The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, March 13, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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ROBBED a NEW YORKER. j.-tines Quinn Says \ i'*ro 'Woman Stole $l9O From Him. James F. Quinn of New York, who .laims to be a traveling man, wae rob bed of $l9O in cash and an Ocean Steam ship Company ticket, to New York, in Broughton street lane yesterday morning. Quinn reported his loss at police head quarters and city Detectives Murphy and Wall were assigned to the case. The New Yorker stated to the officers that he had been accosted on Broughton etreet by a cross-eyed negro woman and that be) had accompanied her home. He staid there oniiy a few minutes, he said, and had only gone a block when he dis covered that he had been touched for his money. Quinn said he returned immedi ately to the house and found everything locked up. He went from there to police headquarters and reported what had hap pened. From the description given by Quinn the detectives were sure that the woman was Lottie Allen, well-known in police circles. Lottie lives in Broughton street lane, near Abercoru street, and Quinn told the officers that he had been robbed in that house. The Allen woman was found with a woman named Willie Burns on Drayton street, near Broughton, and both were placed under arrest. The Burns woman resisted Detective Wall ani that officer had a hard tussle with >he woman on Broughton street. She bit him on the left hand, and Wall was forced to knock her down several times before she would submit to arrest. The Burns woman fought hard, and a large crowd was attracted. She was charged with resisting an officer and the Allen woman was locked up for robbing Quinn, who Identified her as the party wlih whom he had gone to the hou-e. The detectives also arrested Sandy Law, a negro man, who is on Intimate terms with the woman, but none of the money was found on him. The Allen woman, of course, denied that he robbed Quinn, and the officers have no hope of recovering either the cash or ticket. The Burns woman will appear before Recorder Myrlck in Police Court this morning on a charge of resisting an officer. It is not likely that Law and the Allen woman will appear in Police Court before to-morrow. CABMAN BAD OFF. William Harmon May Die aa Reanlt of Ron- at Harrla Street Hall. William Henry Hnrmon, the negro who was shot Monday night in front of Harris Street Hall, mention of which was made in the Morning News, is at his home in Hogan's alley, on the Eastside, in a crit ical condition. The pistol ball entered the cabman’s abdomen, and it is not believed that he will recover. Gus Burke is held at the police station charged with having fired the shot. Burke was manager of the fair being given in the hall, and denies that he fired the shot which may cost Harmon his life. Burke says that the row started when someone smoked a cigarette in the hall, and that then the crowd adjourned to the outside. Harmon tore, his door check up, and Burke says that a moment later a free tight started and the shooting followed. He states that he was at the corner in charge of a citizen when Harmon was shot, and that he does not know any thing about it. Harmon to'.d Coroner Keller and a tep resentatlve of the Morning News yester day that Burke shot him. The wounded negro said that he had been drinking, and that the row started when he smoked a cigarette in the hall. Harmon was not quite sure what had followed, but said that he knew that he was shot in front of the hall by Burke. The wounded negro says that before he was shot a man nam ed Charley Jackson struck him in the head with a rock. Jackson was arrested, and yesterday morning was remanded for trial in the Superior Court by Recorder Myrick. Harmon appears to be suffering n great deal of pain, and talked with an effort. Lymus Wright, another cabman, was badly cut in the. head during the trouble, md is at the same house with Harmon. Wright says that he was cut just before the shooting, but that he does not kndw who used the knife. Wright’s condition is not considered serious, and both men ere being attended by Dr. R. S. Kenan. DAMAGE S EIGHT, IF ANY. Frolt Crop Was Not Injured Marti l>y Recent Cold Snap. There seems no reason to believe that the recent cold snap interefered very se riously with the prospects of the peach growers for a good crop this season. Some of them even say that the cold has been a distinct advantage. In some of the [reach sections of the state. It is stated, the cold killed a small percentage of the peach buds, buds would haye been lkiely to fall of the trees anyhow, and their disappearance now is not regarded as a loss. In still other sections, where the cold did not be - ome so intense, it is not believed that the fruit buds have been injured at all. Maj. G. M. Ryals has received no posi tive assurances as to the fate of the buds in hie orchard in Worth county, but the damage, if any has been done there, will be slight. His manager has WTitten him that it has not yet ireen possible to dis cover whether the fruit buds had been damaged and Maj. Ryals thinks that if discovery of Injury has not been possible by this time, there can't be a great deal to discover. * As previously indicated in the Morning News the fruit crop of this year is likely to he much larger than was thought even * few weeks ago. The buds are present In great numbers and they are staying on the trees remarkably well. Of course It is possible that a cold snap will come even this late in the year to kill the fruit "Jf* *? la6t t!ie hopetj of the growers, but this is not regarded as probable, two week? more and they will begin to feel en tirely safe. "HV VCTEIUVJ ARE FEW. 1 ~p* ' P. 'White Offer* an Explana tion of the Dlnparity, ' apt. J. p. White yesterday offered an explanation for the wide disparity be tween the great number of soldiers who enlisted from Savannah for service in the ( onfederate States Army and the number cf survivors, there being a smaller per e<ni. 0 f veterans in Savannah than other. Pies in Georgia. Capt. White thinks r,. i ® dls,arH y due to the fact that "•any all of the Savannah companies J or linger or shorter periods, de- Ued for service In the marshes suround i?.f ■ clt V. where they built and de- idcd fortifications. This was a service naU j r y liad evil effect upon the , of *he mep, nnd the result was ™i ny of them were seised by illness •■in ISINC LANGUOR Hostetler * Stomach Bitter# is what you ' f, t iMh io bract* you up. It'a a lne for every one. young or oM. To ‘ >n * up the nerve*. ttarpeii the appetite , flltn fjeh, rid the ayatem of alt Im ' ni|g ar,< J cure MoiriM< h dlaordeia, tnere j r ‘ o, hlng like It. It la a aaf guard agalnat ‘ mojfi or ultacka of hlliouanera. He* f , 1 Our Private Iteverme Htarop cevera ' r"k of the |tie. “M. HOSTETTEB'S Sll.y.'E STOMACH l 'n kiwtis BITTERS MUNYON’S i COLD CURE Nearly everybody seems to be taking Prof. Mur. yon s old Cure whenever a cold appears. It relieves nose, throat and lungs so quickly that a cold need no longer be a forerunner of grippe diphtheria-or pneumonia. A vial of the Cold Cure is like a life insurance policy. Every one of his remedies is as sure. Mostlv s s c. vial. Guide to Health free Munvre, New York end Philadelnhi*. ■UNION'S INHALES CURE* CATiBIg. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICB^TOnDEBTORS^AND~CRED?T'- ORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice is hereby given to ell persons having demands against John J. Sullivan, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out. within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all per sons indebted to said deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to me. Savannah, Ga.. March 4, 1901. MARY E. SULLIVAN. Administratrix, Estate of John J. Sullivan. Care of O’Connor, O’Byrne & Hartridge, Attorneys at Law, Savannah, Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY. Court of Ordinary'. To S. Palmer Brooks and George A. Brooks of the state of Texas, and Henry Brooks, resi dence unknown: William G, Thompson, executor, hav ing petitioned for the probate in solemn form of the will of Henry W. Palmer, you are hereby cited to appear at the April term, 19090f said Court of Ordinary, on the first day of April next, as the said will then will be offered for probate in solemn form. March 4, 1901. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Ordinary of Chatham County. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— Paulina Miller, wife of Bernard Miller, has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of home stead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock a. m.. on Wednesday, April 3, 1901, at my office in Court House. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Ordinary Chatham county, Ga. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands against Lucile A. A. Blols, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount: and all persons indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate pay ment to me. WILLIAM H. ADAMS, Executor. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 15, 1901. NOTICE TO DBBTOR9 AND CREDI TORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY. Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Richard Turner late, of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all per sons indebted to said deceased, are re quired to make immediate payment to me. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 11, 1901. WM. M. DAVIDOSN. Administrator. FOR THE INFIRMARY ANNEX. A Buznar for Furnishing Ita Room Will Re Held in April. A bazaar will be held for ten days or two weeks in April, beginning about the 10th to raise money for the furnishing of the St. Joseph Infirmary annex. This was decided on last night at a meeting held et the Infirmary, and which was attend ed by several members of the staff and a number of ladies and gentlemen inter ested in the work. Dr. W. S. Howkins was elected chairman of the meeting, and Mr. J. J. Powers was made secretary. According to the plans roughly mapped out the bazaar will consist of two booths for fancy work and such other articles as the committees may later decide on; a country store, and booth for refresh ments. The supper booth will be in charge of Mrs. A. E. McArthur, Mrs. Chaplin, and Mrs. G. S. Van Horn. The country store in charge of Mrs. W. S. Howkins, and Mrs. Joseph Gorham, and the other booths in charge of Mrs. J. J. Powers, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. M. S. Jette and Mrs. J. J. Carolan. At last night’s meeting also were ap pointed the following committees, which will begin their work at once: Hail, which also will set the date of the opening of the bazaar; Booth, Printing, Publicity, and Solicitation. Another meeting of those interested in the affair will be heldi at St. Joseph's In firmary' Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at which it is desired that all those that are interested, though they might not have been to the first meeting, will be present. The funds that may' be raised by the bazaar will not be used in any part in the work of building the annex but simply in the furnishing of It. From the en thusiasm displayed at last night’s meet ing there is no doubt that the bazaar will be a success. KICKED DOOR IK. Willie Woman Raised a Roach House on Vlontaromery Street. Alice Steams, a white woman who has been living on Montgomery street, near Bay, was arrested yesterday on a charge of being drunk end kicking in the door of Alberta Mason. The Steams woman was disorderly and attracted a large crowd. She boarded with the Mason wo man, and aroused the respectable resi dents of that neighborhood by her con duct. The Mason woman is well known to the police, and It was in her place that a young man was badly cut with a water pitcher Christmas. The proprietress and Maggie O'Neill had a row over the man and Alberta threw the pitcher. The wounded man almost bled to death before medical aid could be obtained, and the reputation of the house was mentioned in the Morning News at that time. Recorder Myrlck will hear the case in Police Court this morning, and the Ma son woman may be ordered to move to some other section of the city. To Wake I p Rifle Aasnelntlon. The executive committee of the Savan nah Rifle Asaoel.itlon held a meeting yes terday afternoon at the oflU of the preal dent of the association, for the purpose of dt*ru**inr plans fot awakening Intel, eet among Its members, certain ohangi a In tla expenditures, and plans for the coming season. Held for Trial. James fra I and Hurhrrt Ruffin, two nr |f*M charged with robbing Tuberdy's altos stole, writ run*tided for trial in the If ilMt lor Court on a ebstge of burglary b) Records* H)rick jrsstrrdsj. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13.1901. A Public Reception Will be Held Thursday Evening From 8 to 10 O’clock. To afford everybody an opportunity to attend our First Spring Opening, and more especially to those whose busi ness will prevent their attending dur ing the day, we will hold a reception on Thursday Evening, from 8 to 10 o’clock, All Are Welcome. No Goods Will Bo Sold Thursday Evening. FOYE & ECKSTEIN. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL. FIRE~'sALE r: '~HAm goods, jewelry, scissors, cutlery, shaving outfits. Will commence to-morrow at ) a. m., at his temporary headquarters. 111 Whitaker. Some switches are badly burnt, others are only little singed. Some finger rings, the gold is partly melted, others are ready to go on the finger that is waiting for them. Some razors are n a bad fix, others hardly got a speck of water. Come early. You are sure to find something to suit U, and pretty well at your own price. GEORGIA STEAM LAUNDRY RE tums your quilts counterpanes, blankets, coverlets, clean, smelling fresh and healthful. ’Phone 94. THE GEORGIA DAIRY, 343 ABER corn street is now open for business, where everything carried by a first-class dairy may be found. “some elegant dressers, chif fonlers, toilet tables In Birdseye maple, mahogany, white enamel and golden oak; come and see them. C. P. Miller, agent. YOU WILL - LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; It’s rich and pure; try It. CENTURY SALOON, 17 BAY STREET, east, full line of imported and domestic liquors, wines and cigars. “special sale of bedroom fur niture; sideboards, china closets; every thing new and up-to-date. Tel. 183. j. W. Teeple. THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE,“II3 Barnard street, buys and sells all kinds of second-hand furniture for cash. OUR bicycle“repairing IS EN tirely satisfactory. Have you ever heard of us being otherwise, except by some one who had an ox to grind? Walter F. Higgins, Drayton and President. FOR LA GRIPPE TAKE C. H. COUGH drops. They will relieve your cough. At C. Hetterich, 110 State street, west. COME'ACROSS BARNARD STREET to Miller's furniture and carpet emporium; fine goods, medium goods, cheap goods, that will astonish you if you have never been there before. C. P. Miller, agent. SCISSORS; EVERY PAIR GUARAN teed to give satisfaction or money refund ed; also the celebrated "Krusius Razor,” on same condition, on sale at Oppenheim er, Sloa & Cos., 12 Broughton street, east. IF YOU DRINK MILK, TRY A GLASS of ice cold aerated milk, at Jersey Dairy, Whitaker and Perry lane. I AM NOW“LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton; ring up 1186 if you want ti have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that's given to me. A. S. Griffin, 414 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. TO ERR IS HUMAN. “DO“ NOT Err?” Ride a Monarch and keep in front; S2O, $25, $35. Walter F. Higgins, 125 Dray ton street, corner President. GEORGIA" STEAM LAUNDRY IRONS shirts so that the fronts button without puckering up; try them. 'Phone 94. CASH BUYERS“PTCNIC NOW ON AT Miller's; reliable furniture, carpets, mat tings and kindred goods at real bargain prices. C. P. Miller, agent. “SUPERB STOVES AND~ RANGES are the best; you get them at Teeple's. Tel. IS3. 317 Broughton street, west. EL EGA NT NK W STYI.ES IN MAT tings, carpets, window shades, linoleums, art squares, rugs, end skilled workmen to make and iay same. C. P. Miller, agent. PALMS, FERNS, PANSIES, DAISIES, and large variety of other plants; also floral designs and cut flowers at Oei schig’s Nursery, Thunderbolt road; both ’phones, No. 496, or J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton street, east. “••BICYCLES FOR RENT;"' EASIER going than "Automobiles;” at reasonable rates; try a ride to-day; free air on Sun day. Walter F. Higgins, Drayton and President. —GO TO C. HETTERICH FOR DELl cioua molasses candy, popcorn, brittle, peanut, cocoanut, lemon and sassafras, rose and benny, at 10c a pound. At C. Hetterlch, 110 State street, west, be tween Whitaker and Barnard streets. MILLER'S RECLINING GO-CARTS are great; best designs, best material: comfortable and durable, but not the highest prices; complete line of bnby car riages; enameled cribs and youth's beds. C. P. Miller, agent. "jTw. TBKPLE IS SHOWING A NICE Hue of spring matting, art squares and rugs: cheapest In town. 317 Broughton street, west. MILLER'S EVERYDAY SALE GOING on with highest satisfaction to our numer ous customers; genuine bargains In every branch of the furniture and carpet busi ness; therefore attend our everyday sale. C. P. Miller, agent. STICK N EV'S SECOND, AND CYR’S First Readers, revised; also largo Hne of authors and titles 10 cents paper covered novels, at Oppenhelmer, Sloat & Cos., 12 Broughton street, eust. KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN surpassed for rlrnness; delivery is per fect; 'phone 3340. "N\V line < el-* ENAMELED BEDS, some very simple arid cheap styles, others quite elaborate; pricer always at the bot tom. C. P. Miller, agent. GEORGIA STEAM LAUNDRY HE tnoves Hie saw edges from your collar - and cults, makes old linen look new I'ikMll' 94. YOU MfCiC M (lILUH HIXTY lath W r ent rug*. >u will buy them Just (tn l btlp It; alii **li io guy qusn tltf PERSONAL. porter! THE~CELE brated Jung Porter on draught at the Century Saloon, 17 Bay street, cast. MILLER KEEPS BEST BEDDING, makes and renovates mattresses, uphol sters furniture, and gives satisfaction in work and price. C. P. Miller, agent. GOLD FISH AND CANARY BIRDS, at 12 Broughton street, east. THE JERSEY DAIRY WILL GIVE you fresh Jersey milk, clabber, cream and curds; give them a trial. Whitaker and Perry lane. 'Phones No. 582. DROP IN AT THE 4?E NTURT SA loon, 17 East Bay street, and try a lunch, from 11 to 1 o'clock. tiiose““nice FJI.K9~IN THE southern part of the city have the best fresh meats, vegetables, groceries and wood very close to them. Ring up J. C. Morgan & Cos., and they will divide it around; Thirty-fifth and Bull streets; 'phones 512; quick delivery; goods Al. MILLER - MAKES AWNINGS ~IN first-class style; let us estimate on your work before the rush; satisfaction guar anteed. C. P. Miller, agent. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” is a specialty with McGlllls. BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGER ators are government standard; we keep on selling them to the best trade; com plete line of ice boxes, water coolers, of standard quality. C. P. Miller, agent. “KENSINGTON FARM IS - ON AN' elevation in the country, free from city drainage. Impossible for milk to become contaminated, by impure odors; if you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345. De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. MILLER TAKES UP CARPETS, thoroughly cleans, stores and relays same; place your orders with us now. C. P. Mil ler, agent. “ WHITE~MOUNTAIN “GRANDE RE frigerators are the purest and cleanest; satisfaction guaranteed; sold at J. W. Teeple’s. Telephone 183. MEDICAL. feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure ingrowing nails, oorns, and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston's drug store, Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WANTED—MALE. " / and one. armature winder, and all-round repairer. Electric Supply Cos., 49 Drayton street. WANTED, A GOOD TAILOR. AP ply Metropolitan Clothing Company, 3 Broughton street, west, Savannah, Ga. WANTED, SALESMAN FOR RETAIL cigar store; must have experience. Ad dress Business, care Morning News. A COMPETENT DRIVER FOR LUM ber wagon, must be, sober, and acqualnte.l with the care of stock; recommendation required; steady employment. Reppard, Snedeker & Cos. WANTED, A LICENSED DRUGGIST to go to Dublin, Ga. Apply between 1 and 3 p. m., Wednesday, at Screven House. Dr. R. H. Stanley. WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY; able-bodied unmarried men, be tween ages of 21 and 33; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and wrl e English. Recruits specially desired for service in Philippines; for information ap ply to Recruiting Officer, 303 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. WANTED, SHTN'GLE'sAWYER' TO gel out shingles and lath by contract. Call or address Shingle Mill, Ochwalkee, Ga. Wanted,~a drummer to take side line; no samples required; takes only fifteen minutes to work a town; only one man to see; liberal commissions; goods known everywhere; paid one drummer nearly $l,OOO commission for a single state; must make small towns and occasionally buggy drives; references required. Address Side Line, care News office, giving perma nent address. SALESMEN W ANTED TO~SELtTOUR goods by samples to wholesale and retail trude; we are the largest and only man ufacturers in our lino in Che world; lib eral salary |*id. Address. Can-Dex Mfg. Cos., office, 23 Board of Trade Building, Savannah Ga. AGENTS WANTED. represent the Washington Life Insurance Company of New York at Savannah, Ga. Liberal contract. Address P. Haw toll, state manager, 801 English American Building, Atlanta. Ga EHl'Lni RENT WANTED. WANTED. A POSITION AS NURSE. Apply 743 W’aldburg street, east. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER DK slrcs work by day or at home. Best ref erence* given. Miss Webb, No. 222 ilryar. street, east. WANTERr POSITION AH NUIUSE liitly’s maid or house girl, by experienced white woman. Prefer leaving the city. Address A. K,, thl* office. HOUSEKEEPER WANTS POSITION lit country or seashore, hotel or club; with reference. Address Ice, Morning Kens Office, WANTED—Hist KM.ANKOI g. ~"vv ruxiSTmef^oH grey, end llvs deer tor particular* sp , ply l# t. V. Bos 401, Aiken, N. c, ’TIS A CHINA FACT That These Dinner Sets —of — US PIECES, Made by HAVILAND WHICH WK OFFER AT Only $27.50 Would be cheap at $3.>.00, and you’ll never, no never, get such a set for the some money, is cheaper than an un decorated set, and it is one of Haviland's newest pattern^—right up to Haviland standard. A REAL BURNING BARGAIN. And you had better buy. LENTEN GOODS, CUT GLASS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. THOS. WEST & CO, 11 Broughton Street, West. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. POSITIONS! MAY DEPOSIT MONEY in bank for tuition till position Is secur ed. or will accept notes. Twenty per cent, discount to city students, bookkeeping, penmanship, shorthand, typewriting, etc., teachers specialists; course instruction and facilities for securing positions strongly indorsed by business men. Best patronized business colleges in United States; three months' bookkeeping with us is equal to six elsewhere; shorthand de partment second to none; about twenty five per cent, of our students are gradu ates of other business colleges. J. F. Draughon, president, is author of four text books on bookkeeping that have by far the largest sale among business men of any published; catalogue will explain all; call or send for it. Draughon's Prac tical Business College, Savannah, Odd Fellows’ Hall, oorner Barnard and State; St. Louis, Nashville, Little Rock, Fort Worth, Galveston, Shreveport and Mont gomery. WANTED, A SECOND-HANb"“SAFE. Address P. O. Box 287. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, etc., wanting positions, and business firms desiring office help should write the DraughoQ Business Exchange, Nashville, Tenn. Business confidential. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK, GET IT from Springfield Dairy; It's rich, pure and wholesome. FOR RENT—ROOMS. south rooms; all conveniences. 308 Bar nard street, near Liberty. DELIGHTFUL SOUTH FRONT rooms, nicely furnished; all conveniences; gentlemen only. 310 Jones, east. FOR RENT. ONE “ DESIRABLE southern room, furnished. Apply 127 Lib erty, west. FLATS FOR RENT. "FOR RENT. FI AT. FOURCON'NKt’T ing rooms; rent reasonable. 214 West Duffy. “FOR RENT, ONE DESIRABLE"FLAT. Apply 12T Liberty, west. DESIRABLE FLAT OF THREE rooms, kitchen and bath. 3 Charlton street, west, corner Bull. FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE NO. 303 Jones street, east, in perfect order and condition, every convenience; will rent to desirable party because present tenant Is leaving the city. Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE HOUSE, 1612 Abercorn street, corner Third; brand new; rent twenty dollars; immediate possession. FOR RENT, HOUSE 429 BARNARD street, facing Chatham Square; rent S2B. Immediate possession. "FOR RENT - NO. 217 WALD BURG ■treet, east, comfortable house; perfect order and condition; hot and cold water; every convenience; right rent, right ten ant. Estate Salomon Cohen, Broughton and West Broad streets. FOR RENT, SEVERAL DESIRABLE residences, thoroughly renovated. Apply A. Wylly, agent, 12 Bryan street, east. FOR 14 BNT—STORES. stores In the Whitfield building, corner Whitaker, Slate and President streets; they have large, well lighted cellars, and are splendidly located for retail business; Immediate possession given. W. M. & W. E. Coney. -FOR RENT, AFTER APRIL 1, THE small stores No. 11l President, west, and 113 State, west; low rent; good stand. W. M. & W'. E. Coney. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A small store, see Bewan, Bull and Thlrty ! second. you ItEJ\T—MISCELLANEOT!9. FOR RENT, CORNER BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STREETS; FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H. P. SMART. FOR RENT! SILK HOPE RICE plantation, about seven mile* from the city, on the Ogeeehee road. Contains 230 acres of rice land under bank, rice drill, thresher, residence, and house for labor ers; possession immediate; for terms, ap ply to Geo. W. Owens, 4 Brayan street, cast. FOR SAI.E—REAL ESTATE. there are five hundred men living and working west of West Broad street, who pay $l3 per month rent; that same rent money wilt) only $2OO cash, will buy one of the beautiful homes at the big auction sale March 20th. at West Ba* vnnftan. c\ H. Dorsett, Youmans & Dem. mond. auctioneers, HUNDREDS OK PEOPLE WHO ARE seeking homes and lots, should remember that at the big auction Stile at West Ht vanunh, there are only six houses nnd for ty-oiw lots, whleh are not being sold for profit but because Interest of owners re quire a settlement. C. H. Domett, You niiius ft Detnmond. auctioneers. FOR hale OR RENT. THAT KLE gant dwelling southeast corner Gwinnett nnd Barnard streets. I. D Ist Koch*. THERE ARE AT LEAST ONE THoUF and [*,'|/le in Havannah abo pay from twenty to twenty-five dollars tent for it bouse as g'eel as bos* we will sell at auction, in West Ravanttah March Mh, | |st i ash, and lie |sr month. C. H imt ; sttt, Youinaiut it Otmiavub, at*.Uonuers. j WEAR A TRIM OXFORD, The foot is the most conspicuous part of the bodr. and a lady, who cares for her appearance, wants an up to-date shoe. Our New Spring Styles are the dressiest, most attractive Oxfords ever built. Every feature is strictly high grade. Every slid and width. Cuban, military and French heels. All materials from calfskin to patent kid. We want every lady in Savannah to see our Spring Oxfords, and we have them in all grades. GLOBE SHOE CO. FOR SALE—HEAL ESTATE. TURPENTINE FARM FOR SALE, one 30-barrel still and fixtures, in good repair; 125 patent head dip barrels; IS shanties; 102,000 boxes cut one year ago; 5 crops boxes worked two years; 2H crops pulling boxes; 2 crops virgin boxes; 5 good mules; 2 good horses; 2 good wagons and harness. Other Umber accessible. Still located one mile from S., F. & W. Rail way. Plenty of labor on hand and two streaks on boxes. Want to sell this prop erty so that 1 can give my entire at tention to property in Mississippi. For information address Box 37, Cairo, Ga. “FOR SALE OR RENT,“ONE OF THE best and most convenient farms in Chat ham county. I. D. Laßoche. YOU WILL'RE ABLE TO BUY*A nice two-story residence and lot with lane In rear at the West Savannah auc tion sale, March 20th, for lose than you can get a desirable lot north of Thirty seventh street. C. H. Dorsett, Youmatis 6 Demmond, auctioneers. “RESIDENCE AND BUILDINcT“LOTB Cor sale all over the city. Robert H. Ta tem, real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. 'while THE auctkJn BALE at West Savannah, March 20th, is not a forced sale, ns far as purchasers are con cerned, they reap the same benefit, be cause the stockholders have met their obligations and want a final accounting; therefor, a public auction has been de cided upon, as the best means of obtaining that end. C. H. Dorsett, Youmans & Demmond, auctioneers. “advert IBEM ENTS “set “ Tn“CAEL ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. FOR SALE—MIbCBLLANIOOUS. and rough skin; use Sov Rem for the grip, cough; use Anderson's Lightning Cure for rheumatism and the pains after the grip; use Good Luck Embrocation for croup, cough and whooping cough. Persse’s Drug Stores. '"FOrTsALE, NEW BAW-MILL PLANT, complete; now in operation, Including tim ber; tram-road, mules, carts, etc.; capac ity 15,000 to 25,000. Address A. B. C„ 'Morning News office. FOR, - SALE, BITHBR OP MY"FAST roadsters, Pauline H. or Holx-rt E. H. F. Kttck, Anderson and Abercorn streets. FOR SALE, CHEAP, GROCERY AND green grocery in good locality: owner leaving city. Bell 'phone 1137. FOR SALE, LEASE AND FURNl ture bf the Anderson Hotel, near Union Depot, on West Broad street (about forty furnished rooms); big money for the right party. I. D. Laßoche. FOR SALE, “MA MM OTH BKONZ E turkey eggs; largest poultry farm In the South. Glengarry Poultry Yards, Somer ville, Tenn. “FIRE PROOF SAFES WE CARRY "A fine line of fire proof safes In stock at all times. The parties can see exactly what they are getting. Our prices are as low as manufacturers sell it, with freight added. Parties Interested, who wish a good fire proof safe, will do well to In spect our stock. Llppman Bros., Lippman Block, agents for manufacturers. “"FERTILIZER, FOR FLOWERS - THE thing to use; two dollars double load de livered. Telephone, Springfield Dairy. “FOR - BALE, TOW BOAT "ROYAL Arch," 51.5 feet length, 14.5 feet beam. 6.2 feet depth; 14 by 15 cylinder. First-class condition. I. D. Laßoche, auctioneer, 21 Bay street, east. LOST AND FOUND. NO 5! Reward If returned to Wade's bar, Harris and East Broad. ~LOST, MARCH Tl 7 FOX TERRIER flog puppy; blazed face, black head, tall cut. IJberal reward If returned to 126 West Taylor street. MISCELLANEOUS.^ two dozen, fifty cents for empties. DOUBLE DIAMOND GARDEN HOSE, none better. 'Rhone 992. Georgia Supply Cos.. 126 Bay street, west. GEORGIA PHONE 577 TO TAYLOR to estimate on your (jointing, paper-hang ing and general decorating. 138-110 Bar nard. A NHECSER BU9CH BOCK BEER and Llmburger cheese at O'Keefe's, Dray ton and Broughton streets, on Monday, March 11th, to continue every day until further notice. SHOES HAI.F-SOLED AND HEELED, 50c, while you wait. New York Pants and Shoe Repairing Parlor, 112 Drayton; 801 l telephone, 1881. OLD HOBS SALE BARGAINS; GAL vanized buckets, at 10c; large galvanized tubs, at 35c; tin sets, of foot tub, slop pall and water pall, 69c; large wire office baskets, 25c. 8. Bernstein, 303 West Broughton. WE REPAIR ANY SORT OF stove or range; our prices are right; we exchange stoves. A. C. Price & Cos., Jef ferson and State streets; 'phone 658. A LARGE STOCK OF GARDEN hose, all grades; lowest prices. Bell 'phone 992. Georgia Supply Cos., 126 Bay street, west. ~TAYLOR TOR WALL I'AI'ERM TAy’- lor for palnls, varnishes, glass and pre pared kalsomlne. Get hla estimate, 138-110 Barnard. Georgia 'phono 877. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR sewer pipe, fire brick, fire clay, oils and varnishes; give us a call. AUums Pamt Cf mpany. DON'T TROUBLE YOURSELF about moving your furniture, relaying your efirpets or matting Perry & Ben ton will relieve you of all that trouble. PANTS TO ORDER. CLEANING. RE pairing specialties. Pants pressed I.V I . while you wait. New York Pants and Shoe Repairing Parlor, 112 Drayton. Bell telephone 1881. IF YOU RAY CABII - FOR TOUR stovee and ranges come up and exam ine my prices, one. two and Ihree-burner gas stoves, oil sioves and gasoline stoves st low prices. H Bernstein, MM Weal Broughton. WE REPAIR ALL KINDS OF BEER purnpe and make a specially of putting In 011. faueem. be#r stops, etc. A C. Price g Cos, State and JefTeison, photo MM. "OLD NEWMFARERS tu> tut Zb . id* at BuaMtet• Qfln-e Morning Ng AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. AUCTION WEDNESDAY, 13TH. CONTENTS OF GROCERY AND BAH, C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at No. 311 Houston street, cor ner Oglethorpe avenue lane, commencing at II o’clock on WEDNESDAY, 13th Inst., the entire contents of the store and bar, consisting of Liquors, Bar Fixtures, Coun ters, Glassware, Scales, Large Hanging Lamps, Crockery', Canned Goods, Tobac co, Shoes, large Beer Refrigerator, Show Cases. Oil Cabinet and Cans, Harness, five Bicycle. Empty Barrels, Coffee and Spice Mills, very large Ico Box and sun dry other articles to be found in a gro cery. , AUCTION. EXECUTORS SALE OF SHOE- BUSI NESS. I. n. LA ROCHE, Auctioneer. On Wednesday, the 13th inst. at prem ises corner St. Julian and Whitaker sts„ I will sell for cash to the highest bidder: The well established shoe business of the late P. Tuberdy. Stock consists of Ladles', Gents' and Children's Shoes In all styles. An Inventory of which can be seen at the office of the auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS. '"perry & BENTON! 120 STATE street, west, will move, pack, ship or store your furniture at short notice; also ren ovate your old mattresses at little cost. Bell 'phone 1124. 7)UR GERMAN READY MIXED paint Is sold under a guarantee; have your house painted with it. Adams Paint Company. *C ALL AND . SEE OUR WATER - back ranges; they are beauties, and are sold on easy terms. A. C. Price & Cos., State and Jefferson: 'phone 658. OLD HOSS SALE BARGAINS. GAL vanized buckets, at 10c; large galvanized tubs, at 35c; tin sets, of foot tub, slop pai! and water pail, 69c; large wire office baskets, 25c. S. Bernstein, 303 West Broughton. A FULL LINE OF GRATES JUST received; will Bell any of the separate parts. Adams Paint Company, 104 Con gress street, west. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell the following lands belonging to the estate of Ezra Reeve lately deceased, namely: All that tract of land situated In said county and state on the Savannah and Ogeechre canal, eight miles from the city of Sa vannah, containing six hundred and six ty-eight (668) acres more or less, and bounded on the north by the Savannah and Ogeechee canal, on the south by lands of the estate of Georga W. Owens, or. the east by lands of B. Bourquin, and cn tho west by lands of the estate of Ebcnezer Jencks. Also all those eight lots of land con taining five acres each (in all forty acres) situated on the Louisville road, In the county and state above written, seven miles from the city of Savannah, and bounded on the north by the Louisville road, on tho south by lands of the estate of Daniel H. Stewart, on the east by lands of James M. Butler, and on tho west by lands of the estate of Daniel H. Stewart; for the purpose of payment of debts and distribution; and that said ap plication will be heard at the April term, nineteen hundred and one, of the Court of Ordinary of said county and state, the same to be held on the first Monday In April, the same being the first day cf Hdd month. GERMANIA BANK. Administrator Estate of Ezra Reeve, Deceased. Savannah, Ga., March 4, 1901. GEORGIA, CHATHAM: COUNTER— Notice Is hereby given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, for le.ave to sell all of the real estate and stocks and securi ties In Incorporated companies belonging to the estate o>f James Ray, deceased, lor the (rayment of debts and distribu tion, and that said Older will be granted nt the April term, 190f, of said court, un less objections are filed thereto. MARGARET RAY. Administratrix of Jumes Ray. March 5, 1901. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNT*’— Ordinary’s Ofilce, Feb. 18. 1901. John J. Horrlgan has this day filed his applica tion for letters of administration upon the estate of Mary Horrlgan, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite all persons Interested, to show cause, If any they can, on or before the first Monday In April, to-wlt: On April 1, 1901, at 10 o'clock, a. m., why said application should not be granted In terms of law. FRANK E. KKILBACH. Ordinary Chatham Cos.. Ga. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.- Notlce Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Dublin Simmons, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all persons Indebted to said deceased are nqulrcd to make immediate payment to me. ROBERT H. TATEM. Administrator Estate of Dublin Simmons, Deceased. Savannah, Ga., March 4. 1901. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— Notice Is hereby given to all persons having demands agalnat James J. McGo wan, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all persons Imlebted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment to me. Savannah. Ga., March 4. 1901. JOHN It DILLON, Administrator Estate of James J. McGo wan. deceased. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND~CHKD~ ITORH GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY.--No tks is hereby given to all persons having demands against Ml hse| a. Fahey, lata of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character end amount, and all pel sows !nd< tried to said deceased are requtrwi to make Immediate payment to np- JOItDAN r HKOOKM, County Adiuudaiiatad. avpirdl), Ga., Jfab. 4, iMA 3