The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, May 19, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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12 Basement. Nice Printed ’pfinities 2%c Check Apron Ginghams 31fcc Lining Cambrics, all colors 3>4c 100 Printed Lawns 6&c Yard-wide Sea 'lslands 41e Yard-wide Soft Bleaching 414 c Great Drives. White Check Nainsooks 3c 40-lr*ch Lace Stripe Scrim 3®4c (White Lace Stripe Lawns 5c .jWblte Curtain Muslins . 9c Bargains White Goods 9 cts White India Linons 614 c ■White Heavy Cord Pique 12V4c White Lawn Stripe or Plaid 6c Colored Ducks, all shades 10c Quilts White Crochet Quilts, Pearl Hem, ready for use, fresh stock at 49c, at 59c, at 88c. A beautiful white Crochet Quilt, worth titSO, full 31-4 size, at *1.19. Marseilles A $3.00 Quilt, now for $1 98. Linens A Dozen Checked Doylies 19c A Cotton Huck Towel Sc An all Linen Towel 3c A large Turkish Towel 8c rTurkey Bed Table Damask 13c •Bleached Table Damask 21c A Pune Linen Damask 23c Extra Quality Damask 49c 3-4 Napkins 83c Domestics Genuine Fruit of Ixx>m <W4e Genuine Lonsdale Cambrio SVfee 36-inch White Cambric 6%c Ten-Quarter Brown Sheeting lSVfec Best 30-4 Bleached Sheeting 19c t lO yards Cotton Diaper 39c 'l2 yards English Dong Cloth* 95c See them in the Basement MODERN FABLES? BY GEORGE APE. i Copyrighted 1901 by Robert Howard Rus eell. A highly respected Pastor had a Son who was a Bad Egg. They could not drag him to Camp-Meeting and when they called the Roll for Thursday Eve ning Prayer-Meeting, Son was Non Et. He liked to wear a Red Sweater and read the Dife and Battles of John I* Sullivan. At last he sloped between two Days and his Father did not see him again for many Snows. One Day the Pastor wandered down to the Open Dot hack of the School House to take a sort of a Side Glance at the Greatest Show on Barth. The Pastor was only Human, and he certainly did Hone and Hanker to go in and study the Sa cred Animals, such as the Behemoth of Holy Writ, the Deopard that couldn't find anything to take out the Spots, and the Camels of Egypt, where the Israelites came from. But he didn't dare to go in, because all the Members of his Congrega tion were in there and they would have been Shocked to catch him taking a Shy A SIDE GDANCE AT THE GREAT EST SHOW. at any Worldly Pleasure. They were early at the Ticket-Wagon and stuck for the whole Shooting-Match, including the Grand Concert, but the Shepherd of the Flock had to stand out by the Cook Tent and listen to the Band. That was the Best he got. There was a large Commotion In front of the Side-Show and the Reverend Gen tleman edged around that way to listen to the Spieler in the Blue Box, who was delivering an Impassioned Eulogy on the Ossified Man. the Cuban Dady weighing the Enormous Weight of 760 Pounds, and ensweilng nil Proper Questions, the Hairy Rian from Madagascar and beauti ful Juju, Queen of the Serpent World. The Barker addressed the Park of Hu inanity as Neighbors, and he gave them • come-tilong Song that brought the Cur jency right out of their Clothes. When the Pastor drew nesr, he was amaaed to discover that the Bally-Ho Artist with the Fog-Horn Voice wss none other than his Don-Doat Son. Aa soon as tha Crowd had rush id Into tbe Annex, the Orief-atrtoken Divine con - groatea o, Truant and began to Roast Silks. Foulard Silks, Selling the entire season at 69c, 85c, some worth SIOO at 44 cts. They are a veritable gift, no bargain like it anywhere. Corsets 50c Ladle* Corsets at S9c 500 Summer Corsets at 39c SI.BO Silk Finish Corsets SI.OO Straight Front Thompson. I *, Warner's, P. N., P. D., R & G., J. B. and American Lady at SI.OO Special Inducements to Merchants and Storekeepers. Shirts Men’s Unlaundered White Shirts, re inforced bosom, 3 Shirts for SI.OO Men’s Swell Madras Shirts 69c Men’s Swell Madras Shirts 98c Men’s Fancy Summer Shirts 48c Men’s Fancy Night Shirts 49c Men’s Fancy Night Shirts 69c Jean Drawers 25c Dress Goods Silk Stripe Wool Challies 25c 60c Black French Dress Goods ...37c $1.50 Best Black Dress Goods 98c Cream Serges end Cheviots 75c 25 cts Imported Ginghams 15c Foulardines, Silk Finished 19c Solid Color Fine Organdies t 10c Lovely Printed Dotted Swiss 15c Main Floor him for being In such a Business. "Bet up, Father,” said the Orator, com ing down from his Perch. "Is this the Welcome you have framed up for a Young Man who comes hack after mak ing his Way in the World? It seems to me that I am entitled to the Glad Hand nd a Dewey Arch. I am now the Main Guy of this Congress of Wonders, and it is a Swell Money-Maker. You always wanted me to take after you and blos- THE SPEIDER IN THE BGIIE BOX. som into a Word-Weaver, and here I am. Thanks to my Stage Presence, Easy Flow of Danguage and Convincing Manner, ail inherited from you. 1 hove developed into a Peacherlne. I Jump from Town to Town, scattering my Flowers of (Speech and bringing Happiness to untold Multi tudes of Hirams and Hatties. The Side- Show Is one of our country's Cherished Institutions, the same ns the Public School System, or the Skipworth Deague. It ii not Sectarian In Us Organization, I will admit, but It has an Educational Value and exerts a Moral Influence, as you will And by casting your Eye over the large blue Banner just this side of the Detnonade Joint. Our Exhibition of the Marvels of Nature is intended to stim ulate the Mental Activities and enlarge the Understanding of cveTy Yahoo who buys a Yellow Ticket. Therefore, although our Exposition of Strange and Curious Peoples is not under the Auspices of any particular Denomination, wc claim that it is more Diverting and hue a greater Chaim for the Young than the Tableaux end Charades frequently given In the Dectuie Room for the Bencilt of the Home Missions. If there is any Doubt c.n this Point, 1 am willing to leave it to the Kids.” "But do you play Fair with the Pub lic?" asked his Father. "Are all the At tractions on the inside exactly as you represent on these Jlm-Jam Banners? 1 notice that the Stout laidy la depicted as being about the size of a ls>ad of Hay and the Boa Constrictor is at least three times as long as a Telegraph Pole.” "W’s getting so it's no u*e to Advertise unless you Scare them,” replied his Son. "A Man has to Holler these Days or no body will hear him. Besides, these Ban ner! don't fool anyone. They are as harmless as Campaign Pledgee We put ap these Colored Supplement Pictures in order to preserve the Traditions. I don’t mind tailing you on tho Q. T. that The Graduation and Confirmation is very near White Dress Goods White Silk Parasols White Gauze Fans White Silk Cloves White Silk Ribbons at Reduced Prices. Ribbons 10 ets Fancy Ribbons, 14 price 6c 20 cts Fancy Ribbons, 14 price 10c 25 cts and 35c Ribbons, a gift 15c Fans Large Palm Leaf Fans 1c Japanese Folding Fans 3c Japanese Folding Fans 5c Fans 10c to 50c A Clean Sweep of Summer Goods |Foye& Eckstein) We Never Carry Over Old Styles Underwear Ladies White Ribbed Vests 4c Ladles’ Taped Neck Ribbed Vests 8c Children's Cool Undervests 5c Ladles’ Silk Tape Lisle Vests 19c Ladies Colored Silk Vests 39c Ladles Strapless Undervests 10c Boys Balbriggan Underwear 25c True Bargains Mattings New Japanese Mattings 10c New Japanese Mattlnfs 1214 c New Japanese Mattings 15c New Japenese Mattings 19c New Japanese Mattings 2214 c Ney Japanese Mattings 25c NeW Japanese Mattings 30c ..Others et 35c, at 40c, at 45c, at 50c. Third Floor The Modern Fable of the Gallus Barker and His Condescending Advice to the Governor. Wild Man from Madagascar Is a Coon Whitewasher that we picked up in Eouis ville, but If we placarded that Fact, it would dispel the Pleasure of seeing him tug at his Chain and no one would think better of us for Owning Up. They would simply say that we were not running an o,d-time, bang-up Side-Show such as they drove In to see. Suppose the Boss Dea con in your Congregation puts it in the Paper that he is letting his entire Stock go at Below Cost. No one swallows it, but is the Deacon called up for a Church Trial? Nay, nay, Pauline. On the con trary, every one says that the Deacon is a foxy Gazabe. But if he printed that he sold Goods for all he could get and hoped to Skin everyone who came into his Place, then People would say that he had the Willies and ought to be locked up in the Wheel-House. It was Mr. Barnum who discovered by Experiment that the American Public likes to be Humbugged, and since then over 1,000,000 Schemers have stolen his Process. Our Fellow-Citizens have become so accustomed to an open ing Bluff at least six times as strong as the Show-Down that they have no Re spect for a Player who never puts up a Bold Front with a Weak Hand. They tell him to hack out of the Game and make room for a True Sport. "A good part of your Danguage gets past me, but I am Fly enough to see THE CONGREGATION ADD INSIDE what you are driving at," said the Min ister. “Admitting tho Truth of all you say, do you have the supreme Face to stand there and tell me that this 1* a proper Calling for one who was brought up by Hand in an Atmosphere of Sanc tity?” "Why Not?" asked the Son. "It Is true that 1 am a Mountebank, but there are Others. All Public Characters are more or less In the Show Business since the Introduction of Boom Methode. Talk about your Hoop-Da and your Drum- Beating! When I see a Head Squeeze In the World of Thought put on his Spangles and begin to do Cart-Wheels so as to draw a Crowd, I feel that the Side-Show Man Isn't In 11. I am afraid you are rapping my Open-Air Meetings out of Professional Jealousy. You ad dreis about 300 twlca a Weak, and I talk la Thousands every Day. Boma of yours go to sleep on you and when you pais tha Mat you ara lucky to get It back, but I hava mins climbing ovar ons an- THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. MAY 19. 1901. Independent Early Closing. Beginning Monday, June 10th, this store will close daily, except Saturday, at o’clock Men’s Men’s Seamless Half Hose 7c Men's Fast Color Half Hose 16c Men's Handkerchiefs, best for 10c Men’s Handkerchiefs, Linen 15c 60 cts French Bal. Undershirts 37c Seriven's Patent Drawers 4c Men’s Best Linen Colters 10c Umbrellas 98c Silk 39c Corded Wash Silks 2c 39a Plain Japanese Wash Silks 29c A lot Printed Foulards 29c White Japanese Silks 39c White Japanese Silks 49c Black Japanese Silks 39c Black Japanese Silks 49c Special Black Tatfeta 59c, 67c, 73c, 89c, 98c Waists 50 cts Shirt Waists at 35c 75 cts Shirt Waists at 49c SI.OO Shirt Waists at 59c White Tucked Dawn Waists 9Sc Ecru Dinen Shirt Waists .$1.75 Dinen Color Batiste Waists $1.25 Fine White Dace Waists $3.00 All Silk Waists at Sweeping Reductions. Second Floor other to hand in their Dough. I don't want to Gloat over you. Father, but it does seem to me that I have got your Job beat to a Pulp. Instead of rebuk ing your Child you ought to warm up to me and take a few Private Bessons. I've been over a lot of Ground since I pulled my Freight from this smiling Vil lage. I have taken a couple of Degrees in the School of Hard Knocks and I can give you many a Steer. For instance. If you copied my Style and introduced a few Circus Methods into your Sermons, I am satisfied that in a couple of Years you would be up in a Big Town with a Tabernacle of your own instead of hold ing down an SBSO Sinecure out here on the Prairie. Follow me and you will wear Diamonds and have a Roll big enough te choke a Horse.” "Your Undertaking may be profitable, but I cannot sanction it because of the Degrading Associations,” said the Min ister. "Fie, Father Mine!" exclaimed the Barker. "Think not that all the Nice Peo ple In the World live up In your End of Town. The Circassian Princess to whom lam engaged, Is a Perfect Dady. The Samoan Spotted Boy sends all his Salary to his Sister in Crawfordsville every Week. The India Rubber Man and the Snake-Charmer are happily married and saving up to buy a Cottage in Chicago. The Bearded Dady is Sober and Reliable and has a Wife and three Dovely Chil dren In East St. Douis. Don't condemn a Fellow-Being simply because he Is a Freak and gets paid for It. Think how many there are who are tolerated and in vited out simply on account of their Fam ilies. lam sure that If you go In and mix with the Curiosities, you will find them a very amiable I.ot. I will tip the Wink to the Ticket-Taker, and he will let you in on your Face. We always rec ognize the Profesh.” “Tempt me not.” said the Pastor, as he broke ground. "I feel myself Falling.” And he ran to Escape. MORAD: A careful Early Training is seldom wasted. The Cow. From Outing. We learn from sacred history and books of ancient writers that the cow, like the ox, originally was used solely for agri cultural purposes, at least, for many hun dred years, perhaps, before her milk was used as a product for household con sumption. It Is generally believed, also, that originally the cow, like the deer, buffalo, moose, and elk. gave only suffi cient milk to rear her young, from which we see what a wonderful degree of im provement lias taken place, when a sin gle animal is nowadays made to produce 100 pounds (50 quarts) of milk In a single day, or 100 pounds of butter in a month; or again, when a cow has averaged over her own weight In milk every month for a year. When we consider the original In ferior ancestry of these animals, these results are something marvelous. Care, cltmatic Influences, selection, mat ing. and food have been the causes, and of these,food has played the principal part in producing Improvements. Man, by se lecting and mating, has taken advantage of the variations produced by food, or the abnormal characteristic*. and has gradually molded and fashioned an ani mal to suit his taste and ideals as to greater production, as well as greater beauty and symmetry of form. —paymaster Charles Dittlefleld. TT. B N., will comeplete his term of sea service aboard the receiving ship Wabash at the Charlestown navy yard, but will remain until June 1 in order to settle the ac count*. On the latter date he ie to re port aboard the bettterhlp Kearearge on the North Atlantic station for duty a* fleet paymaster. 1 Tybee Is now In full bloom and we have everything that is needed. Bathing Suits, Caps, Shoes MOHAIRS For making Bathing Suits. Hosiery Ladles and Children's Fast Black Hose, Plain, Lace Stripe or Drop Stich at 11 cts Ladies' Hose, Plain and Fancy Drop Stitch, and Lace effects; they are odd lots, worth up to 60c, they are slaught ered * at 19 cts. Skirts Elegant Pique Shirts 69c All colors Denim Skirts 69c White Pique Skirts $1.50 White Pique Skirts $2.25 $1.50 Washable Skirts 9Sc $4.00 Walking Skirts $2.69 $8.50 Walking Skirts $4.89 Silk Skirts Vary Great Reductions Undermuslins Dadies Fine Chemises 49c Dadies Fine Pantalets 49c Dadies Fine Corset Covers 49c Dadies Black Corset Covers 49c Dadies Fine Night Robes 49c Dadies Japanese Kimonos 98c Dadies White Underskirts 49c Ladies White Dawn Skirts 98c Second Floor Waukesha Arcadian Ginger Ale. SPARKLING, REFRESHING, DELICIOUS. At all Soda Fountains by the glass, pint or quart bottles, At all druggists and fine grocers. At wholesale only by COLUMBIA DRUG CO., Sole Agents. None genuine without the word “Arcadian” on the label. X- 11 ■ 1 ■■-■■■ ■ '■■ ■■ ■■ 'i i ——i m A PORTFOLIO OF WILD FLOWERS. '•■s*73?lFTlf;32; t CFw With Directions as to Mounting. Coloring. Etc. 1 Ttd a UN £ x_jf 1 light CjREEN A lAKjn Z BRIGHT YELtOW MARIGOLD 4 DARK GREEN' I IT _ 5 BLUE No. 1. Marsh Marigold.—The Marih Marigold Is found growing in swampy fields, along the banks of rivers end In the water of little pools and streams, often near its neighbors he Skunk Cab bage and Its dry-shod relatives on the bank, the Buttercups; for the Marigolds and the Buttercups are cousins and belong to tha same family, the crowfoots. Early In May the buds push up between the broed leaves that grow around lta atout ■team and at the golden yellow flowers open they spread out on all sldee to give each otber room to get at the spring Laces. Torchon Laces. 1 to 4 Inches wide, real value 10 cts, this week’s price at 3 cts Valenciennes Laces, fine mesh and nice patterns, we sell 12 yards for 17 cts Parasols. Children Parasols 15c, 25c, 39c Children Parasols 49c, 75c, 98c Ladles Parasols 98c, $1.49, $1.98 T af f eta Silk Umbrellas, $3.00 value, at $1.98 Fancy Parasols At Sweeping: Redaction. Tell the Conductor to Stop the Car in front of OUR DOORS Bed Linens Pure Linen Pillow Casing bßc Union Linen Sheetings 50c Pure Linen Sheetings 99c Hemstitched Pillow Cases 15c Full size Bed Sheets 44c Linen IH. S. Pillow Cases $2.00 Finest Linen Sheets, pair $12.50 40 cts Linen Towels at 22c Largest Stock. Wash Goods Fine Lawns and Dimities 7c Fine Lawns and Dimities 9c Fine Law-ns and Dimities 1214 c Fine Lawns and Dimities 15c Fine Mercerized Tissues 19c High Class Fancy Swisseg 28c Very Stylish Wash Goods 49c Very Finest Wash Goods 78c Main Floor sunshine. Some of the flowers have six 1 sepals or flower leaves; others have as many as eight or nine, nut most of them have five, all set around a bunch of sta men* and pistils dusted with golden pol len on which crowds of the early files and bees feast. The whole flower looks like a big buttercup, or a yellow saucer with scalloped edges. In painting this picture color the flow ers bright yellow, thet Is, yellow mixed with a little blue, the leaves dark green, the stems a lighter, more yellow green. But a tint of blue over all tha paper around the flowers, and when It Is dry palat in on top of tha blue tint the grass and reeda with a light green, leaving the Millinery at Great Reductions. An elegant line of New Ready-to-Wear Hats and Sailor Hats will be closed out very much Below Regular Prices. Shoes at Great Reductions $3.00 Ladies Slippers at $1.98 $2.00 Misses Slippers at $1.25 $1.25 Children Slippers at 75 c Good Shoes at Very Low Prices Infants’ Fine Summer Underwear. Boys’ Sailor Hats, Baby Mull Caps and Hats To Be Sold CHEAPER THAN EVER. Notions. Box, 3 Cakes, Sweet Soap 10c 10c Cake Large Fine Soap 5c Genuine Witch Hazel loc 1,000 Sheets Toilet Paper 5c One Pound Fancy Stationery 22c 24 Sheets Paper and Envelopes 5o Sure Death to Cock Roaches 50c English Tooth Brushes 10c Cologates Tooth ■ Powder 17c Talcum, sc, Bc, 9c Music The festive Mosquito has appeared end the little pests make their presence man ifest. Get your Nets up now. Mosquito Bars In all colors. Mosquito Gauzes in all widths. Mosquito Lace in all qualities. Ready Made Mosquto Canopies. The Dixie Mosquito Canopies. Low Prices blue to represent the water of the stream reflecting the sky. Below the picture and to the left you will notice an outline of the Marsh Mar igold with Its different parts numbered; and to the right the proper colors to use are Indicated with corresponding numbers. To prepare these flower pictures for a portfolio, you should cut out the picture leaving off the color scheme below—and mount on a gray or white mat leaving a good wide margin. A little daub of paste at each comer will hold the picture In place. If the en tire beck Is coeted with peete. the ten dency Is to warp and draw up the mat and It wont lie flat in the portfolio