The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, May 19, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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4 BACK AT ALDERMEN. <Continued from Twenty-fourth Page.) worry about that, friend. You won't have ny more to do with your second birth than you had with your first. “Now look at this handkerchief. It's a eilk one. If I eend this to my laundry wo men and it comes back linen—Who's that striking that match and lighting cigars out there?” The speaker suddenly inter rupted his discourse to inquire, looking at the same time in the direction whence had proceeded the loud screech of a match drawn across rough wood. There was no answer. "Now I don't mind you smoking, but •don't come so close to smoke, and don’t come so close to strike your matches. You worry me. Get awey down about the monument and light up. and then there'll be fire at one end and a fool at the other." The man with the match having been tdisposed of, Mr. Jones started in again With the handke-rchief. He said that if in stead of the silk handkerchief he had sent out, his washerwoman had brought back a linen one and told him it was the same, that tho fabric had been changed in the washing he would know she was a liar and a thief. If the silk handkerchief came back clean, he would know the ex- pected service had been performed. It’s the same way about salvation. It don't make another man of you. You are the same old man, but you are a clean one. The biood of the Herd Jesus Christ was shed to wash the last speck of dirt out of your heart and leavi it as it. was before. Salvation is a poor human being, with the dirt washed out of him. You stand up a clean mCn, loving everything that is clean and hating everything that Is dirty. “But you are the same old man. God hasn’t made anew one. He hasn’t made something out of nothing since He cre ated Adam. God didn’t create you out •of nothing, sister; woman is not a part of creation. When He saw It was not good that man should be alone, He caused Adam to be overcome by a deep Bleep and took a rib from his side and from this He made woman. Some say He tok It from Adam's left side, nearest his heart, but I don’t know. Some say He took It from his right side, from under his strong right arm, so that under that arm ■woman might find protection through the centuries; sometimes I doubt this, too. ”1 admire the manhood that looks after ■wife and children and I haven’t got any use for any other kind. You talk about protecting woman and shielding her from Insult and harm, and yet every bar sign that swings along your streets is an In sult to every wife and mother In Savan nah. You license them and use the money and then,” said the speaker with infinite eoom, “you run around prating al>out 'the home of the free and the land of the brave.' You lying hound, you." “Poor humanity Is ell out of harmony •with itself. That’s what’s the matter. Some of the people talk about man com ing from a monkey; say he started as an enimacule, then was changed into a bug. and from a bug to a fish, and from a fish to a squirrel and from a squirrel to a tnonkey and from a monkey to a man. “Well, I don’t believe we were built that way. I don’t believe we came from monkeys, but when I look down at some of you fellows, I think you are heading that way. “You ain’t headed right, my friends. You haven’t been put together according to the book of instructions. You show me a man who hasn't been, and I’ll show you the worst out of whack old sinner that ever disgraced this town. “You ain't headed right. When you dart down town and stop in a saloon and spend the money that would buy your wife and children some little comfort or stop In a policy shop and gamble away what you have scraped together, you ain’t headed right. “Why I received a letter to-day from a man who complained about my speaking disrespectfully of the infidels. He thought I ought to treat them with more consid eration. He wanted me to call a damna ble old buzzard a mocking bird. "I’ve got no respect for an 'in-fiddle.' You're nothing but an old mouth going ■round talking, and If somebody should come along and smash your mouth, it would smash the whole dog, from snout to tail.” “Don't talk to me, Bud, about your Sa vannah nan. You make me tired. There Isn't a dirty saloon In this country that the Jaw and decent men oughtn’t to close up at 9 o'clock in the evening and Jet the uert who hang around them go home. "Why If I wanted to commit any devil try on eanh I'd come to Savannah to do It. If I wanted to run a policy shop, or a turf exchange, or a saloon, open three hundred and aixty-flve days In the year, or a hoochee-coochee dance In the middle of your principal park, why I’d come to Savannah and apply for a license to the magnificent. Daniel Webster-like, wise aldermen of the city of Savannah." The crowd laughed with every evidence of great enjoyment. “But I tell you what I’d do," contin ued the speaker; "I'd close up when Sam Jones came to Savannah." The crowd howled again. “Isn't It a farce? Isn’t It a travesty upon the administration of Justice and the law, when the dirty, devilish crowd here Is more afraid of Sam Jones than they are of Judge, Jury, Mayor and the whole crowd of your immaculate alder men? “And there ain't a one of them that's got a thing to say about Sam Jones. What I said about the alderman who wouldn't have let me have this place In the park, I stick to. If I did run a soap factory In hell, I wouldn’t have his car cass If It were brought to me. I wouldn't have a deoderlzer strong enough." "Listen. There ain't a dirty old scoun drel In this town who rents his property to a saloon, who Is one whit better than the damnable bull-necked sooundrel who keeps the place." There was much laugh ter and applause at this. “Why, brothers,” said Mr. Jones, turn ing around to the preachers who sat with him on the platform, "don't you say •Amen’ to that? I'd say It If they licked me for It before I got home. "I haven’t got any respect for the man who goes around saying: ‘I don't make any pretensions myself, but I'vg got the best wife In the world.’ Well, what's your wife got, you old devil, you? “You young bucks sitting over there. If you want to know how cussing sounds, just go home and have your pure and in nocent sisters reel off a yard or two. You say you are gentlemen, but if to be a gentleman a man has to run around with your crowd and do what you do, I'd rather be a bob-tailed yellow dog. "You can’t be a gentleman In Savan nah without drinking whisky. That's right. You can't be a gentleman so cially, I mean, and not drink. Ain't that ao?” asked the speaker of the preachers on the stage. They couldn't ugree on h! proposition and Mr. Jones let It pas*. “W'hen the physicians disagree,” he said. "I guess It's left for the patient to do the best he can for himself.” Mr. Jones turned loose again on the Elks He told a story, that In turn had been told him by one of the local ministers, who had been aeked by an Elk to Join the lodge According to the story a brother Elk had remonstrated wllh the first for extending the minister the invita tion, on the ground that an Blk lodge wus . no place for him and the Elks themselves * would lose repect for him If he Joined. "And It Isn’t," said Mr. Jones. "A preacher ha* no place In a room where they guzzle beor. They've got preachers In there. I know, and If I wa* a beer swlggln* preacher I'd Join them too. It they'll slop drinking beer and whiskey and sign the pledge I'd Join them any how, rd like to, because they are good hearted, clever fellow* and I have no Ill will against them. "I've got aa much reaped for them, any how, as I have for your city dubs. I TOURI 5 T 5. WHERE THEY WII/T. FIND Humphreys’ Specifics. PARIS, 32. rue Etienna-Marcel. and all Pharmacies. LONDON, 1. King Edward St.. Newgate street. VIENNA. Stephansplatz, 8. ALEXANDRIA, rue Cherif Pacha. LISBON, Rua do Arsenal, 148 & 152. BARCELONA, 5, Calle Sta. Ana. BRUSSELS, 58, rue Montague de la Cour. RIO DE JANEIRO, 32, Rua Goncalves Dias. BUENOS AYRES, 442, Calle Florida, 449, MEXICO CITY, Calle del Coliseo, 3. HAVANA, Tenlente Rey 41, y Compos tela, 83 & 85. HONOLULU, Hollister Drug Cos., Ltd. PANAMA, Plaza Santa Ana. CANADA, at all Drug Stores. Dr. Hnmpbrcya’ Specific Manual, a pocket epitome of the Domestic Prac tice of Medicine, mailed for the asking. Humphreys’ Homeopathic Medicine Cos., Cor. William & John streets, New York. don’t care whether a bar is kept In a hoveil or in a club furnished with ail im aginable comfort, It’s the same sort of a dirty hog-wallow to me. It's leading your boys to perdition. It's truth I'm tell ing you, and Im not afraid to say It. They say some of these people are go ing to hurt me. If I talk against these clubs—that they are going to clean me up. “Bud, I don't need any cleaning up; I took a bath before I came here. I’m op posed to everything that’s got whisky or beer in it, and I’m going to fight It while I have breath.” The sermon was brought to Its conclu sion from this point. A tender story or two, the evangelist told, of the comfort ing, soothing, healing balm that had come to men through salvation. He asked the professing Christians in the audience, who had felt themselves benefited by the services, to stand up. Three-fourths of the crowd arose to their feet. Then he the unsaved who felt that they too had received Inspiration from the gatherings and felt that they wanted to be saved, to rise; a large addi tional number was added to the standing throng. Then the audience was dis missed. TOLD OF SAM JONES. After the services at the Tabernacle a nfgTit or two ago a policeman approached Rev. Sam Jones and offered to escort him to his hotel. "I think It advisable for an officer to accompany yogi Mr. Jones,” said the blue coat, “as the temperature of your assertions may have aroused the wrath of jjbur critics.” “My friend,” said the evangelist, “I'm not afraid of any man on earth or devil In hell. I don't want any protection.” A Cotton Exchange man was asked the other day what the members think of Rev. Sam Jones. "His severest critics are those who have not heard him," was the reply. “For myself, I have attended several of the night meetings, and as a result my for mer Ideas of Mr. Jones have been modi fied. Like many others I thought the meetings would be more for entertain ment than a factor for good. It seems to me that any fair-minded person would Indorse such utterances as he has made so far. Everybody hears something which does not set well on their stomachs, but It must be borne In mind that the speak er is addressing himself to a congrega tion composed of classes that warrant him In adopting as many different atyles and methods to suit." The two met In a down-town square and began talking about Sam Jones. "What do you think of him, anyway?” queried the reporter of a man who hadn’t warmed a church seat in years. "Jones is all right. He said some things, though, that I thought could have gone unsaid. While I’m not a psalm singer, I claim some good qualities, and one Is love for my family. Jones talked about love for his family when I heard him last, and that touched me to the heart. That sermon lined me up In the Jones column, and I became interested." From this the man related verbatim a pathetic story told by Mr. Jones. With the W'armth and earnestness born of con viction, he was beginning to disclose fa cial evidences of the touching effects of Mr. Jones’ story, when he turned abrupt ly on observing an incident nearby: “Well, did you see that blank blank blankety blank? him, If I were In reach I'd break his blankety blank head.” After cooling down, the man realized the abruptness of his change from pathos to profanity. "I'd give Sam Jones SI,OOO to stop my swearing. You see I broke loose here before I hardly knew It. I'm full of cuss words, and when I see anything like that over yonder I go to cussln'. Yes, I’m going out to hear Sam to-night.” Some years ago Mr. Jones held a re vival up in Tennessee—at Knoxville. The meetings were held two miles from town at a park owned by the street railway company. Considering the disadvantages there, the meetings were very successful. Before they were closed, however, the good people of that bailiwick learned what Mr. Jones thought of those who didn't even care to help bear the expense of the meetings. As Is frequently the case, the Incandescent lights strung to the trees began dancing and; flickering about the time the speaker was warming up in his appeal. Added to this the collection was small, some had contributed almost noth ing and many less. When the receipts were announced Mr. Jones advanced to the front of the platform, braced his right shoulder against the corner post of the platform and began shelling the crowd. He wondered what such a crowd expected of a preacher. If the whole gang had been taken by the heels, he said, and shaken upside down only scattering pen nies and pocket knives would have come. With Mr. Jonea on his present trip is a gentlemanly little fellow who followed the evangelist thousands of mile# before It was discovered that he was part and parcel of the evangelist's party. This man sells the song books, but at that time he was only handling pictures of Mr. Jones, which found ready sale among Mr. Jones' thousand* of admirer* all over the country. He sells both pictures and books now and between, the two finds the profits enough to keep him going. "They say Mr. Jones Is a money-grab ber,” he said. “If he Is he has never asked for any share of the proceeds of my sales, though he could have legiti mately charged me for this privilege If he had chosen to." “Are any of these song books returned and money asked for at the close of the meetings?" fes, occasionally. Sometimes a half dozen books are bought for one family, and when the meetings close they return all but one or two." "Is this Savannah meeting an unusually large one?” "No; all Sam Jones’ meetings are large. I have never yet seen a Jones meeting a failure, and never expect to see one. It’s success everywhere he goes. Mr. Jones understands the people and he soon makes them understand him. Thenceforth It's all right.” This is why one man won't go to hear Mr. Jonea: "Grant that I should attend a Jones meeting, during which I might desire to retire. Suppose that on my way out I should be Insulted by Mr. Jones, shouting, as hs baa previously done, 'Thar* goes * man to bell. The nest day there would THE MOKNING NEWS: SUNDAY. MAY 19.1901. Up to Hot Weather Are We. M YOU Must BO MtOfile HK PROVIDE THE MBAKB. ICE CREAM FREEZERS. WATER COOLERS. FLY FANS. ICE PICKS. ICE SHREDDERS. ICE SHAVERS. TALL GLASSES FOR MIXING. ICE CREAM SETS. LEMONADE SETS. ALL SORTS OF SUMMER HOME SUPPLIES. RAJROAINS IN PLATES, DISHES. BOWLS, FROM A TRAVELER’S SAMPLES. THOS. WEST & C 0„ 11 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. be trouble that wouldn't compensate me for the good.” SAM JONES ON AN OUTING. With a Party of Friend* Visited Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope. Rev. Sam P. Jones and a pleasant par ly were the guests of the Savannah, Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Railway yesterday on a trip to Thunderbolt, Isle of Hope, and around the city belt. A special car tendered by Mr. J. H. Fall, vice president of the railway, left the Bol ton street Junction, at 3 o'clock carrying, besides Mr. Jones, Rev. G. R. Stuart, Mr. J. H. Ramsay, Rev. W. A. Nlsbet and Mrs. Nisbet, Rev. Ed F. Cook, Rev. J. D. Jordan, Rev. Osgood F. Cook, Rev. William P. McCorkle, Rev. D. W. Eden fleld, Rev. J. A. Smith and the Misses Jones. At Thunderbolt, a stop was made for a short time In order to inspect the new Casino, and then the trip was continued to Isle of Hope, where another stop was made. The trip was In every way a most enjoyahle one and was much appreciated by those in the party. Others Share Hl* View*. "Paul Pry,” who recently printed a card relative to Rev. Sam Jones in the Morn ing News, has received many letters from others who share his views. The latest received Is from Mississippi. In It the writer, who evidently is under the impres sion that Paul Pry U conducting a paper, asks that space be accorded him to ex press also his views of the Mr. Jones. ODD FELLOWS' CONVENTION. Savannah Lodge* Will Be Well Rep resented at Macon. The Savannah Odd Fellows who will at tend the annual convention of the order at Macton on Wednesday, leave over the Central to-morrow and Tuesday night. A large delegation will represent this city at the conclave. The reports of the local officers will show that Odd Fellow ship In Georgia is In splendid condition. In the neighborhood of twenty delegates will leave to-tnorrow night. A special car will bf used Tuesday night, at which time the delegates from Ruth Lodge of Rebekah will leave. The Savannah lodges that will send delegates are Magnolia En campment, Oglethorpe Lodge No. 1, Live Oak Lodge No. 3, DeKalb Lodge No. 9, •Golden Rule Lodge No. 12, Concbrd Lodge No. 17, Haupt Lodge No. 58 and Acorn Lodge No. 103. -Tender-Hearted.—"Jobstock Is very tender-hearted, isn’t he?” "Tender-hearted? Well, say, that man wouldn't even strike an average."—Cleve land Plain Dealer. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL. THIM bles; only one to each person; sterling silver hearts, 9c; only one to each per son; solid gold baby’s linger rings; only one to each person. Fegeas, 111 Whitaker street, Hair Jewelry and Shaving Supply House; the place to have your Jobs fixed In watches, dock, spectacles, razors and hair work; nothing too big, nothing too small; bring 'em up; also your old gold, sliver and hair; cash given U for same. " A RESPECTABLE WHITK “ WOMAN offers her services as caretaker of a house, with or without occupants; terms reasonable; references given and requir ed. Address Mrs. D., care Morning News. “cut FLOWERS,"fIoraI DESIGNS on short notice. K. O. Tischmeyer, flo rist, Waters road; Bell 'phone 135. " malt M®AD REFRESHES AND does not harm.; no adds nor drugs HEREAFTER, THE GEORGIA DAIRY will be under the direct supervision of T. H. Brandon, proprietor. " bhuptrTne ; b~celery headache Powders will positively cure your head ache. 'Phone 1194, or 817 Ga. THE “TEXT” FOR~ THE COMING week to “Coal Oil Johnny Soap." A clean scalp and body will make you resemble angels for five cents. Remember this. "SLIP COVERS"MADE7REASONABLE; lit guaranteed; send postal. 409 East York street; Mrs. Doyle. “W ONDE R F U L CLAIRVOYANT. What he tells comes true. Send 10 cents and birthday. Prof. John Myers, Lincoln Park station, Chicago. “TOUR CA RPETB “ARE TER FECTLY safe here; we take them up, clean and store them for you at a nominal cost; oil carpets are Insured by us. Foye & Eck stein. “BUTTER MELTS AT 91 DEGREES; Butterlne melts at 103.2 degrees; an or. dlnary thermometer furnishes the test; use "Clover Hill;” prints the pure butter ■that melts at 91 degrees. ‘“ACCORDION PLEATING, "MADE TO order from one Inch to thirty Inches :n width. Mrs. Vasdle, 203 Henry, west. ' K KKP YOUR BATH _ TUBB BWBBT and clean by using Yankee cleaner. For sale only by Foye & Eckstein. “COLORED - FABRICS WASH ED WITII out fading your underwear, as well •as other clothes, returned sweet-smelling and far cleaner and cheaper than by washer women, by Georgia Steam Laundry. “TH E “ GEORG 1A DA IRY, 343“ ABKH corn street, will furnish you with every thing handled by a first-class dairy; or ders also taken for Ice cream, sherbets, and charlotte russe. Georgia 'phone 827. "*CALL AROUND TO SEE ME TO-DAY If you want to rent a bicycle. For hire by hour. day. week or month. Easy terms. Walter F. Higgins, Drayton and President. “SECT)ND-TTA : Nh"FT:RNITURE ~AND household goods bought Hurt sold for cash. Furniture Exchange, 113 Barnard street. PERSONAL. TAKE YOUR WATCH AND BROKEN jewelry to Wllenaky’s, corner Broughton- Barnard, to have them repaired; when he Is through with your watch and jewelry it will be all right; prices reasonable. See him. MILLER MAKES A SPECIALTY OF furnishing summer homes; attractive goods at modest prices; bring your list and let us estimate, C. P. Miller, Agt. CAM ERAS - SLIGHTLY SHOP WORN, for sale cheap. Oppenhelmer, Sloat & Cos., State and Whitaker. "l 1 AYE YOI T R CARPETS TAKEN OT and cleaned and stored by experienced workmen get our prices. Foye & Eck stein. YOU"WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dairy; it’s rlcb and pure; try It. THY WILKE PORCELAIN REFRlG erators are absolutely the highest class made; see us and let us explain their merits; catalogues and prices mailed on request. C. P. Miller, Agt. IF YOU HAVE BACKACHE, PHONE Shuptrine’s Pharmacy for a capsidonna plaster; best the world over, 25c. "YANKEE CLEANER CLEANS everything in the house; try it; 15c and 25c can. Foye & Eckstein. RATTAN COUCHES. RATTAN SET tees, rattan rockers from $1.48 up; a choice line of summer goods. C. P. Miller, Agt. IF “YOU WANT NICE, SMOOTH shave get one of our razors. If not sat isfactory want It returned. Oppenhelm ers-Sloat, 12 Broughton street, east. “SEE THE “FAMOUS FELT-LINED Hair Mattresses,” unequaled for durabil ity and elasticity; warranted in every particular. C. P. Miller. Agt. HAVE YOUR'CARPETS TAKEN UP, cleaned and stored for the summer; your carpets are perfectly safe with us, as we Insure them. Foye & Eckstein. I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton; ring up 1186 If you want ti have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guaranteo prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 414 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. "FOUNTAIN PEN! EVERY ONE guaranteed, or money refunded; only SI.OO. Oppenheimers-Sloat, 12 Broughton street, east. “NEW LINES OF MATTINGS. CAR pets, window shades, lace curtains, lin oleum, rugs, art squares; prices always right. C. P. Miller, Agt. FOR SALE, ONE LADIES’ SPALD itxg second-hand bicycle; good condition; SIB.OO cash. Oppenheimer, Sloat & Cos., State and Whitaker. P-K AND"LINEnT SKIRTS, COATS and pantaloons washed and ironed prop erly at Georgia Steam Laundry. "’PHONE 582 JERSEY DAIRY FOR sweet milk, butter milk, cream, clabber and curds. Our delivery Is prompt. We guarantee satisfaction. "MILLER’S GO-CARTS "AND BABY carnages combine simplicity, elegance and durability at very reasonable prices. C, P. Miller, Agt. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try it; you will be pleased. BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERA tors and genuine Ice savers and food pre servers; sold with satisfaction to consum ers for the past fifteen years. Come and see them. C. P. Miller, Agt. "SPALDING AND REMHS GOODS for sale at Oppenheimer-Sloat & Cos., State and Whitaker. “SUITS MADE TO ORDER EROM"SIS up; elegant pants $4. A. Getz, the tailor. State and Jefferson; also cleaning and dyeing. "hats, ribbons, flowers, cmr fotis etc., at half Broughton street prices; hats trimmed for 26 cents; 50 nice straw hats on sale Monday at 10c each; a special bargain; don’t miss it. Miss C. D. Kenner, 117 York street, east. "THE""GEORGIA"STATE FAIR AN D Savannah are now synomymous, and both bring up the thought of good horses and good horses lead to ithe thought of good shoeing,and good shoeing can only be done by a horse-shoer and fitter. lam both, and only ask the opportunity of proving this. Monahan, the Horse-shoer and Fit ter, Jefferson, near Liberty. Georgia ’phone 838. I HAVE THE"BIGGESTBARGAININ town in a 1901 bicycle at S2O cash. Ask to see It. Walter F. Higgins, Drayton and President. THE JERSEY DAIRf MAKES A specialty of butter milk; churned from cream; try a glas*. Whitaker and Perry lane. "•‘FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” Is a specialty with McGlllls. MILLER'S AWNINGS GIVE“B~ATIS‘- faction. Only best material used. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. C. P. Miller, Agt. "THOSE NICE FLL.K3 IN THE southern part of the city have the best fresh meats, vegetables, groceries and wood very close to them. Ring up J. C. Morgan & Cos., and they will divide It around; Thirty-fifth and Bull streets; ‘phones 512; quick delivery; goods Al. HAMMOCKS, 75c; NOVELS, 10c, AND fine pipe, 25c. What more do you want? Oppenheimers-Sloat, 12 Broughton street, east. "IF YOU DRINK MILK. TRY A GLASS of Ice cold aerated milk, at Jersey Dairy, Whitaker and Perry lane. "PHONE SHT’PTRINE’S "pharmacy over either phone, to send for your pre scription; It will be returned In the same time you could get It yourself. WHEN YOU~SEE“MGILLIS“SIXTY'- lnch 99-cent rugs, you will buy them Just can’t help it; will sell In any quan tity MEDICAL,. gleet"'""cured In 6 or 8 days; no medicine Internally; no Injection; no pain; no stricture. Address Dr. Mobley, Inverness, Fla. MORPHINE, OPIUM, LAUDANUM, cocaine habit; myself cured; will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. CANCER CUREEfAT HOME BY IN ternal treatment, no knife, plaster or pain. Book and testimonials mailed free. Can cer Institute, 121 W. Forty-second street, New York. "VITALITY IX>W,"DEBILITATED OR exhausted cured, by Dr. Kline's Invigor ating Tonic; free, SI.OO trial bottle, con taining two weeks’ treatment. Dr. Kline's Institute, 931 Arch street, Philadelphia; founded 1871. LADIES! DO YOU~WANT"a"REGU lator, thajt never fails to regulate, and Is absolutely harmless? Buy "Eureka Tab lets,” $1.50 per box. Address Melrose Med|clne Company, 309-310 Norcross build ing, (Atlanta, Ga. LADIES!"CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pllla are the best. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, “Relief for Ladies,” <n letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos., Philadelphia, Pa. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR f*et are troubling you. call on me and 1 will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns, and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best reference* in the city; pa tients treated at residence*; orders can be left al Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 193. Lew Davis, surgeon chiropodist. . . " HELP WASTBU-lUI.B. ''mTvntkdT'reoib*!^^ cist, no less than fifteen years' practical experience; reference required. Ph*na cetlne, care News. HELP XV A \ TED — Si ALB. 'wanted! colored boy for light porter work, at the Bee Hive, St. Julian and Whitaker street. " WANTED! SHOEM AKE R; GOOD working man at once. 209 Jefferson street. Savannah, Ga. WANTED, GOOD LIVEDY MAN*"TO sell and deliver oil and gasoline. Apply 556 Zubly street. WANTED"MACHINIST AND STEAM fitter. Davis' Machine Shop. "two WHITE BOYS TO LEARNHAR ness making; no triflers. Apply foreman Leo Frank, Congress and Whitaker. AN EXPERIENCED PROVISION salesman; none other need apply; only applications by letter considered. P. O. Box No. 362 Swift & Cos. "WANTED, A YOUNG MAN, WITH experience as parcel wrapper Address Dry Goods, care News office. AN ENERGETIC BUSINESS MAN can secure a business opportunity with our agency. Savannah Development Cos., 311 Whitaker street. PHYSICIAN TO TAKE charge of sanitarium In pine woods of South Georgia; good hotel, mineral and sulphur springs; railroad communication; dally malls; every convenience. Address Charles J. Wade, Washington, D. C. " WANTED, FOR V. s! ARMY; able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writ? English. For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer, 303 Bull street. Savan nah, Ga. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR goods by samples to wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest and only man ufacturers in our line In the world; lib eral Salary paid. Address. Can-Dex Mfg. Cos., office, 28 Board of Trade Building, Savannah Ga. WANTED, LUMBER INSPECTOR; must be first class and sober; none but experienced men need apply; married man preferred; will cut 30,000 feet bill stuff per day. Apply to Dasher Dumber Company, Marchman, Brook3 county, Georgia. “persons' evert where”whocan write meritorious sketches, articles or stories; good pay. Literary Bureau, 303 Caxton building, Chicago. "wanted; salesmen in each state to sell tobaccos and clgare; experi ence not absolutely necessary. Factory 215, Thaxton, Va. MANAGER, ENERGETIC M'AN MAN age branch. Old established house. No soliciting; office duties wholly. Salary $125 month; extra commissions. Yearly en gagement; chance rapid advancement man ability. Must furnish references and SBOO cash. Manager, Drawer 74, New Ha ven, Conn. "EARN A BETTERSALARY and PO sltion; s4udy electricity, mechanical en gineering, mechanical drawing, at home by correspondence. Thousands success ful. Thomas A. Edison indorses institute. Book, "Can I Become an Electrical En gineer?” mailed free. Electrical Engi neer Institute, New York. "aTgOOD SALESMAN “'WANTED TO sell, with his other goods, dry goods spe cialties for country and retail trade, on commission. Bryn Mawr Mills, Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED, MAN, UPRIGHT CHARAC ter to manage business of old established house; salary $lB per week and expenses payable each week direct from headquar ters; expense money advanced; position permanent; reference. Standard House, 344 Caxton Building, Chicago. SIO.OO A DAY TO LIVE MEN; BIG money for hustlers selling "Clncinnatus” Leather Suspenders and Belts, never break or pull off buttons; Just the thing for cotton planters. M. P. Skinner, 165 Meeting street. Charleston, S. C. "WANTED, SALESMKNfFOR CIGARS; experience unnecessary; new plan; extra ordinary Inducements to customers, mak ing sales easy; big money. Consumers’ Cigar Cos., 634 S. Seventh street, St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN; WANTED, BY AN OLD established wholesale tea and coffee house, a thoroughly experienced sales man, In close touch with the retail gro cery trade in Georgia and Northern Ala bama. Must furnish first-class reference, and be fully qualified to fill an Important position. Stale experience, territory cov ered regularly, etc. Address “M.,“ 19 S. Second street, Philadelphia. "man with good referencesTto collect on route In Georgia; sls per week and expenses; permanent position. Sec. Card, Star Bldg, Chicago. "wanted; LODGE ORGANIEZRS; highest salary and commission; top con tract, Address Knights of Kadosh, Des Moines, la. WANTED EVERYWHERE, Hus tlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc., no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. "wanted; colored "man; sober and trustworthy, to prepare for traveling; S6O per month and all expenses; please en close self-addressed envelope for particu lars. Superintendent, 702 Star building, Chicago. 'WE PAY S2O A WEEK' AND EX penses to men with rigs to introduce Poultry Compound. International Manu facturing Company, Parsons, Kan. "SALESMEN WANTED: CAN “YOU sell a guaranteed oil stock? A good In ducement to the right party. Address immediately Santa Marla OH Company, Suite 702, 7 Water street, Boston, Mass. "SALESMEN, SIDE LINE, PATENTED purse; entirely new idea; practical, pleas ing; remarkable seller; send references first letter. Stein Sundean Manufacturing Company, Lincoln, Neb. CIVIL SKit VICE-GOVBRNMBNT PO sltions. About 9,500 appointments were made last year. Probably 10,000 this year. Those standing highest at the examina tions soon to be held will secure these positions. Catalogue of Information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED, EXPERIENCED UP-TO date traveling salesmen by June 1. Must be able to show straight record and give bond. None but hustlers need apply. Box 608, St. Louis, Mo. FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN for staple line. Must command good sal ary. Address A. T. 8., P. O. Drawer G., lowa City. lowa. "SALESMEN, SIDE LINE: 12.500 YEAR- Iy easily made: Americus New Idea Sus pender and Belts; sell themselvea; strict ly up to date; new on the market; exclu sive territory; write giving references. Berry Manufacturing Company, B 257, Cincinnati, O. ' CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED everywhere, experience unnecessary, $25 weekly. Emanuel Cos., 20* East One Hun dred and Sixth street, New York. "WANTED, THREE GOOD SALEB - Regular and special lines. Sell to trade only. Men callable of earning good salary. Address B, this paper. WANTED, DISTRICT MANAGERS good insurance, building and loan and in vestment men apply. Address the Atlan tic Security Cos., Jacksonville, Fla. "WANTED BY AN ESTABLISHED, high rated firm, scheme or specialty men to sell an exceedingly attractive and sal able line. Special terms and unique in ducements. High priced man Investigate. Box 384, Detroit. Mich. ""WANTED,' THE BEST MALT MEAD patron to make himself known, some thing great await* you. HELP MAMED—FEMALE. '"'TYAVT?av"T''vR4iTELTTRT^^ general house wAk. Apply at 12 Tay lor street, east. One of All Leathers, ill wins ‘zrz? Latest models. dressy patent One Price, A ticket on th A a A A pony with every £JL 1111 L pair of shoes. GLOBE SHOE CO., S. . HELP WANTED—FEMALE. EXPERIENCED HANDS CAN GET employment at the E. & W. Laundry. ' GOOD. RELIABLE SERVANT FOR general housework. 215 Anderson, east. ' — FIVE FIRST-CIZ\SS _ SKIRT HANDS at once. Apply Mrs. D. Farmer, 203 Tattnall street. 'WANTED, A SERVANT FOR GEN eral housework. Apply Monday morning after 9 o'clock. 324 Duffy street, west. '"wanted, lady agents." apply to Mrs. M. G. Smith, 203 Liberty street, west, Monday morning, 10 o’clock a. n. "LADIES TO DO*BINDING AT HOME; $9 week; steady work; all material sent free prepaid; send stamped addressed en velope for particulars. Universal Com pany, Dept, B, Walnut street, Philadel phia, Pa. "WANTED, LADY AGENTS'TO SELL the Davies Skirt Supporter; big seller; outfit free. S. M. Casler, Aurora, 111. _ LADY AGEN'TS SELUTOUR PATENT adjustable drese shields; no sewing or pinning; fastened In a second; every wo man buys them. Weldon, 108 Fulton street. New York. ""wanted" YOUNG LADIES TO work at home; salary $20.00 per month. Address 8., Orangeburg, S. C. "LADIES - WANTED TO - DO EMBROI dery and Battenberg at their homes. Steady work. Chicago Crochet Cos., Chi cago,, 111. DADIES TO SELL MY famous female remedies and complexion beautifler; 100 to 200 per cent, profit guar anteed; samples and booklet free. Mrs. Dr. Jeanette L. Smith, South Bend, Ind. W ANTED" TH E - "LADIES ""TO i'K t Malt Mead, samples free. Telephone 20. AGENTS WANTED. wanted! tracts, sick, accident and death benefits, progressive; Knights of Equity of the World, Union Trust building, St. Louis. “$150706 MONTHLY SELLING OUR housekeepers’ favorite; free sample by mall. American Machine Cos., Kalamaxoo, Mich. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY in the United States. Preferred territory and exceptionable contract. Hustlers can make more and faster money with us than with any other company in line. Insur ance and debenture solicitors have first call. Address or call, Mutual Provident Company, Fuller building, Jersey City, N. J. BUSINESS AND CALLING CARDS; aluminum card cases and quick selling aluminum novelties; catalogue free. Econ omy Company, 585 Lake street, Chicago. *WE DO NOT ANT BOYS OR LOAF ers to write us, but men of ability; sales men and general agents; salary or com mission; $2OO to $3OO per month clear. Ra cine Fire Engine and Motor Company, Racine, Wls. “AGENTS WANTED, SOMETHING new; Walton’s Stamper and Licker, for stamping and sealing envelopes, etc; big money-making office novelty. Walton Manufacturing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich. "AGENTS WANTED, MEN OR WOMEN to sell Nesom's patent Baby Hammock; coolest, safest, best; priced circulars. In dianapolis Tent and Hammock Company, Stevenson building, Indianapolis, Ind. “AGENTS, 25 DAILY WORKING COUN ty fairs, picnics and etc., with our coun ter soda fountain spindles; fortune telling machines; enclose stamp for catalogue. C. E. Taylor, 125 S. Clark street, Chicago. " WANTED, AGENTS IN EVERY county to sell "Family Memorials,” good profits and steady work. Address Camp bell & Cos., 333 Plum street, Elgin, 111. "AGENTS TO INTRODUCE OUR PRE serve and Jelly labels for household use; quick seller, big profits; 100 assorted, 10 cents. For terms write Wheaton & Cos., New Bedford, Mass. A gents! RECORD - BREAKER; fruit Jar opener and closer; sample free. L. H. Forshee Cos., Cincinnati, O. employment wanted. "wanted"''”TnP - 'city7”'"place as bookkeeper and general manager of gro cery store; references. Address John X.. care Morning News. "WANTED7"BY A WIDOW, a HOU6E to care for during thq owner's absence for the summer; ahe can furnish good references. Address Mrs. M. R. G., care Morning 'News. "BOY BIXTEEN YEARS OLD WANTS position in business house where there is some chance for advancement, willing to work hard, money no object. Address "Work,” care News. WORK“OF“ANY KIND, CLERICAL preferred, permanent or temporary, by sober and reliable young man; good ref erences. A., Box 91. TwANTEDT BY"a"LAD OF 17 YEARS, position in store or office. Residing home with parents. Salary no object. Address Hustler, care News office. , ' A FIRST-CLASS FOREMAN AND manager of labor wants position by June 1; willing to go anywhere that Is reason ably healthyffl. C, P. O. Box 259, city. WANTED] POSITION BY YOUNG man as grocery clerk; thoroughly experi enced. Address C. J., care Morning News. "RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS "PLACE as nurse. 688 Charlton street, west. an" EX PERI ENCEd" NURSE* WISHES to nurse, housework or travel. 450 Mont gomery. WANTED. POSITION AS NIGHT watchman; best references from last em ployer. K. M., News. “RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS A place to nurse or cook. Apply 23 Charlton street, west. “WANTED, BY A SINGLE MlDDLE aged gardener, victim of Jacksonville fire; first-class agriculturist, landscaping, or namental garden work; flowers, vegeta bles and citrines; highest references. Ad dress Alpha, No. 324 Jones, east. "RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS WAB H- Ing. 620 Gwinnett lane, west. A GOOD SVASHER AND IRONER wants a family washing; my residence 615 Duffy, west. ROOM* WANTED. l'l-RNraIfEITROOMH for housekeeping. Permanent, care News. COUPLE - WISHES j"UNFURNISHED rooms; good location; will exchange piano lesaoni If agreeable. M., Newt. ROOMS WANTED. or without board. G. G., News office. WANTED, A FLAT OF FOUR Ro6m with bath. Address Quick. WANTED—-MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOU ANY OLD OUT-OF-DAUB gold and silver Jewelry that you would like to dispose of? Take It to Wilensky’a, corner Broughton -Barnard, and get good prices for it. "WANTED, YOUNG MAN OF BEST family to share flat with three similar young men while families out of town. Address, with reference, Bohemian. Newa office. * WANTED, TO RENT A PIANO; ALSO buy one; both must be cheap. M-, Morn ing News. "WANTED. AT ISLE OF HOPES, AN open row boat and cast net; muat b cheap for cash. Address P. O. Box 80. "wanted to"buy~heavy" SET "of second-hand single harness. B. J., New* office. WANTED, A RESPONSIBLE' PARTY wishes to take a cow for her feed dur ing the summer months. Address H. J., this office. 'WANTED, FOR SUMMER, FOR HIS feed, a gentle buggy horse. A. V. Chap lin, superintendent Bethesda Orphan House. BUYERS FOR IMPROVED REAL estate which pays 8 to 12 per cent. Yl>u mans & Demmond, 6 Bryan, east. WANTED, TO BUY A~ VACANT LOT. either Inside or corner, bounded by Duffy on the north. Seventh on the south, and between Barnard and Abercom streets. State price for cash and size of lot. Ad dress G., care of Morning News. "YOUR - " PROPERTY TO COLLECT rents from and manage; I pay personal attention to all property placed with me W. J. Miscally, Jr. wanted-whenTou" drinkten nessee whisky, call for “The Sobel Lin coln County Tennessee Sour-Mash.” It la old and mellow. EVERYBODY IN SEARCH“OF "REAL estate bargains to see us. We have many good things for you. Youmans A Dem mond, 6 Bryan, east. IF TOtTWAKT GOOI) MILK, GET IT from Springfield Dairy; It’s rich, pur* and wholesome. "your PROPERTY TO BELL; I HAVE Inquiries for all kinds of real estate; probably yours will suit. W. J. Miscally, Jr. "if you want a place to"dump earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. YOUR PROPERTY TO SELL AND rents to collect. You will be pleased with our service. Youmans & Demmond, 9 Bryan, east. MONEY TO ILOAN. CITY S? proved property, in amounts to suit. I. D. Laßoche. " MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property. One to five years. Low rate of interest. Chas. F. Fulton. Board of Trade Building. FOR RENT—ROOM*! ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR Park; gentlemen only. Address “Cool,” this office. for"RENT, SOUTH - FRONT"ROOM, nicely furnished, for gentlemen. 108 State street, west. "NICELY FURNISHED'ROOMS WITH every convenience, near De Soto. 104 Har ris street, east. "LARGE H A NDs6irELY - FT ’RN IS HE© front room, southeastern exposure, con taining four large window*, closets, and near bath, situated between Bull and Drayton streets, near De Soto; suitable for two quiet gentlemen. Mrs. C. M-, News office. "LARGE NEATLY FURNISHED south room, for two or three gentlemen, or light housekeeping; bath privilege*. 121 East Congress. "to'rbnt, two" nicely"furnish ed rooms, with or without board; Pat* Extension. Apply 109 Bolton street, west. "FOR"RENT,“ LARGE FRONT' BABE ment room, with private entrance. 421 Abercorn. ~TO GENTLEMEN. SOUTH ROOMS, large or small, furnished; board conven ient. 108 Gaston, east. "FOR RENT; PLEASANT SOUTH room, three windows and closet, second floor. 115 Oglethorpe, west. ROOM FOR RENT, FOR 31.25 AND up; also board and room $3.50 and up. 108 Broughton, east, come quick or they’d be gone. __ "for RENT, one large" ROOM UN furnlshed; with two large closets. 229 West State. ~TWO NICE ROOMS, WITH GAS AND every convenience; suitable for house keeping. 442 Drayton. "FURNISHED ROOM’S“FOR RENT; southern exposure; central location. 101 Perry street, west. "TWO ' CONNECTING ROOMS. TTN furnlshed; water on same floor. 132 Aber corn atreet, facing square. ' NICELY - Ft RN I SHED ROOM T?> gentlemen, all conveniences. 107 Perry, near Drayton. "21 EAST CONGRESS STREET.NICE- Iy furnished rooms; all conveniences. "FRONT SOUTHERN ROOMS, NICELY furnished; rented together or separately, at 304 Oglethorpe, west. FOR~RENT, FURNISHED SOUTH rooms; all conveniences. 308 Barnard street, near Liberty. "for - rent; THREE ROOMS AND bath. 6H East Jones. " NICE - LARGE 7 FURNISHED FRONT room for rent; a daisy; cheap. 211 Ogle thorpe. west. ~FOR RENT;* - NEWLY FURNISHED room, facing Colonial Park; private fam ily. Apply 217 Abercorn. FURNISHED ROOMS, TBc, sl. *1 25 PER week; large stable. 123 Montgomery street. “LOVELY SOUTH ROOMS. WITH OR without board. 110 Hull street, west. “FOR REN"! 7 TWO CONN BCTING furnished rooms. Apply at No. 10 Tay lor street, west.