The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 31, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 CANDIDATES FOR ALDERMEN. TME CKHTUS A*l LIKT.I/V TO 111 ON CTTTXKttfI (1.1 VI Til KKT. Aldt-rinnn Olson nnl ltrun ll*nl n List of ls Uho Irr Nnlil In lit- %l ri'nih 'll. P. Ilttnn am# fir 11. \. H. Prhrof d**r Two Of hoi* IVrlnlnflow Vltlrmif n U rlln an*; Tlmlcmnn nml 4 njii. U . 11. Mr|h’ia Inn ll* *• Ikr Hoard If Thr> Will. Muy Mr Thrrr Tl*kcl In tin* I’lrlil. Their is con*llenlJe *p#*rulatioi an to sh* composition of th<- oldennAfik' ticker that wiU he rrp>rtc4 to the Cltlxcn#' Club. ty its Nominating Fommitie# of One Hundred. Wednesday night. There nre rumors to the effect tlvt there wiil lie two. atMf pr##ih|y three, atdcrvnafiftc tlck gttt in the field. It k said that the amotiit the mi <ti lU9 for Aldermen on the Citlxenn' Club tick't are James M Dixon, llal 11. Bacott. Dr. M F I>unn. E. A. M. I Schrocdcr. William C. Frlpp and Koliert IllolUi and There are many prabuhlltllcM tand possibilities. including D. IV. Thom* •. William L. Grayson. W. T. Hussey, Adolph laffier. Ab* J Oarfunkel, Wlwln I Fmnk. W. 11. Stephens. John F. Oanty, U.ivel Wells and <l#orKe W Tb*b*man. It Is believed that Al*lerm<’fi WelW* and Tledrnmn will both l*e pUnd on Ih* I ticket If they will permit the use of their •turn* ■, ms I If they are not candidates It will be hreauto they find that their r tu*ln*s will not permit the anertflew of i their time, or some other reason prevent j them serving. Alderman Thonm , who I Is chairman of the House lirdlnag* ' mb tee. Is an Hid* rmanic possibility, and | it is not unlikely that he will he dome fiat**#! Mr Thomas lias perform'd met j efficient service In connection with tins i Inst.illation of th* new house drainage | aystem. and it ty/uM ilsubtUai I** gratt- I tying to his present a sms tales hi Coun cil to hove him retained on the l*nr#l t It Is understood that Capt Hteph >* Cti be a rn. rnU r of the lioard If he will | •crept the nomination. In* he Is a very Busy man. and It Is not known that he * Will decide to permit The use of his name To represent the Jewish vote, the choiee of the committee Is reported to be U* tween Adolph Is'ltHr. Ala* J. UurfutiKol I and Kdwln Frank, on*' of whom Is pt.c --? Tlrally certain to b* on the ticket. % The nominee# of the labor vote of lh** ©tty, It. W. Itaughn nn*i w liiiam F, Mar i’!#. have Uready notified Clerk of Conn dl Hailey that they will be i-.tndidn? w This notice Is given in accordance the provisions of the muni>-l|al election Jaw (MMiDti at the lasi session of the L-g --* tshiture. it is rather |Mrobath> that this dolor - § in*nation on t*h- i*u’t of both of the.-* I candidate# to go befor (he people will f |>r*vm either of them Immihi placid on T the CitiXens' Club ticket. H had been I probable that one of them would have i b*en put on the ticket, but us they Imv*- determined to take the lM in tludr teeth * and run anywa>. th* y will probably Is i iwrtnluel to run without assistance, f Their iick*t will make up the second ivhlrh Is mentioned iilwvi. 1 The third tck*s l> a threat and a pw- I •Ibility. Its prospective origtn Is with cer- I tail] Humber* *d 111* lti/- u Oul>. wt.-v I i*i kicking l*efor* they have been spur * red They say that If some of the po#- 1 ilbli- candklalts for aldermen are placed 1 *n th** u* k- < will kick ov< r th# I traces and "run x*mnl men for offlee f They claim that they cannot stand for | eom* of the* candidal* s whose names havt. | Isi'ti arul art- being discuss#**! I Th*- aiisdntment nominating committee f of one hundred, whir h was authorised n I the mas- meeting of Friday night, will be completed by t hulrman M. W Dixon i tci-di v and a m*etiug of th* eomndtt*e * held, protsibly. to-morrow night. In thr meantime there will Is* some warm pollt * teal work k>nc by the candhliHe* for ur dermanlc honors 14 Is sai l by prominent men*ier# of the Cltlsen* Club that th*' Internecine fight that for a long time scmrl to be going on In Its ranks lH*tw*en Mayor Myers . nnd Alderman Dixon for the mayoralty nomination was nothing more nor less than a political scheme, designed to block the movement* of the opposition. If this be true, and the information comes dlriH'tly from one who ought to know, the scheme was crowned with a l stegre* of succeas that It* origlrawers. In • their fondest dream*, could scarcely have J tmtleipoud. In the otrtition of many po ‘ Utica! expert* it I* directly responsible 1 tor the condition of affairs which now prevails, whereby Mayor Myer* will be to succeed him*" If without oppo- Of course there is <t chance of I u* being plured in the field at ’ the last moment, but this chance i* re j yarded as so egceHltrvgly remote that It u it# deenu-d banlly worth discussion. * "If ftt had m n the *xitdm nt |#hat twgan to b' apparent within our own 8 said the l’iti* ns Club leader, who i j Was dls‘ussing the question with a M*rn i( ing News reporter, "we eotikl have had I; Mayor Myers and Mr, Dixon running |)T#ralnir-! each other yet. Asa matter ! of fact, the questhm of the nomination l! w#s seltleil lotig sine**, bi-fore the public ,|! I#r#s notified of the withdrawal of Aidrr j man Dixon, and there never was a chanee . of the* gentlemen .-erlu.dy each 8 other. Their friends In our ranks hr j |pm to get so much Interested In the mat -11 ter.however. tfuit we bail to cull the thing [fiotr. bf'>r<* we had Intended to do s *’ k I But even then It had served Its pur | msise. Th** politician- of the opp -iltton LiSumped to the com liiul then seem* *d to be warranted th* fact*, that the H ptteeti* Club had beeme. too big and || cumbersome to be any hmger an effective H Mlitical machine and that a split wic* . Imminml. They haetene*! to attac h rf kkMMN-lves to the twind wagon of tha oh* #f the mayoralty candidates whom they ’ j pick** I os the winner With a <lolcful *lgh ■•nd an eye on an fflco. they unnounce<l bthar the liberal Club was practically • and they were goittg to fight for the * tiwin for whom they had always enter .Aaitw'l n profound admiration. , & Dixon meetings wsre being heUl all oarer etown and every now and then som** ex *** nsraler of th** Llbcfal Club would ap i piar at these meeting* and get in line for Dixon, he would bring his |s*r ; < With him liJOther ex-memh*r* of the Dilteral Club Tlsyre Just a* anxious to attach th<'mselv* Hto h*t cohort# led by Mayor Myer*. * lieantltue. It I* poasibie to Imagine, the f Wicked tolltlclans who had put up this graxnc on an unsuspecting publl. and an i unsuspecting optwsition. lay hack In their * .Vnkaiia and lauh*#l and admired the cx fcor.ittig gullibility of human nature, v Certainly. It vis a great old Joke. Tia cifgioslttofi leaders had been so nnx , ileus to * ncourage the spilt in the CHI- Club that they had got thems#*h*s nr !* mixed up with the candl * c da' v of either Alderman LHxon or Mayor and when they found that the Bjf Kdi? did not exist they discovered that It 8 would b difficult to extricate th-*mselve*. , Th# o|gK>rttinNy t#> rally an effective foroe M ko oppose the re-election of Mayor Mver fat bud bf* n lost. If tiO* fight within the Cltl ■ pens* Club ranks had not iwursl to le H In progress, and the questkat of the nom- Ination of that faction hod ben nettled or three month* since it i* practl*- pßaily certain that on the day of election | there ul*l .‘wsve l*ocn a well-orgtnix#*#l. pfllurmed and equlpfed ctpposltion If It wa ik! -- fkt of politic** strategy, a* I* said. Ijjrlt was on** of the smartest trick* ever M #*:ayd In Havannah ||* .1 *• Els'-r Qaalil) of t hnmpng-ne. ffil* import. 4 , h * n lhftt of o. H. MumnTft Dry row coming to this country. thl ••normoua import* of 10P.521 2? lr> 11 ln or 73.1*y cases #thr brand.—ad. HthvnA x M.ttF.H t John hlngleton f Mptared at llnr roaaih* htatlu and l.odaed In Jail. John Hlngleton. colotml, was arrested yesterday by kavey ®h<qgard. the marshal of Hurrough* station, and was committed Vi Jail on a charge of murder. Singleton •'hot and fatally wounded amaher if*gr. n imed Zarhirii* iTeetmi near llurmughs on Christmas day. Preston was shot in the abdomen and died at the Georgia In* Armory Wednesday afrernonti From the testimony at the coroner** in quest -there was not the slightest provoca tion for the sh<siting Preston SltigN*t hi and another negro had been to a fiance, and Singh-ton was under the Influence of liquor He announce*) that he Intended to sit In the road nil night and would not continue homeward with th* other ’wo men. ITeston anl th<- other nf gro. wh# name Is llcnry, hud only goto* • few fe# t when, without the eliht#>*t warning. Sin gle-ion fHilled hi- weapon and fired. The bxll struck Preston arul In the excite ment the drunken negro escaped The enivis r's Jury call'd homicide manslaugh ter. Hlngb ton kept fan hiding until yesterday, when he bet ame bold and visited the town. Sheppard placed the man tinder arrest and a commitment was tlgn*d Jointly by Mayor l#eree md Recorder Weston. It wis tm this commitment charging murder, that Singleton wa lodg 'd in the county Jail The prison claims that lie iwid no Intentioii of shooting any <• . and that he only fired hi • pistol In a spirit of fun ll* will t**- held to await the action of the grand Jury of the Hu ptrlur Court. THE Till MIENIHtI.T CAN I NO. Work on Its IVm s'lntinns ns M ell n Hm* I'rnfMHril Tmek Now holng on. Ttu* work of searing up the right-or way for tlie new track of the rtavannah. Thunderbolt and lale ••( Hope Itailwny at Thunderbolt, which will run to the point. Is ttfdug pushed forward rapidly, having been >Mtgun some ;jfn** ugo Th* founda ttofts for tin* proposed Casino at th# |*olnt dso <ire I*-lug laid. It I* expretad flut much of the materials that will In* used in this building as w II as on the track will ho taken nut to Thunderbolt w*lth*n a short time, and that track, f'oslno, and park will be ready tor the public by May 1. at least The railway will also, next week, begin If. building of tw*j waiting sheds for tb acvommcslatlon of It* patrons on#* of these will be at the southeast comsr of flop# n anl East Broad street*, where the Ko*t an<l Wifi Belt crosses th* Hol ton street track, and the other at the n.iithe.ow cMer of Gwlniwtt and Hab ersham streets for th#* accommodation. ptine||iUy. of the Collinsville natron* of the rnilwriy. Permission for the erection of th** sheds was given by City Coun cil some time ago. HHEItIFF TllltrvnTAßh TO sffooT. I Utility Officer Had n Hard < hac %fter an Eaeaped t oaxlct. William Green, colored, who ha given the rlty an#l *#Minty ftl‘er* no end of trouble, was arrswted near Gas House hill yesterday afternoon by Sheriff Bweeny after a hard *ha#. The lad eorapeil fr#?tn the county chain-gang several ibiys ago and sin##* that time the officers have been marching f#r him. As soon as Green w the sheriff he started on a run for Jones’ Field, with the county official close at his heels. The hoy was fleet-footed, but when th# officer drew his revolver nn| threatened to shoot Green came to it halt. The negro was originally sentenced to serve a year for larceny, but mad# his escape shortly afterwards. He was re apt ured and on additional year was given him n#l for the secorni tim* he <-iud*d the Vigil a m*e of the guard#. <lr*en will ap|M'-ar before Judge Norwood In th#* City Court to-€norrow and ww be given another twelve months. MUien arrested he de# kirel that he would mt r#*maln cm th*- gang very long and he apiwared to ne an what he said. IIV THIGH 01,1) M%*TBH. M. John'* l It In Will be lltang T►- •ilull I t*v Mr. HulmtU. Mr. K. II Rolrft*. formerly cMntPi maftr of Bt. John's Church, will be at hi* old post to-night to “ring out the old and ring ir. the new.” Mr. Robert * was several years in Savannah, and during his stay he was In charge of the chime*, ringing them for service# and upon just such occasions as to-night. He left Ba \ annuh about a year ago for Portsmouth, o . but he h.t* now secured a position in New York and will sail to-morrow for that city. The oh tinea will ring to-night from li to 11.30 o'clock, when the service will follow. A few minutes before 12 o'clock the church will he darkened and at the Stroke of the hour will Ik* lighted again, the chime* |* a ling forth "Bread of the WbrkV' at the same time. ♦ i Fl \Klt\l. <F Mil. KL.t.\RRV. fterarftcoa al Cathedral anl Interment In ( slknlrsl Cemetery. The funeral of the late Mr John MoM Flannery will lw held this afternoon m\ I o'clock from the Cathedral of Bt. John the Baptist. The services will bo <xm ducted by Rt. Rev. H. J. Kelley, Bishop of the Savannah diocese. The Interment will be In the Cathedral Cemetery. The Irish Jasier Greens, of which Mr Flannery was an auxiliary member, will turn out for the funeral Representing tin* Groans among the iNillltearers will Imp Messrs. J. I>. Robinson, Jr., and D. J. C oar It cm, and the other pnlltkcarer* win Ik* Messrs. J. W. Gleason. J H. Htrouss. W. T Johnsti, J. W. Mdntlre, Jr.. G. W. Dwell*, Jr. ami C. O. Anderson. Jr. Wild. MFIVr WITH FOHIIfT CIT% *athslde Club to Gather In Wash* Ington Hqunrr. The Southed - Club. William T Hu*ey. president, will mat in Washington Hquare with the Forest City Independent Club on Wednesday night and match as one big club to the mass meet tng of the administration summers. Many of the memtwr* of the southstde organisation re side In the Fourth district, ami for this reason the two clubs are closely connect ed. ITaekUnt Hussey has named the fA lowing marshal* from the southslde: J. Holier t Creamer. B. O. Rogers, W. 11. Feck and John Ulmer. poiiTroiiKo rismiiY smubok. Will He I'rssrhnl Yrit *unlny a| I utlirmii < burrh of tßrenalOß. The sermon at the Lutheran Church of the Ascension by the pastor. Rev. Dr. W. C. Hohacffer, yesterday morning, was to have* turned upon the olosing century and the new one. The rain, however, prevented s large attendant's, and the pastor concluded to reserve his sermon for next tfunday morning, preaching it at the opening of the twentieth. Instead of at Hit close o 4 the nineteenth century, THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1000. TO WATCH PASSING OF 1900. CONGREGATION* %% 11.1. GREET (OMIX. OF u:w t K ATI It I • I ninn Her vice f the Con wreak flows of %ll the Me Ik odist l harebea %% 111 He Held at Grace f har*h—s*|-mn l*#nfltteal %tnsa and llenedletion *i the lll*s*ed SHerantent to He 4 ele rated la %ll the llhiinm i atholle € Imre lies— l.ulhernn nnd K#ift<**|i4l f liur*hea %ls t< Hll Servlees. The n*w century, Iwxinnlng lmm< diat - ly after midn|jiht to-night wib t* gre* ed oy hunlreds of assembled watcher* In Havarituth churches who wl.l have gather 'd for the puri*osf‘ of witi hing tin* 'lying year and centuo* po*s away, and th new century with Its unknown in wers to the hope.#, re-pirations and i-ire* of mil itia of people tidier Itself Into exist'd < . At alt such gatherings there will Is* re ligious services. 1 ginning, in the greater number of <*•->*, shortly before midnight ##nd lasting into the n#-w year. No one of these a#rv!re will be more Interesting than that of the w.itch-nlgM service of the a eml -d congrt gAlions of th# M< tlKSllsf Churehe* whi* h will begin at Grace church at 10 o’clock. It Is an oc'astern of gr#*.it slgiUffc >n# c. not only because the n .inhUd congr • K<itiun will nul farewell to th* old year and century and welcome the new year and century, but almr #*•'.uh in ever>| se< tlon f the I’nlted Htates, where trise .'U (.k|n t Epl*cot*il Chur* h. Huuth, Is organised, the mefnla*rs will meet for ; *mtiar purp.*#- and follow th suite pro gramme Suvannah Is pe. ull. rly fortunate In hav ing one of the ten Bishop* of the church to conduct th* service. Bishop Hendrix, whose ministry In the pulpits here for the past f*w weeks has t#en ns*-t pto fliable, will preach an approprlat# ser mon. The oih*r Itahirvf of th* ptu gro nine . w hiU* pr#-par#**l by u eommitt*- 4 of the leaders In church w/rk at Nash ville. will be of an Informal character. No -• t #*•: r♦- -- - ! pi > If* I expecte*!. but all of the ptt<*tort:, SOOle visiting ministers, and many Inym* n will till their expert' nc#.*. * peaking specially t,i the personal blessings and their pur poses for the futur# Congregational singing of obi hymn# and tunes, ld by a chortle choir, will be tn*- musical feature. In which all will I** expected to Joki A voluntary thank offering will be taken for the purj>o*e of Increasing the twentieth century vhicatkNi fund This will be tkxie at all of the watch-night ** t - vices, and doubtless the remalnd# r of the 51..7M0.0Q0, th** amount to*d hy in* Houthern Methodists, will la* ured. The following is the programme In full: Part 1. from 10 o’cl4a k to 11. Experience in#-'ting aiwl l#v* feast. Hymn. “Sing to the Great Jehovah’s Praise,” No. 711. Prayer Hcrlptun* reading. Psalm lOu; Duke 1:W --56. Hymn. ’’Eternal Source of Every Jov,*’ No 716. Brief statement of great educational nr#l missionary facts of the century, itev. Huum Anthony. Personal experien ew; expressions of thanks for m*T i*s past hiu! reasons for a century thank offering. Hymn. ’Tome. l#et Is Fse the Grace Divine.” No 717. Part 11, from 11 o’clock to 12. Hermon by BUiiop K. It Hendrix, D.D., LL D. Thank offerlnir. A P# HM4jfi of pmywr. Hymn, ”Tlm#* How Rtvlft.’’ No. 710.^ >f ih#* other church#*## where aervFe** will be h#*M at mi ’.night non#* w ill !**• more or elaborate than tha** that will Ih* h#*l#l 111 ♦ .tch of the Crthollc Churrhen. The*##* nervlce*# will conxlxt of 11 Hob-mn (amtiflcai minH, with M|>e( tally prepared muntc. The urogramm*a of 1 hone service* wre prim.-1 in yewter <kiy* Morning New#. At th#* Br*r* .1 !l#*unt t'hurch, how#*v**r. another part ha*# !*•* Hi.l*#l to the {(rogramme. Utile \li#- Miirgueiite Snow having l**n #e-ure#l u> #lng the solo part of the "Adeste Ffah lU.” A notice of thexe wrvloM w in given out y**Ht#*r*lay In all of the church#**#. In al#lltlon to the xervlcer# h* kl by th * M* thodUti and the Human ('xtbolic# th**r'* will h#* crvtc# mlho by th# Epli*e>|*allana ami the Lutheran#. At Bt. Four# Eptaco pal Church there will la* two w#-rvi< •* of a p : character, th* Hr**t at 12 m an#l the aecond at 11.30, laatlng until mid night aft#*r which holy communion will lw* a#lmtnl#tere#l. At Ht John’t# Church a 100, there will he an II.Ji o'clock service, and holy exjnmmlon aft*-r the <*hlm# e have announc*-#! the death of the ld \trnr At the LiHheran Church of th#- Anc**n •lon there will ta* 11 aimilwr meeting under the direction of the Bother lasagne. There wiU be numerou# a<klrett* by th* m*tn h*r#. and a review of th** imat century iwwl forecast of what the n w la likely to bring, hy the %mMor of the church, Hev. Dr. W. C. Bchaeff#*r. At Bt. Stephen'# Church, colored, there will he a nervlce beginning at 11:30 o'clock an#l cdoHlng with an ulmtnletration of the Holy Communion at midnight. At Bt. Benedict'?# rhurch, colored, there will l** oolemn |>ontlftcat m#tx at mid night with th#* hencHction of the Hl##e*ul Kacrament. To accommodate the belated atten#!- antx at there aervlcea the Savannah, Thunderbolt and laU* of Ho|h* Hallway will run It# 'r* on At>ercorn, Whitaker, and Barnard #tr#*et up to 1 o'clock. I LKAIIIMi WKtTHU Tll-IItV. to 111 hr Folder, lUo, In the •*,ll l, - easlern l*nrt of tlir Htnlr, Till' went her jrraltrdljr .1 till Inst night wax as disagreeable ns rain ami Its conis* qucnt slush In lhe sti mH.< could make It. During ttit twenty-four hours ending at *> o'clock m of nit Inch of rain fell, thus wiping out the previous shortage of the month nixl giving a surplus of 87 of nn Inch. For the yenr thtre Is still an uc <simulated shortage of ti mi Inches. The tctnprrnsure yewterday was. marl mum. as degrees, and minimum 4*l, making a mean of 47 which was 7 degrees uhove the normal. This reduces the accumu lated shortage of temperature for the month to 13 degrees, and Increase* the ac cumulated exits* for the year to 273 degree* The Washington forecast for to-day Is clear weather In the west, and clearing In the eastern portion of the state, wlih colder In the southeast portion To-mor row , It is predicted will be fair with colder In the southern* portion, winds be coming fresh northeast. To Make lllail the I nfortiinntc. The Inmates of the Abrahams Home will be given a Chrlatma* season treat Wednesday evening by a number of young ladles who, not content with enjoying the festival themselves, wish also to make others happy. The detail* of the •:nter talnment have r.ot yet to-*n de elded or>, but It Is expected that a numtwr of sing ers will assist In giving a musical pro gramme. and it Is also likely that there will be one or two recitations. At the conclusion of these selections refresh ments will be served. Death of K.lttle Marls Schley. * daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. W. Schley, died yesterday afternoon after an Illness of about a week, from bronchial pneumonia. The funeral will take place from the family residence. No, Htin tutgdon street, eaat, at 4:3* o'clock this afternoon. i t Itt< Is y\ \\ Hoi E ON. tel|a-t#ra> %rrl%e#l %>sterda> Xfornlnu bat llil %#*l t nload. The William B#lls and Janus Gray cir | ms Hrriv#'*! in ffisvonnah early ye#t# rday morning over the Plant Bystem from Ml iimi, ll* . where a |K*rfrm*nce was given Thus-fay. Th*- aggregation me •n a iai tr,ln, and remained on • j e *lmg near Wablhurg street during the •I *) Mr ii .1 Mr- deli* and *#>n. Mr. ! and Mr*. Gray, Business Manager H. Stafford and Treasurer Warren A Pat rick registered at the Pulaski House. The circus a m*tagerie, hlkmu KS> t#*al of b*rse an#l ? men The horse* were taken out of the car* during th* Ja\ bit non* of the paraphernalia were unloaded. Th** circus attache* with any Intention of leaving Mavannah for the places from which they hall were given a rush bv the passenger r*|r*eciif Mtlvw of the lu a I rtllroa#ls. ail of whom wanted the busi ness for their respective line*. The v# ry quick schedule* that are offered to the Wist Memphis. Chi ago, Kansas City •nd New Ortes i In s hcdules that he lms rffectivt* last iitaht. together with th** **onvenlen#- of Hie hour of ibpartur** of the night tra.n, set ured the bulk of the buslio-M- for that t Ticket and I****•• n*i#*r Agent W. O. Brew er con."ideied. *wa> Is# itigurated under very favorable cir> ttmtance>, s ,4 large crowd left on tlie train. Home lifty of the attaches of the circus have already left or are to leave BaMin na h. and other lines will get their chance it tin* • who tr#Si leave t*-day. At Jack sonville many ol the circus |*oplc were dismissed, and they have l**en lrofpina off at various points wii*-r* the show has *opp#-d recently. The circus peop.e attracted much at ttntsai #n the streets, where they wer* lieing held fast by the representatives Of the rallroa!* Mont of those who are to leave were hangers-on. memi*#*rs of the Ihiihl and performers. They appeared to Is* sore becaune they were unable t# obtain siiedal rates over any of the roa is out of Bavnnruth It is by no mean* a sure thing that th** iKgregation will winter in Savannah, al though Mr Bek* and Mr. Gray Ilk#- Ha v nnah and spoke of buying pro(ertv here nnd making this their headquarter - Both showmen have famidse. and thought of making their permanent ion*. Buslne-t Manager Stafford stated to u representative of the Morning N*we list night, however, that a site nad not yet tn-#n s--ui'xl. and that the show might move on. "We have Uen offered no Inducement* to rssnatn in Havannah. and the people do not .ippear to want us.” eaui Mi St Afford. "We have receive#! ll letter from the Mayor of Macon, asking us to go to that city, and offering us the *x- I* -itton pi** e, free of charge, if w* will winter there Pules** we find a suitable place townor r ow and some sort of In ducement Is made us to remain, we will move to some other point. This was our r i "iri for not unloading upon our r -rtval. "Our aggregation l* quite a large one and Its six*- alii he dootHcd when we go on tin* riod next season In the neighbor hood of 100 men remain with the stock and property, and between ShMitf) an#) $15,- 0 is left in the place where w* winter. It woufal i*|M*ar to me tnat this would b: enougn to warrant someone in making us mi Inducement to remain. We ail like Savannah, but must go w here w <an do tin* Iwet. "Wt will start on the road again on April 1. and will, at that time, have .1 twnty-car show and a complete menag erie I cannot io*ltiveK state what will •e lone until to-morrow, but in the mei>- nme 1 hop** some arrangement will ts# mad*- %vhereby we hi remain In this Ity.” lflTfl-SUTII < FATIHt SUMVICE. Inierenting Faert*l*m by Duffy Street VinptiM lllhle l la*■#. The Nineteenth-Twentieth Century service of live Bible Clan# of Hhe Duffy Street Hip:lt#t Church y*-Merday nfter n*Kn was and a large congre gation war present. The exerciaes i**gan irt 4 o'clock with a prelude by th* orches tra. The iK'hool and congr*gatlon Joined In the Hinging of Hymn 4k7. after which the Invoc.nlon wa** pronounced by Buj*er- Intendent Ilugg. Thl** was ftdlowe#! by the singing of Hymn 578 by the #<*hool and congregation. The responsive raiding was conducted by Mr. Carswell ami mi taken fr*>m 103*1 1 Naim Hymn 3* wa*# next sung and Mr. A E. Myer followed with a brief, but Interesting history of Sunday M work. Mr. Myer told of how* the first Sunday school wan start#*#! in England, hy a man named Itace. among the vilest and m*#t d*proved class of |M*oplc. He noted th** wonderful stride# that this da*## of Christian work had made In less than a **ntury. Th#* quartet, compo#*-d of Mr#. Thorpe. Miss Pettigrew, Mr. Fri erson and Mr. Monrrtef, son* a gospel hymn, after which the scripture lesson w * rea*l by Mr Pice. After Hymn Sh ha<i been rendered an in ?#*rsilng rtiMres*; on the future of Chrls tl.mity was delivered hy Hev. Robert Van IK*venter. Mr. Von Deventer foke of the <liities of mankind and of the good effect of religion. Before the ctassee as sembled In th#lr rooms Mrs. Monertef mg a solo. Fpon the reassembling of the scholars Hymn 32$ was sung, after which Becretary Horn's report was reai It showed the school to he In 11 flourishing covulltlon and r#*t#orta<l the closing of a mo*t succtsssful year In that lepfiriment of the church. After the singing of Hymn 1T the ben ••dlcgloo was pronotin#'##! by Hev. Mr. Van IVventer. HKFF.IVF.D Mt\V MIPTS. The snered Heart Sunday School tin*e Its I'nplls a t'hrl.tms* Tree. The Christmas tree celebration of the Ha - cred Heart Sunday School was held yes terday afternoon at Sacred Heart Hall, taking the place of the regular Sunday school sendee. The celebration was to have been held last Friday, but was post poned until yesterday on account of the had weather. Practically all of the pupils of the school. al>out 200. were present yesterday, and each was substantially remembered with present* of toys, games, books, fruit of various kinds, and candy. Some of the gifts were on the tree, but not more than half, as It was unable to support them all. The teachers of the school formed a commute,* of distribution. The tree, an exceptionally pretty one. stood In h cor ner of the hall. Its gwy decorations and pemlant gifts hid from view by a curtain until the ceremonlee preceding the distri bution had been finished; then (he gift* were presented. RKV, liollll SHITS 11.1,. Service* at t hrlst flinrch < .inducted by Mr. 11. M. Johnson. Service* at Christ Church yesterday morning were conducted by Mr. H. M. Johnson, secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association. The rector. Rev. Robh White, was 111, ami his place was taken oy Mr. Johnson. I nder the Slur* and Bara. "Under the Stars and Bars; or Mem oirs of Four Years' Service with the Oglethorpe* of Augusta. Oa," by Walter A. Clerk, orderly sergeant. Price, cloth, 75 rents: pepnr. SO cent*. For sale at Ptotlll's New* Depot, 44 iiull street, Sa gajuueh. Oa.-ad GOLF TEAMS PLAY TO-DAY. • %#>*•! %M 'KW WILL ' O#TK#T THi: LINK*. Vud 111 mm. Team of Nen Orleans De feated Hsess Team hr HO It on KstardSf, sad %rrlxe Here This Vurnlnu In I‘r the Team From the sax as nab t Inb—settre of the Huron (•smr la Detail—t.ame llrslo# at lllffi) This %fteruo—l ava# t#aller> Mill Prohalil) Ohsrrxe It—New Orleans I’lajers l.eaxr Te-alghl for Ntlanta and kaxannali l*la>rrw To-worron for llarlrn. The team from he Audubon Golf (Tub of New Orleans will arrive this morning from Macon hy the Central Railroad The visitors will is* fn-eh from a victory, having dcfistr'l the Mat on team on Hut urduy aftermwn by a * ore of to 0. That was a good, string defeat and show* that#the New <)rl*an* players know the game. It i undcisto.d that there are gsd golfers in Macon, ami the Savannah tam will appreciate what they arc up against when they meet the New Orleans gentlemen on the links this af#Tnoon Following Is the score In detail of the game that was playel in Macon. It will he read with Interest hy the golf #■-rs, and the mcmtH-rs of the local team will have on oj|K>rtunlty to Judge from It of ji**t the calllw*r of the player* who constitute the New Orleans team. Macon— Now Orleans— Dove. E. K. I>. ... 0 Dubuv* 1 up Ha kin. J If. .... o Eustls. II 8. .. 4us m • Moon 6 ffiffi Wright. J T Buckner. W N 7 up Wise. J. C 0 Htew art 13 Up Total (h T#dal 30 up Against the Audutmn team the Savannah players, representing the Savannah Golf Club, will he Mr. Henry lllun, Jr . cap tain: Mr Noble Hardee. Mr. St* n Bryan, Mr C. W. Baursy and Mr. C\ F. Mo-*** Thes#* gentlemen have lieen practicing dil igently. and they all hoje they may be able to give a better account of them selves In the match than did the Macon players. In fact, they are not without hope of winning the game. The members of the Savannah team will meet the vbtting team at the depot this morning. From there they will go td“the I>e Hoto for breakfast After br- ik fust the Havnr.mihlans will go to th-ir business, while th#* New Orleans gentle men will go to th#- link.- to look o*#r the ground over which they are to play It Is expected that there will be a large gallery out to see th#* game, which will l#egin promptly at 2:* o'clock. Eighteen hol**s will be played, which will m#*an that the game will l*ct practically nil the af ternoon The link* are in good condition, save, pomihly, for too much moistur# The ball* will not roll readily, stopping Juki about where they strlk#*. but the local player* rather believe they have an advantage in thK No others than those engage In the mar#*h will b#* ailow#*l to play whll* It Is In progr#*w*. Th** links will In* for th* teams only. It Is unlikely that any of the other gulf# r* would care •<> iday. a* It Is s-id#>m that opfsirtunlty Is off#*r# l i# wlt nc*s such a game as is looked for. The < row 1 will probably follow th- team* over the course to mnk#* not#* of th#* and learn wm#- of thr fine punts of th# game as they will be demonstrated. "We trust.” said one of the local play ers last night, "that the gallery will ob serve one of the most Important rule* of golf etiquette and refrain from making any c#tmtnent upon th- gam*- when n play er I* a*>out to make ,-t strok#*. Neither by word or sign should this le d#Nu-. and th* members of the S ivannah team would certainly feci the k % 'nest regr#t should any of the on-looker* offend In this r spr-cc.” After th#- game the visiting team will lie entertained by the Havannah team The former will take the night train over the Central for Atlanta, tt 1* understood, there to play another match g im* Th Havannah team will leave b> th* early morning r.iln over the 8* ilusin! Air Un* for Darien, where a return match with the team of the golf club of that pla *# will tw plave#). POLICE SFIIGF %NT LIN4KI ILL. The N rternn Officer 4'onflned in III* Home and His Fsnitl) Mu*li ('on eerned. Police T>esk Rerreint Henry IJngg 1# nt his residence. 222 Park avenue, #dis, in a serious romlitUm. an#! nts frierum and family are very much concerned about his welfare. Kergt. Ungg has been sick for several weeks, and his family Is beginning to feel alarmed. He a|>is*ared on the streets about two w#ek* ago. ami It was th*n thought that he had oomjdetely recovcr**l A relaji##- set In and he Is now very weak. Sergt. Llngg is one of th# oM-st men. huth In point of service and in age. In the police de|iartmt*ftt. an*! his friend# will regret to barn of the chat fr th** worst. The sick ofllcar Is well I Ike# I hy the patrolmen and his fellow scrg**ant#, an#i his speedy recovery Is hopcsl for. *%T%N INI) THE WO It ID. HUhop E. H. Hendrix’s Elo#|U*nt ker mon at l''|ta*rlh t hnreh. Bishop K. R. Hendrix of Kansas City, pr-ached last night at Epw>rtb M* traxllst Church, at Jefferson and Thlrty-eevenMi streets. Bishop Hendrix’# them** w.# the l*ofv*r of Hatan In the world, ms! It w is graphically treated. The comuusion reached was that goo#!, procetnliag from an inffolte la-ing. was inflnlte and would prevail over evil, Whlc.i wan a manifestation of the finite an#l h*K'v finite. In his sermon Bishop Hendrix scored roundly the saloons am! KumbiliiK ruom* *4 ikwnnsh, which he s.isl were .ig*nrl#*s of Satan In <nrrylng on his war against the human race. The wiles of th** frvll and the temptations which he Is accus tomed to throw tn the way of the people of this work! were d*u-rtb*<d. arul ills dangerous power revealed. THK IliiMKI (INDY Fill I.IIT. Reported Murder In Froxttmn Turn ed Oat to liner Hern a street Scrap. The city detectives had another wiki goose chase ymterday, when they were called on to tnvmtlgate an alleged murder In the western section of the city. It was reported that two negro women hn l been kill'd In FYogtown and Detective Frank Wml hurried to where the homi cide was supposed to have occurred. |i developed that two women hud got Into a common street brawl, but thu neither one had been damag'd to any great extent. The belligerents could no! o located by the detective, ami no ur reets were made Only n day or two ago rhe officer* went on a similar errand on Wnldburg street, near West Hrond. Rheumatism In ail Its forms I* prompt ly and permanently cured by Hood's Sar saparilla. which neutralise* acidity of the blood—ad. Fine Engraving. Ait opportunity to have engraving done by an expert from New York during the next ten days at New York price* at J. *C. N. Thom*,, 124 Whitaker street. i NHOOT AT TIMKEN** HEADH. •tavnnnaK HIBr to at tlir llanar To-#rrit. Th<- hiihiml turk>’ 'hoot of h<* Hov.m nih Kill. Aoxoclatlon will be hrkl at th* rllb- to-morrow. N<*w Year’, Pa> I* obtwrvnl in tnt* way by th* Hllle A*- nocLitloii. the hiivinit been ao- Cupturned for year, to vall thr rati** un Jan. 1. anil content for the blrda. Shootln* will be at 30U arwl 3t# yard*. The m* mien will lx* dtvkted Into classes, and the prixes will be won by those mak ing the best scores In each Class Greit lnter**st Is always displayed In the con test* and It Is expected that there will Is .1 large < r.wl out. The shooting will b# gin promptly at 10 o'clock to egisble tn# m- mln-rs to complete their snores in lime to get home for their New Year's din nefs. This has been a difficulty in the I#hst, for the reason that th* whootltiK h'gui. too late, preventing som# of thos#* who might otherwise have attended from k>mg so. A g#.Hw| New Year’s dinner w.ih r#farded as m*re greatly to be de eir#*l tiian contesting for turkeys. This year oth the shooting and the dinners may is* enjoy#*! After the contests at the and 3Ah yard ranges, th#*re will lie shouting at live birds In the time-honored way. Th# turkeys will Is* stood up behind one of the butts at a distance of M 0 yards from th** m.irksnun. who will In# from 'imong the tw*at in th#* assocoltlofi. The bird# will have only th*tr heads exposed which will !m* kept above the butt hy the bird#’ desire for com that will b© strewn where they will have to stri*tch to r’acti It IP freshments will Is* eerved lor the m*mis*rs. An oyster roast will he among th#* Attractl<MDS, ami It is expected that j th* shoot will prove *o<* of the most *-n --j juyable the .i#kr latlon h*s ever held. Then* Is a large memtsrship now', and gr#ster Interest was manifested during last s*ason than ha#i b#*n known tor a long time. t 111 IdMt I*\ GAVE FHEIENTI. sim#la> Ifbfsil f t lirlst C’horeh ll%ld Ita I hrlalma* Fmllvtl. The Christmas festival of the Bundav Sk’hool of Christ Church was hekl In tne Sun*l iy Hchool ro#>m yesterday afternoon. Though the w* at her was threaten ng. th*r- was yet a considerable att*nd#i -e, ind th#- u-ual pleiteure that is found hy th#* members of the school In mtiking thur I’hrlstmas i*ontrlbutlons to poor children was experienced. A *llff#*r.nt plan for the observance of I 1! :,r..iii tt • * I, r*ii*w•■*! In most >f th* other Hunday Hi hools of t ie city prevails with that of Chrfait Fhurch. It it- n#>t s#> much the p!*asure of r*jv iug as that of giving which Is sought, and tti#* children of the S4*hool are taught that “it is b#*tt*r to give than to r*- • #*lve." A |ractlcal exempdtlcatlon of this is given em-h year, the members of the chord bringing gifts f>r poor children. an#l dep<slitng them upon the f'otrum as the nam*s of the teachers of th#* class#-.** are called. The presents received fr Hhe po<ir y#s terlay ex*#*- ld the usual number. Thex were divid'd among th* teachers of th** s* h*d for furth*r distribution among th* childr'-n for whom they art* Intended. This distribution will tw made to-day. and le light will Ik* aken by the fortunate re ciplents In the presents that fall to their lot Mr. Edward 8 Elliott conduct'd the n**c vi" v that were Included In the (’hrl-tma* festival, a number of Christmas Carols being sung. *.\lr Elliott, who is superln tendent #f the school, mad#* a short talk u|nt th' objei t of the festival and com mended the pinn of giving rather than receiving pr#*9##*nts. He called out the namt-N of the t*^a. hers, nnl each <-la*. when designat'd advanced, deposit'd presents, received l>oxe-. of -andy and r#- turn#*#! to its place. Further religious ex crolr-M s con iud#**l the festival. POLK F H%DF ONE %HHH*T. The Hnlny Weather Made *nnlay a Blow llat With the Police. The r*on!!nu**d ha#| weather kept the number of arrest# down yesterday, nnd onlv one prisoner was caught In the potlce dragnet daring the entire twenty-four hours. The unfortunate individual wa# John Demere. a negra who 1# well knowt. In |iolice circles. iVmere Is charged by Patrolman W ll Harrison with la*lng dis orderly on he street arul will have to tell Jutlge Hart ridge how It all happ~n*d when hi# nam* Is call*l ib|# morning- Th oily delecllv.H ( |n aeveral u- I>l iau - har.i lt r* Ritunkty nlkht, but lh>r>. nuthlntf nimlnn any of Iho |rtb-a In cualoily. One o i the ne kTih ' .rnt In by the .(*.‘<'l.ll men la Spen cer McNurry. an old-time rrook. S;'i\c-r war ends-HVorlnit to m il a Win heater rill-- an-l a pIMoI when placed under arre -1 Another of the negroes had several suits of clothliiß. lin Por laii t llisnse. In kehedule., t entrnl of lirnrsts It.llway, In Kfleet Inutln). IH-ceml*er .Vo. iihsv, Train No. 3. leaving Savannah at 9:00 p. m. (Central *lme>. on und after Dec. 30 will make elose connection at Blrm- Intthnm with the Southeastern Limited of the K. (’., M. and II R. It for Memphis. Kansas Oily and point* West and North west. reducing the time between Savan nah anil Kansu* City to tblrty-stx hours. Train No I from Birmingham, Colum bus. Maeon, Atlanta nnd August, will arrive at Savannah 7:00 a. m (Central timer Instead of 8:00 a. m * (•ready Improved service between Sa vannah und New Orleans, and all Texas point*. For further Information apply at Cen tral | rs.enser station, or < Ity ticket of fice, 107 Bull street.—ad. Mr. Dent Mays, "Grayheard has well nigh cured me of rheumatism from which 1 have been a great sufferer the last fifteen years." Mr Dent’s poslofftce Is at. Bunco* Island Q Rev. John Chrtselan of Pierce. Ala says: "Grsytard has cured Mr* John t’hlldres* of llaldwin county of rheuma tism In February before vhe begun *o take Grayheard ehe was glv, u up to die She 1s now sound and well." Grayheard 1* made only by Re*pe,s Drug t'ompany. sole owner*, and sold by druggtt* for 11 00 a bottle Kvrry family should have a box of Grayheard ]*|j| ( Grayheard Ointment —ad. Holiday Ilntrs via koalhera Rail way. Ticket* on sals to all points, a fare and a third for the round trip, on Dec 2-23- 34-24-30 and 31st. 1300. alto Jan. l, ii, limited to Jan. 4. returning In addition to above, students holding certificate* signed by superintendent* or principal* of schools or collages will be sold tlck.-t* conimen-lng Dec 15 and l.mlted to Jag 1 Jas. I- reeman, city pis rnger and ticket agent. 141 Hull street. 'Phones R4o— *d. For Over Fifty year*. Mr* Winstw't Soothing Byrup ha. been use*! for children teething. It soothe# the cht.d. softens the gums, allays all naln cures wli*l colic, and |* the Tv,* rwnTdy te PlgfliOM, Twenly-itv* emu a bottle A High-Grade Institution lor Ladlsa _ Shorter Cobegs. Rome, <Ja. Writs fa, catalogue —ad —He: Yra, ah* doea look lovely’ Is sha brainy? A woman of mind? t £u-u\T y: Ut koo *‘" tor J BARGAINS: Ranges Stoves Heaters Hot Stuff Steves Bicycles Bicycle Sundries Sportimg Goods Fishing Tackle Guns and Revolvers Ammunition Everything al correct prices. Com* to see ua to-day. A saving here Mi every purchaa#. WM. & H H. LATTIMORE, WEOT OONORKB3 STRKET. Hogan’s Special Blanket -AND- Comfort Sale. Our magnificent array of these goods cannot he equaled hy any house in the city. There will he no bandying of words about the price. They are so marked tha. a sale is cer tain. Com.- and judge this matter for yourself and he satisfied. • Remember that every thing is fresh and new; no old stock to palm off. Daniel Hogan, • -orncr Ilroturhton awl Banian) at*. "Sunset Route, (of SOUTHERN PACIFIC W COMPANY. Xs^^/ Th* Tavorltc and Bc.t Houle Line To LOUSIANA, TEXAS, MEXICO. CALIFORNIA, and all Points Wat. BTAMDAKI* TI'U.UANB on nil irulnn Tally. EXOtmStON PAUACE PPI.I.MANS dally. exc*pi Monday, frotn New Oriemw to California and Oregon point', al Jd.'JO per b^rth. F-ItKK t-HAIII CARS dally. Nrw Or l*an to l>alla*. and* and North, in TANARUS, \a. polnta. DAILY TIIHOIDM PPLIjaANS L> M*sk City and S..n Kmnrlaro. Th Kamou* SPNfIRT LIMITED, ov*rv Monday. Thuraday an.) Saluid.iy, N*w Orloana to San Frnnrlico For a'l Information, nddreea CLARENCE W. MURPH(Y, T. P. A , 1# Eam Tlryan Hi , Havannah, Oa. Empty Honslicads. Satpty Molaaksa too*.brads la* sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO. AMtSKUB.MTS. 4Y ANY til THK ATM. One week, commencing Monday. Dec. 31 (except Thursday!, the tost of all—The Aubrey Stock Cos., headed l>y the versatile aciress. Miss Lillian Haver. In a repertoire of metropolitan scenic popular prl es. Monday night. "The Prince of Russia," with magnificent costumes and a cprload of scenery. Matinees Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Bnturdny. SAVANNAH THEATER. ONK NIGHT ONLY. THURSDAY. Jan. I JULIUS CAIIN presents the great Am erican play, SECRET SERVICE. BY WILLIAM (MI.LETTK. Author of "Sherlock Holmes." Th triumphant auccaaa of America. England. Australia, with all the original scenery and effects that characterised It" phenomena! run of 300 nights at the Gar rick Theater, New York. Interpreted by an eminent cast. Seals ou auto at box offlea Tueudur