The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 30, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 pfljr Mafninfl Mrralng Hew* HmMlllt Iniimihli, (uv •I Mm, nri irviißn an, im. HegUiried at (he DoDofllca In Savamah ■ 111. ai)RMV. R(WI 1* , . I - day in the y*ar, and to subscribers tn the city, or sent by rrail, at cent* a month. 1400 for six (ninths, and l> 90 for one year, TUI-: MOHStniU IKHI, by moll, tit tiroes a wesk (without Sunday Is* i#). three month*. 1. ji>. alt roonlhs, li.'O. on* year Ik >;. THE WEEKLY KKW# two biute a week (Monday aid TtHiraMy) by mtl . one year, SI uO. Subscriptions payable In advance H‘- tn.t by money order, check or regt*t -red letter Currency aetn by mat) at rt?k of aander. Transient advert laemente, other than •paelal rolumn. local or reading n tlcee amusement* and cheap or want col iron, 19 cents a line Fourteen line* o' ncate typo-equal to one tn-h In depth—la 'he standard of measurement Contract rate# and dlacounta made known on application at business office. Orders for delivery of the Morndt New* to either re*tdenoe or place of buslneee can be made by mall or by tela phene No tlO. Any Irregularity In deliv ery should be Immediately reported Letters and telogramo a Mould be ad dressed ttOßMtti REWI," Ha a i.nah Ga EA tTF.It V OFFirr., 3 Park R w. New Tork city. H. C. Faulkner. Manager 24 PACES. INDEX 10 ms ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Notice*—lf Ite Nice We Have It, Hardee A Marshall. Pure live Whlskev at Kemler s; Plasterer* and Mivew' Kiri pikes. Savannah Building Supply ("onil**- ny; Huwnne* Spring* Water; Morton > Behool for Boy*; W# Are Dyeing New. New York Steam Dye Work*; Savannah Steam and Dye Work*. Ijsdie*' Breast- ; pin*. Koco A Sylvan; Ship Notice, J. F. Minis & Cos . Agents Business Notices- Have Some Comforts Cohen-Kulman <arrlage and Wagon com- j peny; E A W. lasucdry; Franklin Cigars; Pierce Woman'.* Bicycle, It V. Connerst. H ippy New Year. D A Holism) liappv New Yewr and * (lloriou* Cen tury—Leopold Adler. An Offering —By k Bros. A Cold Shiver I* lmpo*!Me Without 1 a Heater—Tho* West A Cos. A K Shoe for 3 50—Chaw. Mark*. Shoe* for the little Man -At the Globe Shoe Store. Amusement#—Leonora Jackson Concert Company at I-aw (on Memorial. Jan 7; Royal Mode Hall. “A Cinch" Redo, tion Site of Camera* _ | Al Livingston'* I'hartnary. >- Invested In Our (las Meatera—Mu tual Gao lag lit Company Rargent's Corn Food Chopper—Edward lanel.’* Suns. The Greatest Creation tn Wheel* In 1900 —T. A. Bryson. Compliment* of the Sea*<m—Savannah Stesm laundry. Trunks- Soul hern Trunk Factory laK'omoblle*—K V. Conncrat To the Buyers of Dry Good* -At Ho gan's. Century Closea— R H. lavy A Bro. A Indies' Suit Muesacre—‘B. H. Levy ; A Bro. Km broidery Bala—At Guatava Eckstein A Co.‘a. l<egal Notices—Abe Rothshtld Bank rupt. House Blankets, etc.-Leo Frank. Tha New Century Em broideries - Foyc A Eckstein, Now la the Time- At Gutman's Ready for Our Hale, 1901-Walsh A Meyer. Cndarwear l'nderprlced-At the flee Mite. Fln-de-oiecle Bargains- *Vm A H. H. I Lattlmorc. Cooking Oil-Wesson'* Odorless Cooking Oil. Beef—Liebig's Extract of Beef. Medical—Lydia Ptakkham* Vegetable Fills: R R. H ; Munyon'a Cold Cure; , Hoods Sarsaparilla; World’s Dispensary* Preparations: Dr. Hathaway Company; ■ *lT' for Influanxa; Prruna; Mrs. Sum- Brs. • 'heap Column Advertisements— Help Wanted; Employment Wanted: For Rent; For Sale; Lost; Personal: Mioccllaneous Thr Wfßihrr. The Indications for Oeorgla to-day ar* for cloudy weather, probably rain In southern portion, freeh easterly winds, b#- comlng variable; and for Eastern Florida, partly cloudy weather, probably rain In northern and rantral portion; frmh east arly winds, becoming variable. Wnc# a Chicago man ha* cornered the Whit* haan market. M la to be expected that a violent anil-trust agitation will spring up In Boston. Thore is a difference of but one letter In the spelling of the name* of two of the moat famous fighters of tha end of the century-Dewey and JJeWet. There ar* lots of Christmas bills that will be carried over from the Nineteenth century to the Twentieth. And a century will not be long enough for the payment of some of them. Mr Cleveland has asserted positively 4hat he did not vote for McKinley. The newspapers noted on tha morning after the election that he had voted th* day before. Now. for whom did he vote? The Prohibition ticket reeelved a few votes In New Jersey. Maximo Gomes Is not a Cuban by either birth or cltlsenahlp. He la. therefore, not eligible to hold civil office tn the Island, i It Is believed, however, that In recogni tion of his services the Constitutional Con vention will adopt an article framed for [ tbe purpose of permitting him to be the first president of the Cuban repirbli:. Tne highest price ever paid In thi* country for a picture was given recently* t by Mr William C. Whitney of New York j for a Van Dyck ;>ftralt of William Be* f Vllller*. Ylcomte UrandHuion. Th# ptr , tar* I* said to be one of the finest exam a !*•* •( the famous Fiemlßh master's art. i and was painted when Van Brck was | ‘twri painter to Charles I of England ij The price paid ta believed to have been , UJv.wUk ttll. ELK VELA Silva PIHPOSI*. Borne of the newspapers, partteulsrlv ; 11 iosc that have t>cen hostile to lam for • ear*, are sure that they *e# sign* that j It 1* Mr. Cleveland’s purpose to ge* hack , Into poll lies— that. In fact, he is aiming at i the leadership of toe Ikemocrntlc pniy. The sign* In question are his recent ar ticle in the Saturday Evening Post. In which he stated what, in ht* ujdmon, -houid be the future policy of the Demo cratlc party, arid ht* denial that lie voted (or Mr. McKinley. It I# doubtful If Mr Cleveland I# tr> - • n * 1° f' l hack Into active po|ltl< * to become, tn fact, again the leader of the Democracy. lb* la 100 level-head* and a man not to know that his political ca reer Is ended. There l* a faction of the Demo ralle party that would willing:% se als! In nominating him again f<tt l*r *i dent. but it I* not the majority fit ttou And tf he should sue *d In getting the nomination tho*e lietnt* rat* opposed to him would not vote lum Ttiere I* ro probability, however, that hi* name will ever ag.ttn I* mentioned In a convention called to nominate a randi-late for Presi dent. But b* an** he t* out of the arena of i active polities tt not follow that he ;I* ttouret to remain silent on polltb-al : question*, lie has as much light se any other man to express hi* opinion* on *u. n questions. The number of people who want tn know what hi* opinion* are t* very kirgc, And It Isn’t remarkable that It should he. lie has been Presi dent twice the only Democratic President sine# tb. lieglm Ing of the Civil M ar aud it u but natural that hts iskifttcal ! view* -houid I*-- regard'd by many people as being worth knowing. Besides. It has tveen *ald. and probably with truth, that Mr. Cleveland I* far from being a rich nun He I* paid for Mich art! les as that of his which appeared In the Sattirdiv Evening I *oM. ,\ vk or ho mu>9 hr •••- an fommni'omfiu *f m confer for nhi'h In* mit h\e bren i.n4 at arti Ira which hr wr 1 for th paper* *i P'jllt: .l in nr<l :h rr It no rr* non wh\ Mr. not ta ring* hi* li ump in rho name way. It lr a Mf# NnHcrtJon that the only r*-a*on hr h*i<l for ipnylni through tho Atlanta Journal thr < ut ton* >lory that hr vt#d for Mr M- Klntey, wjh to * ! -i i•.i| • • • i .in 1 | fi- i'< -r, !tliiition. It la a wall Knoan fact that thr Corn*ittution ha not hren frlatally to Mr * *!* vc>it Id | in out year*, and It I* protaW.- that Mr Clcvrl.m*! hadn't a friendly ft*<*His|p fi tho ('uiiMUullon. No. Air. CUviliiruJ i*m t atmlnff to ><*• k Into al harnr<* acaln, Th# T|wr# that ar#* trying to nwtke It ap|irar that Mr. Cleveland and Mr. flr>an r.r# (ontfnding for tho lradn*hlp of th# o'ra:lo party arc mlMakni. Th#*r# ran h# hut llt-tl# dodiK that Mr. Hrvan ha* tKp# of bring k#tt at th# h#a*l of th# party. Inti It 1# a qu* lion If It# think! that if h# adhrrrn to lh# polltl' .il do*- I trinrs whkh h# advoratrd In thr Uat • wmptlvn ho ran lrai anvthiuar mot# titan a far:run of hl pony. Tho l>rinu tato i party a u whoi will not again a- r#pt #ith#r hia loadorshtp or that of Mr Cleveland. % riloHl I M l 01l THK TH €>:\Tl M \ . In a f#rvld ri||M-al for th# poor of th# i#m#m#ni of N#w York on T.nirMay Fortner Mayor Abialaini ll* wltt of that city, aald: ' If th* H trrrlhlo <#n#m#ntf. th### ov#r • Tow led dUtrlrta. th#***- dark and dwtlllng placra and all th# attriuling mla **ri#N muat go with InduMry, th#nl would l> <!od that #v#ry ral r##N#r could be d* at rwynJ. an were Sodotn ami do* morrah of ok), and m#n driven hack to in# la;d where they can at leant hav# the breegea and the green graaa and the *unU!n” and the blue of heaven to look up to.’* Competition, for which there la Mich an imperative demand. I# largely renporsl- Me for the rovullttona to be found in dis trict* where In rye number* of tollera are crowded together. The struggle for exlt •>n a ! 90 great that there 1a a conatatK lowering or wage#, if one man make* ar ticle# a. little * hcaper than another he can afford to *ell ch#att>er. and If he sell* | cheaper he get# the trade. Therefore there i coumwnt pressure on labor, and the la* tor maiket being crowded, the todere out wage* In orl#r to get work In this rterce i rcmi'etltlon that la going on the employer , nuflt-rs a well aa the wage-earner. And ua the c'omiwtMlon grow# fiercer the totl i era will get lea# wagea and be crowded j tnto worse <piart#re than tho#e which . t ailed forth the appeal to the rich for help fr< m Mr. llewltt. Trad# unions were call-d Into existence | by eonditlona forced upon ♦ollera by com* iM*tltlon oni truata are being formed to rive owner# of capital from the ruin j threatened by competition. There are evil# connected with trade union# and al#o •vith with the latter very great ovlla—but In what other and beiter way •re the destructive condltlofl# of comfw tltlon to I>e nv t” For a buxines# firm, a manufacturer or a railroad company t..ot pay# living wage# and adheres to price# that yield a fair return for capital Invested, ruin from c.Mnpetitlon l# almost certain Competi tion must la* met. and that mean# grind ing down the wage earner and (he aur vlval of the longe#! purse A problem for the twentieth century la to find a way to moke It possible to pay liv ing wa*## to tollera and prevent giant combination# of capital from robbing the public by m#an# of prices mad# poaaibl# by monopoly. Th# solution of this prob lem I# worthy of th# effort# of the world a ablest thinkers. Fpon Its solution the well being of unknown millions of human being* depend. H II I. i t l.n TO THK II Mil K < Ot HTf It I# reported, tlhjugh by what authorty I# not known, Unit th# Kmperor of *hlna Is against accepting th# term# Muted in th# note sent by th# Powers to China. It would not bo strange If he were. They ai* pretty severe. There la a growing belief. Judging from whatl# appearing in tb# dlstau he* from Washington and Httropean capitals, that the wrhoi# matter will be referred to The Hague court. Whether or not (he ITnitad Hi at## are willing to have k go (here 1* tt question that will hardly be answered uni#*# circumstances should aria# that would make an answer to it necessary. It l# certain that #om# of the Cowers of . ..* . ar* nx.i t > * !> .• eert ihere, They would prefer to have It settled by th*lr agent# In China It J# hardly probable that China will accept the term* al once, even U II Is her THE MOKMMi NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 1000. Intention to do so eventually. It would be only reasonable for her to attempt to secure a modification of some of them It la said that for one thing she I# verj opposed to the demar and that each twMlon shall have a legitlen guard at Pe kin. The probabilities ar# that China will present counter ptofo*itions. not with the expectation that they will be accepted, bu With th# hop** of gelling a modifica tion of th# terms that have been demand ed. Those who expected a qu.< k settle ment of thearouhj# a# soon as th** Powara reached an agre<m#ni, ar# likely io hr •IlMßppotnted. Indeed, it I# not certain that the Fnlted Hint* - f# lAO-ind by the note In aotne tmponai t particulwra, though they signed k. and It I# declare J to !** irrevocable. If the whole matter #nou!d be referred to Th# Hague court it would Imi pretty certain to remain In au unset’.led condition for ai least u year. A Hit II %I%A IM.KFX A f#w days ago on*: or th# newspaper# f New York published an article In which It was asserted that If Mr Forr* - llu# Vanderbilt had pal*l all of lit# tax#' th# law r#iul r*l of him his e#tat# would have b**en atom l*# than It was—that. In fact, he bad <heat#d th# state out of about Hist amount. Th** list of tb# a#* ajrities Ixdonglng to his estate was pubh*:i#d a couple of week** ago. uni i was noticed Fait th# sc curl (tea were ra.lroad homls and lUrke of railroads and other corporations. Th# total amount of th#m m* nlxxit lii.iso.ou- It seems that Mr X .imlerhllt pakl Ux on |o*rsonal pr 'i#r*y to th# amount of* onl> about taUg.UOO. In the article lb ques tion therefore ;t was clalmad that hs was a gigantic tax dodger. Hut wa* he u tax io*lg#r? Some of th# friends of th# u? #uH#*d millionaire have t*k#n nolle* of th** hsrg# an*l have • ome forwarl In <lefense of hi# g<*od natn#. Tb# d#f#ie Is that worn# of bt# securities were not taxabl**. tligt th# rail roads. whose bo Hr In It# iield, paid t-i' ta*A#a on their property, and that th# oth er corporation# In which he held share# aiso |ald the taxes on tlielr respective proper!!##. It is asserted that If h# also had paid taxes on these securitlee he would have been double taxed. Th# |600.- no of f>#iFonal property Which he returned for taxa'ion was not taxed In an> other way. N doubt this Is the sort of a defense which many rich men #et up In their own minds who do not return oil of lhe*t bond# and mock# for taxation. It I# true of count that all the raHrosde are pretty iaavilv taxed, and so ar# all otner cor iMratiofi*. but th# ae* urltles of thaae *or icratlons ar# riot exempt from taxation Tho defense that Is made for Mr. Vain d< rbllt is rot a valid on#, though It Is a fart that (he law that requires s**cirltl#e, bused on properties that ar# already tax ed. to pny taxes is not a juat on#. No donl* such sec ur It lea might to pay some lng. but not as much as Is pa *1 by the property which they represent. Kallroad# era ax#d at about what It would rowt to bntUl them HhooUi the bond* on a rail road pay the same rate of taxation a# the ruad dues? First clast railroad bonds now pay only three and a half per cent. The tax rai# In many places la fully two and a half. Tnat would l*a\e a net Income of only one per cent, from auch lionds. Even those w?ho have the makdig of th# law# see the injuetlca of taxing aacuritlsa as heavily a# the property on which they ara baaed Is taxed. In ene states the rate of taxation 1# very low on certain kinda of person*! property—#eewrit lea of <or|K>rations. for Instance, which pay a tex on all of their holdings Mr Vanderbilt may have felt that h# luUl all the taxes he ought to pay, but there la nothing In wliat his defender# ray that shows that he paid all that the law required of him. M%ft It I IUK AWD l OIOKI ITY. When a phlegmatic German Pdentiat atari* out to demonslrat# the solution of any problem he usually back* himself with abundant proofs. I>r. Priming of Herllii had heard that married peraon# lived longer than those unmarried. 1 occurre*! io him to ascertain how much truth there was In the assertion. He be gan gathering itilktJM hearing upon the subject, and accumulated quit# a mass of Information. This he has digested, and as • conclusion, aa Is set forth In a recent statistical Journal, h# finds It to be a fart that the death rat# among unmar ried adults Is much greatrr than among married on## Among th# unmarried h# | classtn#* tho## of both >#x#s who Iwtv# 1 io#t their llf#-partn#rs. Widows and wid owers. Indeed, have rather a shorier ex pectation of life than spinsters and bach elors. In view of Herr I>r. Priming's findings. It Is not too much to say that th# old query, "Is marriage a failure?** la something of a Joke. Not only I* mar rwgV* w success, but it In mean# of th# prolongation of life. Btatlstles shdw. says Pr. Fringing. th;t I tt Is usually th# stronger natures that get married. H*dnw nvtrrled. each party to tha union leads a life that Is more meth odical. more eaay-gotng. more tempera*e than Is ordinarily the c*#c with th# un married person The husband and wife do not so of'en expose themselves to cer tain dangers and circumstances of life which environ single person-'. Late sup pers gnd Inadequate protection to th# body against cold, at nn*l after balls, for In- Man.#. ar# among these Again, for th# married person Ilf# has a much greater value; th# supporter of a family, who I cannot b# replaced at death f##ls the weight of his or her responsibility. Dan ger. ihetefore. I* approached with much ! greater reluctance. In other words mar ! ried people do not **'nke chances" uk# single ones do. Moreover unmarried | males are. to a greater or less degree, re -1 strlcted to hotel or l>oanllng-hoii** Ilf#, and are thus **tempted to addict them* selves to the abuse of alcohol/* the keep j Ing of Irregular hour- a’d other Indtacre ■ tion* aanlnst good health. Dr. Printing gives it as hU oplnon that family Ilf# must b# credPel with a much greater Influence on health than It la com monly supposed to exercise, and that th# power of marriage to prolong life la un* , equivocal. The## conclusions he reaches , nfier a careful study of th# Uvea of pri#t. ministers, lawyers, doctors, mer chants. laboring mm and others, and wo men of all social conditions. In the "criptures It la advised tha# on# use a Ittl# wlm* “for the stomach’s sake" Dr, Pi taxing'* prescription Is **Oet married, for the sake of your health.'* I.iicuhrlou* sham torle* r* twin, toH In lotvlon it I* *!<l that th pk of Mary (.tiaon of Full —aa h*artl wntlino an A walk n* in tha Towrr of London On • 'hrlatmaa Ba* m*ht. Tho aiclal *illfl ranr• of thla ! that Mary'a apook l au<>. to bod* 111 for tho Qt**n. Mary aa* ImprlvottM In (ha Conatiblt'l Towrr hy Qu**ii Ellzahnth. from whlrh h* ara* ;*<l o th* block to b b-hoadWl. f*rotn that day to tht*. accordlnar to tho front*- and aoth*a>*r*. tho ehc>t of Mary haa aalk*d a* an announcemont of tho ap proacbln, tlc.ith of th* rulor of Eiißtaiul Many crrdnioua lcaidon*r* ar* tlrraly con \-trif*d that tho all **d rolurn of the un haiqtv Qttwri's rptrlt on tho night bofore Chrtatmaa no ait omen of the doath of Quern Victoria. Shooitl the Queen die within tn* noit year or two, tt would be claimed, of cotirao, (Itat Mar: - ghoct f .retold It. ft **cm a**ur*.t Etat wo ar* to tuvo tho malodorous to-*f a-an>lal dug up and I'urad'd one. more. Bg-Beeretary Algcr'a artl Io In th* North American Review will ni't*' rortelnly 'all forth a reply from Gen. Mile*, and then thore will follow much cror-- firing from tho *mal>r (tin*. It wotikl hav* t*n li*tlr (o have If ft (he who'* malt*r Dirlo*J, with a p>ntl* fill rprlnkliriK of ttm" over Ita ■ rating plat e. It t* pretty much jwrwmal mut ter. anyhow, ar M rland*. In which the public ha* little Inter**!. I’EB-Oh At - Fra net* Norton of Bprtngflold. M I* raid to aoM the long-aorvlce r*rnrrt for tat '••..*. tor He ho* held that office tn BpiingHr-ld (or forty-on- y*ar*. and I* now abttit to retlra on account of HI health. - Arab! Doha • long term of ext!a In Ceylon may now com* to an *nd If h# atshos It. for th* khcdlvn 1* pr*:mrcd to •* • .ii! tn.l\ a few moot' , back, however Arab! told a vlattor that lie hod !■>.— all deotre to return to Cairo. Thoae of hi* old friend* alto had not died tdnre l*W had - nange'l toward him. and every hour *p*nt atnoug tha M-*n* of hla old ectivltle* would la- on* of pain In the elr cuiwuitr*. That wa* the feeling a ebort time ago of th* exiled paatui. who ha* mad* many good frienda In Ceylon, and wtl! doubt lew* think twice before 'leddtng to change hla abode. —"Ferltapa." *aya (he Waahlngton cor f* porhleiit of (he Kt I cut* Gkrbe-Demo ‘tat, "tl.eie never was a public man more tnormighly belled hy the cartoon- than Be rotary Hay. ll* I* repre-entnl a* aping English manner* and dre.s. He 1* r*f*tr*.l to nmay from Washington a* af feeling rudom* Th* other day i visitor In Washington, a man given to observance of 'form. - stood on the !*(** of the Wht<* House and surveyed the ealdnet equtpage* drawn up In line wait ing th* close of- meet In r within. 'Good heaven*!' be exclaimed, who ta the cabi net oftteer who doesn't know better (hart to let a white coachman wear a mua ta uh*?' A newspaper mart Mending he- Mde anwere.| 'He Is tha last man you would gti**. And he I* a m.m who would never think It worth while to notice whether hi- coachman wore a mustache, mu-'h levs to express a preference one way or the other. He Is Beeretarr Hay.' If It wa* left to Ihe newspaper correspondent* to Beleet In th* twlmlnislration th- oflt dal* of minimum *xrin*tvene*a, of least per •onal ostentailon, the ideal American gen tleman. a touring vote would be given for John liar." hhiuht nrra. —lie—Ha* your father any ot>]e*t(otia to my colling on you? She tan ttelretwl—No! But he aald you couldn't call on him--Harper's Rasar. —Young Mother (to butcher)—^"l hava brought my little bahy, Mr. Bullwrtnkle wai you kindly weigh him* Butcher - Yet. mo am; bone* an* all, I *'po*e'~Tit-BII*. —An Exception—H* Some men can't keep their eye* off the ladle*. bhe—l'rle-a those men happen to he sitting in a street car, while the ladle* ar* standing -Philadelphia Ihe** - Began !.lk* One—Matnma-rtnce upon a tint# there wa* a goose that laid gold en eggs ” Utile Eddie (Interrupting!—li we to be lieve this story, mamma* Mamma ( aa vou pleaae l.lttle Eddie (with a *tgh of relief)—Oh. T thought perhaps tt was a Rlble story.— Brockl'n Llfs. - Shake-pet tan Cflt clam—" Feller name o' Bhakaprr* ftvoled our folk* purty well las' week." raid Mr Meddergra**. "He gave a show railed ‘Julius Oaeswr" down lo the ertry-hnusr. an' Mamed ef the wlw>|e thing wasn't made up out o’ pieces that'* been pt>k* at the school exhibi tion* here for twenty year."— Baltimore American. - C*hlldlh Glee—"Do you want a Chrlaf* mas tree this year, my little man"" ask ed Bobby's uncle "Oh. ye*, air. came the teply tn n *weet, chlldDh treble. "Last year father burnt hi* whiskers all off lighting the wax candles, and Aunt Jane fell off (he *tep-ladiler. aind I wouldn't have m!*cd It for anything "—Washing ton Blur. ft it III: XT rnttgriT. The Norf'ttk fVa.) landmark *ay: Does tbe Young Child Prevaricate? - I* a question which is exciting Knot- dis cussion In cultured circles of the North. Oh. no. the young child does not prevari cate; he simply Ilea, and usually tint* that bald misstatement* suit his purpose better than the subtler methot* of evae un Aa a falsifier It would be hard to lltvl the equal of the ‘cherub who alts aloft' In thr affections of the family. It Is In teresting to note, however, that les- hera and purer.t* are making nice discrimina tions between the lie told with malice pretense, or to evade punishment, and the romance which is simply th# outgrowth of a tropl al Imagination Th# originat ors of this last aped** of lying ar* being trained a* ator>-teller* and Illustrators, to the great relief of many family circled." The Nashville American (Item.) savs: "Congressman Rmlth b introduced a bill to pension a person born after the Civil War ended. The person In question Is Mis* Battle of New Boston. Ml h and the (tension claim Is bused on the allega tion that her crippled condition Is due to the parental shock when her mother rc ciDed news that the husband and father had been wounded A* the New York Times remarks: The vista opened up hy thi.: claim I* boundless." Why not rwn ston the vhtktreii of Enton soldiers on Hi* ground that If the father had not been In th* army he couM have earned more money, and hen.* left a larger estate?" The New Orleans Picayune (Dem > says: “The Immigration problem promises to grow extremely complicated and diffi cult. and one of the factor* which wrltl make It so I* the exirem* lllirarary of the people who are coming In the** lat ter year*. Here are question* for states manship of the hlgheat order." The Birmingham New* (Dem.) says: “A glance over the newspaper* published tn Southern cities reveal* the fact that tn every place tbl* season # holiday trade I* reported to hav# been the beet ever known, which I* another alyn of th*.- South'* prosperity." The Heal Thing. Still the best society held her at arm's length, sgva the Detroit Journal. "How do you know." asked society, with a COM Ot.iur. “that ;uur husband ha# gsnulr *■ gout, rather than m* r* rhe ttsm"" "Beohuse." the woman rpll*d. dlgn.- ffedly. "he haa carried a raw potato in ht* po.'ket (or two month* now without getting well!" At this they were ahaehed and many, thenceforth. Invited her to their 0 o ! lo’k*. % Tale of T*o Senator*. Representative Jores of Virginia t*ll thla story on h:s father, say* the " >*h- Ington Correspondent of the New York World: Directly after the war Jones. r*t was sent io the :ate Senate. An <dd cart wlw had belonged to him wa* also eleettd go the Senate. The tw<* drew ad joining seal*. Senator Jone* si* ver> courteous, and In jJdr#*Sr.g his former slave always called him B* naior. The old negro stood It for some time •nd finally aaht "Maasa William. I don' Ilk* dls B-nalor tmslnees Kuln't I com* down to >• house and vlait that cook of yourn ' I suhtlnly would Ilk* |s*rmi**lon to visit yo' kitchen." Th* request waa granted, and whl> Benator Jones was tn hts library the other senator was down In the kitchen visiting the cook. Wanted to her tbe Present*. Tbe holiday season has brought many stranger* to Wa*hington, and large crowd* hav# visited the White House, •ay* the Washington rorrevpondeti # of the New York Mall and Exprtw. Among the latter yesterday was an 41 lady from New England with six children. Ai* was ushered into the East room, th* only *l>artm*“iit at the executive mansion o|* n to the public. Rhe inquired of on >mher where the Preoldont kept hla Christmas present*. 'Me my children," satd she. “ex peeled to see all (he President and Mr* M‘ Klnlev preterit* sfaend out In Ihe big parlor. At hom* we always spread out our presenta in the 'best room' so that everybody can see them. I thought that the President would do the same thing, and that's whv I brought all the children up to see them to-day." The richer reeled that the Presldenl had hts presents upstairs In nls private roomr. and that they were not open to the public. Among the other vlgltor* were an old man and woman from Alabama. The fan * IW enra of age ami hi* wife S2 •txl they drove op to the While House In a vehicle which harked as ancient an they theraaelve The woman wore a big Mac k poke bonnet, and about her shoulders was wrapped a red and white plaid shawl, wnlln the old man's hot resembled that worn In the time of Pres ident Wl.llam llenr.v Harrison. They drove up lo the WhUe House and were shown into the East room. After waning there some time they inquired w n*ii tnev •■oni*l see Mr McKinley. Ask ed tlielr birslne**. rh<- oiil nrin replied he had a ciaim against the government ever ainc# the Civil War and that he had taken hit Christmas money go bring his wife end himself to Washington to eall HT ' , ’ ,lJ '*’t to get the elatm paid Th* usher told the oM couple that the President wa* very hnsv and would not bo able to see them, and advised them to seo their congressman. The l.iMprl of easing. In Ihe Christmas number of the Satur day Evening Post Russel! Sage presents some of the best advice that hi* ever lawn given to young men restarting the handling of their money. In the course of the article he sacs; N’o matter how fast a man may make money, he owes It to society aa well aa to himself to be economical. Any young m.rn who will live up to the following et of rule* will get more gen uine happiness out of life than his n*lgh tar who vlolai-a them. ' Out of e\ery 'toiler earned aave twen ty-five rents. Save seventy-dive cents It you can, but isur less than twenty-five. * Get up at a regular hour every morn trig. and work until the things that are bafore you are fntshod. Drm l drop what yon have tn hand because It Is h o'clock. R* honest: always have the courage In tell t Ite truth. "Don't depend on other*. Even If you have a rich father, strike out for your self "Cultivate Independence at the very outset. "l/wm the value of money Reallxe that It stands, when honestly made, as the monument to your value a* a cltl xer "Be Jealoue of >our civic rights. Take • wholesome Interest In public affair*, but ilo not lei politics, or anything elaa. in terfere with the rtgM administration of your private duties. The state Is made up of imitvlduula "Be eban and decent. Don't do any thing that you would be ashamed to dis cus* urtHi your mother. "Don't gamble. "Be Circumspect tn vmir amiisemenla. “In connection with amusements, I hav* never been able to understand why the young men of to-day deem the theater an absolute essential In seeking diver sion. An evening with a good look ts. or ought to be. more satisfying to tho young man of brain* than an evening tn a hall where a lot of mnke-betlcve characters are strutting up and down tbe stage, like cl ildren at a masquerade. When the hu n in race reaches its hlgheat mental de velopment there will probably be no the aters." At the Knit of the Century. By Sir Edwin Arnokl From the New Y'ork Independent. BRITANNIA TO COLUMBIA. Daughter! .uid uncrowned Bister-Queen' and Friend! Th* year wanes, and with that the Hun dred Years. New on thy brotv the centuries descend; •Vi mine the frost and sunlight, tri umph*. tears. Leave truce of many. la)#k! what sil vered locks Mingle tvith goal under my diadem; While thy fair braid*, unfluttered by all •hocks. Rhine hyaclnthlne. Great lend' fasten them Fearless, with fresh stars, 'neath thy Phrygian can. I send thee motherly kiss and benlaon, love tec or |Me me not; hap what may hap My pride and prayer# watch tby bright count lagun; Thou dost uphold the tensor* learned from me. And spesk'st mv Rhakespeare's speech; —Got go with thee! COLUMBIA Tt) BRITANNIA Mother' I send thy proud kiss back to thee By subtle wire thin whatsoever ties Thy shores arl mine, beneath the sever ing ca. The bold of breed, of kindred blood that (tie* Glad to my cheek at tills thy salutation. I have been self-wliled—l shall be again; But thin* |o me Is not another nation; My knee, not wont to bend. to*lay '* fain To make thee courtesy (or oil thin ages; For that same reverend a.lver tn thy hair; For ail thy famous worthies, statesmen •ages. God go with thee* If thy foes too mu.-h dare I think w>e shall no more be kept asun der Thun two great clouds In Heaven that hold Ihe thunder. London. Eng. ITEM? OF IVrKRBffT. - The Peruvian Legislature hoa pa**<d h law granting absolute amnesty to all |s-rsons who may have I* * n concern.*! In any tranaxreaslon or offences, ai;the light lo lilt public ofll cs All l.ideal prl> n-rs confined at Lima have t*##n w*i at liberty. -An Interesting telescope, say* the He ten title American, ha# Jutt been put tn position n' Pot-dam. It I* a duplicate In strument, being comi*<*t<l of two tubes, -Ide by skic. the l.irce one for photo graphic nurpos< * an t he other Is to tie used vl-mliy old as on aid to keeping • lie ir IniiiK' - stationary upon the plate during long exposure*. The photographic one bus a diameter ot 22 Inch's and h fo cal length of (o fe*t, The visual objec tive Is slightly longer In focua. la-.tig 4;|, feel, and Is 39 Inches tn diameter. For this Instrumcni, which will ho em ployed to d*4crmliie the motion of th* -tn r* tn the line of !ght l>y mean* of the spectroscope, o :l tat dome has been buiP. —Palmistry berg frowned on by the law. we must till ebara. ter* In another way Why n< t study necks? Thus, accord ing lo a wrll'C In Ha eiOW * Magagtnc. the moat stupid animal- and birds, auch a- ttu giraffe, the ostrich, the swan and tho goose, have the longest necks; where as Die nro*t do !le of brute*, the 'h-- phant. for ox imi" . posse-s the shortest. Those again, wh cl. are the moot power ful, have th- tulcke-t necks; th# most f'-eble generally possi*- (he slenderest. A ttnc, strotur and powerfully outlined re. k Is that ol I-vnl Roberts It t'-Ilw dignity, self-reli it <e, firmness amt resc. ltd ton Till* I* the n< • k of a man who will see a Job right through to live blttcf eml. who would never cringe nor crawl, and whose motives aie of the n*>*4 un tmpeachabl* kind. No man devokl of Uie li!gh tn'iral and mnial iiuallttcatioii* 6 'B*bs' ever possessed so u(right and wed developed a ne k. No "He due take him by the throat with impunity!" -Lady Rule, with her daughter. h*r eldest son. b# young Marquis, and her youngcot son. laird Folum Edward tthe second sen being on Ids way from Russia io poUl Hiemi and o- .imiwnled by Mgr. Turner, the Roman Catholic Bishop o( (fallow.iy. liave arrtvi-d at Jerusalem from England, bringing with them the bea". of the late la>rd Bute for Interment oh tho Mount of Olives, in compliance wi h hi* wisne-. The iHtriy on their arrival ;>rore,ted to the Holy Sepulchre, where they offere.l solemn prayers for the re pose of the soul of the deceased peer. Tne burial of trie heart of the late Marquis of Bute will. I understand, rake place wuhln Ihe next few (lava. In s strict.y private and simple manner in the pres ence of ihe memls-rs of the family only. *i;d the utmost secrecy will be observed In the sele. Don of tho spot, which K Is • levired should remain unknown to the world, and consequenily not to be —•emi tted with the event laud Ruts, who visit ed Jerusalem In the year H 72 and tn lm, owned large landed property In and around tb* Holy (Tty. which |iroperty he has lef* by his will lo hi* only daughter, lavly Margaret Siuart. —A speed of ninety miles per hour was recently made by th# Blark Diamond Express of aha Lehigh Valley Railroad, says the It illway Review The train con sisted of four Pullman cars and on "Al !ntlc" type engine. Tills train was trtr teen minute* late nt ltoehes'er Junction, and on this run to Manchester an attempt lo make up the lost time was made, and was more than accomplished. One section of tb* rood a distance of 5.1 mile* was made in exactly three minute* and forty one seconds. For the last l.sno feet of that distance the brakes were applied Skalhg down for a (rain order board. The fir*t four and three-quarter miles by actual blue prlna measurement wa* run In three minutes and eight seconds. This speed wa* timed by three watches, which never left Die hand* of the men holding them. The total distance was covered ut an average of eighty-eight miles un. hr.ur. and the rate for the Rred four and three-quarters was exactly ninety miles per Imur. On the same ran the distance between Borchester Junction and Manchester. 20.1 mile*, was covered In nineteen minutes and ten second#. This time was taken from a standing start at Manchester, the speed being reduced to rate of twenty-five mile* per hour through tha Manchester yards. —Fpeaking of the breeches buoy, says th# author of a capital article on "Ltf_> Ha\lng" In tha Chrtatmaa Issue nf Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, one of the most remarkable mom over ma te with I ’ C WI - ' R , , . • of Die PM- t;gers and crew of the steam er (Tty of DuhHh. wreck'd while attempt ing to enter the harbor .>f Ht Joseph In a Westerly gale on Ihe night of J.,n. f. IS. Navigation was closed, except for n very few steamers plying across I,ak* Michigan, and the *urfmen of (he Bt. Joseph IJfe Having Htation had been laid off for the winter: but the keeper ha-tlly called them together, and with (he help of a smoll army of volunteers they * t up their Lyle gun and apparatus on the end of the long, lea cover'd harbor pier. The first shot fell short, hut th* sew t was successful. Thirty-nine times ti* buoy went out to the steamer, brtngin* back foriv peopl*. (m* woman, wno had iatslv I’.—set through a surgical oper ation. had to be earned ashore In lit* arm- of a surfman. Another. 75 years of age wo, slightly injur'd by j large pie .. dmel/k il " ' h '' •■•gge'l and dipped her in the water I!„t no on* - 4 , drowned and no one wu* aertouslv htir and nexi .lav ft wee better to wear a hr •avers uniform In Ht Joseph , h , n , n . sweater of a victorious football te Mm tb# night after a college match -A movement i on font )n S an Fran fnr ,h " lhrtn under oro roof all Ihr ape. la I an.l technical llhr.rlea |„ !iT •" '* r.ll K..t rln-lan libra n-s There are In the city wiu'of" * ,ru,:n <f arln*t the 1.l of rent, taxes an.| other Im-vl able expenditure,- that would wel<Co.*nv readable prop.*! ,o„ Tor a , w „,| W „ toj, would relieve them from l...r.| ; ne O, e library. Mc^u-vT etlt.tle |, ex,e.,-.e.| „ k e , , B |, U ,| V * In the movem.ll. It, r , , wo „,. warrant firm h> It Ifavlna an endow, ment estimated • 11...<•■ It p. ab) e to ere, ! , building ample to meet |, H „ wn need, and that of the several stn u ll..? eje-l.tlee, A. .. la-1, f.,r the In. or,Jra Mon of affiliated societies. a vriu,* <„ the tentative p an. each no. aety would r. elve lie quarters free o' charße !e --teieitlns all t: books In the room ret aitart for Its use. These books would he considered a [.art of the Institute library and s oul 1 lie . numerated In Its ratal th. In -.irporated 5... iety to ~e ■.msl-lcrcd In all rti iiei'ts an Integra] part of the In ■ liUMo, while retnlnlns It- ItvMrtd.wl name an.l guaranteeing to the ln-tltnte a . alia.n number of mem)... . lt rate per annum, w da the Institute would make tb. riv lproe .l v ; nan:., to exp. n l a fixed projairtlon of this sum for books desired by rarmler, of tha society. -V t.n .t> le of self.playltut electric t ■ ami Is raid to slve the operator ex cep. Mona, romro of the quality of the musle. Tile rlslm has frequently been made lo resiavt to uutomni • pianoforte player. att usually on sadly delusive base*. but In this ease It waul | appear to l.ave cor .Me-aale justification. A on.-lmh stee rl or shaft runs horlxonul'y Immediate, ly beam the ends of the piano keys Tht, niaft l revolved na a moderate ra'e „■ :ri by ■* ’ miu rao,,,r . h tet. i,^ th, filrevet control of the player, a sma.l rsvot-shajievl l.lork of ol Is supported about otie*thlri> -seeon 1 „f (lv , b MSr ”•’ ro ' : When these 010. ks of soul are uepr.ssed bv th.- a. -hi M l -"- tower surf ate Whl. h is eovreel with monkey skip rests against the revxivlng steel rod. which! throws them to the rear and raise# th# connecting rod and key lover. The eiwj of tlm key lever on the opposite side of the fiik-rum from the key I* raised a, thol a blow is struck on the wire# by the hammer* of tho piano axle. The exn. t effect of this I# a* If a (tovnwunt blow had been struck upon the key by tha finger. The magnets controlling the kev ,vc II on are operated by cln-ulia which ar coippleted through a perforated atrip of l>at>er Tb* ated of the motor wblal, •vinds the |wiper deiertnlne# Ahe atrength of the blow struck hy th# hammer and also tho tempo II la on tho fact that both the** *pe*d# are uialor tha control of the pbiyer that tho claim made for the improved (Vamophono that nan play artistic as well a* purely machanical mu ale ts bared. —Many people who have been accustom ed to driving horaes rnise th# sesise of xjtitrol given hy the reins when they be gin to drive an automobile, say* an ex > lunge. The sensation soon wears off but |t haa been thought sufflrtcntty km portunt h ron-ldcratlon to Justify some means of humoring It. For this purpose mi entirely novel type of self-propelling vehicle ns Iwm invented. This Is a* tn pr ed to be used tn the place of horse and attached us a tractor tn front of any ax- Isting kind of vehicle now drawn y horses. The machine consists of a pair of driving wheel* and a motor casing sus in tided between them, together with a pair of short ehafts or thills adapted foe coupling It to any form of carriage, and a pair of reins for Be guidance and con trol. By removing the thills or carriage |H>le of the ordinary vehicle this (nachlna can instantly !<a coupled to It. so that 'he owner of several vehicle# of different styles cun hltclt hie automobile horse to any one that ho desire*, or change It from one to the other at a few moments’ notice. Ho tiiat any one who can drive u horse can drive this machine, which is oatioiled by reins, (he same ns a hnraa. Two sets of reins are used, one of which is employed only when the machine haa to Is* stopped enttrdy for a conslderabla lenuth of time or tacked. A pull on the right- i#nd rein turns It to the left. A strong pull on both together turns off j t‘ie,|s>wer and applies the brak'e When ihe rein* are relaxed the brakes are re leaved and the imwer ts turned on. The Inventor of thla vehicle claims that tt .# for many reasons an tmprovamant on (he ordinary type of automobile. It gives | 'he driver the familiar aenauilon of "han dling the ribbon#;" It saves th# dead weight of the ordinary automobile. It gives all the advantage* of that Vahids at very alight expense, and does away with the unpleasant Jarring whloh comes from handling th# steering lever of tha aiib>m<'i'M*. In (act. Is has most of th* meiua of horse troetton. with tha addt ■ Dural strong recommendation of cot con ruuiing any provender. THE PLACE TO BUY Hot Stuff Stoves —AND— Puritan Oil Heaters -IS AT ALLEN’S, THE CORNJ-IR STATE AND BARNARD STREETS. REDUCED PRICES ON OUR REGU LAR LINES ON ACCOUNT OF CLOS ING OUT BU8INE8& Sargenl'x Gem koo<J Chopper Chops food GFoaiito both cooked and —jSjts f uncooked, OTW reduces kitchen drudgery, lessens Dg\ household labor Jj l j? Takes Ihe place 1/ of chomping bowl **fl p and knife; useful Wjp I in preparing all Kf [ii kina* of dishes, r \| Edward lasstT* Seal ® y-r-O ■ •Lb At. nOTICEB. NOTR’K of th** Ffrut of CVad!- •or*. In h#* Irt strict (*ourt of the I*aitri Statr*. for Iho Pm*t#m Divlulon of th Southern I>l*irlct of <*conria* In Bank ri'jMrv. In the n*ittr of Ah#* Rotherfdld, bankrupt. In bankruptcy. To th#* crndl tor* of Ah#* Rothschild of Brunswick. In rho county of Olynn, nd #tttrlct afor*- &akl, u hunkropt: Notice J h*r#*h>* gtvrn that on th# *h h*>* of lWwlt#r, A. In.. 19W), th* iMkid Alf RothuchlM aan <luly t inkrti! oii'l that th#* flrat hln creditors wIU h* l<l at Brunowlck. In Olynn county, on th#* tth day of Jan uary. A. D., 1901. at |0 o'clock In ?ha ■ ‘ i ■■ in* i I fr*l turn nuiy it tend, prove their claim*, an* l*otvt a trustee. *xamln# the aial tr*nuct other htmlncap a* rmy p:operly come before mi id meeting A. J. CROVATT, Referee In fiankru£>try ImiH at Ttrunmari k. da. thla the 3Rh Viy of December. 1100 MIXGLEDOKFF & CO. MACHINE BUACKSMITHB AND BOILBRMAtERa. Trirpbona &U. SlO Indian strrat. Bavannlh. Os. J. D. WEED c CO ■avaiuiam. ax. Leather BfHint Steam Packlns k Rose Afspta (or NEW lOUJX ttIBBIvW Ut.i.TL.\U AND PACXINO C vif+f*- We Save You Money —ON- Kirs Works. Toyx and dolla; Sl# ux quick. 'Bl.ona fn. DONNEL.LT DRt 3 CO.. Llbarty and Prlc j strwcti. nnwwwag ' iUx i at, * i>t r T rvT4i Ft.. ft. i. LOAxS.