The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, March 31, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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NAVAL STORES DURING 1903-04 FOREIGN DEMAND DECLINED. home consumption held prices TO TOP NOTCH FIGURES. Factor*, Exporter* and Broker* De clare That Seaaoii Ending To-day Ha* Been the Best Since the AVar. Every Indication I* That Coming Season Will Be Equally a* Re munerative, and no One Seem* to Fear an Over Production— Statis tic* lor Previous Years. The naval stores situation, as viewed by factors, exporters and brokers, for the year closing to-day Is more than satisfactory. Tht re was a falling off in the re ceipts of spirits amounting to 99,483 casks, compared with last year, and 290.192 barrels of rosin for the same period, estimating to-day’s receipts at 750 casks of spirits and 1,500 barrels of rosin. The prices that prevailed in both the turpentine and rosin markets were the highest since the war. While It is true that the foreign de mand for spirits was not as great as in the previous year, the domestic con sumption was more than made up for the deficiency. The absence of consumption abroad is thus explained by Mr. Julius Schwarz, manager of the London and Savannah Naval Stores Company, who has recently returned from an extend ed tour of the continent of Europe: "Foreign consumers have held aloof and refused to pay our prices, because they believed them too high. They have been using substitute spirits, which they have refined after it reach ed the other side. Then, too, France, which is the only turpentine produc ing country on the other side of the Atlantic, shows over 25,000 more casks than last year. This fact In a meas ure has kept down the foreign con sumption. "Taken as a whole, however, the year Just past,” said Mr. Schwarz, “has been a record breaker in the naval stores trades, and we expect the coming year to be equally as profitable to producer and consumer alike.” Mr. Robert H. Powell of the Con solidated Naval Stores Company, said: "We are more than pleased with the result of the past year’s business, and feel no apprehension regarding the fu ture. We do not think there will be an overproduction, and hope that pres ent prices will be maintained.” Mr. Thomas Hoynes of the Standard Oil Company said: “I am more than gratified with the present aspect. While It is true we have not bought as much spirits as formerly on this market, still I think the producer or consumer has no right to complain at the prices spirits and rosins have brought." Mr. A. L. Chapeau said: "Every thing is highly satisfactory. These are indeed war prices, and there is ev ery indication that they will continue.” The J. P. Williams Company is high ly gratified with the results of the sea son, and sees no reason why the pres ent high prices should not continue. The following is a review of the na val stores seascm for the .year ending April 1, 1904, showing the range of prices on spirits and rosins, and also receipts, compared with the last two seasons: Range of Prices— | 1903-0471 1902-03. 1901-02. Spirits.’ 1~45®65c7~||~42@65c. 31®53c. Rosins .153.30@4.75,53.50@4.25 $2.25@3.95 W. W. 3.10@4.40j 3.25@3.85 2.00©3.70 W. Q. . 2.80@4.15[ 2.40@2.20 1.65@2.45 F 1.65@2.90[ 1.20@2.10 1.10@1.50 D 1,55@2.80 1.10ig2.05 1.00@1.40 Rece'ts | Spts. - cks.l 193,013 | 292,496 ~ 314,346 Ros. bl..| 650,315 | 940,607 1,071,440 Estimated factors’ receipts for to dav— Spirits. 750 casks. Rosins, 1,500 barrels. RELIGIOUS HALLUCINATION SENT HIM TO ASYLUM. “Divine Healer” Will Be Given Chance to Recuperate. “I’ve talked with the Lord an’ the way's clear! I’ve talked with the Lord and the way’s clear!'’ This was the salutation with which Rev. Antonio Lawton, colored, greeted a lunacy Jury at the county jail yes terday. The only clear way apparent to the jury was the way to Milledge ville, and thither Lawton will be sent at once. Lawton is the colored preacher who became convinced that the could heal by laying on of hands. He was found several days ago wandering about on Broughton street, kneeling and pray ing, and when he could liud no human ills to cure, he began kissing the walls of buildings to restore them to health. When the jury was brought before him in his cell the preacher at once began a dissertation on a variety of subjects. The water which he had been given for bathing purposes he had sprinkled over the tioor of his cell. After ing the announcement that he had held converse with the Lord, and that the way was clear, Lawton began kissing the walls of his cell, whether from pure affection, or desire to heal them of some woe. the jury was unable to determine. His insanity was so evi dent that he was at once ordered shipped to Milledgeville. Eugene Copely, the man who was convinced several days ago that a mob was after him with a desire to inflict bodily harm, also faced a lunacy Jury. His case was diagnosed as a plain case OH jim-jams and he was adjudged sane. Copely is alleged to have been on a ten day celebration just rrevious to the beginnings of the hallucinations, was released from custody. Sophie Jackson, colored. was ad judged to be an invalid Imbecile. It was evident that her grey-matter was not working properly, but th '" believed to be due in a great measure to her poor health. The Jury r ® mended that she be sent to the Geor gia Infirmary for treatment, as there is a chance that the restoration of bodily health will restore her mind. IHINH-AMKHH AS HOP If OSD AY WIGHT. Will Hr Most Knloymhlr AKn r •- clrtr Hue Given. The second annual hop of the Irish* American Friendly Hodety will be given next Monday night at the socie ty'* hull. All arrangement* for the hop have been perfected, and the Indica tion* are that It will b. the moet en joyable entertainment yet„f lv * n . . b * *“• society. Judge Samuel Reynold*, the president of the society, *ev* he ex pect* to M> one of the large*! crowd* that ha* ever attended a hall in ■*- v*nnah. P H flesron la the chair men of the Commit!** on Arrange mu THE LATE DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING AT CLYDE, The following from the Bryan En terprise is published at the request of the supporters of Hon. J. A. Brannen, who claim that the report of the Dem ocratic mass meeting at Clyde, that indorsed Col. R. E. Lester, was erro neous: A mass meeting was held at Clyde on Monday last, for the purpose of reor ganizing the Democratic party, and electing a chairman and Executive Committee for the ensuing two years. Chairman J. W. Geiger being absent, Mr. Henry Strickland was elected tem porary chairman, and T. T. Osteen sec retary. The following resolution was read and adopted unanimously: "Whereas it is the desire of the Democrats of Bryan county to have representation from this section of the state of Georgia in the delegation at large to the National Democratic Con vention to be held in St. Louis, Mo., and whereas we believe Hon. J. H. Es tiH of Savannah, Ga., is an able, safe, and conservative man, and one who would reflect great credit on this state: now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the Democrats of Bryan county in mass meeting assem bled, That we heartily recommend and indorse him for one of the dele gates at large from the state of Geor gia to the said Democratic National Committee to be held in St. Louis.” It was evident from the first that the meeting was intended for a Lester rally, as was shown by the number of his supporters on the ground. In fact, it is safe to say nine-tenths of the Lester voters were on hand determin ed to have passed resolutions indorsing Col. Lester. The trouble started when one Mr. Smith arose and read off a lot of names of Lester supporters and asked a vote on them. By persist ent and strenuous efforts order was restored long enough to have the gen tleman explain what he was trying to get off. It was at last decided that the list contained the names of three men from each district as candidates for members of the Executive Commit tee. (And, by the way, every name was that of a strong Lester supporter.) The object of this was very evident, and met a strong opposition by the minority. It was then suggested that each district elect its own committee, but this was at once yelled down by the other side. Several other suggestions were offer ed, and one or two short speeches made for harmony and reason, but to no avail, and as the chair realized the impossibility of accomplishing the ob ject for which the meeting was called, and that the Lester faction was only bent on making of the meeting a Les ter rally, declared the meeting ad journed. Then pandemonium broke loose, and for a short time It looked like a free-for-all fight, knock-out and drag out, but cooler heads prevailed and peace was once more restored. Thus ended this meeting called for the purpose of electing a chairman and Executive Committee and for no other purpose. This meeting was not called for the purpose of indorsing Mr. Bran nen, as has been stated by some, nor did the Brannen supporters think that such unfair methods as were practiced would have been resorted to by the Lester faction. On the contrary, every thing goes to show that this was all a cut and dried plan on the part of the Lester men to have Bryan county in dorse their candidate. The correspondent of the Morning News sa>s: “The call for the meeting was a surprise to the Lester men.” Yet they came well prepared with, you might say every Lester voter in the country (and that was about 80 or 100) backed by delegations from Effing ham and Chatham to help “poor old Bryan” appoint a Democratic execu tive committee. Had Mr. Brannen’s friends thought for a moment that the purpose of said meeting was to be subverted and tak en charge of by such high-handed proceedings they would have been there. The appointing of a chairman and committee and indorsing Col. Lester is not the work of the Bryan County Democratic Executive Committee, nor does it meet the approval of a large majority of Bryan county voters, as will be shown the day of the primary. J. D. W. MARINE RECRUITS ARE BEING ENLISTED. A number of recruits are being re ceived by the local recruiting office of the United States Marine Corps. The physical examination for entrance in the Marine Corps is very strict and fully 50 per cent, of the men who ap ply are turned down. Sergt. Abbey, In charge of the recruiting office, says the majority of the men accepted are from the farms. The new recruits are sent to Port Royal. After a few weeks’ training Capt. McKelvy sends them to Wash ington, and they are placed In detach ments for China, the Philippine Is lands or Panama. Another detachment will shortly be sent to St. Louis, where it will be stationed during the World’s Fair. BLOOD Reveals itself in many ways. Some times the impurities in the blood mark and mar the skin with blotches, pimples, boil* or other eruptions. Sometimes the result of bad blood is Xj rheumatism or a debili tated condition which is popularly described as "feeling played cSß'ffirfrEim out, hardly able to m y self and poisons which gaßTOffl | corrupt the blood, clog .{.'P the liver and cloud the s|2|Ra|pto skin are removed by the use of Doctor Pierce's H) BJT Golden Medical Discov fijl; ery. It does more than || Be eliminate the poisons jit iBJJ—K increases the activity kel of the blood-making JHj glandu so that there is v ™ N an increased supply of pure, body-building blood. It brightens the eyes, cleanses the skin, and gives new, physical energy. Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. I thank God for the good your medicine* have done me." write. Mr Janie. M Sliemore of Mitchell. Lawrence Cos., lnd Bo* jot. I wa. not well for two year.. My throat wa. alway. sore, head ached, and back ached nearly all the time. My weight waa *55 P°“ o< |*: , * wa. taken lick with typhoid lever, and when the fever left nte I had .uch a pain in my left aide I could not breathe without pain. I thought 1 mun die My wife weal to the drug ature an l procured a bortle of Dr Pierce . Golden Medical lUacoveey od ri* l °* bl ! ' I'eUrt. ' I dleeMtlMMd th u** o my doctor*, medldoe and began with the 'Gulden Medical Maeoverr • ead FtlleM. lat uuet besan to feel better tba pal* won left ay £xH ja-r-T:, text •ear 1* mr life • Dr Pure*'* lde*eaui rtlUto cum *- gtipmUoo. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1001. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Haye Kid ney Trouble and Never Suspect It. To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of the News May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kid neys, but now modern science proves that near ly all diseases have their beginning in the dis order of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood—that is their work. Therefore when your kidneys are weak or out of order you can understand how quickly your entire tjody is affected, and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or “feel badly,” begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, because as soon as your kidneys are get ting better they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. I cheerfully recommend and endorse the | Great Remedy, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root for kidney trouble and bnd liter. I have used it and derived great benefit from It. 1 believe it has cured me entirely of kidney and liver trouble, from which I sulTered terribly. Most gratefully yours, A. R. REYNOLDS. Chief of Police, Columbus, Ga. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for many kinds of diseases, and if permitted to continue much suffering and fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble irritates the nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, sleepless and irritable. Makes you pass water often during the day and obliges you to get up many times during the night. Unhealthy kidneys cause rheu matism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache in the back, joints and muscles; makes your head ache and back ache, causes indigos tion, stomach and liver trouble, you get a sal low, yellow complexion, makes you feel as though you had heart trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste away. The cure for these troubles is Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the world famous kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Nature, for Swamp-Root is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that is known to medical science. HOW TO FIND OUT. If there is any doubt in your mind as to your condition take from your urine on rising about four ounces, place it in a glass or bottle and let it stand 24 hours. If on examination it is milky or cloudy, if there is a brick-dust settling, or if small particles float about in it, your kidneys are in need of immediate attention. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is used In the leading hospitals, recommended by phys icians in their private practice, and is taken by doctors themselves who have kidney ailments, because they recognize in it the greatest aqd most successful remedy for kidney, liver and bladder troubles. EDITORIAL NOTE.—So successful is Swamp-Root in promptly curing even the most distressing cases of kidney, liver or bladder troubles, that to prove its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable Information, both sent absolutely free by mail. The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sardple bottle. In sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Cos., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure to say you read this generous offer in the Savannah Morning News. The proprie tor of this papre guarantees the genui nesness of this offer. Window and Door SCREENS, LUMBER SASH, DOOR and BLINDS A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Bryan and Whitaker Sts. Factory: Near O.S.S.Co’s. Wharves. CLASSIFIED ALVERIISEMENTS. PERSONAL. 'SC^FOR^WATCH^GLASSES? in brooches, sc; watches from 79c; El gin seven-jewel watch, $3.98; lady's solid gold watch, hunting, sl2; spec tacles from 9c per pair; a rare chance for an active man to buy the stand and become financially independent, as the present owner. For terms apply to E. F. Fegeas, lawyer, 116 Bull street; store located 20 East Broughton. HAVE YOU “SEEN"THE LOVELY satin and taffeta ribobns we are selling for 15 cents per yard, three and four inches wide? Well, it is what others sell at 29 cents and 39 cents; remem ber, If it is ribbon you want, call on us, as we have ribbon from 1 cent to 20 cents per yard; send for sam ples; w r e pay the postage. M. A. Stokes, ribbon store, Savannah, Ga. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A specific for coughs, colds and croup. Take a bottle home to-night It positively cures. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge. 25c. HAVE YOU SEEN THAT WlN dow full of Ingersoll watches at $1; a guaranteed timekeeper; come and look at the baby clock. J. T. Wtlin sky. Jeweler and Optician, 12 Brough ton. east; pln_ repairing a specialty. ALARM CLOCKS. KOCH & SYL van, 46 Whitaker. HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterich's, 110 State street, west. TSHOES HALF SOLED AND HEEL ed for 60 cents while you wait; best white oak leather used. D. Epstein, 112 Drayton street. Oeorglla. ’phone_2*oß. 35 CENTS FOR A GILT FOOT stool (while they last), with iron legs, upholstered in beautiful tones of velour; worth double the price. Ring 940, either ’phone, about your awnings. We make. ’em. Miller'B, 207 Broughton, west. INGERSOLL WATCHES *l. KOCH & Sylvan, 46 Whitaker. "THOMASON & HAHN STOVE CO., successors to D. N. Thomason, Agt. Now in their commodious store, Barnard and State, with a full line of kitchen furnishings, coal And wood stoves, coal and wood ranges, refrig erators, coolers. Ice cream freezers. A specialty of repairing stoves and everything of this kind. A perfect establishment of this kind. See them If you have anything In this line. Georgia ‘phone 2853. Bell 'phone 1123. “HARTZ MOUNTAIN MALE CA nary bird*, gold fish, fish globes and cages at Gardner's, 18 Broughton street, east. "■Ts. BOLLEE A CO., PIANO TUN- Ing and repairing; piano* and organ* on easiest terms. 120 Btate street, west. _ BRING PH Yol’lt JEWELRY Hi. pair work; w* do It proparly and don't make outrageous charge*. Koch A Sylvan, 4 Whl to ker WttL RENOVATE Mo®l AND cotton matiresse* at 11.10 apiece; new mattr***** mad* to order at right prlco*. Immediate attention given to all order* and work guaranteed. J ft Dooner. Ml Drayton, bell pbor.* lU4; Georgia ‘phone, IML Uk KII.MHR’S 111 ipfli Kidney. Liver it Bladder IPffl .fete'l directions. HgS gfrffgg MAT tak r ,•US. two or three ll|m PMfllfofi Uupoonft! !s or gfwr pSPIvg WRBi m*aU aud at bedtime. wfflißa Children ]., ..rdiug to *nn. effipS May cou e: e with mna.i fjjjfffig doeeianJ.. f,. f .|.. M I \ f ' r • n * (Me would jga&iMl eem to require. ! ' nfilfiflj This gTf ,’ *-uedv rnree all BMgRSf klinc> .live, and Crlc Acid iron’ .* , i Jla->ri.era I. f t to "’ 1 i 1 nerh. U EBB hi * < ‘‘ Urrh f the hind let. prave) CjfiZs rheomutlaiii, • am] Kami Hrtphi •l V sae hb hli the pStttoaS worst form if ki iuev dive age. yWjKgB It la pleasant to tax.e. ; I’MNi:ii.'hy BY Mgjffjag gSS DR. KILMER & CO.. jJM BINUIIAMTIiN, N. V. BCT i.l Sold by all Druggists. ImRH (Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take) If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular flfty-cent and or.e-doliar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. and the address, Bing humton, N. Y., on every bot tle. PERSONAL. PLYMOUTH ’ROCK. LEGHORNS, Bantam, Brahma eggs for setting, at Gardner's, 18 Broughton street, east. I BUILD BUGGIES. CARTS, trucks, wagohs to order. Workman ship the best. Prices to reach all. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Julian, west. THE SAVANNAH DISTRICT MES senger Companjt'.is* prepared to move anything movable on short notice; pi anos and furniture packing and mov lng done by experts telephone 2. IF GEORGE W. * THOMAS RE pairs your wheel it will stay repaired. The work is done Well and carefully, or it is not done at all. ’Phones 949; punctures 15c. FOR "CASH OR CREDIT’’ WE sell furniture of every, kind. Our prices are right. We sell everything for a home. Come and see us. Miller’s, 207 Broughton, west. WE DO REPAIRING AT CUT prices: good work quick; plugs put in, 10 cents. Williams Bicycle Cos. BIG SALE OF THE QVARAN teed Ingersoll watches at $1; see the window display at J. T. Wilinsky, Jeweler and Optician, 12 Broughton, east; a window full of watches or a sample of young clocks; see therp- OFFICE DESKS AT MILLER'S, Heywood Bros.’ and Wakefield Co.'s go-carts, folding carts and baby car riages. Rattan rockers and fancy pieces. 207 Broughton, west. *“DON’T WORRY ABOUT RIBBON; our 10-cent satin ribbon in ail new col ors will satisfy you; don’t fail to call for them at M. A. Stokes' ribbon store. theTreliable BICYCLE"STORI). 202 Jefferson, corner Oglethorpe ave nue, sells what wears the best, while others sell what sens the best. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND~LADIES stick pins, brooches, necklaces, rings, hair pins and ali kinds of Jewelry at J. & C. N. Thomas, corner state and Whitaker. THE BALDWINS HAVE ARRIV ed at Miller's. Buy a Baldwin and be happy. Everyone guaranteed. If you want the best refrigerator or ice box, buy a Baldwin at Miller's, 207 Broughton, west. GREEN. THE EXPERT VUL canlzer, sells bicycles, tires, sundries, at cheapest prices; punctures repaired, 16c. REPAIRING WATCHES AND ALL kinds of Jewelry attended to promptly by J. & C. N. Thomas, corner Whit aker and State streets. YOU MAY LOOK THIS TOWN over, but you won’t find another such wheel value as the Eagle Special at 320. Oakman A O’Neil, 141 Drayton. “HOT STUFF STOVES AT~ "LESS than cost; closing out our stock of wood, coal and hot stuff stoves at less than cost. Savannah Crockery and Hardware Company, 305 Broughton, west. 8. S. SOLLEE A CO., NEW LOT OF Edison phonographs; can buy them on easy terms. 120 State street, west. ONE-POUND BOX FINE” ASSORT - ed candies or chocolates, 25c, at Het terich s, 110 State street, west. GREEN, THE EXPERT VUL canizer, makes a specialty of vulcaniz ing automobile tires, casing and tubes; ■phones 1834. " SAWMILL WORK GIVEN EBPE cial attention by Mingledorff A Cos. Write or 'phone 653. _ IK YOU HAVE A WATCH THAT nobody has been able to put in time keeping shape bring It to us. Koch A Sylvan. LAWN SWINGS AND HAM mocks at Miller's. Cot# of every kind from 81.00 to $6,00. Porch rockers, chairs, etc. Everything for your warm weather comfort. 207 Brough ton. west. ________ FIVE-POUND BOXEH FINK As sorted candy, 75c, sl, end $1.50, at Hat terkh’e, 110 State street, west. “for MOVING FURNITURE," Pi anos and iron tefes or anything mov able, we have all esperlenced help and experts fourteen yeere In the buslneee. The Benton Transfer Company, 314 Jsffereon street. Bell ’phone It; Geor gia 'phone 1701. J. W, Benton, Mena rf*r. ___________ THE BF.MT JEWELRT AT THE the*pee* price at J. 4k C. M. Thomas; e handle fine goods and d# not gel fai/ig priMt. PERSONAL. SEETb GRASS SEED and plant food at Gardner’s, 18 Brough ton street, east. CLOTHES CLEANED; PRESSED and repaired: also alter and repair la dies skirts and jackets. D. Epstein. 112 Drayton street. Georgia ’phone 2808. If GEORGE W.THOMAS SELLS YOU a pair of tires, have no fear. The tires are worth more than you pay for them. Punctures 15c. THOMPSON’S TRANSFER~CO; IS something that j?T>u need when you want prompt and reliable sendee. Telephone us to move your trunk and also for moving, packing and storing furniture and pianos at reasonable rates. Recommendations will show the nature of our reputation. Office, 210 Whitaker street. Bell ’phone, 184. George 1717. W. H. Thompson, Man ager. "are YOUR FEET TROUBLING you? If so, call on me: I cure Ingrow ing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges flfeasonable; can give the best reference; patients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston’s Pharmacy, No. 36 Broughton street, west; both 'phones 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. "F. CHRIS KRAMER, WHEEL* wrlght and general blacksmith. Paint ing and trimming, horseshoeing, rub ber tires. 310 St. Julian, west. PHOTOGRAPHY. to give my agent, Mr. W. H. Cook, who is now canvassing the city, and will call on you, an opportunity of showing and explaining his offerings, which should not alone Interest, but will save you much money; don’t be “humbugged” by Irresponsible persons, but Insist on seeing Mr. Cook, who alone has authority to make this offer for the Wilson Studio, 41 Bull street; both ’phones. M. Ed. Wilson, proprie tor. PROFESSIONAL. and Civil Engineer. 18 Board of Trade building. Georgia ’Phone 1950. CONTRACTOR ANU BUILDER. 'HinJBERUor^VOUNGr - CONTRACTr or and builder; jobbing a specialty; Bell ’phone 445; plans and specifica tions on application. 112 Henry street, east, Savannah. Ga. MEDICAL. household remedy where there are children with coughs, colds, croup; It will positively cure. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge; 25c a bottle. “LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENG- Ush Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; Cake no other; send 4c stamps for particulars; "relief for la dles." in the letter by return mall; ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos., Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANT ED—M ALB. WANT, FIVE DRIVERS; ONE OX driver; three salesmen for city, can make $3 per day; two young ladles to canvass In cltyj four cooks; six house girls: three nurses; men and women to register for all kinds of places. Wan dell’s, 153 West Broad. WANTED, TWO FIRST-CLASS colored barbers at once; good Job for steady men. Guarantee and commis sion. Joe's New York Barber Shop, 113 East Bay street, Jacksonville, Fla. WANTED. FOR THE U. 8. MA rlne Corps, ablg-bodied men, between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-War in all parts of the world, on larici in our island pos sessions, ojid at naval stations In' the United States. * Apply to Recruiting Office, U. S. Marini Corps, second floor. Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to £ D. m. __ WANTED. MEN AT THE RESLIa” ble Bicycle Stpre, 202 Jefferson, corner Oglethorpe aveijue, to solicit the sale of bicycles. Perfect goods and good sellers. WANTED. MEN TO" SOLICIT THE sale of bicycles; perfect goods and good seller. Apply at the Reliable Bi cycle Store, 202 Jefferson, corner Ogle thorpe avenue. HELP WANTED—FEB ALBS. ~ WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK, with reference. Apply at 115 Gwin nett street, west. “FOrTST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR, 50 women work mammoth palmistry studio, S2O weekly; experience unnec essary; large Illustrated palmistry book with instructions for two stamps. Prof. Frederick, 213 West One Hun dred and Twenty-fifth street, New York. Fair Dept., 145. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. "young lady] who^under stands stenography, desires a position in office; salary small. Lady, care of Morning News. "wantedTa YOUNG MAN, ACCU rate and rapid in stenographic work de sires position at once. Address R. R., Box 83, Tifton, Ga. WANTED, A POSITIbN AS COOK; willing to stay on premises. Apply 508 West Broad. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION as bookkeeper or bookkeeper’s assist ant; best of references furnished. W., care of News. WANTED—HOUSES. WANTED, TO RENT OR PUR chase on rental payment plan, 8 or 9 room house; large yard; not tqo close in. Address with full particulars, A. Y., care Morning News. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, ONE MILE "of 3IF pound steel rails; one saddle tank dum my engine, 12 to 15 tons. Eagle Manu facturing Cm,_Savannah, Ga. i Want tour old bookbT mis^ celianeous and school books. J. Gard ner, agent, 18 Broughton street, east. WANTED, ONE MILE/ OF W pound steel rails; one saddle tank dum my engine, 12 to 16 tons. Eagle Manu facturing Cos., Savannah, Ga. WANTED, YOU TO KNOW THAT Wilensky, Jeweler and optician, 12 Broughton, east, still pays highest prices for gold and silver. He also does fine repairing reasonable. See him. WANTED, ONE MILE OF 80- pound steel rails; one saddle tank dum my engine, 12 to 15 tons. Eagle Manu facturing Cos., Savannah, Ga. MAHOGANY SECRETARIES," SCT fus, bureaus, handsome work tables, chairs, clocks, antique frames, candle sticks, etc., cheap. 428 Congress, west. WANTED. ONE MILE OF 80- pound steel rails; one saddle tank dum my engine, 12 to 15 tqns. Eagle Manu facturing Cos.. Savannah, Gu. wanted. SHORT LEAF PINE logs, eighteen Inches and upwards; butt cuts and twelve, fourteen and sls teen feet In length. Mill-Haven Cotn pany, HOMEY to loam. J^^vTr^iF^Yf7t?7^^lTTT"call or write me and I will get It for you at once without the least trouble or Inconvenience to you, on your furni ture, piano, horse, hack, or other se curities, without removing the same from your bouse. My charges art rea sonable, Tea can renew er reduce the loan. Louis Mublberg. Mote and Mort gage Broker. 888 Cong rasa street, w*#l. Georgia 'phone l$R MONEY TO LOAN. Life Insurance Company Invites appli cations for loans at lowest interest rates on first class improved business and residence properties in Savannah. Address Edw. M. Durant, special loan agent, Atlanta, Ga. FOR RENT—ROOMsT '"tf'OIURENrC^^TRN^ rooms; all conveniences. 303 President street, west. “ FOR"RENT, ROOMS IN BUSINESS section of city; will rent cheap to right parties. 44 Whitaker street. LOVELY"ROOMS WITH LATEST Improvements, from $1.50 per week up to $5; can step off the cars, from any part of the city. A. R. Mallette, Mar shall House. ESJIL” I .—JL-S. 1 ! 1 **—s—! APARTMENTS FOR RENT. B. Copps, 215 Congress, east. Bell ’phone 1919. "fob BENT—HOUSES. LARGE COMFORTABLE HOUSE on six lots, with stables, on Forty third and Barnard streets, $25 per month to good tenant. Apply room 3 Provident Building. SEVEN-ROOM, DETACHED houses on Forty-first, between Bull and Drayton; have bay windows, bath and connected with sewer; very cheap rent; sls. Youmans & Demmond. " FOR RENT, TWO V FRY DKBlß able residences at 411 and 415 Gaston, east; 7 rooms each; modern In every respect; also 1 flat at 228 Park ave nue, east; 4 rooms and bath; as It is late in season will rent cheap. Latti more & Bond, Germania Bank build ing. FOR RENT, NEW SIX-ROOM house 413 Broughton street, east, S2O per month. C. B. Westcott, Court House. "for RENT, several-"DESIR abIe residences and fiats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT—STORES. FOR RENT. STORE ON INDIAN and Ann street; good location for bar or any kind of business; fixtures for sale. Apply at 533 Indian street or on Carl Mendel, 16 Bryan street, east; Bell ’phone 180; Georgia ’phone 1010. FOB RENT—OFFICES. TO RENT, OFFICE IN ODD FEL lows’ building: inquire In Room 7. FOlt SALE—ItEAL ESTATE. LOTS AT A DOLLAR A MONTH— While about sixty lots have been sold there are still about ten lots left; those lots on Wheaton street, good, wide sidewalks and vitrified brick pavement, at very low prices; don't fail to get two of them to-day. John L. Archer, 10 Sorrel building. FOR - |I,OOO. NOW RENTING FOR $l2O per annum, a two-story residence, with good lot, on car line. Waters avenue, between Thirty-fifth and Thir ty-sixth streets; I will sell this home to a good party for S2OO cash and $lO per month, monthly instalment plan. C. H. Dorrfett. LET ME MANAGE YOUR PROP erty; reference any bank or citizen. Robt. H. Tatem, real estate dealer, 7 York, west. Ga. phone 1360. TUnPENTINB LOCATIONS. FOR SALETtwO TURPENTINE stills in good condition. MIU-Havsn Company. ENGINES AND UOILEH9. '"for ITaleT steam~'pumps] Burnham simplex, advance duplex, neither short stoke. Hartfelder-Gar butt Cos. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. WE SELL GOODRICH TIRES FOR $2.80. Williams Bicycle Cos. FOR SALE, ONE SPRING WAG on, SIO.OO, at Belmont Stable. ~ FOR SALE THEfBEST LOCATED, ready furnished boarding house in the city; restaurant and kitchen, complete; doing a fine business; parties leaving city; price and terms to suit pur chaser. Address W., News office. FOR SALE, TWO ENGINES, Up right and horizontal; also two Knowles and Worthington pump in good re pair. Mingledorff & Cos. FOR SALE, A 4-DRAWER NATION aI Cash Register. Good as new. Cheap for cash. Frank Dieter, 23 City Mar ket. FOR SALE, AN INTEREST IN A planing mill and dry kilns, situated at the Junction of four railroads; well lo cated, doing a good business; plenty of orders; the owner hasn’t the time to devote to it, and wants a thoroughly competent man who understands the business to take an interest. Address, with reference, Chatham, care Savan nah News. WE HAVE GOOD TIRES FOR $2.50. Williams Bicycle Cos. FOR SALE, LOAD TENNESSEE horses and mules. Just arrived. Georgia Sale and Feed Stables, 43 West Broad street. ■ FOR SALE, ONE FREIGHT AND towboat; new and In first-class condi tion; forty-three tons net; can be bought at a reasonable price. Apply to J. F. Rulfs, Wilmington, N. C. FOR SALE. LAUNCHES AND EN gines, in stock for immediate deliv ery; full trial given and satisfaction guaranteed; also agents for Columbia dry cells, the best batteries on the market; also wet batteries and all supplies for launches. Jake Lippman, corner Congress and Barnard. "ONE GOOD FARM MARE CHEAP at Belmont Stably ~IfOR SALE NO. 4 DENSMORE, $45; No. 6 Remington, S6O; No. 2 Remington. S2B. Increase your correspondence by having your old typewriter cleaned and repaired; prices reasonable. Un derwood Typewriter Cos., Room 2, provident building. Ga. phone No. 288 L FLORIDA MUSEyM FOR SALE~ famous historic relics of priceless value, should be exhibited at St. Louis; ad mission reduced to 15 cents; any hack man will take you there, yet it is only a few minutes walk from either hotel, St. George street, near City Gate, St. Augustine. The curator will give de tails of sale. ■"FOR SALE, AT A BARGAIN, A second-hand vertical boiler, of about 12 horsepower, with vertical engine of about 10 horsepower attached. Can be seen at our factory. Plerpont Manu facturing Company., Savannah.jGa. ""HOT STUFF STOVES AT LESS than cost; closing out our stock of wood, coal and hot stuff stoves at less than cost. Savannah Crockery and Hardware Company, 806 Broughton, west. ■ ' . ’"fine LLE WELLE** SETTER puppies for sale; 6 weeks old. J. Gard ner. agent, 18 Broughton street, east. LOST AND FOUND. the neighborhood of St. John’s Epis copal Church, a chiffon stole, from a ladles’ cepe. Reward at 17 Charlton, weat. . ! # Kimessn 1 1 FLt MHIMu. FOR GOOD, RELIAN UwT FLUMSD lag work call a-reuod to L. A. Mt Car thy A Son, 148 Drayton street All Verk done hr a* strictly first dm The commercial piano is to the artistic what a lithograph is to an oil painting. The About Pianos former may contain as much and as fiood raw material as the latter, but it lacks the knowledge, genius and skill of the master hand, as exemplified in the instruments of fered by us. Easy Terms of Payment We have some most attractive propositions to offer and guarantee a saving in price of $50.00 to SIOO.OO. Old instruments taken in exchange and our facilities for repairing and overhauling old instruments enable you to secure fair valuation*. IRISH MAIL WAGONS Given free with sales of pianos triad®, as long as they last. McARTHUR & SONS CO., McARTHUR BUILDING. 121 & 123 Congress St. West. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. 'TGOODIIMrM7uCTIO^ UNUSUAL TERMS OFFERED. C. 11. DOHSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House, on Tues day, April 5, during the usual hours of sale, for account of all concerned: A neat, comfortable home, with southern front, bay window. No. 206 Thirty-ninth street, west. There are three bed rooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen, with good yard, and fine surroundings. This is an unusual chance to get a home, observe the terms: Terms, S3OC cash, balance either In monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or an nual payments. THREE HOUSES & LARGE LOT, EAST BROAD PROPERTY, AT AUC TION. C. H. DOHSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell Tuesday, April 6, 1904, at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale; Three houses, Nos. 44, 48 and 50 East Broad street, having a front of seven ty-five feet, and n depth of ninety five feet, and known as the western half of No. 11 Trustees’ Garden. Terms, SI,OOO cash, and the balance In one. two and three years; Interest at 7 per cent, per annum. KGUELLAJIUOti. WE SELL HARTFORD TIRES FOR $2.85. Williams Bicycle Cos, S. S. SOLLEE A CO., MASON A Hamlin pianos and organs, the best in the world. 120 street, west. HORSESHOEING. WE GUARAN tee to give the best work to be had in city. Bring in your horse. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Julian, west. "if GEORGE W. THOMAS SELLS you a wheel it will be as represented. It will be the beat for the money that can be bought. See him before you buy. ’Phone 949. Punctures 15c. THE NATIONAL BICYCLE NEVER loses favor. It is the crackerjack. Sold by Oakman & O’Neil, 14?. Drayton. Stop and see it. ~ DIAMONDS, PERFECT STONES* at low prices. Koch & Sylvan, 46 Whitaker. " for tranSfering baggage" moving furniture, taking up, cleaning and storing carpets for the summer, call up Benton’s Transfer Company, 214 Jefferson street. Bell ’phone 19. Georgia ‘phone 1701. " FOR SAFE MOVING, PIANO AND furniture packing or moving, we are the experts; eight years’ experience in the business. Savannah District Messenger and Delivery Company; tel ephones 2; office 32 Montgomery street. "GREEN. THE EXPERT canizer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me, at 324 West Broad; I guarantee every Job or refund your money. “THE SAVANNAH DISTRICT MBS senger and Delivery Company does a general drayage and storage business; negotiable receipts Issued on goods in storage; telephone 2; office, 32 Mont gomery street. DON’T FAIL TO VISIT TEEPLE’S before you buy a range, cook stove or hot stuff heater. J. W. Teeple. 817 Broughton, west. KNAPP’S EXPECTORANT IS THE safest cough and cold remedy you can get now. No family should be without a bottle. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge. 25c and 60c. TEEPI.E HAS THE GOODS ANB the right price; chamber suits, ward robes, chiffoniers, fine hair mattresses; wool blankets; ’phones 183. WATCHES CLEANED AND REO uiated. Koch & Sylvan, 46 Whitaker. “FOR GOOD, RELIABLE PLUMB ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son, 142 Drayton street. AH work done by us strictly first clasa REPAIRING ENGINES. BOILERS, In fact, anything in hardware. Con sult by ’phone or postal; 'phones 653. Mingledorff A Cos. ■ _LD NEWSPAPERS. 200 FOR M cents, at Business Office, Morning News. Reppard,Snedeker&Co. Henry Street anti A. C. L. Hallway, SAVANNAH, GA. Lumber Yard and Planing Mill. All kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber. We are agents for the Iron Wheels which we have used on our wagons for ten years and would not be without them. Write us. “Our Prepared” Cow Feed the greatest Milk producer known. Hay, Crain and Feed Poultry Supplies. Roth Phones No 223. HARDEN & ROURK, 1111 Rajr Street West. DUCROs PSwsnr? All Kinds of Fevers. E n*ma q q>„ law s, trims* It.. *. r. Elixiß mm mm 3