The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, March 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CHARLESTON’S NAVAL SITE. SAW DEPARTMENT ftIUIXTS TO GOUGED. Han Offered A.OO nn Anri- for Land Tlmt Previonsly Brought Only ff2<> ICP Al'rp—Another Site Under Con siderntlan—More Thun n Quarter of n Million Dollars Annually to Be Spent in Charleston l ntll Naval Station anil Ilry Dneli Are t om pleted—'Tlie Appropriation Ainll nlile July t. Washington. March 11.—There seems to be a hitch between the officials of the Navy Department anil the .property own ers in Charleston, over the terms for the site of the proposed naval station. Rear Admiral Etidlcott stated to-<iy that since he had received the report of the Board of Survey, which recently visited Charleston ,to consider a reason able price to be paid for the Lawton property, he had not submitted any fur ther proposition to Ihe representatives of Mrs. Lawton. “In the tlrst place," said lie "S2OO an acre was the price we offered for the property. Members of the board are of the opinion that that is more than the property is actually worth. It is a mat ter of record that only a short time ago, property in that immediate vicinity was sold for about twenty dollars per acre. Under the circumstances the government is not disposed to bo unreasonable in driving the bargain, but in view of the discretionary powers vested in the Sec retary of the Navy by law, the secretary does not intend to be imposed u|>on. Thus far no steps have been taken to in stitute condemnation proceedings because the department nas under consideration •pother available site for the naval sta tion in the vicinity of Charleston, where the conditions are equally as desirable with the exception that at present it is lacking In railroad facilities. We are assured that ralroad facilities will be provided immediately upon the selecton of the latter site. “The sbujeet is now under serious con sideration, and for that reason I have not made any further propositions to Mrs. Lawton or her representatives. “While we are anxious to have a tirst class naval station located at Charles ton,” said the Admiral, "it must not bo forgotten that the law under which we are acting does not direct the Secretary of the Navy to spend a single dollar. It simply authorizes him to exercise his dis cretion in the location of a site, the es tablishment of a naval station and the construction of a dry dock capable of ac commodating the largest battleship of the navy, if, in his discretion, he deems it of the best interest to the government lo make the expenditure. T'nder a strict construction of ihe language of the law, he is not commanded to expend a single dollar, unless he deems It advisable to do so. When negotiations were first com menced we were of the Impression that there would be no delay or contention over the agreement of terms. The money for the purchase of ihe site was made immediately available, so that the mo ment satisfactory terms are reached the transfer can be made. The amount ap propriated for the establishment of the naval station proper— lhat Is, the buildings and approaches, will not be available until July 1. It Is to Ihe Interest of all concerned that the matter be adjusted at once, so that the legal transfer of the site may he fully completed, so that the work on the station may be commences! at the beginning of the new fiscal year." Admiral Kndlcott expressed Ills sincere regrets that the Charleston Exjiosltlon was deprived of government aid through the failure of Congress to m ike the de sired appropriation. He remarked, how ever. that Charleston will receive much greater benefits by the cstabllshmet of a naval station than would result from an appropriation of $250,C0D for an expo slt^lii. “The government," said he. “will spend n good deal more than a quarter of a million dollars annually In Charleston until the naval station and dry dock is completed. A.- lietween the naval sta tion and the exposition, Charleston is to lie congratulated upon securing the na val station." MANY PEACH BUDS KILLED. Hill No Ili'Ml Damage Done to imp, Saj* Stair Kn t omit lugis t Scott. Atlanta. March 11.—“ From 10 to 30 per cent., according to the varieties, have been killed,” said State Entomologist W. M. Scott to-day. In speaking of the condi tion of the Georgia fruit trees. Mr. Scott has just returned from Mar ehalville and Middle Georgia, where he went immediately after the cold wave of last week, to make an examination of the orchards. He made an extensive tour in that section of the state, and In referring to his investigation, said: "While it is true that quantities of the buds have been killed, 1 do not think that any considerable damage has been done. and. in fact. I believe that the crop Is yet safe. The buds had advanced con siderably laßt week when struck by the cold, and I estimated that 10 per cent, of the buds of the Klbertas were destroyed, but this will not Injure the croo. The continued cold, if it keeps up steady, may be considered a help now. but I do not consider the danger period passed until after the first week in April.” SIX COMPANIES DEBARRED. Cannot Solicit I.lfe Insurance In Geiirgia Non. Atlanta, March 11.—Six insurance, com panies have been debarred from doing business in the state of Georgia. The companies failed to make their semi-an nual statements by the time required by law, and under section 2034 of the civil code of the state, they can no longer solicit business in this state—at least for this year. There is only one recourse left, and that is being pardoned for offense by Gov. Candler. The offending companies are: Illinois lafe. Chicago. III.; National LJfe. Wash ington. D. C.; Georgia Mutual Aid Asso ciation; United States Beneficent Asso ciation. Atlanta, Oa.; Western Mutual IJfe Association, Chicago, 111.; Frankfort Accident and Marine, New York. Controller Wright issued on order this afternoon which will be sent to the head quarters of the companies and their agents forbidding them to do business in the state this year. POKiHT OVER A WOMAN. Why Joe Rsllry Win Nhot—Counter feit Money 111 Columbus. Columbus, Ga„ March 11.—Near Double Churches, Sunday afternoon. Jim Walker and Joe bailey, negroes, fought over a woman. Dailey received a load of small •hot in the neck anil chest. He Is badly hurt, but will get wall. floss Ogletree, a lad of 12. was arrest ed this morning by u Secret Service of ficer. charged with passing three sliver •outlierfelt dollars. The merchant who rtoelvi-d the bad money said Ogletree was not the boy he got It from, and he •as released. El 7.1; M 4 | NO ft HE, NO PAT. Your druggist will refund your money If Paso Ointment fulls to cur* Ringworm r beers and Holer., Pimples and on lU , (ac, and all skin dls ■mml Me.-ad. A TEXAS WONDER Hall's Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall's Great Dis covery cures ail kidney and b)adder trou bles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, sem inal emissions, weak and lume backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and wo men, regulates bladder troubles in chil dren. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of sl. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and will cure any ease above mentioned. Dr. K. IV. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 623, St. Louis. Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by all druggists and Solomons Cos., Savannah, Ga. Rend Till*. Dothen, Ala.. July 13, 1890. Dr. E. W. Hall. SI. Louis, Mo.—Dear Sir: We have been selling your Texas Wonder, Hall's Great Discovery, for two years and recommend it to any one suf fering with any kidney trouble ns being the best remedy we ever sold. Yours truly. j. r. YOUNG. A TRAMP’S INGRATITUDE. >la> Cause Ilia Dentil— Ammiiiillcil (lie Man Who Gave Him a Night's Lodging. Augusta. March 11.—George W. Addison, said to be a white tramp, lies dangerous ly wounded at the City Hospital from a pistol bullet in his left breast, fired by William Boyd, a well-known citizen of this county. Boyd lives on the Savan nah road, several miles from town. Sun day night Addison begged a night's lodg ing. and Boyd generously took him In, allowing him lo sleep in the same room with him. Before day this morning Boyd rose, according to his custom, and was building a fire, when he was attacked from behind with heavy blows from a stick over the head and shoulders. He turned to find his tramp lodger, who con tinued to rain blows upon him. Boyd made his way to his pistol and fired one shot, but the remaining barrels snapped, and Addison continued his assault. By this time Mrs. Boyd, aroused by the tu mult. rushed into the room, and Addison turned upon her. Boyd then grabbed up a slick of wood from the fireplace and felled him with a blow on the head. He does not know whether his lodger con templated murder and robbery, or was crazy. He is critically wounded. TO FIGHT FOR MILLIONS. Atlanta Man Seeks to Share llstnte of Dead Brother \\ horn He Once Fought W Ith Pistols, Atlanta, Ga.. March 11.—Frasier Gilman of this city has gone to New York to take part in the fight over the millions left by his half brother, George Francis Gil man, who died recently at Blackrock, Conn. Years ago he and George Francis Gilman had a fight with pistols over a dispute growing out of Ihe litigation over the estate of their father, the bulk of which was secured by the latter. Frasier Gilman has for many years been living in Atlanta on molest income made by his own exertions. He and two other half brothers of the dead man will endeavor to secure administration on the estate in their favor. On the other hand, a Mrs. Blakely Halt, alleged adopted daughter, i said to have found a will In her favor, and the main fight of the other claimants will have to be against her. The Atlanta man proposes to get n part of the estate If there Is any possible way of doing so. MRS. BURKE'S BANKRUPTCY. J. M. Burns Made Receiver—Creditors Make Charges. Augusta, March 11.—Tn the bankruptcy case of Mrs. L. A. Burke, who runs one store at Miilen and another at Waynes boro, Judge Speer has appointed J. M. Burns temporary receiver, on the petition of five creditors, C. D. Carr & Cos., W. H. & W. B. Brigham, and Deveney Hood & Cos.. Augusta; and E. A. Well and Mein hurd & Helmut of Savannah. Petitioners allege that the stock given In by the pe titioner in bankruptcy of $5,300 is too small, that credit has been obtained re cently on assurances of larger stock, and that the schedule of assets Is undervalued, or some of the stock has boon secreted. Judge Speer has also Issued an oixier enlarging the jurisdiction of Referee Jos eph Ganalil. so that the bankruptcy busi ness in Richmond, Burke, Jefferson, Washington, Johnson, Glascock, Warren, McDuffie, Columbia, Wilkes, Taliaferro and Lincoln counties will come before him. LAW TOMS FAVOR OLD PLAN. liar Association In Dlsoiiss Election of Judges and Solicitors. Atlanta, March 11.—At the coming meet ing of the Bar Association, to be held at Warm Springs in the early spring, one of the main questions up for discussion w 111 be whether or not the legislature should pass a bill changing the present method of electing judges and solicitor general by the people to the old plan of electing them by the Legislature. The question has been discussed a great deal lately among the lawyers of the state, and last year at the bar meeting a majority of the lawyers present favored the old plan. TO KWCT lIV THH I'KOPI.K. Railroad Commission Hill Way He Amended Thin Full. Atlanta. March 11.—When the I-egisla lure meets next fall. It Is reported that a bill in all probability will be passed amending the act creating the Railroad Commission, taking the appointing power from the Governor and having the mem bers of the commission elected by the people. Such a bill was talked of during the last session of the General Assembly, but owing to the large number of bills whleh were on nt that time, the Introduc tion was deferred until the next session. tlnj Hmlon \egro College. Atlanta. March 11.—Robert C. Ogden, the head of the Wamtmaker establish ments, and Wm. H. Baldwin, Jr., presi dent of the Long Island Railroad Com pany. will, according to Information re ceived here, visit Tuskegee, Ala., next month with a view to providing a large endowment for the negro college located there. Qunrrcled Over Skin Gnme. Augusta, March 11.—Two negroes. Geo. Hulbert ami John Quartet-man, quarrel led over Rume they were playing thia evening, and Quarterman shot Hulhert trice tn the left side, and In the right el bow. The first wound Is dangerous. Quar terman escaped. Must Curtail Production. Kail River, Msas., March 11.—At a meeting of the Helling Committee of the Kail Riven Cotton Manufacturer* to day tt was voted to ask manufacturers to curtail production. The conditions of the proposed curtailment have not hern made public. Lieu, Wilson on a Southern Tour. Washington, March 11.—Gen. Wilson, chief of engineers, has gone on a lour of liuqjectlon of fortification* and river and harbor work* along the Heaithern coast, with Galveston. Teg., a* hi* ultimate deet .nation, TO II HI I < |% o>K DAI Take LnxuUvn Ur tuu-Qultdn* Tablet*. —*4 / THKMOKNIIsU NEWS: TUESDAY. MARCH 12.1901. STATE BO Will IIP PHARMACY. llce in Atlanta to Examine Appli cants Alnrcli 25. Atlanta. March 11.—The next meeting | of the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy for examination of applicants for license to practice pharmacy in Georgia, will, take place on Monday, March 25, at !* a. m in the Senate f’hamber of the State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. The railroads have agreed to give a rate of a fare and a third. DEATHS. COWAN.—Died, in Philadelphia March 11,. Maria Spivey Cowan, daughter of the late Jacob Spivey of this city. Interment in Philadelphia. FLYER AL INVITATIONS. friends of Mrs. S. E. Eden field are* re epeclfully Invited to attend her funeral at the Southside Baptist Church, thi.? morning at 8 o'clock. Interment at Syl~ vanla, Ga, MEETINGS. ANcTENT^LANDArAIuA~ToDGE~7rtr. 281, F. <*r A. M. A regular communication will be sa held at Masonic Temple this (Tuea day) evening, at 8:15 o'clock. The E. A. Degree will be conferred. Members of sister lodges are Invited to attend. G. E. DICKINSON, W. M. JNO. S. HAINES, Secretary. ■v'> DE KALB LODGE NO. 9, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the Lodge will be held this, Tuesday, evening, at 8:30 o'clock at Metropolitan Hall. Visiting brothers and members sister Lodges cordially Invited to meet with us. Third Degree will be conferred. C. H. CARSON, N. O. W. W. GROSS. Secretary. SAVANN AH I.ODGE NO. 193, B. P. O. ELKS. A regular meeting of this lodge will be held this (Tuesday) evening at 8:30 o'clock at Elks’ Hall. Visiting brothers are cor dially Invited to attend. There will be a members' social session after the lodge meeting, at which <he Phil and Nettie Peters Comedy Company will be our guests. Full attendance re quested. J. J. KIRBY, E. R. L. J. MAXWELL, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO StI'EIIIOR COURT JU RORS. Pelit jurors are further discharged un til Wednesday morning, 13th Instant. By order of His Honor Judge Falllgant. JAMBS K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C„ C. C. NOTICE TO CITY COI HT JURORS. The petit Jurors or the City Court need not appear until Wednesday, March 13th, 1901, at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thomas M. Nor wood, Judge. WARING RUSSELL. JR., Clerk C. ,C„ S. SPECIAL NOTICE. Executions for State and County taxes are now entered In the County Sheriff's office. To save interest and chats of ad vertising, parties interested will do well to call and settle. JOHN SCHWARZ, Sheriff. TO MY FRIENDS. In order to protect myself againat the possible lost* of my position In the office of the Ordinary, which I have filled to the best of my ability for the past twelve years, it lias become necessary for me to ally myself actively with Capt. Henry McAlpin, in the race he is non making. In the compromise of iiolltlcal interests of greater magnitude my years of service have been forgotten and my support ot Capt. McAlpin is a measure of self-pres ervation. To those who wish me well I osk support of him on this ground; to those who ate only desirous of electing the best man to the office, I can appeal for votes for him, through no motive of self-interest. JOSEPH MOLINA. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the Master nor Consignees of the German Bark "Saturnus" will be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the crew. STRACHAN & CO., Consignee Savannah, Ga.. March 12, 1901, NOTICE. Neither Masters nor Consignees will he responsible for any debts contracted by the crews of Norwegian Rarks Guldaas, Cyprian, Rolf, Ida, or Italian Barks Ma rla T. and La Flducla. CHR. G. DAHL & CO„ Consignee*. NOTICE. 'All persons are hereby warned not to harbor or trust any of the crew of the Swedish Burk "Solid,” Wedon, Master, as neither the Master nor Consignees* will be responsible for any debts contracted by said crew. PATERSON-DOWNING CO.. Consignees. SPHCIAI, NOTICK. Neither the Master nor Consignees of the Italian Bark “CASTE!. 1.0 DRA OONE" will be responsible fgr any debts contracted by the crew. 6TRACHAN & COMPANY. Consignees. Savannah, Ga., March 12th, 1901. SPI'XIAI, NOTICE. Neither the Master nor Consignee* of the Bhltish Steamship “CASTLEMOOR” will be responsible for any debts contract ed by the crewr. STRACHAN & COMPANY, Consignees. Savannah. Ga., March 1211), 1901. REMOVAL* NOTICE* We beg to notify the trade that we have removed our ofiloe and Baking Pow der manufactory from our oki stand, 219- 221 Bay slrcei, east, to the more commo dious building (formerly occupied by Messrs. Geo. W. Tledeman A- Bro.) at the southwest corner of Bay and Mont gomery streets. We have greatly Improved our facili ties for manufacturing the well-known brands SUCCESS and RAILROAD Bak ing Powder, and SUCCESS Soda. We thank you for past liberal patron age and solicit a continuance of the same. MOREHOUSE MANUFACTUINO CO.. Corner Ray and Montgomery Sts. \\ IU I* API 111. PAPER IMM.IM. We earr.v complete assortment of latest style papers, and employ only best artists See our good* and get our estimate l*e fore giving out your work. Our prices the very low'est. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone fU, CHANGE OF THH SEASON. Gents* now I* the time to have your I'imitn r suit* cleaned by the Resorcin* Antiseptic Process. 1 will make you a new suit end you run lake a trip with the saving. NEW YORK DYH WORKS, Slat* and Whitaker, J'huns 943. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Office of Commissioners of Chatham County and ex-Offleio Judge, Savannah, Ga„ Feb. 21. 1901.—A vacancy having oc curred in the office of Tax Collector of Chatham county by the death of the in cumbent, J. J. McGowan, on Feb. 6, 1901. and it Is more than six months from the time the eleptlon con be appointed and 'held until the existing term will expire, an election for Tax Collector of Chatham county, Georgia to HU the vacancy is hereby qrtiered to take place according to luw at the Court House in said county on the 15th day of March, 1901. A. B. MOORE. C. C. C. A. VETSBURG, C. C. C. J. PAULSEN, C. C. C. (Seal) Attest: REUBEN BUTLER, Clerk C. C. C. NOTICE. Office of Commissioners of Chatham County and ex-Officio Judge, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21, 1901.—The office of Ordinary of Chatham county, Georgia, having be come vacant by the death of the incum bent, Hampton L. Ferrtll, on Jan, 5, 1901, before the expiration of his term and the unexpired term exceeds three months from the time the election can be or dered and held, an election for Ordi nary to supply the vacancy for the re mainder of the unexpired term Is hereby ordered to take place according to law at the Court House of said county on the 15th day of March, 1901. A. B. MOORE, C. C. C. A. VETS BURG. C. C. C. J. PAULSEN, C. C. C. (Seal) Attest: REUBEN BUTLER, Clerk C. C. C. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. At the anrt est •a lcitillon Of ntary friends, irrespective of political and fac tional differences, I beg to announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector of Chatham county. (Election March 15 inst.). The support of my friends and the public will be duly appreciated. If I could 1 would not buy the office and am absolutely free and untrammeled as to favor or promise of rewurd. THOMAS F. THOMSON. FOR ORDINARY. The friends of Frank E. Keilbach de sire respectfully to urge his claims to election to the office of Ordinary upon the people of Chatham county. Mr. Keil baoh has been more than fifteen years connected with the office and his friends point confidently to his record as an in dication of his fitness for the position to which he aspires. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of T. S. Tutwiler, engineer of me Savannah Union Station Company (in Sorrel building, fourth floor, corner Bud and Ray streets). Savannah, Ga., until 12 o’clock noon, ‘April 1, 1901, for construct ing the yard and lines approaching the proposed station. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. 400,000 cubic yards of earthwork. 700 lineal feet trestle work. 48,000 cubic feet brick masonry. Flans and specifications may be seen rnd all other Information obtained at the engineer’s office. No bids will be considered except from responsible and competent parties who have the equipment—steam shovels, pile ditvers, etc—necessary to carry on the work expeditiously. Bond will be required. The right is reserved to reject any and all hids. NEW ALHAMBRA MUSIC HALL. Manager Gildea offers another grand array for the coming week. Commencing tomorrow night, the laughable burletta, "MeFadden’s Fiat, * introducing a bevy of pretty girls, will be a prime feature. The vaudeville features new here are John Norton and Miss May Yale, who is con sidered one of the handsomest ladles on the stage; Miss Violet Adame, soubrette; Miss Flossie LaFields, vocalist; Mitchell and Berwick, Byron and Blunche, Rose Harlow, Emma Gulchard, Anna Mayrvo, Gussie Addison. Annie Loraine, Robert A. Hewlette and the new Alhambra Stock Company in the laughable comedy "Rival Tenants.” Manager Giklea also announces that there will be no sacred concert at his Tivoli Casino at Thunderbolt today. SPECIAL NOTICES. Savannah, Gn., March 8, 1901.—Notice is hereby given that the first installment of 10 per cent, on the capital stock of the Savannah Fair Association Is now due and payable on or before March 15 at the office of the Treasurer, 14 Bryan street, east. GEO. W. OWENS, President. M. J. SOLOMONS, Treasurer. A SITE WANTED. Bids are invited for a site for the State Fair to be held in Savannah. Those having sites to offer will please com municate with the undersigned. J. W. JACKSON, Chairman. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. Y OU NY lI.L SAVE! TEN PER CENT. By pay ing; your bill* on or be fore the 15th Inat. B. H. LEY’Y A BRO. LOANS ON REALTY. Our clients loan money on city real estate on monthly payments, or tor fixed periods, at low rates of interest. Histories ot land titles. BECKETT & BECKETT. SPECTAL N OTK E. Th Vale Royal Manufacturing Com pany have started their new saw mill, and have for sale at wholesale or reta.l a full line of their famous hrands of Cy press Shingles. They also have on hand q full stock of Cypress and Ash Lumber at reasonable prices. Boats can load at our wharves. __ M. P. SMART, President. BECKMANN’S CAFE. 110-114 Whitaker street. OYSTERS—Apalachicola Oysters by express every day. The finest this season. Call and partake. In any style. Wuerxburger Hof Braeu on draught. Phone 710. BEL.SINGKH A GROSS, Successors to J. H. Ft HBKR. Headquarters for Ice Creams, Sherbets, and Water Ices; Cinnamon Cake, cinna mon Bun and Apple Cake. Candles and Hon-bonr. Patty Shells made to order; Special Cakes made to order. Everything the finest. Give us a trial. Goods delivered to all parti of the city. Phones 2fis HONDO RIKCI TED By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ised to execute* locally (immediately up at application I all Itonda In judicial pro ceedings In either the state or United Slates courts and of Administrator* and guatdlans. HEARING 4ii HULL. Agents, Talsphoue a:t, Frtn idsflt Building. Do Not Overlook Us WHILE SHOPPING FOR Builders’Hardware We are headquarters, and have the best goods for the least money. A full line carried in stock. PALMER HARDWARE CO. Bay and Streets. \ Superior to Ail, SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383. SPECIAL NOTICES. WHY WILL YOU DIB WITH LA GRIPPE# You Need Not When You Can Be Posi tively and Soeedily Cured by Visiting SUWANEE SPRINGS, SUWANEE, FLA. Far-famed Health Resort and Nature’s Sanitarium. Sure Cure for Malaria, Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Gout, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Skin and Blood Diseases, and all Female Complaints. Climate unequaled. Loca tion central. Evan P. Howell, editor of the Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution, in a lengthy letter from Suwanee. published in the Constitu tion of Dec. 16. 1893, says: “While the Grippe is so prevalent, and as one of Its victims hat found relief, I cAnnot forbear giving the public one of the secrets and best ways to get rid of the distressing effects. After suffering two weeks with it in Atlanta, with my head, ears, and throat all involved—bones aching and all the other disagreeable symptoms—after I had tried medicines, and Dr. Calhoun had blown through both my ears from my nose, at his suggestion I came here. I have been here one week, and while I am not entirely over the ef fects of the attack. 1 am so much better that I do not hesitate to commend the place to any fellow sufferer. In fact, I deem it a duty to do so. * • * The ob ject of this letter is not to advertise the springs, but to tell my friends who have the grippe, or have had it. to come here and get relief. The proprietor says his faith is so firm that any man or woman suffering with the disease who comes and uses the water as he directs and remains for two weeks or a month, and is not relieved will get his board free. As sure as you come you will be paid for the trouble. I believe the cure is as certain for Dyspepsia Liver and Kidney troubles and all impurities of the Blood. “EVAN P. HOWELL.” If you cannot visit Suwanee Springs now, BUY AND DRINK SUWANEE SPRINGS WATER AT HOME. Put up In 5-gallon demijohns, 12-gallon carboys, cases one dozen hal-gallon bottles. For sale by all druggists, and by SUWANEE SPRINGS CO.. Suwanee, Fla. All you can drink for 5d at Livingston's. FINE RYE WHISKY. The best whisky in the city for the price is the GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKY, price, SI,OO bottle, three bottles for $2.50, twelve bottles for $9.50, ex press paid. Look at the labe’ and be sure you get genuine GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKY. It is a large gilt label with the picture in the center with a marriage taking place. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Distillery, Lippman Block, Savannah, On SCOTCH WHISKY. Direct from Greer, Glasgow, Scotland. COGNAC BRANDY, FRENCH CLARET WINES, GERMAN, RHINE and MOSELLE WINES direct from France and Germany. All of these goods are In the United States Custom House here, which insures their purity and ele gance. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. HECOVKHING FROM GRIPPE. If you have had grippe and can't gel around agafn. If you are weak, broken down, out of temper. If you can’t eat, stomach weak. If you are left impaired In Vitali ty. you are in condition to toke Graybeard. You of all people need it. And you need it now. After removing the aches and pains it gives you an appetite, and so builds up your system as that ail atter-results of grippe will disap pear. Do not watt. Get it at the drug stores. RE3PESS DRUG CO., Proprietors. HOUSEKEEPERS You are reminded that now ia the time to use I’nxtous B—D B—G. POISON. It will keep your premise* free from this pest. Sold In large battles for 23c. DETERSIVE FLUID Make* old eloths look like new. Sold in large bottles for 25c. SOLOMONS CO., Congress ao<l Barnard and Bull *4. Hrnnrh Store. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY. We wa*h your clothes Just while like snow, so fair. Wo use Octagon soap und the clothes never fade. We give you satisfaction and guarantee the best work Shirt* He, New Shirts 100. Shirt Waist* 15c, Underehirt* sc, Drawer* Sc, Collars IV'. Cuffs Sc. Handkerchiefs li,c, g„. ks 2c. Pant* Cleaned 25c, Family Clothe-, mixed, a dozen, 50c, Family, nil starch, Clothe*, u dozen, SI.OO, Duck Skirt* 20c, Linen Suit* 50c. Our delivery wagon will <all for linen ROBERT A TONG CO , First Class Chinese Laundry. Bell Phone 1200. 323 Broughton, *. BUSINESS NOTICES. The Flotir to Eat: good for the health. GOOD FOR THE BRAIN. ENTIRE WHEAT, f A £ INQ . 2-!b. Package 15c. FRANKLIN MILLS, 6=!b Package 35c. RALSTON, whole 6-lb. Package 25c. OLD FASHIONED GRAHAM, WATER GROUND, COARSE MILLED, 6-lb. Package 25c. The S. W. Branch Cos., Cor. Broughton and Whitaker. PHONES 76. GORDON & DILWORTH’S GOODS. Quart and Pint Preserves: White and Red Cherries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Damson, Peach, Quince! Pineapple. Their Fine Jelly Jams: In 1 lb. Glass Jars, equal to preserves at 25 cents per jar. Rrandied Peaches and Cherries. Sweet Pickled Peaches, Plums and Pears. Blackberry Brandy for medicinal use. Pure Fruit Jellies. Calf's Foot Jelly, nourishing for the sick. Tomato Catsup and Slewed Toma toes. Olives—various kinds. Grand Plum Pudding, all sizes. THESE GOODS NEED NO COM MENT. A. 11. & C. W. WEST. A GOOD HORSEMAN wants only ai good animal, but a good vehicle as well, and you can ftnd them In any style or quality at our re pository. OUr stock of Stanhopes and Runabouts is most complete. Also Har ness in all the latest grades and qualities. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO., Broughton and West Broad streets. VICTOR RUBBER TIRE PLANT NOW IN OPERATION. Whatever is Newest In patterns of Sterling Silver we are prepared to supply, Gorham’s most artistic pro ductions are a specialty. And all our prices are right. See us. HUNTER & VAN KEUREN, JEWELERS, 143 Bull Street. FOR THY Kidney and Bladder's Sake DR. BOUVIER’S BUCHU GIN. ASK FOR IT. thi i.\ WUSDCRFII! ' WATER jCTnT:7msg,,?,°°r.^. PAINT A substitute for oil. palm and whlte ah. Fire-proof and weather-proof. All excellent disinfectant. Can be applied by any one to any kind of rurfacc with any kind of brush. ANDREW HANLEY CO., Role A nents. Hill 4l 111 I I.HAN I llt PUTS, The only way to set your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and tuken care of for tile slimmer. Is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery , telephone 2, or cull at .12 Montgomery street, and they Will niuke you an esti mate on the coat of the work I’rloea iwasonuhli They also i.k. move and rtore furniture and pianos _ C. 11. MEDI.CK'K., Hopt. and Mgr. THE CHATHAM BANK. SAVANNAH. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. C. S. ELLIS, Vice President JOHN R. DILLON, Cashier * BARRON CARTER, Asst Cashier Solicits the accounts of Individual, tlcms’ bankSl assoc * Btl ons and corpora! w‘ b K ra ! faVOrB extend e< ‘o correspond wig banks, as our unsurpassed factiitie* f °niTvii eC:,lllK Insure prompt returns BUYS AND SEDI.S FOREIGN 'pv rrs%.K^- K " "Ks Interest compounded quarterly on Stfsrsswte&S TMtizenTßaiik OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL 5500,000. ronaacts a Ceue, Hl Banktn* Business. " Solicits o* Indicia,,*,, " B ‘“ k * "" d °‘ her C '*.o-' Collections handled with „(et eeonomy and dispatch * Interest, compooudcd onarterl, allowed on deposits in onr Sarin*. Department. ‘ Van*r <r Ue **ol* Boses and Storags MiVWn'T ' DENMARK - mills B. LANE, Vice President GEOHGB C. FREEMAN. Caahler GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Caahler SOUTHERN RANK Capital ° £ thG StUte ° f GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banking Business. Collectlong made 011 ail points accessible through bajTksTnd bankeis. en^ CCI !u ntS ° f Banks - Bankers, Merchants for rent" 8 £ ° liClted ' Safe Dc P°“ u Boxes quarter/” 16 '' 1 ° f Savinss ' Merest payable Sells Sterling Exchange on London (l and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. “P BACE A. CRANE. Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. directors. JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON.Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY No. 1640. Chartered 1866. -THE— me iii in OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS, SIOO,OOO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON. President. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President. W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GO. Capital $200,000 Undivided profits oO.Oat This bank offers its services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Savings Department. Safety boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W. TTEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass't Cashier. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION* 13 YORK STREET. WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed oa deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed cn deposits of even hundreds, with drawable at annual periods. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, President. B. H. LEVY, Vice President. E. W. BELL. Secretary. C. G. ANDERSON, JR., Treasurer. “ THE CHATHAM Real Estate and ImprovementCo A MUTUAL LOAN AND BUILDING COMPANY, INSTALLMENT PLAN. No loans made outside of Chatham county. Homes built on monthly payment pH". OFFICE, 14 BRYAN STREET, EAST. Savannah. J. H. ESTILL, President. C. H. DORSETT, Vice President. M J SOLOMONS, Sec'y and Treaa F. W. GARDEN, Asst. Sec’y and Tr-a?. DIRECTORS—Wm. Kehoe, Lee Roy Myers, H. C. Cunningham, H. P. Smart, C. S. Connerat. to mil Piiiß For aale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It is In good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no use lor it and want the room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, <!*• SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW MATTRESSES AT FACTORY PRICES. (Medicated Steam Renovation of Hair, Moss and Feathers.) Scores to select from at prices ranging between $2.00 and $40,000. We have manu factured these goods for "stock,” so that orders for new work will not interfere with renovating and re-making, which from present indication* promise to keep us taxed to our capacity. We take •* much pains with an old mattress as with anew one. do the work as well, mate* coat less than in New Y’ork or elsewhere NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING COMPANY SSI Drayton street. Bell Phone Anrisnc decorations. All kinds of Floral Design*. Fine assortment of Cut Flower*. I-argent assortment Green Hou*e l’> ,n * In the South. A hcariy invitation extended to ’■ termed to vlell my nursery. A. C. OKIMCHIO. Thunderbolt R‘* J Either phone 4M J. GARDNER > M Broughton osr*et, ***