The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 30, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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14 111 ■* * * &sciety Pui.iig the week Juat pant society umii to Imv* lent Itself almost entirety tu Lie entertain,ng of tho younger #ct, anil to the family gathering* tha* make I'liiatmu what >t la, hut the next rta a * promise a round of gaieties for every, one. and invitation* arts crowding eaeh other thick and The laH evening ot th. old year will l>e celebrated by the re ception for which Mr. end Mr*. Alaxan tier Lawton have eent out invitation*, while the hrat ent.* of I*ol wlh tie the Military hell given Tuesday even lug at the Guards' Hell The cotillion Thursday, and a reception given by the members of the Tomochlchl Club Friday evening, will he among the festivities ot the week, while of smaller affaire Ihete will lie the dame given Friday by M!* jittla Guetard in honor of Mias farter ot Fort Jackson, Va . Mr. and Mr* Ander son Carmichael nave Issued Invitation* for a card party Wednesday evening given to Miss Be 1. Khotter. Mrs William >l. Gucrard will entertain with cards Thursday afternoon, and the Married Womens’ Club will hold the fourth of Its winter moling- Friday nfleriioon si the home of Mrs. Cooper Myers. The past week has been one continuous round of gaieties for the rousger set. and or.e and all agree Ihar there never has been a more lively holiday season than thle one. Mr II I>.-na Hievcna utari'd the hall rolling Wednesday evening by giving a delightful dan •• at the home of hi* parents on Gaston etreet. The beau tiful rooms w. i. throw n open to the young pewple and decorated with garland# of bamboo vine ami holly. Among the guests were Miss Irene Withers. Miss Fhoelie Kilt oft. Mis* Hell- Khotter. Mine Cornelia Maclean. Ml* Minnie Ms kill.. .Miss Ophelia Pent. Miss Mery Morel. Ml** Lillie l.ynah. Miss Kllaabelh Hhot ter. Miss Kl-anor Khotter. Miss I.ury Mir row. Mi** Margaret Charlton, Miss NelHe Rot.cs ts. Miss Anna Hunter. Ml** Con stance Cheinult. Miss Minnie Adam*, Miss Karsh Cunningham. Ml** 1.1-a Car michael. Mise Kathleen Fey, Miss Ora Adams. Ml Julia Hunter. Mis* Hda Hunter. Miss Augusta Wood, Ml** May Kg an. Mis* Lucille Hunter, Miss l,mKa* Hearing. Ml** Nellie White. Ml** Louise Pearce. Miss Annl- tUmkins. Ml** Ger trude Kulllvan. Mb> Elisabeth Gilbert, Mite Nora Edmonmou, and Me**ra, Me* Kay D-aring, ti-oige Ua.dwln, Jr., Charlie Btrong. Waller Heyward. Alfred Vlartrldge, Joe Heyward. Edwarvi Karos, I owlet Karas, Alexander laawton, Jr, Charles iierney, Larcombo Kchley, Cor don llalm*. Garrarvl Haines, l.yman Wil cox. Owen Daniel. Willie Rond. Relrne Gordon. Jr . Gordon Carson and Hoi ace Pomeroy of York. Pa., and N-ylo Klmklns. Antonio Waring, James Waring, and Al* Hull. Jr. Miss M iry Wayne *> the guest of honor at one of the love.lest card |>urtle# of the season, given Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooper Mvers Their home, already one of the most a,tractive In Ksvanneh mv parti, ularly charming on this owgrlgn with Christmas decora tions of crimson and white. Flower*, evergreen* and shaded light* were ar ranged In the room* with erllsUc taste, end Ihe gueet* were delighlfully enter tained Among tin—e who were present were All.-- Mary Wayne. Miss Jeannie Jfaliie*. Mis* Clifford Munnerlyn, All*# Ethel Taylor. Ali*s Jennie Bryan. Alls* Belle Khotter. All** Helen Henlm. Altos An nie Alalenn Miss Kilxabeth Haskell, Ml** Kelly Haskell, All** Florence oltn atead. Alls* Lln.t Huger, Alias Kmma Hu ger. Mr. Clarence Anderson, Jr.. Mr. At C Tobias, Mr. fftrftte Hunter. Mr. I'wmo Hardee. Mr. Charles C. Kchley. Jr . Mr William Barnwell, Mr Berrien Glover, Mr Fred Myers. Jr.. Air Wllllsm*. Mr Thom** Denmark. Air Edward Demere, Mr. W. F. Klmpeon. Air. Louts Morgan and Mr. David C. Harrow A merry party of college girl* nod boy* were entertained Thursday evening by Mr. Ctoorge Baldwin, Jr , nl She home of hii parents on Mali street, vst. An Im promptu cotillion danced, and the young dM not di-bjrid until the early hours of the morning. Among thoot* Who were present. were Mist* Coiinne Ma kail, Mia Farris laxi M Mrirn Ml>s Finnic Maldfiiu, Alisa Clermont Huger. Miss Mftism Pent. Mia- Minnie Markall. Mis* M.y Egan. Miea Mm lean. Alls? Minnie**, Ml** Nellie White. Min Julia Hunter. Mias Hada Hunter Mies I'Msibeth Oilkrt Mias Alice Hay morel. Miss NV||li> Roberta. Ml** Heli- Uhotter. Mlaa Fannie I’hllllp*. and lleasm Antonio Waring. J tms Waring. Grata 1 em* Edward Karoar M< Kav pear Inc. J.eater Karow. Tracy Hunter. Jr.. Horace Pomeroy of York Pa . Lu* ien Boggs, Alexander Lis ton, Jr .ftelrne Gordon. Jr., H. Dana Btevetia. ’h*rl#M l->lmonetn. R.tlpn Me'drim, and Gordon Haines. The Married Womens' Card Club was debghtfuliy enterto in el Friday afternoon by .Mrs. Hamidon h. Ferrlll at the horn*- of Mrs 11. C. Ferrlll on Elbert Square In striking contrast to the dull weather outside were the brightly decorated pitr |ors. Molly and Christinas berries, with Jars of white asalra** imd crimson roses were effectively arranged about the card rooms, and tha lights were shaded with crimson. The pretty g ore cards also carried out the spit it or the season, and were painrej with charming designs of mistletoe and holly, and lords and ladle* of the olden time Utile Christ mas bells tied with erkt rtbt>on. marked the score of 'Tone hands." and the con tent for the pretty prtres an excltlnc or# Mrs. William Morrell won the first, an Indian chief framed in gorgeous crim son leather. Alts Pei ring the second, which was a Japanese plaque, while the prise for the greatest nurn.t't of lone latsb, a copy of “Wanted—A Match maker/* was wn b> Airs. John H llow kins. Airs Ferrlll*- guests inc.uded Mrs James T. Pent, Airs. Henry A! Steele. Airs Robert lilliington. Mrs Frank Bat fey, Mrs. Janies 11. Hunter Mrs. J. B. Chesnutt. Airs. J C. Le Hardy, Airs. Tnomae #. Wyfly. Mrs A B Hull Ml Nathaniel Jackson, Airs. William P. Pearirtg. Mr* W. W Gordon, Jr., Mrs John H Hoskins. Mrs. William G. Mor rell. Mrs. Henry Frost. Mrs. Harris Cope. Airs. W F. Aiken. Air*. Cooper Afvers. Airs. II Wiley Johnson. Airs, John .* reven. Mias Ingram, and Allot Hall) Ab A.pln Mis-* Virginia Lord Ntsbet gave a de lightful supper party lasi eveulng < her home on Forsyth Park. The table was lovely with crimson carnations, and < rim<m shaded lumps. Those who were pre**iM were: Miss Ethel Taylor, Miss K!i.* Chisholm. Alias K.ixibeih Butler, Mias Marie Nbbet, Alisa Nannie Ntsbet, Air. Philip Thornton Al .ryc, Mr. Edward Demers, Mr Theodore Ihi r nerd. Air Lowndes Walt hour, Mr. Wllllum Barn wen Air. Harry Dealing Mr. fttevetts. and Mr. Julian de Hruyii Kops. Mr and Air*. J Flora nee Minis gave a LtLmui.j JU.iur party last evening, >*' which Hletr guest* wire All-* Mlilamj Di rit. Alia* Clermont Huger, All** Mlnnl* Mai kali Mr Alexatalrr Lawtorr, Jr.. Mr. I i 1 AH-len Hog* . and Air George Baldwin, Jr The home of Mr and Mrs, J. 11. Wood presented a festive scene Friday evening, the ori i-lon lelng a dance given by the 1 Misses Augusta and Rosalind Wood. The long drawing-room was converted Inro I hall room and ornamented with sprays of . bamboo vine, and red-shud-d lights. He- | tween the dance* an Interesting contest : went on. the guests trying their wit# j .ov-r a series of puxxle pictures, whli-l* ; Illustrated the names of various presl- j dent*. The most successful answers were given in by Miss Vera Palmer and Mas ter Kdwin Carton and they were sward—rl In consequent** „ pretty gauge fan. and a sliver isouil. During th- evening e re pa-t wa# served In the dining-room, where the de< oration* were elalmrate. In the renter of the table a Chrlatma* tree was plared while holly and brlgh'- colored berries adorned ihe mantel and buffet Among the guests present were Alb* Gertrude Kulllvan. Ml*# Klle Kren on All** Gladys Girardeau, Mis* Janie Meldrlm. Mbs Kophle Mel,trim, Mis* Hies Tledemsn. Alls* t.ucy Harrow, Miss Ells abehl Mslone. Ml** Josephine Steven- Miss Florence Btevens. Mis- Hell Rat.ey ! Miss Juie Seraven. Mi# Virginia Bl bee Ml-s Fannie Hinton. All-s Kidney G.h bett, Alls# Lucille Hinton. Miss v Pan cy. Alls- Guile Garrard. Ml** Harvey Hull, Alls# Nora Kdmru.naon, Aftsa Con stance Chesnutt. Ml-s Caroline Clay. Alls* fira Adam*. Miss Vera Palmer. M's* An no Bell, Miss Claudia Johnson. Ml-s An nie Klmklns, and Garrard Maine* Gor don Carson. Meldrlm Thompson. Kdwin Carson Lyman Wlllcox. l.arcomhe Kchley. Allan Hinton. Joe Hull, Will Cann. Ray mond prmere. Davenport Bryan, Kidney K'libhs Churchill M-hard. Charles Bar rev. Allan i'utfs Kpplng Gahhert. Claud Girardeau, Frevl Krenso*i, and l-ester Karow. Mrs John Malloch who sailed from Ktrgland on the Jth Instant. Is expected In Huvannah next week Airs Malloch will resume her Friday- afternoon# during Jan uary and February at her home on Hall street, east Mr Philip Thornton Marye of Newport Now* la the gue! of Air*. II R. Jackson. Mr. and Air* J Kulllvan Bond return ed early In Ihe week from Florida, where they have been spending their honey moon Alrr James Head, Miss Allrlam Pent and Miss Clermont Huger will leave to-mor row for Hofwyi. where they will spend this week Mrs W W Gordon will leave to-mor row for New York from where she will sail Wednesday In the Teutonic for Eng land. Airs. Henry Wilson Hodge of New York who arrived Thursday from Washington Is being warmly welcomed by her many friend* Mr. and Mr* Clark Howell accompan ied by Ml** Mary Ci.mer. left Friday evening for their home In Atlanta. Mr Newell Turner of Philadelphia, and Mr J C Klaler of New York, are -pend leg Ihe Christmas holiday# with Air and Mrs. I,*wi* Turner at Montgomery. Mr and Mrs Alexander lotwrence have returned from a visit to Charleston. Allas Maude Williams Is visiting her iwretit* In Scranton, Pa . during the hol kluys. Mr Lewi* Mercer left yesterday for N< w York after • week's stay In Savan nah. Atr. W. F. Pennlman returned Wednes day from Brunswick, where he spent Christmas. Mr McKay Peering ha* sent out In vitations for a card party, which will be given to-morrow evening at the home of hi# parent* on Hall street, wrst. All** Lily M- Lane Anderson has return, ed from the North, where she ha* been making series of delightful visit* Mrs. David Stewart Craven arrived from tier hnmr In Salem. N. J.. Friday, and l the guest of Mr and Mrs. George Cann . n Forsyth Psrk. Messrs Gratx Dent. Harris Cope. Jr and Percy linger left Friday for Hofwyi plantation on the Altamuh.i Miss Nellie Marlin spent Christ mas w th her relative* In Bouth Carolina. Malcolm Alaclagn, Charles Mills and Ar. thur Pougwn ar* enjoying a few days *(H>rt at dii k aliootlbg In Bryan county They are the guests of Mr and Airs Habersham Clay at Ktrathy Hall Ml** Miry Irwin Bridge# arrived Frl dav from North Carolina to visit Mr and Mr*. It F. Finney. Mr. and Mr* Thomas S Wylly, Jr., have returned from Imrten. Mr A. J. O'Hara, who left Thursday for Tampa will spend a few dav- wtlb Pr and Mrs J R Read at Green Cove Springs before returning Home Mr Nryle Habersham Blmkins arrive! (rom the I'nlvendty of Georgia ’a> week and I- -pending the holiday* with hi* par rnls. Mr. and Mr*. William P. Klmklns. Mr*. King Wvlly has returned to Sa vannah and Is the guest or Mr. and Mrs. I) R. !jester, on the Talk Extension. Miss Harriet Alllledge will arrive to morrow evening from Atlanta to visit Miss Rlghton llabershtm. Miss laoulse Puponi spent Christmas vloy with friend* In Atlanta. Mr and Mrs r. fi. Ellis gave one of the largest Fhrislmas parties of the week Thursday afternoon from 4 to 0 o'clock A number of the* little friends of Winifred and Milton Ellis were present, and a mer ry afternoon was spent in playing games and dancing. A beautiful <’hrl*tm.*s tree, lit with colored electric lights and bnlen ed with ornaments and toys, bad leen ar ranged In the library, and pretty souvenir toys were given to all of the little guests Refreshments were served In the dining room st a table elaborate y decorated with pink and green. Wide pink streim ers were suspended from lh chandelLr and fastened with rosette** to the table cloth. while in the renter and at the cor ners were placed jars of flowering pink begonias The following voung girls ir slsted in serving the refreshments: Miss Fatle Ellis. Miss lailesh Adams. Miss J*w ►le Powell. Ml** Jennie Buckner and Miss Hallle Ellis. Forty or fifty children were present during the afternoon. A congenial parly of young people were entertulned Wednesday evening by Mi.* Emmie Johnson at her home, on Jooca street west. Th#* game of hearts was fhe amusement of the evening, and the fun culminate*! in the awarding of prises. There was one for each of the players, and they were selected by the guests be fote being taken from their wrappings Among the young people present were: Miss Eileen Hunter. Miss Myra Wllteox, Miss Lucy Boyd. Miss Maggie Tlioni'**oii. Alls* Corn Johnson. Miss Annie Haines Miss Ethel Mclntyre. Miss* Angle Vjhb+df*. aia) Meswra. kipping Gab- Ihett, Robert Waller, Lawrence I*ee Moultrie I*ee David Allan. Darwin Hull. Itaym*>i>d Bull! van, titephtn Heyward, THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1900. 14 BROUGHTON STREET, WEST. Ladies’ Furnishings. Ready for Our Sale==l9ol -OF- -- EMBROIDERIES AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. It is important for all mothers to inspect this stock, as we have secured a special line of Embroideries, rare in quality, choice in design, and very special in price. Look at Our Line for 9c. Look at Our Line for 15c and 19c. Our Underwear stock needs no introduction, being noted by the women of Savannah for its Regular Make, Perfect Finish and Durability. EVENING GOODS. Big cut in Evening Goods, consisting of Organdies, Gauzes, Nets, Lace Robes, Spangled Rohes, Embroidered and Plain Chiffons. Evening Cloves in all lengths. Tom Denmark, Frank Heyward, John Waller, and Tattnall I’rltohard Atasier Herbert Moore eniertalned de lightfully Thursday evening with a Christmas party. In the many game* played Masters Hamilton Horsey. George Ingleaby, William Seahrooko and Joe In g!e*hy Won the prlae*. Ataater Jack Afy crs. with hi# graphaphone, added grea Iv to tha entertainment of the hoy*. The supper table was beautifully decorated. A small Christmas tree rose from the . en ter of the table while garland# of tinsel hung from the chandelier above Tho places of the gue#t# were marked by dainty favor#. The guest# were Ma***r Robert Tr#tn. Jo* Ingle,hv. George In gl#hy, Charlie Adam*. Jack Mvers. Jes-o Ives, GuntilV Karow. Ro# Ouerarl. Car vllle Carson. Harvey Gilbert Kvereft Rlthop. A*hbv Racot. William Keahrooke, Fratt'-I# Dasher. Warner Butler. Hamil ton Horsey and Klfred Papv. Allas C.ttle Kills, who I- at home from Shorter College for the Imlldavs. pleasant ly entertained a few of her friends Friday evening with progressive game*. Miss Jessie Powell ar.d Ml** l-aleah Adam# and Mcsars. William Robertson and Pan Mc- Millan won the prlxe#. which were a pot ted fern a cur-ala## vaae. a rllver knife and a silver flic In leather case Mis* Anna Rell ha* sent out the fol lowing Invitation# for the first evening of th* N*‘W Year On the first of the vear. When all Is good cheer, Mv friend* I hope to greet From the hour of eeven Till half-part eleven. . At K-i*t Huntingdon street. We start with th- game* To -bring In the "dames." Then dancing will follow In turn; Refreshments on tap Will tit like a cun. And good cheer we ll have to burn. t In answer to this 'Twill not be amiss To ask for .1 verse in reply; The pleasure begun. 'Twill add to the tun. And no one need to be shy. Anna K. Bell. A icry Interesting marriage ceremony took place at Live ok Fla.. Wednesday. Dec. 26. at S |>. in., when Mr. Andrew Han ley, Jr., manager of the Suwannee Spring# Hotel of Suwannee, and Alls* Alary Kllxu beth Hines of Live Oak. Fla . were united. The ceremony was performed hi the Rev. p. J Lynch of Gainesville o! the home of tlte bride, where ti>e parlor. aid reception room were besul Iftillv decorated with palnte and hol!> In Ihe reception room an altar w .* eroded and hrllllantlv lit for the occasion, ard adorned with tlower# aisl rmllax. Direeily over the fool of the altar suspended front the four corner# of the celling, with while ribbon, was a large bell made of smllax_ At the appointed hour the "Lohengrin" Wedding March was played by Alls# Flectw-ood. and Ihe bridal pair advanced to Hv altar and knelt upon two satin cushion*, which were placed heneush the hell The impressive ceremony was witnessed only by member* of both families. and AP. and Mr*. IV. II Moflit o' New York. Mrs K. Mc- Clellan of Louisville. Kv„ and Mb- Mary C.aStgher or Savannah. A eolation wa- -•riel Immediately nfier the ceremony. Tlte bride wa# aiilced In it artty traveling coa tume. The happy couple departed on the evening train for New Orleans and other point* In Ihe South for a brief sa.ty preparatory to k three months' trip to Europe in the sitting. This >m- I imrtant event will he * surprise to the many friends of both par ties Mr. Andrew Hanley. Jr.. I* n Ka vannahlan, and prominently known In Ihl* P DPI TC M le of GIB-bound HI k Velvet. Kins Qflw UllVlyLC I Batin Ribbon with gilt points /OC r £ BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, St. Julian and W hitaker Sts. ( Sav 4u n &Vnr®**) Underwear Underpriced. Whit- n<l Naturnl R;blkl lilh n*.'k. long lwvi. 12 l ,c Hr*vy.Klol While Ribbed Vt-~t 2&o I..i.|le' While itn.l Natural Bhape<t Kim Vmii JKi I.udie*’ Giira Heavy Kleeced Vet*. ami Pant* to match, full *l*e*. per fectly ahaped B* laidte*' White three-quarter W.ol Veat* and Pant*. fa>hlnne<l, etecant quality tai.tle*' White All-W'nol Veat, and Pant*, full fn.htoned. aelected atock, auperti quail.y Ijidtr*' All-Wool Scarlet I'mlerwear. Veat* and Pan,* to neitch TV ('hlldren* Wht e and Natural Pn dewear. lc. ISHc. lfc-. IV and up. ChlMren'a Wonl I'mlerwear-Jlhlrt*. Pant* and liratver* C, 2&c, 29c. Uu, c. Me, Wc elty. He I# the #on of Mr Andrew Han ley of East Taylor stree-, ope of the lead ing huslnesa men of Savannah. Mr Han ley. Jr.. 1* manager of the famous Florida winter resort. Suwannee Springs Hotel, and h.t# acted In that capacity for some vears He hue been very popular with hi* patron* who visit the spring* from all pari# of the I'nlted Kutee and Europe Th* hrtde Is a prominent society lady of Florida and la a frequent eontrlbutor to tho literary columns of many Southern paper*, and 1# also a magaxlnc writer of tome note. IJttl* Miss Frieda Galls, daughter of Mr and Mr* Benjamin Orll*. gave n Christmas tree party Thursday evening at her home on Puffy elreei A delight, fill evening wa* spent by the little guest# Those present were Aliases Norma. Wand# and ftllma Sterly, Nora and Pauline Lang. Ruth f haeffer Mildred Kheftall. Gen evieve Ripple. Ethel Mlsrally and Ala*- ter* Brant Schaeffer. Stanley Ward. Rich ard Mordecgl and Carlisle Sipple. The marriage of Mis* Corlnne Street, daughter of Atr#. Alice Al Btre*t of Phil adelphia. and Mr. Clifford Gray Rowland ..f Savannah was perform- 1 Thursday, the I7th. Inat , at the residence of th brbV* sister. Air*. John Herbert Hillman, In Philadelphia. Rev. Pr Rutnney, rector •if St Peter'# Episcopal Church, per formed the ceremony Th bride wore a gown of heavy corded white silk, with accordion pleated flounce of point d'eaprlt. The reception rooms and hull were banked with palms and potted plants, and pink anti green was th# rotor scheme of the room In which the breakfast was served At b o'clock Mr. and Mrs Rowland left for Phllade:phig ami she South. Air. Lawrence who I* studying # Ihe College of Physician# and Burgeons In New York. Is spending the holidays with hi# parents. Mr and Mrs. J. Moul trie Lee, Mr. Wayne Cunningham Is spending the holiday# with Mr and Air*. Henry Cun ningham on Gaston street. Mr ami Mrs. lot Martin* Varnndoe re turned Fthlny to their home In Tampa. Fla. Miss Kshcl M.Tntyre Is at home for the holiday* front Georgetown. Md. Mis# Annie Moye of Ramlterg. 8 C,, I# visiting Alitw Eva Stoke* gt 121 Gaston, west. Ml** Krtto Rioodworth entertained the B. G. Card Club Thursday evening, Ihe guest of honor being Miss Lucy Blood worth of Atlanta. Atrs. Wilbur Coney and Mr. Paul Hryan won the special prlae* at i-anls. which were • band-palnt -d satin lap* measure and a traveling cup Mi * Edith Still well and Air William Pon lan w->n the other prlxes. which were a tlonltoii lace h.rndker hlef and a hook The room, were decorated with pot:*d plant* amt flowvrs. Present were Air. and Mr Wilbur M Coney. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Crawford. Mis* Marlon Cooper. Miss Bessie Cooper. All*# Marie Dress*. Alls# Marnl* Stillwell. Ml*# Eunice Crawford, .Mies I.tila Pavl*. Miss Katherine Drees*, Mis# Gertrude Powell. Ml## Ellen Mor gan, Mis# I-ella Morgan, and Messrs Mongtn Nlcholhe Horace Htlllwell, Blg inund Berg Harry Richardson. Wlnthrop Dwel>, Herbert Stillwell, I .eon Lyon*. Sidney Cooper. William Itonlan. Iteven -lorf. Yale# Thompson ond >Poul Bryan Air*. Merrlt Plxnn gay* a beautiful bin. heon Thursday to her little nler-e# and nephew#. The table was prettily decorat ed with hollv and I'hrlrtma* gift, marked the pia of the guests. Those who were present were the Misses Helen Dale Dixon, Lilia Nicholls. Alma and Pella Lindsay, Nb-holl* Katie and .May Dsborne. Jesse Dixon. Merrlt Dixon. Jack Lindsay and Don Prosaer. Air. Horry L. Wlleon and Alls# Carrie iI, Bockhett were married at the manse Ocntlrmen’a <lray Vl*ed Brown Mixed and White Underahlrt* and Drawer* She lientlemen * Heavy Hr, White ami Kuncy blue Shirt, and Dr .in era... 29c Oenllemen’a Kxtra Heavy Fleeced Natural. Fancy blue. ami Tun Undershirt* and Drawer* 42c Gentleaaen'* Sanitary Naiutal Wool Shine and I>rawer* TV Genii men’* Scarlet Wool Shlrta and Drawer* tile Gentlemen'* Blue Flannel Overshlrl*. well ma le. full *lae TSc Gentlemen'* t'nblearhed Canton Flannel Hrwwer* 19c Infant*' White Fleeced l'nderhlrt*. open ami button, and In front Kir, i;‘,c. 12.- Infant*' While Fin* Ribbed band* Infant,' Zephyr Wool Crochet Shoe,. 7o Now Is the Time. GUTMAN’S Is the Place. SPECIAL SALE OF Ladies' Ready=Made Suits, DRESS GOODS AND COMFORTS. COMFORTS. Filled with the best cot ton and covered with good sateen at the following reduced prices: $2.50 Comforts now SL4S $3.00 Comforts now $1.98 $4.00 Comforts now $2.49 Comforts filled with pure wool, sold at $6.50, now 54.98. Comforts filled with pure down and covered with the best quality sateen, full size, worth, Now 54.98. See our line of Nets, Gauzes, Gloves and hosiery For Evening Wear. GUTMAN’S, IQ Broughton Street, West. of the Beeosid Presbyterian Church, by Rev. W. A. Nlsbet. yesterday afternoon The marriage was a quiet one. itter.ded only by Immediate friends. The munv friends of Air. and Mrs, Wilson predict and wish for them a bright and happy future. They will r#**k|e at li2.' Alont gomery street. Among tne tlance* of the week, was one given Friday evening at Armory Hall by members of the Chatham Artillery. T >*• dancers Included Miss Palsy Clark. Miss Marie Dreese, Miss Katherine Dr#-*-*c. Mies Ethel Walker, Mi*-* Annie Lou Rus sell, Miss Bessie cooper. Miss Marion Cooper. Alls* Phelan, Miss Lucy Blond worth. Mies A1 It eese, Alias Luia Pa vis, and Messrs. Charlton Ft irbour. Hoe kley Germany. J. P. Woodroe, William Pon lan. H. ft Preese. Sidney Cooper. Alex Krenson. Reid Sweat, Armond Chapeau. Vamadne Heath. Ben Armstrong. Free horn Clark. Motigm Nlcholls. Sigmund Berg, Frank Torley, George Alien, and John Gaudry. One of the most Interesting events of the week was the wedding of Capt. Josepn V Morrison and Miss Bnphle E. Pa tot. which took place Thursday at the brides resklsstce. No. 22 Henry stree*. west. The ceremony was conducted hv the grooms brother. Rev. John T. Mor rison. a*i*ted by Rev. Mr Webb. Th° bride la the youngest daughter of the late Stephen A. Pa tot of tnt* clt>. a charming and lovable woman. The groom La a pro*permit truck farmer and mer chant of Kstlll. B. C.. and father of Dr. A. A Morrison and Thomas W. Alorrl son of this city. The bride was prettily attired in u traveling suit of gray. After tha ceremony they left for their future home In Kstlll. Mr and Atrs Robert A Crawford cha peroneal a party of young people Christmas Eve ar a dinner at HI ks restsuiant. Those who w-rc present were Miss Lucy Bloodworth of Atlanta, jtfwi Edith Miss Gertrude Powell. Aliss EfTle ltloodworih. Mis* Bessie Foo.- er. M Harry Richardson. Mr Armand Berg. Mr Horace Btlllwell and Air Sid ney Cooper. Air and Mrs. George Henry Whiteside of Apalachicola have sent out Invitations for the marriage of their daughter Mattie Kilby to Air. William P. Brunson of this city. The wedding will take place at Trinity Church Monday. Jsn. 11. Mr and Mrs Leon Ferst entertained on Monday evening with cards The par lors were decorated with palm* and i>ot* ted plants and roses. Among t,he guests present were Mr. and Airs. Aaron Ferst. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferst. Mr and Mrs Henry L. Smith, Air ami Mrs rt. Her man. Mr. and Airs Samuel Melnhard. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Traub. Mr and Mrs. Harry Illrtch. Mr. and Mrs. M 11. Herman. Mrs. H. A. Einstein. Miss Jeanette Melnhard, Alisa Irene Frank. Miss Jeanette Herman, Mr. Arthur Well. Air Henry MHuhard. Air. N Melnhard. Mr ttlwin Frank and Mr. Herbert Traub. The Flarmonte Club will give a recep tion to-morrow evening to see the old year out. Allss Mails Kberte of Charleston. F C.. Is th guest of her cousin. Mum Dale. Mrs. H H Preese and Miss Anna Drceoe left ThUrsulay for Louisiana, where they will visit friends. Mrs. W. O. Cooper and Miss Josephine Cooper will return to-morrow from Jack sonville. where they spent Christmas. Mist Marie Ehrlich has returned home from the North, where she has been spenttng the summer and full months. Mi** Aleyer. who lias beep traw-ling in Europe for the lust year and a half Is visiting her sister, Mrs. k\ Kisertbcrg. No IJ7 Oglethorpe avenue, west. Miss Eleanor Haxiehurst Is spfmdt,-* th#* Christmas holidays w,th relatives in Charleston. Mls Ethel Fretwell entertained tp* t V. Club Friday afternoon with cards. Miss Clara Butler has returned from vlattti.g friends In Augitsta. Miss Bdlth Vlmer Is at home for the Beginning to-morrow morning we will place on sale 50 Ladies' Ready=made Suits, All this season’s styles, of Cheviots and Venetian, styles are Blouse, Eton and Tight-fitting. None worth less than $15.00, YOUR CHOICE for SIO.OO. DRESS GOODS. LOT I. 30 pieces, consisting of Homespuns, Cheviots, and mixed effects, worth from 50c to 65c, At 36c a Yard. holidays from the Lucy Cobb Institute In Athens. Miss bln Cherry of Augusta is visiting Mr anl Mrs E. G. Rogers. Jr., on Bar nard street. Miss Janie Shutdrtne son the first prise, a l*air of bisque figures, while the boobv, a *wlen Ur. was awarded to Alisa Nina Cherry. Miss Phoebe Vincent gave an informal and plea--nt entertainment Thursday evening. The guests were the Misses Inn McLeod, Kat.e Burroughs. Helen Alclver, Carrie ami Annie Tyson. Nanlne White. Daisy Burroughs. Ruby Williams, and Ale?sr Ray mors I White, John At* Her. It# x White. Rhett Weber. Octuvua Tilton and John Burroughs. Among the pl**nt events of the holi days was the candy pulling and Christ mas tre*- entertainment given by Aliases Htlby and !!.:xci and Master Herbert Powell at their itomt on Jefferson street. Gtilte a number of their young friends wet© present Thursday afternoon. from :t go to i SO Miss Mary Btlen and Miss Ruby Powell delighted the crowd with several very pretty selections on the piano. The young folks took -slon of me entire home, and no happier t!m has been spent during the week of frolic and pleasure. The Christmas tr** win bril liant with many candles and beautiful, sparkling ornaments. At half-|>ust A o’clock Miss Ruby Powell play* 1 th. Fhristmas March, and Mr Harry Reddick •ind Miss Lena Dole led the way to the (lining room, when- refreshments **-re served. Among those present were Misses Alary Btlen, Lena Cole, Etta Lucke, Alice anl Kara Hagan of Darien, Helen Irwtn aid I atura and Annie May Johnson, and Messrs. Harry Reddick. D Gordon, Har ry ami Cecil Burch, Edward fUckel. John Funk. Lynn tnd Eugene Drummond and Charlie Burch. A party of young people were pleasantly *-nt( rt.tin#**! at tht nom* of M ss Stella Cohan Wednesday evening Among tho* present were Miss* s Etta Ivensidn. Ruth Ehrlich. Carol atul flare Oppen h.imer, Eunice and Gladys Ui*pman. Stella Levy, Alnttle Putsel, and also Messrs. George Perllnskl. Htella Cohen. Leoi* Wrf, Rli.e Mohr. Hanna Ferst and the Messrs. Einstein. AIUs Rita Mohr pleasantly entertained the following friends Thursday afternoon’ The Misses Claire, and er. Hannah Einstein. Zlpf>orah Me tide a, Lena Gerst. Miriam Herman. Edna Mohr. Eunice Uiif tnaii. Ht lk Cohen, Ruth E ti ll 1 h. Matlt** Putsel.>s Llpprnan. Han nah Einstein. Hannah Ferst. Esther Bel singer. Rita Well. F’ella Cohen. Uly Wle* hselhatim. Ruth 111 •*ein, and Geor gia Perllnskl. Vernon and Erma A-piinvall gave a merry party Christmas right to their lit- j He friends. * *ld Hants Claus hsl filled the Xmas tre* with |>tsents for all. ! A game was a 100 played, of pinning pa per baskets on an elepaant, and prises were given Miss Nannie Doyle receive.! th* first prise. M ister Milton Ellis the i boobv Among tlH>>e present Mlssei Nannie Doyle, Emily Aekew. Hollle Kills. Helen Doyle, Lil.ian Ask* w. Winifred Eihs Alma Htothart. Eirl Brooks. Ernu Asplnwail. Ma ters R. ... Doyle Jam s I‘oyle. Milton Ellis. W t. r A k# w. Mor sail Askew, am! Vernon Asplnwail. Th- marrlap of Mr John Wolff anl Ml. Amnll 1 Hmip. nlerr of Mr. Herman . u* r ,,* 111 lnll * , f’ l "'- Tur.i> evening ■ ! Mr lm , liom.- on in.*rrllt 1 ro.J. Rev Mr. R hn.-fTrr mil prrfor.n the ceren>on> IM I tr Charles CJraham llaughn Invited a rew of.hl, friend* on ThurJav afternoon hi, Christ nine tree at the ru.a,ltl limiee The Tybee Or.-lteatra furmehed mush for the o. ~|<,n and the lltt.e one. enjoyed themeelve* ,ta nc |n c ■nd eakewalklnK. Refre.hment. were ervel durln* the nfternor.n The aueat* er. th.* .iwr*la ldiKoehe. Annie j I^ROihe.Jda Peay. Mildred Nun*e,. r . Helen 1.a110.-h.-. B!an :ir TUhlcr, Ma> Rtv-he Mabel Younalove Ml dred Ueobte •Ji“!? ,,, r ,, r . I ' ali, 'he. Veronica iMvia! Maetara John Schrodw, Wl) lam Jan.en, LOT 2. 20 pieces, consisting of 50-inch all-wool Scotch Cheviots, fancy French checks and stripes, worth fisc, At 59c a Yard, Albert I rf e. Andrew .ieoble, Sidney Harold and Mauler Charle, Ui bum Baughn. Among tha gaiatiaa of th# waak waTTTis chriatman ira#- and tfant* t'Hius racaptbsi given by Muster Cletuw Hcrgan at hil home* bit Wrdnt-sday afternoon. Tna o •islon wij( a delightful one Those nf were Mis sea Addia May Gibson. Alt*'* Lyti.-h. Kihhia Divatie, Ixittls Kingman. Edith Brin nan, Hilda ilnar. May Gerber. K a hylecn Murphy. Emma BloomquUt, r **f * 811 Bed. Masters Freddie Gr. ly. Altw-ri Bloomqulst, J>s|c McCarthy. Wi - •’ •' 1 Gross. Henry Gerber, George perst, Eugene Mahoi*\. Willie WaUh. laaao Gibson. METALk I9RII MY JBIVBUMI. EflorU M(lr It* the Miut iMrrHor* to K rep 'I ruck of If. From the Jeweler's Circular. The d.rector or h<- mint at Washing**** . | D. (\. hat for many years made an esti mate of the amount of gold and silver consumed in this country in our Industrial arts and mafiufarttire*. which estimate has been based upon the bullion supplied b> the mints and assa> offices, as well • the figures from prhate refineries and i tu.ifuiiacturer.y fo shout inquiry has been f#*m on this subject. For the last decade, however, experts have rerkaisly question ed the estimates of the con In circulation and coin consum# *1 in the arts, as man by the Bureau of th* mint on these fig ures and on the tab|- based on an club orate Investigation made in lv*J. To move all doubts on this subject and t* ' < 'irately d*-terinir.c the consumption of ' gobl oral silver, both lore and coin, m the industrial arts In the Fritted *tes. i the *lire#*tor of the mint, last Pacetr.her. | sent *lrcular to jewelers throughout the country, a-kii.g as a favor that the jew jl r> till out the blank showing tha amount of coin or bars, gold or aJver, r il* h they (onaumed cither in their re | pair work or in maruifactunntf. Tie re | turns from these Inquires, thotigh '>’ t' o 1 means complete, served to make much more accurate the figures on th con ! sumption of gold and sliver. In tie report of the dire* tor of tha mlr<. an eff*rt w 11 now be made to obti n even fuller returns for the next report With this object In view a circular ar I a h.ank. similar to that sent out last vear will be iwued In January to all nanufa turerw udng gold or silver, as w*W as t* all Jewelers, Including those who d° t v#n the emalleat of repair work, with th* quest that the re*dplent* fill in th# figure'* required. In doing this the lewder •>* f*el > ire that his flgurea will lever he used except in making a grand X>tl will he held strictly confldenliaiy by tha Treasury Department. Among U# reas*>n which It Is believed caimed |erscfis In the past to liesitale In answering thaoa In quiries, was the fear that they had. h using up coin. Inadvertently viola ted a statute and that an admission t# this fact might be used against them, ttjch a fe**r. however, !*t aimolutely without |mitilatloi . as there Is no lomenticm that the use <f gold coin In manufacturas Is gxntrary to law*. The only object In asking to* the Infor mation Is to enable the Treasury Depart ment to estimate as accuratelj/as possibla the money now on hand, by determining the amount of Fnlted States oln lost an nually by being melted up lr manuta turlng purposes. It Is not 4almd th**t any manufacturer la by law to give the Information, but. at there Is no reason why he should not adf every rea son #hy he should, for the ienefft of all. It Is confidently hoped that fhe roapon"* from the Jewelry trade tej th© depart nu-nt’a new circular, soon tl ba sent out. will be as complete a?id *atlafactory the authorities of the mint ran deslr* -Many of th* laborer* Jt tha Leag't* Island navy yard at Phllaivlphki art f®* cetvlng but |1 0 per day.