* nor lux the continued preeauee of liqtflkitlon wbich continued In force at ®onie point*. M r* Kunifil It* irregular h©W of etrength. the Mtraaal i k new* point® of etrength In ing umiffocted i> weakne#® at olh irt. The sharp rwacllon at mid-see*lon a t* i,up more than else to the ex tremely doubtful character of aome of Pie Opening advances. The character of ihe stocks affected and Ihe violence of the Jump In prices gave a suggestion of speculative debauch such as Is the Inva riable accompaniment of Ihe culmination of .T bull m rket Professional trader* hate been constant!) on the lockout for the sign* of such a culmination, and they sold the market eagerly on Ihe opening i .so These offer*** were supplemented by the very heavy pf-ollt-taking of Inter ests long of the ro irket. At this period of the market It took on a,t appearance of general weakness, price* • rumbling throughout the list. The sur- I, Tiring opening gain* In a number of Industrial spectaltle# and a few railroad stock* were erv gem rally wiped out. am) some of the Important railroad stock# had fallen from a fraction to a point be low Saturday'# dosing level The tdoltttt break In Ihe Northern Pacific atock* had a large Influenre In the decline, a* the unbridled speculation In The same Issue* [ hat been the salient pot lit of the market f„i lays t <*' \ publish.- I tatTtnent in f the preferred stock would not be retired on th> ' Tilling first o* January I* *he ground for the break. a* It would .eks aw .,y the reason for the re-ent specula tion. The common stock sat carrtwl down an extreme 34. and the preferred nearly 3 i*uu-. The call money rate rnph.t#lt*-d the c.illois feeling, ami the relap-- to 5 per ent later In the day wa an tmiHrrtam element In the rally The üb*tantial character of th*- buying order# encounter* •*l at the tUcllr* liei ouragt-l the Itear# and their buytng to cover help- l the tal ly It had Bp Inception in the U*-Al trac tion Mock*, which were all very strong with accompanying rumhr# of con*4ldat e*l control Mianourt Pacific. Hea.llng tlr*t preferred. People * t*.# and M igar erre al*o conapiriKHi* feature* of the late re covery The cloning wa* very trr*gu)a but with the undertone atrortg The <>t**ning outbur#t wa* palHthl\ due in large (tat. to manipulation, aral wa# expDtnabh by the buoy o;*e*wtbn* of *\ ♦ eulatlyro cltqma dunreg the hohd*\ in t rval In m.*kir v i domen*tixttlv- id# for a most any amount of the stocks iff.- tod without any actual volvcd a* a retraining Influence The • qeolng of price# In Brooklyn Tranai. \ - r •#! nearly 3 point* on an extreme ad vance of ft**, aml there were wide open- I thg# on running #ale* in Tfnni*-.#* Coal, j Sugar. Pt Ptul. Erie tir#t preferreil and Atchieon. Thv extreme gain* In the**' #toek* ran from 2to over ttolnt* except Erie Hr*t preferred, wfhleh wa# at no 1 tune more than a fractkNt over Satur |V-y. ! Tb* re B-eru*d 10 I*** pi* nty of fund [. 1 ygilabig to*" kx>rrowers, ati<l lemler# show taatn* luf iwkiou* to put out money on t pie, having ip mind the oming dlabur*#- menr of the vearly dividend* ami inter e#t h nd the prominc of low**r rate*, while Ixtrowern *N*w a preference fi>r call l(*%n* Th- turn of the Interior currency movement In favor of New York and con tinued gain* by the New York bank* .ftutii (he iHih-treu*ur> on ni •mm of large pr-mium# on g.>vernmot bind* and aivncip.itory tmymeni* of government In tereal. give a feelaag of a#*urarK'e thw< the year will tie turned without trouble in the money inarke' j The railroad bond umtkct wa# actUe •Hal *how#l only a few t\<ak *i*t# Total j-ale* |ir value 11.410.0dU- All Cnlfe l 1 Htatf* bond* advitneed 4 I’er cent on the UM call. The total *alcj of #to* k# to-day were 1. 147,50) *har b. Including Atch4*on. (2.U9L BaltlnK>r** and Ohio. 9,o0; Che*a|eake and Ohio. 13.*W). Burlington. 23. Sun Rock I*l - 14.MX), Denver ainl Itio Gran b\ •. >**. Erie, 43.900. Erie first preferred. !9.4>>0. lowa Central, On, Lmil#viile, 5.9H*. Man hattan. 95.900; Metropolitan. lO.tWO. Ml#- -out! Pacific. 29. b 3ll*e<Hiii. K.n*.*# and j Topeka preferred. 27JMO. New York Cen tral. x.wiu. Norfolk and Wewteni, B.'#4). Northern Pavitie, 51.i0n. Non hern preferre*!. 10.9u0; f)ntaiio and We#4em. 10 - IX). Peniiaylvania. U).921. Beading. (.90*. Heading ft rat preferred. 23,700. Iteadiim Becotid preferred. 6,uuu. Ht. Ixiui* South veatern. 5,490; St. Loan* Bouthweatem preferred. 24.9*#). Ht Paul. 74.1x*. Southern lacifl' 40,90 Southern Railway. 41. ww; .m uthern Railway preferred. IJ.ip, Texa* .ml Pacific. 22.$U*. CiUon PacWl- 49.7(. I'l dun Pa ifb preferred &,3U>; Wlic*ling. 1 i.'xo. National Tula*. (.s(p*. Copper, 12.850. S:eel and \X ire. 14,009; Tin Plate 22.700; Tobacco. C.. 901 Brooklyn. 141,000; Colorado Fuel. lO.’pjo. Continenipl Tobacco, 12,50). Federal Steel. (1.700. 1 flier national Pai*er, •; luA. National Steel. 19.800; People*# Ga*. 1 U 2.700. Mugai W Rt); Tenia asee Coal ami Iron. 17.3U0. Entted State* Leather. 6 900 New York Bt<xk List. Atchison lit* Wabash 11-, do jrf. mh do prf 35 and A O. sis, *V- A- L. E. ... 12 Can. Pa. HoA, do do 3nd prf *>'. Can So 3k Kl* c*n 17*; A o i, F*hlro Avsttus 120 i (i \\ i I. At O prf. ... tHi t . D A y lii .Nal Irt* 11 . C., Ind A 1,. jux, do prf IW-. | do do urf. .. A! Atnal. Copper ’M . f A E. 111. .. Adams El IV* C A Nw ! Am. Ex 17* C , 11. I. AP. IliW, S Kx 57 C. c. C A St.l, 72 Walls Kargo .13* Col So Am I'ot on ... 33 lo do Ist prf AJX, dti tin prf lh t do do 2nd prf 174. .Ant Malt. 5 D A II 13*A, do do prf 27 .. L A W. ~IMV, Am Smelt A R. si'* P A R O in, *W <lo prf. . ;%, do do prf Mb-' 1 "- Spirits 3 Erie 25*. do do prf. ... 17 do Ist prf ... SC, Am S Hoop 32 fl. ff prf l*s*. do do prf 77'. Ilock. Coal .... ll,f*ni 8. A W. 44>j Hock. Val .. 42>. do do prf *7', 111. Can T. Plata 3*-, Is. Can 22A. do do pit So‘. la Can. prf . 4s tAm Tobacco ...112 L. t. A W. ... 47*. and do prf 125 do do prf 113 I A b Mill. Cos. .. 4X ‘.aka Shun- .. .2A R T. *7*. D. x7,C01. I' A iron . s>, Man L US',( on Tobacco ... j Mel. St. Ky. ..171% <*< do prf. ~ *l% Max. Cat. I4 : Fad. Steel 57*. M. A St L. .. 70%, do do ptf .... 77!q du d.l prf. ...Itß ‘id. Els- 17 Mo I'a * ?! f lIUCOSS Sugai 4?‘. M. A O do do prP *2 Mo. K A T. . 14’, iK'n'l Paper 25‘4 do do prf. .. to 1 , do do ptf 73 1 , N J C 145', lAc led* Has .... 73 N. V C 113', ••%>'t W . N. A W l do do prf HI do do prf. .... *3% Not. 1-ead l**i No h K*% do do prf k>"-j do do prf .... 1714'NaI- Steel 41% lint AW % do do prf K Ore. R A N. 43 N. 3* A- U .. PS do do prf ...-is No. Am :*% I'ent svlvjmn 144*".. Pa. Coast *i Heading ... 23 ! ,’ Jo Ist prf M do Ist prf V <k> ‘lo 2nd prf Ui do 2nd prf 27% P Mall I, IV *5 Has —lO9 do do prf i I' S <'ar 51% St. 1. A S K 21% bdo l>rf *2 do do Ist prf . 7<V,f’ull. l'al Car t ' do do 2nd prf. 13% 8 Rope AT 1 tit. I. Hw .... l*%*ugar 141% do do |l( .... 45 do prf 117 St. Paul I3*%T C A Iron ...ft do do prf. ....IW j!* S. la-ather .. 12% at. I*. A llm .121 do <k* prf .. 7.V, Jo. Pa ... 4S%f 8 Rubber 27% (V Ry. ....... /->. do do prf .77 do do prf 77%gWe*tein Union. *2% *• A Pa 34AM t* IAS . 19% Un. Pa 7* do prf *% do do prf M',l - . C. C. A St.E 15 -Bonds. U. S. 3* ref M A O 4s .... *7% reg 105'. N. Y C. 1*1... Ik% tio coup lift jX. J, C, G. 15.129% do 3*. reg .110% North Pa. . 3s 71% do 3s, c'p. . .110% lo 4s lu* , do new 4s. reg 134% N. Y, '' A St. dn new 4e. c’p. 133'-. lsouls 4s 1 , do ohi Is. reg.Uy'i N A W. t 4- % do Uhl 4a. cp. 11% tire. Nav. im 111 do ss, rag. ..11l do 4s PC-, •lo ss. cp. . 114 Ore. S 1. 9s 1% "D. of CJ. 2 95s 134 do con 5s 11% Atch. gen 4# .103', Read Hen. 4s l% Uu udjt. 4* Mi.Kiil O. W Ist .100% Can Sou. 2d .149 St 1.. A I. M r or in is. P", con. .114 wlo let Inc. ..a* st 1,. a- s U <io Al me ... 3 | l%i gen. I4 C A D. 44* ..104% 8< Paul con. .112 Jo Is 121 St P . C. A P C A Nw t.’. 7s. 13*4 Ist I*o% C. A Nw. M E St P . C. A P |>eb Is ..... IM 4a I® Chl. Ter 4s . *>% Boa Pac. 4s Cl Col Sou. 4e *?> Sou Ry 4s .114% I, AH H 4s 111% 8 It A T *• 7 Erls Hen 4s *9 T A P. I*l .114 y W. A D. f. ‘ do 3.1 *1 j,t At Union Pac 4* .. 107% Hen Elec 4s . till Wabash Ist 117% lowa Can Ist ■ 1154 ’I" *4 .. 107% t,. A N u. 4s 1014 West Shore 4 .115 M K A T 2d 77 Wise. Can let.. * jo 4* *4%Va Cant ...... M New fork. Dec. 3 —Standard Oil, 14b (IS. New Votk. Dec. X —Consolid*trd tins dosed at lM's ' Morphs A ta's Bttsek Letter. New York. Dee. K.—An ex .Optionally strong and active opening was noted In the atock market this morning Follow ing on the great advance of la*: week, thl* morning a rise was all the more re markable The advance- extended ill Ihe wav from '% to 4*l l>et cent., and there was hardly a stork on the Ms. which dhl not share In the opening gain* The lead ers In th advance ners Huger, which opened UP from S'* lo on reporu that Southern Railway. Train, Arris* *nJ I’>r*n hrtoub on 0t 1* M*nati> Tim*—Oao Hour Blewtr TJion Tly Tim* 8. .Jut* In Kffrot !>*<•. . t*. • sews ■"VinTiirsAfr " i( nfcAb t - #. No K N> W • t.\ MiT.. . Ar tTiiJiii-. •■'•t , m ii-os r m* i < -s4(Mn 4 Mbi'it ill* ... L.v l si*mi 1 .Dpm 1 tvpni t. (Win Ar ('oluniina . l.\ t il*ni,H —m Jlni 9 <i.m At Chariot:• L.V M.|*n n*oro it 4ti>m Spm Ar . ..... umiutwn< . Lv|j 1 Mpa* ■ itom Ar . :.|igpi 12 .Mam : llpni A> . Knrfil! l.v , w in ; 4 Mom *.•>! Jjpnt At l.v IS tip* U“• 2 4U.1U1 S 42ptn Ar . .TT7.T.1.T..777171 Lr blxiri Lvj, 1 'hull !!*•• 4bim 4 Ar Charlni teavtll* I,*, { M.*m 7 liim >S4q>ii,;Ar W.ohtn,4o4i Lv 11l ttan| • •>V n * H* m It Ar Bolrnturo Lv ' I ham t flpio it J*jm 2 44. mAr Phil i4rlt>t>l* Lv, J Wain * •#>> ' ' Ar MM* ■ 1 f * 38pm, 3 t>pmjAr Bo.loci |.|| t Mpoi.lQ v TO TIIK NORTH ANt) WESK ii So ° II iC.ntrat Ttin* ) ll ti iii l.v ...... . <4avSnnah 7 "!• CiXiom (Harlot n Tim* ) II 5 Warn l.v ColumUl* Ar | I >*•*“ 11 2-Mim l.v ffnotioitMir, !.' ‘ 1 *"• l-v ...... Aahovtll* - v 1 BW “ m 4 (Epm |Ar 1 lat ** V I|U MoM 7 SOpni Ar Know til. |. , I 2*om 4 luam Ar U* 1 >■' Cincinnati .l v Mpm * #opn> Ar ft( Uvula • Is tSOani 4r . Loulavtllo . l.v ) 440 m All tra'.na arrtvo and depart from Iha Plant flvctrm Siotlon. TIUItJCGII t'AR REItVICK. ITIV. TRAINS S3 ANY* M DAILY NEW YO !Ux ANU PIAtKIDA EXPREffB Vootl hulrrt llmtt*d train*, with Pullman I’rawtn* Itoocn Bl*r|tln* Cara b.t**i Sa*n •tah amt N'.-tv York ('ontmta at Wostilncct-n ith t'aUmUl Ktprso lot ltosto, Pullman Sicnln, Cars l.iarfii CtvATt -It * and Hlrhftiond and Charlotl* and Nor folk Dining Car, Bt*rv* all maals b*'l—' **ti Savannah and YVosttlngton TRAINS 34 AND N DAIUY THE UNITED BTATKH FART MAH. Vrolbul*d llmllnl Call - carrying I’ Inawlng Room Hl**|Si g Car* ho*r**n Savannah and Xr* York Dining Cars srrva Alt mnalr b*tt—n Savannah and Waanlng’on Alro t’ullman Drawing Ruotn Sk>. pUt2 Cara b*tw>*>n Savannah and Cincinnati, through Aaliown. and "Tha Uvnd of tho Sky." For <voni|>lrtr Information no lo rat'a *. li*lul* *lf .ip, ly to F 8 HANNON. Id V p A 0 M J M t’FDP. T M, W A TURK, Q. P. A, Wa.htngtun, D C. S II HARDWICK A-at Han't Pass Agent. Atlanta. Oa. R C RI.ATTNER. Tlrkst Agsnt. Plot t System Station JAMKft FREEMAN. C. PAT A 141 Pull tlre.l Savannah (la . Phone* (> the redoing > 'mi>*n> amt Arbuokto am tvtti as antHgtmtsttt: aa they havo ttenn. Ilt.s.klvn. till Alt'hloons. Tennessee Coal ami Iron. Federal Rtevl atnl Peopk's *!<• Tennea.*# foul and Iron ..taeil an >|>' if Ina gain of |Klttr. Ilrooklyn 4 |stnir ami Frtlrral Sleel ami Pt-ople's Has ra. h one There was unusual heavy reallilng a! the 04*>ntng ami the o4S' Ing quotations were shalevl .luting the llr-t halt hour lavnikat v-a. elta—l 10-tlay. It sis e\- iveeted, however, that then wotiM ts* p.inm .irlHtra.e trading for <h amount <>l pel Hit The fonlingeiit rale at Isamton yeaterday which carries u> Jan 14. wa percant.. Imlleullng that the .htwt Inter est there has not been entirely cleared u|> Thla view I* em|>ha*i*eel by the rise In l Paul In thm market yesterday. Many iverson* e|o'lisl -tir.irlse this morning m the oontraellon In loan, shown by the hank atatemeal and IveMeve that the .Itowlng D duo to 4he teehnUwl oon dltl.-ns for whleli the trust eompany o|t oration* are roeponalhle From Australia 11.000.'W In gold has been -hipped lo Ran Krttnelsn o Riwlemi'nt. of railway earn ’tngs lor ihs third weyk fn December were recelvetl till* morning, and notably chose of Northern Pa Itl wre very good. He|iort* eon- . ruing Ilrooklyn ltaid-1 Transit iodleato tha’ Imitortant changes will le mad* In the hoard at the next meeting Reported large demands for anthracite helped hard coaler., t nlon P.nlfl * rttlv wncetl on scattered buying, mostly commla.lon houses. People * tla* advanced up to the close on of nil lon- of Chicago Inside puul Traders fwvtflr iek ing In Manhattan, l.trgt ovitslde demand offset this tlood buying Pennsylvania and New York Central. MINI i:i I IM itl * gIUKBY*. Note—The *e quotation* are fvl*J dally, and are kept a. near a. poeli>l“ In a. . ord wllh Urn prevailing wholesale price* tißlclil quotallon* are not n?"d when they disagree with the prlctia WhO'e aaler* ask. 4 aaalry and Anrlheew Prodwre. POFI.TKY The markel l. steady, yio tatlons: Hrollor. :t*i. lor pair, half grown. C'.tlNs three-fourths grown fade Ml. hen*. 473 g. roosters. 4ub4i . duck*. 30e75c. geese. 74CM* EO4JR Fresh mod led 2-‘4l-.>’. cold stor age. 2?c BUTTER —The tone of the market l firm. yuoMUon' Cooking, tic; imlt*- Ilusts. He. New York stole dairy. 24>y extra Elgin*. Tl> i HKMRE—Market firm; fancy lull ci—m the se I3 f ,He lor 3" to "po ind average. aeuAO-pound avciage* 1.1 1 . Early I egetahles. IRISH ItITATUEH-NorUM-in, 12'** f>!4< k OAUHAOK |**r ii<*ai. ‘*ratei*, I-’ w mg 2 2** tiNlONW—Yellow In bairrls. *3.75; crate*. SI.OO, red. 32,741 HrewdalHg. Hay and Grsl*. KlyOl R Market *!; isitent. 34 X straight 33.75; fancy. 32'*’. famll>. 33 40 41KA Is—Pearl, pr hjtrel. 315". per sack 31. U. c4t> meal, per sack bolte.l. tipji - , w.itat k'ound. 3112%; city grtl.. sacks pearl grit*. Iludnut*. |rt bar rel. 32.4 m. per sick. 3129. sundry brands. "corn - -Market (Irm. white. Job lots, 2c, carload lot*. 0r; mixed corn. Job lots. k-. r.irluad lots. SA-. RP'E Market demand gooil; fancy head. A-. f*4tcy. 54c. IS? j ft4l ' No 2 mtxed. carload. IP - . Jo>* lo!*, aitja*:. whl w clipped, Cf. * > liltAN—Job lots, he; carload lots ’■ HAY—Market steady; No. 1 timothy. *2%, . Job, or*•; No 2. 30c; Job. *i'v . car*. „ll,r anil t "Wee. BI HAR- . ' . „ Cul loaf Diamond A Cnished I. 2. Confectioner. A... Powdered ... -•■> While Exlre C.. Ml yv v v i*ow •!. • fi.*® Kiir® v .••***•*• * Orsnulsted" riss'loldenc *• Cubes t Yellows ' Mould A * Mr Prime No 3. ... I'*%C “ OPh “ * . Hissl Nr. 4.. 104 c u r Pair NO 5 10 a Eat.- > "N" ' ,l '' " r,ll, ‘* r> So * Choice No 2 W%n| Common No 7 c sail. Hides and **ol. a a DT—Demand Is fair ami the market steady; carload lob. 100-pound burlap .4T i7t K6*p>)un<i cotton i*'k* 4 • UO-pound hurl.p sacks. 414 c. 110-lu.el ~7“ sack, 13V; UM-sifS* ‘> rl P s ks '*V 121-pO’itsl .-otton sacks SV. jf,‘-|oiir.d burlap sa'k 3P HIDE* — Market llrm dry flint. MV-, dry sail. HV- *"*" "•‘cd- IVtJOD—Nominal, prlnw 'Jeorg's -se of sand bins ami black wool lc; black. ?•; burry ■ Wax Mr; t.Uow. IV. Itssr skins. Jh - . Uriel! and Kvaparalad Prwii*. APPI.K8 —Evaporated, 6%4f7c; sun drie I, R49i^c. APRICOT*— Evaporated. Ic iund; nectaries, 14K-. RAIBINB—I* I-. **<; imperial caninels, 1275; irmse SO-DOTlttd boxes. k%i pound. PEACH 3714— Evaporated, pealed. ITHc; unpeaterl. M,94r. PEARB- FNupr>rwterl. %o. Hardware and Malldlnn *appllaa. DIME. CALCIUM. PDARTER AND Cem-t—Alabama and Heoigla lime in fair demand and sell at cent* a 'aural: special calcined plaster 11.-fO wi barrel; hair. 4p<s - . Hosedale cement. 11.38tf1.24; carload lot*, spncial; PorMand - etuent, re tail. 33,35; carload lots, Efs&SJB. r , I.PMIIER FOR VF3RMEIA*. BAVAN NAIF Minimum, v ard sixes yioMRII.m car -tit*. lUEOIrIAOO. •Ufflrtllt .lie. H4o •il*' ship slock. 9104X141 is 00: sawn lies h"t*il, hewn lies, 34,131 k . OIL, Alaiket oteaety. dematsl fair; slu nai Irti.s, West Vlt glum hltu-k Swltc. lard 4*.', neaisfuol Alti 70c; machinery. 1 it—. . tln*e*.l oil. raw. Ta'y. mated. Tgiy, kerosene, prime while, lit ; water w....e, 13* . Prail s astral. IP . l*.* lottse*l stave ga—vltne, drum.. 11 'v nnpiy utl barre.,- .1. llv.Tcd' *<•. BHOT Drop. II Ml, 14 It ami large. *1.74, chilled, $1.74 IKON-Market very Mealy Bwtsle IPy NAI lot Cut. 12 JU t.e wire. *2 i nose HAItIiED WiltF. *3 40 |ter lo is.umls tIFNPOWDER Per keg. Austin * p*clv eaoi Man. half k-gs. D.2„; <|ugrter keg sl.2a. nhaniploti Utteklng t|U—rler kegs J3 2... Dupont ami linxard aniokoleas. half keg. in *5. quarter keg., *4.75; l-pound. ckiilalem *1 mi. less 24 per cent *. Trols •k rf -ntokeiua. powder t-paund . ana. *1; IV iMiund cans. t*a< pmind t alt—— Hagglag and Ties. BAOOINO -Market firm; Jute. p,. ismml V: large kui^- ; Mlw || i.u. : jsittml 7’sf; - -it Island Figging. 12',, TIFB Biam lard. 44-poo nd. arrow targe lots. *1,30. smalt lot- *l.*3 C rulls wad Anls. APPI.ES Northern variety. *3uo,i.l'.i. uU INt.ES tFla > F BANANAS *1.34|.T4 Imm I, I.EMONB Market #1 •*M*l V. |# .’,O 4 " , GAVrTM $4 (■> ~r pi. I Kl .N vH to Am jq*-. o*> i> #* . *o to 7ob. 7c 79s to 80*. (Lc, mh* to 90* (.• 90 (o 190*. 5* 9 c. .. I ..*'; SI h TB Ample stock, fair demand, nnirkei ilrin; fancy hand-pkkod. Vir gtnia. per pound Clye; liand-pleknl \ - r “"v .’ -r’a ,r -' 4 ' • N C -red peamils. 4c Nl TB Aun.-nd- Tarragona. 17c; Ivh-aa. Kremh. I N'aplea, lim . J7 r ;!-• fflhorta. |Jr; sorie.l nuts. So-pound and 24-pmmd uuxe. *• r • Haenn. Hama and Lard. IJACON-kUiket firm. D 8 <• H -l.les. * v H Hcllie*. v,c fHatterni ae. m uling tu avstoge s (g , |, H . (R eslertu, marked c f ( , ' * 11A MB Hugui curs<l ||La|<m. * laAKD—Pure. In Her .., "i*,. i„ (ettfitd. tins and w-|s.uml tulm ,i„ -ompoural In ll.rues. *q*.' and <IO-|iuuild tuba. p,e MJsrellanenns. I 1 “>-■•< kerei, hair barrel., No , v’ N 7 3- .* 7 ' So *“ 71 ,IH *- •#* I. *1 .Si' • u J. *1 kt. No 3, x4c < 'odllsh 1- puund brick, b .-pound bucks. 4V )rnuktl hornmr {#r 17^29; hr ring, in k-*s, "imif" barie|., *3.74. HYltl'p Alai ket quiet; Oeorgla and • , "2'J*L fVn,p ' k'O'hig. ai -No*. . selling at .o*ll. . sugar house t 111(314, lloNßy - Fair demand, strained In lair- I'el. 44(iuu< gallon. High wines basis. *1 r, •>< I 4 \ FNKlttin s 1 OTTON-Ravannah 10 Mu-ion p*r cwi.. He: lo Now lork. per ewi k- to Philadelphia, pee bale. *| Kalllmore. 11. ► oKKItJN mit EOT—llremen. 40> . |,iv. etpool. He; Kan lining. He. Henna, 4P-, Uttreelona. 65c; Mwocheater. 4th ; Havre 4. . Antwerp, He; Heval. Hr; Rotterdam 54c; Trieste. 43c I NDlßKtrr Liverpool .16HJI, Ham burg. 40c; Hotlienhtirg .‘4, I.FMHER—By Rail—Freight* slewdv. 4o It;.ll limit 1* and eastward, 11 3# | 0 *5 7* per 41 Im lulling Portland EF.MMEIt—By Hinm Rtvannah to llaltlmor*. If., to P It It or II and f>, dock. $5 At t* l*hUade|phla. 12-Jc per I wl 14 1 sattml to fool; to New York. 2*.*o per .M, *7.34 lo doek, lightered to Rot.lon, 14 kl NAVAI. RTOHKH-The market Is ilrm, medium sine veasels. Roaln—Cork, for or der*. J* W p.r barrel of 310 pounds, and 4 per eenl. primage. Aprils (a M |>er 41. git lion, gross, and 5 per . ent primage I.arge vessels, tosln,- 3.. optrlls. 4. Id. Rtrwm. lie per Itio pound, on roaln. *!>■' on spirit*, kavat.nah lo Hoston, ami Bv on rosin and lie on spirits lo Nsw York GRAIN. ••ROVialOO* ETC. New York, Dee. 2*. Flour, very quiet but Steadily held. Rye flour dull Il.i kwhi-HI flour, quiet 32 1’>412.25; buck wheat steady Corn meal dull. Rye, dull. Hurley, stendy. barley msli, dull Wheat -Rpot, easy; No. 2 red. 73%c; op llm.s opetied steady on small world - * shipments uni light offerings, hut later eased off under selling Induced by an In .•reoeed visible supply statement snd lower French cables Clo-ed easy at %>- net d.-cllne March closed 7%< ; May, 7*%c; Decemlier. T7%>' Com— 44pot. easier. No. 2. 45%c; options market was very dull all day, An easy opening on fine weather was followed by subsequent steadiness owing to a de crease In the visible and final decline wMh wheat. Closed easy si a partial %c tl%r net decline January rloss-l 43c; May 41%c; Decemlier, 46%.-. ttats—Bpol,dull; No. 1 i7*,c; opll- ns In active. but steady. Reef, quiet. Cut meat*, dull; pickle,! bailies, 7',4l*c; pickled shoulder*. 5%4|5%c; pickled hams, %k‘A' - . l-ard. sasy: Weale.-ti steamer. 37.30. re fined dull: continent, 37.40: Bouih Ameri can. 3315: compound, B%c Pork, steady. Butter, steady: creamery. 17b25 •; fac tory. ll‘♦•Me. Cheese. Arm; fancy large fall made. IRARUVkc; fancy small fall made. |l%® IL - . Eggs, firmer; atai* and Pennsylvania, Plant System of Railways. Train* ope’wle.l by Mih raarldlan nm- Dna bout slower man dry tua*. In effect Dec I. iW. A 1 tralaa. Lv. Ravaanah. Dally. Ar Mavanaxh. list w sen t 24 am Kat mrait .. ,11 l am I Itl am W ay. Tua* .. I O'am I 10 am Jacksom Ills to an am tls pm .. and Florida 113 *4 pm point* ,2 H*a lb twsetr 1 10 *m .... Bavanr.ah ; 2 s'. an* 5 14 am 4'harleoron | 7 4“ ant • 1 ' 55 pm Ev. Urunawl. k Ar Brunswick. Between 1;. -wi k I 05 ta - v 4 I 111 .),■ up . .. (3 pm .. and ..... 7‘.ssm '.TV Conns.nuns at Port Tampa with Psnlßs *ul,r and O Id- nral staamsrs leaving fog K.y Weal and Havana Monday*. Thura* thtlvs and Raturdiiya, HIM p. m. Call ai Ticket office* for furthar Infar* mat ion J. H POEHFMFR. T P A WARD I I.ARK. city Tlekwt Arsn*. Its Roto Hotel 'Phan* T X B W WKKNN I‘a.ssnger TVafllo Man age' Ravannah. Uw. Vgeorgia r yco. y ffchrclulr Rff#ctU# Dsc. Is. 19®®. \ Tr4#is arrive t an*l l*pri from Central St ni inn. WMt I*roa4 1 font of Utifrty str##l 90fh MffMUn Tinri* On hour k>w#r than city tint# Lam IfHvi HAvaimah Mavannah: Aufii i Mu .in. vtkMota I •# 45am < 'ovintton Mill#ls#vlll# •€ oopaa jai#l nil liitrrnMll#t# pnlnts| iAux#fn Maron. Atlanta.} Alhrns, MnitionoTy, Co-j *9 OOpcn lumbuß Bittnlngham. Am •( Msm ortou#. Eofaula and Troy j |6 09pm I><iv#r Ai omnuHlatiofi |7 41am |2 99ptn Guyton Dinner Train. ($4 ispm |• ■ i I ■ BETWEEN MAVANNAM AND TYIIEB. 75th M rMuii or Mav.iimalt rlly Btat. u:ayk savannah. I*ali> 9.30 a in . 3.00 |k in. LEAVE TVBEK Dili) 19.25 a m.. 5.30 i> m <'otm#ottona mai# at terminal painfx wllh nil train# Nortiitveat, Writ and Smith*##! Hlp-* itiix ar# on nlxhf tratna latwtan fl.i anna i and Augusta, Macon. Atlanta and Blrmknaham I*irim can on day train# t>#tw##n Ma %*tmafi. Ma#i Atlanta. * For comiilrt# |tt forma lion. trh#4ui-, rata# and connection#, apply lo W G BKKVVKK. City Tlcliri and Baa- MtiKi r Akhii. 197 Bull alr##t. , or \\ B Mr I NTT RE Tick#) Aff#nf. J (V HAILE •Jpiiphil i'aiwvngar A|nt 4 K II HINTON Traffic Msntfff. TIIE<‘ D K l t l NE. Gan* ral .lup#riA* landrnt Havannah Ga. Oouble Daily Service The short llns to Norfolk, WsshtngtM, Baltimuri, I’hiiadsiphla, Now York sad (he East. ARRIVAL uK TRAINS FROM No 37 North and East 400 am Nu. 33 lienmark ami Is* si Mta- Hon* 10 39 am No 31 North snd 3?.isl ..13 W pm No 44 Ja> ksonvllla and Klurlda... I in pm No 72 Montgomery and West * ii pm No 74 Helens and lss-,1 Paints... 341 an, No 44 Jacksonville and Florida. .11 U pm DEPAKTI RC Ol' TKAINi * FOR No. 37 Jacksonville and Florida... 5 04 am No 31 Jacksonvllla ami Florida...l3 It pen No 41 New York and Kaet I 4* pm No 34 Denmark and Augusta S k. pm Nh 71 Monlgiimerv and West ,7 35 am No 73 Helena snd Local fliallons ( IB pm No 49 New York and East II 10 pm Magnificent Pullman buffet ,leeptag car service lo Ws-hingtun. Ibdllmor* I’h la delphla snd New York; also lo Juokgon yllle and Tampa Dining cars from flavannah In llsmiat and Richmond lo New Yoik Ituffei parlor cara Hosannah lo Mcal gtanary. For additional Information apply la Ticket ofllca, Hull and Bryan stroala. Phone 34. " 1 11 ■"" 344f34c; Western regular pu king at mark, HVBr Potames. qulei. Jersey's. 31 00411.37%! New York. 31.25411 l%; Jeioey swaala. It 7 ai 2 : - Tallow. firm Petroleum, dull. Kosln. steady. Turpentine, quiet. - ,jjsj Rice. Arm. Molasaea. steady. Cabbage, steady. Freights lo Liverpool dull. Caff**- Bpo\ lb’. weak. No 7 mvotea, 4%c, mild, quiet, ("ordovs y’,4213%c. Huger -Raw steady, fair reflntnf. 3%; centrifugal. Pi last. 4V - ; jpolaasea sugar, 3%c; reflned. quiet. Coffee futures opened steady with price* If, to point* lower and ruled heavy ihrouxhoul lha session. Henitmeal was liearlsh fmm the opening to the clot* of business. The market was finally net lo 30 polnl* low er Total sales 17.50(1 hags. Including March 35 Of. May 35 704,5.75. OTTON EEI> OIL- New York. Dm- 34.—Cotlonsaad oil vary dull In absisuu, of fotelgn new* or orders w ith no < nange In prt<w*. clfladn* steady. Prime crude. Issrreta, 37c; prlmi summer yellow _*•..,** off summer yellow, 33c Prim, while. 343435 c; prime winter H low. 544137.- Prime meal. 325. I HIOAUO h tRKKTI. Chicago. Dec. 24.-Board of trade mar ket* were very dull as a rule (o-day. The prospect of a la-arlsh KOvernment repotO to-mot Yow and the übaence of outside support .iepr.-aeed wheai May dosed 44c lower December corn rlooed !e lower. January a shade higher snd May un changed. Oats closed unchanged. Ptw Visions wt Ihe dose were !'v#7% lower, iu'.xding future* ranged a* follows: openlnglllgueat. Lowest. Closing. Wheat. No. 3 Dec 70% 70% *%•% 4% Jan 7n%f7h% 70% *> 70% May ... 7*%*<Tt% D%tr3% 73% 73% Com. No, 3 Dee 17 27% 30% 34% .!*„ 36%‘,.T,% F.% 15% May 30VYS *%* 38% % Oat*. No 3- Dec 21V431% 31% 21%8*1H (Coquaued on Biztb Pagwj 7