The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, March 31, 1904, Image 1

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THE MORNING NSWfI. Established 1860. - Incorporated IWW J. H. ESTILL, President. TOGO PRAISED TWO BRAVE MEN BOTH lost their lives. j A HV>ESE ADMIRAL DULY RE CORDS THEIR GALLANTRY. R'nrtn Tribute Paid to a. Commander and a Boatswain—Boat strain AVna About to Light tile Magmlne Aboard One of the Merchant steamers When a Torpedo Struck the Ship, Killing Him—The Com mander Wm Struck by a Shell nod Mutilated. EVENTS IN THE EAST. Japanese report upon their losses In the fighting at Chong Ju, show ing five killed and thirteen wound ed. They attribute quite as great a loss to the Russians. The Rus sians declare that the Japanese, in this skirmish, lost forty killed and 100 wounded. American and British flags, which were lowered by Russians at New Chwang, will be raised again. Protest was made. Japanese coasting steamer made a fatal error in mistaking the Rus sian for the Japanese fleet. She was sunk, and nearly all of her passengers and crew were made prisoners. Japanese insist that they were partially successful in their last effort to bottle up the Russian fleet in Port Arthur harbor. The pas sage is now said to be difficult. Admiral Togo makes a special report, commending a captain and boatswain for heroism shown in the last action oft Port Arthur. Tokio, March 29, Tuesday.—A warm tribute to the courage of Commander Hirose and a boatswain named Sugino is paid by Vice Admiral Togo in his official report of the second attempt to bottle up Port Arthur. The Vice Ad miral said: “Commander Hirose and Boatswain Sugino, who were killed, displayed re markable courage. Boatswain Sugino was Just going down to light the mag azine on the Pukui Maru -when the ship was struck by an enemy’s tor pedo, which killed him. “Commander Hirose, after causing his men to take to the boats, and not finding Sugino, searched through the ship throe times for him. Finding his ship gradually going down, Com mander Hirose was compelled to give up the search and enter a boat. As he was rowing away under the enemy’s hot fire, a shell struck him on the head. His head and part of his body were blown away. Only a piece of flesh in the boat was all that remained of the brave officer’s body. Command er Hirose Was always a model officer and he leaves a meritorious example, the memory of which will be everlast ing.” SMOLDERING COALS BLOWN BY RUSSIANS. St. Petersburg, March 30.—The Novoe Vremya to-day executed a face about, strongly supporting the idea of a Rus so-British understanding, in an edi torial entitled “The Blindness of Eng land,” in which the paper argues that the success of Japan would be more in jurious to Great Britain than to any other European nation and points to the United States as the common rival of both. It describes Japan as "Amer ica's sharpshooter” and says: “Remember what nation, in the per son of the commander of one of its men of war at Chemulpo, refused to Join in the collective protest of the other for eign commanders before the Japanese destroyed the Variag and the Korietz. Remember who alone among all did not take on board the crews of our perishing ships. To the honor of Eng land, the ally of Japan, it was not her representative, but the commander of an American ship. “The Americans wish to convert the Pacific into an American Mediterran ean. Would that be to the advantage of England? Does England not under stand in her blind policy and hatred to ward Russia that she is turning this ocean into an American Mediterran ean? Sooner or later the European countries will recognize that America is their mutual enemy. Why should not Russia and England, in view of their possessions outside of Europe, combine?” INCREASES~ESTIMATE OF JAPANESE LOSS. St. Petersburg, March 30. —A later official dispatch from Gen. Mishtchenko reports that op the authority of the ln habitanta of Chong-Ju, Korea, the Ja panese lost forty men killed, 100 men wounded, and a number of horses, dur ing the fighting there Monday. The Japanese empoyed 500 Korean bearer* to carry their wounded to AnJu. Gen. Mishtchenko adds that Cap* HiepanofT. who was among the Rus sians wounded, died yesterday. The above, which was dated March 39, was forwarded te >he Emperor to day by Gen. Kuropetkih. Ileeeylef Hello. M#nul, March 90 —The Japanese ad vance occupied Halju, ft adidas* 1 * of Anju, March 37, J&atoaitnab Uteninij NUMBER 17.615. THE RUSSIAN MERCHANT STEAMER SUNGARI, AS IT LOOKED AFTER IIEIXG SUNK HY THE JAPANESE. IN THE DISTANCE ARE THE U. S. S. VICKSIIURG AND JAPANESE TRANS. ; PORTS. . JAPS DO NOT ADMIT THE RUSSIAN PROTEST. Tokio, March 30. —The Russian gov ernment, through the French minister here, has lodged a protest with the Jap anese government against the destruc tion of the quarantine station at San Shamtao during the fourth Japanese attack on Port Arthur. The protest is based on Article 25 of The Hague International Peace Con gress, a copy of which is submitted with it. Responding to the protest, Baron Komura, Minister of Foreign Affairs, informed the French minister that the Japanese government had received no report from Vice Admiral Togo con cerning the destruction of the quaran tine station, but whether the station has been destroyed or not, the article of The Hague convention related only to land battles, the convention having lef the question of naval bombard ments unsettled. Japanese military and naval officers who are familiar with San Shamtao declared that the quarantine station there did not exist before the war. JAPANESE MERCHANTMAN SUNK BY THE RUSSIANS. Che Foo, March 30.—The captain, an oiler and one passenger of the Japa nese coasting steamer Hanyei arrived at Tang Chow this morning, and re ported that the Hanyei had been fired on and sunk by the Russian fleet near the Miaotao Islands on the morning of March 27. They also reported that the remainder of the crew and passengers, Chinese and Japanese, seventeen in number, had been taken prisoners by the Russians. The captain of the Hanyei says he mistook the Russian warships for the Japanese fleet until he had approached to within one mile of them. Then the Russians boarded the Hanyei in small boats and removed the passengers. The captain, the oiler and one passenger were in bed in the hold when the Rus sians came aboard and were not taken off. The Russians then sank the steam er, and the three men clung to float ing wreckage, until they were rescued by Chinese fishermen. The Hanyei was a small vessel. JAPANESE REPORT ON THE FIGHT AT CHONG JU. London, March 30.—The Japanese le gation here has received the following official report from Tokio of the fight ing between Japanese and Russian forces at Chong Ju, Korea, Monday: “On March 28 a portion of our cavalry and infantry forces occupied Chong Ju after defeating the enemy. The enemy, who numbered about 600 men, retreated in the direction of Wiju. "Our casualties were Lieut. Kano and four others killed: Capt. Kurokak awa and twelve others wounded, of the cavalry force. There were no casual ties among our infantry. “Two dead bodies were left by the enemy on the field, but it is reported that some seven or eight were killed inside the town. These were promptly carried off by the enemy, on horseback or by ambulance. The Russians were seen convoying in an ambulance two dead men, apparently officers, and bloodstained bandages were found scattered around. “The enemy must have sustained losses at least equal to our own." SAY THE CHANNEL WAS PARTIALLY CLOSED. Washington. March 30.—Information has been received here from Tokio, under date of March 30, to this effect: “The Japanese fleet has been success ful in attempting partially to close the channel of Port Arthur. Four Jap anese merchant vessels, escorted by twelve destroyers and six first class torpedo boats arrived at 3 a. m., March 2". The Japanese merchant vessels successfully entered the channel In side the lighthouse. Two were de stroyed. sunk by Russian destroyers, two of them by own explosives. Loss in killed, two officers, two men. Loss In wounded, one officer, eight men. No casualties to Japanese torpedo vessel. Very small gap In channel.” In view of the Information received here that it will be difficult for the Russian ships to puss the channel, should the cablegram from Tokio prove to be accurate. STARS AND STRIPES‘WILL FLY AT NEW CHWANG. New Ehwang. Tuesday, March 29. Under a strong representation made by, United Slate* Consul Henry H. Miller that the civil administrator #ul Invad- j ed neutral right* when he ordered the | of tli# Amorimn Hug from , buildings belonging to American elll- I , ,v*n though It we* don* through j the 'apprehension that the flag we#, Uleg**iy need by Chinese for the pur- j nos. of resisting police lnep*t|on, the | TjTii administrator he* preiro teed to du y. end <n l""!"' torm ,h *j Continued on Fifth f*l* COPPER KING FINED $20,000 HEINZE MUST GO TO JAIL IF HE DOES NOT PROMPTLY PAY THE FINE IMPOSED. Two of F. Augnstnn Heinxe’s Mine Superintendents Were Also Fined SI,OOO Knell—Charge Against All Three Wait Contempt of Court. They Had Refused Admission to the Mine to the United State, liar, shut and Federal Inspector.. Butte, Mont.. March 30. —F. Augus tus Heinze, the Montana copper mag nate, A. L. Frank, superintendent of the Johnstown Mining Company, and J. H. Trerise, superintendent of the Ararus mine; Heinze properties, were found guilty of contempt of court by Judge Beatty in the United States court to-day in the action brought by the Butte and Boston Mining Com pany against the defendants for en tering the Michael Davitt Lode claim and extracting therefrom valuable ore on what is known as the Sonargite vein. Mr. Heinze was fined $20,000, while Frank and Trerise were fined SI,OOO each, the fines to be paid by 11 o’clock to-morrow morning or the defendants to be taken to Helena in custody of tile United States marshal and confin ed until the fines are paid. Carlos Warfield, another defendant, was found not guilty and was dis charged. The judgment applies only to the first count against the defendants. Judge Beatty’s reservation of the de cision on two of the three counts on which Heinze was charged with con tempt in disobeying a former order of the court that an inspection of the Heinze mines be allowed in order to permit of the survey of certain ore veins, has the effect of keeping an im prisonment sentence hanging over Heinze. Judge Beatty announced, however, that no imprisonment order will be issued if the fine is paid, and there is no further violation of the court’s order. The fines are an outcome of' the ar rest of the defendants for refusing the United States marshal and federal in spectors admission to the mine. NEGROES WANT TO RUN NEGRO FOR PRESIDENT. They Are to Call a Negro Conven tion at St. bonis. East St. Louis. 111.. March 30.—W. T. Scott, a negro, has announced that preparations have been completed for a national convention for the nomina tion of a negro candidate for President. The convention will be held In St. Louis July 6, the date set for the Na tional Democratic Convention. The name of the new party is the "Nation al Civil Liberal Party,” and a platform will be adopted, which Scott says will call for government ownership of trans portation facilities, and a pension list for former slaves. S. P. Mitchell of Memphis, Tenn., is president of the organization, and I. C. Walton of Washington, D. C., vice president. THREE REPORTED AS DROWNED IN MISSOURI. Piedmont, Mo.. March 30.—Black river has steadily risen during the last week until to-day it reached twenty-two feet, which is five feet higher than any pre vious record. The country is inun dated for miles. It Is reported that Rodney Malloy, his wife and their farm hunds, living four mlies from here, have been drowned. A wave six feet high struck a freight train near Leeper, threw the train and engine from the track and almost drowned the crew before they could swim to safety. Iteccdlna In Mlrhtnen. Grand Rapids, ■ Mich., March 30. Grand river ha* gone down eighteen inches during the past twenty-four hours, and the greatest flood danger and damage seem to have passed. As the water recedes It Is seen that the damage is fully as great as the maxi mum estimate* mad* earlier. DIABETES KILLED THE WORLD’S FATTEST WOMAN. New York. March 39.—Mr*. ChettA cey Morgan, known as the fullest woman In the world, died 10-d*y of and label*#, ft be weighed 939 pound* ■ SAVANNAH. GA.. THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1904. IMPUTED MOTIVES THAT BRYAN WOULDN’T ADMIT. Farther Argument Made in the Ben nett Will Cline. New Haven, Conn., March 30. —Fur- ther sensational Incidents marked the second day's hearing on the appeal of William J. Bryan from" the Probate Court in the Superior Court to-day be fore Judge Gager. Former Judge Stoddard, counsel for Mrs. Bennett, and Mr. Bryan, engaged in a wordy war during the morning session, and the court had to inter vene. It followed immediately after reference to the correspondence be tween Mr. Bryan and Mr. Bennett had been made by Judge Stoddard, in which it was alleged that Mr. Bennett was brought to the point of writing the "sealed letter” by Mr. Bryan. Judge Stoddard implied that Mr. Bryan was withholding the contents, and said: ‘‘lf this man insists upon getting $50,000 from the widow by sup pressing facts and showing that these letters were written at his behest, the court should know the facts." Mr. Bryan jumped to his feet and Insisted that Judge Stoddard had mis stated the facts, but the court ordered him to sit down. The letters referred to are said to contain an announcement of the inten tion of Mr. Bennett to withdraw the letter he had already written, in which he had expressed a wish that Mr. Bry an should have $50,000 from his estate. At the hearing in the Probate Court it was stated that although Mr. Ben nett at one time desired Mr. Bryan to have $50,000 in accordance with the terms of the "sealed letter,” he had Changed his intention, and, had he lived, he would sooner or later have withdrawn the letter which is now in eontroversy. The day was taken up entirely by arguments on the question of admit ting the “sealed letter,” Judge Stod dard concluding the argument that he began yesterday. He declared that the admission of the letter would be “con trary to all law in Connecticut framed to prohibit fraud, undue Influence and imposition.” He was followed by Attorney Hewitt, after which Attorney Newton address ed the court for over two hours,showing the relation between Mr. Bryan and Mr. Bennett, the reasons for appeal and facts to show that the admission of the "sealed letter” as evidence is proper in law. Mr. Newton said: “We protest against the charge that Mr. Bryan is trying to get this 350,000 for himself, and as his attorneys, it is out duty to say that it has been his purpose to fulfill the trust made by Mr. Benrett to the letter.” Judge Gager will rule on the admis sion of the “sealed letter” to-morrow morning. UNITED STATES SHIPS WILL GO TO SOUTH AFRICA. Washington, March 30. —It was an nounced at the Navy Department to day that the South Atlantic squadron will sail from Culebra about May 15 for South African waters, going by way of Verde Islands. The squadron will visit Cape Town and may cruise up the coast to Madagas car. The squadron will comprise the Brooklyn. Marietta, Castlne and At lanta. The ships probably will return to South American waters about Au gust. EDWARD~AND HIS QUEEN REACHED COPENHAGEN. Copenhagen;, March 30.—King Ed ward and Queen Alexandra arrived here to-day to attend a family gather ing on the occasion of King Christian's 86th birthday. The royal party drove to the palace, enthusiastically greeted by great crowds of people lining the routs. Wllllsm Goes tu Airily. Gucta. Italy, Mur<;h 30.--Emperor William, on board the Imperial yacht Hohenxnllern, left here to-day for Messina, fllrlly, escorted by th# Ger man cruiser I'rinz Friedrich Karl. His Tlirual Uormal. Berlin, Ms rch 10.—Inquiries mad* In consequence of e report published In Parle that alarming n*w# had been r*‘#iv*d concerning Emperor William's health, elldt thv announcement that the condition of hi* majesty'* throat is normal, end the report id oiberwie* ftlavi stilled* AGAIN DEMAND INVESTIGATION DEMOCRATS OF THE SENATE WANT THE THOnE APPLIED TO POBTOFFIOB AFFAIRS. Senator Gorman Led the Debate, Which Was Upon the Postoltlce Appropriation Hill—Criticised the Polley of the Republicans in Re fusing to Permit an Investigation. Nays the Department Is Honey combed With Corrnptlou. Washington, March 30.—The Senate to-day began consideration of the post office appropriation bill and It was the signal for a revival of the Democratic demand for an investigation into the charges of corruption in the Postofflce Department. The debate was initiated by Mr. Gor man, who spoke for almost two hours in criticism of the course of the Repub lican party in the Senate in refusing an inquiry. Mr. Gorman referred to the hasty consideration and report of the bill and asserted that there had been persistent denial of the privilege of in vestigation of the affairs of the Post office Department. He urged that it was not yet too late to take steps to Pfevent "further robbery and thievery in the department." ‘lt is said,” he went on. “that Con gress must adjourn speedily; that from one source a request amounting to orders has gone out; that it is incon venient for one branch of government to have Congress on its hands; that if there is delay there are likely to be dis agreeable inferences from what has al ready been developed. "We have reached a time when there is much preaching of honesty and high mindedness, but corruption bubbles out. It came like a fog and has not yet lifted, and we cannot tell whether all the information is yet out.” Mr. Gorman referred to the charges made by the Poatofflce Department, saying he believed they had been made for the purpose of diverting attention from the guilty ones who had filched money from the treasury and abused their trusts. As for himself, he was of the opinion that members had not done more in the matter than their public duties required. Mr. Gorman called at tention to the habit of criticising men engaged in legislative work, and he concluded that this criticism grew out of a well directed effort to buld up a one-man, Czar-like government, nictated by President. So far, Indeed, had this plan pro gressed that legislation has come to be practically a farce, all Important measures being dictated by the execu tive. It was coming to be that only ah executive order was necessary to get an appropriation. The result is that Congress becomes a mere record ing body. “We are now told,” he continued, “that having approved the plans of the executive, we must adjourn and go home because of the fear of damaging disclosures. The fear Is so great that we are to be sent away and not to be allowed to do anything.” He then referred to some of the pend ing legislation, and included in the list 1 Mr. Foraker’s bill for the amendment of the anti-trust law regarding trans portation. He referred to Attorney General Knox’s statement regarding this bill, saying that It was not a de partmental measure. “Think of it!” said Mr. Gorman, “notice is given to Congress that nothing should be done in the way of legislation without con sulting the administration!" The American people do not want one-man control, Mr. Gorman con tended. He hoped that such action would be taken as would prevent one man control In the next four years, whosoever might fill the White House. Mr. Gorman closed with the declara tion of the conviction that the Postof fice Department was “honeycombed with corruption and Inefficiency.” Mr. Penrose, chairman of the Com mittee on Postofllees, said that while he had originally favored an Investi gation, he had now reached the con clusion that none was necessary. Denies Extraordinary llnate. Mr. Penrose challenged the accuracy of Mr. Gorman’s statement that ex traordinary haste had been exercised by the Committee on Postofflces In the preparation of th* bill. The subject matter of the measure had been receiv ing attention, he said, since last De cember. Mr. Lodge sustained Ml Penrose** statement that there had been no un due haste In bringing the poatotth bill Into the Senate. It we* true that tha committee had done nil In Its power to promote an early adjournment. “The party In power,” he proceed* 4. “ha* deemed It beet to bring about an early adjournment If H could be dona. Ho far as I am awara there have been no Instruction* received from anybody in any quarter. It was not on this aide Continued an Eighth Pag*. ~ GREULING FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER OF SINGER. Jury Declared That He Killed the Kntimnnlnn Woman. Paris, March 30.—Frederick Greul ing, the editor of an art paper, charged with the murder of Elise Papesco, a Roumanian singer, in his room at the Hotel Regina, Oct. 11 last, was declar ed guilty to-day. The jury found that there were ex tenuating circumstances in the case, and Greullng was sentenced to ten years at hard labor and to ten years police supervision. It was announced from Paris Oct. 11 last that Greullng reported to the clerk of the Hotel Regina that a young woman, Elise Papesco, a Rou manian singer, had killed herself in his room, and the police expressed the belief that she had been murdered. When the body was examined by a physician a bullet wound was found in the base of the skull and another lu the temple, the latter causing death. The physician declared that it was impossible for the woman to have inflicted the wound at the base of her skull, and Greullng was held on the charge of murder. According to Gina Papesco, sister of the dead woman, Greullng proposed marriage to Elise, claiming he was rich and Baying he was opposed to her going to Buchar est to fill an engagement at the Royal Theater. It is said that while at Aix-Les- Baines, Greullng became acquainted with Eugenie Fougre, who was mur dered in her villa there Hept. 18, un der mysterious circumstances. The murder of Elise Papesco re called another violent death in Paris, that of an American singer, Nrs. El len S. Gore, in November, 1902. She tvas found dead in the room of Jean De Rydzewsky, a singer of the Impe rial Theater at St. Petersburg. Al though the United States, French and Russian governments took a deep in terest in the elaborate investigation which followed, the mystery was nev er satisfactorily cleared up. MAJORITY OF EIGHTY AT BACK OF COMBES. The French Gox'erninent Party Is Still liuilißkrn. Paris, March 30.—1n the Chamber of Deputies to-day the campaign of the opposition against M. Pelletan, Minister of Marine, failed to shake the position of the government, which ob tained a majority of 80 on a test vote. Minister Pelletan replied In his own defense, denying the charges made ugalnst his ministry, and maintaining that the French navy, In both ships and personnel, was at present in a state of efficiency. Premier Combes wound up the de bate by declaring that the government accepted the resolution proposed by the members of the majority for the appointment of an extra-parliamentary commission to examine the condition of the navy. The resolution was carried by a vote of 318 to 238, thus Indicating that there will be no change In the cabinet as a result of the campaign against the Ministry of Marine. CURIOUS REMARKS MADE BY HERBERT SPENCER. Pbllnaoplier Wua Not Rnrnpt by Homer or Itnakin. London, March 31.—The Times this morning publishes advance extracts from the autobiography of Herbert Spencer, which give Interesting and curious remarks made by the philoso pher. For example, he says: "After reading six books of the Iliad I felt that I would rather give a large sum than read to the end,” and ’after a perusal of Ruskin’s "Stones of Venice” I have lost all faith in Rus kin’s judgment; doubtless he has a fine and eloquent style, but he has ut tered multitudinous absurdities.' ” Referring to Carlyle, Herbert Spen cer says that “He either could not or would not think coherently." The philosopher expresses admiration for George Flint, both physically and Intellectually, but says the report which was current that he was In love with and Intended to marry her was untrue. releasecTbyTourtT ARRESTED BY SOLDIERS. THliiride, Col., March 30.—Charles H. Moyer, president of the. Western Fed eration of Miners, who has been held m Jsil her* since Saturday on charge of desecrating the flag, was released to-day by County Judge Waldtaw on furnishing a bond for 1600, but was im mediately rearreslad by a squad of sol diers acting under orders of Adjt. Gan. ftnarman Bell. The nature of the <hrg* on which h la held by the militia has not been made public. i 5 CENTS A COPY. J DAILY, $8 A YEAR, j WEEKLY 2-TIMF-A-WBEK,SI A YEAR TAMPERED WITH BOTKIN JURORS FOUR OF THEM BRIBED TO FAVOR THK WOMAN CHARGED WITH MURDER. That Was the Information That Reached Judge Cook, Who Will Discharge the Jnry and Impanel a New One—s.lo Offered to a Fifth Jnror, Who Informed the Chief ot Police—Counsel for Mrs. Botkin Disclaims Any Knowledge of Bri bery. San Francisco, March 30.—Late this afternoon Superior Judge Cook an nounced from the bench that an at tempt had been made to tamper with the jurors in the Botkin case. He de clared that he would discharge the jury to-morrow morning, and begin the trial of the case anew. Acting upon information that four jurors had been bribed to favor the prisoner, Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, Judge Cook ordered the jury into the custody of the sheriff until to-morrow morn ing, when he will formally dismiss the jury and begin the impanelling of a new one. It is alleged that beside four jurors, who are said to have been in fluenced, an attempt was made to bribe a fifth one. Mrs. Botkin's attorney made a pas sionate speech, disclaiming that Mrs. Botkin, or any one connected with her case, was implicated. He also said that he would not continue with the present jury. The state’s attorney concurred in a motion to discharge the jury. A brief Investigation was held by Judge Cook after the Jury left the room. Chief of Police Wittman testified that one of the jurors had followed him to his office after the noon adjournment yesterday and said that on the previous evening a stranger had called on him and said: “We have secured four Jurors for the defense and want a fifth. We will give you $50.” The Juror told the chief that he turn ed down the offer, asserting "that I am no such dirty man. I would not take SSO nor $50,000.” Continuing, the chief of police said that when the Juror left the court room yesterday afternoon he was shadow'd by a detective, who saw him secretly meet a woman, with whom he talked several moments. SOUTH DAKOTA HAS DECLARED FOR HEARST. Delegates * Instructed to Support Him to the I.nat. Sioux Falls, S. D., March 30.—The Democratic state convention did not complete Its work until a late hour to night. The report of the committee on resolutions, which was unanimously adopted, reaffirms the principles of Democracy as enunciated by Jefferson, Jackson and Bryan, and Instructs the delegates to the St. Louis convention to support William Randolph Hearst, "first, last and all the time, for the presidential nomination.” The resolutions declare that Hearst will never compromise with trusts, and term him the champion of labor. One of the features of to-night’s ses sion was an address by former United State Senator Richard F. Pettigrew, who stated among other Things that this, he believed, was the first time he had ever addressed a Democratic con vention, but that his entire sympathy was with the Democratic cause. He severely denounced the state and national policies of the Republican party. The principal contest of the conven tion was over the election of a mem ber of the Democratic national com mittee. E, J. Johnson, the present chairman of the state committee, who was supported by the adherents of Hearst, was elected to the position. CANAL niLLft CONSIDERED. Tile Klttredgp Hill Will Probably He Reported. Washington, March 30.—The Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals met to-day and listened to Senator Mor gan, who explained the merits of his bill providing for the government of the canal zone. His bill would make a military reservation of the canal atrip. The Klttredge bill was before th* committee also, and it is believed |t will be reported to tly Senate with a few chnnges. The provision for the government of the canal by two com missions. one of which was to make the laws, was eliminated, and the con trol of the zone left to the existing commission. The committee has agreed to Insert in the bill a provision authorizing the President to designate an officer of the army or navy, or any other officer, who shall have charge of all sanitary mat ters, the official to be under the canal commission. ARRESTEDAT CLEVELAND FOR LYNCHING DIXON. Springfield, 0., March 30.—Earl Bul kins, a well known baseball player, was arrested to-night on th# charge of breaking Into the county Jail on the night of March 7 and aiding tn the lynching of Richard Dixon, the col ored murderer of Patrolman Charles Colils. No Indictments have been found. The grand Jury will not re port for several days. FUNERAL OF THE DALYS. • Revere, Maes,, March 30.—The fu neral of Den Duly, th* comedian, who died In New York last ftiiturdsy, and that of hi* brother Timothy, who died on Monday, were held together at the Roman Catholic Church of th# Immac ulate Conception her* to-day. Hun dreds of friends, many of them mem ber* of IHe tltee trice! prufeeeion. at tended There have b-#n five fuserale la th* Daly family within tow wtehft.