The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 03, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WAYCROSS NEWS NOTES. * Siegro Gambler* Caught In the Of ficial Drag Net and Hravtlr Sen tenced. Way cross, Ga.. Aug. 2.—The stock holders of the Jones Pants Manufac turing Company held a meeting yester day afternoon in the factory building. They made a complete inspection of the entire plant, and found that the ca pacity had just been doubled and that everything was in perfect running or der. Officers were elected as follows: President and general manager, J. A. Jones; vice president. W. W. Beach: secretary and treasury, James H. Jones; attorney, Leon A. Wilson. Direc tors: W. A Price. A. M. Knight, C. E. Murphy and George R. Youmans. The Jones Pants Factory is capitalized at SIO,OOO, 50 per cent, of which has been paid in. and the business is in a very prosperous condition. Returned Home SleU. Mr. C. H. Andrews has returned home from White Springs, Fla., where he was taken desperately ill a day or two ago. He had been at the springs about two weeks for his health, but did not improve, and grew so much worse that Dr. J. L. Walker was called and went down to accompany Mr. Andrews home. Pulled Seventeen Gamblers. Sheriff McClellan and posse made a successful raid on the negro dives in Reedsville and Hnzzard Hill, and suc ceeded in capturing seventeen negroes charged with gambling. They were taken before Judge Williams and the entire lot pleaded guilty to the charge of gaming. The Judge imposed the small fine of S2O and costs or nine months on the chain-gang on sixteen of the culprits. The seventeenth, be ing an old man, was sentenced to six months on the gang or to pay a fine of S2O, which included the cost. The ne gros were taken to the county jail where they are at present. It is likely that some of them will pay their fines and be discharged. The arrests were made last night and the trial took place to-day. Clinch County- Teachers' Institute. The Clinch County Teachers’ Insti tute has been in session since Monday night, at Homerville, Prof. J. M. Gil liams, principal of the South Georgia Normal Institute at Douglas, acted as expert and Col. W. T. Dickerson, coun ty school commissioner, was also in attendance. Bob Ford, a negro, is behind the bars of Ware county jail, and is supposed to be the one who shot Policeman John W. Lee in this city several months ago. He was arrested in Savannah and brought here yesterday. The negro had been living in Florida with his brother-in-law, when the two men had a falling out, and Ford's broter-in-law told Mr. Abe Minchew that he was the man who shot the policeman in Way cross. This lead to his arrest. He went on the excursion to Savannah Monday and was followed down there and ar rested. Mr. Lee has been to see the negro in jail, and while he Is not posi tive that he is the right man, he says he looks very much like him. Ware County Hay. It is a mystery that the farmers of Ware county and of the greater por tion of South Georgia save so little hay. when it is grown so abundantly, and could be cured and saved with so little trouble. Strange that our farm ers do not devote more attention to this industry. There is a good market for the product at any time, but very little of the hay consumed here is raised at home. Nearly all of it is grown abroad and shipped here. Grass grows abundantly in this section and if cut in time and properly cured it makes excelletn hay. Many farmers make the mistake of allowing the grass to grow too long before cutting it for hay. Af ter it dies it possesses very little nu trition. The best method is to cut the grass before it attains maturity: then be sure that it is cured before the rain or dew- falls on it. It is far better to haul it to shelter and cure it in bulk than to allow it to get wet. There is an unusually large crop of grass in this section and if our farmers are wise they will improve the opportunity that is presented to them and save large quantities of hay, w-hich is gen erally allowed to go to waste. Information reaches Waycross of the sudden death of Mrs. Taylor, wife of Mr. Dillard Taylor, which occurred at her home, near Beach. The lady had been sick only a short time, and her death was unexpected. Rev. Joe Jones says he expects to make an appointment with the colored people to hold a service exclusively for them at the Tabernacle some Sunday afternoon before long. Mr. Jones says that he is a splendid “nigger preacher." Mr. W. S. Shackleford has been ap pointed chief train dispatcher in the Plant System offices at this place, suc ceeding Mr. L. B. Mobley, who recent ly tendered his resignation. Mr. Shack leford has been filling the position of chief train dispatcher at Thomasville. His place at Thomasville is filled by Mr. Z. Middlebrooks. GEORGIA AT CHARLESTON. little Fund* on Hand for Mnklng Any Sort of Display. Atlanta. Aug. 2—Gov. Candler and State School Commissioner G. R. Glenn left the city to-night for Chattanooga, from where they will go to the Chicka mauga battlefield in Wilkes county. A monster educational meeting will be held there to-morrow at the Georgia monument, and the Governor and Com missioner will deliver addresses. Unless some public spirited citizen g< down into their pockets and make up a fund for the purpose. State Geolo gist W. S. Yeates says it is not likely that Georgia can make an exhibit at the Charleston exposition. The greater part of the SI,OOO appropriated by the Legislature at its last session for both the Buffalo and the Charleston Exposi tions. has been expended on the exhibit to Buffalo, and there is scarcely any thing left for the Charleston exhibit. An appeal to the public has been made by the commissions. Col. W. A. Hemp hill. Geologist Yeates and Commission er O. B. Stevens of the Agricultural Department, but a slim response has been met. only S3O having been con tributed up to date. It is said fully sl.- 000 will be needed to make any sort of a display in Charleston, and South Car olina being a sister staie. Georgia should make every effort to have a good show there. FOR DOLLY PRITC HETT'S PARDON. Federation of Womens Clubs Appeal to Prison Commission. Atlanta. Aug. 2.—An appeal was made to the Prison Commission this morning by several lawyers represent ing the Georgia Federation of Wo men's Clubs and others for the pardon of Dolly Pritchett, the Cherokee coun ty girl, who was given a life sentence in the penitentiary for infanticide. The commission has taken the case under consideration. The ladles who have Interested themselves in the case want to send her to the Home of the Good Shepherd at Georgetown. D. C. ■ SSS.MII . • The lies* Prescript ton fur Malaria and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Taste lees Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron ami quinine in u tasteless form. Mo cure no pay. Price 00c, \ ff}W rM] fTffe j |r* || jjy mjz wzjMm C/fAFIHQ. fmri'j MwosQun 0 t i I Caution. Witch Hazel is not Pond’s | Extract and cannot be used for it. I Ordinary Witch Hazel is sold in built, I diluted, easily sours, and generally con- I tains " wood alcohol," a poison, which I irritates and inflames the skin. WALKED INTO LOCOMOBILE. Aged l,nily In Columbia Sustains Fnlnl Accident Through Decomlng Confused on the Street. Columbia, S. C., Aug. 2.—About !> o’clock last evening Mr. J. R. Miller was riding in a loco mobile on Upper Main street, when Mrs. Ellen Miles, 70 years old, who was crossing the street, got confused, and walked right into the hind wheels of the machine, which was going about 12 miles an hour. She was knocked heavily to the ground. Mr. Miller and the three ladies who were with him ran to the lady’s assistance as soon as possible. She was unconscious and her face horribly gashed. Doctors were summoned and Mrs. Miles was taken into the house of a relative. She remained unconscious ail last night and is dying this evening. COUNTY CASE DECIDED. Supreme Court Transfer* g.’IOO.OOtI of Property From Spartanburg to Greeville. Columbia. S. C., Aug. 2.—The Su preme Court has filed a decision that is a pretty heavy blow to Spartanburg county, taking away from her about $300,000 worth of taxable property and giving it to Greenville. In this matter the Supreme Court reverses the Circuit Court, and all the property of the Pelham Mills, with a valuable strip of land heretofore con sidered in Spartanburg county, goes to Greenville. This has for years been a vexed question. The difference of opinion grew out of the use of different com passes at different times, when the line was run. BOND TO BE ESTREATED. I nli-ii Floyd County Shortage Is Set tled Before Next Tnesday. Atlanta, Ga.. Aug. 2.—Unless a set tlement with the state is made by Tax Collector V. T. Sanford of Floyd county before Aug. 6 the controller general will issue an execution against him and will notify his bondsmen, the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Md. Sanford owes the state something like $15,000. The company which is on his bond has $25,000 In bonds deposited with the state treasurer as security and a re ceiver will be appointed for these, or a sufficient portion of them to make up the state’s deficit, unless the amount is paid. Gov. Candler said to day he will recommend to the next Legislature that the deposits required of these surety companies be increas ed to $50,000. The amount Sanford is said to be due the state and his coun ty is about $35,000, or SIO,OOO more than the company has on deposit here. FATAL EXPLOSION. Locomotive Boiler Blown np Near \tlanta—Fireman Killed, Atlanta, Aug. 2.—The boiler of an engine pulling the passenger train leaving Atlanta at 8:15 a. m. for Nash ville exploded near Bolton, a half hour later. Fireman Aenchbacher was kill ed. Engineer Beil was blown forty feet in the air. but alighted on his feet un harmed. Mail Clerk Brown was slight ly Injured. None of the passengers was hurt. WANTS FURTHER DAMAGES. Atlanta Alderman Mnkea .tonrun I Pnrty to Heavy Suit. Atlanta, Aug. 2.—J. W. Kilpatrick, in addition to his suit against the Fourth Ward Committee for $25,000 damages for defamation of character, to-day filed suit against the Atlanta Journal for $20,000 on the same grounds, and as a result of the publication of the card on which the other suit is based. MURDERER HANGED. Edmund Scott Executed at Ln Granite for Killing Two Women. La Grange. Ga., Aug. 2.—Edmund Scott wag hanged here to-d&y for the murder of Carrie and Mina Hugely, two negro women. The execution was in private. Scott reiterated his story that the killing of the women was ac cidental. SPECIAL NOTICES. DESIROUS OF INCHEASING THE SALE OF MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI, which we import direct from Italy every month, we will, as an advertisement, during the summer months give away a pound of macaroni or spaghetti free with every pound of our 45c Mixed Tea. This Tea is superior to any 60c lea in the city. Try it and be convinced. All know of the healthy properties of Olive Oil. We keep the pure oil. Use it for your salad. G. TRAPINI & CO., Phone 1880. 104 Broughton st., east. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The firm of M. G Redmond & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. M. D. Council retires and M. G. Red mond continues the business under the firm name and style of M. G. Redmond. M. G. Redmond assumes all liabilities and collects all debts. This 30th day of July. 1901. M. G. REDMOND. M. D. COUNCIL. Hlggston, Ga. DR. HIERS has returned to the city and resumed practice. Office hours ft a. m. to 1 p. m., and 3to 5 p. m. Sundays, ft to 11 a. m. 12 Liberty street, east. DR. H. I. O’CONNOR, DENTIST, has removed his office to 111 Liberty street, west, formerly Dr. Boyd's office. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, AUGUST 3.190 U Spend To-day WITH US ON THE BIG II i 111 And drink in nature's health restorer, The Salt Sea Preeze. —ENJOY THE— FINE FRESH FISH Caught hourly in ocean and inlet es pecially for the South End. Cooked by artists of reputation and served nicely in our COOL AND COMFORTABLE DINING ROOM. AT 4:30 SOUTH END CONCERT By its own Band of Nineteen Pieces, said by visitors to be the best band ever heard on Tybee. Bathing right for 2:30 p. m. train. A life saver In attendance. W. M. BOHAN, Proprietor. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. CORDREY—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Cordrey are invited to attend the funeral of their infant daughter. Marguerite, from No. 541 Indian street, at 4 o'clock this af ternoon. KOOX—The relatives and friends of Mrs. Madaline Koox, and of Miss Jose phine Connor and of her brother, C. M. Er.singer, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the former from St. John the Baptist this Saturday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment Bona venture Cemetery. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR CASH ONLY, OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY GROCERIES AT NEW YORK COST, which will save yon 30 per rent, ou your money. Everything to he sold. C. A. DRAYTON GROCERY CO., G. S. Van Horne, Manager. AT GARDNER’S. I keep the best of all. Only the best beef, best veal, best chickens, best lamb, best vegetables, best fruits. Phones 575. M. S. GARDNER. P. S.—More of that Corned Beef. AT JOYCE’S. Come along. I'm never out of any thing that's good in beef, veal, mutton, pork, poultry. Plenty Frankfurters, corned beef. The nicest vegetables and juiciest fruits. JAS. J. JOYCE, Phone 107. Both Stores. AT CHANG'S. Only 25c for the regular 50c. dinners —at— SAN FRANCISCO RESTAURANT, 114 Drayton street. “NELLIE, I'D LIKE TO GO On that picnic with you, but my suit and straw hat is hardly respectable looking enough.” "Why, Fred, send them to the New York Dyers and Cleaners. They can clean them in four or five hours to look like new. Please. Fred, send them, so as we can go and have a good time.” Whitaker and State. 'Phone 943. BONDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. Wc are author ized to execute locally (Immediately upon application), all bonds ln Judicial pro ceedings ln either the state or United States courts and of administrators and guardians. DEARING & HULL. Agents, Telephone 324. Provident Building. PAINTS AND HOUSE PAINTING. We handle nothing but the VERY BEST grades of PAINTS and OILS, and employ the very best painters to be had. Allow us to moke bid on painting your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. ’Phone J>l9. ALWAYS THE BEST, At my stalls in the City Market. Prime Beef, Mutton and Veal. Lamb, Matchless Corned Beef, Sliced Ham, etc. Sunday delivery when desired. Personal attention to all orders. Both phones 557. JOHN FUNK. JOHN WOLF, FLORIST. The largest grower of choice flowers In Savannah. I have a fine lot of large Palms for decorative purposes. Both phones 634. Nursery and green houses Ott and Anderson streets. AT MRS. NOR AC’S, PHONE 36. Just received fresh Scotch buttock, fresh Russian cheese, Westphalia ham. Fresh Smoked Halibut. Italian and Swed ish Hams always on band. American boiled ham fresh every day Freah baked beans and fresh potato salad every day. Swedish health bread and rusks. Roast veal 40c per pound. Fried Spring Chicken 20c per half chicken. MRS. NORRE'S DELEOATESHEN. 117 Barnard St., Odd Fellows Building. A. C. OELSCHIG, F LORIST, Is always prepared to furnish all kinds of dscoratlons and floral work. Floral de signs and cut flowers a specialty. The largest variety of palms and deeoratlvs plants, snd for the most reasonable prices in the Southern states. Both 'phones 496. Nursery Thunderbolt road. J GARDNER. AGENT. U Broughton street, east. Bell phono 1630, a. pnona Hut). HOTEL TYBEE Is the Favorite Summer Re sort of the South At lantic Coast. SPLENDID CUISINE. MAGNIFICENT BAND. EXCELLENT BATHING. RATES *12.50 AND sls PER WEEK. CHAS. K. GRAHAM. Proprietor. SPECIAL NOTICES. 111-113 Congress Street, West. Table d'Hote Dinners —50c. Aug. 3. 1001. SOUP. Mock Turtle. Sliced Cucumbers. Claret Wine. Sliced Tomatoes. Queen Olives. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. FISH. Whiting ala Hollandaise. Pomraes Julienne. ENTREES. Brochettes of Kidneys ala Clarmont. Rice Cakes, with Jelly. ROASTED. Saddle of Mutton, with Brown Gravy.. Prime Ribs of Beef. VEGETABLES. Boiied Roasting Ears. Green Peas. Mashed Potatoes. Steamed Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Peach Pie. Tapioca Pudding, with Lemon Sauce. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Drip Coffee. Tea. Sweet Milk. Buttermilk. Dinner 1 to 3 p. m.—so cents. Regular breakfast 7 to 9:30, 35 cents. Supper 6 to 9 p. m., 35 cents. Everything first-class. Dining room up-stairs. All vegetables fresh every day from my own farm. All cream, butter and eggs from my own dairy. TO-MORROW. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. By paying your bills on or be fore the IStb lnat. B. H. LEVY A BRO. DO Y’OC WANT SALT WATER SOAP. It lathers as freely ln salt as fresh water. MELDERMA, a toilet powder that dispels odors arising from perspiration. NOTE AND LETTER PAPER. The finest lines in the city. SOLOMONS COMPANY. OUR BULL STREET STORES OPEN ALL NIGHT. .I—l CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD. Now is the time to cleanse your blood and avoid spring sickness. Graybeard is the identical purifier required now. Gray heard dispels that tired, languid, lazy feeling. Graybeard restores that appetite. Graybeard makes you digest what you eat. Graybeard makes new blood, rich blood and sends you into spring feeliwg superb. Do not neglect. Do not delay. Take a bottle homo to-night. RESPESS DRUG CO.. Props. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Vale Royal Manufacturing Cora, pany have started their new saw mill, and have for sale at wholesale or retail a full line of their famous brands of Cy press Shingles. They also have on hand a full stock of Cypress and Asb Lumber at reasonable prices. Boats can load at our wharves. H. P. SMART, President. THE NICEST CAKES EVER RAKED are(our SUNSHINE CAKES. Ten centn only. Yfinilln or Chocolate. ■■at” THE CANDY STORE, BELSINGER & GROSS, Phones 265. 12 Broughton St., west. THE \V\\ Id CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer, Is to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate ou the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move ano ■tore furniture and pianos. C. H. MKDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. HECKMAN’S CAFE, 112-114 Whitaker Street. Cooling and refreshing beverages carefully prepared. Also lanrhra of all kind, at short notice. Imported Wtirsliurger Reer always fresh oa draught and hollies. l'houo 714). NOW IS THE TIME To Buy an Oil Cook Stove Why worry over a hot stave this trying weather when you can just as well avoid it? Call and see our PURITAN OIL COOKS. You will wonder why you have been foolish enough not to invest in one before. PALMER HARDWARE COMPANY, BAY AND JEFF ERSON STREETS. STRAW! HATS | lohe=half Price 1 —at— -1 B. H. LEVY & BRO.'S. AM tSEMBNTS. THETASINa at Parsons’ Park, THUNDERBOLT, GA., Inaugurated May 16, 1901, L. W. NELSON, Manager. Superbly situated, delightfully construct ed, with spacious verandas, cool and shady; a resort of refreshing salt breezes, devoted to high class vaudeville, dancing, concerts, refreshments of the best and served in up-to-date style. Performances daily; matinee at 5:30 p. m., except Mdnday; evening performance at 9 p. m. every night except Sunday. Dancing every night after close of the vaudeville performance. Open air concerts by our orchestra ev ery Sunday afternoon and night. An entire change of vaudeville artists each week. Admission to vaudeville 10c. Children under 12 admitted to matinee 6 cents. BUSINESS NOTICES. “Only a Few" A few more of those elegant French Sar dines, quarter boxes, at 10c 500 more of those de licious Salmon, in one pound flat boxes, at Isc A few California Lo tus Brand Peaches, 1% pound cans, Isc each. Two for 25 cents. A few cans Apricots and Cherries. Each 15c. DUFFY AND DRAYTON. PHONES 554. SPECIAL NOTICES. FINE RYE WHISKY. The best whisky In the city for the price Is the GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKY. price, SI.OO bottle, three bottles for $2.50. twelve bottles for $9.50, ex press paid. Look at the labe' and be sure you get genuine GOLDEN WEDDING WHISKY. It Is a large gilt label with the picture In the center with a marriage taking place. HITMAN BROTHERS, Sole Agents for the Distillery, Llppm an Block, Savannah, O*. SCOTCH WHISKY. Direct from Greer, Glasgow. Scotland. COGNAC BRANDY. FRENCH CLARET WINES. GERMAN, RHINE end MOSELLE WINES direct from France and Germany. All of these goods are in the United States Custom House hers, which Insures their purity and ele gance. HITMAN BROTHERS. FINANCIAL. Life Insurance policies bought for cash or loaned on at low rates. W. T. HOPKINS. 18 Bryan street, east. Telephone 219. BUSINESS NOTICES. PRIVILEGES! Savannah Fair Association GEORGIASTATE FAIR Savannah, Ga., NOY. 6 to t 6, 190*. A Twentieth Century Fair, with All the Up to Date Features. Sealed bids to be opened Sept. 1, 1901, will be received for privileges of every character, including Barbacue, Bar, Pools, Restaurant, Lemonade, Ice Cream, Marry Go-Round, Captive Balloon, Ferris Wheel, Souvenirs, Knife Board, Cane Rack, Baby Head, etc. RIGHT RESERVED TO REJECT ANY BID. Address proposals Sealed Bid Privilege to J. C. SHAW, Secretary, Savannah, Ga. Take It Cool! Make It Cool! Sumpter beverages to suit all and within the reach of all. Ross’ v Ginger Ale. per dozen $1.50 Hire’s Ginger Ale, per dozen sl.lO Hire’s Root Beer, per dozen $1.50 Imperial Root Beer, per doz. $1.40 Ross’ Raspberry Vinegar, quarts, 65c Ross’ Lime Juice, quarts 35c Imperial Lime Juice, quarts 30c Cliquot Club Sarsaparilla, pints, dozen $1.25 Fruit Shrubs, all flavors, pints, each 25c Malt Mead, case 2 dozen $1.20 A little cracked ice, a straw, and there you are! The S. W. Branch Cos., Broughton and Whitaker. Phones 76. Fresh TEAS. We have received anew lot High Grade, fine flavor. , Nothing more refreshing nits Varm weather than iced tea. Prices 43c, 50c, 75c, sl. Stop at our store and let us draw you a sample cup. A. M. & C. W. WEST. TRULY WONDERFUL. 1 A substitute for oil, paint and white, wash. Fire-proof and weather-proof. An excellent disinfectant. Can be applied by any one to any kind of surface with any kind of brush. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. Sole Agents. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Steamer WILMINGTON, after June 16. will leave Thunderbolt for Wilmington and Warsaw Islands, as follows: Sunday. Wednesday and Friday, for Warsaw and Wilmington, leaving at 10:30 a. m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday 7:00 p. m. for Wilming ton, 7:00 p. m. and 3:30 p. m. on Satur day. taking freight for Islands on Satur day at Clifton's dock. Round Trip tickets to Warsaw SOo and aoc. Round Trip tickets to Wilmington Ho and 16c. MuslO by the Harper* THE CHATHAM BANK SAVANNAH. Vl LEOPOLD ADLER, President. C. S. ELLIS, Vice President. JOHN R. DILLON. Cashier. BARRON CARTER, Assistant Cashier Solicits the accounts of firms, banks, associations and comor. tlons. Liberal favors extended to correspond ing banks, as our unsurpassed faellii o. for collecting insure prompt returns ’** BUYS AND SELLS FOREIGN py CHANGE. WRITES LETTERS ow CREDIT AND ISSUES BANK MONPv ORDERS PAYABLE IN ALL PAJtrl OF EUROPE. la Interest compounded quarterly or, posits in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults lor SOUTHERN BANK of the stale of Georgia. 11 Capital * Surplus and undivided profits Yc’ 00 ® DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE! / ' U0 ° GEORGIA. ° b Superior facilities for transacting a General Bunking "Business Collections maae on all points accessible tnrough banks and bankers. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Merchants and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes ior rent. quarbM? n ** n * ° f Savln *"> lnt ®rest payable Sells Sterling Exchange on London n and upwards. {OHN FLANNERY. President. Va mv=lt;V. CRANE - Vlce President JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. DIRECTORS. T N< 2‘ WM. W. GORDON. w T' reive W - W QOUDON, Jr. ”- A - CRANE- JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLI 9. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts a General Banking Basiness. Solicits Accounts ef Individuals, Merchants, Banks and O-'ysr Corpo rations. Collections handled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest, compounded quarterly, allowed on depoaita in our Savings Department. Safe Deposit Boxes and Storage Vaults. MILLS B. LANE, President. JOHN H. HUNTER. Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. No. 1640. Chartered 1566. —THE— feinis in it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, 6500,000. SURPLUB 6100,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President, W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with sate and conservative banking. THE GERMANIA BANK tiAV'a.v.Matl, ua. Capital 6300,000 Undivided profits 60,000 This bank offers Its services to corpo rations, merchants and Individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities hi Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Savings Department. Safety boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN Ast '--••-lor THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 16 YORK STREET, WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, with drawable at annual periods. geo. W. TIEDEMAN, President B. H. LEVY. Vice President. E. W. BELL. Secretary. ' U C. G. ANDERSON. JR- Treasurer. THE CHATHAM Real Estate and Improvement Cos A MUTUAL LOAN AND BUILDING COMPANIY, INSTALLMENT FL.*AN. No loans - made outside of Chatham county. i . , Homes bulht on monthly payment plan. OFFICE, 14\ BRYAN STREET, EAST. ' Savannah. J. H. ESTII.-L, President. C. H. Vice President. M. J. SOLOIMONS. Sec’y. and Treas. F. W. GARIPEN, Asst. See. and Trees. DIRECTORS!—WiIIiana Kehoe, Lee Roy Myers, H. C. (Cunningham, H. P. Smart. C. S. ConneratY ifl . Wif Piste irtlr sale, a Fojrsalth Newspaper Folder; ' will fold sheet 271x42. It le In good order Price SIOO. It abet originally $l,lOO, but we have no use Tor It and want the room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office.’ Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. 9UECIAIL NOTICES. CH E A Y. We wash your klotbes Just white lib* enow, so fair. We! use Octagon soap and the clothes never fade. We give you satisfaction and gikarantee the beat work. Shirts Bc, New uMiirts 10c, Shirt Wasts 16c. Undershirts CM, Drawers sc, Collars l%c. Cuffs 3c. Halßdkerchiefs l%c, Socks 2c, Pants cleane# 25c. Family clothes, mixed, a dozen. l Family, all starch, clothes, a dozen, $1.00; Duck Skirts u . Linen Suit? 60c. Our delivery wagon will call for linen. ROBERT & TONG CO.. First Class Chinese Laundry. Ball ’Phone 1200. 323 Broughton, east "YOU HEAR OF THIS AND ' OC HEAR OF THAT,” Rut the greatest question Is. Where 1 an I buy the best wall paper for the ieo money? All you hav to do Is to call GeorgJ •phone 877 and I will take pleasure in calling. Remember, that until further notice, all Ingrains golds, embossed got™ and other hJgh-grade goods purchaser here are puJjted on your walls without extra charge/ . ... Prices lowfr than any one In the city can give yew. TAYU3R . 138 and 140/Barnard St., K of F. J3 corgta ’phone 877,