The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 28, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 OR. WILLIAM DUNCAN DEAD. XIITED ViVAMUH I’HrWCIIH I'AS*. BO AH *1 \EITEIU\\. Ilrlght's DliWf, Bwlluwed h, n Mrnkr of I'lirnlytU, < irninl Hi* l)ciilk-llf V<l il**en In it < •Mit> i##** 1 and If Inn fttnee Ihr ► tr##l*r and Them Had \e%rr tt***n ll|* of III* Recover? —n I elebm led l*lt% lelan—lll* l.oviu l v il*lle ftervlee In \\ nr anil l>m r-11# it* it Ilia Pro fessional i nr err m >ur*iron In the € -oof etlernf e %rnj. The death of Dr. William Duncan, which i ocnirr>l . few mlnt> before 10 o<'lo v k . yesterday morning. mid wa* noon tntr* ] aiijr kro*T among tils Urge circle of | clone friends, nnd idncore any similar event In the recent history of Havannah. Dr. Duncan wa Known to many peo ple. and loved by all who knew him Ilia professional skill, oilginating In his na tive vocation for hi* profession, ndded to Yiy a long • ours* of pr*|ti attorn and the practice of medicine and surgery ami 1 ths Moody* of the war between the ptates. ami rip#*n*d by a lifetime of study and ceaa<i*s* invest station. was ever at the cad of those who needed It. To hls prttfesslona'. attainments.. Dr Duncan added a rt|e achoarshlp and a vmt charming and winning personality, dial he wan m ami welcomed ad cUtion to any gathering For some days it has been known that his Illness wan of a character that admitted no hop* of hi recovery, and yesterday the Morning !•* announced that the ami was only ii question of hours. For th#-*c reasons Dr. Duncan’s death was not th# shock It •night otherwise have been, had it come with *r*-at# r stMkletmes*. Inti It was the occasion, nevertheless, of very sincere ond profound grief. Dr Du nears’a last illness extended over a perkei of less than three weak* On Dec. ft, after returning from a visit to a patient, he wa* compelled to take to his toed, which he kept until laxi Hatufday On that day he felt much letter, and was ! able to walk about his room and the toouse. Fof tin* first time since hls H.nes* began, hls attending physicians. Dr. Owens and Dr. Charlton, entertained u ho|M* of his recovery. It was but .1 fb • 1 Ing one. ftundtoy mondne Dr. Dun. an w • - rtrick, n with apoplexy, and from that nn> •runt. save for a few minutes, when hr* milled auflltiemly to appreciate hls des perate condition of health, the llfctid#* cbned steadily away. For four dat* ho has beer* in a pr tlcaMy dying condition, nml it was real ised that frothing coutd be done for hint, other than to ew*.* Ms last moment*. He h<c not been conscious, and only hls •itertorous breathing Indicated that il© rtili atMMic within h4s Udy. l-larly yes terday tnorrdng there was the #!*- ni# and change for the worst that pr sag.-*! die so luiloti. and at three minutes before In o’clock he tossed qul.lly and |KMii efuily aw > The f|g at the City Kachan*** was flown *t half-mast after the news of l>r. Dun can’s death had reached the Mayor This was In reaped to the memory of one who had rendered long and diligent and valued service to the city of Savannah, worn* times, as In the yellow fever epi demic *>f Ml. when hls services w* r* greatly needed, and who had been for a long fterlod of years a member of the Jiuinl of Aldermen. The flag of the Exchange will continue at half-mast until after the funeral, and to-day the flags of the Havannah Volun teer Guard* liattalloti. anti of the Clor pla Huitatni. of both of which organisa tions Dr. Dunciin was an honorary mem ber. will show a similar tribute of reap* t to the dead. For a brief period durl.lg the war. Dr. Dunran saw active service as a private In the ranks of the Guards, aiul after the war. upon the reorganisa tion of the Georgia Hussars, he was eleot jtod and commissioned sunpon of the Troop. The funeral will take place from the Independent Presbyterian Church at 4 o'clock this afternoon The services will toe conducted by Rev Dr. James Y Fair pastor of the church. At the grave in laitirH Grove Femetery the funeral rites of the Masonic friit#‘rnlty will be cele brated by Ancient la*ndtnark D>dge of JriUaons The active pallbearer* have hern chosen from the membership of th* *ev# ral so cieties and organlxoiions with which Dr. bunrNii had lern IRliilel In life, arsl In the welfare of which, up to the moment of bia last Illness, he had retained a warm nisi close personal Interest l>r. K. It Ctnon will represent the Georgia Medical •octet? and the staff of the Savannah Hospital, Mr. Malcolm Maclean, the board of iiMftnagers of the Sa%Htirwfth n**.-piial. Mr. W 1,. CTay, the trustee* of FlaHham iAcadcmy. MaJ. Thomas Screven, the Si. VMnrwh Volunteer Guard* Uui. Col Rekrne Gordon, the Georgia Hhssarw. and Messrs. George VY Owens. Willi.tan Gar rard and Georg* H Ha.nes. Ancient ltind anark Dodge No. 231 Fa A M The additional pallbearers will Include Alderni n J). R. Thomas and David Wells, representing the city government, and Capt. Thomas F Hcrev* n. Col Kef us K. greater. Hon. Fleming itillignon and Hon. Hop** Barrow. The city was accorded representation among the ndtlltlonai pall toearer* at the special request of Mayor Myers, who risk# #1 that Savannah Is permitted to participate officially In the caramonies attending the funeral of Dr. Duncan. The funeral will le attended by Ancient Dandmark I*od*r# of Masons and by Halewtlne Commandery Knight* Templar. fThe Qeorgla Medical Society will al-o at tend In a body The military eager 1 will t*> furnished by the Georgia Hussars, un der the command of Lieut. C. A D. Cun •ilngham. and Battery A, *f tit* Savan iMh Volunteer Guards, under h *.un friiin i of Capt. James M Roger*. Dr. Duncan was among th* leaders of tils profession In Savannah, where b* ha* practiced ever since the conclusion of *h> war. Hls professional income was W#ry larg* one and hls professional du ties correspondingly onerous. Dr Duncan wat born in Savannah of Scotch and Irlah pargntage. Jan. 4 lda and therefore, lacked little more than . week of attaining his alaty-ftrst year lit# elementary studlaa were bepin In the old Chatham Academy and nts prepara tion for college completed 01 Bprtngfl* Id Academy. In Kffingham county. He re eelved hla academic degree from Ggl thorre L*n>vershy. In 1k57. •! soon tber - lifter rommonrel the gtudy of the science Which he waa to make hls life work^ Hi tmiuctlon Into the myat rle* of hls profession whs at the -skilled hands of Dr. Richard D. Arnold In he ma triculated in the Havannah Medical °'- Uge end was graduated fn>m that then famoue Institution In IMI. with the de gree of Doctor of Medicine. But a month or two after he had won tils degree. ftIOCUItttOO broke out between the Northern and tout ham Mates and Dr Duncan' was commissioned on aalt •tnt surgeon In the armies of the Confed rracy. During the spring of IMI he was at at ion ed with the garrison Fo** Og.e thorpe and in th* mummer and same year wem througn the Vlrglnii campaigns with the Finn Oeorgia Hel - cnant. , _ . In IWI h- •* ■lned to th vnn*h B*4 teal Ooliot* ml.wbjr* h wrv*<l until th. .prlnit of im Tht h. •was aaatgned to duty fn the field with the JTourth Alabom. R.*lm<-nl. Rrl- Hood*. r>lvl*ton. t.ontrwf. Co rpi. (CouUuiMd 00 Third thk hum tihi: QI Kfrnov Mnwj Would l.lke to Wee ttallrond to White IllaP natlt. The street railroad franchise question Is proving one of considerable interval. It war- the subject of general dk<'U**ton on the streets yesterday, and the view* ex pret*! are about as numerous as the ret oiutHHif- efore Council with regard to the matter. Many Uiisens express**. I the ofdnlov* tl at the Vernon It hell Hoad Company should have be.n given the franchiao without further deay. They want* I to -*♦ a road built to White Bluff, and were of th** opinion tost Council >houkl have <kme everything within reason to encour age It. The application of the Vernon ftheV. Koad Company has been liefore Council f>r about j*rven montnr ar. i u i ureler * *m*l that a p#rt> of ip.t r ody to take hold of th#* work f building the ne mwii ns th# l fran< lie#* !♦* grante.i According to the prospectus th* first ex - penditur#* win H.tmerdng Ilk. s&>.<*>, a spl*-i>li.| addition to the property of the Nv sial county. ftn th* other *kle of the jo.stlon there are many *itlx#*u too. who are inclin *1 t. favor th** j lan *ugK#*wt and by AMerrmin Dtxon of dispising of the cdy’a to th#* high* -t bidder Their lf *a -* that tte c ity ftitciM wcur* kotih thing in re turn for whatever of value It ha* to dls* io‘* of This pro|s*ltfton. taken together with that *f Mr J. H t'olltne offering I* for th<* franchise cm Montgomery sir*a. Is what made Council stop t. e*ai h r In?*i * .**l f voting *vt Wednesday n.ght’s ni'.-tifig Bui wnat i r view is taken of the mat ter there I* 0 g# n*ral expression on th#* part of citizen* that (here should la* no further delay in the matter longer than 1-. aUsoltn. ly ne- #r ary Delay may mean th# failure of the puns for on* or hotk of th# propo*el new railroad* It ie iiK-- !>• that Council will appreciate ihis view nf th# matter him) arrive at som#* <idlnlt< toneluslon at the nie#nifig to Is* held on Jan J %% ,UH i OH THK I tri.WlOV. Mnynr T#l#l 4ln). (•rnyaon fir#unl Wo it I*l %!• Me l^•%elle|. Improven^. 4* uion Ihe Park Kxten slon and Kmm#t l*nrk will soon com mence. The work will he under the di rection of the director of public work* t lon etch tract goO will b* #*xp#*ndl It Is rsiHTtfd that a considerable alter ation for the better will le the result of the work. In tin* Dark MxtenMon a gravel walk will he ma le through the enter, follow ing the line of Hull *tr*et This will he broad and suvoth and will Ik* appreciated ly p de-etrian*. An east-and-west walk will also Ik* made, extending the Bolton street sidewalk acrosw the Extension. The walk on the earn sbh* of the Kxten-ion 1* already in good condition, but some work will be done upon the west and south ► id# s Tite extra appropriation* w ill Ik* iim| to |#ay f#r the material needed, but no charge will Is* m l by the director of public work** for th** li>or. The military officers are looking for ward to the improvement of the entire I*11: k Extension, not merely of th#* walks Ala J W I- Gr:i>son of the FirM Infan try. was chairman of .1 commatee from the )ffi-er* of the regiment that sought an appropriation f 4.'.,(n to hav th* parade groon l put In perfect ronditkwi for military exercises. He called upon Mayor Myers but was told that It would lie tmposalble to appropriate such a sum • - that asked. MaJ. Grayson report##! to the officers, however, that th#* Mayor had inform#*#! him that the H|pro|*rlatlon of f.Vn would he supplemented in some way ho that the Pittk Extension might b** leveled off and put in letter condition foi exercises. The officers trust that this t; - I*#* as the condition of til* parade ground has long been very ob ject lona tle TUO IftßlKftTft 11F.1,11. ,Vihn ftlnglrlon. < I wn#l Guilt) of Manwlauic lil*r. Two Inquest % were h#*W last night by ornnfr Go#*tt#*, one into th# ii<*aih #*f /achnrkh Fronton, who waa shot on tn#* Og#*#K*h#*** roa#l Chriatmaa, un#l wh# li* , *l day *t the Georgia Infirmary. The man who tul the ahootlng proved to Ik* John Hingeton. uiao <okr**#l Two w lt:#*> -j# were examine*!. Il#*nr , WrlglM, ani Frank Young. Both of thCM men were #*ve nHtieaaea 4o the affray, and th#*lr combine#! testimony waa to the elfe* t taut they, iog# ttM r with the prison •*. and tne ieal man. were on the Ogee. ch#** road; ihat Hingl#*ton waa tlrunk and wuutei t# atop cai the roa<!. but that they attmit#al io tak#* him liom* That ation ly after they iWulwl from this effort, h* . while aitting in a atupor by th#* road side. drew hW# (tiatol inl fired ut runkm tae bullet utriklmr Freaton. und making wainl from which h* died. ’!"** Jury tmk only o abort tlm## to #|e ckle that Mngleton 1 gulNv >f man its lighter. The other ln#iueat held was into the rnuttier of iMvld Small, the at the cotton pickery, who waa foun#l Chrlat rr.iri <la\ wltli #i Imilei hoi#* through hi.* Ira;n. Fharl *# Wall, colored, had been tit r *4#*#) a* having 4m#l a t*art in the matter, or of knowing aom*thlng about It. but th# re being no wltnoaeee that could Iw* f* utid, iitnl #'on*c<|u#*ntly no *vi <l# n# * a<t#lu f'#l. tti* Jury rendered a ver dlet that Small hn#l come to hla bath from the affect of a gun.-hot wound at the iianda of some putty unknown to the jury. I'l.KDbl) WITH TIIH OtTI.OOK. I.utle4 Tlilnk Ihe Milltnr) Mall Will lie m | A meeting of the *a>mmiitee of the Hu ! \nnnnh Chapter of the Daughters of the ! Conftder.iey that hie Charge of the mil itary ball mat will be given at tli* Gunt#!*' Hall on New Year'* night, war held yes terday. Tin* progress of the ticket s#-i#ing I wus dlscuge#*#!. nl It mel dear that j ther* will b* u large attendance. Tin* ladies expect that the #*\<*>t, if the) ►>•*- # ure the i*o-#p#raUon tit*> from their friends kn th#* ini.ltary omniatnle, wiil Ik very successful. Mony of tho#** who attenl the ball will <lo so upon tickei* for which they ex changed tiikstf that were i hav. Iwen usel to ►•#• the play. *Vapt. Swift/* that v. it# to huxe been given for the benefit of the chapter. Holtk*r# of the "(’opt, Swift" ti*ket may exchange them for bull tickets at Tn# us Hr#. H:u mi\(. FOB IfNH. *t. .Inllen. I'tilrl j .ciu Ii lb n,t .letter eon -treet- to He t*n*eil. Three stretrhe* of pavement will be Übl with the> approprlatni by Coun cil to be expended In IWJI When the pavlnpr contemplated hne been nt-com plwhed the money will have run out. and ihe work will nave to e>p until another appropriation foi another year (-an be •ecu red. The paving the director of public ivork* will have under hi, aupervlsion during die year will be that of Ht Julian atree:. from Jeffaraon. weat. to Franklin Squar-, reaching to the >avemema on Congrvaa and Bryan afreet#; that of Thirty-eighth • treat, from Bull to JefTeraon. and moat Important of all. that of J*fTer*on atreet, from Henry to FOrly-aecond atreet. Vlt ■ rifled brick wIU ba the material u*ed for all the paving. THE AJOKNING NEWS: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2H, 19CK). NO CHANGE IN THEIR PLANS. %I>MISI*TTIATIO* I • HILL I uVI I\l II TO U oilK. They Smy Th#*> Mill Keep Ip Their Orirsulcatian Nad t arr> out Their Original Programme. Ihrs Thaonl# *1 Itere v< Oppl l#l *ll *• Prepared l#*r Ssrprlw*—*st • the Murker and Ward Heeler l Heard— Idmlnlslrattum Farces Will Gather t-Mght. In aplte of the fort that It seems now *hete will 4*#* no opposition to the admin istration tl# I ‘ket |e#| by Mavor Herman M>* r- lead* rs of the adtni?hstrutiou for# * 4 use. ri tto re will b#- no change in their piaiii# of * amfKtign. They say there will Ik* Just as many political meetings and that th* r forces will be Just #** well organlz#*#! as if a full tl ket h*<l b#**n put out by the other side. Al> n prom in tut anions th##*#* who hnv • o|ipu#-l the C.Ttlxens* Club faction for \*re. ass* rt#l y**terday tiia: *o far '*s they knew there woubl row Im* no op position to the administration tick#**. .** tt.* of th*n hs<) counte*l, to it rerta.n *xtent on Mr McMillan's making th" ra <*. ‘uf his #l*•* linatta fo i> *##. ap pears t# have remover! the last vestige if hope that the ant I-admin Ist ration l*a#l*ra h*l of g#.(ting a ( indklat#* Into th** field I*. w *s tip*ml t.ifit if t icr#* vver#‘ any further dgns of *pp< sit lon th# \ would have conn* to light y*sur#l.y, hut none appeared. * In with their programme the H'frtiintef ration l #.i* r - w ill go ah# 1 w!*n their ral#y to-night, and th# other me* t itog*4 they h v*> a.l in view There wII b# at I*a#t two lig meetings la* fore th* el* 'i#i* that to-night it will ct Mayor Mv#r* will I*** r>■uottaf*l. anl anJther nt w h| Ii the committee to le tumnl to-night wbl rejiort back the akkrmanle tDk* t selected f#r ratification. The sp* k# ** at to-nighi’s meeting as already an li.eiia e.| |ti the Morning News. W ill be Hon. F G. duHignon Hon .1 Ferrl## t*ann, Hon W W (iiltom*. M**ssrs. I* *\l Oliver and Joan E Hob war* The atlinmietration f#r *•>. while v>n- Kt atulatiriK tbni>#)ve* that In# el>clon gt#p#*ars t# Ik* so mu 'h of a w nkover ar* neverthe|#.s*> *. the alert. One of th#*m hod \esterday that whll# they w*r confblent ther# would Ik* n. they eousl never tell far certain until the last moment It might in*, he said, that aiiili.jNtes will Im sprung on us a <•> or two i#*f#>r# the election. tn#l sometlnu*** th# hardewt fights ar#* nu 4 Just in thi way It is for that reason th.ii the #t ganJsafioii will m* mairnaineat ‘he said, nnd th# itdrninistrstion for# . s will he r#*aly to I**al wilt anything that com**- along. The iinnouncemem that Mr M< MlUan would not run. pubUshcl in the .Morning News yesterday. uin# as o surprise o many It wus es;>. iallv a surprlwe •* Hwn* of th#* pollti dins. It is freely talk •*•1 that the polttk'ui vv#tk* rs on both rbl‘H h.#l ho|Mp*<! for opposition, in the #*x lertatlort that a great ileal of money *'#.#• *# <urn*.l I#n* * much .f whi h woull fall into their pocket*. N#w tn#*ir dreams and hop*s have •H-kf. i' If i* V\ 1,, -• < J* c* ' . • lection with only one ticket to vote for Th#- war.l politicians feel this keenly. Their services wit) not he needed on eith er aide, consequently there wilt l#e no dropping of coin into ever-ready pocket ’The negro voter and the heeler arc out of It this time/* snll a gentl*-man w ho Is somewhat Intertuded In politlca. *‘an#l ! am iill of it 1 # onsider it a gen# ral aut#<* fr rej#>4# (ng Another politician remarked that Mayor Myers this Urn# h.- th# chan#*#* of hls lift* There wrouki I##* no h#*elers or warn |K>:iticiauH t rew*unl in any manner, he said, and so far as tney are <*onc#*rne#| the new administration can l*e thorough ly ln#l*pen#lent. H< (xprescwxl the hope that this claas would be tdltnluated from ia*n-lderatlon alutgether I'ltiSeiHi who op|M>we ihe a#lmlnistnition are doing s- rn#* quiet talking am ng thetn iM-Ivea. but It umounts to nothing more the expreaudoffl of their aentlments and opinions one of them remarked yes t* r.lay: "It may do rut go#sl now, but those opinions will crystallise into sotne thlrg fa# gild#* in the next two years ** The dlraf>pearttnce of all otMtoultlmi ap to Imve kn rk#-i the proi>s out from under the foundation f -r political rumors and gossip. an#l little is liscusaed now hut the antlciiKttfd walkover. Tit GlTllkll yitll THK Uld TriO. ( liilia Will Marrli I riini Th*lr (|nnrl fpn l* Mii#itl* Hull. The various fK>litk*til clubs supporting ti#- ndminlstrution art* getting ready to uiipcar In force ut th#* mass m*e?ing to l* hel l at the Masonic llall to-nighf. Hf vsral of them will gather to-night at <her respective quarters to march In a body lo th* place of th* muss meeting. The Fourth District Administration (Tub met lasi right at its hall at Bryan and Abercom street*. Sjwtches wore mude by Itoliert L Fcldli g, Thomas I*. 11111, Ju#lg* Hamucl Reynolds, an<l otli*rs indrstug lh* pr# >n# atlminisiratlon. A resolution was offered Indorsing Dixon. Muon and for aldermen fr#tn lie* Fourth Dlstrkd. A committee was •ippoiti(<(l i* n#tlfy the gentlemen of tho club’s indors# m*nt and pl*#!ge them their hearty support. H#*crtiry A. M. Bueu*. Jr. announce#l that forty-one new appli cations for membership had been re ceived since the last meeting. The club will meet at Its iinll promptly at * o'clock to-night t* march in i body io Masonic T#*mpla whir* the mayoralty nomination fill !>•' ma#le. The Soirthsple Administration Flub will gather to-night at th* Hout **#l<l#* Armory. Whitaker and Thirty-swond street#, at 7 :;•* o’clock All r* i*< nts of that sec tion in syinisithy with th#* administration of Mny>r Myers h.*v* been invlt#*#! to at |en#l. Fr*sWl#*nt Wiliam T. Hussey haw called fr a full aurndflllc* as the club will manh in a Duly from the hall to the M isoni- Temple. t attend the ad mm let rat lon rail) The Hnuthskle el*- ment wants to get two aldermen n trie H#lmmlsiration tick*t, and Is going to make a p.averful puli for them The f*>' lowing will a t us mars ils of th* march to the Mtisoni*' llali: B. O. Rogers. J. Robert Fr#*amer. Wli.ium H Fek. John F timer und George \V. Handers. The South Kn#l Southwest Kn#l and \V W. Osborne Himinlstrutlon # lube will meet to-night rti 7:30 o’clock at Thirly-se*on#l al Whitaker streets, and march to Bull, dawn Bull to Ihirk avenue, to Drayton, to Gaston, to Bull, to Llls rty an#) to the Miisouit Tempi# lo take part In to-night’s mas- meeting. Tn#* march will la* in cons mantl at Mr. Robert 11. Hoßand as mar ffeveral other admlnlstrathaq cluha will also gather #nd march to th* M a sonic Temple in the sum#* way. All #he <tlmln- Istrutlon clubs of th* city will Join to mike this a large nnd enthusiastic meet ing. WITH FIGHTS IM) MIWFIts. ••Oglethorpe lisb” Marched Thrnanh Mninimh'## street## Lost Mght. The "Ogleihorpe Club." one of the col ored marching MOcleFes that \upport th# administration in local polßlca, either celebrated something or announced iU edegUnce to fc!ayor Myers in the race he Is making, by a torchlight procession through the principal streets of the city Ism night. The parade constated of probably 300 men. under th* ommand of Tom Goblen. the president of the club, as gran#l mar* siial. The grand marshal was on horse ft* k. and th# |>arade was h-a#le*| by five • arrtagas, containing the c>lor#vl leaders *>f the several eltjf distrlcta. These in udd H N Hut.wig**. J E. Klin bail. J.# ah Wright. Andrew Fattarson. Will* i..m Munfonl nl others. The para#le formed at Oglethorpe Hall, it Hay and Dumner streets It mar# he I • Mt on Bay to West Hroal. #ti Writ Hro.*l to Broughton, on Hroughion to Drayton, on I tray ton to Gaston, on Gas* ton to Bull, ou Bull back to Congress ► ireata aid Korda Hall at the corner of Whtlakar #*! St Jusuan streets, wher#* the para*l* was**#t an*l the •leeches began The oi*ei ing address was delivered by K N RtHl*#ige, the orator, by election. of Ihe "Ogbihorp# Club/* ll** was fol low# and by "Kid" Toomer, J. K. Kimball ir#l others. Kimhill m.*#le a speech that -**#*m**l to I#** epe tally # ff.ctlve with the crowd, for they c i#efel him lustily The titwl talk was mate by l*r*.-ldent Golden, whom the club |ecte#| p*rp#<ual leader. It also passe#! a resolution c >mmendlng his i4lr < (ministration of Its affairs. This concluded ihe vocal programme, but not h* rmctluc. for It continued In ses -i**n until after 1 o’clock this morning H<m# of the tranap.iren# le* that were borne in the proemsion were quite funny, repr# ... ruing ms they #llii the banlers of th#* nti-a<lmlnlsiraflon for*es In gro t#*M|tie atttMKirs Many of th*m an n>tineed simply that the club was for My* #r>- f*r Mayor and that Its suffrage would g## to Alii* rnutt Dixon for r* -ele.*tlon to Council. ft % 11,011 a ftllNH EftTKHT AIKKD. Given l'r#*M*ni and Servel With Re freshments at the Uethel. The Christmas celebration of the Bi vannah Fort Hoc let jr for the entertaln metit of the siilors in port, took pi a e last nigh# At tne Bethel, corner of B*. Julian wrid IJnt'oln stre*te Tht enter t a inmen t w- in the nature of a Christ ir tree and refreshments. an#i ait of the sailors who attended spent their even ing very pb*rAiitly. Present in the chapel of the Bethel were *“>tne 22a sailors, besidee members of the Indies’ Auxiliary anl others in trrettwl The entertainment was given by the laelies’ Auxiliary, which rem#tni !-#*rs the suitors fn this way every Christ mas. Tasteful (btcor-iuona* made the chap*d v#rv attractive to the eve Two U#l • Miristm #s trees stM>d ut cae end of th* r#Mm while the cexlumns Were de< k*<l with h>lJ\ vines n#l other feliage From >rn* of tne vetweiM in port national col -irs and hugs of the signal co*te had 4>een •*orrwsl. nnd tii#*e were ii-*| to advan tage. the nanv hues blending beaut if ullv an#! adding to the w#*ene. K#*v W F. Watkins opened the exer f *’ v *Rb an a.klress. 11* s|#ok#> uion • hristmas the llf•• of sailors an I the sig niilcan* e of th* season that is s#> uni versally ol>serv#d. I'pm the .am# luelon of hi## address r#*fr***-hrnvii!s were s#rvcd by the ladles, all helping a n#l sharing in the ptoasure of providing the sailors with •Jntnth* that they do not receive uUuird nip. Band wishes, turkey. #*hi* k#*n, nuta. raisin*# grapes, candy #*ofTee. ,n#l other !°bi things were furnished In abundance. Many of the sailors in port were not bc to attend the Christmas tree enter ' ilnment. Ikcing detained ti|Mn their ships They were not forgotten, however, and a ► bar#* of tin* Mama refections enjoyed by their mat m. and present* a well, will be sent th#*m l pun f hc conclusion of the feasting, when all the sailors ind eaten all they wanted, tickets were distributed among them, each ticket tearing a number cor responding to a number on one of the ar il, les to b* given away Huperlntendent Iverson explained that he would call off the numiters place#! upon the presents, an*! hst a sailor holding the number cor re-ponding t#t the oti he would call off • Mould announce himself. Thin plan whs followed, and th#* )i##iributlmi of the pres **niH, upon u perfectly fair basis, wus soon concluded. 8 *me >f t?ie sailors, how **ver. being f*>reigner with little or no knowledge of Knglhrh. were at a loss to kn#tw when their numbers were call*d. They bid to rely upon the superior ac qualntunce of soma of their mates with th.* language, and by this reliance they succeeded In ae#*urtng Ihe presents to which they were #*utitlel Not a sailor received a present that he will not find useful. Fare was taken by Hi#* l.tdie## to see that nothing that could n#>? !>e used by the men to advantage was given out The sailors’ i-*r-onl was the principal consideration In the ee b ction nn#l making of th#‘ presents.and the woolen swe.iters. wrlstbaiwls. socks, muf -w• i•.( other srticles of 2 r ***!ir**( will lx> apprxcliitrd by lb* m*n whan *hxy ore worklriK In wintry 111.1*1* ut>on thr hlvh ,*t, ji, Krcatly a, thxy were when Ihxy were rvcrlvrd nt th* Rxlbrl. Th. rli.lributton of thr tc-xiM.nt* olowxl lb.- rniprtalnrwnt. Ihr iwlk>r, rrturnln* to tbrlr *blp, whrn nil hod b***n olv,n -onx urtli-b- Tb. !<#!(- of thr nuxl.Ury wen* well |lrn-*r-l with the ,ll(-rr*. of thr oIT ilr Thoae who ar- member, are Ml,* M \>pln, |ro*ldetit; Mr*. W. R l>-k<-n, vice |re-l(lrnt; Mr II K. Tmln. ,ecre >.ry; Ml** Julia MM-11-toil, treasurer; Ml** H. W. AtKleraoik Mr* R 8 Anrtrr. -on. Mr, J. H. Him,. Ml*, Sutter. Mr*. S. liirm Mr*. R A I>rnm.irk. Mr*. C ft Kill,. Ml-* <\*rnx. Mi-* John*, Mr, IluK<r Mr,. Freeman. Mr*, ltryan. Mlm Weed. Mr,. T. 8 laroa*. Mr* Nlohet. Mr* I>uk*-*. Mr*. D. ItnMwin. Mr* Murphy, Mr*. Pnraon,. Mr,. J. A. fl. r’ar.oo Mr*. Jotin*on. Mr*. Iv-ad, Mr*. M I*. IHxon. Mr*. Krwrl. Mr,. B>-i;er. Mr*. S- hrrlff. Mr-. Mork. Mr, Neiaon oral Mr*. Webber. Mil f*l. % I OX kKW V BAR’S IMY. Uolf t.ninr With the llarlrn Team May lie trrflnanl. The Havannah Golf Club - * tram may iro to l>alrrn on New Year'# May, to play a return match with the tram of that place. Sr -rotary Merrihew of the club wrote a letter to the lVilren team yeaterMay. pro po*lne the match, nix# It I* very prohoble that the Darien players will Jump at the chance, a* they have been anxtoua to play. A mnlch same wa, lo have hern plave<l at IVnrten between the Havannah and Da rien learn* (Mi Thankeclvlmt day. hut thr SovaiHiahlan* were unable to *et to Da rien. They made a brave aiart nlioard a iuk. but dense fo covered the eoa*t. any they were not able to continue the trip. Ii l, proponed to make (he trip on New- Year's day aboard a tun. tn the event the Darien player* decide they would like to meet the Havannohtan, a train, ant# the latter will hope that no fo or other ob stacle will serve to prevent their taklnic the trip. _ WEIHIKD AT H Alt#'YON DAME. Mr. C. K. kearhnrnaxh and Mlae lola Blklna Married. Mr. C. E. Bcarliorou*h am# Ml,* lola Elkin* were married at Holcyondaie fast nlaht. Rev H. J. Arnett officiated Mr. HcnrlMirough I* a native of Sanderavllle. but for the last few* year* ha* been •n the service of the Central Railroad a, train dispatcher Mk Elkin* #e the daughter of Mr. and Mr, P. C. Elkm* of Halcyondale. and while * native of Screven county, lived in thi* city for a number of year*, and la a gradual* of the High School. Numerou, relative* and friends, with her uncle end aunt. Mr. end Mr* William Neill f the Brown Houae. Macon, aiterxlxd the wedding. The hrlde and a room leave to-day for a trip through Florida. CIRCUS WILL WINTER HERE. •KI.IA 4M) 01l iri YMOM KIITH T ICD TO*DAI FROM FWIHIU t. >►#• of Ike t oining of the f Ires* Uas Wired From Miami to Trsveling PaMssgrr %geut—W In ter ftMrtsM of the € .'Arena Mill l** Fatahllslied on Hreslon Hill. or Star the ftlte of the tHurru me ut t ormla— Many Morses Are Owned b> the i Irros. aa#l There Are a Few ftalmals la Ihe Menaae rle—Repairs Will be Made oa Ihe Equipment. Sells A Gray’s cirrus will arrive t#xtov or to-nlgbt from Florida, and will g Into wuiter quarters in Havannah Till* lnf#rmation was gatner**l from on#* of t v traveling possenger agent* of one of th • railroads, who was wired from M ami that th* circus would leave that place u*t niglvf for thk# city. Positive information as to where the cir cus would make its winter quarters coull not be gained, but it may be stated wua r#!*#>nnbl#* certainty that they will be established on Hrewton tiUk near or on the same ground that was occupied by t;i' government eorrals when the Fulled Bfates nobliers were located h*re und after they hol left. A drive to that location w a* taken by a flavanraih gentleman, and a r##pr#*s#*iii* j live of tne #*lrcus tw#> or three days Ago. The circus man ba#l visited two or thr#** other trai ts, but for on** cause or another no selection was mek He expressed satisfaction with the Brew-ton 1 Si!! sit *, aml the gentleman who accompanied him reason*d fr*m that it ha#l l>een chosen as th#* location for th* winter quartern It will *e recalled that the circus showed hire about a month ago. Is • ommg to Havannah was preceded >y *••* report that Its winter quarters would S#* establishinl here, hut th** same r*port was# circulate*! in other places. in<| th#* conclusion ha#l been rea<'h-#l that It wu only an advertising scheme that was pra - tl e<| in nearly every city the circus vis ited. Home little of the Interest that attach# i to the report was destroyed as soon a.*# It waa learned that Havannah was no? tb* only city where m report that th#* circus would winter had been given out. This Interest, however, will Ik* restored by th#* confirmation of the report. hml It l< prob able that the winter quarters of the cir cus. wnen they have b*#*n established, will Is* visited by many Havunnahian- The location chosen for th<* quarters Is well adapted to the purpose for which ll Is <lesired. ComnMxllous balding* stand upon the land, and the hors#**# and other onlnials with Ihe circus can 4e comforta bly housed in them. Th#* menagerie la ‘tnall. consisting of an e|#*i>hant. a -acr#*d ox. monkeys and some other animals, but there are o4>out 100 horses. Connected with the circus are a great many wagons Sotn* of these are in n-*l of repair*, as Is other e#iul|ment. and a*l vantage will be taken of the stop at Sa -■ aanah fo put everything In order. A ulacksmithy will 4je estahllshe#!. and it is said emplovment for a number of Sa vannah artisan* will le furnished. 8# v eral weeks will be spent by the circus In Savannah t SB!) til t KET, Bolt VYEAPOA*. Reported Harder I muni Great Bx ellement on Weldhnr* at, A detachment of police, the entire detec tive force, and a curious crowd of five or six hundred people collected on Waldbtiri? street Just west of West Brood yesier day afternoon shout 4:30 o'clock The crowd had been attracted by n colored woman that had rushed from the house shrieking murder at tne top of her voice, and th* police and detectives had leen sent because of a telephone movie* ;o the barracks, which stated that a wht:e man nod murdered a white woman In the heuthborhood When the sergeant rode up to the rear of the house, while hls men guard#*! the Root, he saw a while men going Into ■he houae next to that In which the re ported murder had been committed I'l-- toi In hand he demanded that the mnn come out. and also that he take his hands out of hls pockets The latter demand was probably because he feared that there might he a weapon concealed atiout the stranger's person The stranxrr readily obeyed, telling Ihe oilier it tlx same time that while he was the min wanted; there hd been nothing much tlx matter, and ia he afterwards stated, ll was inwardly wondering wnat all th row waa about. Meantime the other police hid been try ing to get In the front door, and threat ened to break It down if sonic one di<| not open It. It woe opened finally and th-- supposed murdered woman was found alive and well, hut a little ruffled In tcin twr She refused to prefer charges against her friend, so he was released, and the officers of Ihe law, after di-perstug th* crowd, went their way wondering ut the vagaries of human nature. Various stories of the row that had h i to all of the excitement were current m the neighborhood. The in in who vv i- ihe chief actor In It. aald that It was u very small muter, and until he was forced tn stare the sergeant’s pistol In the fuc -. aisi afterward saw the crowd of persons gathered ahuut the place, he had had no Idea that the trouble was known out of the house. He had hod a quarrel with the woman he said, and there ha 1 been a few lean passed, or attempted blow*, the worn in using a coal bucket as her weapon, and he a slop bucket. As she ixrslstcd m h-r efforts to punch him he struck her with hla (Ist. arxl put her out of the game. It was then lha! the colored woman, tlx cook, ran Into the atreet and alnrnx*l th neighborhood, so much so that someone hud telephoned the barracks that mm der had been commuted. fi'K* i>>: tin hi*. The Torn I fur Itinti Mill laurrunlr % I*o u i mi.iMMi. Thr total of thr police court tines for will run it little uhove t6.00n. which Is somewhat above the average. though not so (iroot as In 1*99 The total tines In Police Court for 1K were J7.J81, f or 3s; . h It.Wl ami for 1*97 $4,.V44. It will he wen that there was ooneHer able Increase In the last two years.though lts) la considerable behind the preceding year. It is said thnt It requires nice judgment In a recorder to keep up the revenue of a police court. He must know how to "►lse a fellow up." or to put It another way, he mum know how to Judge the In each particular case, as well ,s how to assess the ttna according to the offense Judge Hurt ridge's flues usually run S3 IS. ll*. IIS. i aid so on. and he has built up the revenue from the court materiall dor.tut the last two or throe years in spit* of the fact that there have barn no tinea for violations of the liquor laws os was the case several years ugo. The police department was given C, no mors In the budge: fer 11 than In 19n The increase was made on account of the fact that the appropriation fir poltea In • • * In tbe dsgstrtment are contemplated this year. A Hlgh-Orsda Institution tor Ladles Aborter Callage. Home, Ua. WtMa for catalogue.—ad. THK *'# Mtr. , ■— To orulr n Molool. *orl "•<' Rranalral iwtHr Tl.em • elves. A hui. lr-.! nnd thirty-i-ven o<-rtn#n- Amerlcan citlion, of Savannah mM at Kntffbls of Pythian Hall for th- purpow of oruaiiliin* a for ' a octal, mutual l-ncllt and l*ievo.Mtt pur- j puses, among thefnselve*. A temporary laation -ff- tcl | by the cl-i'tlon of Mr. John Jurhfor. a, t<mporary chairman. ap<l Mr Ocor**- >. , Karma. cm|wrary .ccrotary. Tlx pur- j p,**> anti object of the oraanUatton acre Informally diacusaral. but there rr no act apaecho* and no definite action. oihir than the tjcl-rminatton to or*;amxe | permanently, waa taken The ■ ha.r wa* aulhorlaetl to • committer of ten. Which la to wlect nine for th- ora nlaatlon and draft -* coiiKtttutlon an.l bylaw* for lla put lance. That conimltu t . t" It la nblc t< 'lo ' o. will vul'ink Ita report at the •**# | ro-e-tliiK. Which la to la- held it KiUaht* u< I’ythtaa 11 ill next Thuraday evcnlmr- Th. re waa .itt|olnt-.l t.lao a comilUittc of at*, the nit tnla rahtp of which w.i made tip from volunteer-, to canvaaa the tlerman-Amerl.-ana of the city anti act ii to italii.e their mrmberahip In the ortr-tnia t- I ion. It la .-.limaled that In Havannah there are between l.t#> atwl 1.00 German- American men. who are ellßlble to m- m herahlp. and the t ftort will be ma le t'> have the greater numlx-r of there unite i h their ft-ll'tw In the orpanliatlon. Mamber* of ih* #‘ontctnpbuwl *>rg.tux • tl-.n were direful lat nlKht to neg.itlve the report th i* there waa anythin* po litical in Itr purpoa* or olijc-ta Three membera - tM they only w-lab.xl to, organise for mutual benefit and aoc at In tercourwe and that when orpinll-d the aockity would not io--k to rontrol In any way the political aspiration, or Mthlia- | ttons of any of its membera. As eo-.n a- the committee on constitu tion and by-laws has reported nd It* re- Ml 1., a lot •tl I lon will l mode to the Buperlor Court for the Kraut of a charter of Incorporation. The meet- Ins tet nlah- was representative of the I M I da** of the li.-rm tn-Anx-rlcan clil *ens of Havannah and the orsanUatktn Klvt-s promltr of Iw*lns In t vrty way prss |H-rnu and *ueccs*ful from Us wry in ception. |-| u:lt It, oy I'tTHII K Tl HKHUV. \\ 111 Take Place Proto tt. I**trtrk't t hurcti This Mtirnlit*. The funeral of Mr. Patrick Tubertty. whose .bath was announctsl in the Morn- In* New* yewtrrday. will take place at 11 o'clock thi* mortrtn*. from St. Patrick * Church. The services will lx- conducted by Rev. Katlx-r kltiinlan. The Interment wl.l he In the Catholic Cemetery The fu ix mi arrangement, ar* In charge of Mr. C I-: Hums Mr. 1 t.inlel Tuberdy of Phlltxlelphl.t who was rxitltbd by tel. if ram of hi* father', dtaih, will .drive tht, mornlnc. Tb.- ili-ls- ir. r, will lx Mesare. A H. Nlehol*. P. Power*. P. M Con*o ,i|n( P Ibcstl. r M A O'ltrlen. J It Walsh. John and M. J. Murphy. % t| it let t Ii or.- It W edil Inis. Mr. George Kutrcll and Ml** liHn X. wtoti were quietly married l ist night at o'clock. Tie ceremony waa |x-"- hi Rev. Itoht. Van lieventer In the' room at the Huffy Street Ha|x tl*t t!hurch Only the Immediate rela tives and clo*r friend, of the hrlde on.l gicom were present The hrlde I* a na tive of Hus city, while Mr Putrell :s if, Ala., for whleh p!,ee they lefi last niKht. and where they will make their future home. Hlitst* WiiiiHM fhr W An imTptont fir#’# was Hic<werwl lat* ii #§t night in 'thr blcyclr rtor#* >f 4> knun & O'Neil, on Drayton i*trer( near Con gro*p A t#*l#*p!ione aiarm was ani in to No. 2 ;rKine h#>u>=e on.l thr quiok r**j#|>onyr of th#* firrir#*n |iern)ittel tii * to hr •'xtitiKuleh*#! h#*fon* It h#l wrouKht any errlouu dimiißf. • • Dr nt Ii l \% . f|. H|M*Lr ft. Thr funeral of Mr. VV. It. Htockrtt. whoer ii#<th occurred yesterday morniriK. will tak#* place this afternoon and will he tt#n#l*#i by ZerublmiM-l Ikmlk** #*f Ma sons, of whh'h thr #l*( , am 1 w is h ni# < m b#*r. Mr. Bfork*tt whs a wuirhniiin fvr • I I uldOllt six we* kn Tlilm Im \\ lim I They %ny. Thr*e who tuk** H#o!*s H irsuparilla for sorofula. ecxrma. eruptions. catarrh rh<‘um.Hism or (lyspeiudM. say it cures promptly ami permanently, even uft#r all other pr#* pa rations fa.l. You may tuk# this mdi#ln* with the utmost confi<ience that It will do you food. It has done for others you have every reason to believe m will do for you. Constipation is cur***l by Hood's ITUs. 25c.—ad. Fine I iiurminK (heap. An opptM*tunity to have rngr ivliHt by hii #*xpert from N w* Y#rk during tii* next *n days at New York prl.#e, .t J Ar C. N Thomas, 124 Whitaker atr<*i*t. —ad. %ll Skill I)l Mt'N #• *• 4 l| r#-<| f*V a wond#rful ointmod ■ 1 1... i Ten# rine "It Is thr only that flv**s me r#*Hef." writes Mrs >l. K. laaitn#*r. Bloxi. Miss. Bhe had an itchy br*akiiiK out on ij#*r -.kin. It cur# t. tter, s.iit i. um. ,m#l ..a oliur skin iroublcs. f/. p#r box ut your druKglat. or nd th#* anioum j n Ki.iriips to J. T. flhuplrui#*. Rivuni :ih. Gu —ad uitiutiT PKoM'krn, Treble Acronil Terai, lleglonlng nmmhrr *tl(. Tlie recent unusual good fcriune of the fleorgbt Hhool of Technology will In crease Its efficiency. No entrance examina tion will be required hereafter, and stu dents emertng wt'hout suffi, lent prepar stlon for tli. lowest class will |„. advuno- Cd os rapidly os p sslble Miudent* rmy enter at any time, but ar< advls. ,| ta , ntcr at the beginning of the term, lb- j] Applicants f< r ndmlssLn are reque-lcd to write at once for part|cu|., rHa Address Lyman H ill. President, Atlanta. Ou.—ad. for Over Fifty Tear a. Mrs. Winslow s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething h soothe* lh e cni.ll. aofien* the gums, allava ail pain cun - wind . die, and Is th.- lat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twcnty-Avo cents a laettlu —ad t niter the klnra nnd linra. "Under the Blare and Kirs; or ifc m . nlr- of Four Years" Bervlce will, lh) . Oglethorpe* of Augusta. On." hy Walter A. Clark, orderly sergeant r rlop _ lo , h Z> cents: imper, M cents For **>,. Kstlll s News Depot. 43 Bull streic' w, vannuh. On.—ad. * Holiday Hates via Soathern Hall, way. Tickets on sale to all points, a fare and a third for the round trip, on Dec 23 2S 14-2S-JO and Bat. 1100, ,1,0 Jan I. !9OT llp.:t|sd to Jan. 4. returning i a ,id;tlon to above, students holding certificates signed b> supei mtendents or prlncica's of scnools or colleges win b . sofd Uck!i! commencing I*ec IS and l, mltrr| j'* Jas. krec„..,n. . J t , and tickm Mint, U 1 Lull street. Phones m JUVENILE WHEELS CLEVELAND WHEELS STOVES RANGES FURNACES LATTIMORE'S West Congress STRAIGHT FRONT mm. rS CORSETS GIVE THE MILITARY FIGURE / OdiWf tonastytfgistoprhmpoiiii ( ' . •.-;*! > _ - firoM below wsui giwi dewed T- ‘ I'jlntss at backindow, / m ; \ Price fronfril* up />■,', !i C ) TH# J corkP* 1 clasps / (■-'" ' A n exc jsive feature l save annoyance from , t rol rust-stiins and relieve \j#? 'oTAusout pressure and pinching v ofanyKmdonthecJiest RN.CORSETS 519 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, THE PLACE TO BOY Hot Stuff Stoves Puritan Gii Heelers -IS AT ALLEN’S, THK CORN HR BTATR AND BARNARD HTHEETH. REDFCBD FIIICKH ON OFF RKGIN LAR 1,1 NFS *\ VCi'OFNT t%F €?LGH ING oi T •tl Si N KSS. FOR CHRISTMAS. CANVAS HUNTING CCAT-S, HATS, VESTS, LECCINS, &c. IS ill'S SB. IIS Hroujrhton Sir* a! Wewt. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed unJ Kcrtillaer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluabl fur ‘*hOm#-m|x<f*' fertilize Tha rheme t and m**t ronrcntraunl the market. Stud for paril* u.ara im,<.n\i\, tow n i l), mta v it. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, •Phone 222. 1U Hay atreel. ir'St J. D. WEED V CO UlMlAll, UA. Leather Belling Steam Packing & Bose Aeaoii for NEW kuiik. BUBfekU Ut-i.Ti.VI. ANU PACKIKO CCAkU'A.- •• Amaa.MK.vra. 8 A VAN NAH THEATKR. FRIDAY RVKNINtJ, DISC. Farewr:! Tour of Broarihurat * Furl iu*iy Funny Farce, 'll fioppeoed la J.“ By OEORQL U. UIIOADHCRST. and preset, tel by the BroaJhutat Bros No. l Coroiainy. OK EAT CA*t: rt’NNIEH THAN BVER! Beau on Haiti. Price*—ll.JsC, SDe an o Sc - N*t Attraction—The Aubrey Stock Ca. week Dac. Si.