The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 30, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORN INO NEWS FstabUShed IW<>. - - incorporated IM$ J. H. KBTII.U President, KIMBERLEY CUT OFF *0 MAIM HAVE RR3ICHED THERE FOK A WEEK. food at famine prices. hoers arrE ah to be vf.rv uvb- Mr AT AM. I*ol ATS. I,lll'knrr Report# ■> \nmWr of At- At (irfrtn*t><l There Un. n •harp Flfkl With Eight Killed. "T Wounded and Twraty Mltna. British Heoccwpy KlcUshiirg on Urtirrairnt of Borra. < • i>. lock. r|v Colony, Friday. Dec. 29 Kimberley la alrooat Isolated by Boer iaiders. No malls have reached there trom Dee. 1* to Dee. 35. Provision* are ii .mine prices. The military took chars® i alt foavtstuffs Dee. £2. , >.e I ..hosier Regiment, commanded by M.i). Harry, bad a skirmish, lasting four ir. with the Hoera at Drelfontein Dec. 17 suffering slight losses. The Boer* at Geluk captured a convoy it tw. i.ty-flvo wagons on Christmas Eve. kitchk-neh kbpouti attack. Attack on llsiKas Column Brings on l.tvely Engnacment. Ix-ndon. Dec. .-Oen. Kitchener, tele rnr-hlng from Prstorla under date of Friday. De. 2*. amdn a summary of the i mher of attack* made by the Boerw at vm. ious point*. The only Important In •!- , i was an attack on a baggage column i. *r Grey Ungatad. A company with o j>n.;o made a sortie from Greylingidud end drove off the Boers, ('apt*. Rod. lyffe ur.d Harvest were wounded, eight ttusi w re kill'd, twenty-seven were woui.d-d and twenty were reported missing. HRITIWII RBUtIMNO CROIkD. Too Commandos Forced tlaek and In n llesperntr Nitnalloa. Fondon, Dee. 99.—Dost night’s cable dis- I lies from South Afri--a add llllle or i hli gto the Information the i latlon, though the general trend of iw li sc. ms to *h. w that the Br.tUh ar r nlng the ground recently lost. A spe . : from Naauwpoort dated Dec. 3*. re y r’s that Col. DeUsle defraud tlertsog iitaen rn.lcs west of DeAaar. capturing a number of wagons and releasing the i oner* captured at Phillipstown. L.ieut. ■ ■ I Orenfell forced hack Krltxinger to wn,.is Vernerstad. Both commando* arc In a desperate plight and probably will n. ver r rosa the orange river It !> credibly reported. according to w I ;\ from Newcastle. Dee. 29. that 1 iotha has Informed Commandant K; rulght that Kruger hti* *et word that t>. but.-urr* must lay down their aims <> m nuo lighting on their own account no support from Europe can be ex- 1.1.N. t 01.4 IIJ.K’H H’ATFHF.NT. hnj* Alarm Things About Huberts nntl Kllchrn©r. L don. !>©c. 29. Maj. Gn. f*lr Henry •ivllf, Wtioee resignation ha* bon de • , .led by the War office. ‘Hit who refus d to ri -ign. and came to England from . i ,Itnr. arriving at Plymouth to-day, t . .mand a trial by court-martial to es u ■ -ti the responribillty for the Yen p .. r> diaaster at Utvlk)’ last May. has I. a countc(strlkv at the w ir office :. words statement which be has j it ty iue He gi/i h® •■**:• ••—* i to tVnund a Deo Inquiry dial dot * r t Int.-nd to be made a *- a(Mgoit for th t.-r of the staff. He avers that * :w J 41. v disaster could never hove h|e r -d b dhe been Inform.-! of 1-otd Rob e■ - Intention*, lie lay* out the fuels • I Maine* others. Oi-n. Colville and hi- Irdacitlial [i In and out of the army itiiui beginning a campaign against ihe a ,< retary of stale for war. Mr. Wtl- II Bt. John lir.Klri. k. Ird Robert* •I tien Kitchener. It Is expected to be ugh! out with some ferocity in Pariia •’.en Colville alludes to ome of the • ttnanry being millionaire* and quotes • I Roberta at* saying It was hi* duty ■ a. rtfl.y. hkt force tor the Yeomanry. "It al|i be remembered.’’ Gen. Colville "that the corps d’ellte numbereil 0 i;d my force nearly eight time* that nutn ilen. Colville cites two examples of what ■matters lrd Kitchener's "defective ff work." Ilrltinh Hrort-upj •I*'ti fontcln. Friday, 25.--Th* Brit- : imvf* rw). Plcteburg. *m# time had bwn tn th handp of Boer*. a scoop fofTthe world. • rmannrlh Will Tube CNar* T *nrr—w to lltastrale Ml* Ideas of alb Onlnrr .lonrnnllsm. w U k, Dm?. ■ i r ami proprietor of he London ♦ M ill, has consented to take entire <‘je, fir one day only, of the New l. Wort-1 next Monday, to tllutsrate ••lea* of what the twentieth century -paper sham'd be. Tuesday's million tlie Wnild will he under Mr. ltarm-- rth's toll direction—new In form, Ue, 1< and contents. 1 said I hot Mr. Joseph Pulttxer per ally offend to lve 150*0 to any char- Mr Hums worth desUcnated. If Mr. rr •worth could auccca-fully Illustrate i >vel ldet of twentieth century Jour • - tn. W hirl he has expressed In recent ~ iMne oriole* and newspaper Inter* ws. In vital l*n, If la said. waa accepted Mr. Harm|worth. A 111 II KRMMfC 111 Li ne Introduced I pan Plans Pre need by bewey, t’rosvnlnshleld *l Ktmr. sshl.-i.loh, rtac. B—A h!M *ffl • *"• luced tn Congress upon Its raaesetnbl for tha forma Hon f • naval reserve ed upon plant prepared by a board •posed of Adltlral Dewey, Beat Ad si Crownlnehiild and Capt. Evans features of tha btli are the 1 of the reearte forces o a * 1 men, the otlcera not to exceed * itnber, made tip of i*l|f. Ueuteo- Junior xrade and lieutenants The ol enlistment la axed at flva yea/a Jsatemnal) Jllofning . cros. LONDON FIRMS FAIL Flroi© Follim l.ondna mi.i <alt*lr I inmin* 4 orporntiou * *ua |*nlon. rvr .~Th lxxu\cm anl G!b© I Finance Corn. rs;Km. Limited. ha# nu*- ; payment. When the tvroktr* ye#- trrdty <f©iiv©r©i ©took purchaned on ac c*ount of the Ixvndon end Globe and a-k*d for payment they received cheeks which ! were dishonor. ,!. This was followed to- j day by the failure on the Stock Exchange I of !2 firms, as follows: Haggard. Half A I’lxley, Uatie Driver. Douglas. Jr.. * Cos.. Cornfoot Bros.. F. A. Cohen. Blockey & j Rueklngham, Gunn A Aubrey. Richards ! A Sloper, Baker A Smith, F. C. Watt* A Cos.. Flower A Cos, and F. Houliy A Cos. The first named Is a big firm, with tm- j port an t (onnrctklM. It i fexr©d a num- | of tmal!©r Jis>.*r© toll) l** aft** ?4eJ. Whil© th© oimoult I** of th© firm* rln- ; ly mnwMß.l with thf !>x:lon and OiotK l division wrre largely ll#'*>unt©d. th© r©- j l©ntd f ill of th* hammer thl# morning a st. .*? wniiitioo. II 1?* f©ir©*l the j I full of failures I* not yet known. % BLACK HIV *H LONDON. rtnr More nrrnn to < losing 4 hnttier of l.rd lluflrrln*# l.ifr. l/XMktr. !©<*. 2?.— I The failure* to-day in- | S voive tw*my-rtht m**ni. **ra of the Stock j I Kxchunx© and arc equally divided anion* j Jobber a and broker*. It I* generally re • irarded m the mining market as bed me the | Uaekmt day tinea the Baring emash. ! which was to all departments j To-day’s cri*i*. however, did not extend to other market*, though moat of them cobed depressed. Americans were Incl danta lv affected, owinp to some of the •firms which failed bring interesi*sd In American sccurltiea. The Lot.-hiii fu| Globe Is said to be ! largely interested in the Itaioer Streea j Waterloo Elaific Railroad, and th#* troutdc J* iiartialiy attributed to the noncy It has tied up In that road. Th<* hairman of tie is>mion aid Globe I‘inon *e t‘or|M>ratkin. Limited. I* the Mr quls of Dufferin ail Ava. the former Gov* emor • Jeiiera* of i'an oLi. ami British Am* ha**ador to Pari*. The failure of the oiveern. of which he is the head, adds one more sorrow to the rloairijf chapter of hie ilfe. for he is to-dav preparing *o Mtart for South AfrU't*. in company with Ui ly Dufferin, In ootnaquanc* of the serious condition of hts son. le>rd Fred erick T**mpla Blackwood, the lieutenant in the Ninth Lancers, who was wounded Monday at 4Ji**nfonteln. It le scarcely a year aro s.rue I*rrd Dufferin o*t h*s ei<|g*>t eon, tli Keir) of Ava. who die*l it Ulv m th. He is now en< omias*eil by fnmll> arief Hid hi* honore*! name I* • lr* kc*-I In the financial mire. TTlrd DufTerm'* fellow director* are Whitaker Wright, who is well known in connection with many oompanien; Lieut. Gen. the Hon. Boynerset rmigh-t'althnrpe. who has been colonG-in-chlef of the Fifth Dragoon Guard* since I*®2, and Lord Pelham Clinton, master of the Queen'* household and a son of the former Duke of Newcastle. Lord Dufferin hold* 5<W shares of the Lotainn and Globe and >,OjO British- Americas. englandTltorm. <tan*itttle of \\rrrk*nf Thrown V p and Many t nrrportnl Dlsaatrr* Antleipalfd. laordon. Dec 29-Quantities of wreck- J age have been thrown up on the different I coasts, evidence# of disaster* from the gale, not yet reported. The remainder of the crew of the B|in* i#h steamer Knecurl. which was driven tshore at the Portland breakwater (where twenty-two men got ashore. leaving five cm the wreck) have been landed. The cap tain revhdted the vessel thL morning ami \ tm he stepped on her deck thr ship heeloi i over an I sank. The captain was drowned. The French bark Heine, from Iquique. Sept. 23. for Dunkirk, ha* been driven ashore at P err an port h. t'ornwall. The crew, numbering men. were saved by the rocket apparatus. lit) HITS MIIKII MHORE. Tnrgfr of Ibr I'mir IVllimi la llir Prlitirnar Hill. Holyhead. Pec. 3 —The bodies of twenty members of *he etc* of the British bark Primrose Hill. Cept Wilson, from Liver pool for Vancouver. which went on the ro.-k* three mites off South Slack during the calc ami broke up, hive been washed ashore. PREirii mii.ori lout. Tishina Insrk Fssadrn and Pilot float left. Paris. Tier 2* —The fishing smock K pe ranee foundered off Treport and three fishermen were lost. A pilot lost heloAimiff to Havre has been lost with two men. THU ('UNKME IRIW.III. I Brilliant "prelarlr at the Sear Theater Traneals I-aat Maht. Pari*. Pee. 3 —A brilliant spectacle was presented a' the Theater Praneal* to nUbt on the return of the Comedle Fran ks to Its old home whirh has been re buflt on sclent W© method# since H was gutted by Are last March. The occasion a* celebrated with a gala performance, and it l* lotihlful If Ihe historic play house ever held a more dis tnguUhed gathering of representative ranchmen. hiary oßDß to bf.ri.iy. Hmperor s Brother Mast Windy Af fairs af state. Berlin nee 9 -An imperial order, dated ig. commands Prince Henry of Pni. -la. (hroihe- of Emperor Wl.lismi. to re : r to Berlin b> Jn I. •<* remain tt , .pita! for some tunc, with the view of a-inning a os-re intimate knowlclge Of sine affairs H. Majesty desires tha*. while at the capital. PHnce Henry shall maintain close Much with the foreign of fice. PR lit E Attn THE I Hi RfH. The Pope Worross t the llaaaer to Bellaloas Orders- Parts. Dec .-Cardinal Richer* areh bHSOD of Per* l * lon h "' t.r from the Pope, egpre.sing bitter eor ,, the danger threatening the rell rJu. order. HU Holmes. *vle lbs Frcneb Bishop to work in har nK)ny to safeguard the intereaki Ot the congregetue*- SAVANNAH, GA„ SUNDAY, DECEMBER IK), IDOO. THE HAZING INQUIRY COMMAND AMT MRI* THB IT AND \ mTKMtDAI . SUPT. MILLS ALSO TESTIFIES. BrrORTS TO at ITHKM KIAZIXG HKUTKU. lisilng Traditional and Thosght 4 omnirndaMr in amr Quarter*. 4 n|. Mill* Tell* of What He tin* Done— Hud Fourth € laa Men La ter Into an %areemrnt Not to Sub mit to Hstlna anil Increased Ite *lon*liilitlea of First fin** Men. West Point, N. Y„ Dec. 29 -The Inves tigation of the . hargfs ot brutal hazing arising out of the death of former ca det Oscar L. linos, which, under a court of inquiry appointsd by the Secretary of | War. has tn-en tn progress with some in- j term Is* lon for the last two week'*, was j concluded at she West Point Military Academy this afternoon. The court left for Governors* Island to-night, and on Monday will examine the mass of evl *T*nce which they have listened to during the several e**tnn* nf the court and ex- i rept something unforeseen occurs, will ! make a report to the War Department a* Washington very soon afterwards. Lieut. Col. Oito L. Hein, com mandant at the tint tad States Mil itary Academy, was the first wit nes# cullel to the mand to-day to tes tify before the court of Inquiry appointed 1 to investigate the allegation* of brutal J hasing of cadets. <\d. Hein produced the superinteixlcn 's ! sick reporis, which show-d that Cadet Boos had only reported sick once while he was at the academy. The record* \ made It clear that Boos had never been absent from breakfast, dinner nor per while he was a cadet at West Point. An extract from the records was read by the witnes*. who said Ctt let Boot hoi availed himself of the Saturday evening privilege* of going anywhere within the reservation on Saturday, Aug. 6, the day I of the Boos-KeUer light. Booa reported his going away at I’M p. m. and his re turning at Stiff p. m. In reply to Gen. Clous, the witness said that in the sum mer of 1*99. through anonymous letters, the brutal basing of Cadets Mi Arthur aid Haskell came to th. knowledge of the academy officials. An investigation was immediately ordered, but no Inform i tion a# to the facU could be ottettad from any of those examined, among whom w* re MacArthur and Haskell. The regiatton* busing provided punishnSjm for baser* and hazed alike. in teJAng of ih* agreetnent made by ,he fourth das* men in Im, among whom catkin JlncArihor and Grant, not to submit to hazing. Col. Hein said: *T callwi the 4asa together (It was a very large one) and explained to them tin rule* and regulation* prohibiting basing. 1 told t heart hat if they would agree not io submit to basing, arid promise not to I .vase anyone themselves, they would rid the academy 4*f * foiii blot on It* reputa tion. Boon afterwards they appealed to me to he re teased from this agreement, but l refused. **l n so hewPl,** continued the witness, •that candidate* preparing at Highland Kalis were being based, amt 1 mde an inveettgation. the outcome of which was severe puni.- invent of ih* guilty cadets, Hpeaklng generally of basing. Col. Hein eaid i •Hating I* tr.lit!on,l, etsl I *m sorry to say Is thought by persons. Inside a* w .a . of sderoy. *o he ,„mnv mlal.le. and a* Mig as students hear U siKikrn of In thle I* lnn>lbls for ihe authorities lo stanip It “What methods do you shirk could be usu to stomp out the Vallm* out’ of the fourth class men and subsequent fistlo en.wuntersT" asked Gen. fkaw. "Why. 1 consider that a form of hat ing. and a* long as Ihe cad.-l* <lon live up to the agreement not to submit to hat ing and the upper els -* do not cease In terfering with them. It sill be impossible to suppress t." Former Cadet Umlih of Carborslale. 11l testified to seeing Boot, on one occasion, nokling out dumbbell* and dotng "Wooden Wllilee.” “We "ere excr ie.) oltnus’ •lally.” the witness .aid. "Cadets Meyer .11*1 Nelly excr —I me frequently." Cadet Trum.m W. CarTuthers of Ell netk*. the next witness, said he was rah ,*l out "for dlsolM-yfng ujq-er ni, ’ n and generol freshness." His opponent was Mr. Shannon of the present second etas*. “What was the result?" "1 got knocked out, sir." "Did you receive any InjuriesT’ In quired Gen. Clous "Ye*, sir. 1 had an abrasion on the forehead and my Jaw was broken." "Did you go to the Itospl'ol?" "Yes. sir. 1 was there Just two weeks. ’ ••Was Shannon a Rod man?" •Ye* sir. I thought so.” replied the witness, who laughed a# he answered. He was allowed lo go then. OV>! A. E. Mills, superintendent of the academy, was then sent for. and after a few minutes delay h* came Into the court and am sworn. He submitted manv report* and extracts regarding the reg ulation* prohibiting basing and the meas ures a.lopted by the authorities lo abollsu •he several sard-tie* of It. which existed at the post He *u >nslt!d long list* Of ca.let* who were summirlly punlart.*! for violation* of these regulations, bo. they were merely repetition* of th# ex tract* of records handed to the court pre viously by f’ommsislsnt Hein. fipeaklng of "bracing.” the aupertnten .t.n. Mttd: "I do not oonskler ’hraetng’ as basing, hut It amounta to It when car rted to exesas and causes physical pain.” For the protection of th.- fourth class mm she witness raid :hat he had In creased the reepopslhllltlea of the first class cadets In regard to this etui He felt that these men, on the verge of grad uatton. aotikl use Ihclr u most endeavor to aboish haalng method* Col Mill* said that a great deal of dlftl* cavity had been experienced by him and the other officers in getting Information front cadets about case* of baxln* on the ground that they might incrtnlim* them selves. The superintendent told of his haring secured the oath of a society known as tba "Uod Carrier*." which existed araeng candidates for admission to tin* snwemy who were at a pmaulorr school at Highland Falls, about two mil** from West Point. It was • society composed of and formed for haxlng candidate, Th, witness uld It was of such a vt.s nature that ha know he had a good weapon In hta hanud. He submitted It to the cadet body with the result that when they saw what haxlng entailed, the graduating class Of DM deviated they wood abolish huxlc.R atxS arrta him to that #fff* t. Am to stlf-iri' rtminalion of r*<ki wltiu*wa*s. lha par*jraf*ii xivinx ihi* privllffF **l MH *it*w#rin#c vk .wit wouiti in* att lnTiinint- | Inx qu**<tlon WAm amfnk<i by lh<* War Ih?- j partmaat. Ttl- left to tha j of th* wiponntvmVnt of th* ] wlifthtr or not c*'kl swill ln'timinat#* hifiu**'!f b> anaaerlnx i*rtaii j qu* ?ikmp. ThL t'haiiito wa.H mado aftor the* Dni*t* hid male an j#ro*nv nt to slop ail forms of *xcrcf*iiig. Col. Mill* r#*a.l oocna letlor* which h*- had writ urn to th** War lVf*rtm<*t in his efforts to abolish haztnc *t Ih a fl oras. lontaintna auch aaxe*Uv# words a* “brutal treatment of cadets** and ••secret outratfes.’’ rvfarring lo the eeant|*m*iu of 1899. In ratdy to Gen. Batts. Col Mill# “I don’t think that h.tztn can he ua(ly stamped out a# long human imi tirv r*xnaitiD a.-- it I*. Eveti in <llip and i*-_ho;s arwt businr## centers it carried on. For instance* the Initiation of a mconker of the Stock Lxchan*** i* marksxl by rouith usago of the IWWOOUW. Hut I tnitik that by vigilance of th** nu ll* irtlie* *t ihii 1 academy ami the co-m --eration of the cale?s th-mno)ven It can t K< i*t within ucii bounds that no injury would result. “I have been unremitting in mv en dfavofsi," continued Coi. Mill*, "in trying to secure the n#ltan<'#> of the cadets •< thi- end and I feel that my effort* h.ive been successful to a large extent." Referring to ih* case of Oscar I*. Boos, he said: “The tirst information that 1 had of the case was In a letter I received from the editor of the Inteliuenca of Doyleetohrn, Fa., in which he said that Boos wh dy- | Ing from the eff ci* of severe injuries he had received In a fight at " l*oiiif and also from the effect* of having awaliowed some liquid substance. “This letter was dated Nm-, 27. 1908. I Immediately Investigated the case and repib>d to he letter Nov 2K. saying that OsvVir 1,. Boot had resigned on account of wak eye* and that he had recotved no serious Injury In the tight men Honed.” “1 id you * ver in any way call Cadst Bona a liar?** inquired Gen. Olottw. No !“ir. 1 simply wrote to the author ities at Washington the fact# which 1 learned through my Investigation here at Dm* academy.” Thl# ended the testimony of the last wltnesa, ami the court adjourned at 4 o’clock to reconvene at Governor’s Island at 10 o'clock on Monday morning. chinaUkely to accept. XothiiiK 4Mtl-inlly innnnnml llat lt*l>rf tu 'I hi* Fffrrt \rr 4,t*li ing 4 redeact*. Shanghai. Dec. 29.—Chlnaoe paper* here kiut# 4/iat the court has decided to accept | the condition# of the Bower#, ami thl# report Is gaming credence, but nothing has yet been officially announced. It I# asserted that tne Kmperor ha# or dered the immediate decapitation of Yu formally Governor of Hhan Si. who was previously degraded and bin ehed. LI 111 AG GUNU \ EHY ILL. \notlier 4 nmuiUalinrr May Have to He Appointed. Bek In, Dec. 99.—1 t Is doubtful now whetj.r U Hung (’hang will be able to attend the meeting# of the diplomats. The sign# of oid ige are isH- iming more pronounced, and I the lower p rtlon of hi* body 1* comitate, ly paralyzed. Though R is officially an flounced each day that Earl lA*a condition Is improved, it is a fact that he lias not ! appeared out of door# aince iie was first I taken ill. Ills friends say they believe h. will not completely recover am! think that another t'ommlssioner must be ap point ad. NOT RKFOKH J 131'ARY A. I'rlnee 4 It Inn Dora Not Expect* Dell- Rite Hep!?' |f*fec llini Tlaue. Pekin. Dec. .-lr Rolw rt Hart, direc tor of Chinese lmtM'rlal maritime custom*. I frequently sees i’rlnee Chin*, tie says Chin* expects a definite reply from the t*>urt to the Joint note of the Power* not before Jan. k. He liefieves that the note will tie accepted In It* entirety with* In a short time. CHI YEAR GTIIHt. ttsshinslnn tel kiarprlsed Thl Chi nese should Want Time, Washington, !*e 3>.—‘ The Chinese mlr l.ler had rot returned thl* mornltut from hi* trip to Montclair. N. J.. a nil ttio offi cial* of the Chinese leg-aliot) had received no Information concerning the reported •election of anew Emperor, or of the re ply said to have been made by the Chi nese envoy* on the demand* of the Bow er*. The stale department Is also unin formed on the re|*>rtel change of Km - peror*. and tn view of the alienee of the mnlstera th# report 1* received with considerable sk< ptlcltm. The Chines# offi cial* are una quainted with the lineage of the youth said to have been chosen by the Empress Dowager for the throne. It 1* recognised hy Ihe officials her* as a perfectly natural course on the part of the Chine*© government to ask for ex planations of the Important points In the rereoment reached by the ministers at I’ekin. Ho they are not surprised to hewr ins that before blindly accepting the iqtreement as binding uton It. the Chinese i court wishes for some definite statement j a to what Chines* cities are to he occu pied. how long the occupation Is to con tlnue. whether It is an absolute condition that the Princes are to be beheaded and whether the Take forts are to he raxed or whether dismantlement trill riot suf fice. tnjr government doe* not desire the absolute demolition of the Taku forts; It will suffli-e for our iHirpose*. having tn mind a temporary stay In China.that they should be renders.l harmless by ill-man tl.ment to prevent the ready access to the Chinese oapltal of any force which It might be necessary to send from Ho repe ihd America In the Improbable event that the Chinese government fall* to live up to the obligation* it will assume un der the agreement. I Imperial Troop* Aealtered by \eta tleo. Berlin. Dec S—The war office has re ceived from Count von Waklerse* a dis patch dated Pekin. Dee 3*. reporting that i a company of the Third Eaat Asiatic Reg. Intent scattered s<* imo-nsi irnsM nee U tn the mountains northwest of Man Taking. A Hessian Tramp Steamship Norfolk, Va., Dee. Tha ateamshlp Heron, the first Russian tramp steamer ever In this port, arrived at Dambert'a Point last evening from Port Tampa, Fla., for a bunker of coal. She sailed this morning for auuin, Germany. DO THEY LOVE US? IIItITIXII WRITER* DIM IMA END OK CBXTIRY. MUCH ROT ABOUT AMERICA. kill EDWIN 4HNOI II WHITES I % A M>\M*rr. Mr. C unnl#i;linui-4.riibant. Known a# at Amrrican limi t. tliNiata I * Warmly Drift* It Mit nifa>4nrr r llaxr Tbrlr Kjr* mi I lit* 4 Hiiti.’n, llowrvrr, ami In* iln-mlv t on ftltlfrinu L<M*ntiyu Bluni* on I'lil* kldr iHimrnar #lil|> Uni Mn> | 4 imir tn Gulf Bnrl. Lontion, Doc. 29. R*vb*w# of thr yrai 1 *4*l century fill tim w*e>klir# and dally paper#. In Ihe litter and broader Hold the writer# find great #atl#fae(loi that Amaruxi part In Fnalatid’a history ffa uraa prominently. Hlr ICdwin Arnold #lxnaliz># the new exhtury with • son j tad. ireding 4'oiumbla, Lugland #># “I send thee motherly kt# am) benlxon, love me or lov© me not; "flap what may hap, my prid* and prayers watch thy bright court# begun. ’Thou doiit uphold iht* !©a#ona learne l from m OJMS Ik ms ,* , * IpWcMlod go wM h Ilier.** Cckimnbla aiuiWer#: "If Ihy loe# 100 much darr I think w* •ball hr i* more keja iMindor, Than two gr#i*t t >ud* in lloaven that holt! the fbunder.” Thai'Sir Arnold’# view# are not unanimously ahared can be Jialg<d from a letter of Mr. (hinninghaiVi-Graham (a former member of Bariiament, who in July, jfclkt, wrote a serif# of artbie* most Insulting |o Amerl-an# In ihe Wrstmln# ter tiasetle) which i# given a pbu-o of honor in th© Haturday Review. It i# the moot bitter arralgnmi nt of Anglo-Ameri can friendship (hat ha# amxired for many a day. The writer deritle# ihe ©f ter-dlnner iqreechew of Hdunor Haiiidmry. and other# and deriare# ihi# friendship ha# resulted only in kirks for Great Britain, in theeaeeaof tha Ven ezuelan, San Juan. Al.iluind and Behring award#. He tmym: **We wen* on patting rnirsdve# ufma our diaphragm#, making c*r<aii that all th **#* kick# were hut ym|4onx of th#* affection end love the American# bar** tie. in return for our moral help, widen wo gave them In -their brave punching #>( their brother tfpatilard#, they gave u# nothing of a kindred wort when we #tart el in to 4hr#h our brothor Boar# Last ly, on top of all our conde#c©u#ioim. like a cold tnth upon a drunkar*!. come the clause* of tho donate in the llay-BaurKHi fote treaty, to which w are commanded to tunmnt to kick number two. and 1 siip. pone Lord Salisbury i# going to turn hi# ample shoulder# to receive It and ##ure the kickera of hi# distinguished conrirfur* • lion, and thank ihem for th© energy with which it is bestowed,” In coMnectlofi with the proioed Ni<*ara guan canal. 14 is said that when the Unit 0(i State# definitely deckle to build, oft© of th© greatest #hipbuilding coruxrmi in Lugland will o|h*. on one of Die Gulf ports, an imrnenw* ship yanl. Several #tee! manufacturer# ar© l#o said to lie considering the advisability of es tablishing American plain# The Manufacturers’ Record, {Mx>king in b* half of English tro4le. nays: The men who have dominated the me tallurgical Interests of th© world for #o many year#, when# trade ramification** ex tend to every civl!is*x9 country, arc nK the men to yield to America’s supremacy without ©haring ki it by b©' ornUig a tmc*or in America'# production. To these giant# of industry it I# not very material whetW er the ©our*'© of product ton b Kngland or Beaiinyivar.hi or Awibama. The peo ple of America should welcome th© In coming of thl© capital, not only for i# material benefits, but for that do#© kin ship into which th© Fnlted Htafe# aid Great Britain would be drawn.” FOR THE DA*N?SH ANTILLES. The 1 Hl(,'.t stales Will Give I2,inn>,. immi Kroaer aa rl N Mare. f’openhaiten. De.-. 23 The I'nliM fitafe, mtnlliT. Mr. E. B Hwenson, has In tot m ofi the Danish government that the I'niteJ Biales offtrs 12,>>.0 kroner for the Dan i.h Antilles, ami wifi not give more. PRICE OF DAHIMH HH.AIHI*. Senate sail House W oul.l Roth Have lo Pa* n Pueebaae, Washington, Dec. 29—The negotiations between the government of the United fbales and the government of Denmark have been In progress, though Intermit tently, for the past two years. The sum named tn the Copenhagen dts patch as offered by Minister Bwenson. 12.- 000.000 kroner, a* the price lo be paid for the ItlandJ, l* roughly equivalent to aboql $3,210,000 American. It is Impossible to learn whether this la me maximum price to be offered. An acceptance of this proporsltlon by the Danish government would no‘ omiplete Ihe transaction. The transfer .if !•■ a only under a form of a treaty which must be accepted by the United B*.tie- Ben t e. And, In addition, owing to the neee.siiy for providing Ihe money to he pakl for the island*, the House of .# must have Its say. twlng called upon to make the neeeasary appro|>rtatlon. COREA HAH ROXBRB, TOO. Proelaawalloaa Issaesl fitrlsdls. All Pnrrlgners. Even Japaseee. Victoria, B. C.. Dec. 2* —News la brought hy the Kiojun Mru that Boxer pnoclamalions have been found In Seoul, calling upon Oorean Boxers to expel all for. Igiiers, Including Japanese. Blmiiar proclamations have been issued by HI Yung Hick and party. The antl-forelgn movement In Corea la reported to be In creasing In such a manner as to cause much uneaslnew*. In South Corea two missionaries were assaulted and robhed of all they had. Dispatches from Seoul tell of the Rus sian advance Into Corea, they having cap lured Hoolo and Anlong Ken. The Japan ese government has made a protest against the Invasion. Great Increase In Bank Clearings. New Tork. Dee. 29 —Total clearings of •11 th* bank clearing houses in the Unit ed (hates for the week ending to-day were 11,**4,T5?,2. an Increase of 11.2 per cent, over th* uerreapoeding period of last year. GRIFFIN COTTON ABLAZE. Tlir Uriel* %V are l • There lltsrn htH-l.naa %lrrMlv llrarhe# S*B4,- mm and Eire #illl Rurnlna Grlfßii, Oil.. Dec. 30. Tli© I*rL*k war© Nona© her© <x%ui(lit Are about 12:10 ©*to'k i hi# irv*rtiinx am! I* burn in* fl©r<*©ly Klv© ItutHlr©*! hate# of cotton have atr©a(ly Iwrii dettroyecl. iul fully n© much nior.- will | rob ibly be burned. Tho low will la* between LV.OQO ©ml OOP. The rottnn b©kmx# to farmer©. nn9 amount of insurance oarrieff t# not known Tha city clerk# anl city tf©aur©r # offf.*©r# war© In the wrelui#e, and It i# (♦wired tha? ail th© city record# hive l*ern dfstroynl. Tn© ertlmstedl lo## up to thl© Urn©. (I K* o'clock s. m ), is and th# lira I# util! burning. MILES HA*SNT READ IT. way© 4liter Took Two % ear# anil Hr heril Hr In no Horry lo lte|l). May Have Mo met lift* a lo w y later. Charlotte. N. C„ Dw\ 29 —A #|#cliil from Ookblioroi N. C, to the Oh#©rvsr says: Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Mil©#, I’. H. A . I# In 4b© city In-nixlX ©n rout# to Wash Inxton. ll© l© returnlnx from i hunt lux trip on th Trent river, whara h was <h’ kiipm of hi# oki friend, Mr. C. ('. Jerome, formerly of t'hk’sgo. lie cxiw©#©*4 him wolf ilellghtetl with the trip ami r©xrotl#l | that th# duties of tils position n#cc#witalsl his return tu Wiishlnglon by the new year. He H# t ’U##*#l |i* *avtly recon#trtic llon tkiys and referred to hi# residence In the #ti*ir h# cotnmander of the dl#- trict before N# stslelwMMl ws# re#tore*l and j e#|erialiy referred to th© fs*t that h© In #tixatt#i a movement of help to soma 2&.- (MM white# mad© i>oor ©• a re#u!( of war condition©. Hiwaklng of cx-BkHtary Alger’s attack he #ald: “I haven’t read It In M# entirety, Alxer waited some two year© to make the at tack, and I xwin# I need Sw* in n* hurry !• make reply. The beef que#iion ha# been pretty well condemned already by th© press of the country. If need Is*. I may have y©< Mmethinf to #ny of the rottofineM of th© whole affair.” THE RECOGNIZED. Cblcf Xurgcnn of Araxy Is Tuba de part. Thai Moaqaili.e* I us... Yellow Fever, Malaria *>! Othrr IH.rsaM. Washington. Dsc. 99 -The Uoltefi (Hate* linn fornwtlly rci.ajuixM the responxlhlllty of tla- mosquito for the transmission <f yellow fever anil malarial diseases. Thl* fact Is ln.ttcatcd by the laatMhce of a general order by Me.J Gen. w.ssl, at Havana, .lire, led to bis in let commanders re lilng that the chief sur geon of the Departmenl of Cuba ha* re ported that it Is now well pslatdi*hc<l that mo laris, yellow fever ami filarial Inf-o tlofl are Iran etui tied by the bile# of mos quitoes. Therefore, the troops are enjoin ed to observe carefully two prrcaullons— Href, They ere to use mosqui to bars in all barracks, hospi tals and field service whenever practicable. Second, they are to destroy the "wlggleta" or young mosqußora by •he u*.• of petroleum on the waters where they breed. Permanent lol* or jssMle,- on- to he filled up. To the others are to he applied one ounce of kerosene to ea.-ii fift.-.n square feet of water twice a month, whk-h will destroy not only the young hut the ok! mosquitoes, This <loee not Injure drinking water If drawn from la-low and not dl|H>ct out. Protectlo.l In thus secured, according to ihe onlcr, lie. ravee th*- tmesquito doe. not fly far. seek*l shelter whesi the wind blow* and thus e 1 h community bteeds Its own monquF toes. CAME GRIEF QUICK. mispress t .n|l*ye Thoouht He t nsld (lent Ihe Morid Pin,lna Poker, lint Soon l.enrned Ills Mlsinke. 1 ’olumbla. H. C., I)***". ‘-'3 The belief that he could bent Ihe world playing poker caused the downfall of Jowl J Myerr. an employ* of the Southern Ex press at Charlotte who to-day recovered from a drung In thl# eliy. He learnt to play card* In Novemlwr and had auch lurk he determined to play on a large *rs> snd make n fortune quickly. To got a suitable slake he held up a pack age containing more than **,o)o In cash and checks that were passing through the Charlotte office. After losing a few hun dred In Charlotte he came to break Co lumbia’s gambling houses. In three days ail bis cash waa gone—s2,ooo. Tha Indorsed checks for more than *4,000 he did not attempt to use. Myers drank heavily and attempted to poison himself yesterday. Th# pei sons who took him In charge found the check* while putting Myers to bed. The young man confessed all to Division Superintendent Bndler of tba Southern Express Company to-day. EIITTSSO TRAIN RACE. New York Cealral Flyer Make* a Fast Han Arrnas the t onntry. New York. Dec. 13.—An exciting tram nice aero** th* country to catch th# steamer Campania before leaving for 1- v erpool was successfully made, the New York Central train reaching this city in time to make connection with the Campa nia before her deiwrture to-day. The train carried the New Ken land and Aus trallsn malls, some of which are of an important officlsl character. M Alt, PTE A HER UT. News Received at Seattle JaatlNes This Belief. Chicago. Dec. 23 —A special to tba Rec ord from ••!! wye: The steamer, Bertha and Dolphin ar rived from Southwestern Alaska last night with news tending to sustain the belief that the Untied Blase# mull steamer TH emook of Ban Francisco, ao long overdue Hum Jjutck Harbor, is tost. HAII.Y. s<> A YEAR - i KNTB A COPY fi’KRKI.V !■-TIMEb-A-WEEK $1 A TEAR FOR LONGER TENURE mi. fi.FiFi.tMi mart Mg* crf*- IIMCXTIAI. TERM. THE METHODS OF ELECTION, I'NEMKAT PI. Alt la IMllltntT AND I I MIlI'.MaoRFk, lt. nil. In a I nn.lltlnn of Affair* AA here Recipient of the Trust la No# Al l, a • the . liolee nf Popular Will—tlr. I letelnn.l Goes Not Nay NVhul Ihange 11. AAould Anugesf In the ilunoer of meeting a Freni ct©nl. Ne’w York. Dec. 29,—'Writing on “Tho President of th* Twentieth Century," foe a copyrighted s|s-.-UI Is-uc of th# New York World to-morrow, x-President Cleveland refer, lo Ihe president tu I tenure In th©s© (#rm#: “Thoughirtil Htiz©n# tv 111 more aiwl m©r# #!Mr ©late Mi© oUjc tion# urx#d ai?Mn#i th© prr#©nt litlntit and of ©l©i©iitix tti#lr Br©#l<l*n|. Th© ©lp riim#taiu’©s In which thl# |l;in origin,*?©♦!. If ©v©r of controlllnx Impfirtatt©©. ©uxht no knx©r to ©zt'iiw*' such a t**tttl it>z rxm%* fusion of hl©# •# xrow# out of tho prop* ositlon that in a |w>tular xov©rnm©tit tha P©op|©‘a chief officer ©nl thdr tn#t <ll - K’prcßcntatlv© miy l ma*l© th© p©- ci|l<q? of Muir trust ami th© !©pnsltarp of th©lr |M'n%-r In HiKiant op{o©itk>n to th© I©’)ar©d popular will, “Htronx urxumcfMs ar© from tins© to Hint* ui'ttMi in fiivor of h ©imnx© In th© tenur© of the pr©i<ln(ial offlei Th##© shouli! chailcnx© #©rious attention, lo th© ♦©id that th© pr©#©nt conoiltlltlonal limit may b© rsenovtd. snl a more ami u#©fil on© substituted. Thor# ho© boon a continual l*< reams In f©<l©ral i©ffisialiou of a pare nipt or y character and rctaicd tu th© immcfdiat© and rout In© ©©a*lti©a of th© ©otintry; and mo It ha# > om© #o pa# that of th© four session© of Congress hakl during a pr© widen tin I term, two ar© so brief as to scarcely permit, th© pa#wnga of the necessary appropriation bills, whtto tf th© othera one m-i'iir# when the Presi dent ia uauaily stranx© In his now offh© and burdonod with import unit!©# and la bors in** |arahk from u ( hang# of admin- Llration, and the remaining on© ©n.Gun ters during it# continuance th© interrqp t|ons,timidity anddemmaliention of a pres ident iai and conxreMikmal canvaaa. The#© Dominion# suggest th© scant opportunity allowed for th© initiation wi*d adoption of now andi important remedial i©gi*totlon during a *ums pr ©klentlai *©rm, “Another argument of ©onridembto weight in favor of the change I# ha#e<l upon th© complaint that th© buidneas and other impaataat inff©re#ts of nur paopla are now too frequently disturbed and dla* quieted by ih<* turm*di and heat of a pi©©- idetttlal ©lection. It is twit amis© to add that a substantial extension of the xcu € Iv© tenure would pave tho way for ea taidlfthing th© IneJiglbllßy of an Incum bent to succeed himself—which baa kiiif found favor with a largo class of our peo ple as a a,VnisuiimaMon much to if© de sired. “Thu# American cMliena In th© twen tieth oentury will lie cjvrxd with tha duty of unurfiur fw themaalves th© act ual substance of jx pular rule by ©stab liNhlnx more direct mod© of ooleeUikg the people's chief ©xeeutlv© in strict ac cordant© with th© peopto’a will, and by ►o extending th© temir# of hl offle© as tii ©natd© htr% to hotter twrva hia oouft* trytren and tror© thorongtdy protect and offend all their Intcrcati.” PORTO RICO’S^LEGISLATURE. He Hrialnn a ANiirtblraa anil I nprnf liable tine— lw.ri.wn. Tklnk 4 .n --greea Nny Abnliab 11. (f’orreepondem-e of the Asaooiatefi Press.) Him Juan. Porto Rleo, Dee. 34 -Tb# lag lebitlve aaeembly of Porto Rim siljounwl on Hol untily until Jan. 1 It bait been tn a*eelon eighteen ilny*. Nearly fifty bill, have been Introduced, but not one ha* been of Interest or promise to the buxi ne** |N>opie. The pop'ilar opinion among the Amerl cane I* that If ihe House ennttnuee a* R ! 1,, t'ongresa will als,llh It allogetlver snl govern the Island through a governor sod .aMnet. Hunh IrreguUr i>rore.l\w* ha. been followed that It I* a question beta whether any buelrits* ha* been legally dotie- * _ .iwauutel MATT QUAY’S FIGHT. atruaale for the Nennioeeliip In Ib.ubt and Bulb klilen Fxpreaa. lua < oAlienee.0 Alienee. Harrisburg, P>-. t>rc. -Tba struggle for Unite.! Btalea Benetor I* still In doubt with both stdrai professing to be absolute ly confident ot the outcome. COl. M. g. tguay ntwl hkt lieutenant# claim posi tively they have enough vote* pledged to organise lwfh branch#* of the legislature and Insure hi* election. 8.-ontor AVHliam Fllnn of Allegheny, leader of the antl- Vjuay Republican*, and William T. Creasy of Columbia. Ihe Democratic Fader of the House. liit*t that the fuskmtstn wilt organise the Hone* and probably tha Brnate. It AII.AAAI MF.N I’ROkIITKO. ii ii—.i 11.1111 mi mm • southern Annonnrea I fcasgxa Pol. Inwlna Rrslanation of Nnpt, Har rell. Washington, Dec. J*.—The Southern Railway an noon-’** the following appolnt tr.rnt* effective. Jsn. 1; 44 It. Peddle, general snoerlntendent of tran-portatlon. It. 14. I'egram, as sistant general manager; II E. Hutch-* .-n*. suierlni. rsl. r.t Memphis <l!ciHun; A. ltamseur superintendent Norfolk dlvts lon. These lire change* growing out ot th# resignation of J. H Barren n* gen eral superintendent of transporiatton. MOKHIA* 51.4 IVIES. McDonald's Death Reaalta From aeit-tndirfed Weaads. Washington, Dec. Rarausl McDon ald. who on* week ago shot and ktllad V H Morris, auditor tor th* War Depert mant. died this morning St the Bmargen -y Hospital from th* self-inflicted wound, he received at the tint* of the murder. Mc- Donald. attar killing Morris, cut hi* own throat and abut himself near tha heart.