The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 30, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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THE GERMAN SPHINX MBIOW PTHUM THE POLI TICIAN*. they cant size him up. *, I *|s TO OB l> FAVOR WI Til THK kmpknoh. however. Ilia I rip Scania tn Have llml the IVf trct nf Appeasing Ihr Noath German Unarm mi-ala Grrman l>rraa I rlttclse* Ihr I nlirtl Mates > III# I r—German ship t aril* Hakt n i.imml Shorn In# fur lIHHI. lierlln. Dr, 29.—The recent speeches of , .Di \.t Kiln kkowatroem, tho Aut.i --,,, i-alpr. and thr MUiiida of the tm .il chancellor, I'ount von Builo*. to ir 1.4 inr Agrarian* -have furnished the , .4 this w.ek with thr main aubje t (or ,i . ii* lon without evolving any orw fact* | i -ntnt von Buelow ha* not uttered a word , niicly in Indicate hU position, and his r .rmr wilts .him thr designation of the i x of German politic. Thr Voemt.che ;• 'ing uMimm that the chancellor, from his political associations, is an Agra , ,n. hut that hi•< diplomatic education „ 4 experience In foreign polltl.s render rn unwilling to concede the AgratUn de • ,tills wholly, wince he muit see that a yrain duly of slaty marks would render • ommerclal treaty poll.-y Impossible. *l'tie \i-issl-che Zeltung assumes that such „ duly would cause a tariff war with the I ilttvl .-hates and Russia, the former an sa ering with measures directed against . sugar and the latter replying by in reaslng thr duty on Herman Iron. tie press this week has much commen:- . on a semi-official article In the Muen ... r Ailgemnlne Zeltunr National IJh . quoting Count von Buelow as say ing: Vhove all things, no Internal i-rtsls." Many of the paper* fear the Chancel !n . conciliatory spit It will prevent any Ml irons policies and others .Interpret tils titterunco as meaning lhal he Is rr-adv to st rllke Cotint von Posadowsky-Wehrner. y.. .. tary Ol State for the Inlerlor. In the Interests of a harmonious cabinet The , . .ni's trip to South tlermany. eonclud ir.L- i)t| the highest decora lon being bo wl upon him by lh- Kmperor. give-. , • 4-ion for the frequent remark thal the chancellor Is on very good terms with Hi- llajewty. Neverthelew*. the Cologne Vr.ik* y.etiung, the loading Centrist or sarcastically a*k what there will 4.. left to confer on Count von ltuelow alien he. actually .toes something."’ *-( r trip ha* undoubtedly had an exoei le, I political effset, The Stuttgart - hwat-blsi-ha Mercer, the seiul-om nil n,nrr of Wurtember*, remarks that the t. ‘.Hon* with the Imperial government t,,4ve grown somewhat strained and add* thal Count .on Buelow '* object whs to teitore the former cordiality, which he h- fully succeeded in doing. llereifter." continue* the paper men t need, "the South Uerman government* will have n proper participation In tmpe l iai atfairs.” rin- newspapers this week refer In an eg* c-.,.\ed ln!;C to the <s>nllnued altgck* of •h. ftiis-iau pres* upon Germany. Instanc ,j,s dlsscnunatlon of lh.- improbable 11.. v that the Cologne and Berlin hewspu per- were bribed by tho ließeers Company ... appose the Boer cause. I’nlted Stole* Senate's setlon on • Il.iy-Paiioeefota treaty le much d15,... ~.. ,i. The Nstlotial Zeitung and Nt • . ill I Jberal, generally friendly to the 1 I ;te.| State*, devote lengthy lenders to tic subject this morning. The genenl *.>n* of the press l strong.y condemnatory e’ Semite without sympathlihig with c.rrnt Ilritalii. The Herman private ship yanla In 19rt0 . .ti [.teted 3JB.W tons of vessels, which 1 three times above thp tonnage turn,'.! t m lK and n fifth i>er rent, above the tettnage of IS9V British yards bull! In - irsis for German account and Herman yards built hi ISkAt. 113.001) tone l foreign account. Seven hundred ahlps 1 nil, over 7o.'St tons, are building for .I tmurt a.-oount In Herman private anil foreign yards Forty-eight ships are b Ing built In Herman private yards. A STEEL TIMS THI ST. t oinhlnatlon Talked of With f1.10,- 000 capital. Philadelphia, Dec. 29 -The livening Bulletin to-day says: For the past three week.- nc*o'!!!o* have been on foot in Fhlla.lelplua looking i .wards the control of the steel tube In dustry In the United Stales by organising a combination with over tl 10.000,b00. The syndicate has secured the exclusive Ik-ense under American patents to manu facture steel' tubing by anew English prongs*, which reduces the newt of manu facture nearly 50 per cent. SEW MEXICAN It AILHOAD. f hleaga, ttook Island and Mexico Oruanlaed at Fort Worth. Fort Worth. Tex., Dec. 29—The Chl *go. Rock Island and Mexl.-o Railroad was organise.! here to-day. It was given out that work on the new line would he • ommenced at once and that It would bo pushed a* fast a* possible to completion. There will be about 110 miles of the road In Texas. .11 STICK M A Mill ALL'S PORTRAIT. Found After Disappearance ot a Mnarter of a Cent wry. Chicago, Dec. 29.—Though lost and for go ;ien for neqrly a quarter of a century, an authentic portrait of Chief Jinrtlce John Marshall of the T'nlted States Ru- I>reme Court has been discovered. For • wet.ty-iwo years ths portrait ha* l.ung In the horns of It. M. Underwood, Waukegan, 111. THK Ct’P DBFKNDKH. sgli. Hank Halt and Nate Watson AVIlt Hath He Aboard. Roaton, Mass Dec. 29.—Tho Lawson • tr defender will have two masters, Capt. Hank Hair, to ho salllna master, and "‘apt. Nate Watson, to bo on hoard In an advisory rapacity.- This announcement 'VO* contained In a statement Issued to night by Thomas W. Lawson. AT 70 VF.A It * OF AUK. 1 v-Dlstmrslnir Officer of Alanal Aer v lee He leased Front Penitentiary. Albany. N. Y . Doc. 29 -Henry W. How si te. 70 years old. who In I*Bo served the i .rernment ae disbursing offl.-er of the gnal service at Washington, was releas el from tho penitentary last night after having served six years for forgery ami fa driest,on of account*. Mil. LHYAN IN TEI A*. Mill Spend Metal Ha. a Hunting on Private Game Preserves. Galveston, Tax.. Dee. 19.—William J Bryan arrived here at noon and left 1 soon after With Col. W. L. Moody for the private game preserve of th* Utter aenws the bay In Chamber* county, where be bill hunt sol el el days NEGRO PROBLEM DISCUSSED. American M..,„ r e.| A.soelaH,,. Detroit Area Sou,, Light on the Subject. Detroit mi, h n „ , ■ nec. 29. Paper* were read at t.wisy. sc,*,on „f , he American Historical At4 W | a , l()r h |, h u , w . lon In the convention hall of Hou,e here, eoverlo, p.tlod* l„ htvtory In • H "lands at lhe present time The first I**p. r was on The Oppo.itlon In 1 Parliament. ITU-177 •• by ~l of. w Al> . i bolt Ot Iwrtmouth College. The second waa The t ndotng of th* Reconstruc t n. otherwise known * the negr.. qttes Diint i.T " '“~, r *"• r ""'* *>> WlllUni A,g <>f t* n tvarsity '* I>ro( Dunning sai<l that the 1n Jt * ' *' "* *' " Magi - lUestkM imu v’’ : ; ‘ " f ■ •' utury were of mug .motions and narrow tt, Ju.lgment h ' . f ‘\.r\ tneani th,- alvillshment *!! Ohst, ... tely. Ig 2!, *v; ; ■ mhieh fo!i..we.i. t-rot ,M II 1 ", ' ll ,Ur ’ ~f Harvard I'nlverslty The Aon , L r ' m ° V,! ° f ,h -' fh>"l khll elsew here would kill the Miuthern states. The Ho.tth he sal.t ■...,1.1 not live without h negro 11- deplorot the lynching of n-greme. but-- t . titat If the |*-ople nf a .-ammonite demand. .I the burning a! the stake of n-- gro.-k a.- 4 penalty for commit ting horrl ble crime*. , h e stale should make burn lug , i‘ l-grt! penalty. A number of othtr members also discussed the question. BERLIN'S FIRE BRIGADE. ll* Irtfh Anniversary in Hr Oslr hrntrd by nit Inlrrnntlonnl l ire IStlilbiHon. Washington. Dec Tit* Cnll-d Bistes has Iwen in-, lied, through th* Herman ambassador st Washington, to take part In the International exhibition of fire |ge- Venrlng and Are aavlng arrangement* to be held In Rerun during the months of Jutte at i July, n- xt. in .totnmeninrafion of lh- flfte.-ntii anniversary of th- organ! ration of the Berlin Fire Brigade Tie Herman ambassador says that the Eaecu ttvs Committee of the exhibition wotild ! be gUI If appliances eould be s-nt from the I nlted tiiatea to lh* largest extent possible. BV I NR No IA A PAHTIKA. Indiana Uran.l Jury Header* a Reg ular Georgia \ rrdlel In llrcrnt Lynching ( use. Indianapolis. 1n,!.. Dec. 29.—A special to the Sentinel from Boonevlll*. Iml., says: The grand Jury made a . areful Investi gation In the mailer of tha recent lynch ing In this county and found that "on the 17th day of December, lr>, after dark, o mob of unknown men broke an entrance to the Warrick county Jail by for.-ing a hole through lh* west wall of the build ing and then by means of rrowlwrs. sledgehammer*, and cold chisels, forced <.|>en the .ioors of ihe cells an<i removed .i negro from soi l Jail and hanged hint to the limb of u sycamore tree located In the court yard of Warrick county The grand Jury was unable to learn the Iden tity of any of th- parlies comprising the mob.” MI'AT HF.IUCK HKPHKWKNTATIDA. Hadlcal Ape eeh Before Middlesex Club by I x-(iv. ItrncUctt. Boston. Dec. 29.—Th* Mi.ldlesex Club held It* monthly dinner at Young's this afternoon, at which tim,- ex-Hox Brack ett. Us president, made a remarkable speech In discussion of the subject of "Election lass," Ihe selected topic for the occasion. He referred to the new ap portionment of the states for nation il repr.-sentafives and In quoting Ihe con stitutional requirements for such appor tionment. arid that Congress cannot Ig nore the action of four Southern elates In disfranchising negro cllixens. He sail that the r.-presentatlon from these stales must be reduced, an.l the atatea them selves, In throwing out Ihe negro vote, he maintain,d. were In rebellion against the United Btutes. PIMiHKi: AVOt l.l> NOT OOm Hut t'Asrt Will Get Him When Ills Term Ksplrea. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 29.—Gov. Flngree. who waa summoned to appear hefore the Ingham county Circuit Court to-day loan • wer th* charge of contempt, as the re sult of an Interview In which he attacked the court and prosecuting attorney, has refused to answer the summons. He was cited to appear at 1 o’clock to-day, but sent a telegram to the court declining to attend be.viusa Ids authority, being co-or dinate with that of the court, he denies Its authority to command hla presence -The court positioned the case until Jan 9. when Gov. Plngree's term of office will have expired. THK OAKI.KY RACES COl RAK. T. 11. OrllHn of Detroit Get* Five Year Lena*. Cincinnati. Dec 29—A deal was closed *,-day whereby T. H. Hrimn of Detroit gained a five-year leas* on the Oakley race ccuree, and In tlie future the track will be devoted to trotting races. At th* next meeting of tha steward* of the grand circuit an application will be tiled by the Oakley people for admittance. The first mooting xrttl l„ held In July. At this meeting between ..'* and tto.U* will be given away in stakes. TO FI III: IJ ATE tITTBU. Transcontinental l.lnrs fa Knforcr Regular TnrHT. Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 29.-Unqualin*rt an nouncement Is made that after Jan. 1, the manipulation of published tariffs of trans-continental lines will result In the release from further duty of any traffic official who sanctions the cutting of freight ratsa Independent of other lines. McPARTI.ANO AND COl'Hit*. \urrr for a iPI-Honnd Fight at Erie January I. Dunkirk. N. T.. Dec. 29- Tom Couhlg of Dunkirk and Kid McUartland of New York finally cam* to term* at 9 o'clock to-night and signed articles for a twenty round tight at Erie. Pa.. Jan. 1. Roth men have been In training for two weeks CHICAGO'S SALOON A CLOAKD. r„, the First Time AD.ce Carter Harrison Hrcuni* Mnyor. Chicago. Dee. J9-AII saloons were closed a* tight ss drums ot mWnlght to ., ~ #,, r nrt time since the pres em Mayor. Rafter H. Harrison, ha. held office Ltgallly of Hncket.hop D.arlls. I plirld. ot Lends. Dee- 29 -Judge J. W esley ,he risylon ftreult Court to rendered a -l-clslon uphol.ilng th* l. gslltv of buck, lahop iranaaclktm, from he " Indpolnl of 4*0,, law Th. ,w-e I was !hH< Of Gsvlor.l Blr.Mng * Cos.. | Against Hannah Duryoa THE MOKNING WEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1000. THE CUBAN CONVENTION. Tlie i hlrf ContTatlon U hclh*r Anf* I hlvpmrl or Islmltnl. Thr Kormrr Mrnna Nrpro (Correxponflrnre of th*' AuoeklM rrror ) HviOi, Cub*. Drc* SS-Thr • con vr at ton t, a # not bfn In to* wvtfll hut thr different irc ttor. fhrrrof arr bual*y a< work conaiS- various clatiMw of thr plan* which have l*ren oflrsd by grnores Rivera. V/u. -a<ia and Maur.i, from which It Is tn>ped and rxprctrd a -.mintltuHon will be w r-night. In livid ,al trrlion ihorr hava been Miiiinatrd diaeiiaaiona arwl a goof drwl of crimination and rrcrlmin.ition Th# chief iionr* of contmiion art* thorr of nr I ih# prrWdwn y For tlie former th r# *u* \arioia pmjioeiilons. altitouich it 1 iioi poawtek# from the to {rather the phsixMi of the topic. In (he m*iin it i boiled down to a decision at to w| ;hr Miffri*e shall be uitlverral or not A stormy conieiitton la being made by the mora conaerxatlve #l#tn#nt to it upon an #<lucational nnd property quail* lioatlon kuti But the more labM lement in th# convention, led by Juan tSauberio Gomes, a negro, eupported by Gen. Aleman, G#n. lai ret. Jone Mon*e|(uedo and two or three of Ihe from the eastern part of the island, la pr<*win{| hnnl for universal ritl* zennhip. The radical Republican ele ment favor# ihl# provision, while, stranao ws It may appear, the i'ubaii Natioiuits. heretofore tho extremaly radical element, rather lean tow ird restricted ufTrne hiackß of the islaiut wre m* nearly one-half of the entire population that when the BpaniatAl, who reserve oiti ren*ihsp with th* mother country, the Americans, the Er.cUah. the Germana t*rul the French, non# of wruom are ucrountml ‘Cuban*" in me poihica. or tfovernmetita! +* nse, are I'ounttd out, they, the ne*rsen will have * nwijority of the votes, ahoold uiiivernal euffr.iae carry. Tne pro(>oition to form a Federal gov ernment with elx rtateh Havana Ptnwr *lel Rio, M items*#. Ruiia i'liuw. Puerto Principe .ohl Santiaatc 1m really a fl*;ht ? (or uulvei%n| cliixen-hlp h!it the outcome will be eermii n< difficult to determine The United States, it If* claimed in certain quarter# here, 'an hardly accept a universal atifTr.*ac Consequently, at it would be portbuhtrly huxarduous ro xrant * hi* i*kind a government which might at #ome time be domlnaetd by the ldackn and thug make u Haytl or n San Dotnlngo of it. It is hardly thought of. In the tuatetr of the presidency the two Oomexea have rccotV’lleG their offeren*'ea ud are pulling together Ir. the effort to prevent the > onotltution prohibiting the election to that office of a foreign-born clrlaen. Thl* in In the interest of the as piration* of Maximo Gomez. CUBANS WANT LOWER TAXES. Th© Petition l uuirnl h> Gea. Wood • s Important to (hr !•©-© and Prosperlt y of the lalnnd, Havana. Dec. 2$ A ddegatioti of ten alcaldes from she province of Plnar del Rio visited Governor-Oen ml Wood to day with a petition for a reduction of 21 per cent. In the tariff on sugar of the United States against Cuba, and of H per cent. In th© export doty on tobacco, in order to enable the planters to recoup on th©© Important island Industries. Gov, Gen. Vfood Is favotable to the petition and will recommend to the (Secretary cf War tlsit it b© gruiit©l, ss he considers It Highly Important to the f*ac© and pros l**i ity of Cuba. Congressmen Pierre. Bailey amt Hau gen. who are visiting Oik for the pur f<o#B of learning the opinion* of the y>e<v ile regarding the reiaxlona betw*en the United tftate* arsl Cuba, find that th# hetter elements desire the closest rela tions, even annexation and that only th© revolutionary elements are omoseil. (BANGKA IA THE PLATFORM. The f*o|iul lets nt n Late X©a#ton %lo|ts n ll©f©r©mliiin \ ote. St. Louis. Dec. 30, 1:10 a. m Beassem b.lng. Chairman Parker introduced a res olution which affected several Chang©* in ♦he platform of th© party os adopted at Omaha, to b# submitted to a referendum vote. After considerable discussion It was sgrtfO to. The resolution provided for a change in th# party name from ‘The I cople’s Tarty.” to “Tho Topulist Par ty.” The second plank of the Cincinnati platform Is changed to read: “W# demand th# public own©rshlp of such mean# of production and distribu tion aa the peopl# will from time to time dct.- -aisn Th. third proposition D to rhnneo plunk MV ea by .Iropplr.K off Ihe iut three word, —"of public utility.” Th* fourth deol.r*. th* party I* op po*el to phy.lcal r.volutlon r.U oonfl* - tton of property. It de lete* that thr fundamental doc trine of the party I* the principle enun . lated at utnaha In 1992. that the wealth belong, to him who maker tt. and every dollar taken from lobor without an equiv alent at robbery, and the party l* pledged to ucl legtaiatlon a* to dentroy the ye tetn which make. It po**ible for one man to live on the labor of another. A committee com pored of Jamea A. Ferrta of Illtnol*. Frank Burkltt of M.e als.tppl.' J M I■<•** of South Dakota. V\ . S Morgan of Arknnaaa, J S Felfer of Illlnote. Dr. B 8 Curry of Mtaaourl. and J A. Hodenhamer of Georgia, aub nilt'od an addrea# to the people. The n.WIr-e* congratulaie* the members of th* party on its anowlng In the last election, noiwlthaunduig discouraging condition.. Other reform organtxatlons are invited to Join In an effort to establlah human lib erty. The members of the party are asked to rally, and go to work in the or ganisation. The address to the party a* adopted, says In part: "We recommend th following; "Firm. That the members of the party again rally everywhere and renew the work of organisation and ediKwtlon. spreading the principle# of our party fur ther and deeper, and ao conducting this work that those who believe in our prin ciples or ihe earnestness and honesty of our purpose will fid disposed to vote our ticket. "Second. Tha: with the successful ex ample of the rules of England and 84-ollnnd and tho Australian Island# In the government ownemhlp of public util ities In th* Int'-reet of public sanitation and economy, and also the example In nearly all clvlllxed nations of the govern meta ownership of railway. <• ]eTjph. or telephone lines, an especial effort be de voted to Ihte feature of our platform, be lieving that thla work will he easily un 4jrstood and the more readily accepted." hTTmNg nib MONEY. at. I.mils World's Fair Workers Are Well IMewaed. Bt. I souls. Dec. 29—The air of satisfac tion which has prevailed among the world's fair volunteers and principal workers during the last month waa con spicuous even In greater degree the past week. It Is evident that nearly all who at th* meetlnr on Dec. 4 volunteered to rtr JIo.MO each or subscribe It them selves. have fulftlh*d their pledge. Horn* of Ihe4' gentlemen have done very much belter than they promised and the few who were no) ready to report last week 1 are now In Una. _ THE REIGN OF FRIVOLITY. %ono|)V %r \\ AtIttMITON PIMM. MKRIOI t TIIDkIM.. KirniMnu Ui>rn Ip to lloltiln> llh |9|>i nf •• | ti** tteturn f tlir l.el- Irra I rum the I nr t •••I—Mine. \% n. Wife of (It* ( hluoae Minister. Hriinrlirk Out on Her Onn Hook. \N Miilngt< n, the Thle w* k Wash ington la a temple i>f frivolity No or* en tertains a xerioua thought, but on th* contnmy tin* wot Id j* ljkl Ui*A*n .* <i , Mtage. for high comedy aiul the phtyerw I ar* recruited from ail rank.-t of • loty. W a ether condition* art into* to the blood. Hpring coat# for tho men w*h! the lightest aort of attire for tin women testify to the balmy season that weem* more Ilk# April th in December. M<al of the fashionable ret flayed g>lf on ChTiat mas day, cabinet oiff. ial*. Ru|reme Court jielge* aid MCiuUora taking advAtitage of the holi Imv io gambol on the green At ! torney General Griggs ia t it mot enthn i.aUc of the lot; and a ronwintlc figure aiwa>#. f*>r iw sots one thinking of tin pot trait* of Isrd Byron he appearw to grout advantage on the link* The father* would be dismayed ouid they hnve witnessed the frivolity of the CtirlatmwM celebration In thin city It b innt cestom of long stundlng, tht- ! continuatir*n **f fagiuciuible tllatr#' ttone In j Vanity Fair even upon tho day of th* holy iMitivlty ; hut In recent years all hol iday* two* rcen tie gay rounl of teas ar*d dinner* going merrily on to the t *. | ompanyment of muic and light chatter, i feaeting and flirting Hoclety t the N t onul Capital is a gWtdy-go*rouivl. Uk the story of Hlppity-Hop, one© net going it cannot The Southern Christmas 1# ushered in j like th# Northern Fourth of July Tin tooting of horn# I* ulrnply deafening, but tlirre Is no *uppre*ing the \*nth of America througlemt the night before ( hrietma* and the day Itself The I. el ter Function. The great social event of th- week w th© loiter ball Wednesday night. It win In the nature of a return to noddy Af th© rich Levi Z. l***iter, thr**© y*r* an •etiew from town Wing nufflclently long : to shelve one. eo*daily *iH*aking. Kully ; *ix hundred guests were entertained in | the m>)9t legal manner, and the famous tnangion wan compiralively free of palmr an*l fk9il de* oration. the obJ t Wing i* allow' th© guests to behold the splciidM new ©awtern effe t© that !>% crept Into | every apartment a# th© result of the re cent rojourn of th dia Much humorous epeculation haw been making a good-itntured round a to Just the HtiUHini of Uastern life th© Wdter girlw imbiWal in XiulU*. where they refu#el any number of matrimonial offers from nabobe. rajah# and Rnflkh nobility in t .• servlco, aioordinx td goaslp; but nehle fiom returning to W.chlngton with a dletinci Mtyi© of their own, and a hubit ot cigarette mok;ng after dinner, there seems to be little cnange in the d<. il**| beauty of th© younger wnd th© ordinary oim-iineMP of tit© elder <laugh(er of the house. Dalny Inciter Ih a# <Uik a.* m gypsy and wears her black hair la lamgtry, while girlw afT t the potnfNtduiir ♦Mp. and high coiffure. This itfk Is rno#t becoming. n*l with th© profusion cf pewrl# that appears witli a!l her coMtumes, she lw <t wtriking figure alwnyn Adjt. Gen. Corbin it* (Mying Ml#* I>alH>* mark 'd attention, and it wra* an inopportune of Influenza that confined Cil* gnlian*. officer to hia room chi the night ol’ the I*eiter ball. Twentieth 4 ©ntury #peculnll9n. Buch n lot of twMftleth century talk* First the yellow Journals went crazy over twentieth century ©pectil*non*. Mnd now the |ieop|e have taken It up. till on© hears little Ixeliie* the ©temui |HV>pheslet a* to what will occur In the next hundnd yen nr. The i raxe has not earaiiefi th© f iddDts. and what on© harken# to th*ee day* In Wushlnrton I© not “Happy N**w* Year." NR “1 wish you n Happy Twentieth Cen tury.’* Think of It! Am if on© year's i wluliei* were not sufficient with which to I W burdentd. and the moAbrn per ©on ha© | now to stagger under the load of wixties covering a century. S Fewlore. Mine. Wu. wife of tho Chinee# minister, ; ha© bioMwimei) forth this winter ## un in j di>endctit personality. Formerly she ; never appeared without her liunttand or her American teacher and Interpreter. Now. despite the fact that atw* suffers un told torture© In walking upon her tiny feet. lime. Wu eaiUes forth In her auto nKMftie every pleasant afternoon, with l only her young ©on for company, ud makeM from ©ix to a dozen visits. Hh# ha© finally overcome her ncrvouitnMi In carry Ink un a conversation In English. n<l waa very Interesting In her view* on Washington life in a taiw wUh m© r | oently. ••Ah,** sakl she. “these Americans, how i they rush, how many thing© they do. I ©uspect the ladlee have not time to look to th© linen closet, to the pantry, ©o much I hey go. go. go. The Chinese woman I© the good house lady-1© that word right? -sh# look under her furniture f>r dust, •he no go out the houec; she ©tay In to keep It. I hav# learned her© in Wash ington o go out sometime,/but not in th© morning, only the aflefhoon. Yot , onv# ►© tne before lunch, you find me very busy at work.’* This It a novel thought, th© wife of a wealthy minister ©topping In her horn© each morning <o “keep lioujm*." but It is • xuctly what thle capable litH** woman doe*, and more. too. Madam© Wu la *n economist of th© rigid sort, while her good-natured husband Is exactly th© re verse it is a standing Jok In society that when charitable entertainments are on the tapis Madam© Wu must never h* approached with tickets, but th#t the mil)' later 1* good for a round dozen. It W curious that, despite the,unlv#r *al aversion to the Chlnewe as a class, mem bers of the legation here In W.iHhingtoo are universally popular. Th© aitai-hes and secretaries arc in demand all young people’s function# and th© most highly thought ofegirls go alone with Ihem to the theater, ride In autcsnoNi** <md sit out dan.-v*a on the stairs and behind ia.m© according to the nature of young thing© I have never seen an Oriental engaged in a CWOHrtep or waits. All thing# eta© he do©© after the munner of the born Ameri can. When smoking, the Chinaman doea not hold his cigar between the first and second fingers, but always with the thumb and first finger. hew Year** it©*©pftn. Am the Irishman who was to b© hanged at noon remarked, “shure (his will Nj a grt*at day In the morning/’ ao will New Year’s day be a gala day hm early at 10 o’clock In the morning on Jan. 1. Every one 1© looking forward lo the President’* reception at the White I!ou?e. than which there Is nothing more hrllliai# In the en tire rafflrlal season. Mrs. McKinley is at present suffering from a severe cold, which must tak© quick leave oui of con sideration for the round of official galfap s that Is inaugurated on th* first day of the year. Many person# reserve their finest flum meries for this function by daylight, and •here are certain to be present hosts of out of town celebrities who represent “angel©,** “bockers/* “the constituency/* 1 etc . all of whom come on to Washington with their wives to tak© a look at offi cial society and note how “William dues up things at th© White Houae." Authors and artlstg congregate likewise, and with th© * we! lest society agoniscr©. the New Year’s reception cannot fall io prove a brilliant aoeceoa. hong Ilf© to It! After all (he discussions and excltemont artending the project of a proposed b*w , setting for the Inaugural bail, the old pension flutidtng will again N used for 4 that events liMdequaie as U la lo apace, no better budding presented lts©4f. an. 1 the suggestion of Nilkltng a t*mi ornry structure for the imH fell flat In Washing 100 It h<* teen decidel to expend r.t nore Sli.# 1 " nnd nU lew* than i flO.igs) iu dec li .1 ting the !*• nslon Ituildiiig , © >*ue. Tnb' this armmnf should allow ! full -nuj© lo the artist I.- ik*a© of the ti oration© committee, and It I© rotuldent bod t.iFte u criticise th© advlaabtUly of ; •pending money thus lavishly for the j purpose of making gav that funny old ©•1 s.*t * > t ru*t un where i*ommislorior I mi!- i,in i,. i'tjv ilntir i vast ativiuni • t t\ ii.iMw t.ulr-pulling owr Ihe vexa ttons of claims of insistent veterans. *1 h‘ tnaiik.;frl hall' W hat humorous j thought- suggests W a hav.L- R hue' "" ••*'“ l' !*•- • •*k.- t>t Near jnm*' | on© had the brilliant ll©a of utilising thouewiuD .f canary bird© in the whemo nf decor -it lon ni. nfter intinlte jmln© to secure flu* immlvr and hang them In gilt ' ' , *' t ' when t!ie n.ght ©me. the crufiii rtf music ©i l babel of tongue-, pit th© vr.l . ©.of the snnfrsier* .jtilt© out of coun tnar..e wnd th© majority f giie©t.H at the hall n<*ur kn*u of their presence ami! flower© and palms. (©vig ©go there an Inaugural ball at shl h tti • gurt© k'i*? on their wrap*. ©* frighttuliN ertid proved the night. ,n l the cr*ll turkey© were frozen ©tiff Al wav'* the twice of cab fare to the highest figure and It l© apt to cost th© modern cavalier n ten-.tollar note to trau©p<'rt til** f iu comiwmlon to .nd from the hall. IN-DOOR BICYCLE RACES. Season Nt lt*i*tan 4§9en I p Well. MeFucher n of < hum da %\ tn# 2ft- Mlle l lim in pI on til |. Rostgi. In *. 2!*. The indoor bicycle season In Boston opened to-night at Dark Square Garden The track on this, the flr.-At trial promised well for the six laya* ru e nc\ week Th© Mg evens to-night w u th© 2c-mlle cikumploushlp In whi*-h eleven of th© twenty-two entries starteit It w.i- after ID oV|. k when the start was made Robbie Walthour of AtUnt i. took the Ilf h mile nic©!\. hut came t* grief In the sixth mile The contest had narrowed to four men, Stinson. Ry eer. McKachcrn and Btlnson took the ** %ej)*h and eighth and tenth, M -Kchern twelfth, the ninth and elev enth. Ilyser took th© twentieth mile, the Inst fW© miles and the ra* e went to the llttl© boy from Canada Archie Mc- Eachem. In the Anal half mile * ImmpiovtMhlp th© , crowd was bunched from the start. K J ('.•dwell • f llattford winning at the tap© i lister Wlison of Pittsburg n*i I*. G V.inCoet *9f N©w York. t* >k th© second I fid third prize* In the mil© profe©lonaH ttisi heat;* were fit"t In the final it wws : a walkover fur Jo** Down#). Marry Elk©* gave an exhibition mile h hind hi© motor He made tk quarter J hi ?!> aeconds, the half In SJM-5; the three luariers In I:?. and the mile IHo 2*5. AG %IV.XT (iKOKUI) J. 111191. I rtrbrNtrd Key \\ rl I ns© Decided In I’skor of . It. Kerr. Jacksonville. Fia., Dec. The long fought co-o from Key West in the United Ftates Court, of William It. Kerr against George J Barr and the city of Key West was finally decided In the courl to-day by Judg* loke. Tti# suit hast been of long standing and has been bitterly fought It ortglnat*d on an alleged breach of cam tract, wherein Baer w is to pave certain streets In Key West After he had made ihe contract and began work the city au thorities sought to annul the contract and stop the work Baer ailed for damages, and this portion of the case has been in th# court# for over three years and nr gued repeat* liy at different points. Baer is a citizen of Kun*a* City. Mo. H© first secured Judgment against ihe City of Key West for flH.Ooft. and this was af firm**) by the Court of Ap|©*l* The city of Key W©st then Issue*! bonds to meet the ]©bt and sold them io a bank in Co lumbus. O. John J. Dnllbriek. William R Kerr and Georg© W. Alien of Key West, then ia!m<d three-Court Us of the Ju*lgm©ut. oil the ground that tiny had been silent partners with Baer, and ilot he was holding th© Judgment in trust for them. After a failure to arrive at un amicable adjustment tiu*“o three men tiled a hill in th© Circuit Court of the UnltHl State© for th* Bout hem District of Florida, And ©ubaequenlly ©©cured an order from Judg© lx* k©. directing the defendant Baer to pay into the registry of th© court to await the deer©©. Th* plaintiffs wer© represented by J. N. Stripling. u%| It. II Uggett. and the defendant by itlebe© A Bedell and C. I. Rinehart. Today Julge lxcke In * lmmliers enter ed Judgment In the case sustaining the report of the st*' 1l master, and award ing th© plaintiffs *44.*01 together with ■ osts. amounting to 11.3*3. making a to tal of IK.ISMtf Intervening petitioners were allowed th# following Amounts' Horatio lllsbee. Hso., for his services in th© suit. Sa.IMC; Eldm Btsbe©. fflkfl; Roland Woodward, lam There being a Immvl for tIu.OOO filed by th© defendants to further answer any de er©© In behalf of complainants, r was or dered that complainants have judgment against and his surety tifon Maid tnd for 11. the deficiency aris ing in th© payment of th© amount d©- rr©edHo I©* paid complainants aid Inter verlo*: pt t.tinners. waycnoii rws xonut. t'nlnred I nndidafea Mad© (letter 4himlux l Civil lervlee Eiaanl natln Than tli© White*. Ware rows. Ga.. Dec. 29 —The Equitable IJfa Assurance Company has paid Mrs. T. T. Thigpen 12**00. lh© amount of ln suran *e tarried by her husband in that company. All the paper* In the late examination field here to- letter carrier# have been #nt to the postmaster *t W’aycross. ami may he seen by any of the applicants who en tered ♦he contest. The paper* show that the colored applicants made a higher per centage than did the whit* on*#, and that the correct rating has been given la read ily observed. Th© percentage of the white 'applicants waa oS.Tj and of ths colored His many friends her© appreciate the compliment paid Mayor A. M Knight by nl* appointment as on© of the trustees for tli© old Veteran’s Horn© in Atlanta. Mr. Knight Is the only on* in th© list who D not an old veteran. He is a staunch Derma raG otul - sC'J*b*rner of tho trueet tyt>. Ttve JU*t Men have elected offleer# as follows* PropbOt* J. F. Myers; sachem. J. L. tTawley; sanlor sagamore, J. C. Itßpird; Junior sagamor©. J B Nunes. C. of ft. W. M Brawer; K. of W . R. h. Blnffblon; trustee#, W J Hodgson, II V liarn©# and B D Finn Th© inferior chiefs will be appoinud by th© sachem 1M ) Migamor©* previous to the time of “ii#lng to their atumps ” Wr© countv’s apportionment for school t ntirpi©**# from the "tat© fund for next year Is larger than In lUX. It Is fT>.243.SD A child of Mr. Yarbrough, living In n cottag© near th© county <’ourt Houae. died yeaterday with something supposed j Tn have been scarlet fever. Asa precau tionary measure, a guard has been piac©d ! about th# premise# by the Board of Hmlth. Waycroae physicians r©r>ort almost an epidemic of throat trouble In Wayrroas. Nearly l! our people are suffering mor } .a Usx from Inflamed thioats. — / | proprietors of a department store in Philadelphia announcer! that foreign i money Will be received al fact value In I payment tor purchase#. DR. LLEWELLYN JORDAN Medical Examiner United States Treas ury Department, Cured by Peruna After Fifteen Months' Suffering. * * * DR. Lints 11., 4 N J< lit 1 1 \ N IB rill MKDII U. RXAMINMIt <'K THI-J U. 8 TIIBAHt'RY DKPABTMB.VT. WABHINOTGN. t> C. DR JORDAN 18 A ORADfATK OF COLUMBIA COLLIsGK AND HKHVKft TilltljM YF.ARB AT WEST POINT. DR IJ.KM KU.TN JORDAN. Medl cal Kxamlner of ht 1 ■ Pn 4 ury lieiwriinent. VYaehlngtou, l> I'., graduate of I'obimt'M I'ofksr. atxt who serve<l three years at XVeat I'olni, has ihe following 10 euy of IVruna: The IVruna Medicine Cos , Columbut*. t> Gentlemen— Allow me In e.pren* •> aretllnile to yon fr the benelll dert.eit from ynnr wonderful reme dyr. One *l*nrt month hna hronaht forth a tint elionae and I now eon • idrr oiyarlt 1% well mnn otter tifteen o**nthe uf •11 IT.-rt ok. Fellow eoffer ero. Pern no will cure y on.—Llewel lyn Jorilnn. Chaa D. Smyth, Artgel'e Camp. Cal., says: "Chronic catarrh In Ihe head, non ami Itiowt has lieen n source of trouble ami great annoyance to me fur more than ten year# "I have treed all such mwtlclnee aa mmc umler my nollr-e as a c*tarrh cure with out help to me except at limes by aonn . •mly a temporary relief. buA no ' tire My physician, to whom I applied, did not do any better. "My troubles became worse and my sufferings Increased Inalend of Imt-rtw mg. less of appetite, sleep, and flesh, le fhlca conllnuel rsjughliig ami |M*ln. shtw ed 100 plainly thal my case waa a d.*- perat* one, HAMIITA AVHITH CIDAIIY. They Notify Him *0 AA Ilhdrow Re word nod Threaten tn Hldnop tn olher of Mis Children. Omnho. Neb.. Dec. 29 --K A Cudahy, the millionaire |m< ker. has received a second roman uni cat lon from the men who kidnaped his on Thla time, as formerly, the letter contains threats anti say* In substance that unlrsa he wMhlraws his offer of C-'-.MO reward for the arrest ami conviction of rh of the three bandit* they will kl lnap anrdher of hla ghildrm. Tho letter refete to the failure of the police to gw anything like a tangible clew aa lo the Identity of tho kidnapers, scoffs at Ihe klea of Fat Crowe be ing c.-TS of them. mentions the ,se with which the "Aral Job was pulled off," and concludes by *ylng tha* If Mr Cudahy la as wise as he' him-. If In ihe Prst Instance, ho will comply lU> Ihe request and withdraw tha rewords at once. Thla teller Is 1 writ ten In pen and Ink on Ihe same kind of yellow paper aa ne first and evidently by the same person* It was found by a servant of the Cudahy household early on the morning of Thurs dgy, Dec. 27.—Borne ene celled up Ihe houte by telephone and asked If Mr Cudahy waa In. The servant answered that he was noL "Well." .am Ihe voice over the tele phone, "you go out In the front yard and you WIN find a letter there near Ihe gate It la addressed Mr. Cudahy. See that It I* delivered to him personally and to no one elae." . The servant want out al o* ' anS found a latter 11 was a plain while envelope and It was addressed. "Mr. K. A. Cudahy, Ur . Fersona! and Private." Mr Cudahy, who waa then at hi* pack ing house In Koulh Omaha, waa summon e<l home at oice. No one was isumlttr l to see tho letter at llrat except .Mr and Mr*. Cudahy Mr. Cudahy'* Intention at Ihe time was to keep It* contents to him self a* the bandits bad requested, but tutor he thought heeler of II u la be lieved In the hand* of the police It would prove a valuable clew. *0 to-night he took Chief Donahue Into his confidence. The rhlef rcPrse.l to dlw loae tho nature of the subject dlscuseed. Mr. Cudahy says he has not withdrawn the reward lor will be do ao. It stand* a* originally effered. * WOMAN IN THK CAW. Chl.f ftnsslin# of Omaha'* l.ate*t About I udatiy Kldnepplna. Omaha. Neb , De.- 29.-'7There can be no doubt." aald Chief of Police Donahue to-night, "that there was a woman In the Cudahy kidnaping case, and I have reason to believe that that woman Is still 111 Doogla* county- Ido not care to say just why I think so. Crowe wo* not a woman's man. so far aa my knowledge of film goee. @ut It I# not difficult to un derstand why a woman was pressed Into service In this matter. A woman could pick up a little girl on the . treet and cur ry her away eaailv. where If a man would attempt It the child would scream and bo frightened Into hysteric#. Ho I think thla accounts for th# appearance of the wo man tn the rase. "I can *ay. however, that the police are looking for no particular woman at gnl* i.rna." *'! I<*t mliiiom all fnith In tha wo-i-aliM ilt it * wnn I of Peru nit aw . oii4'i.i. I to U*jt tail* a* a l*t report Thank* to Hr. Ilwr' muhi n Invention | now f-ri)o> s (mvtil m* I enr (Ikt #bu*P Roundly, have excellent Appetite, aiitl Imvii KHlnecl in wHgtit more than I •vt till In my lift* M —f*h*te l>, Ktnvtlv. I'alarrhal afTeetl'Mt* may lie acute or chronic. mlbl or et vere. e|netneml cm* mulilhuii, Imai lug or fleetlnc. painful or trivial, but they n 1 have one origin, one nature catarrh. They aii have ona cure Pertltta. t MOW or WIIUMMS, t*r rnitn a I ntnrrlt tare That Meat* on Ihe I naolftofllrd Trait mo it jr of Thonauncla. Title la an age when theories hare lit tl< or no w<lght the average mlrtd, hilt actual •honour tratlon In kmandal. The busy people of to-day have neither time nor tiK'llnatlcm to cpeculate, and (urn with .hatrust from everything that d-e* ted plainly hear the fttamp of fact. The reNNon Peruna o* gained euch universal hold of the confidence of the I♦<•**an a ratarrh cure Is Itecanae ell tmii iie-nfa oofta eruaoa It ere rM by facts. / A book containing ni**clmNns selected at random from a t loud of wltneaaea who have be*n cur*J of chronic catarrh by Peruna sent free by The Peruna Medi cine Ofe, t'olumtMlN. O. _____ Through Florid* dervlea Pram the Weal. Cleveland, 0.. I>ec. —A through eerv l>v ba* been obtained from Cleveland to Ht. Augustine. Fla.. In twenty hours by way of the Hlg Four, Queen and Crescent and Mouttiern Halt ways. MTTIIIi AMI OI.HO. <'unri-a,RiHK ll.iUrjr, * I'arnrr, l |i lb* liroal Rill. Krom lb. New York I’out. Congressman Halley of Kalina* !■ a far mer; fit he made a very strong speech against the Uruut bill for Ihe -uppriaabw ! uf oleomargarlne. In the llrat place, be < the fel** pretense that agricul ture I* specially Interested in th* tight agali.Kt oleomargarine. The latter article le I’.ifliiJMnl of the fat of cattle and j Ma ine, end the oil of cotton seed, all three ! Inarcdlcma lielng ptoducts of agriculture. H ho. then, aro the people who era mak in* *uch * drapers le t>uh ugalnet oleo margarine T They arc chiefly thorn who j munnite creamer!**. Thera are good • rcamerte* and had creomerle*. and Mr. Halley know* both kind*. One of the let- I ter. rdtuau-d at Hutchlnoon, Kanoaa. un- I dertake* the renovation of mlweellaneous j Imtter. Thin mutt ram,, in from he aur rounding country at the rale of about 109 j pound# per day. It I* made by farmer#* wive* and carried to the country mor . lutnlM. who dump the aweet and the ran. chi Indiscriminately In barrel* which they forward tu the creamery Iran time la lime. Tliere It la worked over with coda and rinacd off. waited, colored yellow, primed. and |it on th- market a* cream, cry No. 2 "And In thla oame manner." *>* Mr Halley, "the renovating or pro* ceaalng of hutrer l carrier! on all over j our country." The point of thla la that ] the Uruut hill, while prof.-*elng to pro* j tecl the public agauiMt Impure and dele- 1 terlou* compound*, really alma to *up- j preea and keep out of th# market tha only j article which la made under government j Inepectlon and mull ncceosarlly he pure, j The factorlr where raru ol butter Is work- j l over, doctored, drugged, and turned out as creamery No. 2. aro not Interfered j with. _ THr. III'.WS KUOS* DOUILAI. Mayoralty mention Cnoteat Poat ,*.n*-t I will Jna. #. Dougls*. da.. Dec 9.—' The coot eared j mayoralty election case aat for yeoterday j before hi* honor. Judge Thomas Young.] ns*, by conaent. portioned until Jan. . I on account of abeent counsel and wltnea*-] *• JB liar Id Klnkley. colored, yesterday. In] the City Court, pleaded gulhy to the charge of larceny of a bicycle from Oeorge fr. Woolen and wa* eentenced by Judge Wlllla Dart to pay a fine of * and rourt charge# or eight months on tha chain, gong. Mr. and Mr*. Jam** A. W*d# have re* turned from their Chrlsimas outing. Col. and Mr*. J. W. Qulncay will re turn to-day. —One of the recent Inventions tried on the British soldier* In Mouth Africa, Is called "solid beer.” It lea Jelly made from malt and hoi*, from which beer can he made anywhere and fermented. It*la raid to make excellent beer and to work equally well In hot or cold climate*, the prove** being very wimple, and the mllK tary authorities have reported roaorahtS upon U. 9