The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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DOUBLE MI KOEKER. JoUn Robinson KlHed HU Wife in Jones County. A U(r . 3.—There Is no D “ b r "; y doubt of the fact that John longer an. un der gentence of rtln thls county for the murder last -- . V.f Bertha Simmons, is wanted in 5,8 y county for murder. Yesterday J ° n w hit Bass, James Dumas and re ward, who live on the line of “'and Baldwin counties, called at k !ad to see Robinson. They state the J i. thot he is the man wanted 1 ’ 0S ! tl '!,' Mr Dumas knows him well in that he cannot be mistaken. Rnd h ,h on pretended not to know either pobinson pret dentes that he tb * .fr in “ones county. Recently Stinson was identified by two negroes R °The Jones county murderer. Bass states that the murder coirr- M . a hv Robinson in Jones county n most diabolical. He killed his wite wasmostdh n head and then lon of her person off with m, and carried it away. w ® n-ihlln Lyceum Course was reor lized yesterday with the following ers president, J. C. Pittman; sec * 1 r\’ S H M. Stanley; treasurer, Her rett,n Hesse Executive Committee, J. f 3 Pittman, H. M. Stanley Herman , I v I Blackshear, J. A. Pea- H rk and' J‘ E. Burch. The following TrJ among the attractions engaged for ar "-in* season: Thomas Dixon, Imperial ffand Bell Ringers; R. J. Bur- Zt Mendelssohn Quartett; Stephen ffl*' string Quarteete and Miss Lily gehg‘ Miss Selig is from Savannah. Monday afternoon, in honor of Miss nuili Hardeman of Macon, Miss Rosa if. smith will give an ”al fresco” en tertainment at ''Oak Lawn,” the love- her father. Mr. J D. Smith, seventeen guests have been invited. In receiving the guests Misses Smith and Hardeman will be assisted by Misses i Ida Pritchett. Edna Pope, Bessie Wa ££ Sophia Waters and Olive Quince. KILLED by lightning, a Herd of Fine Cows Belonging to Mr. Jnmes Homes. Moultrie, Ga., Aug. 3.—W. C. Vereen as receiver of Moultrie Mercantile Company has sold the stock of dry goods and millinery to J. S. Weeks, Sr., at 64 cents on the dollar, and the fur niture at SO cents, and undertaking goods at 100 cents. The furniture and undertaking goods were sold to Horne 4 Richardson. This will pay the cred itors about 75 or 80 cents on dollar. During a heavy thunder storm Thurs day, lightning killed ten of the Very fine stock cows of Mr. James Holmes. The race for Governor is exciting seme interest in the county, and while there seems to be no fixed sentiment, the candidate from South Georgia would probably carry the county. Dentil of Dr. H. E. Cook. Wrightsvllle, Ga., Aug. 3.—On Thurs day night, Dr. H. E. Cook of this place, died of consumption after an Illness of several months. He had be come thoroughly identified with the in terests of the place, and his death will V> keenly felt both as a business man and as a high-toned Christian gentle man. Dr. Cook graduated in 1895 from the Atlanta Dental College, and prac ticed his profession for a year or more, and gave up the practice on account of his failing health. In a short while thereafter he was connected with the bank at this place, being elected presi dent of it in 1900. Some months ago his health began again to fail and he re tired from active business, and after several months of suffering the end peacefully came to him night before last. Dr. Cook had been fortunate in his business enterprises, leaving a good estate for a man of his age, being 37 years old. He leaves two brothers. Messrs. W. W. and James M. Cook of this place, and a sister, Mrs. R. M. Redwine of Atlanta. The funeral was preached at the Baptist Church at this place yesterday afternoon, of which he was a consistent member for a number of years. He leaves a wife and one child, two years of age. Bishop Littlejohn Dead. Williamstown, Mass., Aug. 3.—Rt. Rev. Abram L. Littlejohn, D. D.. LL.D., Bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Long Island, died suddenly to-day at Grey Lock Hotel, of apoplexy. He was 77 years of age. He had been here a week on a vacation. SPECIAL NOTICES. I.EVAStS CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111-113 Congress Street, West. Table d'Hote Dinners,—soc. Aug. 4, 1901. SOUP. ... . Okra and Tomato. sliced Cucumbers. Claret Wine. Sliced Tomatoes. Queen Olives. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. FISH. Red Snapper au Courtbouillon. Pointnes ala Marchale. BOILED. ulton Market Corned Beef and Cab bage. ENTREES. Spring Chicken Pie ala Reine. Spaghetti ala Creole. ROASTED. ‘ime Ribs of Beef, with Yorkshire Pudding. i VEGETABLE^. Boiled Asparagus ala Cream, boiled Roasting Gars. Potatoes. Steamed Rice, stewed Tomatoes. pastry and dessert. Assom *, Pineapple Sherbet. ■ p 'l Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Drip Coffee. Tea. Dlnn.-"; PPt Milk - Buttermilk. Reiruio 1 > to 3p ' m ~ 60 cents. Snnrl , breakfast 7 to 9:30, 35 cents. EvervL 6 to 9p ' m - 35 cents. P-sta!r, n f„ flm ' claß8 ' Dlnin * room dav A vegetables fresh every Ww :V ny own farm - All cream, | sR<l5 R<l eggs from my own dairy. DON’T MISS IT. most wonderful trick ever seen Savannah. Georgia, or the world, Cun *** witnessed at HOTEL TYREE th s afternoon and evening. Prof Del 'i,"l wife will astonish all who go ,n to-day. Don’t miss seeing them. CHAS. F. GRAHAM, ■ Proprietor. ROYAL MUSIC HALL, Bor \v| S „ Rroushton Street, West. IN TH i-o COMMENCING AUG. 5. RACE FOR GAIN AND GLORY. . MSS HELENE DELMAR C,tnrv2i£P K mounts M AND GARDNER iL lotta proctor MISS BELLA DOYLE parley’s WfS D °T COLLINS BI Vmpv MINN 1 E HESS N,NE £ and CHAPMAN Rabe LAURI and a nrw ser | en of w?,V? G <?J C .T URES ■th our Challenge Orchestra. Solo Musicians—9. SPECIAL NOTICES. WE HAVE DECIDED TO SELI. OUK ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY GRO CERIES FOR CASH. See our prices and save your money. 1-4 sacks best Patent Flour, 24-lb. each, 60c. 1-2 barrel Ballard's Flour $2.50 each. 3-lb. Lard for 25c. Best Sugar Corn 4 cans for 25c. Finest Sweet Blossom Peas $2 per dozen Hazard's Block Island Lobster, 1-lb. flat cans .the best packed, 25c can. Finest Flat Columbia River Salmon $2 dozen. Welch Bros. Pure Maple Syrup $1 per gallon. Runford Baking Powder, 1-lb. cans, 22c can. Runford Baking Powder, %-lb. cans, 12c can Boned Chicken and Turkey 20c can. Our $1 Black and Green Tea (best) 75c. Our 50c Black and Green Tea 35c lb. Chase & Sanbor’s 2-lb. cans Coffee 78c each. H. J. Helntz & Co.'s Baked Beans at cost. 500 1-8 box Imported Sardines 5c can. Cross & Blackwell’s Chow Chow, pints 23c. Cross & Blackwell’s Chow Chow, pints, 30 cents. Cross & Blackwell's Chow Chow, quarts, 50c each. Hazard's 3-lb. California Canned Fruits, in loaf sugar, 25c can. Potted Ham and Tongue 4c can. Full quart jars Raspberry Jam only 30c each. 3-lb. can California Peached, heavy syrup, 20c can. 3-lb. can Pie Peaches 3 for 25c. Imported Macaroni and Spaghetti 8c package. Dr. Price’s Extract of Lemon 2-oz. 20c. Dr. Price’s Extract of Vanilla 2-oz. 25c. Gelatine 5c per package. P. J. Ritter’s Baked Beans 55c per doz. Fancy Head Rice 70c per peck. Pearl Grits (best) 20c peck. Get our prices on all your groceries before you buy. C. A. DRAYTON GROCERY CO., G. S. Van Horne, Manager. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. TOC WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. Br paying j our bills on or bo fore the loth last. B. H. LEVY A RRO. DO YOU WANT SALT WATER SOAP. It lathers as freely In salt as fresh water. MELDERMA, a toilet powder that dlspel3 odors arising from perspiration. NOTE AND LETTER PArER. The finest lines in the city. SOLOMON 9 COMPANY. OUR BULL STREET STORE OPEN ALL NIGHT. DESIROUS OF INCREASING THE SALE OF MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI, which we import direct from Italy every month, we will, a3 an advertisement, during the summer months give away a pound of macaroni or spaghetti free with every pound of our 45c Mixed Tea. This Tea is superior to any 60c tea in the city. Try it and bo convinced. All know of the healthy properties of Olive Oil. We keep the pure oil. Use it for your^alad. G. TRAPINI & CO.. Phone 1880. 104 Broughton st., east. SPECIAL NOTICE. We have orders to sell Immediately, for what It will bring, a modern up to-date house with every possible con venience. Lot 60 feet front on Bull street.A rare opportunity. See us to morrow. YOUMANS & DEMMOND, 6 Bryan, East. Rates, $1.50 and $2.00 per day. Cenlral lay located. Connecting saloon and bar ber shop. Street cars to all railroad de pots. Telephone, No. 695. PLANTERS HOTEL, Barnard and Bryan Sis. Savannah, Ga. W. C. GROVES, Proprietor. Newly furnished throughout. Cuisine unsurpassed. Meals at ail hours—Euro pean and American plan. Bath rooms, with hot and cold water, each floor. AT MRS. NOHRE’S. PHONE 36. Just received fresh Scotch buttock, fresh Russian cheese. Westphalia ham, Fresh Smoked Halibut, Italian and Swed ish Hams always on hand. American boiled ham fresh every day Fresh baked beans and fresh potato salad every day. Swedish health bread and rusks. Roast veal 40c per pound. Fried Spring Chicken 20c per half chicken. MRS. NORRE S DELECATHSSEN, 117 Barnard St., Odd Fellows Building. SAVANNAH PREPARATORY SCHOOL, MILITARY. Barnard and Harris streets. The Summer School is now opened in charge of Mr. Strong's assistants, Mr. M. A. Martin and Mr. J. J. Coale. The fall term begins Oct. 7. Cata logues can be obtained at the school or at Solomons’ Bull Street Drug Store. SPECIAL NOTICE. Sanitary plumbing, practical gas fitting, perfect sewerage connections. Special at tention to repairs. Call and examine the "Acme” Instantaneous water heater, best on the market. E. F. BRODERICK, 242 Drayton street, Plumber. CALL FOR THE CINCINNATI RED HEART BEERS. Pllaner, Old Lager, Crescent, Aurora, Felsen. In bottles and kegs. THE JUNG BREWING 00., Cincinnati, O. WM. M. BRICKEN, Manager Savannah Branch, Telephone 615. Bull and Rlvar sta. JOHN WOLF, FLORIST. The largest grower of choice flowers in Savannah. I have a fine lot of large Palms for decorative purposes. Both phones 634. Nursery and green house* Ott and Anderson streets. FINANCIAL. Life Insurance policies bought for cash or loaned on at low rates. • W. T. HOPKINS, 18 Bryan street, east. Telephone 219. THE ALOKJNI iM<i IsE Vtb: bL is DAY, AUGUST 4,1901. SPECIAL NOTICES. DON IDA’S PALACE OF SWEETS. Headquarters for CHOCOLATED AND BON DONS, FRENCH ICE CREAMS, SHERBETS, SODA WATER AND CUT FLOWERS. BOTH PHONES 587. TIRED EYES Is a sure Indication of Imperfect vision. REMEDY, Our perfectly made spectacles, properly fitted to each eye. RESULT. Perfect vision. Improved health and entire satisfaction. At the Masonic Temple Pharmacy. Our Ice Cream and Soda Water de partment is still the best In the city. Dinner orders for cream or sherbets de livered free. MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY’. Both Phones 582. RYAN’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 27 AND 2C PROVIDENT BUILDING. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Stenography (Munson, Graham and Pit man systems), typewriting, bookkeeping, English branches, penmanship. 6hort, thorough, practical courses. Students pre pared directly for business. Graduates as sisted to situations. The improved mod els of the Remington typewriter are used in our typewriting department. We teach tabulating by the use of the ''Gorin” tab ulator. and teach typewriting by the touch method. Visitors are invited to call and examine methods and workings of this college. Send for catalogue. M. E. RYAN, Prln. THE NICEST CAKES EVER BAKED ARE OUR SUNSHINE CAKES. Ten cents only. Vanilla or Chocolate. THE CANDY STORE, BELSINGER & GROSS, Phones 265. 12 Broughton St., west. A. C. OELSCHIG, FLORIST, Is always prepared to furnish all kinds of decorations and floral work. Floral de signs and cut flowers a specialty. The largest variety of palms and decorative plants, and for the most reasonable prices In the Southern states. Both ’phone3 496. Nursery Thunderbolt road. J. GARDNER, AGENT. 12 Broughton street, east. Bell phone 1630. Ga. phone 900. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER. We have the largest stock of the best goods. Get our prices before you pay t, more to others. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. “NELLIE, I’D LIKE TO GO On that picnic with you, but my suit and straw hat is hardly respectable looking enough.” “Why, Fred, send them to the New York E(yers and Cleaners. They can clean them In four or five hours to look like new. Please, Fred, send them, so as we can go and have a good time.” Whitaker and State. ’Phone 943. BONDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ized to execute locally (immediately upon application), ail bonds in judicial pro ceedings in either the state or United States courts and of administrators and guardians. DEARING & HULL, Agent*, Telephone 324. Provident Building. AT GARDNER’S. I keep the best of all. Only the best beef, best veal, best chickens, best lamb, best vegetables, best fruits. Phones 575. M. S. GARDNER. P. S.—More of that Corned Beef. AT HDLMKEN’S CAFE. Everything modern. Cuisine the best. Everything served in elegance. Private parties a specialty. One block from De- Soto. J. H. HE LM KEN, Proprietor AT CHANG’S. Only 25c for the regular 50c dinners —at— SAN FRANCISCO RESTAURANT, 114 Drayton street. THE YVAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and token care of for the summer, la to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They also pack, move anu store furniture and pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. BECKMAN’S CAFE, 112-114 Whitaker Street. Cooling anil refreshing beverages carefully prepared. Also lanehes of nil kinds nt short notice. Imported Wurzliurger Ucer always fresh on druuglit nnd bottles. Phone 710. ASK CLARK ABOUT IT. Clark makes the old furniture look like new. Take It to him. DAVID CLARK, 141 Jefferson Street. LACE CURTAINS AND BLANKETS. Cleaned and made to look as new. Gents’ summer suits handsomely cleoned and finished in the most ap proved style. Jas. Wilkins, Prop. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORK 9, Ga. phone 1264. 21 York Street, West. LOOK, LOOK. Now is the time to have your spotted end damaged mirrors repaired, either in furniture or mantels. Mantels taken down and replaced without damage to walls or paper. Work guaranteed. THONNESSEN'B ART STORE, York street, opposite postoffle. DROP UPON ME. I mean upon me to-morrow. I have what you want. I'm never out. JOYCE'S, •Phone 107. Both Stores. P. S.—Meats: Lamb. veal, beef, chickens. Vegetables of all kinds. Fruits of all sorts. BUSINESS NOTICES. prTvTlegesT Savannah Fair Association GEORGIASTATE FAIR Savannah, Ga., NOV. 6to 1 6, 190 J. A Twentieth Century Fair, with All the Up to Date Features. Sealed bids to be opened Sept. 1, 1901, will be received for privileges of every character. Including Barbacue, Bar, Pools, Restaurant, Lemonade, Ice Cream, Marry Go-Round. Captive Balloon, Ferris Wheel, Souvenirs, Knife Board, Cane Rack, Baby Head, etc. RIGHT RESERVED TO REJECT ANY BID. Address proposals Sealed Bid Privilege to J. C. SHAW, Secretary, Savannah, Ga. diamonds: We have a large and well assort ed sbck of Diamond* mounted in Brooches, Rings, etc., nt reasonable prices. As we bonght our stock of Diamonds before the raise In prices we can eompete with any one on prlees. Bring yonr Diamonds in to have them remounted In latest styles of Rings, Brooches, etc. A. L. DESBOUILLONS No. 411 Bull Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. GREER'S SCOTCH WHISKEY. This celebrated famous old vatted Highland Whiskey is imported di rect from the distillery by us. This great Scotch Whiskey Is guaranteed to be bottled abroad and is consigned to us from Glas gow. Scotland, and is in bond in the United States Custom House in this city. This Grand Old Greer Scotch Whiskey is beautifully mellow and mild to a degree and Is soft to the palate as one could possibly wish, and there is a nuttiness about it that is especially pleasing. We are glad to let the public pur chase as small quantity as they wish, even one bottle, for the pur pose of introducing the best brand of Scotch whiskey extant. LIPFMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists, Lippman’s Block. Sole Agents for the Greer Distil leries, Glasgow, Scotland, and Dub lin, Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies. CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD. Now la the time to cleanse your blood and avoid spring sickness. Graybeard is the identical purifier required now. Gray beard dispels that tired, languid, lazy feeling. Graybeard restores that appetite. Graybeard makes you digest what you eat. Graybeard makes new blood, rich blood and tends you into spring feeliwg superb. Do not neglect. Do not delay. Take a bottle homo to-night. RESPES9 DRUG CO., Props. j; NOTICE. Steamer WILMINGTON, after June 15, will leave Thunderbolt for Wilmington and Warsaw Islands, as follows: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, for Warsaw and Wilmington, leaving at 10:30 q. m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday 7:00 p. m. for Wilming ton, 7:00 p. m. and 3:30 p. m. on Satur day, taking freight for islands on Satur day at Clifton’s dock. Round Trip tickets to Warsaw 300 and 20c. Round Trip tickets to-Wilmington 25c and 15c. Music by the Harpers. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY. We wash your clothes just white like enow, so fair. We use Octagon soap and the clothes never fade. We give you satisfaction and guarantee the best work. Shirts Bc. New Shirts 10c, Shirt Waists 16c, Undershirts 6c, Drawers sc, Collars 114 c, Cuffs 3c, Handkerchiefs lV4c, Socks 2c, Pants cleaned 25c, Family clothes, mixed, a dozen, 60c; Family, all starch, clothes, a dozen, $1.00; Duck Skirts 20c, Linen Suits 50c. Our delivery wagon will call for linen. ROBERT * TONG CO., First Class Chinese Laundry. Bell 'Phone 1200. 323 Broughton, east “YOU HEAR OF THIS AND YOU HEAR OF THAT,” But the greatest question Is, Where tan I buy the best wall paper for the least money? All you have to do Is to call Georgia •phone 877 and I will take pleasure In calling. Remember, that until further notice, all ingrains golds, embossed golds and other high-grade woods purchased here are placed on your wails without extra charge. Prices lower than-any one In the dtp can give you. TAYLOR, 138 and 140 Barnard St., K. of P. Hall. Georgia ’phone 877. A WORD TO THE WISE. Savannah Bwr for Savannahlans. Call for Savannah Brewing Company's celebrated —CABINET BEER— drawn from the wood at REMLER'S. Corner Drayton and Liberty street*. PROPERTY OWNERS, PROPERTY OWNERS— DO NOT wait until ordinance requiring you to con nect to new house drainage is enforced. It will pay you to have it done at one# by the former inspector of plumbing, W. H. Cosgrove, 123 Drayton street. LOOKS The finest line of Mantels. Tiling and Grates In the city. Prices rock bottom. Save money by seeing our goods -before purchasing elsewhere, SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton- Phone Ut> AMUSEMENTS. IMNjuTTmEiFc'inißr Savannah Theater, Monday, Aug. 6. Two Star Boxing Contests. JACK DALY of Wilmington, JACK BENNETT of McKeesport, Pa. 25 Rounds at 140 Pounds. Preliminary: Kid Davis of Savannah versus Tommy Feltz, Batam Champion of the World. Six rounds to catch waits. Contest starts at 9 o’clock sharp. Admission—Orchestra $1.50 and SI.OO, Balcony 75c, Gallery 50c. THE CASINO, at Parsons’ Park, THUNDERBOLT, 6A, Inaugurated May 16, 1901, L. W. NELSON, Manager. Superbly situated, delightfully construct ed, with spacious verandas, cool end shady; a resort of refreshing salt breezes, devoted to high class vaudeville, dancing, concerts, refreshments of the best and served in up-to-date style. Performances daily; matinee at 5:30 p. tn.‘ except Monday; evening performance at 9 p. m. every night except Sunday. Dancing every night after close of the vaudeville performance. * Open air concerts by our orchestra ev ery Sunday afternoon and night. An entire change of vaudeville artists each week. Admissioo to vaudeville 10c. Children under 12 admitted to matinee 5 cents. BUSINESS NOTICES. SPECIAL SPOT CASH SALE —— , ‘ l " ■—■in.— Of Our Large and Complete Stock of VEHICLES AND HARNESS As we are getting in our fall stock we need room and for two (2) weeks we will start a special spot cash sale of everything we now have on exhibi tion. At least 25 per cent, discount on such work as Moyer, Babcock-Co lumbus, Woodhull and others is too good a thing to miss. If you don't believe it, come and get prices. As an illustration we will sell a low wheel rubber-tire Runabout at $72.50. We mean what we say. Come down and get a bargain. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. FOR ELEGTRIC FANS —AT REDUCED PRICES, SEE ELECTRIC SUPPLY C 0„ Phones 62. 40 Drayton St. KNIGHT’S PHARMACY OPEN ALL NIGHT. Coke’s Dandruff Cure 69c Empty Capsules, 100 for 5c Cuticura 9oap l’Jo Mennen’s Talcum Powder 12c Borated Talcum Powder Be 1 pound Borated Talcum Powder 250 Castile soap, large bars ..40c Turkish Bath 9oap, per dozen 25c AMERICAN j SILVER I L TRySSLI / LIGHT, \ la COOL, I Easy to Wear. I Retains \ /no pressure on I Severest , V Hips or Back. I Hernia I Nounderatrapa. J with Comfort. I Never mom, J Lowney's Candy, fresh every week. Patent medicines at cost. Mail orders solicited. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY, Both 'phones 639. DIAMONDS. Get them here at the old price. Wedding presents of the latest de signs. No fancy prices at oar store. KOCH & SYLVAN, Jewelers, 46 Whitaker St. To lam Piste For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x42. It is in good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO. but we have no use for It and want tha room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Go. 14 LOTS AT AU6TION A.t the Court House. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House in Savannah, during the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, Aug. 6, for the purpose of division between partners. FOURTEEN (14) LOTS, located as follows: Six lots, each 30x136, fronting north on Thirty-fifth atreet, near Waters road. Eight lots, each 30x138, fronting south on Thirty-sixth street, near Waters road. One lot, 42x100, frotning in Waters road, between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth streets. The new electric road to the Fair Grounds is located in front of these lots. TERMS OF SALE—Twenty dollars cash and five dol lars per month, interest at 7 per cent, per annum. This will give a fine chance for investment of savings of those who want to “put by” something for a rainy day that will increase in value. GEO. DEITEFVS RESIDENCE AND LOTT j I ” STREET 40' O" 1 —— so'ir wyo" | ioo'O" | I— o O 9 S> ~ y n □ o o DEITER § - \ </) (f> I \ U 234567 8| 10 D *E fl \ ~ . 1W - Jj ++ +++ + 11 . * -S & 12 + 1- * 6lb *“•* $ — ■ 21| 20 19 18 17 1G 15 14 |Eg ++++ + + + + □ z< 90- 0" fKVG" JO-C" NYO” WO" WO" 80'0" WO" 100'0" _ b STREET 40' O" ~ r All Lots marked thus + are for Sale. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. ~oTd~hoss~sall~ SAVANNAH, FLORIDA AND WEST ERN RAILWAY COMPANY—UN CLAIMED FREIGHT. Wedncsrtny, Aag. 14, 1901, at 10 a. ■a., City Time. I. D. LA ROCHE, Auctioneer. I will sell the following unclaimed freight on hand at the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway depot, at the above mentioned day and time at the Down Freight Warehouse, Savannah, Ga., 1J not claimed before time of sale. F. B. PAPY, Agent. A. Leffler & Cos., 3 cases Jelly. Diamond ”N." one bale domestics. P. T. Foye, 6 chairs K. D.; J. W. Teeple, 1 lounge; ”M," 1 bureau; S. & Cos., 1 package 2 rails; J. J. Egan, 2 barrels E. Ware; Globe Pub. Cos., box books; A. C. Price & Cos., 2 crates E. Ware; or der notify M. T. Kane, 2 kegs wine; Op penheimer, Sloat & Cos., 1 box wire goods; 1 crate, A. G. Ware; Savannah Pub. Cos . 9 pigs lead; Savannah Rice Mills, 1 crate mill; William Ford, 1 box groceries; H. Donaugh, 1 barrel whisky, 2 boxes sam ples; order notify 11. B. Bryan, 1 trunk; C. P. Lowell, 1 bale moss; C. P. Miller, 1 bureau; W. Cockran, 1 box glass; Smith Bros., 2 cases bottles; -G. D. Benson, 1 box advertising matter; Hal De Barda llne, 1 barrel papers; L. K. Crichton, 1 trunk; 3 boxes H. H. Goods, 1 valise, 1 bundle bedding, 1 child's wagon and con tents; Annie Williams, 1 bed. 1 bedspring, 2 tables, 2 bundles four chairs, 1 bundle bedding; Llppman Bros., 1 refrigerator; "G,” 5 packages 25 caddies tobacco. All of above freight consigned to Savannah, Ga. „ G. C. Boley, Bainbridge, 1 barrel E. Ware; Bainbridge Grocery Cos., Bainbridge, 1 ease cigars; J. E. Harroil, Bainbridge, 1 case drugs; H. C. Draper, Bainbridge, 1 crate advertising matter; J. O. Donnell, Bainbridge, 1 box drugs; N. M. Smith, Valdosta, 1 box scales; J. W. Taylor, Bos ton, 1 package 5 caddies tobacco; D. J. Mclntosh, Blackshear, 1 piece washtand; H. C. Fulton, Boston, 1 bundle 2 bed rails; Tom Jackson, Homervllle, 1 barrel H. H. Goods; Eliza Gamble. Homerville, basket H. H. Goods; W. J. McKinney, Ocala, Fla., 4 bundles bar iron; G. S., Dothan, Ala., 1 barrel sugar; H. F. B-. Ashley Still, 2 cases soap; J. P. Williams, Nocatee, Fla., 1 roll cotton batting; R. C. Ellis. Tifton. 1 roll charts; F. M. Green. Sylvester, 1 rocker; Jim Ford, Sylvester, 1 swage block; J. H. Ford, Sylvester, 4 sacks cottonseed; “P. & G.," Jakin, Ga., 1 package newspapers; A. Johnson, Syl vester. 1 box dry goods; J. Jackson, Syl vester, 1 box H. Wedges; E. Deslonds, Brunswick. 2 drums baking powder; J. H. Faukersly, Brunswick, 1 box whips; Geo- Lynn, Brunswick, 2 bundles paj*T bags; Ira Penville, Brunswick, 1 bundle paper bags; James Hopkins, Brunswick, 1 bar rel earthenware; Savannah Rail and Equipment Cos.. Quitman, 2 kegs bolts; J. E. Morgan, Quitman, 1 box ox-bows; W. C. Jenkins, Quitman, 1 crate yokes; Amer ican Snuff Cos., Quitman, 1 box snuff; Mc- Mullen & “D.," Quitman, 2 boxes medi cine; Atlantic and Gulf Mills. Quitman, 1 Iron casting; K. T. McLean, Thomasville, Ga., l mill saw, packed; order notify H. D. Messmlth. Thomasville, 3 boxes drugs; J. H. Jenkins, Thomasville, 1 washing ma chine, J. E. Anderson. Camilla, 1 box sur gical ' Instruments; ord;r notify E. S. Ware, Waycross, 1 sewing machine; Dedge & “H ,” Waycrois, 4 castings: or der notify J- E. Sistrunk, Waycross, 1 box picture frames; Gorman Bros., Way cross. 1 iron safe; order notify A. J, Mc- Veigh, Waycross, 1 organ; Mary Wood ward, Waycross, 1 crate bedding; Bymen Key, Waycross, box H. H. Goods; order notify J. Many, Waycross, box E. Ware; W. C. Minis. 1 box rags: Groover & "5.,” Ochlocknee, 1 baby carriage; G. L. Mack, Waresboro, 1 barrel crockery; Gilt Edge Grocery Cos., Tifton, 1 case citron; j'. F. Llghtsey, Tifton, 1 box books; order notify R- M. Sanders, Tifton, 2 boxes pic ture frames. 2 bundles backing: J. M. Smith Cos., Wareboro, 1 crated chair; H. McClig, Waresboro, 1 barrel E. Ware; R. E. Lee, Boston. 1 box G. Ware; A. L. Price, Boston, 4 packages 2 crates mar ble; M. & Cos., Newton, Ala., 9 packages' plow scrapes; E. A. Jones, Valdosta, 1 iron wheel; Diamond "6.,” High Springs, Fla., 1 barrel grist; Diamond "M.." High Springs, Fla., 1 case milk; R. P. Izler, Waycross, 1 box books. Also the following described freight without marks: 22 bales hay. 37 boxes starch. 1 iron bed, 2 show cases, 16 sacks flour. 2 boxes drugs, l G. machine. 1 box clothing, 1 piece, I box and 1 package castings, l box no tions, 10 pieces iron pipe, 2 packages cross cut saws. 1 sewing machine, 7 barrels flour, 1 sack C. S. meal, 2 exes, 1 bundle wagon sides, 1 box spool wire, I sack col lars, 2 colls rope, box plantene, 1 case oyz- AUCTION SACKS FUTURE DAYS. ters, 24 sacks flour, 6 sacks meal, 2 cans, 15 bundles plow Irons, 1 boiler grate, 11 bundles baskets, 5 kegs nuts and wash ers, .1 bale batting, 1 can dry paint, 1 bundle curtain poles, 0 colls wire, 1 box couplers, 1 box clothing, 1 bundle 2 plow handles, 4 bed ends, 1 bundle bedding, 1 bundle turpentine tools, 8 pieces tomb stone. 2 bundles sacks, 3 wash pots, 3 bars Iron, 1 barrel flour, 1 sack flour, 1 box merchandise, 1 box books, 1 coll fencing, 1 box clothing, 1 wagon complete, 2 half barrels cider, 11 empty barrels. 4 packages castings, 1 piece shafting. 1 stove, 1 box washing powder, 2 barrels rosin, 3 pair shafts, 1 keg wine, 2 cases corsets, 3 boxes drugs, 1 box snuff, 1 box shredded wheat, 2 boxes seed. 1 box hats, 1 box books, 1 box dry goods, 9 caddies tobacco, 2 sacks peanuts, 1 show case; 3 packages # bed springs. 6 barrels empty bottles, 1 sack grist. 1 case oatmeal, 2 washstands, 2 packages 8 glasses, 2 barrels rice, 2 bun dles paper boxes, 1 package hardware, 2 bales twine, 1 trunk, 4 packages 10 boxes turpentine tools, 1 box merchandise, 1 bundle bedding, 1 package wall paper, 1 sack cowpeas, 1 barrel syrup, 10 pack ages 50 caddies tobacco, 9 bundles plow castings, 2 empty barrels, 1 stove cast ing, 1 safe K. D., 1 bundle 4 pieces iron pipe, 1 trunk, 1 box soap, 1 box shoes, 10 packages furniture. , THE BEST YAMACRAW STAND AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will sell at the Court House in Sav annah, during the usual hours of sale, on Tuesday, August 6th, 1901: The best retail grocery stand In the western part of the city, convenient to the Haiti,note line and to the Ocean S. S. Cos. line, and having a patronage based on years of fair dealing. , This property Is situated on the southeast corner of Farm and Olive having a front of forty-five feet on Farm, and seventy-three feet on Olive. The improvements consist of a large two-story residence, with a con veniently arranged store, stables and storing rooms. Everything about the premises has been arranged with a view to conduct ing business In the easiest manner possible. To a good party very easy terms of payment can be made, with a suffi cient cash payment. VALUABLE LAND FOR SUB DI VISION. YOI'SfANS A DKMMOND, Auctioneers. We will sell at auction TUESDAY, Aug. 6, at Court House, one half un divided Interest in Lot No. 6. Spring- Held Plantation, containing four acres, located In the western part of the city, fronts north on Louisville road, and east on Magazine avenue. Near Sea board Air Line shops and drill yards. Land Is well drained and much higher than the surrounding property. If subdivided should find ready sale, and afford a large profit to Investor. Par ties have recently improved property in this neighborhood and made 15 per cent, net on outlay. For particulars see YOUMNAS & DEMMOND. PEREMPTORY SALE. Ft RNITI RE, DESKS, CEDAR WARU ROI) E, ETC. C 11. DORSKTT, Auctioneer, Will sell Monday, sth, 11 a. m., 22 Con gress, west, lot of stuff ordered sold at once: 2 Oak Sets, Oak Chairs, Lounges, Sideboard, Walnut Bed and Springs, lot of Pictures, Double Sitting Desk. 2 Refrigerators, Counter Scales, 5 sacks Peanuts, large Glass Closet, Oak Ex tension Table, Parlor Set, Child’s Go- Cart. Tables, Bookcase and Desk, Clocks, Mattresses, Stove. Also Mowing Machine and Cedar Wardrobe. SPECIAL. NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Vais Royal Manufacturing Com pany have started their new aaw mill, and hava for sale at wholesale or retail a full line of their famous brands of Cy press Shingles. They also hava on hand a full stock of Cypreaa and Ash Lumber at reasonable prices. Boats can load at our wharves. H. P. SMART, President 3