The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, May 16, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 C., R. & s- SALE HELD UP. AX INJUNCTION CHANTED BY JCDOB FITE. J. F. Kimbell of Colombo*. Who Owns Seventy Shore*, Contend* That the Hoad I* Being Sold for One-third It* Value—W orth 9.1.860,- 000. He Say*, and I* About to Be Sold for 9 I,3oo,ooo—'The Injunction Di**olved Las* Night on the Con dition That Mr. Kimbell Is to Be Paid Foil Value for Hi* Share*. Home. G„ May 15.—An unexpected In junction suit, filed by J. F. Kimbell of Columbus, Ga., held up the transfer of j the Chattanooga. Rome and Southern Railroad to the Central Railroad to-day The papers were served on President Wilburn just before noon. The stock holders of this road, who met at noon, adjourned until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, end then until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Through his attorneys, Fouche & Fouche, and Halsted Smith. Mr. Kimbell alleges that the Chattanooga. Rome and Southern Railroad, which is in good •hope, paying fair dividends and making Improvements on its line, is about to be eold for one-third of its value. It is worth *3,800.000. he asserts, and its stock holders are seeking to sell it for *1,300,- 000. As Judge Henry is in Jesup. a restrain ing /order had to be secured from Judge Fite in Cartersvllle this morning. The re straining order of Judge Fite ie very sweeping, preventing the transfer of any part of the stock to the Central Railroad, or anybody else. This afternon Leopold Wallace of New York and Alexander King of Atlanta, general counsel for the Chattanooga, Rome and Southern stockholders, went over to Cartersville to argue to-night be fore Judge Fite for a modification of the restraining order. The Order Annulled. To-night upon the railroads attorneys giving bond to pay Mr. Kimball full value for his seventy shares of stock. Judge Fite annulled his restraining order. It is now presumed that unless some othr complications arise, that the transfer will take place to-morrow morning. The par value of Mr. Klmbeh's stock he claims is *7.000. The Central Railway officials here on a special train, are President Egan, Supt. Kline, Auditor Dunn. Maj. J. F. Hanson gnd Col. A. R. Lawton. KIMBELL HAS PLENTY OF PLI'CK. Bought Stock In C„ R. A 8. a* an In vestment. Columbus. Ga.. May 15.—Mr. J. B. Kim bell, who stopped the transfer of the C. R. & S. road to the Central at Rome to day. Is one of the few men here who bought slock In the road as an invest ment, believing it would be extended to Columbus as originally Intended. When President Williamson here some years ago in the interest of his line, Columbus had recently built two roads and gave him little encouragment. Mr. Kimbell says he secured stock in the road to amount to seven thousand dol lars. as a business investment and not as a matter of sentiment. He has been watching recent developments carefully •nd had said he would protect his Interest as best he could. But the legal process of stopping t!)e transfer was a complete surprise to Columbus. Mr. Kimbell is a prominent local Insur ance man and was brought into promt* nence two years ago as president of the Street Fair, which he made a success, when every one thought he would fall. He lias plenty of pluck and has the repu tation of holding on when once he enters a fight. He is making this one alone so far as Columbus is concerned. T. C. CRENSHAW’S LETTER. The Commissioner Generally Criti cised at the Capitol. Atlanta, May 15.—The letter written by Chairman T. C. Crenshaw of the Railroad Commission to Senator McLaurin of South Carolina, approving his course in advocat ing anew white party In the South, and Indorsing his attitude on the ship sub sidy bill, caused considerable talk at the capitoi to-day. Al! of the capitol officials were emphatic in their condemnation of It. but they did not care to be person ally Interviewed. The general opinion expressed was that Col. Crenshaw would like a Federal ap pointment, though he denies he is a can didate for any office. Speaking of the letter to-day, Col. Crenshaw said: "I stand by all 1 wrote to Senator McLaurin. I do not care to change one word of the letter. I think the letter la sufficient to show my position, and further than it. I have nothing to say. "Some portions of the letter have been misconstrued. I did not say I Indorsed the ship subsidy bill, but indorsed Senator McLaurin's speech. I would suggest that those who do not understand what the speech wa# that they get it and read it. It is also said in a morning publication that I favor anew white party. I said nothing about anew white party. I urn not in favor of Bryan and his methods, and that is what I mean." ‘‘Senator McLaurin, in his speech, did not Indorse the bill which was actually Introduced, but was In favor of the prin ciples of ship subsidy. I think the letter explains all I can 6ay on this question." A CARTER MORTGAGE CANCELED. Was for *10,750 by T. M. Cannlnghttm of Savannah. Atlanta, May 15.—A cancellation of a mortgage for *10,750 in favor of ex-Capl. Oberlin M. Carter, who la now serving a aentence in the United States prison at Fort Leavenworth for alleged conspiracy to defraud the government, was filed here to-day. The mortgage was given in 1895 by T. Mayhew Cunningham of Savannah to Robert F. Westctott and Margaret J. Westoott. the fsther-in-lw and mother in-law of Carter, and was transferred by the latter to Carter in 1899. The execution of the transfer was made in San Romo, Italy, whare the Weatcotts were sojourned at the time. BULLOCH COUNTY MURDERERS. Rewards of 9100 Each Offered by Gov. Candler. Atlanta, May 15.—Gov. Candler to-day offered a reward of *l5O each for Sam Jackson and Andrew Watson, who killed Andrew Kennedy and wounded Deputy Sheriff R. F. Donaldson in Bulloch coun ty. Oct. 12. 1898. This makes a total of MOO in reward* offered'for the** two crim inals. Prevention 1 better than cure. Tutt s Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. Waltham Watches Everyone knows that Waltham Watches are standard. But few people realize the variety or the volume of the product of the American Waltham Watch Com pany. 44 The Perfected American Watch/ 4 an illustrated book of interesting information about watches, will be sent free upon request. American Waltham Watch Company, ■ Waltham, Mass. MAY COME TO SAVANNAH. Reports Show Order of lied Men Is in Flourishing Condition. Griffin, Ga., May 15.—The second day’s session of the Great Council of Georgia convened promptly this morning at 8:30. This has been a very busy day with the Red Men. The committee made their reports and much important business of a private, nature was transacted. The Great Council decided to hold its next session in Savannah provided sat isfactory railroad rates can be secured; otherwise the session will be held in At lanta. The reports show the order in a most flourishing condition and a great deal of enthusiasm was manifested, as reports showed how the order had grown and prospered. Very eulogistic resolutions were passed thanking the citizens of Griffin, the local tribe and the ladies of Griffin for the very elegant entertainment provided for the visiting Red Men. The Past Sachems Association held their annual rpeeting and elected the fol lowing officers: President, C. S. Brown of Columbus; secretary’, R. C. Burnham of Savananh; treasurer, C. M. Roberts of Savannah. The new officers for the next year were Installed in a beautiful and impressive manner by great ineohonee, Ed. Wiley. After presentation Past Great Ineohonee Daniel presented Great Ineohonee Wiley, with a beautiful silver service as a token of love and esteem from the Greet Coun cil. As Great Sachem H. W. Beck re tired he was presented with a handsome ring by his local tribe as an evidence of the great love they bear him. Dr. Wiley and Judge Beck responded in a feeling way to the presentations. The other offi cers are. appointed by the Great Sachem, and will be announced later. The silken banner, which had been of fered by the great council for the tribe making the greatest increase during the year, was awarded to the Chicamauga tribe No. 40, of Trion Factory, which made the unprecedented increase of Horn 10 to 150 in three months. All of the tribes showed handsome gains for the year. TERRELL’S FARMERS HARD HIT. Hall Doe* Mnrh Damage—fon*rei man Griggs In Demand. Dawson, Ga., May 15.—The hall which fell so heavily in the northern and south ern parts of the county a few- days ago has proven more serious than was at first believed. It was not confined to these sections, hut fell nearly all over the coun ty, and many farmers are now replanting for the third time. The farmers of Terrell county are certainly laboring under many difficulties this season. Congressman Griggs is in demand as an orator Just now. Besides an appointment to address the young ladies of Brenau College at Gainesville on the evening of the 29th Inst., he has an, engagement to deliver the literary address at Shellman, Ga., on Wednesday, May 22. Also one at Rochelle, Ga., on June 3. The revival services which have been in progress at the Methodist Church for ten days, still continue. Rev. Rerr of Blakely, assisted Pastor Whiting last week, and Judge Turner of La Orange Is now aiding in the services, having arrived Saturday, crowds are attending and interest is growing. The Masons of Dawson are making up a purse to send lo the Jacksonville suf ferers of the recent disastrous fire. While the sum will not be large, it will be a token of the sympathy which the mem bers of the. order here entertain for their brothers in the stricken city. When the Superior Court convenes next Monday week. Judge Sheffield will find only sixteen cases on the civil dockot. and most of these are claim cases and negro divorce suits. A gun club is being organized in Daw son. The Richland. Ga.. public school has closed on account o) srcarlet fever. Two children died there last week of the dis ease. While he has not finished his rounds. Tax Receiver Waller says enough taxes have been given in to sustain him ill the statement that the county's wealth has greatly grown in the past year. Ths City Council has ordered the pur chase of 1,000 feet of hose for the fire department. This will give the city 2,500 feet of excellent hose, besides about 1.200 feet that could be used in case of an emergency. AGRICULTURAL WORKS SOLD. Atlanta Manufacturing Flant and (ironnd* Brins* 9X7.600. Atlanta, May 15.—The property of the Southern Agricultural Works was sold at auction this morning at 11 o'clock to B. ’A. Phillips. The price paid was *57,000. The sale was conducted by Mr. Charles S. Northen, commissioner for the state court*, and Mr. George W. Parrott, trus tee in bankruptcy. The sale waa the result of an exten sive litigation in both the stats and Fed eral court*, and wa* in pursuance of the order of the Superior Court of Fulton county, and of judge William T. New man of the United State* District Court. The property I* an exten*lve one. having a frontage of 840 fete on Marietta street, and a depth of 152 feet. RI’RAL FREE DELIVERY. A Itoale From Adel Likely to be Es tabliahcd. Adel, Ga., May 15.—Mr. J. W. Arnold. Jr., special agent, to-day inspected a pro posed rural free delivery route from thi* offlea. The route will supply mall to the territory ea*t of here. Mr. Arnold seem ed to think that the route will be estab lished. a* he formed a favorable opinion of the condition* of the roads. This will supply from M> lo l.ono people daily with mail, grsatly lessening the work of the clerical force in the postofflee. John 8. Lindsey sra* appointed carrier and J. 8. gfinvmon*. *ub, ft i* expected (hat the servlca will go into effect July 1. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, MAY 16,1901. JOE HALL ROASTS GOVERNOR. Hi* Speech at Oglethorpe a Tirade Against Corporation*. Oglethorpe, Ga., May 15.—Hon. Joe Hall, Bibb county's filibustering legisla tor, entertained a large audience at Oglethorpe to-day. Being facetiously re ferred to as "Oom Paul" by Col. J. M. Dupree, who introduced him, he began a scathing tirade against railroads, and other corporations, incidentally pouring hot shot into Gov. Candler. He roasted Gov. Candler vigorously for not stoppping the leaks as he promised, and said the Governor was adding more leaks by his attitude on the Atlanta depot. He also roa3ted Judge Atkinson, of the Railroad Commission. In conclusion Mr. Hali held up Lis hands dramatically and hoped by the grace of God some brave and courageous man would rise up next year to lead the people to a victory for pure government, pur* politics and in defense of the state constitution. Mr. Hall’s speech was well received, but his attacks on Gov. Candler and Repre sentative Frederick was only applauded by the Populists and a few Democrats. A BEAUFORT SENSATION. Disrepntnhle White Men Flee From Wrath of Citizens. Beaufort, S. C., May 15.—A decided sen sation was created here last night when some thirty odd masked citizens silently proceeded with military precision to a house in Ward 6, where two white men, who have for several years held respon sible and lucrative positions at the Port Royal Naval Station, lived with two ne gro women, in open defiance of public opinion. The place was raided one night last week by the polltie. on which occasion, both men with their female companions were routed out at midnight, and on the following morning the Mayor discovered an anonymous letter in his yard which was of a scandalous nature, and while he could not, with any degree of cer tainty, detect the author of .the infamous production, circumstantial evidence was strong against the men. who were at once notified to quit the town by a dertain day. This they refused to do until yesterday when one of the men became alarmed and left. The other, however, came up as usual on the naval station boat at 5 p. m. yesterday, and presumably he left the town Immediately afterwards as the house was unoccupied when the outraged citizens went there. McLAUIUN AT GREENVILLE. I* Expected to Farther Outline Hl* Policy Ji( Wednesday. Columbia. 8. C., May 15.—There is con siderable interest manifested in the tone of Senator McLaurin's speech to be de livered at Greenville next Wednesday. The senator goes there on the invitation of several prominent men. who are In sympathy with his views. It is believed he has more friends in that town than anywhere else in the state, and he can expect a pleasant reception. He is ex pected to deal more with state matters, and go more into detail than In the speech made in Charlotte last month. Senator McLaurin has also consented to speak at Newberry, on the occasion of a firemen'* tournament, June 5. Both Senator Tillman and Gov. MeSweeny were also invited to speak the same day, but declined. Tillman will speak later at Newberry. PISTOL TOTING IN CAROLINA. Negroes Drop Lines to Fight in Cot ton Rows. Columbia, 9. C., May 15.—With the stat ute books bristling with laws against car rying concealed weapon*, a trial for this offense Is rare and convictions seldom heard of. Yet the ha'hlt la growing in town and country, being more general in the rural districts perhaps than in towns. The young white man of the small far mer class, and the negro "tote” guns con stantly. Within the last month there have been two homicides in cotton fields— one in Laurens and one in Darlington. Negroes plowing for whites have gotten into disputes while running parallel fur row a, have dropped their lines, drawn pistols and shot. At Johnston last night Jim Mobley went to the home of Leslie Martin and shot him dead, while Martin was sitting In a chair. Mobley fled. Both were negroes. IflFAll Traveling mcn^ B^Coke ■Dandruff U Cure They ltnow. the b(u|; of H " that* wRy. Sold by all druggist*. B A.R.BREMER CO MFRS. FOR BALE AT KNIGHT 8 PHARMACY. THE SYCAMORE CONVENTION. Mach Interest Shown and Many Propositions Made for the B. A B. Sycamore, Go., May 15.—A large con vention was held here to-day of represen tatives along the proposed lower route of the Brunswick and Birmingham Railroad. Delegations were presnt and propositions containing subscriptions to bond*, rights of ways, etc 1 ., were submitted from the towns of Sycamore. Ashburn, Warwick, Dawson, Cuthbert, Americus, Mystic. Ocilla, Irwinviile, Poulan and Leesburg in Georgia and Eufaula, Rockland and Tuskegee in Alabama. The Sycamore citizens headed by Col. Walter Hawkins, Mayor Williams and other representaives met each train and received the delegations with open arms, escorting them to the hotel where en tertainment was provided gratis. The convention was c'ailed to order by Col. Hawkins and organized by electing Dr. W. L. Story chairman; A. Jackson, sec retary. Col. Hawkins in a hospitable speech welcomed the objeots of the con vention was called to promote the in terests of all communities along the low er route and receive from them their sub scriptions and propositions. Hon. Edwin Brobston of Brunswick ad dressed the meeting on behalf of Pres ident Machen and his associates in the Brunswick and Birmingham, and re sponses were made by Capt. Dent of Eu faula, Mayor Felder of Americus, Messrs. Shingler of Ashburn. J. Lee Ensign of Ocilla, J. S. Betts of Ashburn and a num ber of others. Encouraging letters and telegrams were road from President Machen, Congressman Brantley and oth ers . After an elegant dinner served by the ladies of Sycamore the convention recon vened and finished the business with a conclusion of hearty thanks for Cos!. Haw kins and the people of Sycamore for their entertainment. TO ISSUE BULLETIN EARLIER. Statistician Hyde Going to Enrope in Jane. Columbus. Ga., May 15.—8. C. White, special field agent of the Department of Agriculture, was here to-day consulting men on the subject of acreage. He says Chief Statistician Hyde will go to Eu rope early in June, for which reason the bulletin will be issued before his depart ure, and earlier than usual this year. He says Mr. Hyde goes abroad to arrange for interchange of crop reports with foreign countries by mail. He left for At lanta this afternoon. The cash contributions for Jacksonville 6ufferers amount to S9OO besides many private subscriptions. Some committees have not reported. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. CRiESSLER—The relatives and friends Of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cressler and of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Clark are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Cressler this afternoon at 5 o'clock from 108 Henry street, east. Interment at Laurel Grove Cemetery. MEETINGS. SOLOMON’S LODGE NO. 1, F. A A. M. A regular communication of this A lodge will be held at Masonic Tem- Nrjf' pie this (Thursday) evening at 8:15 - *r\ o’clock. The F. C. Degree will be conferred. Transient brethren and members of sis ter lodges fraternally invited to attend. H. WILEY JOHNSON, W. M. JAS. R. CAIN, Secretary. NOTICE. Savannah, Ga., May 13. 1901. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Sa vannah. Florida and Western Railway Company will be held at its office, in the city of Savannah, Ga., at eleven (11) o'clock a. m., 90th meridian time, on the twentieth (20th) day of June. 1901, for the purpose of considering an Increase in the capital stock of said company, the pro posed Increase to consist of an increase of one hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-one (155,671) share* of capital stock, pac.h of the par value of one hundred dollars ($100), of which one hundred and twenty-five thous and (126,000) shares shall be preferred stock without voting power, and the re maining thirty thousand six hundred and seventy-one (30.871) shares of stock shall be common stock, with full voting power. R. B. SMITH, Secretary of the Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company. ■PRCIAL NOTICES. PICNIC. St John’s Episcopal Sunday-school will hold Its annual picnic at Tybee, Friday, Mgy 17. Tickets: Adults, 40c: children, 25c. To b* had at the following places: Livingston's Pharmacy, Theus Bros., Jones' Pharmacy. Solomons & CO. (Bull street) and Masonic Hall Pharmacy. Tickets good on any train. Trains leave Savannah (city time), 10 a. m., 3:20 p. m , 3:20 p. m. Trains leave Tybee (city time), 8:46 p. m., 10 p. m. NOTICE. Bavannah. Ga., May 15. 1901. Beginning with next Saturday (May IS) and until further notice, our place of busi ness will be closed on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. As this is done for the pur pose of giving a half holiday to our em ployes we will appreciate the co-opera tion of our city customers in having their orders for Saturday’s deliveries in as early as possible to admit of delivery be fore closing time. S. GUCKENHEHMER S SON. NOTICE. The Suwanee Springs Hotel has been re-opened for the reception of guests. Springs in superb condition, climate de lightfully cool and pleasant. Rates SIO.OO to *15.00 per week, according to location of room; children under 5 years of age half price. Special rates to families and parties upon application. Address SUWANEE SPRINGS CO., Suwanee. Fla. FOR RENT, The first floor of the old State Bank building, at present occupied by Messrs. Hull A Lathrop. Possession given Oct. I next, or may be arranged for sooner If desired. Apply to SOUTHERN BANK OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. NOTICE. The books of the Receiver of Tax Re turn* era now open for reception of tax raturna (or all classes property. Call early and avoid the crush. April 20. M. S. BAKER, R. T. R. ANNOUNCEMENT. I have .assumed control of the Planters' Hotel and hare thoroughly renovated and refurnlehed the room* and will run It upon strictly ftrst-claia European plan. Meals at all hours. W. C. GROVES. IV.ILTBB XV. SHEPPARD, Attorney at .Law, Morning News Building. Savannah. Ga. NOTICE. Mr. J. D. Siam, during my absence from the city, le my duly authorized agent. MRS L. C. UERKE.N. j WANTED. 5,000 SHIRTS, 50,00 COLLARS and CUFFS To Relatmder as Good as New. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY 11 Congress Street, West. Phone 383. SPECIAL NOTICES. GREER'S SCOTCH WHISKY. This celebrated famous old vatted Highland Whisky le Imported direct from the distillery by us. This Greer Scotch Whisky Is guaranteed to be bottled abroad and is consigned to us from Glas gow, Scotland, and is In bond in the United States Custom House In this city. This grand old Greer Scotch Whisky Is beautifully mellow and mild to a degree and Is soft to the palate as one could possibly wish, and there la a nuttiness about It that Is especially pleasing. We are glad to let the publle pur chase as small quantity as they wish, even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing the beet brand of Scotch whisky extant- LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists, Llppman’s Block, Sole Agents for the Greer Distil leries, Glasgow, Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies. I CLEANSE lOl’R BLOOD. Now Is the time to cleanse your blood and avoid spring sickness. Graybeard is the Identical purifier required now. Gray beard dispels that tired, languid, lasy feeling. Graybeard restores that appe tite. Graybeard makes you digest what you eat. Graybeard makes new blood, rich blood and sends you into spring feeling superb. Do not neglect. Do not delay. Take a bottle home to-night. KESPRESS DRUG. CO., Props. " I | GOOD COFFEE. If you are fond of a cup of good coffee buy It of G. Trapani & Cos., 104 Broughton, east. Phone 1880. Fine Rio Coffee. 2 lbs. for 25c. Our Country Club Coffee reduced to 23c per pound. Maryland Club Coffee, which satisfies ail drinkers, of good cof fee, at 30c per pound. Two pounds can of delicious - Standard Java and Mocha Cof fee 75c. This coffee cannot be surpassed in quality. We sell the Clover Hill But ter. the best In the market. Fine Spaghet ti and Macaroni at 8c per pound. Pure Olive Oil at 75c a quart. REDUCTION IN RENOVATIONS BY THE NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENOVATING CO. This Is the season of year to hava your mattresses and pillows renovated, and In doing so, see that you get the best ser vice. 1 have the only medicated steam renovater (indorsed by physicians) in Sa vannah. and am prepared to serve you with first-class work. Have mads spsciel reduction in prices of renovations; call and get them; examine system of doing work, and place your order. Carry full line of tickings, feathers, etc. J. R. DOONER, Bell ’phone 1135. 331 Drayton Street. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Vale Royal Manufacturing Com p&ny bavs started their new saw mill, and have for sale at wholesale or retaJ a full 11ns of their famous brands of Cy press Shingles. They also have on hand a full stock of Gypress and Ash Lumber at reasonable prices. Boats can load at our wharves. H. P. SMART. President. BECKMANN’S CAFE, 112-114 Whitaker street. First off the Beach. A 100-lb. Turtle will be prepared for lnnch In soup and steaks Monday at 11 o’clock Friend* and patrons are cor dially Invited to partake, Respect fully. GEORGE BECKMANN. LOOK AT THE LINING. The lining to the suits cleaned by us Is as clean as the suit when we return It. Look at the lining. It It Is not clean It Is sorry work. Our work Is the best. NEW YORK DYE WORKS. State and Whitaker streets. PL ASTER EH S’ AND MASONS’ SUP PLIES. Cement, Line, Plaster, Hair and River Sand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CD., Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 519. SI MMER SCHEDULE. Steamer leaves for Beaufort. Port Royal and way landings Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:80 a. rn., city time, re turning same day. Office, foot of Whitaker street. Phone 530. H. A. STROBHAH, Agent. WALL PAPERS. New Stock, largest stock in the city, which defies competition. Get my esti mate. Suitable terms to responsible par ties W. V.. TAYLOR, 188-140 Barnard. t K. of P. Hall. Paints, Glass, El*. Ga. Phone 877. DOORS. SASH, BLINDS. And everything in the building material line. We are headquarters for these goods, with the largest and most com plete stock in the South. Buy White Pine Doors. Sash and Blinds for your new home. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. A. C. OELSCHIG. FLORIST, would be pleased to have all Interested to examine the Auto-Spray on exhlblton at 12 Broughton street, east. The sprayer Is used for spraying trees, plants, vines, cattle (for keeping off files), lien houses, etc. Also ss a fire extinguisher. Either phone. 49t>. Nursery'. J. GARDNER, Agent. Bell Phone 1639. ' BUSINESS NOTICES. of every bit of harness leaving our es tablishment Is an unvarying rule with us. Whether you order a line set of harness or not your requirements receive our best attention. We wouldn't turn out a poor piece of harness at any price. VEHICLES? Well, we have the largest and most complete stock south of Baltimore. The only repository in Southeast Georgia handling Fraziers, Babcock, Moyer, Buckeye and Woodhull’s lines. We cer tainly lead in quality and styles with prices and terms right to aIL COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. Largest Vehicle and Harness Dealers South. EYES EXAMINED FREE. If you have any eye troubles consult us. If you need glasses we want to fit you. If you need treatment will advise you. Have you seen our latest machin ery for lense grinding, it Is the most com plete plant in (he South, and enables us to compete with any establishment in the country for fine prescription work. Bring us your Oculist Ris, and get your glasses the same day. DR. M. SCHWAB & BUN, 471 Bull street. GBorgialiyriip Bottled when first made and containing to a high degree the three qualities of fine cane syrup—excellent flavor heavy body—light color. This delicious article is sold by us In bottles at $1 per dozen. A. M. & C. W. WEST. TELEPHONE 200. Warm Weather jewelry. Buttons. Pins, Buckles, etc., are needed In warm weather a s in cool. We are showing the pick of the new century styles; In Gold, Sil ver, Enamel, etc. R. Van Keuren & Go., 143 Bull St. Oa. Phone 991. 4 RING US UP HARVARD Pore Bottled BEER HENRY SOLOMON & SON. Wholesale Agents. *" LL B SPECIAL NOTICES. We wish your clothes Just whits like snow, so fslr. We use Octagon soap and the clothes never fade. We give you satisfaction and guarantee the best work. Shirts Bc, New Shirts 10c, Shirt Waists 15c, Undershirts sc, Drawers 6c, Collars I%c, Cuffs Sc. Handkerchiefs, ltic. Socks *c, Pants Cleaned 25c, Family Clothes, mixed, a dozen. 50c: Family, all starch. Clothes, a dozen. 81.00; Duck Skirt* 20c, Linen Suits 50c. Our delivery wagon will call for linen. ROBERT A TONG CO , First Class Chinese Laundry. Be!) Phone 1200. 823 Broughton, east. THE WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop, erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer, la to turn the Job over to the District Messenger end Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery atreet, and they will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture end pianos. C. H MEDLOCK, Supt. and Mgr. VON DM EXECUTED. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ised to execute locally (Immediately upon application) all bonds in Judicial tro. ceedlngs In either the state or United Btates toirts and of Administrators and gus:dUns. DEARJNG A HULL. Agents, Telephone S2c Provident Building. THE CHATHAM BANK TV* LEOPOLD ADLER, President JOHN R C 'D 3 ll^ S c^ e f resl^‘- c a A cS r-^sr tloni”; bankS ’ aseoclations and corral Liberal favors extended to correannna fn* b “ nlc *' as °ur unsurpassed facility, BUYS 6 av?> SS*returai! Mea AND SELLS FOREIGN pv CHANGE, WRITES LETTER* CREDIT AND ISSUES BANK vfnvU orders payable in all OF EUROPE. L Pa RT3 Interest compounded quarterly on a. posits m the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposit Boxes and Vaults 'fir SOBIiRTMIi Capital °*. t , hß .. a ‘ a . te ... O !.. GBors - Surplus and undivided profits DEPOSITORY OF THE GEORGIA. “ 0F Superior facilities for transacting a ~ General BahkTKj~Bi7ilne.. Collections made on all pnirTf7~ accessible througiTt)a~nks~and bankers. anif^h' 118 or -Banks, Bankers, Merchants for ram sollclted - Safe Deposit Bo s quarterly?* 01 ° f *•*”*•’ lnter “‘ WW. and el upwards n * E * Cha "S 8 ° n D i°n H Ji^ A . NNERr - President. , A ,-, CRANE ' Vice President. JAMLb SLLLIVAN, Cashier. directors. E N A wm NERT ' S: M n , W - CORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON Jr H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN ‘ LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Transaeta a (ienerul Banking Business. Solicits Accounts of Individual*., Merchants, Ranks and Other Corpo. rations. Collections handled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest, compounded quarterly, allowed on deposits in our Savtaga Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storage vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, President. MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Cashier. No. 1640. Chartered 1866. -THE- Hi! ill hi OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, *500,000. SURPLUS, $106,*. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A G. CARSON. President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chante and corporations received opon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital S2O, <W Undivided profits 50,000 This bank offers Its services to corpora tlons, merchants and Individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad mlnlstrator, guardian, etc. issues drafts on the principal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on ths Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Savings Department. Safety boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. w. TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. TV .ALTER F. HOGAN. Asst. Cashier. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 15 YORK STREET, WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed or deposits of,even hundreds, with drawable at annual periods. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, President. B. H. LEVY, Vice President. E. W. BELL, Secretary. C. G. ANDERSON. JR.. Treasurer. THE CHATHAM" Real Estate and ImprovementCn A MUTUAL LOAN AND BUILDING COMPANY, INSTALLMENT PLAN- No loans made outside of Chataara county. Homes built on monthly payment plan. OFFICE, 14 BRYAN STREET, EAST. Savannah. J. H. ESTILL, President. C. H. DORSETT, Vice President M. J. SOLOMONS, Sec’y. and Treas. F. w. GARDEN, Asst. Sec. and Treas- DIRECTORS.—WiIIiam Kehoe. Lee Hof Myers. H. C. Cunningham. H. P- Smart, C. 8. Connerat. Ii Wiper Piste For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder, will fold sheet 27x48. It Is In good order. Price 8100. It cost originally BU*- bul ws havs no uss for It and want the roem it occupies. It will be an invaluable adjunct to say newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, O*. 9PECIAL NOTICES. HOUSEKEEPERS Yon are reminded that noee la 4b* time to ate l'azton’a B—D H—r. POISON. It trill keep your premiere frr from tbia pest. Sold in large bolt for StCc. DETERSIVE FLUID Slakes old clothes look Hko o' - ”' Sold In largo bottles for 25c. SOLOMONS CO.. Congress and Barnard and Bol> *• Branch ilote. r ■■" * " ’ ii CHOCOLATE*. BON BOSS. ■ The finest line of Cl. ocolates. Bon r3or ' In ths city. Cakes and all kinds of Pastry. Try our Ico Creams and jiiberbete can’t be beat. French Crsam a Specialty. BELKINtaER A ORni'*’ U Broughton street. TELEPHONES yfc,