The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, March 31, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 La Grippr Cured by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The great danger from la grippe Is of its resulting in pneumonia. This can be avoided by using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who used this remedy dur ing the epidemic of la grippe of recent years no case has ever been known to result in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain pre ventive of that dangerous disease. Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. INSPECTIONS AT MACON. 300 Per Cent. Made by Military Or ganisations. Macon, March SO.—The Macon Hus- Fars were inspected last night by In spector General W. G. Obear of the Georgia State Troops and MaJ. F. H. French, United States Army. For the second time consecutively in the past two years, the crack military organiza tion made a record of having a 100 per cent, attendance, fifty-three men and officers being in line when the bugler sounded the assembly call. Promptly at h o'clock Coi. Obear and MaJ. French entered the hall, and found the company in line under the command of Capt. W. P. Wheeler, First Lieut. E. W. Stetson and Second Lieutenant J. L. Wail. The inspection and drill lasted near ly two hours, there not being a point overlooked by Col. Obear and Maj. French in their rounds. The Lincoln Guards, the well-drilled colored military company, was inspect ed at 19 o'clock. The whole company, fifty in number, was in line, making a percentage of 100 in attendance. The equipment of the men was thoroughly inspected, after which a short drill was gone through with. The men made a very creditable aapearance. STABBED IN THE LEG. Old 3r(ro Bled to Death and Hl* Assailant Arrested. Beaufort. S. C., March 30.—Abel Bcott. an old negro, was stabbed last night In the leg by Sarah Brown, a young negro woman. After the cut ting Scott went to his shanty and was found dead in bed this morning, hav ing bled to death during the night. The woman claims that she was beaten In the face by Scott last week on ac count of her remonstrating with him about entering her house and carry ing off a half bushel of peas and an ax. Scott renewed the attack last night, she said. He also threatened her with an ax. She threw a brick at him, after which she stabbed liim. Sarah then left her house and went to relatives a few miles in the coun try. She was on her way to town this morning in company with a relative when arrested by Sheriff Porter. Cor oner Sams held an inquest. The ver dict of the Jury was that Scott came to his death by a wound inflicted by Sarah Brown. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure you. In 6 to 14 days. 50c.—ad. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CITY COURT JURORS. The Jurors of the City Court not empaneled on the trial of the case of Bennett vs. Guekenheimer need not appear until Friday, April 1, 1904, at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thomas M. Norwood. Judge. WARING RUSSELL, JR., Clerk C. C. S. NOTICE. FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE SEE W. J. B. ADAMS, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, ljß Bryan St.. East. 219 Both phones. OPEN JAN. 4. 1004. Central Hotel, SIS West Broad street, Savannah. Ga. Near Union and Cen tral Depots. T. A. Newsom, proprie tor. Rate $1.50 per day, equal to any $2.50 house In the city. Special rates to permanent boarders. Excellent table. Comfortable rooms. THAT SPRING Sl'IT. Let us clean that spring suit. We can make It good as new. Or we can dye it and make it new. at once. We can do the same with the hat or gloves. N. Y. STEAM DYE WORKS. State and Whitaker. Bell ’phone 943. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the British steamship Newlands will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew. STRACHAN & CO- Consignee. GENERAL INSURANCE. Reports of casualties remind us of the value of an accident policy. Most liberal forms of Accident and Sickness Policies issued by the Standard. Your interest carefully protected against loss'by fire, tornado and ma rine disaster. W. T. HOPKINS, Agent. IS Bryan street, east. 'Phones 219 CHARLES IXGLESBY, Manager. Our cow gives us the richest milk, Her coat of hair is just like silk; She eats "Our Own" cow feed and hay, And gives us plenty of milk each day. Try a sack from COLLINS, GRAYSON & CO. Fhones 244. MACON RAILWAY AND LIGHT CO. Dividend Notice. Savannah, Ga., March 29, 1904. A dividend of $3.00 per share for the six months ending April 1 has been declared on the preferred stock of the Macon Railway and Light Cos. to the stockholders of record March 29 1904. Checks will be mailed to stockholders. The books for transfer of stock will be closed from March 29 to April 1. E. L DOUGLASS, Treasurer. FLOWERS AND PLANTS FOR EASTER. Give us your order for Lilies, Spirea Japnonlcas, Lilacs. Carna tions and Roses. Plants such as Palms, Rubber Plants, Geraniums. Clnnerarlas and Primroses. A. C. OELSOHIG, Both phones 49*. J. GARDNER. Agent, 18 Broughton street east COMMERCIAL COLLECTION AGENCY, No. 4 East Bryan street Bsll 1138—Fhones—Ga. 1429, CLAIM FORWARDING and RENTAL COLLECTIONS OUH SPECIALTY. LIMK, CKHKIT, 1*1.4 TKM. W* ban the Isrsm sleek f the Neee *<et r prtees balers Me ear Maee ■•> elbets, AhUttt.H MANLEY COMPASS, JACKSONVILLE CHINKS TO BE SENT BACK HOME. Jacksonville, Fla., March 30.—Six Chinamen, who were ordered de ported by United States Com misisioner Archibald last week, have failed to perfect their ap peal within the time specified, and to day the commissioner issued to the United States marshal six writs for deportation. The Chinamen will be taken to San Francisco and delivered to the master of a vessel sailing for China. Funeral of Archibal Clark, Darien. Darien, March 30.—The remains of Y'oung Archibal Clark, son of Dr. P. S. Clark, who died in Atlanta, arrived in Darien yesterday and the funeial took place from the Methodist Church at "the Ridge," the interment taking place in St. Andrew’s Cemetery. The following young friends acted as pall bearers: E. Gendron Cain, Walter De- Loime. Robert Downey, Henry R. Cain, Raymond Clancy, William C. Clark, Jr., Joseph Mitchelson, Thomas R. Cain, Willie Blount. I.nmpkin Item*. Lumpkin, Ga., March 30.—The little 5-year-old daughter of Sheriff W. K. Johnston Is dying from blood poison, caused by stepping on old tin cans and cutting her foot about ten days ago. The cold snap has done no damage to fruit crops or gardens in this sec tion. FEEL POORLY As spring approaches you commence to feel poorly and you wonder at the cause. You feel tired and out of sorts. Your head aches, you have no appetite and the blood Is impure. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters will quickly tone up the system, overcome that tired feel ing and make life a pleasure. Test it for yourself. It also cures Dizziness, Rlnating, Dyspepsia. Indigestion. In somnia. Liver Troubles, La Grippe and Malaria. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS Jgl'-11. 1 Bgß.’gSL.l FUNERAL INVITATIONS. WALTER.—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Helmken and Mrs. J. W. Ehlere, are invited to at tend the funeral of their brother, Mr. William A. Walter, from the residence of Mr. J. H. Helmken, 23 Liberty street, west, this afternoon, at 4:30 o’clock. Interment Laurel Grove Cem etery. MEETING*. GEOliGTrcoUNrn7lvor2rß^&^3ir A meeting of this council will be held at the Masonic Temple this (Thursday) evening at 8:15 o’clock. Degrees will be conferred. Visiting companions cordially invited to meet with us. J. C. FOSTELL. F. I. M. W. S. ROCKWELL, Recorder. SPECIAL NOTICES. BIDS WANTED. Office Director of Public Works, March 23, 1904.—Bids will be received at this office until Thursday, March 31, 1904, at 12 o’clock, noon, city time, by the Streets and Lanes Committee, for furnishing feed as follows: No. 1 Timothy Hay, per 100 pounds. No. 2 Timothy Hay, per 100 pounds. Best quality Mixed Oats. All to be weighed at City Lot. En velops to be marked "Bids for Feed.” The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Preference given to party who can deliver feed from one location. Bids to be opened in pres ence of bidder. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. denied proposals will be received at this office until Thursday. March 31, 1904, at 12 o’clock noon, city time, by the Streets and Lanes Committee, for furnishing the city with supplies to be purchased during the month of April, 1904, such as Harness, Otis, Paints, Iron, Lime, Cement. Brick, Hardware, Tocds, Lumber and such other ma terial as Is used by this department. All proposals must be made on offi cial forms, which can be had at this office on or after this date. Envelopes to be marked "Proposals for Supplies.” The city reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in the pres ence of bidder. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director of Public Works. EASTER LILIES. EASTER FLOWERS. Don't put off ordering Easter Flow ers. Order to-day and be sure of hav ing them on Easter day. Our stock is very large and the tlnest flowers grown. JOHN WOLF, Phones 634. Ott and Anderson Sts. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS. COLEMAN & THOMSON, Real Estate Collections, Phones 48. 15 Bay street, west. Let us collect your rents and man age your estates. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Remington Standard Typewriter is still the standard. Durability, aaae of operation, simplicity, and the fact that you can put It In your inventory are its chief merits. See the latest models before buying a machine. R. M. HULL, Sole Dealer for Savannak, 10 Drayton St. Provident Building. ! Neat and Clean The importance of clean, well starched collars will appeal to men who care to look as well as possible. The way we handle them, the clean, smooth finish, and the goodness of the work throughout, is our reason for wanting your next bundle. Savannah - Georgia Laundry Company. I I It West CvagtbM ilfMI I lo Wm* t •MtgritM Street Pheeeti **. SSS, *4 SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1904. SITES FOR DESIRABLE HOMES. Barnard to Montgomery AND Thirty-second to Thirty-seventh. ADVANTAGES: High topographically; Free from railroad nuisances; Extra deep and with lanes; Sidewalks paved; House drainage and water connections; Three street railway lines; Three paved streets; Lots not used for business purposes; Residences retired ten feet from front line. C. H. DORSETT, SALES AGENT Savannah Investment Company. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE FAMILY LIQUOR STORE IN THE CITY. Try out famous Bell’s Pore Rye, 75c foil qoart; $3.00 per gallon. We handle the celebrated Piel's Dort monder & Moenchoer Beers, 12 dozen to the cask, by the cask and dozen. BELSINGER & CO., 43 4 | FULL LINE DUFF-GORDON SHERRIES. THUNDERBOLT PARK, SAVANNAH'S NEW AMUSEMENT RESORT. Everything to Amuse Both Young and Old. Toboggan Slide, Carousal, Parisian Maze, Miniature Railroad, Shooting Gallery, Penny Arcade. Watch Newspapers for Opening Date. Special arrangement can be made for Picnics for So cieties, Sunday Schools, Lodges, etc. BUSINESS NOTICES. Get : A Passbook To-day. The Belmonlco invites all . good patrons to join its ’ > army of good livers. < Its pure food policy, its i progressive methods and its < score of other advantages ' make it the most desirable > trading place in Savannah. < Its lowest prices are on l things you use every day. < Take a Delmonico pass -1 book and learn the lesson of > economy. < :|j> el/ N££ lCo ’ c MpaNV >*-■■■ t Bull and York. Phone* 05ft. SPECIAL. NOTICES. NOTICE TO THOSE WHO USE FOUNTAINS AND STREET AND GARDEN SPRINKLERS. Office of Savannah Water Works. Savannah, Ga.. March 21, 1904. —The use of fountains and street and gar den sprinklers will be allowed only during the following hours: From 6 a. m. to 9 a. m. and from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. Hose must be equipped with nozzle with opening not larger than 3-8 of an inch in diameter. Any parties vio lating the above rule will be placed on the docket. I. U. KINSEY,_Supt. BIDS FOR SIDEWALK BRICK.~ Offlce Director of Public Works, Savannah. Ga.. March 25, 1904.—Bids will be received at this office by the Streets and Lanes Committee until noon 12 o'clock, city time, Thursday, March 31. 1904, for furnishing the city with 100,000 hard burned sidewalk brick. Delivery to be made during the month of April, 1904. Sample of 5 brick to be furnished with bid. The committee reserves the rl*ht to reject any or all bids. GEO. M GADSDEN. __ Director of Public Works. GKO. A. MERCER, JR., LAWYER. Itcal Estate and Patents are sir HfiM-talttra. uaks, biMtUwrn Rank BuDding, BUSINESS NOTICES. A Pleasure Is is to ent articles of food that you can depend on. We never did brag much, probably not enough, but we have tried to he nt the head of the column for Higli Class and Reliable Goods, and always on the alert for nov elties and new ideas, and shall never deviate from this policy. Onr store is an attractive one. prices reasonable and deliveries prompt. Every courtesy and at tention shown our patrons. We shall ho happy to ndd new accounts to those of many years’ standing with us. A. M. & C. W. West. 1904 DAYTON BICYCLES 525.00. The best bicycle at the price In Sa vannah to-day. WALTER F. HIGGINS President-Drayton. OIL PAINTINGS. We clean, repair and restore your old Paintings and Frames. Work guar anteed. Charges moderate. TIIONXKSEN’B ART STORE, 17 York St.. West. Ga. Phone 798. SPECIAL NOTICES. SOMETHING NO ONE ELSE HAS: WHITE ONIONS. BELL PEPPER. SPRING BROILERS. RED CABBAGE. M. S. GARDNER. HATH TUBS. Porcelain Lined, Guaranteed. 111.00 and up. Plumbing and beating. lUrtu iil, Minimum M brctdnger. 31 York sweat V.eaC Mvlh Pbvnee, % JEWELRY. We carry a complete line of Dia mond*. Watches and Jewelry. . Our price* are the lowest in the city. We have employed an expert watchmaker, Jeweler and engraver. We do the finest engraving in the city. Give us a trial on this work. Cor. State jUIWdU gill St. Are You Going to the St. Louis Exposition? The best way to get op yoor money is to get a Savings Bank from the People’s Savings and Loan Cos. Don't keep yoor money in the boreao drawer, and have it stolen —this happened to a Savannah lady a few days ago. E. L. HACKETT, Treasurer. C. H. DORSETT, President. DIRECTORS. J. H. FURBER J. H. ESTILL U. H. McLAWS W. J. HARTY J. F. FREEMAN SAMUEL MEINHARD | Pr, Bouvier’s Buchu Cin. J A sovereign remedy in bladder and kid* I ney diseases. Talk to your grocer. ) Trade supplied by | HENRY SOLOMON a SON BUSINESS NOTICES. Ballard’s Obelisk Flour. Barrel, $5-75. That is a price that ought to attract attention. The same flour Is now worth $5.81 at the factory. We bought in advance, hence vve are able to sell now at less than pres ent mill prices. The flour is new; just coming in. 24-lb, sacks 75c. 12-lb. sacks 40c. 6-lb. sacks 20c. Dully and Drayton. Phones 554. LIGHT RUNNING RUNABOUTS e ' ) Are the only desirable kind. Those we offer are light in weight, but strong in construction, and all made by such manufacturers as S. R. Bailey & Cos., Amesbury, Mass- Haninyer. Syracuse. N. Y- Cortlnnd Wagon Cos.. Cortland, N. Y., and many other high-grade makers. HARNESS IN ANY' STYLE AND GRADE DESIRED. Rubber Tires and Carriage Hard ware and Trimmers’ Supplies. COHEMULMAN Carriage and Wagon Cos. SAVANNAH. GA. Wind Proof Water Proof Oil Proof t IN COLORS TO MATCH MACHINES w Riley Jfutry Robes Flos is Issther offsets with awl Hnlngs The only robe* that harmonize with the Automobile and it* trappings, and the only ones in kteplng with “Smart” Outfits I. H. FRIEDMAN & CO., BULL AND YOHK STREETS. You can dine in privacy at Sommers' Cafe, Union Station. Luxuriously appointed private dining rooms. OPTICAL GOODS. We need no Introduction in the Op tical line. Our reputation for fine and accurate work is recognized all over this country. We use only the finest crystal lenses that can be ground. Our frames are the finest that money can buy. We examine your eyes free. Satisfaction guaran teed. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. BeH Phone 149. Georgia Phone 657. Manufacturers and dealers In all kinds ROUGH AND DRESSED YEL LOW PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES and LATHS. FLOORING, CEILING, FINISHING, WEATHERBOARDING, and FRAMING. Stock always on hand In large quantities of regular stock size, or manufactured to order on short no tice. Shipments to the interior In mix ed car load lots a specialty. The beautiful service of the Thunderbolt CASINO has caught the critical eye. These de lightful spring days breathe a spirit of repose and to strangers and our own people alike the SHORE LUNCHEONS are pronounced to be right—just right in every particular. Ope mat all times for large or small functions. Wedding Gifts —IN— Sterling Silver Individual pieces and com plete services in all the ap proved styles and designs. R. Van Keuren & Cos, Jewelers. 143 Bull Street Ga. Phone SOI Another Winner. Something New- LUNCH CAKE. Only 15c. Full line of Easter Goods. Order your Ice Cream for Easter from us. Phones 265, BELSINGER & GROSS. NEW LINE Framed Pictures fast re ceived. Just the thing for Wedding Presents. H. HYMES’ ART STORE, 147 Bull St. Ga. Phone 958. If you want ab solutely perfect laundry worh, Phone 700. Opposite De Soto Hotel. The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH, GA. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UN. DIVIDED PROFITS, 9500,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up. wards received in Savings De. partment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W. TIED EM AN, Vice Pres. JOHN >l. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN, Assistant Cashier. —THE— CHATHAM BANK , SAVANNAH, GA LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Pres FRED. AV. CLARKE, Cashier. . .. COURTNEY THORPE, Asst. Cashier. INVITES ACCOUNTS of Banks, Corporations, Firms and In dividuals on terms consistent will) sound banking principles. ALLOWS INTEREST on deposits In SAVINGS DEPART MENT. BUYS AND SELLS Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Issues Kountze Bros. Letters of Credit, available in Sail parts of the world. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINOS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION IS REQUESTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. JOHN FLANNERY. Preaident. HORACE A CRANE, Vice President. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. No. 1640. Chartered 186*. -THE mu hi m OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $600,000. SURPLUS *100,009. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President, W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. —THE— CITIZENS BANK OF SAVANNAH Capital and Surplus SBOO,OOO Account* of Firm*, Corporation*, Individual, and Bank* Solicited, MILLS BEE LANE, President, GEORGE C FREEMAN, Cashier, GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Chshler BUSINESS NOTICES. Give Us a Trial, FURLONG 6 SPALDING, Wagons and Truck Builders, Black* smiths and horseshoers. Corner Congress, Montgomery and St Julian Streets^ ROOFING , Repairing, Roof Painting E. C. PACETTI & SON Phone 64L 140 Whitaker. Savannah Trust Cos. Capital, Surplus and Profits $600,000.00. OFFICERS Wm. W. MACKALL, Presides*. GEO. J. BALDWIN, Vice President. Wm. V. DAVIS. Secy, and Treasurer, DIRECTORS J. P. Williams, 8. P. Shotter, Joseph Hull, I H. Weber, Allan Bond, f W. A. Wlnburn, ' Herman Myers. W. W. Macksll, Oeorge J, Baldwin, J. P. Mints. C. Sidney Bhepard, R G. Erwin. Edwin g. Webster.