The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 29, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gfje Ittofning ffetoft Morning ri Mnlidlug Katnnanh. tin. ivriiuMV, n nn*Ki an. Registered at tne I‘oaiuflU • tn tin. a I lit HOHMM. MW *1 •very Jay in the ynr, anil unl to eubacrthers in the city, or non: by mgii, •t 7# cents ■ month. H OO (or git month-, and b * (or one year. rm: iiiikmm, acna. hy mail. >ii lint.i a ant (without Sunity Issue), thia month*. It. Ml. aix months, ti r . oe year kuO, Tilt- nKt hl.t M:HI two Issiiee a week (Monday and Thuiaday) by mat', tr year. I. up Subscriptions payable In advance R' m;l by money order, check or registered letter. Currency aant by mall at risk o( tender. j Tranalent advertisements. other than sperlsl column, local er re idU>( notice* amusements add rhedVhr Whni ■ ilumn, M eentr a line Fourteen lino* o( onte type-equal to on# Inch In deprh—la the standard of measurement Contiael raiaa end discounts made known on application at business ofllee Orders (or delivery o( the Morass News to either residence or piece of bualneaa can be made hy mall or by ret* phone No tip, Any Irregularity In deliv ery should be Immediately report*!. Letters and lelegrama should be od dressed wiiimmi NKVtl.' Ha arnah a* Ktsrr.nv orrif-B, 3 Park R<w, Now York city. 11. C. Faulkner. Manager INDEX 10 JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meet In*-Stockholders Edison Electrle lliunafhntlng Company o( Savannah S[*echl Notlcea—Dividend No. do. South ern Hank of the Htaae of Georgia; Flec tion Southern Rank of the State of Geor gia; Dividend Augusta and Savannah Itallroad Company; Ship Notice, Wilder * Cos.. Agent*, Dividend Chatham It owl Fatale and Improvement Company. As to Ollcea and Freight Ware houses Central of Georgia Railway and Ocean Steamship Compe ny of Swvannwh; All Kinds of Game, M. S Gardner; The Meet of Everythin* to Eat, at Chang's; Fresh Pork. B<-or A Davis. Turkey* and Plenty of <lr-eae. at Joyce’s; Ship Notice, Sirachan A Cos. Conalgnrea; Suwanee Springs Water; Paint* and House Painting; Savannah Rulldlng Supply Company; Woodcock. John Funk. City Market. Business Notice*—Red Cro-a Coffee; Franklin Cigars. Publications—Atlantic Monthly for Jan uary. IKi. Facta About Printing—Morning New*. J. H KeltH. President Legal Notk-e—Charles Menge, Bankrupt. Railroad Scheslulea—Central of Georgia Railway Company. The Greatest Clothing Offer Kven Heard of In Savannah—R II Bevy A Hro Atnuaemenls—The Aubrey Kto k Com pany. Monday. Dec. 11. Mineral Water—Hunyadl Janos. Whlakcy—Yellow l.alM-1 Whiskey. tTteroota—Old Virginia Cherool*. Medical—Plantation Chill Cure; llond * SaraaparlHa: Tutl'a Pill*. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Kmpli.ym.nt Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; laMt; Personal; Miscellaneous. The Weather. The indications for Georgia to-day are for fair, but coklar weather, frost at night In Southern portion, fresh norlh to east winds; and for Eastern Florida, showsrs and coldar wnstlwr; fruat at nigh' in northern and central portion*, variable wind*. I .rooming fresh north westerly. One* more Dc Wfi l> reported to lx In ■ comer. And once more w* •hull prob •My chronicle that De Wet (ot out of It ferlll*t*ly. That Kansas W. C. V. presldeeit, at ho trine to Inculcate temperance by the violent destruction of property, may have baaed her plan of campalan ii|> the faet that certain Powers are >hmtin< civilian • lon Into the Boer*, the Filipino* and the Chinese. The Albany |Ut.| Herald make* this announcement: "The Hrrrtld ha* received an offer to club with Mr. Bryan'* new paper. The Commoner. But the Herald circulated on Ma own mania alone and haa never entered Into a dubbing arramre ment with any other publication.“ The declination la polite but pointed. Hocnethln* unique In the way of wedding mueir to reported from the mountain rac tion of Soulh Carolina. The bride wa* not *o young a* other bride* have been. Aa the eoupla approached the officiallng minister the organist atruck Up brlakly, •Thl I* the Way 1 I*>ng Have Bought, and Mourned flec.iure i Found It Not." After the benediction bad been pronounced the organiet played aa a recessional. "Pr*a Owl From Whom All Blessing* Flow." The presiding gvnlua of the or gan wa* evidently a humorist. The otd achema of con*tructing a tun nel undar the Hudson river from New Turk to Jersey City ha* hern revived, and work on M may he started strain ehortly. The tunnel wan actually begun twenty yeara ago. and half a mile of it wa* constructed on the New York aide and a shorter distance on the New Jer sey aide. An accident by which twenty three men were drowned was a damper to the work, and It wa* soon abandoned The problem of accommodating the travel between New York and Jersey City la a much more serious one now than It was twenty year* ago Many (hrewd New Yorker* are now mourning tha dlaappearanre of a "boy * taard of Wall •treat," of the name of Monnell-Hayre lie t* twenty-four years old. A year agu he appeared upon ehe •ten*, rented a palaoe on Fifth avenue between the realdeuces of Levi P. Morton and II M. Flagler, at 112.000 a year, en gaged a retinue of high priced servant*, took an office In Wail street, and lived !>ks a millionaire He claimed Indeed, that he wa* a millionaire, anil frequently t*ld the moneyed men whom he met In •he street, "I made • million In thl* or that deal." by his smart talk he managed lo get considerable sum* of money from certain people to be Invested for them. Recently h disappeared It transp.res •hat hi* total capital consisted of ggv.Oun Which he Inherited, and aa unlimlLd Aruount cheat. • ivhmm's b\k t'Leißiibit. Savannah’* bank clearings for the year Itkn make a showing that la extremely gratifying to everybody that I* Interea'ed lit the city. They Indicate that Havan nah's business t* growing very rapidly— that Savannah Is becoming the trading point of a section of ountry that la steadily becoming larger For IKW rhe (Piling- were t>2 714 24. frw l*o they were fc*. %tt. hi, The In crease of this year over Inst la, therefore, U07.*.7E2.* It Is doubtful If thera arc half a doseti cilles In the entire country that can show su h a feu '-nidge of In rrM>. <ft ©ours* Kavannh'p butln©## n<>t in* r©as©f| nearly IMt.oDft.ft99 In th© year thiii in lotting. Very tnuc'li of th© in crttOtto in th© brink rlnMnß* 1# Ju* to higher pnrpk f(>r codon, .*•. gI lum ber iHi dlhfr thine*. A go<#l bl at mon#iy also ha# b**#n pent to the -ountry bunk*, where it lias U#n uni In moving th© cotton crop ani In tjviny lntaii<fn In tioMlng cotton. Thi* sttow* In th© clear ing# li will harttly bm d**ul**il. however that Ihsra hx# been .< vary substantial in* rrraw in ih© city * busAnas*. If th© fM.'d w©r© at hand it would no doubt nppear that th© wliolrwlp m©rrhmn# arc filing more xofNh glut the ratal! tn**r<haiit# in* doing h steadily Inc rrasing huilnw*. Mora b** been rreilvH this y ear than and It I* probable that the rMllnmd# have moved more fr©tghi# of nearly ©v*ry ldni It I* a fact that there hav© l*’©u good many lmi*rov©rn* ul# at vuri- Oij* kln&*. and Mu*v have helped greatly to *well the IranMi'lioiiH of the hank* It will I* interesting to compare tba percentage of tnrr©*#** of the brink clear ing* of thi* t ity with that *f th© el© r- Ing* of other < I tie* of the country. Wc are that the compariaon will be a gratifying one to Hat amt ihian# It will le *o favorable that the River anil llsr iior (’omrnittee of Gongres* will feel Hurt It made do mistake in deciding to give Havannah a channel twenty-eight feet deep from her wharves to the sea. % PItdFITAHI.K l KOI*. In hi* annual report f*r <ha year Ju-t 4 losing the of Agrb ultura of Florida will may that fr the first time In that state some attention wa* given thi.x year to the cultivation of broom corn. Only 31 acre* were planted, but the result w.a o ioll*factory that it I* probable that broom corn will become one of the large ami profitable crop* #f Florida. The crop amoonied to ton*, valued .it ti.oOO. It will lie aeen from thi* *tatem* a nt that the grout praHdi were more than lift) per acre, and it 1* a fair concimdon that the net proceed* amounted to aw much •* 175 |er acre. In then' any other crop out ile of fruit** and wgetablea that will |*> jm well? We doubt If there In. It la certain that no grain crop will yield as Mtfdffpctory a return. And It '‘hould be remem lx-r mi that broom com la almost a certain crop, a fuliure occur* Ing eel.lom The price of broom com l very nearly alwayw good. Many time** we hive nailed the attention of the far men* of thi* Mete to broom com i a profitable crop. We have urged the •.mall farmer# of thi# county to plant It. There 4# a large and proeperoua broom factory In this* city which ha# to get llh riw material from the Wept. The own er# of thN faettocy have tried to emrcMtr dge the cultivation of broom orn In thi# county, but without wince## There I# idle larul enough within ten mile# of thi# city to raiie all the broom •'orn that u half doxen factorlca of the capacity of the one here < rnikl •*• It 1-4 difficult to nnderptand why It i# thfit to attention I# pi hi to thin crop In thi* vUinlt>. K certainly I# not becauae land can *> put to more profit a trie ue. If that were the cane there oul<l tea tloien farm* In Chatham county where there U now one. ft 1# a source of natl faction that the culUvation of broom corn lia# beu begun In Florida It would not ha nuvprinlng If in a very few year# the broom ibrn • rop of that #tate woultl be worth ItDO.OuO inatead of $4 h). a wo* the cane this year A PARTY MBUI RR. t* It the intention of the Republican leader* to make the shtp-rulmldy Mil a partv measure. If It hreome* apparent that It cannot be passed otherwise? There I* a report to that effect Senator Hnnna la quoted u saying that unless Congress passe* tho bill at this session the Presi dent will mil an extra ecsslon of Congress ' expressly to consider It. It I* hardly probable that there I* any I truth In this report. There la nothing the ; President could do that would contribute j so much to make the Republlcen party unpopular a* to call an extra session In the Interest of n sulrekty measure. It Is practically certain I hut If Ihe *hlp-üb sldy scheme were submitted lo a popular vote It would be overwhelmingly defeated The Republican leaders may say that It Is hot understood, hut *he peopb* do un derstand It. Tho know that the result of ft would be to put vast signs of mote*)*, annually. Into the pocket* of a very few men without Increasing, to a very steal extent, the merchant marine of the coun try. The shipbuilding Interest bus hail the benefit of protective laws ever since the foundation of the government, and now a system of bounties Is proposed, largely for this Interest The peop> will not approve anything of the kind, and II * Is the fear that they will not that I* mak- I Ing the Republican leader* heettate abotu committing the party to the bounty ex tern. It ran be sufely said that If the ship j subsidy bill I* not passed hy this I'ongres* I there will be no extra session of Congress to consider It. j A few day* ago trie wrecker* at Git* : vrston completed their extraordinary task I of floating the big British ship Taunton which the storm drove Iwenty.even mile* Inland trotti the hat Ivor and left high acd dry In ihe mhlat of a graalng country.* It required thirty day* of dredging by several big dredge* to cut a channel t> a creek, down which Ihe big ship w*as pulled to deep water. The Taunton wts* found to he |n seaworthy condition, not withstanding her extraordinary highland excursion, and Immediately load ing grain for Kurope. A philanthropist of New Orleans. K. TANARUS, Howard, has offered to give the cky the grounds and buildings for a public school, on the condition that the school shall he for white boys and girls. In Ihe flrst. sec ond. third and fourth public-school grade*. Mr. Howard's reason ror limit mg the In struction so tlx grade* named Is that the primary departments of the publtc srhools are always crowded, whit* the I upper grade* have ample room. THE MOKNTNG NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 21). 1900. % TH RH'ICTN ( KtlTini W’Wb rm.H. We publiahed In our dlnpafchen a few lay# Jig •Mr A1 I llarrr. worth'r Id*** of the Twentieth f>ntur> newnpeper. Mr Harm#worth lx regarded a# the mod aticcepful newspaper editor and publisher In England He |# now in thi# country studying our InMtltutlort# and people, pay ing particular attention to the newspa per#. Ilia idm of the Twentieth Century new|ier I- summed up Ip the follow ing extract from tn Interview with him "My Idea of the newrpiper of the Twentieth Century may be tbu# expro##cd In br.ef. I*et u# MippOM one of the great American new#pap*re. under the control of a man of the jourvmlintic ability of lßlHr>. the gr#-ate-d of the former edltoCß Of the loMldon Time*, backed by an or garlaatioMa- tx*rf t a- that of the tit and rd Oil (‘ontiHtny, and Uaued almulte nwiudy each morning In (Mf) New York, Burton. Chicago. I'Hteburg. Ht EoU*#. I*)illade|phi.i. and other point** In Amerl a, or n fgOnlon, Idverpool. MstP heeter. Itrletol, Falinbiirgo. Belfast, and Newcag tb . In Or eat Britain. 1 k not obvlou# that the power of u h a paper might be come auch a# we have not yet aeen In •he HUtory of the pre##** The thing la not n> Improbable .-* it #ound* '* Jun now a trupt newepajver would not be very popnlar. owing to the general feeling of hostility to ail aorta of tn#t. Mr Harm#worth would have th # trurt n'W#|<at>er own, c.r at lewet <*ontro|. the telegraph llnea over which it got lt newt. He would have It mike |t own paper and Ink. build It# own jweHne# and h.iv# it# own picture-making plant. In fact he would not have It go out#ide of It# own org ifiliation for anything. It I# a Utication whether mich a new#p.iper would be fuirrf"mful financially or would exert •ny great amount of Influence. It could not pay the attention to local new# and question# D4*w dem.indt and by newnpuper r id* r*- It would have to iel wholly with mailer •hat were of Interest to the whole country would atify only u compare lively f*w reader#. Being o truxt there would not be <• great deal of confidence In It How ever eon# denttoualy It might edited and would be Irnpo-j*ible to make the public believe that It W*n# conducted In thr !nter*-#t of the i>eople. It# Influence, therefore, would not b© grea t. There 1- one MiggeMton that Mr. Harnni worth make* that 1* pra tli-iil, and tiiar if that tie form of the newxpaper could be #o changcift u - to •• *• meeting the need of the public. The present form 1# 100 unwieldly, particularly when the paper 4-errte# anywhere from twenty to fifty pax*#. A paper having the form of Collier'# Weekly would be much more convenient, bm It wouP! In* . problem to Invent a pre#* t)wt could Ixlll* iap4>rs foat enough In tha# form. Mr. H#rmnwi>rth I# such a ucee##ful newepaper publisher that whatever he #ay# relative to changes tn the newe paper I# #ure to commend attention, but It will probably be a good while before an effort I# made to pubt!#h a great trust newspaper In *‘ordam*4* with 4he Ideas he mtl tHBAPINMVTK©. Toe refusal of Gov Roosevelt of New York to honor the requisition of the Gov ernor of Texas for the multi-millionaire. John f> Rockefeller, raises an Interest ing que-tiot, Mr Rockefeller lots been Indicted by the grand jury of Mal'lennan county. Texas, for oixraiing a trust in that state, he being one of the principal member* of Vhe Standard Oil Company. That company done business in Texa* Under the law* of that stale It Is an of fense to niwtnlain and operate a trust. But Vlr Rockefeller I* not a clttaen of T**xas. It Is a question whether he ha* ever been In that *tate. He Is a citixeu of New Votk. In Older to commit un offense against the law* of Texas, It Is not necessary that tlie offender shall lie in the elate at Ihe time the offense was committed It seetns therefore Unit Mr. Rockefeller |* (apable of violating the criminal laws of Texas without going outside of New Y’ork. Apparently Gov Roosevelt think* that this I* persecution rather than an effort to protect the people of Texas against violators of flu* state's laws. In refusing to honor the requisition of the Governor of Texas he pointed out that It did not appear that Mr. Rockefeller was a fugi tive from Justice —that, in (act, he vv i* not in Texas st the time the offense charged against him was commuted. Not being a fugitive he did not see that he was called upon to send him to Texas It dors look as If the authorities of Me- Cirnnun county were showing extreme cagerticra to get Mr. Rockefeller In their grasp. HUH. It do* • iiwi appesn* that they have gone otrtskb* of the law In anything they have done. But. as a matter of fa* I, will not such proceeding* ** those taken against Mr. Rockefeller haven ten dency to defeat the effort* that arc being made to destroy trusts? There In certain ly some renson for thlpklng so. something tii t :\pmi\. inu. Why : II that the people of the Kate •ire *o backward tlit* year In paying lh<-lr la>? Every <lay or two a rormpoiulrni forward* thr statement from hht county that the amount of taxes pa Id up to this tlmr la smaller tht year than In any pre yloua nr for a long lime. It l admit ted that the people are belter off finan cially than they have been for a decade. It t* a face that they are apendlng money freely. They mint therefore have more ready money man heretofore. It would naturally be euppoecd that, under nuch circulariancea, ihe> would iav their taxer prompily. la the axplanation that having ao much more money than uaual they have been tcaa careful to make provlalon for their taxaa. and that they will have to borrow money lor that purpoae? It .an hardly be that ao large n percentage of them haa bean improvident. There muat be some other explanation. It would be Intereeilng lo have the opinion of the tax colln .ote aa to what the real explanation la. Robert Wilcox, the royaliet delegate from ll.<aalt to Congrr.a, will enjoy th. largest Income of any member of that Ixaly. Il cost him alioul ueo to travel from Honolulu to Washington. If he paid hla way. The government, however, paya ten cent* a mile, which will give Wilcox *2.- 000 lor the round trip. It l believed that the Hawaiian delegate, following Ihe rue tom of moat member* of Congress, tra vel* on free paaaea. toereforo hla mileage ! all clear profit. <'curding the uaual r .ike— off lr,*u , a .in i i.r H relary, Ihe atatloiiery allowance, the mileage and the regular salary, Wilcox will have an income of about JS.OUO a year i— the pay of a uaUiggl oOlcer, The rapid development of the bu#lne#e of the PhUrdclphia-Havannah #ttwm#blp line, n* e##ltatlrif the increa# of earn ing catmrlty by 33S per cent in three month#. 1# one of in# most gratifying feature# of the year * #uc< e**ful i*om meree o*h of thii* port Not only are the ghi|># bringing full egrgoe# from I*hila*lel phia for distribution throughout the tet vltory tributary to Havattfiah, but they going back laden to their capacity with cotton, lumber, p-g iron, fruH# and other product# of the Bouth. Thus ea* ft h ifcglc trip i# a profitable one The Inetan tatieou# aucce## of till# venture, involving larg‘ capital, not only d*monetimtea that Bhlladelphia I# a great market but that Ha V anna h l* H great port for collect ing end dl tributlng the rrnnmorlltle# 4f the HotHh Into th** North, atid of tha North Into the Kouth Havatinali. Inde*'d. I# the gr*at tnarttlme gateway of the Hotith Atlantic rectiot). Ham|ie# of H'iniatra tobaero grown In Florida were exhibited a th Bari# Ex position, where they were awarded two point# over the tobacco grown In tue isl and of ffeimMtta. The federal department of agriculture haa recently 4iemoiii4trat.| that #uiiMitra tota • o ean t*e grown in Connecticut, it# weM a* In Florid# On tftlnl of an a re w.t planted near Hart ford. ui-der cheete doth ehad* The net profit on the experimental crop wa# at the rate of pr* |nr acre. Another lot was planted without th*- Nhadc Both co#t arid #e|,lng price cat tnle lot lep# than on the eiunb-d Jot. The de|att ment #ay that It# experiment# hav • rahovvn that Hum#tea tobtrro *an he grown In tVmneetlcut and Florida of a* fine quality a# that imported. The an nual ■ oneumptinn of Bunuitra w topper# ta upward# of M. 000,000. The State Department, It la reported, ha# < onclule| that the*##* rltlxeCM of Ger mmy and other foreign rounthn* Wito |o#t |*ro|>erty or #u#<ained damng*# in Cuba during the progre## of the Cuban Inwiirtc tion agalnwt Hpain must look *0 Cuba, and no* the United State# for the payment of their claim#. Heavy claim# for damng**# are to tn* m.ek* by subject# 01 the German Emperor. Where Cuba l< to get the money with which to •ati*fv th# sc claim# I# not readily apparent. 8h I# Impoverished, and her ex-#oUller# ira clamoring for a recognition of their iaim for com|en#wtloii for their cervices. Pet Crowe #e©m# destined to go Into the annut# of fame in the list with Tancott, Tom Collin# and Charley Roes. lO\ %I*. —Acting Governor Jenk*. of Alabama ha# ex< Ited favorable comment by thwart ing the member# of the legislature in some of their proposed Junker# at the ex pense of the state. The legislator# had plant;***! to make h tour of the normal and agrletiltural #• hool# of the state, hut the acting ex. utive vetoed the enabling res olution on the grtHind that the ext*en#e would la* more than the trip would l*e worth. John A Johnson, a ntanufa turer in Madison. Wl# lia# offered 81000 to the Bixml of Bupervisors of Dade county. Wfh.. for th** purpose of erecting and maintaining a lom* for ngr*4l people. In atblitloti to the regular method of enter ing the home, by the payment of not less than Mr. lia# c*onr*elved the ld**#t of i#utiig admission politic# similar (o Insurance t)ulitles. which may to* taken out by people in youth or mtWl|c age to firovUle for thdr support am) comfort In old age. or which may l*e taken out by any one for the support of * friend. —‘’Allusion** continue to be made to la>r.| Itusewll of Klllowen a# one of tin* dl#tlitgui#he4l meiuker# who found In the retrrter#’ |taller> one of their pla< • # of piep.iratlon for the judicial Bench." say# (lift lamdoti fhrunble. “The wtory ha# been n*iKNUnl #> often that It —em# al most a pity to contradict it A a matter of fact. however. l*ord Hue#* II never was a reporter. Nor did he ever write short hand. though It must be confea©4l that hi# own ordinary letter#. wrUten tn haete with an a maxing system of contra* tl'-n** got a# near to It u* longhatnl ever 411d." HKIfiHT IIITV —"Well, my boy, any college debts?" "Nothing, sir. but what wiiu diligence, economy and Stern self-denial >ou will not be able to pay."—l-lfe. Fine Ethical Distinction.—'"What are you here for, my man?" Inquired the benevolent visitor at the Jail. "Why. you *ee, sir ." answered the pris oner. "I ruck something that didn't be long to m>* by rights an' didn't do It ac cordin' lo law*."— Washington Star. —"You used to any.” suggested her dear est friend, "that he wa* one In a thou hand." "I Still think o," answered the girl whose engagement had been broken, "but 1 have discovered that h<> Is not the only one In a thousand."— Indianapolis Journal —O postman, staggering onward 'neath your heavy Christmas load, To deeper wrath your p.itlenl soul wtc reall) should not goad. But 'mould Is* tru.y sinful how* you'd want to kick and rant If you had lo carry all the gift* we want to give and can't.—Chicago Record. —"Pa." *akl IWIIe Georgie, "why dhl Diogenes live In a tub?" "Oh" tha old gentleman replied. a he Ashed a crumple. l piece of drawn work out from under himself, "I suppose thai was the only pace he * Oil id find where they didn't have sofa pillows amt these blamed tidies all over everything.”— Chicago Tlmea-Herald ( I It Hr.XT niNhUT. The Oreenvtlle (8 C.) New* (Dem.l dla euealng the proposed national marriage and divorce law. say*: "The bill for se curing some -net of uniformity Is a good one; but will be opposed, of course, by the oil state# right.* advocate*, who atlil eltng to the exploded notion that such legislation should be left to the states This haa been left to them; and It la seen wliat a mess they have made of It. Now let the nallon try It." The New Orleans Picayune (Demi aaya: "While the kata of the trade with China Is w seriou* matter to the mills Imme diately Interested, It t* not a (act that the entire cotton manufacturing Industry In the South Is languishing as a cottar - quen.s. and that, therefore, the progress ive movement In the direction of adding new mills has been checked.'' The Cincinnati Enquirer Hum ) aaya. "Perhaps It la jtiat a* well that some of the political doctors should prescribe for the Democratic party at a time when there Is no iiartleular reason for the ad ministration of medicine. They will be played out' and forgotten by the time the real work of regeneration commence*." The Louisville Courier-Journal (Demi say*; "The Power*, having presented their demand* to China, must now alt quietly by anil await an answer. Of course, a little looting and killing on the able will be permissible, juat lo sava hi rrduUM,** ITK.H' or I\TEHI>I. An Improved mad service haw b*.n in • tailed In Frankfort, Germany, the tram way company bavin*? recently added sev en automobile car# and seven trailer car# to the street railway moll service. —l*nlverally choiieron# are the latest Vienne** novelty. Inconsequence of the riotous behavior of the male student# w hen tb* women tried to avail themselves of the newly granted pcrntlsstoti t*> attend lectures many mothfri* of women student# hav* *?gtstered for the university lectures In order to have an opportunity to a oiu pany iunl protect ihtr 4laughter. A Ht. Baul publishing house lias leaded h club building for its 4'** employee. Tue due# nr* IV cent# a month, and the pay ment of th** Mini* entitles a memoer to ail the privilege# of the clutx It© fresh mem# are turni**h**4i at cost, atwl for bi yc*cs 1# provld***! There I* a smok ing room ami a billiard room, and a gym* iiosium i# planned lor thi basement. An exhibition of . .tb-ndur# is to b bald at the room* of the Young Men - Christian A- -o* Litton, Hixtli ud Main street-*, rtlchlivond, Va . from Jan l t° W next, and th* organlxatloii re*iuest# t<* marchant’* manufactuier** ami cotf*>ra llon- of I’hii.iilelptiia to .s-ist the promo ter# of tin* enterprise by their calendars to General He t*dar> H K M Kh The calendar# will *♦' artDH ally arrange*!, and the exhibition will i# irc. The oil four* House at I. which was ere*’ted In IT> # il* nioilshed, and the resklent# of that |la '• #r- very niu*'h int*rest**d in th** tearing down *f th? structure b* aii#e I taliixi *d rye whisky w# pia**l in the corner stone whn th** foundation# wir* aid. The wltlskv w#- sealed up *itl debited there by • Unde" Billy Hmltlt. who. uc < ortllug 10 a local |#ier. ha# determined that if ttier* -hall prove to la- but one drink left h will have It. —New York pawnbroker# **r© to meet increased competition from the Provident lxwin tkr'koty. which was organix*d a# ti pet project of th** bit** t*ommodorc Van derbilt. A third branch of the society i about to I**- opened, thi# time in th* 1 1 **n derlom ,< <ll strict—the richest of all held# fi>r the pawnbroker. The next-door neigh bors of Ih* new establishment will )** John E. Sullivan # saloon and • gambling house. The Provident Ishiii Kvckty charge# 1 ier cent. int*-re#t a nionlh— out -third of the rate usually exact **i by the eight pawnbroker# with whom the new branch of the society will compete. —One of the recent cnerprl#**# in Alpine mountain engineering project# I# to run a tunnel under Mont Blanc *■ that a line i-ontierting Ht. DMler and Chamonix can la* operated. The Val d'Ao#ta Railway now ha# an extension to Hi. Didier, while then* 1# . bran* h of the Bari#. Lyon>. and Mcdlierran*an lino which i# arrlnl Into th r|ini4>mi valley The plan ha l*en i#of#M4Hl by an Italian engineer. M Cedak and It Is said that of the l*i kilo metre# of connecting line, there would In* 13 kilometre# of tunnel with a maximum elevation of I,<M> metres. I# i* proposed to employ the water jiower found on the other wide of the mountain in abumiance to generate electricity to 4>|cr2 , ‘ th* line. -The velocity of light ha# rc. c*i>y been redetermine*! by M B* rrotin, who ha perform* and a #erle# of ex|erlment#, u#lng Flxeau’s method. The distance between the two si.wiou# was nearly 12 kilome tre#, and after I .‘>oo ol>#4*r vat ton# a mean value of kilometre# |>er .-erond was obtained. In Flaeau's onglmtl experi ment# <t distance of h.tf33 meters* w’u# ex perimented with, ami tfie velocity ob tained was 315.00D kilometer# per second. In 11174 M. Cornu, with Improved appa ratus. ma le similar experiment# and an nounced the result of hi# determination it too kilometer 1* r se* ond. In •he United State#, with somewhat different apparatus. Mlt lielM-n, in 18X2. found the volecliy to le 2W.8* r 3 kilometers, and Maw MWb : •• M Mli ‘ #erlt-s of determination*, mud** it 2Vi*.BIO kilometer# per second. Acetylene gas. In adhllon to furnish ing talllmnl Illumination, can also be used Willi ihe blast to pr*lu e Intense h*. It combined with air and oxygen in the protver pro|vorllons. It has been found that u sufficient o melt sold could la* obtained when acetylene was us**l In the blast-lamp, and experiments have re cently Ivecn performed In which oxygen was sulistllutisl for the ulr. When pure oxygen was u-ed l w,l ■ found that the flattie became exceedingly luminous and J. posited carbon in a compai'i form much rc-*eintiling gs- rarhon, but by mixing the oxygen with air the gaa is completely hurtl ed and the temperature produced Is suffi ciently Intense to melt platinum. The use of acetylene In 4hl* way dor* r.o: pre sell* any advantage over the ordinary gas consumed In Ihe blast-lamp, except In cases where the laboratory Is supplied with such source of Illumination Instead of ordinary gs* —The extent to which science can be applied lo every-day affairs I* well Il lustrated on reading the reports of the various division* of the I'nkei! Unites Department of Agriculture Of |<artte ular interest Is the statement that the di vision of entomology is having consid erable success In Introducing insects and parasites. In I'allfornla an Insect has hern Introduced which fertilises the Htnyrna llg. ami a* a result more than six ton* of these tigs have been produced lit one locality alone, and It I* Ivelleved that they can l* produced In such amount* as to < ,iusc this country to he an Important competitor In tlhs Held. The entomologists have olso done a valuable service to the olive grove* of the some slate by Introducing a parasite which de stroy* the that has proved a most troublesome |*-*i. To destroy lo custs a fttngusdlseaee lias been introduced from Natal, which has benn the means of destroying the Injurious swarms of these Insects, and effort* have been made* to Introduce from Kurope perasltce of the gypsy molh. —The condition* of Ihe production of lea In India have been recently studied, and a result Interrsllng statistics have been tabulated. In l*Ss the total m reage de voted to tea In India tvs* 283,*25. an amount which increased to Sil.lCi 111 isyt to 415.717 In lW*i. and si the end of tlie year ISB9 lo 51t.732; the avciage rale ol Increase for the Dm live years befog ii.. 211, or nearly double the overage for the five years previously. The tea-plantations are In I tie lir.ihmapulia valley of Assam, ihe Surma valley of Cachor, and Hylhel, Bengal, and Trav.tncore. and nearly twice as much late! rut* bean tuken up by plant er- but I* not yet planted A neavy rain fall and a humid anil equable climate are ewsen ila I for the cultivation of tea. The yield In ihe Brahmaputra und Burma val ley* t* given at about 44- pounds to tn ucre. while In the Duars and Darjiling In Bengal the yield Is 513 pound* and 231 pound* to the acre respectively. The In dustry in Assam haa been carried on mainly hy Kuropean* with t-onsHerable cnpltul. anil Ihe plantations and estates have been con-oUdutrd, *o that the aver age exent of each plantation te In excess of 1,200 acre*, a* com pan* I with an tiver •ge of 727 for Bengal, while In the Kan gr.i valley of the Punlab. where the plun tnlions are owned for Ihe most part by the native*, there ure only --hoof four a. res In each farm. The quantity of tea produced ha* Increased In a ratio ewi -nlerably greater than that of the area cultivated the increase In area bring given a* *2 per cent while the amount of production I* greater by It* per rent, tl.nn fifteen year- ago. In the year pw pound* of tea were produced |ti India, of which hy far Ihe greater part * ••ported, there being small dome*tie consumption England. naturally. r*. ,reived the bun. of ths product exported. Atlantic Monthly For January , 1901 Contains the first of a remarlublc tfries of srticlfs on RECONSTRUCTION IN THE SOUTHERN STATES Vow. at thr threshold of thr nrw ronturv. pntriofir citizen* of our happily re. united country should be hljlc to review without bitterne** thr event* of our trrlnf Heconstruction Period. That blunder* were ramie by tadh Northern and Southern statesmen may now lie frankly admitted. To point out these error*, to analyac tbc conditions out of which they *tirantf, U> trace the constitutional change* that date front this period, and to make cle*r thr bearing of these changes upon our dome*tic and for eign policy of the immediate future, i* the aim of the AtUntu's article*. The author* arc men of national reputation, and although representing various parties and action)*, have written lu a spirit of genuine patriotism. They are aa fol *oW*; Prof. Woodrow Wilson Hon. Hilary A. Herbert Hon. Samuel W. McCall Prof. W. E. R. Du Bois Hon. D. H. Chamberlain Prof. W. A. Dunning Thomas Nelson Page William G. Brown Early next •itttnmer Mary Johnston. auUior of To Have and To Hold, will bring out the first chapter* of her new story. Audrey. For sale at all Newsdealers SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER On receipt of 50 cents the Publishers will send the ATLANTIC for three months to any NEW subscriber. Circulars and Prtsftctus sent an affiliation. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN <fc CO., 4 Park SL, Boston l l * I. Of HOP! m AID & 5 3. R*f M It KIM U . For 1.-le of Hope. Mutilconv ry Thunder bolt. Cattle i'aik and Wist l-n 4. Dally except Sundays. Subject to enuagr without notice IHL.K OF MOPE. Lv City for i. of li.j L,v Die of Hope ~ li i> am from T< nth I 4 O' am tor Uolton 730 mu fiom Tenth | 4 uo for Tenth *i am from T.-alti | 2 uv .ini for Tenth * is am from Bolton | * 00 am for Tenth to JO am from Tenth ,lu in ,im for Tenth 12 (' n'n from Tenth ,11 uo am for Bolton 1 IS |>m from llolion ,11 Jj am for T. nth 2Ju pm from Tenth | 2 Od pm for Tenth IJu pm from Tenth | t to pm for Holton tSO pm from Tenth | Jdo pm for Tenth > I.’. ten tr.irn Ho:ion S pm from Tenth |I 00 pin for Tends 4 pm from Tenth ,400 pm ror Tenth 7hi pm from Tent!) | 7 00 pm for Tenth t3O pni front Tenth *OO pm for Tenth Ju pin thorn Tenth Im pm for Tenth 10 J) pm front Tenth [lO Ow pm for Tenth |II 00 run for Tenth MONTGOMERY. Lv city for M •> . 1.,. Mo<.iKonery~ 4 -o am front Ttnth | Tit>a for Tenth 230 pm fiom Tenth . 1 li pm foi Tenth 430 pu> float Tenth j 400 pin for Tenth CATTLE I’ARK etty for Ce Park Lv cmtie Perk -4 J 1 .im from ttoliun , 7 00 am for Bolton 7 4* uni from i.oilon j * 00 aoi for Bolton 1 ou pm from Bolton , 1 3u pm for Bolton l M pm liotii Bolton | 3 oo piu for Button 7 00 pin from Bolton ; 7 Ju pm for Bolton * W pin front Boltou , * oo pm for Bolton THUNDERBOLT. Car leaves Bolton street Junction &:M a. m. and every thirty minutes thereafter unto ri am. rn. Car leaves Thunderbolt at 6:00 a. in and every thirty minutes thereafter unit 12 00 midnight, for Bolioti street Junc tion. FREIGHT AND PARCEL Aft This car carries trailer for passengers on all trips and leaves * set side of city market for lair of Hop-*. Thunderbolt and all intermediate points at k.UO a- ui. 5 oo p. m . 600 p ni Leaves Isle of Hop* for Thunderbolt. City Market and all Intermeeltat* points *i v* p m. WEST END CAR". Car leave* weat side of city market for West End 4:00 n rn and every 40 mlnutee thereafter during ihe day until 11:30 p. m Leaves West End at *2O a m. and or* ery 40 minutes thereafter during the day until 11:00 o'clock midnight II M l/YFTGN Gen Manager. LEGAL nOTICBO. IN the District t’ourt of the United mates for Ihe Eastern Division of Ihe Southern District of Georgia Notlre of sigillcatlon for din-barge In the matter of Charh-s Menge. county of Chatham. In bankruptcy. To the creditor* of the above-named bankrupt: Y'ou are hereby notified the above-named bankrupt has filed his application for h dls.Yiarge from ail of the debt* provable In bank ruptcy against said Char It s Menge The * ild application will he heard hy ih* lion Emory Speer, Judge of the United mate* District Court, lor *M district and di vision. at the United mate* Court House. In Savannah. Gu., on the lltti day of Jan uary. 1901. at I<> o'clock a in. Ail creditor* of said bankrupt are noti fied lo appear at the time and pier* stat ed. ami show c.iuse. If any they can. why the prayer contained In the said petition should not be granted Paled In Bavunnah, Ua . this ISth day of December, JBOO. H. II KING. Clerk GEORGIA. CHATHAM COI'NTY \Y her ear Eugenia !•*. Sweeney has applied to Court of Ordinary for leiter* of admin istration on the estate of Michael T. Bw*eeney, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish all whom It may conrrn to he and appear before said court to make objec tion (If any they* have) on or before the lirsi Monday In January, next, otherwise raid letter* will l>e granted. Wi tness, Ihe Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll. ordinary for Chatham county, this the 7th day of liecemlrer. 1900 frank E KEILRACH. Clerk ft. Ord'y, C. Cos. G B AN HATLEY, Petitioner's Attorney. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTV.- Whereas Wili am L. Wakelee has applied lo Court of Ordinary for letters of ad ministration to Issue to Jordan F. Brooks, county administrator, on the estate of John G. Carter, deceased. These at. therefor*, to cite and ad monish all whom II may concrn to he ami appear before said court to make objec tion (If any they havti on or before <hc first Monday In January, next, otherwise said letters will l*> granted. Witness, the It. notable Hampton 1, Ferrlll. ordlnarv for Chatham county this the 2kth day of November lWn FRANK K KKILBACH. ■jerk ft. Only, c. fa. VjtwM HAIR^BALSAM li:r b*lr. w Mr- ,nudei t lan a t fr ,wth Tonlhful Color FM' <1 •-* * hkir la. lm ‘''-vttjStbW Ta '*• OI.D NEWSPAPER*. SOO for 2i ctnu at Buskitst Oflico Morning Nsw#, ‘ Mercnanis 8 Miners Ifonsprteljon Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket* on Sale to All Point* North and West. Flrat-clas* ticket* Include meals and berth* Savannah to Baltimore and Phila delphia. Accommodation* and cuUtna um-qualed. The steamihipa of thl* company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah aa follow* (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. ITASCA. Capt. Billups. BATTRDAT, Dec. 29. 1:30 p. rn CHATHAM, c.ipi. Easter. TUESDAY. Jan. I. 2:30 p. m. TEXAS, Capt. Eldredgr. THURSDAY. Jan. 3. 4:30 p. in l> II MILLER, i apt Peter*. SATUR DAY'. Jan. 5. 6:30 p. tn TO PHIL YDKLPHIA. ALLEGHANY. Capt Foster, SATUR DAY. Dec. 29. at 10:00 p. m. BERKSHIRE. 'apt. Ryan. WEDNES DAY. Jan 2. 3:30 p. m ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster. MONDAY, Jun. 7. 7:30 p m. Ticket Office No 112 Bull slreeE J. J. CAROLAN, Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agt. Savannah, Ga. W. P TURNER, O. P A A. D. BTEBBINB, A. T M J. C WHITNEY, Trafflo Manager. General Office*. Baltimore. Md. IT'S A CERTAINTY THAT SmitlTsChill Tonic A TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, Intermittent, Malaria, And. dll Forms of Fevers. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE. —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH, GA. Sunset Route, SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, XgffSp' Tlw Favorite and Het Route Lise To LOUBIANA, TEXAS, MEXICO. CALIFORNIA, and all Points West. STANDARD PULLMAN* on all iralna dally. KXCI RSION PALACE PULLMANS dally, except Monday, frosn New Orltui* to California and Oregon points, al 15.00 per berth. FREE CHAIR CARS dally. Nw Or leans to Dallas, and all MlJdlo and Northern Texaa points. DAILY THROUGH PULLMANS to Mexico City and Hun Francisco. The Famous SUNSET LIMITED. Over-' Monday. Thursday ami Saturday. New Orleans to Sun Francisco. For all Information, address CLARENCE W. MURPHEY, T. P. A , U East Dryan Hi., Savannah. Ga. TURPENTINE FARM FOR SALE. Pine wrl! riil||M*il Tarpmllar Inrm at private male, on areouat of iicatti of partner*. Thirty crop*. Labor anti roanil timber plenty. Inn be liottaHt at a reat liargaln. %|<lrefe or vrlalt MANSHIP CO., Nk-holaavllle, Miller County. Ga. Empty Hogsheads. Empty kslssMi Hogshead, gala by \C. M. GILBERT & CO.