The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 M' MILLAN NOT IN THE RACE. positively that he WlUi hot m h row m % von. !■▼■ Thm After C areful ( nirtrr ttnn, anil f'nnfereaee With IVr ftonnl anti Huvliirea Friends. He Find* It Uon Id be Tm t.rrnl a llntlneaa Sacrtllce, l>rn la the Ihrnt of Wocoese— I Thank* Tht* W tin (iave Him *wrh "Iron* %•- • nrnnrei of Support Not Knott n XA briber There Will hr Opposi tion to the Administration. Mr T. H M* Mioan mil not enter the race for Mayor of Savannah against Mayor Herman Myera. Mr McMil.aa gave a positive ami final statement to thia #fT-to a rep *en?atßs of the Morning N. as yasterda > This fart having bean settled it remains to be aeen whether the opposition will bring out a candl late against Mr. Myers. Members of that fa tlon say there nil. be opposition, though no names have been mentioned with sufficient posit Ivenesa to place them prominently before the public. Members of the administration faction as* par; that Mr. M*> refusal to tnak* the ruV. leaves the opposition wlthoua a candidate and they do not believe one will be brought out. Nevertheless, they say they mill go ahead with their cam* lgn movements and plans Just •• if there were oppo^tton. and so far it Is not abro.urelr certain that there will not b When Mr. M MllDn was seen by a rep resentative of Ole Morning News tie said be fe,t satisfied that it was about urn* io make a statement. "When these cluba eppoatrg the admin istration were first oresaiwd" Mr. Mc- Millan said "I natural y felt that the tender of their tuppet tn the ra-' for •uck an office was a compliment that any vnaa sfcOMid eoc* Jer well before declining It. Z felt that if the people showed a de mr** t‘at was** 04 *sh - '4 -nxt out and oppoew • - piv see administration. K should be dor•• Hue %f*er considering •voryttltnff -r-**'v4 with the duties of Mayor of the tv of Savannah 1 felt that to properly r \ the .tv s affairs, even 1n the evert of a-- -*s would make too great Inroad* on m> tiflM necessary to tnv persoral bustnes* to warrant inc In attempting to m k trie ra w I have hid several common tc at lons with my business partner*. and they a . absolutely protest against the venture ’’For these reasons even though I have had flattering offers of *noourgm*nt. 1 Iwive decided positively that 1 will not offer for Mayor I will have to decline the offers of support from Ihe various clubs and from number* of my fellow clil aens 1 thank th**m very kindly and feel deeply grateful to them for the earnest assurance* they have given me and re gret that I mutt decline to comply with their wishes “At the same time T im still of the same mind with regard to the city's nffairs as when the mattar was first agitated There Is great need of reform tn the administration of the city's busi ness.” Mr. McMillan made the foregoing state ment after conference- with personal and bust? ess friends, and* felt that In view of the large busir>es interests of whl h he la at the head, he could not wifi Justice to himself and others he repre sents in that respect. enter Into a heated joh tie** I campaign at this time He would go no further with regard 1o his views of city affairs, but it Is known he has stated to friends that he felt there was too great extravagance tn She management of some of the depart ments of the cUy government He hns never given any Intimation to any of the committee* that have waited on him that tu- would make the race, hut has told them nil that he would take the matter under careful consideration. There have been rumor* for several dev* to the thw Mr. McMillan would make the race, but these appear •o hove had little foundation except in •he minds of some of the politician" Vo der the circtimstam e*. however, this an nouncement will be somewhat of a sur prise to a great many w'ho had held a different view. I\r>OIIM:MK\T Ci%*B TOO LATE. * lrrd \ nlrm of Flrt Yltafrlrf F.n> fbaalasflo for If r>'4ll Inn. ftema of the oolorfd voter# of the Ftr#t J">lirtrlct met at f>d*t Fellow#’ Hall, or 3>uffv *freet. )a#t nirht. organised an .in tl-a<lmlrvl*#m‘loo club and Indnme'l Mr. T fV. McMillan for Mayor nrvl Or. Ooor*j II Norton and Mr J/C. Plater for alder men. The IndoTM m<nt mi* a blanket one •tnd tu worried to Include any other nl dermanle timber In oppnettlon to the ad tnlr. I#’ration that circum#tanc#t might bring Into the open. Thrv were whom a hundred men In the hall, and It !# claimed that the#e were all re*l?er .1 voter# I, A Washington |*re over Ih. It wn!i nn en thusiwatlc on. and the profsrsltlnn to op- Jo*-- oho administration wae motived with great applause. With no much enthusiasm on tap. It seem* too hod thot Mr M •Milton ho. de clined to bnnom. ■ candbbste. and ren dered M. nn far an hr 1. concerned. alto gether u*el*e The mnntvn of the cluh will dauhtieae hr grievously disappointed whrn they rood hl morning that Mr Me. Widen has decided not to make the race. bpf.akeha pah Friday wight. ilrnnirmran for Hi. • Inn Moan Mrntlna. Full arrangement* have been m tdr for the administration not meeting which will b. hold at the Masonic Hall to-mor row night The motln*. It la promised, will be a reprenentatlve one In every respect. Col. Merritt W. will preside wnd apeeches will be made by Hon. F Q. du- Wtgnnn, Hon. W W. Osborne. Hon. J I'errla Cann. Merer*. F. M. Oliver and John K Bohwsrx. There la no doubt tha the meeting will nominate Hon. Herman Myers as the candidate for Mayor to succeed himself. Following that steps will be taken look ing to the selection of an nldermanlc ticket A committee will he aptiolnted to take this matter Into consideration select a ticket of twelve nldermanlc candidates and report back to a subsequent mceelng. ISo far no names outside of those al ready mentioned several times have come to light In this connection, but It is stated by prominent sdmlnlstratlon leaders that an earners effort will be made to get n first class, represencatlve board of ajder ttlen, selected from among the best cltl xeq* In the community, and this will be done, n stinted, whether there Is any oppo.ltton or not The meeting Friday night will be the fir* general mass meeting of the cam paign and there Is no doubt It will be largely attended, wnd that It will be an Interesting one. TWO MEBTKOS TO-TIGHT. #hlte wnd Colored Administration . Supporters Will Gather. Tbr will be two admlnletratlon me*-- tags of interest to-night. The largest of these meeting* will b to ** h, *'l by the nsgross at ICoMlaued g TOtd Fagaj Hit. PATRIC K Tl HE It 1)1 UK All. Ill* I mu ral M ill Take Place To u.nrrun at St. Patrick’s I harch. Mr Patrick Tuberdy died yesterday af ternoon at 5;30 ododt a; the home of hlw daughter. Mrs. O. A O'Brian, on Mont gomery street His death was not entire ly ÜBripa ted. a* he had been seriously ill for the iat two weeks, and had been In 111 health for about two years, lie leaves three children, Mr. John F. Tu berdy. and Mr C. A. O’Brian of this dty, and Mr. Daniel A Tubatdy of Phil* adelphla. The latter ha* been telegraphed of hi* father * tkath and I* expected to reach Savannah In lime for the funeral to-morrow. Mrs. Tuberdy died 2s years ago Mr T irh*rdy was among the most widely known men in the city, and had a large number of friend*. He was born In County Clara, Ireland, 84 year* ago. but earn* to th* country while yet quit* a youi.g man arx! *-*tabi!shed u shoe t>u*4n ' |n which he was engaged at the time of his death For a number of years he was In the e'ore that Is now No. 22 Broughton street. west, but sine# iff*:, when he suffer* i businas* roverre*. has been St Julian and Whitaker streets. W:?h the Irish Jgsper Greens he served thrr*u the tTvii \\ r l*ut was not -on* • ted with that company at the time of hi* death, iy>r had he ever joined any “f the veteran ora mix tion* the only or d*r t which ♦>• t**)>nc<'>d Ixdng the emb oli' Knight* of Amsrli T e fun* ral will take *>la<w to-morrow at -‘■R Patrick's < lur* h. whence th* remain* e u taken for burial to the Osthsdral Cemetery, AA ERE U KIHIKI) AT HOME. Hl** Eva Anrker llnumea Hra. .1. It. Henry. Mr J H Henry and Mis* Eva Ancker wrere married *t * *4 o’clock lust night at the h- me of the hrkle’a atstcr. Mr*. Frank 8. Van Oiesen. No. 29 Gordon at met. west. The ceremony was performed by Her. J. Herbert Woodward, assist m* rec tor of Hi. John's Church. The parlors wTe handsomely decorated with flowers, ferns and pslvn*. Ti\ere were no atterMl *nt* and onlv the Immediate family con ne-.tloi * of the bridal couple were pre*. •nt among them being Mr. and Mr*, lam*" ll nry of M icon, the groom’s par ent*. 1 fie bride wnre n becoming gown of P* rl poplin and carried a bouquet of ro*♦*** Her ornament was n diamond sun burnt the gift of 4he groom. At the con clusion of the ceremony refreahmen’s were aerved. The bride is an unusually ban*Nome and attractive young lady, whose mans graces of ;*r*on and mind have secured for her a large number of friend*. Mr Henry D a well known and popular youi.g man who ha* been connected with ’he Hail Telephone and Telegr ph CVwn- P*ny for several years. Recently he ha* !wcn appointed to the Macon nfMbe. and will g< there to assume hi* new duties when hi* wedding tour I* over. Mr and Mr* Henry left at 1h o’clock l*t flight on a Western trip that will include visit* to Kan*** City, Ht Ignils an*l Chicago After Jan. 15 they wIH re ceive thdr flieu*l* at their new horn*-. Htiguenln I light*. Macon. liITTTIMi MAM MFMIIF.VIk. The Vtoll of the Emmet Vtlfles la Hapltlly (irnnlni. The Km met Rifles, the prospective company to be added to the First Infan try, is reported -to he making good pro gress toward the number of members necessary to muster In. Lieut E A. Leonard of the Irish Jasper Greens, who lias been assigned to the work of raising the company and who Is to he it* cap tain. has many names of prospective members, and it Is thought hut a few days will lc necessary for him to com plete hi* tusk. Possibly at the meeting of the officers of the regiment that I* to be held to-mor row night at the armory the two lieuten ant* for the company will be choen It I* underwood that there are many who want the commissions, and It will be a nuttier of Iftierest to all concerned to see Just what the choice of the officers will be A committee ha* the nomination* In charge, and It Is very probable that whomoevr they may recommend will be elected. Ml AT IIKI.ISTbIt W ITH ORDINARY. These l ess Wh. r . i;..Uea.r the. Sint. I.rvlrt n specific Tax. The hooks for the registration of per sons and rorptwatkme engaged In those businesses for the conduct of which the stain exacts a specific tax will bn opens,) at # o'clock to-mberow morning. In the office of the onllnary of the county. The law requires that aN those engaged In three businesses shall reglater their names with the ordinary of the county In which they ore conducted, and a failure to register Is oftlmes followed by unpleas nlit consfspiencea. The list of those required under the law to so register their names lisiudc* liquor dealer*, clearetie dealer*. auctioneers, keep rs of pool nisi billiard table*. pro printors of (sicking houses, dealer* In I'is le!* and tsiwle knives, money brokers, pholographerw. ticket brokers and |silent medicine vendor*. The patent medicine vendors referred to are those who carry on their business on the streets, amt not manufacturers or wholesale or retail druggists. WILL GIVIS I'KkMim TO POOR. Novel Christina. Festival by l>alf> Ittreet Sunday School. The plans of the Dulty Street Baptist Bible IVboo! for the Christmas entertain ment at Yonge's Hall to-night are unique and novel. Instead of undertaking to pro vide each scholar with a present from a Christmas tree, the numbers of the school will bring presents and build a tire for the (sior children of the city, the distribution to Ic made on Friday by a committee of which Mi*. J. W. Kourke Is chairman. After the exercise* Im-ldcnt to hiitldlng the tree are one ludcd, refreshment* will 1* served and the school wilt lie enter tained by ttw- church tn an Informal manner with snip, recitations and such games as will most contribute to the pleasure of the evening COWWISAIONKIt AWOBT IT. Succeeds Mr. J. F. I.esvla W hose Rea- Iwuatiow I* In Fffect .lan. t. Mr Edwin C. Ryals. recently appoint ed Cnlted States Commissioner by Judge Speer, vice J. K. Uu, resigned, qual ti.d and Halt the oath of office before Clerk H II King. In the fntted Slates District Court, yesterday afternoon. Mr I.ewti' resignation wig take effect Jan. 1. when ha will leave the city to re side m Atlanta Quality of Champagne. Without quality no article can maintain St* preattga. but G H. Mumm • Extra Dry did more Importing itverai year* back double the quantity of any other brand. It ihle yaar to Dec. i. turgagSM all records Importing inO.Jtf case*, or 71.- I*l more than any oaher brand. Spr 4ai attention la called to the rumorkaUe qual ity now Imported.—d. THE MOitiNliNG 'iiiLhhDAV, DEtEJaBEK 27, IDOO. MAY GO TO HIGHEST BIDDER. COLLI A A OFFER* gJI.tHMt FOB. MOAT OOMEKI STB BBT. Alderman IHion Propose* That .Street Railroad Franchise* Me Auctioned tiff— I Name* gb.IUUI a* the Minimum l*rlre-( onillliona Pro posed to Hr Put I poo the* A croon *he|| flood i on*pony—Protest From Price Street Property Owner*— Ao Ante Token ond the Entire Alatter AV 111 Um lleforc the Eommlttee ot the AA hole on Jan. 3. The CRy Council may put Ihe imich taik’ l-of Montgomery and Price str*-: railroad franchise up at auction and sell it to the highet bidder. That la the proposition of Alderman J*nv * M Dixon, and Mr. J. H Co.llns has already made a bid of Ig. l "** for the fran chise on Montgomery street alone. Those were In brief the proposition* which confronted Council iat night and caused action on the matter to be de ferred. It was on this a < ount that the street railroad franchises which are being applied for by the Vernon Hhell Itoad Company, represented by Mr I#. H Ic - ter and !*y Mr. J. H. coiling were r.*>t voted on by t'ouiKll laM night, as had been expect<-d. The primary reason for Councll'a falling to act was the proposlfton from Mr. Col- Hn-. in which he offered the city $: for the franchise from Water* avenue and AnderNoiv itrc*t and on Monigotm-ry to Hay street, unconditionally. Another reason was that A Merman luxori offered a r'-soluti-jf; the purport of which was that ihe and *lred franchhw be put up at auction and to the highest bidder. The result of thru* new proposition* was that uit re-oiutlon* r* kiting t< the franchise in question were referred to the Commit tee of the Whole, whl* Will m *-t on Jan 3 to consider the whole question. Mr. Collin*’ proposition, which proved the most interesting feature >f the fran chise question, was submit to Council In caucus. Mr Collins objec ed to Uie ap**m tendency t<> delay a< tlon on Hie franchise. He made his proposition as follow*: ’ If Council Win give me the franchise from Water* avenue and Anderson stre* t to Montgomery, Montgomery to Huy -tre.-|. unconditionally, in consideration therefor I will jy Into th** cpy treasury the sum of $5,010. If this Is not satisfac tory. lain willing to enter into an agree ment wMth Council to allow the Vernon Shell Road Company to use the tracks which I propose to lay on Montgomery *reet upon an equitable hasls.” Mr. Collins called attention <he road be owtj* *>n Dale avenue to Thunderbolt. He lias no disposition to interfere with the Vernon Shell Hoad Company, he ald, bu* fk that Council should aid him In giving the public an additional r ad to Thunderbolt ll* also called attention to the fact that the -outlieastern section of th* city Is practically whhout street rail road facilities. A resolution by Alderman Mill* wo* read pro(K>Ning that the Vernon Shell Road Company be given the frarw chlse it asked for on certain '•ondi firms The resolution provided that this covnfMnv !*♦* given a franchise for the use of the following straw?* for conneetlo n with the line to White Bluff Fr*mi the Vernon Shall Road and Forty second street, running wee* on Forty second t*> West Hroad. north on Weat Broad to Anderson, east on Anderson to Montgomery, north on Montgomery to Hryan. east on Brvan %o Barnard, on the west side of Barnard north to Bay. on the north s de of Hay ent to Pri*e. south on Trice to Plant, along Plant to Haber sham. along Habersham a-'ro-s the tracks of the PUn4 ffystem mouth <o K*Hi ave nue and along Lstlil avenue to the point of lieglnnlng The ooralitirms prescribed are. in brief n* follows: The tra<*k ahalj be iald under the direction of the I'ommltte* on JAtre*t* and Kanes; le Vermin ffhell Road Com pany must to remove its toll gate south of any future extension of tie p rate limits of the city without coat to •he nttv. that the • utntstny may use el**- tricity a* a motive power; that the com pany shall be bound by future ordlfuuict** and such projssrty and eiwctflc taxes for the uae of said streets m may be decided ifMn by Council; that the privileges granted under the conditions named must be accepted within sixty day* of the pa*:ago of the resolution, and'in the event of acceptance the company must give bond in tit#* sum of $5,000 conditioned for the completion of the sold railroad through the street* named and to White Bluff within twelve months from the date of acceptance, not Including the tlm lxrre*l by sanitary regulations. The ten dering of th* lon*l requite 1 t-hal! I>e re garded a* an acceptance by the *-omi*nrv of the franchise and the conditions named. The amendment to thl" resolution by A Herman Thomas provided that the c*>m paiiV shmikk. Instead of building another track on Huy street. h one of the tracks already there when the right to do so Is acquired by condemnation or otherwise The rest of the amendment provided for r spur track from Montgomery and S* Julian streets to the market and for such turn-out tracks a* may he needed until the right to operate a belt Is secured Then cam** Alderman Dixon's resolu tion which 1* s follow.* "Itepolvert -that the several petition, asking for frnnchla* now ln>fore Coun cil be refused "Reaolv--I. further that the franchise, on Montgomery nnd lTice streets be auc tk>neil off to the highest bLtder, the min imum pri-'e to he placed at five thousand (ss.nw> dollar*, the purchaser of sa'l franchise to agree to abide by- any nnd all conditions planed an sal-1 railroad company hv the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savinnan. and be subject to uch • sesame,,;* and taxes, (property, business specific, mileage or other!, u* Council may require |n Its tax ordinance*. The only other paper In connection with the franchise question no* a petition from Hon. John J McDonough and sixteen other property owners on Price street (wot,-sting against the granting of nnv franchise to a street railroad on that street. These new feature. In connection wl’h the franchise question caused Cr*m il to slot, and further consider the matter, though the intention ha-1 hern to vo.a upon It last night. All of the resolutions and petitions connected with the matter were -therefore referred to the Committee of the Whole, and the question will h taken up for thorough consideration Th franchise question may tie decided at that time, and then again It may not. ARGI MF.NTW AA F.ltK IIF.GI !. Amboa* ln|anc,lnn Case Reanmcd nefiirr .Inilge Falllaant. The arguments 4n the Injunction case of Henry Amho* again-* th. Savannah. Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Railway- Company were begun before Judge Fall!- gant. In the Superior Court, yesterday morning There was but little evidence, comparatively, that remained to he in troduced and the Introduction of this was concluded before noon Mr Richards began a, once his opening argument for the plaintiff It is his con tention that the rallwav company has no right whatever to condemn the property of Mr. A mhos and that it l* already a trespasser on a long atrip of Mr. Am bos land Mr Richard* did nnt get very deep Into his argument a* whan the rsce** wa* taken, a: i o’clock. 4t was until 10 o’clock thl* morning. To-day Mr. Richard* will conclude his opening argument and Mr Osborne will probably begin In reply. A IAIT I 'IIOM * AAT A C LAI R. AA as Fajoyed Last Alght by the l.albrran *anda> Srhool. The Christmas featlvai of the Sunday gchool ot the L*thrao Church of the Ascension was held la*t right. The lec ture rqpm was rvowded with chiklren and their friend* and reiatlvcg all of whom enjoyed the exercises greatly. All were remembered, too, with pre swots of candy ard fruit. Two Christmas tree*, beautifully decorated with lights and tinsel, were the centers of attraction, but they divided honor* with Santa Claus, a part that was pia>*d by Mr C. M Welt man to the vast and ight of the children. The ex ere lee* were opr*ned by the school sirring ’’Christmas Stars.” which wit fol lowisl try ftrripture re idlng and prayer by •ne ia*or. Rev T>r. W C Schaeffer. The Infant class, numbering 14*. then sang a hymn and was followed by “Babe of Bethlehem.” sung by the school. Other hymn* by the infant cia - * ami by the hool were sung, and a prayer recited by a 4-year-o.d member ot th* Infant class. and -pi;** the fact that ! was a prayer, ex* i'rd merriment liecause of the manner tn w hl-h it was offered. in his addrew* the pastor referred in very complimentary terms to the long connection of ffuperintendenl W. H. Hpanu with Ihe Bun day Bcb*io!. Mr. Mpnnn grew up in th** -chool. having been a rostnler of the infant c|asa himself. A worm tribute w* paid him ts'cauee of his great '"“ ’ess in th*- conduct of the affairs of th* a *1 The retary. Mr. c K Stanton, was a highly commended by the pa - ior for his ex client work in keep ing the records. I'pot* the conclusion of the programme the presents of <*andy and fruit were dia trlhut.<l among thse present HKUrdIHKHKII THE OPERATORS. Dainties nml l*resents AA err Receiv ed af Tclcplinnr f'.xeltangea. Tl>e young ladles of the Georgia Tele phone Company were the re*dpl*nts of numerous packages of rxmdlea. nuts and other good things on Christmas from thr patrons of the telephone company There sre no liard*r-worked f*r<>p!e In the world than thoae who attend telephones, arvl such re.ognlthm ot their services as that accorded to the young ladies meniioned i a slight compensation for their ’’trials. trouNes a; 1 fribuialions ” Hubacrihera of the BiHjthern Bell Tele, phone company h!w> the young operators. an<l great quantities of goo I things were sent them. They t>e gan arriving on <*hlrstmas Eve, contlnue.l dl day Christmas, and had not stopped Not only w**re there go<sl things to eat, hut there were presents for th* young ladles Individually, many of tho a e upon the linen operated by the voung tidies having been anxious to show their appreciation of the pleasant and courteous treatment they had received from them during the year. CHlt IST MAS TREE AT HETVtBXD.A. Hoy a AA 111 Have Their Presents To night. Christmas wa celebrated at Bethenda with great eclat. The hoys had their usual fine dinner, and h large supply of fireworks, and the day p.i.s*d without a single mishap to mar it* plegmire. Mrs Chaplin desire* to a'knowldge the following contribution* for the Christmas tree mat will be erected to-day at Bethe*- da for the smader Bet heed a boys: Froe. bei Circle of King* Daughters, one bar rel of apples; G Eckstein A Cos., one padcxge of toys. Brennen A Cos., one pail 'of candy. From a few Betheeda hoys, who nr* at work. $7 In cash: From Messrs Henry Buchanan and John Cour sev. of New'bern. N C . formerly of Be the**da. s*> in cash. Any further donation* for the Christ mas treo or for the boys during the holi day week can be sent to A. V Chaplin Ksq . superintendent of Bethesado. or to Col. J II Kellll, president of the so ciety. at the Morning News office. ST. FAI L’S riIRIXTMAft TREE. A Christmas f elehratlnn of th* Sun day Xrhnol Held nt Ynngr'a Hall. The annual Christmas tree and celebra tion of the Hi Paul's Episcopal Church .Sunday School wan held last night at Tonga’s flail. Over a hundred of the pu pils of the school were pareent besides their tegrher}*, ©ml the officers of the Sun*lay School, making the hall comfort ably full. The Christmas tree had been placed upon the stake, and w'a* l<*kd down with th* numerous presents in the form of toys, gun*'* candy, and other delights of childhood with which It was covered. After the school Ming a number of carols the peasant* were dlstrlbutol by Mr W. B. Purr*, assisted by Messrs. J. C. Tyson •nd Kdson Glkklen. The distributl n of the present* over, th* younger children went home and th* floor was cleared, nml n dance given for the older pupils HAD A f'HRI*TM A* TREAT. Children of 15 ealey *nnday WcliooP bin Musing I'lctnrea. The Christmas entertainment for the Sunday 8 bool of Wealey Monumental Church was given last night In Ihe lec ture room and wa* largely attended. The hlhtren and grown folk- a* well, sver* delighted with the moving picture* that were shown, nn-t the break In the monot ony of the usual form of Christmas en tertainment to which the chiLlren had 1m en accustomed was pleasant. The pn*tor. Rev. Ed F. Cook, explain ed a numler of the picture*, which were likenesses of distinguished Methodist workers or views of peo|>|e and scene# In tae lands where mlaslonarle* lahor. An Instructive, as wsil as an amusing, fea ture of th entertainment was thereby af f * >t dpi. rn a mini no cty*. Potentate t olls 4 ompllmented by* Nobles of Sly.lie Shrine. Potentate K A. Cult* received substan tial remembrance from the nobles of Alee Temple of the Mystic Shrine on Chrlal ma Hl popularity with the Bhrlner* was shown by the very handsome present they gave him. This was a large loving cup of silver vry handsome In design and workmanship The great Interest that Mr. Cult* has ever showm In Ma sonry, made I! a pleasure to the loyal Bhrlners to contribute to the considerable fund that was required for the purchase of so handsome a gift. Mr. Joseph Getsauer Dead. Mr. Joseph Gehnuer died yesterday morning at A o'clock at fhe home of Mr. Herman Winter, on the Thunderbolt road. The cause of hi* death wa* con sumption. from which he had suffered for several year*. Mr Gebaner was (1 year* old He was a native of Germany, but had been tn this city for a number of year* tn the employ of Mr Winter. He had many friend* who will be grieved, though hard ly surprised, to know of his dsath. The funeral will take place to-day at Mr Winter’s home. Th* burial will be in th* Cathedra: Cemetery. Lord Coleridge wrote: "Send me fifteen dogen Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Witte. 1 tried It white her* and found It su perior."—ad. CITY'S BUDGET FOR 1901. rr < Hnir. mi. jimorau- TIO\ op nw,£io. This la a Reduction of Over • 1,000 It el oss tke Budget for tfMHft—*rln t*pul Reduction I* In Honor Drain age. Amounting to About There Are *vunll Incrensra In .Aluny of the Other Depnrtmenta, the Fire D pnrtment taettlng gw.itoo Alore. f linngea .Afnde In tke Tnx Ordi unnee. The CRy Council adopted the budget for IRI und the new tnx ordmnne* last night. I*he total of the new budget la $TR*i.9R>. that for IIUD was |7R4.53.T7, showing a dr crease In th* new budget of considera bly over $4,000. The Council went into caucus at * 30 o'clock and was In she caucus room until ’j 45. It was in session scarcely an hour after •coming into the long room, time biung given only for the reading and age or reference of the various matters omlng up There were present Mayor Myera. Aldermen Wells, ffchwarx, Ja.rell, Graham. Doyle, liorrigan. M.IU. Thomas, liaron and Dixon. skmie of the appropriations In the new budget are smaller, while others are larg rr than those for lk*o. The main differ ences. decrease or inrrvase, in the bud get for ISHI over tlwt for are as fol lows; The Fire Department get" about SVOf/* more this year than last on account of the new No. $ engine house, and the new engine recently purchased The Folic* Dr part mem pi JSOfl) more than in While ihe hoard of health Is given an in rrea>e of s!.'. a like amount is cut off from drainage and dry culture. Tuere Is an increas*- of S2OO for fire uniforms and of $1.(40 for police uniforms Harbors and wharves are cut down $2&). Hospit al* are given an Increase of $1,200 over 1900 The main Rem of decrease is In hou*e drainage which was given $75,000 last year and K.GRrt.RO for the payment of note*. This time house drainage gets only $55.W0 with $l,lOO for maintenance. This is a reduction of nearly $25,090. There Is also a reduction of $2.5u0 from th* interest on the bonded debt, lnddctitills get nn in crews* of ssn> this year, white oj*ening streets, including deferred payments, la given an increase of $7.1X4 over last year Park* and uiuare* and planting trees get • total Increase of $1 .■**. The amount of Sl.tKo for plumbing inspection is anew Item in this year’s budget. Hilaries get wn increase of nearly s7*4. Waterworks including the extension of mains, get a decrease of about s2.fioo. wnile a like amount is put In for the care of and op erating the old waterworks plant. All of the other Rems In the new budget remain practically the same ae in -the budget for 114 b, and in the larger Items not mention* 1 there has been no change at all The new budget as adopted by Council last night. Is as follows; Hoard of health * $ 16,560 00 CRy clocks 230 <* CRy lamps 37,000(4 Colonial park, deferred payment am! Intel**< J. 18900 Crematories g oo,) INI Dispensary r,*m *i Drainage and dry culture lb. Ono 00 Fir© uniforms 3.100 30 Fir* department, maintenance... 75.000 (4 Fir* department, new* improve ments. engine house. No <5 .... 2.500(4 Fire department, deferred pay ment. new engine 4.000 00 Fire department, recasting Big Duke soo on Fire department, new clock, en gine house. No. <i no Harbor and wharves GOO 00 Hospitals 12.(40 <4 House drainage H.OOO 00 House drainage, maintenance.... 1.700 (4 Interest-hon ied debt ]&).oi4 C 4 Incidental* 4.500 00 laiurel Grove Cemetery 6,500 00 Market 5.350,00 o|*enlng streets, includiitg de ferred payments 42.<*4 oe Parks and square* S,MO UU Parks and squares, tree plant ing Thirty-seventh street and Thomas Park 800 00 Paving streets 2n.txw (4 Police 35,000 00 Police uniforms 3,000 4 Police reserve appropriation, white military. Including Third Dlv Naval Battalion, O.V 3.000 (4 Printing and stationery 3/40 00 Public building* 2 1 M> o* i”i<Mnbing Inspector i kJO tx> Storm sew*rs f,.no 0f Salaries 36.950 00 Scavenger department 27.000 (4 Sink dej*rtment, O. E. At. 7,000 •"> Sinking fund 47.000 00 Streets and lanes. ln< hiding nn appropriation of SBOO on Emmet Park, and the Park extension... 55.04 oo Waterworks. Including exten sion mains 31.0(4 00 Waterworks, old. care and o|ht ating same ... 2 500 00 Total 17W 280 Ob The tax rate In the tax ordinance re mains the same os last year. 1.45 per cent There are. however, one or two Interest ing changes In the tax ordinance Pawn broker*. under their license of Vrt>. are allowed to Sell nothing but goods pledged with them, and shall Is- subject to for feiture of Mcensa for the sj|e of other goo<ls. Dealers In sewing machine *ii|- pllea are made subject to the license of 150. the same aa dealer* In sewing ma chine* Repalr*r* of bicycles who are not dealers In htrycle supplies must pay $lO. The license on ten pin alleys Is reduced from S3O to $lO for each alley. Concert bulls and variety show halls must pay S2OO next year. Instead of SIOO as before. General contractor* not confined to any particu lar line of work are added to the list at the rate of $75. Every automobile or locomobile used for carrying passengers for hire, carrying a-x or less |s*enger*. must pay $lO. those carrying more than six. $25 Bill poster* are Increased from $lO to S4O At torney* at law and other* who advertise money to lend must pay $o- The foregoing are the principal changes In and additions to the tax ordinance The other license charges remain as they were In 4he tax ordnance for !!*> MAZARAC.'KI TIHNF.K OVRR. Charge la Wending Ohseene Matter Through the Malta. Georga Maxarackl. the Greek who was arrested some day* ago on a charge of sending obscene matter through the mall* to Mis* Mamie C. lemon formerl/ hi* wife, but now divorced, wa* turned over to the I’nltcd Slate* Court yesterday by I'nlted States Commissioner Lewis Msxa rackl wa* required to give bond In the sum of $l5O. which he will probably secure *o-day and be released from Jail. Both Mr*. T 8 Damon ami her daughter testi fied that tha letter end content* came from Maxarackl. stating the handwriting wa* hi* and that h* had been tending dirty and Insulting letters to hia former wife right along Maxarackl denied h-vv. tng sent the letter and picture, and asii he had never teen them before It wa* hit belief he eald. that someone had done It In order to Injure him. He wa* repre aented by Attorney W M Heyward. Perfectly healthy people have pure, rich blood. Hood's Sa-eapaHlia purifies and an riche* the blood and makes people healthy ad. TO WIDEN THE HIA EH. Council AVnnte Prerldns for It In River Und Heritor Hill. The City Council wants to see the river in front of the city widened all the way to 4 feet as contemplated in the origi nal project. Resolutions Introduced by Alderman Baron looking <o this end were unani mously adopted by Council last night. These* resolutions etate that such width was contemplated In the original plan for the improvement of the harbor and call attention to the fact that the Georgia and Alabama Terminal Company in construct ing Its terminals, widened that portion of the river upon which they front. This, it Is stated, has demonstrated the great benefit that would follow from the widen ing of the whole river along the wharves to W 0 feet. The resolutions therefore ask that the member of Congress from this district, and the senators and congressman from Georgia ex-~rt their best effort* to have Incorporated in the river and harbor bl!l now before Congress ”ttu* requisite pro vision to have this m*'si e*dful and beneficial feature Included and provided for in the project and work for improv ing this harbor ” Copies of the resolutions will be sent to each member of Congress from Geor gia. their attention being called to the fact thut the work propped to he done will be easy and of very small cost. PIftIKCTIOA FROM FIRE. > -. One Ordinance Introduced nnd Arn ett her PaMed by ( iinnrll. Among th* new matters placed before the City Council last night was an ordl nance Introduced by request by the Com mittee on Fire, providing that steam ves sels generating steam by coal, shall cks* their dumpers and cease operating their engines, or cover their smokestacks tvith spark arresters while tied up to any wharf In the city. Th** ordinance al.-o requires spark arresters to be placed on the funn*in of steam vessels using wood as fuel, on th* srnokesta k** of ail vesseD loading or unloading cargoes, on th. smokestacks of dredge*, and of tugs tow ing barges laden with cotton, straw or hay. The ordinance w* read for the first time. A substitute ordinance by liorrigan to amend section SJO of Mac- Doneli’* code, page 161, was passed. This amend* the ordinance in question by re quiring that after the delivery of cotton or other merchandise on lighter to • v sews I, the mister and owners of th# vessel shill keep the same covered a* required by the ordinance until the ac tual removal of the merchandise from the lighter to the vessel. The pen a Hie." for failure, are the same as those apply ing to owner*nd operators of lighter* who are required to proper.v cover suen merchandise to protect it and surrounding property from fire, PROPOSITION AW TO STREET*. Ordinance l*a*cd for Pitting Aronnd Franklin Square. A communication from Messrs. G T. and J. F. Cann. representing the Twelfth Street Bm.) Company, was read Itefore the City Council last night and referred to the Committee of the Whole. The communication renewed the offer of that company to the efty for the opening of certain streets beyond Forty-second street. It agreed to give the city thy necessary property for the opening of what will tm Forty-third. Forty-fourth. Forty-fifth. Forty-sixth. Forty-seventh. Florence and Bulloch streets, provided the city would grade sti b streets, put down the curbing and provide for the under drainage of that section The total cost for this work is cwiimat.d at slo.‘4u. Alderman Dixon's ordinance* providing for th* paving with vitrified brick of cer t itn portion* of Ht. Julian and Montgom ery wtreeta around Franklin Square, was pissed unanimously This ordinance pro vide* for the paving of St Ju'uin street from th* west side of Jefferson to the c ist aide of Franklin Square, and so much of Montgomery street as hounds the square on the eastern side. The luving on Ht. Julian Street 'will he fifty-five feet six inchew in width and that on Montgomery street around the square, thirty feet In width. MINOR MATTERS IN I Ol M il, Ordinance tn l*nt IMnmltlng Inspec tor I iidcr Health Officer. An ordlnan c by Alderman Jarrell pro viding that the (dumbing Inspector should he placed under th health officer, wa* read the first time before Council last night. Alderman Jarrell asked for Imme diate consideration under suspension of the rules, hut the ordinance took Ihe usual course. A petition from property owner* In the neighborhood of Bolton and Kat Broad streets against the granting of permission for any more circuses In that section was referred to the Committee of the Whole The petition of Kuxen- W. Madison for d.imtigi-s for Injuries revived from an overhanging limb on Oglethorpe avenue wa* referred to the Committee on fitreets and I*me*. The (n-titlon of fhe liackmen to be put under s3u> bond, etc., ~* recalved a* In formation. Bills amounting to $17.317 17 were passed for payment. The tfctv.innab Press was elected city printer. Its Md bring S3OO. Tne bid of the Morning News naw $425 The Little Ulster* of the Poor were re- I. from <h '* Prmen< of the Kum of *•- f , or tltrbtng th. % lew ,Ik in front of their lot. No. nt, Dasher ward. UMIGIIT PHUM’lltT*. Tech-e Second Term. Ileglnnlng Hrrrmbrr nit, The recent unusual good fortune of the Georgia Hihoo] of Technology will in crease Its efficiency. No entrance examina tion Will be required hereafter, and stu dent* entering without sufil jent prepar atlon for the lowest clas, wifi la- advan ed a. rapklly * possible. Students may enter at any lime, hut are advised , rt enter at the beginning of <he term. Dec $( Applicants for edmleslon are reqne*ti to write at once for particulars Address Lyctan Hall, President. Atlanta. Ga.-ad. 1 "her the Mtars and Hare. "T’nder the Btar* and Bars; or Mem oir* of Four Years’ Berries, with the Oglethorpe* of Augusta, r;.,.” hy Walter A Clark orderly sergeant. PrL-e r i lllh 75 cent*. |M*r. 50 cents (.'or sale Kstill . New* Depot. 45 Dull Street. vinn.ih Oa.-Hid. 4 >lll<lnr Hr via Ana|hern Ha||. Tickets on sale to all points, a fare *„,] ! a third for th* round trip, on *j jj 1 74-25-10 and Jlat. (on. l,m j. n (, IMn , lln.ltrd to Jan 4. rmurnlng It, addition to above, s-.udanta hokiin, certificate. Signed by euperlntendent* or prlnelna'e of ernool. or eoliagee win b. ,id tlcfttl commercing Dac 15 and Umltad t 0 $ Ja* Freeman, city pe*. -anger and liekM li Bun .treat Phone* ! A Hlgh-Orsda Institution for Dadle* Bhorter Co!lego, |RBV. Da. w7fi. fi catalogue-*Q. ” nl * ‘® r FOR USEFUL CHRISTMAS “GIFTS” —GET ONE OF OUR— HANDSOME LAP ROBES, HARNESS or SADDLES Congress and Wbiuktr Sts. LEO FRANK. It i- THE BEST ai l the .urM**t a i dent insurance eoiporation for Commer cial Travelers in the world. We have membership of over 21.6 mu. W© have * ic. serve fund of over $145/40. N*. commerri | traveler can afford to be without the pro tection we give him Write the flecretary. who will cheerfully give ill Info m I! D. PIXLKY. EDWARD TRF.VETT. President Be. A Treos. HARDWARE. Oil Heaters. Air Tight Heaters. Stoves and Ranges. Fire Arms. Ammunition. Hunting Coats and Leggins. Alo see our line o' COOKING CTFIN -81D8. TINWARE aid CI'TDERY. I. 1 fffflfS 2 SB. ir. CONGRESS STREET. WEST. FOR CHRISTMAS. CANVAS HUNTING COATS, HATS, . VESTS, LECCiNS, &c. ■9 Ill'S * in nrouirhton Street \Ve#V Contractors' ani Builders’ and Mill Supplies. • ■anting*. Steel It-etta. f'olunms and Channel Roll*. Hid*. Weight*. Tank*. Towers, etr. Steel Wire and Manila RO|h\ Hoi.ting Engine, and Pumps. Jacks. Der rick*. Crab*. Chain and Rop* Hoists. Cast evary day. Make quick delivery. DOM MAUD IRON WORKS AND SIT PLY COMPANY. Augusta, (la. W. ROSS (jRAVENHR, Manufacturers Agent, It 411,WAV AMI MILD SiCPPDIKA, Provident Rullulng, Bavannah. Oa We Save You Money -ON K!r# Work#. Toy# a/d doll#; # ufl quick. ’Fliono 678. DON.NEI.DY DRI.’G CO., Liberty and Price street v J. D. WEED * CO UV4UAII, ux. tamer Belting. Steam Packing 4 Hose Agents for MEW lUiUt RITBti DM BivDTDN G AND PACKING COMPAND AMtsKutca-ri. 8A V ANNA H THE ATE R. ER.IDAY EVENING. DEC. 28. far* ivtll Tour of Uroad'iurit's furiously funny farce. “li Hflppeoed lo Jones” Uy OEOUGE H DItOAJDHT.-RST •no presented hy the Uroadhuret Bro* . any OREAT CAST! FUNNIER THAN EVER' Sect* on sale. I’rloo*— 75c. 0c end Ik Nex”. Attractton-Tlia Aubrey Stock Co*, week Dec. 11.