The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 30, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TO GREET THE NEW CENTURY. her vic e# or will hic l\ THK t HIUCHCfiI. ftolrmn l*onlltrnl >!•• U 111 Rr Ole hrßl*4 in th# ('•llirdnil of It. , •fnlin (he Vlnpttat, unci M. I*trlck*a nnl Ihr *arrrl Heart I bnrrhfi— % I nlnn Itrvlliig of Ihr fVnirrre tinn of All thr H#ih©flt Chnrrhrt to Hr Hrld at tirarr I linrrli at Which Mllmp Hmilrli W 111 l*rrach a hrrmun—Thr l.pla copal i htirrhr* and thr Ltitht‘ran fkurrli of Thr A •*#■• lon Will Hold herxlee#. , Sot to rvery generation Is It ctr#n to ### the heflnninr of a esmury. and not to maty fenerations Is It riven to *## ons so rich In promts* of material aml | sorimal b'.*nln(T mn that whl*h Will ha ushered In Tuesday It Is but fitting therefore that there shook. he a si*ecial ©basrv;nes of l(* advent si and, even mora opprrrrlate. that this ob*ervanra should take a solemn form; that this Is to he feneraJ L shown by the number of re lijriou* gathering* that will be held Mon- j day night fo watrh the old year and old eer.tury out and the new year and new century in. meantime offering up a servlc# of thanks for those bleslnga that have j been received and prayers for a com In* i uanre of Gad’s merries. It was a spirit of this kind that caused Hit Holiness Ij#o XIII to lewis the follow ing universal decrea • © fiM the Catholic bishops throughout thr world: **lt is most bMombif that we. who ere about to celebrate the commencement of •he holy year, happily ivrorTstmed by our J lb-dr Father. Leo XIII, should. In the * depth of nleht. rise to #T#et the Author i ©? Time. and. prostrate before IVIs allars, to offer the mm| acceptable victim, s ■<* Is the Immaculate lamb, assisting at the sacred banquet, so that at this most op portune time we may And the aalstan> e of His gra e and mercy; for our salva tion I* nearer Behold, now Is the day of **'ration. And. if the kingdom of heaven, which Is the Church on earth. Is likened to the ten virgins going forth In the night to meet the bridegroom, each one of us may. on the occasion of this solemn festivity, consider more attentively th ee Mured word*: Trim your lamps, for be hokl. Site bridegroom cometh; go ye forth to meet him. •“Since, moreover. *1 mlUhight of Ihc last da' of December of the coming year the present century will come to an end and • new* one begin. It la very appropriate that thanks be given to God by some pious and solemn ceremony for the bene- | fits received during the course of th* j present century, and owing to the urgent necessity of the times that greater fav ors be Implored In order to begin aus piciously the new era. “Thetefore, In order that the approach fog year linn may begin happily through the supplication of the assistance of <hd Lid His Only Begotten B<*n. our Redeem er, and that it may end. after a p.ospcr ©us course, by ushering In a still more tvnppy century, as It Is rigid for us to ex pect; Our Most Iloly Father. Leo XIII, gr i* lonely concedes that, with tin? pru dent consent of the ordinary of every piece. *1 midnight on the Ist day of I*- cembcr. both of the closing and of tin* coming year. In all the churches and cha pels where the Most Blessed 8a ram* nt Is rightfully kept, the same Most August Pucrament may lie exposed to adoration, •ml permission Is giver, to read or to sing *t the same hour "Oorwn ftsctissfrrao.'* one mass of the Feast of the Circum cision of our Lord and the Octave of the Nativity; and permission Is given, by so cial favor, to the faithful to receive Holy 1 Communion either during the or *f- j ter It; all necessary conditions to be oh- J served. All tninga to the contrary, not withstanding The Itoman Catholic churches of 8a- Yannnh will each have elaborate aerv- I Ice*. At the Cathedral of Ht. John the Baptist there will he the usual masses to morrow morning, but **t midnight will be celebrated solemn pontifical mass of which the High: Reverend Bishop B. J Kelley will be the celebrant. Tbe tifll csrs of the nu.i will be Father It. F Kennedy, assistant fre#t; Father Joseph llftnnesy. deacon; Father Carey, aub- Hmchi. Mr. Cornells# McCarthy, master of ceremonies; Messrs. Han McCarthy Mid Jam** Houlihan, nlculytes; etui Walter Sullivan, censer I>eurer. During the nnisa the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and will co continue un til 12 o'clock Mew Year’s day. Public odora'lon will last from 11 to 12 o'clock and will be dosed by the benediction of the lllesaed Sacrament. The musical part of the midnight service grill ivtnNiat of I lie !•*? fnjj of GO'JOod’? •*Messe Solennetle,” or *’Mass to Ht. Ce cilia ” and as an offer'©ry. "Av? Marii,*' ■ \ agsnd The choir conaista of un ty-flvs voices, under the direction of Mr F. K. Re barer. The Gounod mass Is the same that was ao excellently sung at the dedication oenricee of the Cathedra! At the Sacred Heart Church, also, the , midnight mass will |#e given with most elaborate music, Marco's mass In G hav ing been selected for the occasion. It will Ik* sung by a chorus of twenty-two voi •?*, with organ and orchestra c onipanlrneirt. The following will take part: doptanos- Mrs. Way. Mis. Clark. Mrs A-tlck. Mis* Clean*, Mias McGuire, Miss Ztooner and Mrs. Dodd. Altos Mia Dupont, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs Craig. Miss Morgan and Mias Lnvnotte. Tenors—Mr. Tree-*-, Mr. M< Bride, Mr Know. Jlr. Deacy, Mr. Gaudry un<l Mr Hllc>. Basse* Mr. Beckett, .Mr. Drummond Mr. Woodberry and Mr. Freiberg. Orchestra—'Mr. Connor. Mr. Baskin, Violin; Mr. (luUTridi. flute; Mr. Nuesleln. v alronet. Mi Hemenway, trombone; Mr JLeon. viola, Mr. boss. Mr. Miller, cornet Mrs. K. M. Wilson, organist. A benediction will Ik* given after mass At St. Patricks Church also will be given the mi in nvass with unusually Sine mu-i< . the large and excellent choir of that church being under the direction of Prof. Jos Btcvg. A Twentieth Century watch night ser vice Will be held by th* congregations of All of the Methodist Churches of the city at Grace Church. This is In accordance wJtli a call recently issued by Bishop Charles R. Galloway, president of the General Board of Kdiirutlon. to all the el urchc* throughout the connection ft* hold special watch niglit services in th* Interest of the Twentieth Century Move ment. For this service a special pry has been prepared as follows; Part first, which will last from 10 to 11 o’clock, experience meeting snd love feist Hymn No. TIL Prayer. Bcrlpture reading. Retortions from Psalm CV or some other, oia) Luke 1. F>-<7V Hymn Not 716. Brief statement of great educntlonal and tjAdsslonary facts of Hie century. f Personal experiences (expression* of thunks for mercies past and reasons for . century <>ff*tlug). Ilvinu No 717 Part 11. which will from 11 to 12. * win consist of sermon by Bishop K. R , Hendrix. D. D., LL. D. ■ Thank offering. I A season of prayer. The services to clone with Hymn No. Particular Interest is cornered In the review of the educational and missionary information covering th* past century Uiwhlch has been prepared by the comroit and which will be read by Rev HpMom Anthony of Trinity church. IN At St. John's Church there will be a * fiidrjgh* service on New Year's Eve be f Winning at IHRO o'clock end lasting until S|lMtfcln!ffir when Holy Communion will be Administered. Afi Fsul's Episcopal Church there will l*e two |enltsn4lol service* tomor row o n* at noon, wlwn there will be a service and sermon; and th# second hi 11 ri p. ro. with an addresji followed by the Holy Communion ushering in the new century. At the Lutheran Church of the Aren •ion there likewise will be special ser vice* Monday night, beginning at 10 Bf> o'clock avid lasting until the advent of the new year The services, which w|| he under tt* direction of the luither league, will be irite'eating and appropri ate to the o r melon A special ad <lr#e# will h* made by Rev. Dr W. C. B<-haeffer, in which he will sp-ak of the work of the past century and th# out look for the new one. Ihr. I. P Mend** also will speak of the pad and new centuries under the title "A Hundred Year# Ago.** when he re sume* hi* Friday evening tenures st the Temple Mlckva Israel, which he will do this week. DISCOVERY OF CHILDHOOD. Mr. Ashmore *>• It I. ,h* Achieve meat of fh* 1 entu ryr. The grandest discovery of modem times Is childhood The century just closing ha* utilised this die ©very to an extent n' ver before known in the world • history, and to It Is due much of the wonderful pro gress in civilisation during the pest ltf> years. A little reflection will show that the wonderful achievements of mind over matter deptnd upon the superior develop ment of the mental faculties and the im proved method* of thinking. In the d*'prmerit of primary education the Improvements have been most marked hen the century opened there were prac ticably no book* aulted to primary edu cation, and th# methods of teaching were often very crude, unphtlosophlcai snd re pugnant to the child To-day the modern printing pres is turning out annually thousand* of book* specially adapted to the need* of cnfldr*n. the arrangement Is philoeophhtot and uttmotive and the K-hool df* of children is happy and prof itable. A hundred years ago the school houses w *‘ r e poor, without proper heating, ven tilation aid convenience; to-day school ar.'nltectur** | H fveclal ty and in the construction of nuidern school houses every- circumstance of health, convenience, lomfort and beau ty I* taken Into conshleration. • Among the vast Improvement* In educa tion during il*i Nineteenth *eiitiiry I# the system of public schoolm, in which greater • ffi •m y and e<*oru>my #re attained by a wise <Xvision of labor. The public hh* are uoiv the school.' of all |*cople, and In* vast advantage they po !*->* i'h In efficiency and e-onomy are acknowlelgcd In every state in the Union and in every civilised country of the w°rl l On* hundred year* ago there was pra* ii ally no silence of teaching, and scarcely a u>ok or nn (durational paper printed In all the work! To-dny teaching in a |profe*Hion. like law and medicine, with it* science and art. nrwl it* literature is extensive and rapidly Increastug The teachers rf Savannah alone jk>*•(*# a jed ugogl al library of more Hum one thou sand volume*, codec ted in the ln**t four years, and from thirty to fifty educational periodical*, treating every phase of edu cation In this country and Europe. The coming century will see much tm piovement In education, a* it will in every other department of human endeav or. New conditions will arise and tw w problems will lie met As the population of our country increases and com petit loti | in the various activities of life becomes ! more sharp, skill will be more am! more In demand Much of this skill will i H * of thr kind needed in he workshop*. In me * hanicel manlpuiatlon, him) const ruction, and It wtll Ik- the business of the schools to meet the demand. Much of the t kill and energy of the n vt century will be directed to the prob- j Ictn of better living. The increasing con- | trlbutiotis of science and *;r# to this great end will un<iu>tionably stimulate edu- | ratlcmal activity to the accomplishment of thmisaiKls of problems that conduce to a 1 a*iter and a higher life. Never tmve #hc foluoaftonnl force* of the work) lo*en confront' I with greater responsibility than st present, in every department of education- moral. Intellect snd physical, the cotntng century will dmand the best rnmd** and (he bent en deavors of all the age* I,et US then, *Tx>ok up and not down; leok forward am) not hack; Look out and not In. And lend * hand ” Otis Ashmore. fill OIQO Fill! Olll'll\\ Gilt IA. I mknown Donor Mode *t. Mnry's n I. tlicr*l I hrisliniiH I'rrseat. The nistera and gins of m. Mary's Or phan Home have received a valuable and useful Chrlstmu* present In an order upon Messrs. K. A. Weil A <*o. for a pair of shoes for each Inmate of the home. The charitable donor Is unknown, as he pre ferred to hide his light under m bushel and let not his left hand know what hi# right hand ha# done. Effort* were made to leaf'll from Messrs Well A Cos. who h:d made the dormilon. but the firm. hough Instructed to honor the order Sigurd by "A Frler.d of the Orphans." when pre sented. were also Instructed to tnilntutn the greatest secrecy a# to who the "fr'eml" might l*v *apt. TV F. Gleason, president of the advisory rd of the home, call'd on Messrs. Well A Cos on receiving the or der and whs told that It would la* hon ored on present}it lon. ('apt. Ghnson will call at the home to-day and notify the mother superior of the <ton.ition. Bne lav next week the order for the aho* n will be fllhd. The Hiaters and the girls, of whom, in all. then* an* more than fifty In the home, will nut know from whom j the present# come. Each v;r t Christmas contribution# to the Catholic orphan* of G'-orgia in* made In several of the large cities of the state. The response# to the invitations t but are left In the church for worship per# to contribute arc lllwral. several hundred dollars being raised every year. The proceed* are divided between the girl*’ home it* S.ivannuh and the boys' home at Washington. Ga. TURIN .%NMVFM* \HV Rtl.L German \ olu at*cr* Will Enfert*ln Their Friends at (•uarda* Hall. The fifty-fifth anniversary hall of the German Volunteer* will Ik* given at the Guards’ Halt on Wednesday evening. Jan 5. The op(.*:itng march will b<* promptly at k: 15 o’clock. The German Volunteer# and their many friend* are looking for ward with great tagemea* to the hall, as the annual affairs of the company are always greatly enjoyed by those who at tend. The following committee ha# charge of th#- arringement# for the ba’l: (’apt. CV 11. Kotiemann. First F*rg ant John F. Fie her. Hergl. F. 11. Kramer. Uorpl George 1 Bentkotl. Privates K F. Krlc ger. Joseph R Metxger. J A. II Vmba&rh. J. A Raollx aiul Thomu* F. W iehrs. and Pay Member* IV Kracken. H F Hubs, A. Karsten and Lieut. R. Brhw #rtx Invitation* for the affair have been sent out by th* committee. EAT-WELL GELATINE, MADE IN r. SECONDS, IS THE BEST. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1000. CHURCH SERVICES TO-DAY. iti'Hor e. h nevimix to dowdut I'll N ;t. fIHIVKIt. Will Preach at Wealey HoHumeotil fhnreh This Morning •* Will Held I i.ton Meeting of the Con gregations of Grace Gbnreh *nl That of the Epwerth Chnrrh *• (hr bgoorth Ch#rch—F-seeafl ve C*m mlt tee of gf. Mlrlinel# ( h*prl tu fte Elecfed. To-day I* the |**t RurddY In the pre#- ent century. *nd whll# the principal *er vicea commemorating the advent of the new ceiilury will take pln*e to-morrow night, yet (h* work of (he paG century, the tendency of the present time, and It* possible result# will be touched upon If It doe* not furnish th* prln lpal them* tn many of tna pulpits at to-day’a acr vie#*. Servlc#*# at Cathedral of Ft. Jonn th* Baptist on Hunday wtll be •* follows: I First me*#* at 7 o'clock a rn ; *ec#Kt I mass at t. *l*o a children’# m**# In th# baMemcnt, and follow'd by Sunday Bcbool at the same hour; h;gn mas* and *er mnn ♦ 10:89, end vesper* and benediction of the blessed sacrament at A o’clock p m Week-day *erv!ces will ba: First mass at 6:30 o'clock; second mast, of which th# Bishop will b#* the celebrant. 7. and third moss at 7:30. <’onf#a#U>n# are heard Oadt Haturday from ♦ M p. m. until !# o'clock. At 8t Patrick # Ghureh services will b# held as fallow* First m**# at 7 o’clock m rn . second ma#i* at 180 and high mas# at 10:30. Vesper* *r#l b*i*dictlOfi will be elebrated at 8 p m. At the floored Heart <Tmrch •♦radees will be a# follows First mass at 7 .'/clock a m . High mas# at 10. Bunda\ Hchool at 380 p. nu Va#ters and benedic tion at R. Methodist. At Wesler Monumental Oturrh there | will h# eer\lo** f* <lav at 11 rVrtock. a. m and at 8 p m )flshof R. R Hendrix will preach In the morning, and R#v Thomas H. Thomson t night. Bishop Hendrix’s strong spiritual discourse* during hi# visit here have proved a rich benediction to the congregation* hearing him. A large con gregation will doubtless greet him this morning Rev Thoms* It. Thomson I# j a native of Huvannah. hut Is now station j el at Darien. HU many friend* here will j imll with pleasure this opportunity of hearing him. The Hundgy Hchool will meet mi 4 p m. The Fpworth 1-eague de- j vortonal feting rakes place Tueislay at I 8:16 p. m. and the prayer tm etlng and HIM* study Wednesday at th# same hour. # rhe Junior League will reet on Friday at 4 p. m. Fla#* meeting ! he;d every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. —— The usual services wilt he held to day at j Gra •• Methodist (’hurch at 11 O'clock Rev. Thomas II Thomson of l>nrlen will j preach. Mr Thomson U very popular In Havannah. which Is hi* obi home, and hi# many friends will la* glad of another op portunity of hearing him There will h* no service* at night, the congregation living been Invited to attend the union service at Kpworth Church, to hear a sermon by Rl*hop E. R. Herwlrlx. Special attention is railed to the watch night service, conducted by Bishop Hen drix Monday night.beginning at 10 o'clock. All of the Methodist congregation# of the city will unite tn thl# unique and Hgnifl • service, and the public 1* cordially Invited to attend. The other service* of th* week will be held at the usual time. The usual services at Trinity Church will be held of 11 o’clock a m , end at 8 | p. m.. conducted by the pastor. Rev Ras com Anthony. The Bunday Hchool will rr.. M at 4 p in The Kpworth lsfu# de votional ni'-etirrg will he held VV'*li hduv at 8:18 iv ni , and prayer meeting on Thursday at R p. m. There will be preaching at Bpworth Methcallst Church at U o’clock a. m . bv the pastor. Rev. J. A. Smith A sermon appropriate to the season will be dellv ' ored. At 8 p rn Bislrop E. B. Hendrix, of Kansas I’Hv. will till the pulpit The j congregations of Grace Church will Join j with us In a union servlc*. Th* oitlsent j of Hiivannah are cordially Invited to *t- ! tend th'--** services. The Sunday Hchool Will meet at 4 p. tn To-morrow idglu the congregation will attend toe union service at Grace Church, conducted by Bishop E R Hendrix. The Hcnior Rpworth I/cague will meet Tuesday at S p. u . and prayer service <)! Held Thursday night *t lu* kmio* hour. Effb-o|>*l. At Rt John's Church, Rev. Charleo 11. Strong, rector. Rev. J. Herbert Wo**i ward. assistant, there will be a morning prayer and s#rmon at 11 o'clock. Hunday School at 4 p. m.. and evening prayer and sermon a# H o'clock To mark the dosing of the century there will be * midnight service on New Year's Eve. beginning t 11 *> o’clock. A celebration of the Holy Communion will take place Immediately after the ringing of the midnight chtm**. At Christ Church. Rev. Robb Write, rector, there will he * servlc# and sermon nt 11 o'clock m and nlo m 8 15 p m. The Hunday B<*hool will meet ist 4 p. m. Ar Ht. Paul’s Church. Rev J TANARUS,. Hcully, rooter, fir** Hunday after Christmas the service# will be n follows. Early cele hralion at 7:*) o'ckx'k a. m . morning prayer at 11 o’clo* k a. tn.. Hunday School t 4 p. ni.. ntl evening prayer at 8. The service* at Hf. Mi heel's Chapel will i>** as follows: Morning prayer at 11 " c|o k i m.; evening prayer at 8:15 p. m , and Hunday B'hool at 4 p ni Th# rector’* Bible das# will tne# Thurstlay venlng at 8:15 In the Hilde das* room 1 at tbe chapel. At the morning service th# Christmas j music will Ik* repeated. After the even ing service there will he a meeting to I elect an executive 'bmmlttee for th* en ( suing year. All member# and friends of the mission are urged to be present. ll* ptit. At th# Havannah Baptist Church there will be preaching at 11 a. tn by Rev. Roh irt Van Deventer. There will be no night service, the congregation will worship with the Duffy Street Baptist Church in a united service. \t th# Duffy Bfr*#t Baptist Church an "Outlook Service" will be conducted by the d'm'nn# at 11 o'clock a. m Thl* ser vice will he appropriate to the day. hHng th** last Sunday of the year and of th* nineteenth century. At a p m. the ser vice will l* couluc!e*l. a usual, by ih# pastor. Rev. Robert Van IVvcnter, The Young People** Union will meet at 10 o’clock m. m.. and the Junior t’nion at 3 :*• p. m. At l p. tn the Bible school will obacrv* with appropriate exerdsea the passing of the nineteenth century, th* day being Ih# last Hunday of the century, art occasion to be celebrated but one* In a genera tion. A special programme of rou#lc. with ad dresses by Interesting speakers, will take the place of the usual exercise# The •orvle# wtll al#o have reference to the entering In of the N*w Year and the cen tury. Lutheran. At th# lutheran Church of the Aacen , a ion, there will be service# at U o’clock u m.. and at Bp. m. The p*#tor will preacn both morning and night upon theme* appropriate to th# time. Ta* service# at Ht. I l ©at*• Lutheran Church will be oondi* td by the paotor. No# M J Eptlng. *• • *'k a m and at 8 p m The Christmas music wrtl b** rer*e#t#d and the sermor.a will b* ap tiropriate to the aeanon. I'reehy • rrlaa. Th* usual public services will b* held at th* Independent Freobyterlan Church | by th* pastor. Rev. J. Y. F*ir. at U ! o clock a tn. and at 8 p. tn. There will b* preaching at th# Lutheran M'-mori*. at 11 o’clock m . and at 8 V *n . by Rev. VV. A Nishot, the pastor Otrlatla*. Al the Christian Church, Rev. D. P. Iyurfch of Y'ale University will preach at 77 o'cl o*k a m.. and Faaior W. F. Wat kin* at 8 p m., on tha subject: "Th# Mi-eure of th* Closing Year." Th# Christian Endeavor meeting will take place at 7 15 p. m. , C hrlktlnu Oeleaoe. At the Christian Science Chwoh Hience" will be the subject of the sermon at 11 'clock • m. The Hunday Hchooi will meet at 12 in. The Wedneaday testimony meeting wtll take plore at 8.15 p m All eervi. es are held al Metropolitan Hall. The rwding room In connection with the chruch 1* located at 18 Perry street wt, and is ofen from 8 to f p. m daily. Y. M. C. A. Th# opedal aervlc# at tna Young Men's Christian Aeaodation thl# afternoon at 5 o'clock will doubMes* attract a large number of men for It will he oe of un usual Interest Hon R. M Hitch will read the nddrt-wa ©f Vice Pre#lden:-#leot RooeeveH nt (h* earn# time that It la be ing delivered In New York and tu the same time that It D being read In the Y M <* A s all over the United Btate* and Canada It Is a fact not known to many that th* mother of Gev Rooeevelt wrwe a Mis# Martha Bulloch of Ravftnnehi At (he close of th# reeding Bishop E. R. Hendrix of Kan#** City will deliver a short appropriate address which is sure to prove of value to those who hear It. Colored. R Stephen*' Church will hold service# to-morrow et 11 30 o'clock p tn. and holy communion at 12. At Ht. Benedict'# Church th# service# will be First ma#w vt 7 o'clock a tn.. high mass a; 10:80, Hunday Brhool at 12. vewpora and benediction at * p. m On Monday at midnight there will be a solemn pontifical mas# before the blessed eacrameht. ar.d mas# will he celebrated also at 8 o’clock The blessed #* 'rument will remain exposed till noon Tuesday. km# ■ THEXTY-SKVKX YEARS PRIEST, ———< llleliop Kelley** Anniversary of Or dlnatloa, (Written for the Havannnh New#.) Among (he radiant observance# of tha rentury’* clone nn the night of Dec. 81. II I# believed that the celebration at Ht. John’# Cathedral In Havannah will ellipse all other*, no matter where commemo rated. It will he a unique event. Coincident with the solemn rile# that mark the pass age of inn years from time to eternity, th*' Bishop of Havannah will oba*rv* the twenty-seventh anniversary of his own ordination a* a Roman Catholic priest, which transpired at Ht Peter’s Ca thedral. Richmond, Vo., on D*o. 31. 1871. Ill#hop Kelley was then but 36 years old. having been born at Petersburg. V*.. Oct. 13. 1847. A not.'hi* feature of this ordina tion was the fan that Rt Rev Ttiom is A. Becker, D. D. la:e Bishop of Havan nah. who then ruled the Hee of Wilming ton, Del., officiated on the occasion. Lit tle did lire young levlte who then re ceived the *:t*redo:al unction Imagine that le-“ than a generation later he would grasp Bishop Becker*# crosier s hi# #uo- essor In the government of thl# episco pal see. Hitch are Time’s vicissitude#. , There are nearly 168 member* of the Roman <’athoik* hierachy to-day In the United Htate* but among them ail Bishop K*4ley 1# probably the only prelate who will sing pontifical mass a* (he midnight hour of Dec. 81, not simply In honor of the 'lying century, hut a# a thanksgiving offering to Almighty God that he ha* reached hi# twenty-seventh anniversary In the ministry. Thr event l# worthy of remembrance. In this connection It may be well to odd that, should th# primatial archdiocese of Baltimore, founded Nov 6. 17 and which originally embraced the Union, ever again be divided, It 1* certain that Havan nah will become an nrchleplscopat see, with the other bishopric# of North Caro | llna. South Carolina and Florida a* suf fragan# Ho a well-known pastor of Bat | tlmore n ently stated to the writer. It I Is true that Charleston. H. C.. Is the o!d- I est suffragan wee now existing In th* Bal timore Jurisdiction -having been founded In 1836—but that fact. It Is affirmed, doe* not insure It* elevation to higher rank or dignity when the next division of bishop ric?. 1m made by Rom*. outside* of Baltimore Itself, the Cathe dral of Savannah. re,>ntly restored to more than Its pristine lov'ilnc**, far i -• el# that of any other Southern see; and. on thlw account, whenever the Pop* deem# It expedient to create another archdiocese in the Houth. It is almost certain that Ha vannah will Ik* the (mint selected. The province of Baltimore was first divided In 1647, by the creation of a western prov ince at Ht. Louis; and since that time no lc#t* than twelve other province* have been created at various points from Maine jo California. By reason of these divi sions and subdivisions, the Baltimore province now Include# only the bi*hoprLb *f Richmond. Vo., Wheeling, W. Vt., Wilmington, I>el.. Havannah. Ga.. Wil mington. N C.. Charleston, 8. C., and Ht. Augustine, Fla If the province should be further di vided by action of the next Plenary Coun i ell of Baltimore— which will no doubt a*- #emWe at in early date—the Indications ir* that Havannah will be raised from It* present rank a# a diocese, or suffragan #ee. to metropolitan dignity. Thl* Is the belief of many priests In th# Houthern state*. It would surely be a proud conwumma , tlon of thr* honor# showered upon the Bishop of Havannah since Dec. 81. 1873. when h** received the sacred chasuble. If * the pallium, or badge of metropolitan rank, wrere to Ik* place*! upon his shoul der# at Inat. Ills years of devotion In the ministry, covering already over a quarter of a century, well entitle him to l this crowning glory. He deserve* It. Those who have witness's! hi* deeds from l 87: until 186 a# levlte. priest and bishop, would hnil hi* uplifting to the pinnacle of power with canticle* of Joy. The Walter Wouldn't Lend. j New Y’ork Letter In Pittsburg Dispatch. A curious tase of highway robbery I* l>e4ng Investigated. A waiter at Delmon | IcO's was held up and assaulted early yee j terday morning. Hl* assailant, on being arraigned, tod the magistrate that he had dined at Delmonico’# for flve nights. Dur ing that time he calculated that he had 1 bestowed on the waiter in question tl.- 552.35 in tip* He was a good waiter But this lover of good living found himself fearfully embarrassed yesterday morning On meeting the waiter he requested a loan, and upon being haughtily refused though he had enough of a proprietary In terest In (he waiter, and. therefore, pro ceeded to knock him down. The question of ownership will be settled in court. THE WORLD GROWING BETTER. MVURAH HIMKTF.IH DMKTTM THE ci,ou*o cnm'M. II Was Oae of Greal Vteltgloas Prog • *•••—The Greatest Hrllgioaa velopßiieat la lb# World’* History llftnfen Its (Iprslng and I lo*lna Hoar*— I Th# Evil Elements Moy He Mar* strongly Or*aas#d Than They Have Ever Mr*n But Ihe Ghnrehes Ar# H#tter rganlk#l to Overcome Them—A loser Draw ing I oßrtlifr of Dcaonilnaiions. The Future the Goldrn Age. With th* turning of the p***** of Rl** tory into anew century, religious es welt as serular. It is but natural for the stu dent *f reilg.ou® ffa!ra to review th# progress of the world during (he nine teenth century from a religious tand|>o!nt and to speculate, at least, If not prophecy, ooncerntng the new century. That the work) la grcwtng better, and that (he religious progrers of the nineteenth cen tury has lew the greatest of the world’s history all atudents of religions agree Perhape no more difficult proposition could be oet to a prophet than to pro phecy the religious future of the world. The development of history*, the evolution of science are comparatively easy propo sitions to (hat of mapping out religious events and conditions a century ahead. The Morning News pre**cnts the views of a number of Savannah's leading minis ters mo to (ha world's religious status, and the prospect of denominational unity. Bishop Kelley of (he Roman Uathollo ; Church, Rev Charles H. Htrong. rector ! of 8l John’s Church, and Re#'. John D Jordon. pM>t or of the First Baptist Church, are absent from the city. Several who were seen, while they did no* deal at length with (he subject, expressed optimistic views. Ilev. Jaaei \. Fair, D. D., Indepewd ewt V'rekln terlan ('htarrh. 1 emphasise (he progress of religion and am confident in the belief that the world is growing better, slowly 1t may be* but nevertheless surely and ste.dit> . It seems to me that this optimlstlo view rests upon a Arm and broad foundation, which !# perfectly evident, even to the most casual and superficial glance back along the shining pathway of the world'# progren during the century. Beyond ail question. It may be Ju#t,y call'd the grandest cen tury of history. Never. In the same of time, has the race progressed as rapid ly or oeen lifted to so high a plane In this splendid march of the age.reiigjon has caught step snd kept p, e with the intellectuwl and ma(erial progress of the work). In the beginning of the century It was pre )| *tei that Christianity wis about to die out. The long and exhaust ing struggle c; (he Revolution had left upon the infant nation the usual demoral ising effects of war. The chilling and withering tnfL ence of French Infidelity hung around Its cradle. Balm "Age of Reason" wra* the world’s text*h.rk < hurchc# were few. Bibles and religious t>.w>fcH extremely rare. In many place.* (he Huhtiath desecrated. Public men of most conspicuous position and widest influence were not only professed nreptics. hut hit ter and aggressive foes to Christianity. The prosper for the church did indeed seem dark; no wonder Ihe hearts of many failed them for fear. But in the close of the CHXUTJ-. what do w- „*•’ Th*> •!- Ilnr un *vry v*n!n looks down upon a n#w church erected to the wor*h!i> of God. 80 far from dytn* out. Christianity waa haver eo alert, ao atrnn*. on influen tial a* to-day. it in mu itiwlf throughout the world at the avernae rate of one church for every day In thr year In the lons htutory of thr rhurrh it ha? never, in any k\ Inclutlrd within tt* fold eo many mrnih-ra. nor ha* ho much money been lven for Its extension. Tht century ha wttnewaed the rl*r of thr *rrat mlaaionary movement*, who*.- im pulse. like the ocean tide, sweep* around the earth and touche* every *lu>re. itut the of rellirton I* Indicated not only in these (treat world-wide effect*; It li> shown no ie* ('early In M* reflexive Influence In our home-land. In the grow- In* spirit of unity .imonr Chrlxtlans of the various denonilnatlone In wine and practical effort* for the amelioration of man * physical and aoclnl condition, tn the Inception of such Institution* .* the Younff Men's ChrMlan Aeo Isllon. the Voiintt I'aople's Society of Christian En deavor, the Salvation Army ami the pow er of the reilslous pre::. !'. J* upon such evident nr.d gratifying fact* I twcltcate my belief that religion Is progre*.-|ng and the world growtrg better The rhurrh wsp* across (he threshod of the new ,trn tury with a lofty purpose, a boundlexs hope and an undaunted eourage. Many dlfllculttes. no duuht, wtll lie along Its path: much avll and many shadow* still linger. but be i yond the *ha.lowa the future I* tilled with the sunshine c 4 n golden hope. I believe th*, step by step, <bd I* lea.llng the race onward and upward through the slow, ami, at times, painful unfolding of hi* plan, lifting all (he na tion* to a glorious consummation when thera wlii he but one nation, one language, one religion, one Heavenly Father, when war will be unknown, when the dream of the old Hebrew prophet will become a glorious reality, and Ih* knowledge, of the t*ord shall rover the tarih as the wa ter rover* the great deep. The am-lent poets located the Oolden age of the world In the paat, I believe It I* In (he future. I do not know many thing*, but one thing I feel I do know—eternal love Is enthroned with eternal wisdom and eternal power •'He doeth all things well." Hrv. J. L. acuity. 84. Paul'a Episco pal Church. To write about the progress of religion would require manifold more spare than is allotted here, and much preliminary- ex plaining before a standard of comparison could be fixed. let me Indicate what such a purview entail*. In what direction or phase shall we view the progress or regress' Intellec tual or moral, material or spiritual, amel ioration of the poor, or the condition of woman, refinement of manners or miti gation of the horrors of war? To assume • that progretw haa been made |* to beg the question. It Is to present an opinion am| declare It a fact. To show the progress Is a* difficult as 40 prove I*. W* might narrow our field by comparing revealed religion with natural. Jewish with Pagan ami Chnstlanlty with both j Or. r could limit our Inquiry to Phrls- I tlan religion. Then another *ct ,>f dlttl cullle* arise, what age or period wid rt present the standard of perfect devel opment? Khu.l It be the nineteenth ck*i. tury. or the first? Shall It he the prog ret* of Hie OilhOltC MMMriMM \.t Ilah. Greek and Homan, shall Inquiry limited to North or South America. Ku ropa or North Africa? Who will decid* that religion in Cuba la better or worse j than In Georgia* If we aay the age which produces tha greatest men la th* best In the seal.', ! then It Is doubtful If we could 10-day creat* a Senate equal to Moses In legis lative wisdom. Plato and Homer, Virgil and Bplctalus will coirjort with Kant or Browning Th* author of the Book of Job is a* great as Ooathe The Shepherd of Tekoah la greater than the Bttrlck Shepherd Hogg, or Burns. The composite | perfection of Shakespeare's charnctete , cannot compare with the portrayal of th* "raalitad ideal of humanity" by St. l.uke or St John. We boast of our achieve ment in circulating the Scripture*. Tie age which circulate* the book by meehwn- Ical mean* cannot equal the age whlc.i produced the author* and hearer*. A fashionable congregation to-day would yawn over a sermon like the Eplstlt t*> the t'oloestdi-e Gur missionary effort* are our boast But Ih* church In th* past three centuries. In spite of deadly per secution and with only fragment* of the New Testament In her possession, quench ed the urea on heathen altar* ami P< on them the unbloody sacrifice, and took Ih* temples of the heathen Into poeeea s:on The Alpha-age when the faith wo* once for all delivered. Is as great as the Omega-age. when H# shall come again with power and greal glory. The greal . *1 period will be quantitative rather t nan qualitative, when this faith "shall cover the earth as the waters cover the aea." It la therefor* difficult to discover the progress, and It may be delusive to look for It. The church Is a divine Institution, not the work of men's hsnds. therefor# we trit-t. snd not because w "number the people," or in doubt. Inquire. "laird' Are there few that be saved’" God's King dom ha* lie own laws of progrea*. and He has Its purpose aod goal fixed In His wisdom We face her altars, we declare our . reeds In our devotions, we trust ills trot I The gate* of hell shall not pre vail against It;" we believe that He Who founded 111* church In Jerusalem will perfect |t tn the Jerusalem shove "which I* the mother of us all." This should suf fice ua. Her. Baseom Islhont, Trinity Meth odist llinrch. Certainly h* world I* growing better— the world if a whole. Some localities may have retrogradwl. or some sptsclflc traits of character may have been toned down Into a feebler form, bill a* a whole the world is vastly belter than It was a hun dred years ago. One thing tha! keeps the most pessi mistic among u* from recognlxlng It Is that the wickedness of Ihe wicked I* per haps not only more pronounced than ever before, but by rea. on of the telegraph and daily press Is brought to public attention after a sort unknown to our forefathers. The- knew of the crimes of a single com munity. we know the doings of Ihe whole world. The murder of a negro In Tsma rraw*. the massacre of Christians In Tur key. or the doings of the Chines* In th# Orient are alike familiar to us. 1 think It unquestionably true that th wicked are bolder and more blatant than This 1* because Ihev kNMM congested In our cities and embolden each other by mutual enuntenam-e and sup port. One laid man In a community I* timid and ape* virtue—a doxen become bold an ! defiant Thl* I* due tn part to the fact that In our cities Individuality Is largely lost ami each man is not subject to that personal ln*|rrtlon and rrltlelnm that obtain In small communities with such wholesome effect. The world I* more charitable In Its Judg ments than ever before A hundred year* ago not to belong to one's own sect waa tn be on enemy. Witness the perse u ilnrs of the earl'- Methodists and Bap tists tn thl* country. Such thing* are not poaaMe today. Men are learning the difference* between denominational bigotry .md loyalty. A federation ol moral f. Is taking place where one* only bitterness obtained. A hundred year# hence w ill w lines* the fulfillment of Mr. Wesley's dream. "A league offensive and defensive," between all the force* that make for rlght*ousness. Th* publl charities of to-day are on a -rale unheard of in the past. The rleh dve their millions and the poor the'r mites till no class Is wholly neglect 'd, lieligloua. economic and social questions : are er.grossing the best thought of our day. Gf this travail will he born a bet- I ter and higher order of things Of coura*. we are making some mistakes and m ist j super some reverse*, hut each receding wave wtll add It* volume to th* next onrush of advancing water* that ahull mirk anew point In th* world'* Im , provement Mv strongest reason for believing that the world I* growing better la not found In these things that ran be seen, but because I believe In God. who I* over ail thing* and has declared Himself the champion of rlghteousne-s If wickedness prosper It Is hut for a season, that It may fatten as an ox for the slaughter. If rlghleousnee* suffer an ecllime It is that the gem may shine with greater luster from a darkened background lie Is over j ,|| and they who co-labor together with j Him are a great company and arc bound | ro succeed. "But right Is tight, since God I* God; And right the day must win. To doubt would be disloyalty. To falter would be sin." Rn. Isaac P. Mend**. tolrkv* Israel Sinsßoxnr. The questions you have propounded t# the ministers of Havannah can be anrorer ed to my way of thinking. In a very brief, and In a very positive manner. 1 am an 1 optimist, and a* euch. 1 a.ways look at the bright side of things, and have never yet failed to find the beneficial effects of Its healthy sunshine. Undoubtedly the world has made rell gtniiK progresa during the present cen tury. We see It In the lnerr,*rd number of places of worship, which have been i raised to the honor of God; we notice It In the earnest desire of the people, to be come better acquainted with the teach : mgs of pure religion, that they might ap ply these teachings In their everyday life; tve discover It In the anxiety of the moving muss, to sift and to inquire into the "why," and the "wherefore" of every religion* requirement, not. however, for the purpoer of rejecting everything, but rather with th great object of selecting the very beat, and adopting It as their gi ld* through life; we see II in the efforts of tntelllgftit, educnt<*l men. to eneour agt me practice, ns well ss to leach the theory of ,i common brotherhood, having rea isrsl that religion, whilst It separate* uion religious ininclple*. unites man kind upon the hrtmd platform of love and tolerance. A hundred years ago. the synagogue, the mosque and the church, each held Its own. resenting any Intrusion whatever. To-day whilst the moeque tlll remains alone In It* excluslvenees. the synagogue md the church hive broken the charm and now welcome all who may f*.-| the slightest Inclination to enter Ihelr **- rr.*l precinct*, whether It be tor worship, i l,r whether It tie for th* purpose of Ing sympathy and good fellowship. Hu. h records a* these prove conclu sively. I think that the world has grown 'letter. *nd serve to assure us that the good work of progress and enllghtment will continue during the century whose lawn we are now enjoying Those of our descendants who live to see the close of | the twentieth century, will have a* much cause to feel proud of It* achievement* as We of to-day are gratified at the mag nificent result* of the hundred year# whtcj, are n-.w numbered among the !. ™ r ' > bl,t wh '°> *>y the help of God will never tie forgotten. I *' *■"' Malkina. Pastor of tlie Chris, linn ( barrh, j Th* present century has been one of moat marvelous period* In the hlstorv of the world. In all departments of human activity. What mlehly atrldea have been tskrn In the paths of the an* and sciences. In practical philanthropy, m In ventions, In scheme* for the better gov ernment of nation*, and th* well-belm.- or Pctwncx- Hurely .her. hs, b4n 7 won ' i • ,r * • lonr the line of hu . man affair, pertaining to the of natton*. eoromunttle* and Individual l|f Similar advance has been made also in the church of Christ. Sectarianism hi glvcn way. With th. dee.yT?’^, I om* th* dissolution of parlies, Denomi national lines are not drawn as oti -e Tha spirit of unity I* In Ihe air. There has been a marked softening of religious , pertttes snd an Increased recognition of th. hrolherliood of all believers. The ... pel has hetm surely winning Its way , the world. Despite all hindering h n,,. eticea It has been "marching on" wi'.., never-ceasing progress, and ootontlc-* nurltitudeg have Joined the rni,„t of God's army on. socloty atou., has Issued IM.fIOO.OOU copier of tha Bible during the nineteenth ce t ,. tury. Vast numbers of ambassaib r* for Christ have borne to the people of home and foreign lands Ihe good new* of salvation—their ranks ever on the in crease. and their suoces* growing wit;, the flight of time. In our own counir.v no class of the population I* overlooked or neglected. Machinery of all kinds h>a been put In opera lion to reach the young and the old. ihe rich and the poor, th < respectable and the outcast. lo*t even the present spiritual Impetus continue, and who will say haw soon the day shall come when the Knowledge of Ihe Do id shall cover the earth as the water* cover the ***? The usurping prince of this world has been fast losing ground during the present century, and the twentieth cen tury opens with signs of his final defeat. There are abundant Indications that t great revival In the Christian Church Is at the door, not an emotional, but an ethi cal revlvaL The century which is now closing was born In the feud of an evan gelical revival. I'ndouhtedly, ihe next great movement will be a revival of right eousness—that Is. the. applies 1 lon of re ligion to the actualities o( every-day life. There are streak* In the Kaatern sky; the coronation day of Ui*' Christ Is cotntng on I "King out. wild hells, to the wild sky; King out the false, ring In the tiua; King In the Christ that Is to be." , Iter. Ed. F. took, Wesley Monwmra ts I fhureh. The nlnttoeenlh century Is a marvel of progress. Wonderful has been th# de velopment of American clvlilga'lon and wealth, wonderful tha progress tn civil government, wonderful th* db .ivtrlc# and inventions, wonderful the facilities of commerce and International communica tion But of all the wonders of this great century nothing Is more wonderful i hen the pi ogre** of the gospel of Clir'st. In this ctntury th* gospel his mads greater progress than In-all the centurleg helorc. * The past one hundred year* have been p-e-emlnently a period of religious prog ress. Many Islands of the sea have b*eti transformed from cannibalism and agery to the noblest form of t’hrl tlan c|v. IMz .Hon Christianity ha* posseei-ed th# whole of the New World. The ports of Ihe greal Eastern nations, so longe scaled, tmve been thrown o|>en to the missionary and to commerce. The very heart of India has been touched by ihe gospel messago. The great dark continent has been In vaded by Immanuel’s forces. Tha heathen world Is calling upon Christian nations for teachers, preachers, new llghi new life. One who macks Ihe progress of tha timer end see# how God la tuming the de velopment*. discoveries and Invention* >f m* dern time* to account In the promotion of Hi* kingdom Is compelled to recognize ■hat the world 1* growing hotter. Evil 1* ever present and perhaps mora marnlfle.l and organized than ever tie fore. but to the student of history, dis cerning the philosophy of events and (h* signs of the lime*, the triumphant march of ( hrf*tlan progress le indlspu aM \ Christian effort was never more organ -IZ-.I and systemat zed than It 1* to slny, nrd Ih* various Christian ilenomlti.itlon* are drawing notably closer together In co-operative effort lo overihrow evil anti establish th* kingdom of righteousness. These are significant facts and Indies'.* gtwai strength and effectiveness for fu ture achievement. Looking backward over a hundred ytnra of American history we feel the force of what Bmerson ha* said: "America Is but another name for opportunity. Our wool* history look* like the last effori of Di vine Providence In behalf of the human race." In the great how century soon t. dawn there are greeter opportunities and re sponsibilities than we have ever 't >OH! bffrre. "What God'a people neeJ to im anxious about Is lo work fully abreast of the times." Key. t . A. Ililuu* on the 211th Cen tury. On the line of Christianity In th* twen j lleth century In addition to whut Havan -1 nail's ministers have said, a recent state ment of Rev. Charles A. Briggs. D. D., J who has been prom.nenlly before the ro ; Union* world during the last ten years* ! lie soys; The development of religion la not marked by centuries; the crises In Ita development do not correspond with th* beginnings of the centuries. Hornetir.i. more centuries than on* are required to prepare for the crisis, then again th# pre ; imratnry movement* advance with great j rapidity In a few years. Nevertheless, al most all the Christian centuries have \ their distinct oh ira' terlslic*. The slx i icenth century was a century of reform, the seventeenth of scholastle ro, rt lon. ilia eighteenth of free thought, the nineteenth of reconstruction of theology and life Ho we know that the twentieth century wilt have a character of Its own, whether w* may Ire able at present to define that character or not. The whole history of mankind I* th# divine training of our race. There I* no caprice, there are no accidents. In history- Whether we think of a Providential gov ernment of the world or the evolution of great original and Inevitable force*, every rentury Is the legitimate successor of It* predecessors; those thing* which are to transpire In U are the children which aro born In orderly succeaslon of the bridals which were made by God In the great tempi* of nature. Then-fore w* may prr • ilct whal the children will lie from our knowledge of the parents. That which It transpiring before our eyes al lift' closo of the nineteenth eemiyry will Inevitably bring about that which will be In tbs twentieth century. A moat sublime spectacle meet* u* at Ihe close of the nineteenth century. Th* United Btate*. tn concord with th* grot European |>owers ami Japan, are united to bring lo an end th* lasi great outburst of heathen rage against Christianity. Whatever th* merits of the duostlon n>oy be. that Is the essential situation. This roncord of th* powers, for the first tmo In history, means that Chin* shall herc aller lie open to freedom of commerce and freedom of religion. The only remain ing hnrTlcr to Christian civilization In tha world Is Turkey. There can be little doubt that, so sootl as the Powers have settled Ihe Chinese question, they will take up and settle once for all the ever-burnllMt Turkish question. In the Interests of free dom of commerce and religion. Early In the twentieth century thn Christian religion will have freedom of acres* to all parts of the world Thl* I* all that Christianity can ask, for to baa always prevailed over all other religion*. There Is no other religion In the world wulch ha* ever been able to withstand for any hngih of time the vital power, the all convincing truth and the moral vigor of Christianity. The heathen relig ions melt before It a* snow and Ice to* fore the breath of springtime The nine, trenlh century; has been a century of great missionary activity, of all th* great churches of Christendom; the seed lot* been sown freely all over the heathen world. The twentieth century will be th harvest. Missionaries have blundered In China, as elsewhere; but they have had marvelous success. Their converts have stood the test of Martyrdom *• truly and bravtly as theqnartyra of th# primi tive church. ’s. It la not rellgtoua enthusiasm hut calm reasoning, that the close of the twentieth rentury will witness a Christian world, not that every on* will be Christian, but Continued on Eleventh Pag*.