The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 29, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED. will Ei tx T tub cmnn cm ii CASDIDATK* FOR AIA)ERMF.W. Ala^or torera and Mia Admlnlalra tlon lodoravd hr largr MrHlna of Ihr (lllira* Club at hatunlr Trm plo lark of onpoalflan neemcd to Harr Hlllril Hatbaalaam and Ihr MrrlLaK Wes a Ifalri liar. Iltretdir* hi F. M. Oliver. J. F. lain, John E. hchesars and . . Oaborae—•*lanunlitrr of One Itnn* drnl Will Rrpurl Ita Aiiailnalliina to Mui Meetlmt Wrdnralir Mglil. A mnttnK of aix hundred or more voi<-r of Savannah fihirml at Masonic Tempi# luat nIgM, iml or aril tha candidacy of Hon. Herman Him for the mayoralty, and authorised the appointment of a commit fee of one Itundrad. hr tha chairman ot the merOng. to mak* nomltiatlona for al derman. The fat berth* a hirae one. for be •ldea thoae who were In the hull- ther. v rrc a hundred or more whom the I will moaid not lut'd. who held little overflow taretlng* on the atreeta. The lack of oie jioaftloßk however, eaat a damper up-m the en{huisam and the fneetln* was one o* tha qid at eat political meettnaa that Ite vannah haa known for a lonic time. Thera were about four hundred pernor.* already In the hall, when the willed ad ministration cluh* of the southern section of the city marched In. Tha club* were headed by a braae band and a carriage, containing Praatdent Wdixm T. Hussey, of tha Hoirthstd* Admmlatratlon nub, B’reatdcnt It. H. Clemente, of the South jtnd Club, and I’reatdent K. M Cornwell of tha W. W. Oeborne Club. Measr*. . H. Holland and B. O. Itoffera acted aa anarahala of fhe | raili There were about 350 men in line. The Houthildem and the band marched Into the hall, and the tetter took up an advantageous por tion in the gallery. On the etaite were Messrs. II W. Dlx on. W. IV. Oaoorne, W. H. Wade, Charles Slppie. Jam** M Dixon. J, F. Cano, M J. Boyle. F. M. Oliver. John f4 bwarx. 8 L. luixaroo, L. A PalUg-int, At X. Corbin. John J. Keller. W T. Hua oey. F. M. Cornwaß, H. H. Clement*. "VV. I*. Bailey. A J. Garfunkel, Chart.a flarfunkel. M Naufhtln. Samuel Ke>- tKiliki. John E Schwarz, William Harden, C |P. Kell bach, Jonn* Mendel. Sell* Men del. anal other* Col. M VV Blxon called the meeting to order and stated that Ita purpnae wax to Indorse the randhtecy of Hun. Herman Myera for re-eleotlon to fhe oftlce of May or of Savannah and the appointment of a committee to nominate a Board of Al dermen "It doesn’t look now aa If there would I* any opposition lo the election of Mr Myers, and 1 don’t believe there will be ’’ sand Col. Dixon. "I believe that there la hut one party In this municipal oamiwign. and that 1* made up of oupportera of the jprenetM administration and thoae who favor Its Indorsement at the polls on tha kth of next January.” The ohatrman intiodured aa the first speaker Mr F. M Oliver, who ho* become a fast fanorlto with the attendant* upon political meetings since, he won his polit ical spur* In the healed campaign of last May. He was greeted with applause, that became even more hearty and con- tlnued when he mentioned the name* of !Mi)or litem and Hotlcltor General o born, as mni equally entitled to the can ■l delation and tbe suffrage of the peopiu of Savannah. "The Ctttsens' Club." Mild Mr. Oliver, “haa stood In the paat for u gov. rnmrnl of the people of Havannah, for Uie peo pie of Havannan, by the people of Si varnish, and aa King a* It rontlnuea to atand for Ihla principle. I ahall continue to be one of Ita inerolx-r*." Mr. Oliver aaid that ao well tiad tlte jtrearnt udmtidsi ration governed the city that there had not been a criticism. There If no room for criticism, he aald. ami Mayor Myers and hta administration de aterves to receive the tndoraement of the prop!.- of Havannah Col. Dixon r*d a latter from Hon Jr. Q. duUtgnon. who had been expected to be preeent and apeak Mr duttlg- Skwi explained In hi* lotter that he bad hlmaelf expected to make a few remark* Indorsing Mayor Mytra and he regretted that hta engagement* would not permit him lo attend the meeting At the tna* meeting of Wednesday night, Mr dußtgnon aaM. tic would he present aiat wrouid have the ideaaure then of aaylng vrhat be wished to aay In reference lo the pniltlcal campaign There were erlea for "Hohwarx," and Air John K. B>hwarx. The chairman ex plained that In the Inal campaign hr and Mr. Schwarx had hern on opposite side* i of the political fence and had then had good deal to aay about each other. | There had been nothing offen*lve Intend ed or Imputed, said Col. Dixon, In thla Hide exchange of |>er*onalltlea. and he and Mr tichw.irz had always continued good friend*. <ltwltt the difference* that politic* engenders. Mr. gahwar* l-egan by aaylng that he did not Intend to make a long speech He ■wax gratified that at last "the pln-cuah lon and tha eel were awimmlng .In the autfar pool Little Johnny haa burled the •atebet and peace relgna In Yaotacrnw." Mr. Schwara aald tlial he had two or thrwe reason* for changing from the op position to the eupp rt of the administra tion and aa he bad been somewhat crMt clged on thla account he desired to give them briefly. Pirn, he explained, he had changed because aa an American clllgen I It wa# hi* rlghl lo change hi* mind when ever he pleaaed. Second because Mayor Myers had given the city a clean and businesslike ndmlnlat iatlon and was en titled to support and re-*J*ciloi Third. In tha last campaign, he had supported Mr Hanridpe and not ihe Liberal Club, and ha fell that he owed no particular allegiance 10 that organization, especially, as was now the case, when It tu prac tically dead. The accession of Mr Schwarx lo tha forces at the dtlxens Club was received talth rmsen favor and he was liberally ap plauded throughout. As Mr. fk-hwarx took his seat and Ih* applause began again, a dog. that had already bean the occasion of ccmskfc-rahle merriment. placet hlm aelf once more In evidence He Had a position of vantage on Ihe atagr from which he watched Ihe pro needing* with great apparent Interrat. As the applause began he jumped from Ihe •tag* to the floor of the hall and ran. Larking. from one end of It to the other Then, aa If having failed to satisfy hi* curtoaky, he jumped on the atage again wild looked Inquiringly tq> Into the face of Chairman Dixon. "Mr Chairman." aald Oapt. I>oy|e. "I Should like to know who Is the owner of that dog." For answer the dignified at.sirmtn clutched the offending canine ft the ear. led him to the side of the ijjptage aixl deposit ad him in one of the alreast! . rooms From that time on the lacked one element of strong jjpntrrest 3 The next speaker Introduced by Chalr • 'bur Dixon wa Senator J Ferris Cann. After some complimentary allusions to i itr. Schwart Senator Oann said that at ->*ha outset he was eitrw to taka the posi tion that a friend of hi* who Hands Mgh • Savannah and who addressee the 1-11>- gis. Club very often, aiway* ncruptes i., T That puattlon l." sold Senator Cann. i, *‘that iht* meeting la composed of the I Jevrssentatlvs men of Savannah, and fthat the other crowd I* a factional polltt- I (pal club " • "There haa been but one man who ha* n T* n,ur ‘v | fo **Ter a criticism upon Mayor J aPtyere 1 administration, and he has noi de ft * bat he meant Neither baa he enough of theae crniciama to male* them tha haala of a < amfiatgn.'* fU-ivator Cmb coruoodod that th*r© waa not a ulngle tu tlon, not a alngl© MpHfi H ture of th* public mnn*y. that could rxx In* dftftniii'd. Mr. 8. L. Iwasaron moval tha *1 op tion of a r*m>lutlon, mr*■*twik tha chair* mn to appoint a ommiUe* of one hurt died, which should a*leo4 twelve candl 9at*-i* for Mulrrmi’it and report to a irua martini to ha hrWft In Masonic Temple n*xt WVdr.fNiJiy evening Mr J. J Stafford moved to amrru! thla rraolution hy providing that Ib# auntnitter nhoulri b* mad'- op of twenty, five nirnlT* from *fh of the four nt> divtrlct*. Tht airu*nlm#*nt wan carried and the resolu tion pa*#*d aa amend'd Tha chairman will appoint tb* commit toe at hi* lelaur**. Th* lt *|wakr wan Mr. VV VV 0- home. Whose upp-hhiic - wan the flgnal for the firm really hearty applaute that the meeting proUuittJ Mr ohorn* epoke for only a few mlnuten. but what he had to nay wna pithy and directly to the polo*. The organisation ow*n It to Itnelf. an well as to the city of Savannah, to see to It that onJy good men ara rhnnen to make up with Mr Myers the mttnlrlptl t • ket. The fjet that there |n nu oppo aitlon to Mr Myenf re-election ihovfi conrluniveiy that hla a imlotntration han been clean and na?lnfa> tore. Mad It not been, there would have lieen oppontlm, and plenty of it. The only way to keep down effective opposition In to glv** a ffood admmint ration, and to * crump! I-h thla It In ne f**ary to elect aldrrrv*n who are able and anxloioi to do their full duty. “I believe.” aald Mr. f>borne, “that the plan you have adopted to-night will fully conserve thin desired end.” Mr. <inborn** said tinti Savannah owe* Mayor Myem the indorn*ment of a re •lectkxi. The Mayor went Into office *ltl* a deficit nuirlng him in the face, and han not only m*t Urge extraordinary expetiaea for houn* drainage. I nit lain done a conaith-nthlc amount of iireet pav ing and carried (*ut other public work*, without Incre.ieJng the luxe* of the peo i*b*. "There la another thing for which Mr M\er deserves cre*Ht. He Ham brought the Ht.ite Fair to Savannah I give him thla credit tteraus* ha wait (he main • pring of th movement which reMiilt*<d In the fair lelni aei tired by this city. It la a Mg thin* It means Hat a very large amount of money will Ik* turned I'mm* every yonr In for tha fnfr will he followed by (he eatabllah rnent of annual race meet* With North- rn horaea winter. llc near Kavannrth and Northern man following tha horaea. there ought to it- plenty money and I don't • uppoae any f ua will objact to having It turned loose among ua '* Mr. Oaia>rne concluded hta remarks by iTHviug that the meeting tndorae the can didacy of Hon Herman Myera for the tuayoralty of Savannah and that thoae present t the ineettng tlelge him their votes and support. The motion was put and carried with a will, and immediately after ward* a motion to adjourn met with just as much favor. MKbT MKT FRIDAY RIGHT. Ofllrees of First Infantry Will Thrn Hecrtve a Nsyort. The olfleere of the First Infantry wrre to have held a meeting at the Regimental Armory last night, bul Col. T. 8 Wylly, Jr., ordered a postponement until next Friday night. The officers were to have received a report of the domrolttee that bad been appointed to nominate two lleu ietiants for the Kmmet Hlflee, the new Irish company that Is being raised by Ideut. K. A 1 Leonard of the Irish Jtp*r flreen*. who la to be captain of the com mand. Thla report will be made next Friday night. flreal progress ha* been mad* with the roll of the prospective company, and It seems that Lieut, le-onard will make good his promise lo have It ready for muster- In by Jan. 19. It la not known who will be the two lieutenants, an that ta being kept quiet until ihe report I* made to the officer*, but H I* understood that there are a number who are anxious for the honors and who are Isdng considered. WILL F.UUIIi; IH .IAV lit. Next General Turu-owt of Military tn Be on'a Birthday. The next general parade of the military of the etly will be held on Jan. 19. Ihe birthday of Oen. Robert K. Lee. and the company commander* are bending tnnr energies toward having the full strength of their commands out and presenting an attractive appearance. All ihe compen'e* of all branches of the service In the <lty will participate In Ihe i-arade. and It Is lslt>le that one or more of thuae at tached to the First Infantry that are malmatned In nclghlmrtn* tlace* will visit tne etly tor the same purjo** New unttorhM will be received Inn the state by the non-oommt*toncd stiff offi cer* of the First Infantry. A hill of lad ing for the uniform* haa alrca ly been received, and there 1* no reason why should noi be ready for the non-com*, in lime for the parade. The uniform" ere furnished without cost to the wrarr* by the slat*, ji st a* Is the case with uni forms for companies. , , * FI NKMAL IIK W. M. STUCKBTT. Was Attended by Many Friend* and y.ernhhabel badge of M**on. The funeral of Mr. W. H. Stockett took place yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at hi* home. No. it State street, west. It was attended by a large number of friend* tn addition to Zerubbabel Lodge of Masons, of which the deceoned had been h member The service* at the house were conducted by Rev. l> ft. BJmfltkl •if the ttouthsidc Baptist Church, who also spoke at the grave, where also the usual Masonic rllew for the dead were per formed. The coffin was draprd with the V’nlted Htate* Itag tn token of membership In the Grand Army of the Republic, nod bote the Masonic Insignia, the square and c0m .... - 1 o ill:** IF. re w• re M- srt John li. Foa and W. B. Blubba. repre senting Zerubbabel lodge. Mr. William I’tew from the Urnisl Army of the lie puhlle. and Mr. K J. , Stewart of the Knights of Damon. FI VENAL OF F. TT BOUIY. lerTleei at At. Fatrlek'* and later meat In 4thedral Ometery. The funeral of the late Mr. Patrick Tulxrdy took plac# yaaterday morning at 11 o'clock from St. Patrick* Church, the service* being conducted by Rev. Father Quinlan The Interment was In the cathedral Cemetery. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Messrs A 8. Nichole. P. Power*. P. M. Con io dine. P Rosstter, M. A. O'Brien, J. R Walsh, John Brennan a*d M J. Mur phy. (Lilt WILL tiIVE A DARK. To in or Inch I Clab Will Entertain la dle. Next Friday Vlght. An entertainment for ladles will be given at the Tomochtchl Club next Friday night. The Guards' Hall has been *- ruled. iAu the folding deem connecting It with the club's quarters will be thrown silt There wll! be dancing from 9 until 1 o'(dock The lad lew who attended the formal opening of the club lasi wiiqter will recall thetr pleasant evening, and the approaching entertainment will doubt!*** be aa greatly enjoyed. Wine! Drink Oook'a Extra Dry Cham pagne. WtM' Pur# Juice naturally fermented. Wlnel Of forty y*ar*' record. Try It—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1900. OVER $100,000,000 INCREASE. h%*k risßikißdft ji nr num HMIS.TH TO rHtI.:M4 ( 4Wi. Asraitnali'a Itemarbable Xbonlsa for the Year Jwat C lottSK—Tbr l rreaae Use Israel) to Itlaber l*rf eea of Pr*d ueta— la e renter it Itallroad t < '*actlltlrte tiring More llutelneste Mere—The V ear’s It no k t'learlnaga Shown l>y Moulin. The commercial showing of Savannah for lino will ecllp* all previous records In the city’s hiatory, and will probably be equaled by few other cities In tha country. Through a general broadening of business, the aggregate figures repre senting the year's operations are so far In ex fee* of previous years as to surprise even those who ordinarily keep in c-ose touch with such matters. That the bank clearings for th* year will show an Increase of nearly over 1* Is enough to stir the pride of every burlnena man The strides friuvari es h has made have placed her high up among the Important commercial cltiea of the Booth, and gives to her cltlien* some Idea of the proportion* this advanc ing movement Is to assume. No better assurance of a continued im provement Is to is* had than In the f ict that th* year haa witnessed greatly en larged transportation facilities hy which Savannah la brought In closer touch with the producing country, and will, there fore. receive more business when tliesa railroads have had time to thoroughly work up business in the territory they ler.etrate. Among theae roads may be mentioned th He* board Air Line and Us excellent terminals across the river, the Southern Hallway with Its freight and passenger tmfft' and the additions to the rentrala lines where by valuable feeders to the main system have been established. The additions to the railroads increase the city’s foreign commerce, and In turn create a demand for tonnage which la being satisfied ee rapidly as (he need for more vessels be comes apparent. Viewed from nil standpoints, the future holds out nothing to discourage thoae who anticipate a development of stupendous proportions during the next few' years. As the year dors not cioee until Mon day, an absolutely correct statement of clearings cannot be had before that time. For tha purpose of comparison, however, the Morning News has obtained from the clearing house estimates of what (he clearings will be to-day and Monday, to was added the total for the four W'eeks of December closing yesterday. If anything, the final showing for the two days omitted will be larger than (he esti mates. The clearings by month* for 1900. are as follows: January t 19.3* 7<m si February 22.hC.ni2 01 March 22.792.M2 29 April 1 344.541 10 May 13.511.250 51 June t9.nM.567 45 July 1t.742.276 06 August 13.172.194 M September 3t1.590.1M7 t3 (K-tober 30,113.422 7* November 2139* 524 7> December 23.t15.44t 49 Total 1900 (240.344 W 6 92 Total 1999 : 1H.51t.7ir24 Increase 1900 tlot.Kt.ltS 69 A glance at the foregoing table will show tliat the Increases are not repre sented by a spurt In business, hut by n steady movement during alt the active month* The gains are accounted for principally by th* higher prices which have prevailed for colon, naval stores during ihe early pnrt of the season, lumber anil various other products of th* pine. Not only have the higher prices helped to Increase the clearings, hut the proepect of even better prims later In the season caused many farmer* to hold their cotton and other products, and the money tn do this was furnished through Savannah banka. The large (tow of money through the hanks with wmch to carry crop* Is another Item that contrite tiled largely to the big clearings Vast Improvements tn and nhout the city. In volving the dlshiu-sement of millions of dollar*, have been tn progress throughout the year. The rscciSrnt opportunities for Investment have been another mean* of attracting an Immense amount of money to th* city to he put Into railroad and taank stocks and cither forms of Invest ment securities. FMOAT PIIFDII FOH TO-RIGHT. Fair and 4 older the Fred let lon for T4>-day and To-morrow. Savannah’s mean temperature yesterday was 5 degrees above the normal, though the month ao far show* an accumulated shortage of 21 degrees. Yesterday’s tem peratures were, maximum, St. and mini mum 49. giving a mean of 53, while the normal I* 49. The record for the year up to yesterday shows an accumulated ex cess of heat of 282 degree*. The rainfall was .24 of an Inch. The month la still short It of an Inch of the normal rainfall, and the year shows an accumulated shortage of 7.62 Inches The forecast for to-day Is for fair and much .Older weather, with froat to-night In the southern portion of the state. For to-morrow, fair weather ts predicted, with fresh north to east wind*. FAI 1.. A 6400-44D0 OW L The lalret Vddltton to the Men a* e rle of the Firemen. The Bremen at Engine House No. 3 have an addition to their menagrrle In the shape of a large horned owl. presented them yesterday by Mr. Jesse Rartee. In the card that accompanied Ihe gift te la stated that the creature's name ta Paul and that he was captured on Ptke' Teak. Col.. March 26. 1900. by Mr Harold K As henls-rg The card contained the further Informa tion that Paul Is the famous goo-goo owl. "He make* those eyes," It said— “ Watch him." A casual Inspection of "Paul" leave* no doubt that he doe* make eye*, hut wheth er they have all of the seductive qualities tha! are generally aacrtbed to the "goo goo” variety hi* present owner* are not yet ready to say. WAXY WERE It F4.1 ATFHFD. Aprelfle Taxpayers l.oi Their tanra on Ordinary's Mata. The registration of (hose engaged tn occupations upon which the state Imposes a spe> ifle tax was begun ynslerday In Ihe office of the Ordinary. During the day there were registered one hundred and sixty specific taxpayers. Including sixty three liquor dealer*, elghty-saven cigar ette dealer*, and rn of varloux other tased occupations. It was considered quite a good day, mmalderlng Ihe fact that <h* dealer* have scarcely been waked up to the necessity of getting thetr name* on the list and are prone never to do to-day what can be put off until to-morrow. Ml VT Mil K < OTTOS 1 AK*. - - %lr. Tlrdruisn Thinks the Sawthern Spinner* \% ill %% In Owt. Mr Irvin H Tledeman. formerly of Ba* . vannah. but tww of New York, who is ] spending a coup!** of w**kw in th* Bouth j or pleasure. Is incidentally looking after 1 nft'iteTs'" Mr .••dernai* HipfMd In Charleston and will spend the time there. Mr Tledemar. Is the manager In New York fur the Bout hern Cotton MIL* and • ommugun company, an organisation whose principal office Is in this city. This is an independent company, which a<4 as broker for a large number of cotton mills In the Bout h which are not fnem ber* of the Houthern Cotton Yarn Bpln nrr* Asao< iation. Most of these mtUs are lo< <ted in Houth Georgia Alabama and In South CaroMna. Mr Tledeman repre sents the < omiMtny at No €2> Worth street. New York, and look* after the placing on the m irked of th* goods many.'soured by the mill* which do business through the • ompany. Mr Ti<Kleman wag asked yesterday If the trouble between the Cotton Spinners* Association and the < ommiieion men In N*-w York affected the Ha vannah com pany which he represents. “No,” Mr. Tl*t>man replied, “we are entirely Independent of the Houthern Yarn Bpinners’ Aaeo*Utlon. and we are Inde (M'ndent of the ot ner com mi sal on men. W. ar* a cotrijainy separate and lo our **!ves. and are simuiy looking after the interests of our clients.** Mr. Tledeman was 4 aked If there was any combination of the commission men In New York, through which they could shut out the Spinner*' Awauclaflon amt compel them to |my the same rate of com mlsMion that is being p.ud at present. The c*otnmlssion men hava been charging & per cent., while the spinners want to reduce th rate to 4 ier rent, and have aswerted they would put ihelr own brokers in the field unless the conimhMion men came to their terms. "There Is no way.** Mr Tledeman said. 90 r * r a** I can see. in which the com mission men can cntnpel the spinners to “by fixed rate. The mills that use the yams are compelled to have them mihl as a matter of fact the Southern yarns are cheaper than the yarns It seems therefore that tt is sim ply a question of who shall sell this pro duct If the Southern spinners put (heir own agents in the held they wifi sell their produi t Just as they do through the New Yofk brokers, b**oauae (here Is a demand for It. "’Our company has no connection with the Spinners' Aaaoclatlon. Whether we will In tha future or not, I cannot tell at ireaent.’* Mr Tledeman weemed to think that the Southern spinners would have no difficul ty In carrying their point with regard (o the commlsaion charges on account of the fact that there is a demand for the entire product. Mi Tiedatnan. In addition to represent ing th© Southern Ootron Mills and (’otn* mission company, has another office a? No. 106 Wall street. Ho Is a buyer for several prominent wholesale grocery houses In that city, and represents also a number In the South Mr Tledeman sad that In hla opinion the financial condition of the country was never beater Christmas tn New York, he said, waa one of the beet known In years Th© people seamed to have morg money to apend there, as was the case In most other sections, and they spent It. Mr TledcmHn said there waa a general fel:ng of confidence following the elec* tl n. and everything settled down for four y*ars of good liard business. There wa never any doubt In New York, he auid, es to the result of the election. Tha re sult irttled the business situation, he said, whereas If It had been different there would probably have been a temporary upheaval. LIGHT Uli:s Oh JAM. 14. I’oreito and file* Will light Then at the Savannah Theater. Peter Poretto of Cincinnati and Austin Rice of New London, Conn., will flghf twenty-live rounds for a decision at the Savannah Theater on the night of Jan. 14. The bout will be under the auspices of the Austral Athletic Association. "Shorty" Jenkins will underiake to whip the winner of Ihe bout. Jenkins hasn't been doing anything In Ihe lighting line for three or four year*, but thote who have seen him In the ring will welcome an opportunity to see him up against a good managvin. His specially!* wrestling, hut "Shorty's" education In the flsltc line has been by no means neglected, and he can put up aa pretty an exhibition or a* stiff a tight a* anybody In hla class He will have to train down to the weight of the featherweight tighter*, but that will not be a difficult matter for him, Jenkins will refer.-* the bout hrnween Poretto and Rtoe, both of whom must weigh In the sfternoon of Ihe flxhl at less than 131 pounds. Poretio Is hers now, training for the bout, and Ihe sport* are well pleased with his look* Rtc* li ready o come at any time, though It ts not probable that he will gel here many days before the tight. The two fighters have record* of which they may well he proud, and there I* no reason why those who attend th* fight should not see a "rough house " Roth have reputation* in this lire, and It Is sup posed they will try to sustain them. Po retto ha* been fighting for three ye.irs.and It ts said that he ha* never yet been de feated Of Rice, It la said that he ha* been fighting five years and haa never even been sent lo the mat. much less re ceived n knockout. H* was up against Terry McGovern once and was whipped In the fourteenth round. 111.1 FA AHF TUP. CMAMPIOV*. Won (hr llaiLrt Hall Series by De fratlnn the White*. The laat game of basket hall of th* season's series was played at the Y. M C. A. last night lie tween the Blues and the White*. Both teams were fled or first place, ami as each I* composed < f good p! I Vers and had determined lo win ihe series, the play waa hot from begin ning to end. Not only was the battle a hard-fought one, hut It was one of the heet-played ant most enjoyable g.vues that have been played during th? aeries. Both the team and the Individual work were tne tiest that ha* bean lone In any of th* games The work of all of the players waa gilt edged, but that of Hunt. W. T. Doty and E. iYmrvoister was especially good. Hunt scoring 10 points, Doty 9 and I'ourvolshr one lee*, though some of hla throws were very brilliant, being made under the most disadvintagtou circumstance*. At the end of the first half the wore whs nearly even, talng slightly In favot of the Blues, hut In the second half the Whites forge 1 ahead, and looked at one time like sure winner*, hut were finally hralen by the score of It to 14. The line-up of the trams was: Blue*. Whites. Elton, tl Fenter Doty. W T Elion. J Bight forward ......... Purse Courvolsler.L.Left forward OourvolsK r. J. Lovell Right guard Balfour Hunt Lett guard Carella* The order of Ihe team* tn the sect**, decided by last night's gam*. I* now Blue* first. White* second, and Red* third, and last. While this game concludes the basket ball aerlr* the association members will not he lung without game*, aa a leagus of three indoor baseball teams will be formed shortly Bait rheum, with Its burning, stinging sensation, la du* tu poor blood and Is cured by Hood* Bar a* par ilia, the graa: blood purifier.—ad. MANY CHILDREN MADE GLAD. KIVfC II ADAr l 1(001. CHHBTKAI I MLtetete THVi BAST MUMT. hectare Vtoom of the First Hapflaf ( harch Was Filled With a Happy Crowd—Fmerelsea ll'rrr t osdurtrd hy superintendent <als - (last Distributed Gifts—Fan at the expense of hehool'a otUcera. Kattrlsiswealt Also at First l*re hyterlan. Isle of Mope, M. I’nul'a Latbrrss and hf. Aadrew's *anday Hr hoolte—Others Yet to Be Held. The Sunday school of the First Baptist Church enjoyed a Christmas tree last night. The celebration was held In the lecture room of th© church, and a*! who attended seemed to hav© a thoroughly good time. The older persons entered with almost as much pleasure as the young folk into the enjoyment of the af fair. and tha pies.-ure of the tormer was Increased hy the evidence of the d< light of the children. The distribution of the presents was pre ceded by a short programme of songs, which were lad by th* superintendent of the school. Mr J R train Th* children had been well Instructed, and the songs were sung with a sucoess that added greatly to the evening. Mr. Albert King played the part of Santa riaut, apfiearlng In fantastic girb and creating no end of merriment for tnc children. He read the name* of the more than 30U chladren who form the school when he found them upon the cards at tached to the presents, and a.I went for ward as their name* were ailed to re- I celve their gifts. The offi era of ths school were included wcnor.g those who ! received presents, and the opportunity i for a bit of fun was not missed. The superintendent was presented with a rule .is budge of authority; the assistant superintendent. Mr. C. R. Bordley. was presented with a ham. Santa Claus re marking that he had attend**! a Baptist picnic last summer and had observed the nsshstant superintendent eat; Secretary Eve received an apple tree with snake crawling up the trunk, and the other offi cers furnishes! their share of amusement for the large crowd. Upon the conclusion of the distribution of presents, which included fruit and cendy for each child, an hour was spent very pleasantly, Mr Cain having an nounced that he school would be g!d to hava all remain who would for the social tha* was to follow the Christmas tree prevents tlons. *i AVK Ft PIIJ* AND TKACH EHS. • hlldren of the First Presbyterian ‘ 4 hareh Held Their Annual Cele bration. celebration of the Sun day School of the First Presbyterian Church was held last night. The pro gramme of exercises consisted of the processional. "Hark. the Herald Angels Btng." an ad dress of welcome, and a recitation, "Hap py Christmas." This was followed by a carol by th* school, and. after a respon sive reading, by a song by the pupils of the primary department. Other hymns and recitations followed and then rame the distribution of the gift* with which two trees had been loaded. Not only was each child of the school rrtnembered. hul also the teachers who received gift* after th* children had received their*. The pres ent* were given out by an orthodox, looking Santa Claus. Th* tree* and the decorations of the church were quite tasteful and pretty and reflect much credit on the member# of Ihe Sunday School amt church who ar ranged them Mr. Mint Hood, the super sr 4. ndrnt of the school, tn his dosing address, took occasion to thank all those that hod assisted In the work Master Frank Baker. pupil of the In fant class wss presented with a handsome HIM* as a reward for learning fifty-two verses of Scripture. I>RI/.M Kllll THK I’l I’ll A. Awards and Presents Distributed at late of Hope Sunday Achonl. The Christmas celebration and exercises of the Isle of Hope Runrt.iv School w, held at the churrh building last night. There were present a number of the par ents of the pupils and other friends of the achoot. and the exercises were enjoy ed by these, as well as by ihe pupil themselves. There were recitations amt songs, after Sup?. J. Maf|ijjj# submitted hip report for the year. The report showed that the school now ha* a membership of seventy, and that its average attendance for the year was forty-six. 11 haa on hand now 926 In cash, and during the year haa contributed more than 940 to mlsaton* and charitable work. Early tn the year prlxes were offered for certain special work and these were awarded last night. Th# Infant cUs won the pnxe for bringing In the largest amount of money, and It* teacher was presented with a handsome album. In which will be preserved ihe photographs of all 4h* member* of the <’la*e Miss Alberta Wylly wws awarded the prlxe for bringing In Ihe largest number of new pupils. A prtxe had been offered the pupil making Ihe best record In punctual attendance, but It found that five of the pupils. Misses Alberta Walts, Nellie Waite. Ethel Wiley, Beatrice Worth and Fmml* Worth, had not mlsesd a single service during the year. Each of these was awarded a prtxe. After the distribution of prlxes there followed Ihe distribution of presen's from the tree, which was a handsome one and had been beautifully decorated. The exercise# were roniiuded by a little ad dress from Mr. R. B. Reppard. who was In hi* happiest vein and made o char acteristic talk. TWO TU FF 1.0 DA lF i'RFAFTTA. Given In tbe 4'hlldren of At. Fanl'a Lntheran I hareh, A,. b001. The ehlldren of the Sunday school of Bt. Paul's laiiheran Church held a Christ mas celebration last night. The church was prettily decorated for the occasion wrlth hanging vines, and hunches of green ery displayed wherever possible. whH* the prln'-lpal feature* of Ihe decorations as well as of the gather, twin Christman trees of Maine spruce, were splendid in their glitter of tlnrel, candles and vari colored hangings Above the trees on „ series of hanging bell#, each hearing on* letter was spelled. ''Christmas." The order of services consisted of sev eral caqpl*. sung hy the infant class, and other# by the general school, responalve reading* of scriptural lessons and hvmns by the school ami congregation Just lw for* the slvlng out of th- presents Rev. M J. Eptlng. ]taster of the church, took the occasion to thank Messrs. A J. Dlercks. Ja kson * Metzger. Oppenhelmer A Bloat and M. F. Kirby A Cos. for as sistance tn getting the presents for 'h* children, of whom each tn the Blindly school was substantially remembered. TREE AT AT. I.IDBEtI'J 9USSIOX. Alxty-flre Paplla Given Toys' Pratt and Candy. A Christmas entertainment for th* ben efit of the pupil* waa given last night at St. Andrew*' Mission. No. 566 Margaret street The customary Christmas ;rse had been erected and bora presents for aach of the alxly-fiv* children that attend th* mlaalon. Tha preaanta ot various toys, but in addition to them each chill wnx lvn prwnt* of fruit and randy. Tha rxarrlxa* warn conducted hy Mr. K. H. Polk, nrhlla th* oddraaa to tho clitldran •> mod*- by Mr. T. G. Huntar. Kevero! oth-r Intrraatad In tha work of tha mlaalon were preaent and aaaiatad In tha work. nUNBUT* FUB THE POOR. Children of Chrlat Chorrh Will Ff Thant on n < hrla,na. Traa. Tha cualomary Chrlalmaa calatoratlon of Chrlat (Tiurch Sunday School will ha held to-morrow afiartioon at 4 o'clock, whan the chlkt-en will hava a Chrlalmaa traa for which they will brine preaent* tnatm.l of recelvlnit them from It. Theac praa enta arc Intended for the poor of th# par iah and city, and will he taken In charye and dlrtrtbuted tha fo:lowln flay by a committee of church worker* appointed for that purport POSTPONED MECAI E OP R AIS. "tarred Heart ( krl.tma* Traa Will Re Hr Id To-morrow. Tha Chrlalmaa traa relebratlon of th* Sunday xehool of tha Sacrad Hanrt Church, which waa to have bean bald vea tanlay afternoon #t 3:Jt o'clock, wax poxt ponad. The rain Interfere! with th# at tendance. and comparatively few children were prexent. A Chrixtma* cantata waa given, after which tha children left to re turn to-morrow afternoon when Chrlat maa celebration will be held. lAM Al. PER SOS Ala Mr Jacob Haa* of Atlanta la at th# Screven. Mr George Dole Wadley I* a ifueat of the De Soto. Mr J W la-r of Brooklet to a. gue*t of the Screven. Mr F F Stacer of I.yona I* * sueal of the Screven. Mr J I-. Riley of Atlanta I* regtitered at the De Soto. Mlxx Man' Bohlen of Beaufort I* a gueat of the Screven. Mr T. O. I’owell of Milledgevllle to reg txiered at the I>e Soto. Mr Walter Rountree of Pearaon to reg istered at the Screven Mr R. U cvimp’wll of Winn. Fla., la registered at tha Screven. Mr D. W McDendon of Swalnaboro I* rrglatered at the Screven. Mrs. J. A. Fulcher left via lha Plant System yexterxlay for Tampa. Mr. J. Irby Buckner of Sparta la in tha city on visit of a few days. Mr. C. H. Davla and daughters, of Town send, are guests of the Bcrevetic. Mr. Emile Newman returned yeaferday from a business trip to New York. Mrs H M. Johnson has returned to th# city after a plmxant visit to Augusta. Mr B. R Gray of PlneMonm was among the gueat* of th* Screven yester day. Mr R. M Wllkerson left via the Sea ts lard Atr Line yesterday for Camden, 8. C. Mr. 11. A. Mr.Bachem of Jacksonville was among the guests of the Screven yesterday. Mr. Herbert Robert* and Mr J. H Spen cer led via ihe Plant System yesterday for Baltimore. Mrs. J. R. B.iu#*y and Mrs 8. L Yarn ed o* were among the paert-nger* of tha Plant Hystcm yesterday for Tamp* Miss Katie Burroughs entertained her class of Sunday School scholar* with a dance In St. John's Church Parish Hall last night. A number of young people v err In attendance, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Dr. P. M. Carrington, surgeon In tne I'nlted Stales Marine Hospital Service at W ashington and hi* fnmlly, are expected in Savannah to-day. and will spend two days with Mr and Mrs. Mint Hood be fore leaving for New Mexico, where Dr. Carrington has been transferred. Mr. J. B. Hockaday. division superin tendent of the Southern Kxpress Com l*my. and Mrs. Hockaday havr gone to Charleston. called there by the new* of the death of Mrs. Hockaday * father, who had long been 111 but whose death was unexpected. Mr. and -Mr*. Horkaday’a friends will sym pathise with them In their bereavement. Iliiporlanl Changes la Schedules, Central of i.rnrgl* Hallway, In F.ffeet Sunday, December 31, 1 ROD. Train No. 3 leaving Savannah at 9:00 p. m. (Central time), on and after Dec. 30. will make close connection ai Birm ingham Willi the Southeastern Limited of the K. C., M and B R. R. for Memphis, Kansas City and points West and North west, reducing the time between Savan nah and Kansas City to Ihtrty-stx hours. Train No. 4 from Birmingham. Colum bus. Macon. Atlanta and Augusta will arrive at Savannah 7:00 a. m (Central time). Instead of 6:90 a. m. Oreatly Improved service between Sa vannah and New Orleans, and all Texas points. For further Information apply at Cen tral py**enxrr station, or city ticket of fice, 107 Bull street —ad. Mr. Dent Aay*, “Graybeard has well nigh cured me of rheumatism from which I have been a great sufferer the last fifteen years." Mr. Dent * postofflee la Bt. Simon? Island. G*. Rev. John Chrtxalan of Pierce, Ala., says: "Graybeard ha* cured Mr*. John Childress of Baldwin county of rheuma tism. 11l February before she began to take Graybeard she waa given up to die. She lx now sound and well.” Graybeard I* mad* only by Reapes* Drug Company. "<>* owner*, and ao |d by druggist* for 91 00 a bottle Every family should have a bog of Graybeard Fill* and Graybeard Ointment —ad. Fine Ftigravlna, An opportunity to have engraving done hy an expert from New York during th* next ten day* at New York prices at J A C. N. Thomas'. 124 Whitaker street, —ad. 1 Oder tbe Atara and Ran. "Under the Star* and Bars; or Mem oir* of Four Year*' Service With the Oglethorpe* of Augusta, Oa." by Waller A. Clark, orderly sergeant. Price cloth 73 cent*; paper. 50 cent# For aale at Katlll's New* Depot, 45 Bull street fU vannah. I la—ad. Aafferest AS Years. "OraybeaM cured me of catarrh from which I had suffered thirty-five year* Nothing on earth ae far a* I was able to obtain gv# me relief. Since taking Graybeard I am a* well aa ever. I catarrh of the head. Mr*, hhoda 1i,.. Ballinger, Te*. Graybeard la mad* only by Heapeae Drug Company, sole owners, and la eold at drugstores for (Ia bottle. -ad. Holiday Rales via Soother* Rail way. Ticket* on sal* to all point*. • fan a third for th* round trip, on Dec Jj :;. 24-26-30 and list, 1900. also Jan i. ], limited to Jen 4. returning i„ .dUstim, , ' u<ten, certificate* signed by superintendent, of princlpo:. of scnooie or college* will be sold tickets cemmeu. ,n, Dec It end homed t 0 j.n * Jas Fret man, city pus-engsr and ticket Mam. 141 Bull street. Phone, lio.-** A TEXAS WONDER. Hall's Croat IMaravary. On* amall bottle of Itali a Great Dis covery cures oil kidney and bladder trou ble*. remove* gravel, cures diabetes, earn Inal amlaslona. weak and lama backs, rheumatism end all Irregularities ot tho kldnryo and biaddor tn both man and wo men. regulate, tualcer troubles In chil dren. If not sold by your druggist wtd be sent by moil on receipt of U. on* small bottle to two mouths’ treatment, and will cur* any case above mentioned Dr. E. W. Hell, sole manufacturer. P. O. Box B. St Louis. Mo. Send for testimonials. Hold by all druggists and Solomons Cos., Savannah. Ga Read Thla. Dothan, Ala. July 11. IW*. Dr. E. W Hall. St Loul*. Mo-Dear Sir: W# have been sailing your Texas Wonder, Hall's Great Discovery, for two years and recommend It to any on* suf fering with any kidney trouble a a being the bast remedy w# ever sold Your* truly. J. R- YOUNG. FOR CHRISTMAS. CANVAS HUNTING COATS, HATS, VESTS, LECCINS, 6lc, hi mil s is. US Broughton Streat. Went. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Fertlllaer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for •’homo-mixed’’ fertlUxor. Th* cheapest and most concentrated oa the market Send for portlculara HAT, GRAM, COW FEED. REA*, BTC. SEED OATS AND RYE- T. J. DAVIS, ‘Phone Cl , 111 Bay atreat, west. BRENNAN BROS* RMOLF.SACa Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc, Say STREET. Waoi. lebrbsHtM. ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANQEB. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES o. all kinds. SEED RTE. SEED OATS. HAY. ORAIN. FEED. FLOUR CHEESE. BEANS. Peas. Rice Straw, eta. W. 1). Simkins A: Cos. Contractors' and Builders’ aod Mill Supplies. Castings, Steel Brains, Columns SIVI Channel Boll*. R<xl*. Weights, Tank*. Towers, etc. Steel Wire and Manila Rope. Hoisting Engines and Pumps, Jack*. Der rick* Crab*. Chain and Rope Holst*. C**t every day. Make quick delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUP PLY COMPANY. Augusta, tia. rCMICMIkTin-S (HOLISM ENNYRUYAL PILLS OHfdssl mm 4 Owl? (.(aatnr aTL**\*AFF.. Alws*** lAh # I atllfl*. Ml !>f affirt chic'mfhtf.k*- km.i.Hh la ItKD u 4 ••!•) w4tA.ii' kora *•* *4 ft 1 t*r teThw M Mroo6 MOUisUmi m 4 toll*. I / A *•* r*r litMUM AT MA 4*. M I 2,' J **■!> PsrUesJm, TwhialaU If*. T? AM ;, IIUrNe| A 4i* t ,wjMr kfrw v ff Km Mall lO.ftiift lUiikf „ U Draum* \ fctrkrot*? < ke awl fa I Ca, ttk MrnAUmm Sur4 PMIU.. Pi! N4 fcy k 11. ItMitH A C#w kid l)fi||iMA AM OiMba MINGLEDORFF & CO. MACHINE BLACKSMITHS AND BOILERMAKERS. Telephone 553, 510 Indian (treat. Savannah. Oa. JOUN (i. Bl TLER, —DEALERBIN— Palnla. Oil* and UUa*. Saab, Dootw Blinds and Bulldara’ Supplies. Plain and Decorative Wall paper. Foreign ad Do mestic Cement*. Lime liaater and Hair. Sole Agent for Aheatlne Cold Water Palat. Congress street, west a nd 1* St Julian •" reei. weeL J. D. WEED&CO IAV AABAJ6, U. Leather Belting. Steam Packing & Hose Agoota far MEW IUKK StlkULit BLLTLSU AMP PACKING COSTA rt I- W. ROSS ORAVENER, Manufacturer's Aijcnt, RAILWAY A!6D MILL gt'PrLIKS, Provldant Building. Savannah. O*. We Save You Money -ON- Flre Works, Toy* and doll*; see us quick. 'Piton* 675. DONNELLY DRUQ CO.. Liberty and Price street t. amommueiitb. JuTvVHMHMTKir On* week, commencing Moiwlay, Dae. 11 (except Thtiradny). the heal of *U—The Aubrey Stork CY>.. headed by tha versatile arirea*. Min IJltian Bayer, In a repertoire at metropolitan erentc sue-*.*** at papular prtcra Monday night. "‘The Prtnc# of Russia." with magnlltrem rootumra and * carload of scenery. Matinees Tueeday, W •dnesday, Friday and Saturday.