The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 28, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SOME FLORIDA FACTS BKUATIVK To THH STATK** PROd urn M RKVKM'K. Tlir lmlinl of ('•Minn frodn.m •nnrlbinil %ltnut Oranar Tree. Nitl the \umbee In the ttmr—Tbr ItNtr* l'ei*itMete—The The Hate anti the laereaae la the %’aluatlone of Prnpertv—Other Matter* of latere eat.. Taiiatiaaer. Flj., Dec 37. —The annual refiert of the Florida Agricultural I*■ - Tuinment ropy fot which la now hema prepnr.d for the printer* will rodlaln a large * mount of aiMlatlral Information concerning the acreage, yield ami value of Florlda crop* of the pa*t year. Aerial. Value. Cotton, lupl.ndi ,<c:i 7hd Hat tVxion laea laland) ]*): 1 Ut.TX Arn .. . H 0.073 „\U,*S2 t hi* 11 •, 333, Kweer pmatoea A. 71.M3 lii.ll] Hire 3. M m.hij Field pea* Kf.gTX 787,'1tM I'tttnut* .... tKI.HK 102.118 IrUti poiatoea l.gH M..VA Cahhage I.ot* 7.7. <77 Ri|U.ihe Jfc. 17.3 DA KiCSplanle ..... 3*| 2k..*tfa Cantaloupe* 1.111 €2,422 Hay I.T 339.R7 Millet MT. 7.72* Tomatoea 2 337 21R.3P1 Cvcutnhera 30.314 Kngllah pea* 273 Hi 3*l Heel a 138 ft M*U Ht an* MHO 149.171 riier* were yaa tier** planted In *lla :■ r cane, from whirl: mate mult Dt>.(*>l har. rel* of ayrup. valued at KH 313. and *.. IV pound* of *ugar. valued at tll.uGT On !.<* iicre*. t*.*.SM pounda of tobacco Were grown, valued at 12*7 901 T*entf-ti*ht hundretl and car* load* of watermelons valued at 3*. <33 were wiml on *,770 acre*. The rtttltlic* bearing upon aumiropleal fruit cropa are aa follow* Hearing. Non-Hear- No of Tree*. trig Tree*. Box** Orange* gun 7*l* 3M.4M J.enroll - 12.412 *.775 ].(*) Val.i* of orange. ‘i2 Value of l*Mnons, 11,27*. Tree* Box**. Value. I'tme* 3.737 13i gSg.7 „> TVae*. Barrel*. Value Grapefruit *.027 9.3 C |1717 00 Iv r* *4.773 30.W7 *2.173 an Crate*. Value, line ipple. I* tm.Mt OiMVii ~t I TT*. *l*he 70t* icrw on whlih Mtr- cultivate) yield**! quarts, **li*o4 at s44.*i*, Tuer. were .1.7*2 bunch** of banana*. \alu*dt $1796 Of the much, vaunted only 105 acre* are rc frted. producing ton*. \alticT. at $2- 140. Dntrv I’rmlnri*, Pound*. Value Duller 517.M1 $134.7a* Chn* 5.34 M 1,014 Under the head of wool, there are* re port art 72.*75 fleece*. yielding BS.M2 pounds of wool, valued at $0.29 There wer* 14.014 iMarwf* of bee*. from which 4fc.f!7 pound* of honey mere taken. 1 muted at s2k.fcs Tin- stats’* vineyard* yielded 4M.441 pound* of grapes. valued at $27,751. and 41.9k* gallon* of mrlne. worth $42 KAI Of tljr* 4W bushel*, valued at $674. arc reported. For the flrt time In Florida broom c>rn wa* exp:*rtm ntert with on a small scale, with excellent result* Thirty-one acre* produced £ (one of broom '-orn. valued at fi.cwe. A compilation *ai v>mpleted In the Htale font roller'* department to-day which xhows (t* aggregate **e ***•! val* nation of u). taxable property In Florida and amount* of ata'e taxes, Including er ror* ami insolvencies. assesse-’ and col lected for (he year* 1*74 to !*!*!. Inclusive Tin w figures. which are gathered from the annual official report* of the depart ment. furnish a bird's-eye view of the steady rise of property value* in Florida until the frees* of 1*96 caused a check ami decrease. It Is Interesting to note that while prop erty value* have Increased about two hundred per cent eince 1H74, the amount of taxes collected, includtn# Confederate pension* the Htt Board of Health and the common school- te now acarcely any greater than It was In 1174 The tax rate for all etate purpose* ha* been reduced during the same period from 17 mill* to b mill*. Fo’kiwing I* the statement for the vein of 1474 and 14*4 \'*r. Valuation Risfe Taxes. 3*74 511.W1.917 $?7 *W.77 IW# , S3 $27 363 4Q.MS.SI The fnlmsinc ' are the total* for the •date of the children of school (>. from nix to twenty-one year* White m*le 4* *Ct white female* 45. •2*: total white. SB.MI Nexm males. S?.- CW. negro female* .14.3 M total negro. *s.- h 77 Total maP- $1,712. total female*. 7> 71* Orand total. 141.42* The increase* over h# gw bool census taken in 1W& area* follow* White males, 2.742. white females. 4.42* total white in crease, T.lKi Near< males. ncro fe male*. 1.355: total ncffrn Increase, l.gfs. Total Increase in state. $.430 Thirty-two Indian* were reported from I-ee county TMr. I VHNOM V TH: HIHH.HII K. M rrrkrn Have \f I In Charge anal Hope In Float Her Miami. Fla . Dfr JJ.-Thf .learner if riorlfil aahore south of Miami In Hut night's dispatches In the llornerl.-k of Halllnstre. ladin will; coal for Mcxl'o. Tun heavy nra> have prevented the wreck era from approaching her until ihlr aflat noon. They now have her In charge and the entire canto la being -lumped into the sea. They hope to float her to-morrow noon. The wreckera contracted in Ho.n the ves aei for 17.000 She la on Ihe reefa. near tViearn creek, twenty mllaa aouth of Miami. Mil TNUIt PKU a. 4worlall<ta of tnatkfra Elocution lata Iw Session In %tlaata. Atlanla. Dec. 27 The Southern Assocta lion of Elocutionists convened here to day whli persons prominent In the ptofes nh.n from many Southern atatev attend- In*. After a wriceenJn* adilreea by !>r tV. ft. Metllauflin of Atlanta, which wa Depended h> by Miff Elisabeth lirhnbell at South Carolina, the convention went Into executive aenalon. President Krenk lin A. Peake of Tenneaace. made an ad lr<* aun the reason* for opening the Southern AssoctatKm of Elocutionist*. THK MtAll OaH III) The Veasel lla.ll> mined. Hal Hay Be Floated, Miami. Fla , Dee 27.—The wrecking rug Albert K. Dewey has gone with fifty •tevedur a to the etearner Mound Oswald which la ashore aouth of here. The Os wald la badly Mlaed. but It la hoped that after leMsomnn the cargo aha may be flar e A Mt-UOf. WUUOTT'v WILL. *lee II.INW f-lach In Hanyteu aad taikraei ehool*. Boston. Dae 2?.-By 'he will of ex- Oov Wolcott, which was filed to-day. lUmpt'x. Normal and Agricultural In atstute will receive tl; Tuekeaee Nor *•• "and lnduitrtal lustHute fl.Oge RUN ON BALTIMORE’S BANKS. ll* elx Depositors, scored by Hereof Failures. %\ 11 lidrit o Their 4uf > Proto Savinas Hank*. HaKinvue. l>e< 27—A scute tniotif timid depositor* ot tlie several saving* larki of the city reaulted to-da> from the failure on Wtdtuals) of the old Town Bank Bun* o'cotnd un pearly all the saving* institutions, but the most notice able were iifiott the Savtfiff* Hank of Baltimore, the <*lt> Hnvlng Hank and the llopkln* I'iace lug Hank Crow* of peo|le w< r* assembled upon five rlk walk* in ibe vicinity of iftcgt hanks long tadore luink hour? this morning, and In • <’(• ca* the door* were ufH-n.d before ih? usue 1 hour, in order to accotnmodaie those who wished f. withdraw theii depoeit* In everv case the rlairr.* w**r** promptly Mt* iafled. Conkting of th Having* Bank or Haiilmor* that HI7 payments ha been made durlnv th Ihx account** •*so*e! and the ink paid out sl4! 521. Cie |a>sll* amounted to about sfft,fti. One hundre.i and thirtj account* ammmiing to S44XVS wen* c|oss| at the H > Hex mgs At th* llopkln*. wbbh remained ien for business until i mrl> t igtitf ill. $50.- •W in round numlets am to de poaltoi* 0 In no caae were the door* closed until all had been accommodated It I* pos sible Unit the excitement atnoi.g the smaller defxnrttor will h* continued to morrow. hut bank official* a*>ert that thc> are prepared for a continued draft upon their treasuries Judge tttockbridge to-day appointed J H Hani**> ovreceiver, to r#*fre*enT the court, of the Old Town Bank. A third receiver will Ik- tiMtnul on Monday Neither the Amcrb'an nor Old Town Hank receivers have completed a statement of the condition of th* property the> repre sent. TAXATION OF~CORPORATIONS. thirteenth tnniial Meiiiin of tnisrl ran Fconnniie Issoelntlon He nan. Detroit. Mich l" 21.—“ The TaxsUhi of vjiMnn-public Curfionitions wa the subject di*cu. *d at the initial Kuloe of th* thirteenth annual meeting of the Amera-an Kcunonlc %aociation in tlte • -onvention hall of the Motel t'ndillac he? to-da> Th-re were no preliminaries hut a* soor a* the hour arrived for the session to begin. Hlchani T Kly, U. D . president of the nassociation announced Mr Frederick t*. flow*- of t’lcveiaiMj. 0., a* the first esaavlst l’re*|r|ck N Jiklsoii of Ht |gn|s. Mo . read th* *eond paper on the subfect. TMftC 111 HI llllOlU.III’/ n iON. Hull Ha* No l>r f Hill Not i.oittu llirouuli. W.i4iinito(i. Det n.-RtprHNiintivt Hull. I'hairmau of the Houae Committee | on XlllltMry Affair*. .ypparamlv ifcw* iim • hara the fear e*pr#*!HKl in onv* quar ter* that lhr army reorganisation hill will fail ti thl- aeaalon of F’ongr*** an*l > that a mu Upshift temporarily rout inning l •ho profit provlalnnai army will have to In* reportel to. ‘*l have cnvii4 the nil nation In the Hrnaif." Haiti h and I believe that the j difference* be w*en the two hoUte upon j the measure will be a<lJu*te<i within a week after the bill goe* to conference.” | ihic nti mow nmt k. >rw aw pert a leaden t of *ernnfn Hmllvbna Mur %aaoltel. Arranton I*a . le< 27 —The rtrt blow •truck In the Mree*. car menu lnlce K recetvetl tonight by William Put ter - aon. the new !*iipnrlnten<lcnt of the Horafi toti Hallway ‘(mtnuiy Bomeme pulled Hu|ailnten*ler Pwtieraon from the car he wa* running irxl he wa* ilrak a blow on j the heii with • fl*t or club. Two "trllier* him Into a *aloon. protecting him fr./m the crowd The other nrlker* helped thrc iiollce oft er> dlsper* the crowd .%tnl al*o he*nd the < mpany official* to take the car o the ham. W 11.1, 4TTKNO < KATIRY HUX. (Sen. lee %reept Imitation Prow liankHi €’!!>• Kan*a flty, Dec. ff.-Oeii Fitshuftli I,*#. .commander of the department of the Mipoourt. to-day accepted an Invitation of the Commercial Club to attend the cen tury hall to l*c given In Convention ll.ill on the lat night of the year Oen la*e will be acvom|*ide*l by hi* *tff a it* I poe albly by Mr*, I*ec and her daughter. lan. 1. G#n l*ee will leave foi Leavenworth awl Kart Itlley. Kan., to ln|af t the army poet* at ihoM |olnt* TO tMKMI HKVKNI K MH. OrONtr U 111 lake I p Ilnue Villi at V7arl> Date. Waontnutoo Doc 27 —Henaior AI boon, who lo the oeiyrnd member on the Hrn.ite Committee on Finance in iolnt of •enlot ity. rakl to-la> tha* the Mono. bill amending th var revenue l* wonkt be taken up by that committee immediately after the recon venaig of Oonftrew*. He 1 il#o *tated that no hearing* would bo ( granted by the committee. I’MIiHIIRtT \TTtHm:\ OBAD. M O. Rr(ou of Nnrfh I Hmlti.n l)lr From i ..DiirMlt. ( hill. Haleigh. N. C., Dec. 77—R O. Rmton on. of lh moot prominent ailomryi In i this Hair, died this morning nrly In Rex Hospital Hl* death wa* caused by a sc - vere conge*tve chill Hr aa one of the leader* In hi* profession being connected with many Importunt suit*, notably the action brought h> the alatr which result ed In placing thr W llmlnglon ami Weldon Railroad on the list* for taxation. v: n.tHtutt ruHPOR tnok | W 111 Hull.! lilrrlrlr l.lar From |. IVirralmrg to Taaipai. T.imii J lunation arm tiled here to-dny for the Florida peninsular Transportation Com j l-any. with ll.aoo.MA capital. The rontiany ; will build and opr rale an electric railroad I I roan Hi IVtetshurg oat the west < oust to Ithta city and maintain several w it el lines of transportation a ttichlgan National Hank I loaeti. Washington. I ho- 77.—The Firs* National Bank of While Pigeon Mich was closed benight by onler of the craitroiler of the currency. ui>oti receipt of a telegram trom 1 National Bank Rsamlner, J W Bc|d->n. j that the bottvl of director* of the hank ‘ had a resoiutlnn requesting the ouattroiler to take charge. | Examiner Seldeii has been appointed re ! oalver The l>ank has a eaptlal of Kn.itw. EAT-WELL GELATINE, MADE IN K SECOND#. IS THE BEST. BmfV. liii'.'jLainrjj.T . . ~ THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1000. riRUNA has become A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. lhr i. no ot.vr thing *hi fh hou**hui>l nor— fhn ■ gooO family m-U'-ln* Th-r • ihourtu.l an-l on- Unit '■> •'* ,ur * lo ,prlu up whlrh .an Im pronapilv rrM-vwl by u< h a m-ltrln A lamlly may haf a \ gsMMkswa / JDI.IA C. BROWN. thoroughly .onvlnrad that It I* a r.llahlr family rnJ>. If any mrmbrr of th family frA|. 1.a.11y, ogteh rohl or .uffr-r any |>hy*lcl allm-nl. fvrur.a twliß. u. l-a k lo health In b f.w .lay. I fin.! II aplrndki In raara of Indlgwtlon. or any Irr-gularltl-* of Ihc alumarh " Very truly. MR* Jt'LlA C BROWN. AJilra*. Thr Prruna M-Ilrln- Company Columbus. Ohio, for a |r* catarrh book. AGAINST THE CLAIMANTS. secretary of Wnr •walaiM* Mllitnry % uthorllies In Cmlta In ( ele* brafed *'*lau*hter llonse i ase.** W ashington I>oc J#.—-The Seeratary of \V.r la* sustained tle action of the mili tary authorities in t üba in what Is famll iii l> known as th*- * slaughter house <a*c.” without prejudice, however, to th* full legal right* of the claimants which are left to the future determination of tlir court* of 4’iilm. This case involve* many important le gal question* and bids fair to be a sub Jeci of litigation for year* to come. This < lain* had It* Im option in a gran4 by the Spanish crown early In tin last century to Don Castro Puern of the privilege of holding hi his famllv In perpetuity of the ofh- e of sher iff of Havana. The male line of the fam ily having >ecome extinct, the office na* ed by permission of ftpantsh crown to Count <l* Reilly, the husband of the kiughter of the recently deceased hlgn sheriff The last Incumbent I* the pres ent Countess O'Reilly and Bueim Vista, who I* Joined in the Issue *y Dr. Don Gustav* (Jallet Dupleses of Havana. wi*o purchased an Interest in ••* emoluments of the office at a publl • auction in tlaxana In Mb. The principal emolument was * right to receive about $1 In gold for each head of large cattle killed In Havana slaughter houses. Th** mllitarx governor of Havana vacated this order on May J' lIW and this wa* affirm ed. on appeal, by Gan. Brooke In August The case came up on appeal to th** Sec retary of War* an*l has Just now been decides! after several month* considera tion again*! the claimants, so far a* the United States |s concerned PANAMA CANAL COMPANY. • ■resilient Hepurta That Negotiations %re \ost In Progress With the I nilrd States. Parts Dec. 77.— The new Panama Penal Company at It* annual meeting to-day adopted the report, during the course of which the director*, referring to tha Pnlted States Commission"* report, says: "We think that a reasonable agreement wh.reln the t'nited H ate* and Colombian government* and our company should unite I* realisable and might Anally de termine the preferences of the Vnlted Htate* In favor of Panama Tha president of the com pant I* now puiaulng negotia tions at Washington to that end Should It he found Impossible fo arrive within a reasonable period, ai an equiiahle urnler siandtnc with tha CnMed Stale* we slatll have to seek and submit lo you the means to actively carry on our work It la neither |toalUe nor perml*able to *ay any more on the subject to-day." MEXICAN bTnKERS - FAIL. Fallarr ttlrtl.nte.l to Ptnnnelal Bfelageaey—MahlHltea gg.-UHt.iNhi. City of Mexico. Dec. 27 —The failure of the well known hanking Arm of Francisco Murttnea Negrete and Hon* of Guadala jara has created a sensation In thla e|ty. The liabilities are t2.3W.aW and It Is be lieved that Its asset*. If properly handled will excaed all claims The failure U due to Ananctal atrlngrncy. hCIB.VriST* IN BALTIMONK. Welcomed to City by Prealileat (ill man of Johns Hopkins. Baltimore. Dec 27 —President Daniel C Gilman' of Johns Hopkins Cnlverslty to night welcomed to the city and to the building- of the l'nlverstty. member* of the American S x-iety of Naturalists and kindred societies ami section* There v a* large attendance of scientist* who have assembled from all quarters to discus* the tendencies and 'levelopment* of I science. Although the nAteia! welcome wa* rot extended until to-night, the various o -j Civile* held urn *eaaion*. to-day In the several halls and labor itorlee connected with the university, at which paper, treating unon all the van." topic* were reud an.! dlcu*ed by recognised author- I llle*. ••THE IMirAT MNOMtHKt." William J. Hr aii Wrlare. al title tear, Han. Abilene. Kan.. Dec. 27 —William J. Bryan lectured here to-night for the ben efit of the city library fund, having un audience of xboul t>. Ilia topic waa "The Ancient Landmarks." ai*l he dir cussed taxation, truatv. the money que- Hon sod Impertailam from a Democratic Slandpolnf. He left 'origin for Oalvet ton. I olored Master Me.oni Meet. Jacksonville. Fla.. Dec. 27.-Tle flrt In ternational council of master Mason*. . 01-1 1 met here to-il.ry with colored Ma sonic dlgnllarte* present from all parts of the world. The session will continue until next Monday gooi plivsi tan near at band. In whom i they hav* great conflden* •. yet a houe -i not*l remedy cannot be spared i A slight hoarseness, hacking cough. > art in the head, or catarrhal it digestion. for which no one would think of calling , a family gdiysicUn. may be promptly *n*i | and mttgga'ed by a family medicine Peruna has found Its wa> Into thous -1 ind* of bojsrholds IVe ore receiving • letter* from a multitude of intelligent i woman North. Mouth. Ear* and Wat. i who feel *h.ti they court not keep bouse , without Following is a sample , of this kir.rl of letters: Mr* Julia Julia C\ Brown. BegTetar> rjenera llenry W Lawton circle. No 27. Ladies of the O A. H of Pe aionica IH., write* The Peruna Medicine Company, Coluro- I bus. Ohio: 1 (U uitlemen— ‘*l tiave used Peruna In mx I home for the pael four years and am FORTY-NINE DROWNED. • lllr-MB hlldrrn Ukafl.x an Arar Foatar. la.. Uk„ (hr Ira *<ar Wag. Ir Molnra. 1,.. I>r.- 27—A inrphon, nir**a*r from Wathlni'on. la aay, that llfly-on- - bool rKlMrrn w.r, aknllnc on ihr rlv.r nrar FoMrr. la., ahrn ,hr Irr W'- —ay fwl forty-nt,*r w,r, dromia! No ronflminilon of thr story or drtalln • n l*r from any avallaljlr point 10-nlht. *D ARM a CUAFIHRRU. Trlrphonr Mr...,. Krona Mh.l hrrr Aa,. 41, W-rr nroward. !•, Molnra, la . Drc. 17-At mhlnlihl a trlrphonr mr,.a(r from Ihr t.lnphon. oprratur 5( Whjt f*hrrr lo thr t,l,t>hon. oprrator Iwrr .ay. that forty mhool ohll lr.-ii ha,t I drewnrd Immrllatrly thrrraflrr It In .nir .rni>,ii.|. t 0 t.ach TA'lwit Chrr, !>■ trlrpitonr. Ilurllnaloa Rrrrlrr. ihr A,n>. Hnrllndton la Dr>- 27 -A trlrphonr m.a. to Ihr Haakrvr from Waxhltut ton. la ray, forty-nlrr arhool rhlldrrn. ivhl.r ukattna on thr rlvrr at FnMrr, la., nrnr What Chrrr. on thr <'hirao Mil ‘"“hr. ,K Bt Paul Railway, wrrr drownrd Trlrphonr and trlrgraph m— *r. to all a valla h| point, fail to con firm thr atory Report la I nfortnnately True. De* Mntties. Dec 77 -Telephone mess age* by way of tMtomwa ami Oskaloosi a> the n port of the dprwnlttg of 1* school children at What Cheer :* true The children were skating on a point near the fair ground*, and the accident occur red about 9 o'clock m the evening TO MAKE A CAPTrAITcRIME. Heanlatlow Relating to Kidaiplgg Inlrodneetl la Mlaaonrt l.egia lature. Bt 1/vil* Do- 77—At a meeting of the prosecuting attorney* of the state of Mtesour! her* to-day, „ rM . oliition was a.lopted to recom mend to the lyeatsUture the passage of e la* making kidnaping * capital erlme. It Is Mbs. recommended tha. the eteWleo ot a woman on the street*,* ihl stamm of which occurred during the re. cent street car atrtke. be made a felony. THK N4l Kg IT Nnw OHI.rtW Nlr Flortnn the Oal, WlaMlg Fg*. orlfr New Orleans, Dec, 77 -(Mr Florlan was the only winning i'avotite Race— Helling, one mile. Blocker II to won. with Huniork*. Sto 2. second and Petit Maltre. 9to b, third Time lil Second Rai'e—Ssllmg, furlong. Syncopated Sandy, t to |. won. with Nattn Tl'tS* 1 * n<, C * lU "' *° *• ,hlr< *’ ThIM Race-Belling, alx furlong* Cog*, well. 10 to 1 won with Shut I’p, 8 to * second, and Boomerack even, thlr.l. Time Fourth Race—Handicap. *|x amt a half furlong* Sir Florlan t to i, won with Annoy, 4 to 1, second, and Moroni. 7 to * third. Time l:a Fifth Ra e—Selling, sljf furlong* Pom maud. U*- to 1. won. with Junartt* 25 to 1. second and Horseshoe Tobacco 13 to 8 third. Time t :!&■*. Sixth Race—tine mile ami a sixteenth. -e|liug Dick Furber. t to I, won with Spur*. 3 to 1. second, and t’hldla* 8 to 6 third. Time 1:|F ( 9IISKRS UN A NTH IKK. The* Object to Introduction of Min ing Machine*. Pitta burg. Deo. 27-Blx hundred miner* of the Bakerton t'oal t'ompany at Sl*rllng No 12. near Tiarneaboro on the Pennsyl vania railroad, ware to-day reported a* on strike by National Organiser Edward McKay, who visited the miners head quarter* bare Th. strike *arl*e* trom the recent Introduction of mining trut chines, and Ave mines of the company have been forced to suspend operation* THE tEM IHKRlt’tt I.EMIIF. viaualna f Kansas City tt Ires That He Will He on Hand. Chicago, Dec. 27.—N0 dellnl*e organlxa i lor rear accomplished ly the baseball men who came to promote the American League No. 2. The standard of salaries by-laws and the general final organisation were dlaeusacd. but a telegram from Man ning of Kansas City saying he would Ire here with his represenialves early to morrow caused the magnates to pompon* final action until hla arrival % t nraer In Beans. Chicago. Dec. 27.—A corner Hi be ins i* the latest novelty In the Chicago market It I* he|n engineered by the Albert Dicktniuhi Company Within two weeks the pri-e hae risen from II M per bushel to M in. and ilealcta predict i further advnnce to 12.10 within a fortnight. Heavy purchases by the government ar* said lo lie at the bottom of th* boom In guts** A BIG COAL COMBINE. •I. •‘lerpont Morsas Mt the Mend uf Another Trust t 4 wt Oul the V|tdlle 'lrs. New York De 27.—The Tim**- to-mor row will say The North American Company, which has been oor of the conspicuous financier mg t ompsiHeft of Wall street, has passed in,o the coniro! of J Pierpon* Mottgan and I* to he used by him to further the coal deal known to the street is "Tb* Coal Trust.” George it fftieldon. a director In the company, stated that a mem*er of thr* Arm of J I*. Morgui A t‘o.—Robert 1• coo—would be elected to the board ai the Jsnuarx meeting iiwl the other two dire* • tors i.ot yet agreed ufton. but who are •up|owed to be reptevents*lxes of Mr Morgan’s Intere- . wou'.d le ejeete*! The plan i* to mske th*- North Ameri can Company the Joint selling agent, which will take over, and to which will l*e consign'd 4b** entire output of all the coal pro|*ertle* controlled by the trust The great rti.wl*u<k in the past to the success of making profits out of th** cost business has been the almost impossible task of tniik'ng the produeer* st *i*l to any agreement that they bad previously entered Into In eetaMishbig the North American rompin' a* the Joint selling agency of the com bined Interests, a uniform rate must of necessity be maintained, and the rail ways < arrymg the anthracite output will he relieved of many burdens, the prtn< - p.*l among which is th** large .•mounts which they hove been forced to pay the middlemen. It 1* said :4b! this item aion** will result in economies running up Into the million* every year. 4 M 41114 H %KI/9 ATIHVfK F%iTl. Thrnsn Into a Well. Mis Moase Fall ing iu >• Top of Him. Waycross, Ga., Dec. 27 -When informa tion reached here of the tragi death of young Carmichael near Manor, it carried consternation to many in this city who were acquainted wl h hi* fa'her. Mi D C. Carml**ha*l It seems that tne xoung man left Ills father's house late In the evening riding rather tepidly, and It Is reported here that he was under the Influence of whls ky. H** expected to return early In the night. Wh#n the night wore awax and be dal not put Iri an appearance at home the family, booming greatl> alarm* I. l*e •tan an ln\estlgatlon. They were no l<ng In discovering the unfortunate young nun and his horse both *l**.rt In an old still well It appears that the young rider was thrown headlong fr*m his horse |n*o the well, and that the .animal followed cloeely after, breaking hi* own neck and complet ing the work of death for the ; c*ung man. If indeed he was not killed a th** fltst lick. The bod) of young Oarmt ha**l was crushed almost lievmd r**oognltion, an*l the horses neck was broken The young man’s father Is one of th best farmers In Ware county. Jfe op posed Hon. W M Toomer in the legis lative race, and received a highly com plimentary vote He has raised a l.irg family on his plantation Manor, ind has gained a good <-ompetenc> by his Industry and energy on the* farm. Mrs. fa* mu el K. Milb-n. wife of farmer Mlllen. living six miles north of th** city, was reported In a dying condition, this morning Two large turpentine Mills, opetah l under one shed. owne| by Tanner and Sweat, at Hudson. Fla was destroyed by fire not long ago The stills caught Are at nigh! presumably from the chips skimmed from a *hht** of scrap** and left too near the atlll They lost :4 casks of spirits, and I.m Itarrels of rosin, valued •bout $5.5n0. with no Insurance. These gentlemen are both well known here, .uvd their many friends are sorry to hear of their loss. PtIGR Hit PAID III* DKRT. Will Talrr a Rest After Clearing I p Indebtedness of gTkO.IHMi. Akron. 0.. Dec *7.—Word has reacherl here that Hon David R. Paige of New York has paid the last dollar of his In debtednes*. The report t* vertAeil by City <'omnnastoner A. T I*alge, of thl* city, a brother of David R Paige, who said: i- tr ■ c . I 1 111 freeing himself from debt. The re maining four nobs of I’glge, Carey A Cos . were lifted M n.lay All excep. Ave of the notes were lifted a year ago. but the entire task was cutnideted Minp.ltj . ir —si a si-ittil.r Ur. l.'Ttuk.Sie to wipe out a debt of 172 b mu. but Mr - accomidlsheil It. ami now he pro. I loses to take a short rest. "I received a letter from him the other •lar and he expressed much Joy In ac complishing what ha has He In not In the best health, and will spend three or four month* in the (tooth before he re am* to New York. Where he again in tend* to enter business." Hon. David R PUge, after meeting all of his obitga'.'ons I* w*l| ofT After re turning from Mouth America where he wa* practically an exile fer h n * time, ha pressesi hi* cuttr-s ..gain*, New York city for work on tlw crotvn gqueduc: and he ha* been *ucoh*lul in eecurltig a very large part of thr monry due liltn. THE rOMMKHI'I Nl, TBACHBRS. at. I.oula t hoarn a* the Next Meeting Place. Detroit. Mich., Dee 77—The National Commercial Teachers' Federation to-night chose 8! Loul* as the next plaee of meet ing and elected the following officers: Pi evident. G I’. Lord of Salem. Mas*.; vlo# president. D W. Springer of Ann Arbor, Mich.; treasurer. J VI Lyons. Chi cago officer* of the federated nssocia * lon. comptielng the national association were also elected The following firenl •lent* were chosen Buslnes* College Managers’ A sane la i lon. L. L. Wiliam* Rocheater. N Y.; Rulsnes* Teachers' As sociation. J. A. Miner. laoulevllle; Short hand Teachers' Asaoeiatlon, J. Clifford Kennedy. De* Moines; Penmanship Teach er*' Association. C. P. Zairer. Colum bus. O. HE NOLO THK HOttNK. 1 hi* Man Has Not Neva Pat t rotve Nlaee, However. Omaha. Neb., Dec. 27.—Daniel Burris, living northwest of the city Itmit*. Is sntlsAed he sold (lie bay pony now at Pacldc Junction, to the kidnaper*, tits description of one of the men to whom he sold Ihr horse on Dec. 13 for a jt h and 118 tollies with that of I'ai Crowe Burris will be taken to PaelAe Junction 10-mormw to Identify the horse. t viit>aaaiiiiiixii||ii|||||||(| ! The Ordeal Is Trying < | Childbearing is a perfectly natural funr- I | tion. but it is robbed of its terrors where ] i the virtue of • • Mothor '• Frlnnd” [ fs known. This unioue liniment, applied , externally, relaxes all the muscles, so that I The ordeal Is Easy ! J-’?"’ 11 '*- -M*MW" DWd ; m *m nup artd Lxrag ro.. itiaata. *. RESCUED THIRTEEN MEN. I nitril Amir. Trmlr, •(■rcimr 111 Ihlrlrrn Ablu* rrrkrd Krmnrn Fro* Arhuuorr I r ress. flea tile. Wash.. Dec 27 -I*ai tlcuiars ol the rescu* by the United States trans r,ort Garonne of thiiLen shipwrecked m*n of the 111-fai**l schooner Theresa Marla In Philippine waters ebout the mid dle of November were reeelxed In tl4 , ity to-dsy. Whd* eii route from \ tgau. with twelve s:ck men fiotn the Thlr*l • -xalry and Thirty-third Infantry inQ fifty-six Insurgent prisoner**, the Garonne sighted wreckage with men cling ing on her si irhojid bow . * t!t Conrad brought hi *Mn .irouml an I dispatched lifeboat- to those cling ing lo the wreckage and all wrere rase tie* I and taken aboard. Th* Theresa Maria w’us bound from Har.ta t’ru* to M mil Nov. f she encountered * squall which -w im|>e<l her. Tin- meinberr of t.u ci. xx were th re* days and nights in the water without food or anything to drink Mean while several \easels pasted them, all falling to observe th* Marla's distress. TMHFt: 111 llll'll UIVB. Mother Dies While Trying l Mre Her la uit biers. Dubois. I*a.. Dec. 27.-ln the village of Higel the house of John Harrigcr burned to-day an<l Mrs Harrlger and her two i little daughters, aged fixe and seven xeurs |erlsheil. When Mrs. Harrlger ardse this morning she dls.o\*T*d :h** house to Im‘ on At - ** and called her two son**, who escaped. Mrs. ll.trrtger ran up stairs *o wher* her chlblren were sleeping ami catcbing her ihr*** -months old baby In her arms thr* w It from th window It sustained no Injury. She di rected ner attention to th** two little daughters, who wer* overcome by th* 1 hr** and 'moke and she |*erished with t them Mr Irvin B Tl*slman of New York, formerly of this * Ity. k- spending a few days with his brother, Mr. George W. Tledeman. GOOD M t l\ IOH % roll . I.axcd hy m t*rett> ttlrl and Rescued by an l.mperor. From our Dumb Animal* During the war of 1170. when the Ger man 11oop* were marching on Paris, Filippe Lerouge. a young French girl, had a pet row. Panchetir. which vras almnst the only support of iier family. To save the animril from the Germans she was. under the rare of Filippe. allowed to graio only nt night an*l kept hidden In the day time. ind her** commences the story. It wa* Filippe’ task every night, a* soon a- *,he had lea red away the supper things, to come with Fanchette to the me.uiow where -he grnxed, ami stain! guard over her for the hours necessary to give her sufficient time for her meal. It was a lonely and dreary vigil, and many time*. Filipp, fell tier heart sink while undergoing It. One night, when the new moon gave Ju*t enough light to make out objects idearly. Filippe was suddenly startled by the sound of many horses feet coming • long the road It needed no glance in that direction to know tlta; a body of hor>*emeii were approaching at a slow gaffop With the swiftness of She wind she fl**w to Fane hot teV side. and. with her han. on the gentle creature’s should er. was akiou- to push her away lowurd a clump of tall bushes But alas* through some ear*leasue*w *he lrl! ha*ft not l*eti removed, and either gave out tin kling sound at this moment or Filippe** swift running had drawn attention to her self. At any rate, before she could move the cow. a gruff voire called t* her In her own tongue. "Hold on there! We see you! l>on't b*- trying to get that cow away!" Overcome with terror Filippe could only stand with her hard against th** row’s shoulder, looking in ihe direction whence the gruff voice had omc. The soldiers hart now halted. Some hart already dismounted, and were climbing the fence. Others tore a wide gap and entered through it on their horses, flow their guns and sabres glittered In the moonlight* "Oh. Panehette!" exclaimed Filippe with a hurst of tears, as she threw her I arms around her ilear cow’s ne< k ”1 am afraid they are going to kill you!" Then, with a sudden determination, ‘she cried "But If they do. they’ll have to kill me first!" •*l>*t go that cow girl!’ s. id the -ante hf.rrh voice. o#,m unp.eaa*ntl\ near to her. "We must have her." "What do you want of her?" asked Fdippe. raising her head at this point and wondering at her own bravery. "To cal!" was the gruff response At these words Filippe burst Into tears To eat! Her beautiful Fanchette? No. no. no! "Are you gong to get away or not?" the man questioned again "If you do not. I'll have you taken away by force Com*!” She dtd no! move, but stood with her arms tlrmlx > la sped about the neck of Fanchette. The officer lurnetl lo two of the men who had dismounted ami were standing newr "Beige her!" he said They started to obey orders Flllnpe saw them coming, and her screams rang far and near They were echoed by ..n angry exclamation from the direction of the road, end the next moment a horse man on a prwerful horse came galloping through the gap Into th Held H<- was a man in the prime of life, with an air that bespoke th commander. I'nder hi* glance the men who had been about to setae Fllippe dunk away. Only the officer held his ground, ami he droned hi* head, l-.oklng confused. 1 "What doe* thl mean?" sternly de mandrel the newcaner. Hut he didn't wait for an answer; he seemed to comprehend the situation at a glance "There. ||(||e fflri! dO not - > ' he lid In the klmle-l tone. "They shall not take your cow. Return home with her. It Is la:e for a little girl like you to be out." Then while Fllippe. smiling through her tears and couriesylng. drew Fanchette away, the commander turned to the men. end she could hear him. after she had gone some distance, angrily ic|>rlmtid!ng the soldiers. Fllippe did not know until long after ward that the nolde-looklng horsemon who had come Just In time lo save he* dear Fanchette w-as no less a personage than Frederick William, crown Prince of Germany—the good "t'nser Frit*,'' who died so universally loved end regretted. —J. Liberty Tadd. prlnelpal of the pule lie Industrial Art Hchool In Philadelphia, ha* beep Invited to deliver four lecture* on "Elementary Art Education," before the Boolety for the E-niburagemeht of Arts, Manufacture* and Commerce of Lon Jon. nnHHMiuunf^ i J s : -it tMI fsSfH/dM." g ViMhvgllUt Pitfiili. Stbi ■ srssyUiT-- ; •* MMhgfhtyaa. h*ofe fog wr . •04 flfU. MtiMd frw. “ LEGAL ROTICTCa. noticeT " GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY . All persons re hereby forbidden lo hum flsh or otherwise tre spot* on tho-, j Hons of Ossabaw Island. In saM court\ and state, known aa the North and B.,mn ends, being the lands new owned t.\ ( , under - !gf’ and ib- N*> Ft End. k* the Waterbury Plsce, and containing twenty-one hundred and flfiy-flve n of highland and twenty-four hundred ,• forty-fiv* acres of marsh land, the s , ??*, End. known as the Rogers Plac* n<l coninlninx twenty-five hundred acre*. Any person hunting or otherwise i r ,.. passing on any of the lunds above m*rf. tkne*l will >e pro.<*cut-d. W. L NEYIN Dec. 4 NOTH*E T4> l •!H’T IRA AND CRI ORB. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Notice Is hereby given to all per*,.it~ hav. ing demands against I’aullne late of said count), dcceas#J, to present t , to tts. properly made out. within th time prescribed by law. *6 as to ho* their charocter and amount, and all p r sons Indebted to said deceased are r. qulresl to make immediate payment to u Saxatinah. Oct. 29. 19 V. LEWIS LEYKnv DAVID LtEVKoY Execute GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNT! Noll'** is h**reti\ given that 1 have mu application to Court of Ordinary for bam county for leave to sell two-sevent * undivld,*! interest in the southern ot* half part of .ot Number •wentx-elgh O'Neill ward. In the city of itavanrsr with ImiHTOvements thereon, belonging p, estate of Annie and Julia Collins, m:is- r for the purpose of provbling sup|*ort anl maintenance for sabl minors, ami thn sal*l orler will !*■ granted at th** January term. 19"! of mid court, unless objei tDi are filed thereto JOHN T COLLINS Guardian of Annie and Julia Collin*, minors. Sunset Route,/^ grSUH!itTp SOITHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. - The H.vorll, and licit Route Mac To LOUSIANA, TEXAS. MEXICO. CALIFORNIA. and all Points West. STANDARD PULLMANS on alt Irani daily. KXUt’nSION PALACE PULIjMANS dally, except Monday. Iron, New Orlaan to California and Orror points, at |s.i per Perth. KKKK CHAIR CARR dally, N>w f>r |an* lo Hullaa. and ail Middla and Northern T* * [x'iiU-. li.MLY THItOrOH PULLMANS to Mi xlco Cttjr an.l Sin Pranclaro. 17,.. l am us SUNSET LIMITED. Monday. Thursday Bint Snimd.iy. Nrw OrlaMha to Snn Franclaco. For all Information, addrraa CLARENCE W. NIURPHIY, T. P. A . 19 KaH Brvan Bi , Savannah, Ga. B R Nrar. F.P MIUtXB Fraaldaal Vloa PraaldaaV ILnkt Bi.o. Jr Sec y and Treaa NEAL-lIILLARD CO, Builders’ Material, Sasb, Doors and Blinds, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Brushes, WILDERS’ HARDWARE, Lime, Cement and Piaster, •F * WBIMBw atreala. UtUUS, BA TURPENTINE FARM FOR SALE. Finr Mrell e|Ui||M*l Tnr|M*it(lne I mm Ml prl %•••• mlp, on acroiinl of ll••n•ll of pnrluera. Thirty <*rnp. labor mill rMinl limiter plenty. •no hr iMMiiiltf nt n term I tin run in. liMrt' r vllt MAIMSHIP CO., Ntehola.vlile, Miller County. Se BRF;NNAN BROS. WhOLENALB Fruit, Produce, Qrain, Etc. AaJBAY STKCBT. waeu delap beta IM, ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA OR AMIES. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES o. all kinds. BEED RTE. SEED OATS. HAT, GRAIN. FEED. FLOUP.. CHEESE, BEANS. Pea,, Rice Straw, ere W. D. Simkins & Cos. MIXGLEDORPF & CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOILERMAKERS Telephone &31. SlO Indian alreet. Savannah. Ox. JOHN <;. BUTLER, -DEALERSIN- Polnl*. Oil* and Ulara. Saak. Doom Dllnds and Builders' Hupplleg. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper. Kurd*" * ; d Do mestic Cements. Lime. Plaster and Hair Bole Agent for Abeatlne Cold W ater P*m<- ju Congress alreet weal, end 1* St. Julian elreel. we*L cure rouMiiri f XWIEO\ I ( M f!i* for HIIMI rl f fim i uMihA I4i har*rp. Inflow ui:i t*. L awf *ii*fMßf4 VJ irftuuoo* or fU/• o urtioo. *ofn ti coo* FotoloM. *od not Mina* e*ni*t r**ooMU# PAc?WTi o.rn Mi by Droffilit*. V V V ror •fo* In plain wrapper, X I •tprcca. pr*pai-1 nf 1 fi on, or 3 Knfflss, $. o Circular o-nt on waCJlh OLD NEW SPADERS. 300 for ti cent*. • Ruairas* Office Morultig Newt.