The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 21, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TERRELL PUTS IT UP TO BULLOCH OFFICERS. Testimony Given Court of Inquiry la Sent to Statesboro. Atlanta. Oct. 20.—Gov. Terrell to day forwarded to Solicitor General B. T. Rawlings of the Middle circuit, ill which Bulloch county is located, all of the evidence faken before the court of inquiry which investigated the ac tions of the state troops on the occa sion of the lynching of the negroes Reed and Cato at Statesboro. He will to-morrow send a part of the testimony taken also before the court-martial. This testimony contains the names of a number of those Said to have taken part in the mob vio lence, which resulted in the lynching of the two negroes after they had been taken away from the militia. This action on the part of the Gover nor puts it up to the grand jury and the court authorities of Bulloch county to carry out the vindication of the law. The Governor will have done all he can in the matter, when he places this testimony in the hands of the county authorities, and acts on the verdicts of the court-martial. The court-martial verdicts were not filed with the Adjutant General to-day 'as was expected, but it is positively stated that they will be forthcoming to-morrow. It is expected that Gov. Terrell will act upon the findings almost as soon as he receives them. BIG CROWDS AT STATE FAIR. t e.terday the Georgia Editors Had It Their (inn Way. Macon, Oct. 20.—Crowds are coming to the State Fair from every section of Georgia. It was thought that yes terday would have the largest attend ance of any of the ten days of the ex hibition for the reason that with the help of Sells Bros.’ circus about 15,000 people were brought in. To-day. how ever, there has been little diminution in the crowds which have thronged the fair grounds. To-day, the second since the gates were swung open, was Georgia Press Day and many of Georgia's newspa per men were in evidence and attend ed the exercises in Smith art hall. The welcome address to the editors ■was made by Hon. John T. Boifeuillet of the Macon News, and the response was by Hon. J. H. Hodges of the Perry Home Journal. The music was furnished by the In dustrial Home Band, the Sixteenth In fantry Band and by the Alabama Polytechnic Institute Band. WORLD’S FAIFfAWARDS MANY FOR GEORGIA. Atlanta, Oct. 20.—C01. O. B. Stevens, upon his return from St. Louis to day, brought a list of the awards made by the exposition company to Georgia and Georgia exhibitors in the agricultural building. Many of these awards go to Savannah firms. Among the awards are the follow ing A. Cohn A Cos. of Decatur county, tobacco, grand prise; state of Georgia, collective exhibit of hay and corn field peas, grand prize; Savannah Board of Trade, naval stores exhibit, grand prize; Southern Cotton OH Com pany, gold medals on oils and cotton products, and sliver medals on lard compound and cotton seed products; "VV. W. Gordon & Cos., J. L. Berry and L. G. Young, cotton exhibits, gold medals; state of Georgia, collective cotton exhibit, gold medal; Duckworth & Cos., silver medal; J. B. Holst A Cos. bronze medal; Louis B. Magtd, silk and silk worms, gold medal. Portests have been made against the awards on cotton seed products and upon the awards of silver medals for syrup displays. The other Georgia awards on minerals and forestry have not been announced. TO CURB A COI.n IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature Is on each box. 25c. SPECIAL. NOTICES. FANCY N. Y. LETTUCE BEAUTHTL CELERY PINEAPPLES KING APPLES EGG PI,A NTS ’T? TOMATOES BEIL PEPPERS NEW IRISH POTATOES OYSTERS EVERY DAY. M. S. GARDNER. Club Sandwiches are properly made at Sommers’ Cafe, Union Station. SPECIAL HOTICB. The Remington Standard Typewriter Is etlll the standard. Durability, case of operation, simplicity, and the fact that you can put It In your Inventory are Its chief merits. See the latest models before buying a machine. R. M. HULL, Bole Dealer for Savannah, 10 Drayton Bt. Provident Building. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 19, 1904. —All persons desiring copies of the pamphlet, "Savannah, a City of Op portunities.'’ to mail to non-residents, will be supplied with copies all ready for mailing. J. ROBERT CREAMER. Clerk of Council. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 19 York, West. Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workman employed. Bell Phono 1196 Oa. Phone 1. GENERAL INSURANCE. Plre, Storm. Marine, Accident and Sickness Insurance, end all other forms of Insurance effected. A share of Jrour patronage solicited. W. T. HOPKINS, 11 Bryan street, east. Phones 219. Chae. Manager, PLASTERING LATHES. Large stock cheap. Prompt deliv ery. Superior Alabama Lime. Get our prices. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO. Phenes—Oa. I**7; Bell 425. JOHNSON COUNTY DEMO CRATS TO RALLY. ConitrefcKiiian Brantley and Prob ably Senator Bneon to Address Them. Wrightsville, Ga„ Oct. 20.—Arrange ments are being made for a big Dem ocratic rally to be held at Wrights ville, Saturday, Nov. 5. A great gathering of the voters of the county Is expected. Invitations have been extended to Senator Bacon and Congressman Brantley to deliver the addresses. A favorable reply has already been re ceived from Mr. Brantley. His pres ence alone is always sufficient to draw a crowd in this county, which is in his congressional district. Senator Bacon is now in the North campaigning for the national ticket, but his secretary writes that he will return in time to be here if possible for him to accept. NEW CONVICT CAMP. Atlanta, Oct. 20. —Chairman Turner and Commissioner Evans of the Pris on Commission go to Macon to-morrow for the purpose of looking into the de tails of the establishment near that city of anew convict camp under the management of W. J. Massey. This camp will have about 100 state convicts drawn from certain turpen tine camps in South Georgia by sub leases, and will be devoted exclusively to the making of brick. It will re duce by one the number of convict camps in the state. It will begin work Nov. 1. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. A Pleasant, Simple, but Safe and Ef fectual Cure for It. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to in curable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breathing, head aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and If the In terior of the stomach could be seen It would show a slimy, Inflamed condi tion. The cure for this common and ob stinate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surface of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. According to Dr. Harlanson, the saf est and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Di astase. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Senl and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart’s Dys pepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy ap petite and thorough digestion will fol low their regular use after meals. Mr. It. S. Workman, Chicago, Ills., writes: "Catarrh Is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold in the head, whereby the lining membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous discharge there from pass ing backward Into the throat reaches the stomach, this producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities pre scribed for me for three years for ca tarrh of the stomach without cure, hut to-day I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets. I cannot find appropriate words to express my good feeling. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use.” Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest preparation as well as the sim plest and most convenient remedy for any form of Indigestion, Catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. FUNERAL INVITVI'IONB. BOND —The relatives and friends of Mr. A. McDowel Bond and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bond are Invited to at tend the funeral of the former from the Union Station this afternoon at 3:10 o’clock, (city time). Interment, Laurel Grove Cemetery. ■ . -."’.1 .. 1 ' m MEETINGS. LANDRUM LODGE NO. 48, P. * A. M. A regular communication of Jk this lodge will be held this (Frl- YY day) evening at 8:16 o'clock. *w\ at Masonic Temple. K. A. Degree will be conferred. Members of sister lodges and trans ient brothers cordially invited to at tend. By order of ROBERT L. COOPER, W. M. W. C. TRAVIS, Secretary. SPRITAL NOTICES. REMOVAIT~ "" A. W. Masterson has removed his ci gar store from corner of Bull and Broughton streets to No. 17 Congress street, west, next door to Hicks' res taurant. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING. Now is the time to plant bulbs. The finest stock we have ever had. Ho man Hyacinths, Paper White Nar cissus, Yellow Trumpet Daffodils, and Other favorites. Phones 834. JOHN WOLF, Ott and Anderson streets. COTTON IS ALL HIOHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool. Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents' Bults and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN'S NEW YORK DYE WORKS, Whitaker and Stute streets. Both phones 943. Estab llshed 1891. SEALED BIDS. Sealed bids will be received by the Propeller Towboat Company, city, until noon. Saturday, 22d- Inst., and orened at that hour tor cargo dress ed lumber ex. schooner Emily F. Northam. Free of all expense to pur chaser until date of sale. Bids to he lump sum. The company reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Spe cifications can be had from the com [>any. BANANAS. ’ Large arrival of Fancy Fruit Just In. Order quick. COLLINS, GRAYSON A CO. Phones 244. _ SPECIAL NOTICE. All hills against the British steam ship Dattonhnll must be presented at our office before 12 o'clock, m,, this dav, or payment thereof will be de barred. HTRACHAN & CO.. Consignees. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor the agents of the German steamship Neldenfels will be responsible for any debts cori -1 racled by the crew of said vessel. WILLIAMSON A RACERS. Agents. Savannah, Ga., Oot. 21, 1904. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1904. A joy that’s shared is a joy made double. Tell your friends about CORTEZ CIGARS. Gold Medal At V Saint Louis. Owensboro, Ky., October 20, 1904. A. 5. LACY, Care Pulaski House, Savannah, oa. Green River Whiskey has been awarded Gold Medal at St. Louis. McCulloch. (Mr. I.ary Is Southern Traveling Representative of J. \V McCulloch.) Henry Solomon & Son Supply the Trade. BUSINESS NOTICES. NowTsle Time to Economise. Compare these prices and you will find you can save 25 to 30 per cent. Yellow Yam Potatoes, per bushel.7sc Long Island Potatoes, per peck... 25c Pearl Grits and Meal, per peek ~ .20e Fancy lemons, per dozen 15c Oatmeal. 2-pound packages, each, ,10c Buckwheat In O-pound packages. ,25e Pearl Tapioca, per pound 5c Full Cream Cheese, per pound... 15e Rohe's White Meat, per pound ...11c Large Mackerel 15c Fancy King Apples, per peck 40c Fancy Elgin Butter this week 25e Golden Rio Coffee, 2 pounds for.. .25c (Our own roasting). Finest Java and Mocha Coffee, per pound 25c Paraflne Candles, per dozen 10c Granulated Sugar 18 pounds Choice Small Hams 12 l-2c Finest Small Brenkfast Bacon ..10c Gold Medal Milk, S cans for 25c Corn and Roast Beef, best quality, to-day and to-morrow 0n1y.,.. 10c Jas. G. Nelson, The Cash Grocer, Broughton and Whitaker. Phones 527. SPECIAL NOTICES. buisTwa^ter Office Director of Public Works.— Bids will be received at this office by the Streef and Lane Committee until 12 o'clock Saturday, Oct. 29, 1904, for laying 2,750 square yards of artificial stone sidewalks in Park Extension. A five-year surety company bond for $1,500 will be required from suc cessful bidder as a guarantee of the life of his pavement. Bid to state price per square yard. Specifications furnished on application to this office. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director of Public Works. We are the sole distributors of the Adams Paint and Whitewash Brushes. Large shipment Just received. ANDREW HANLEY CO. Phones 109. BULBS. Dutch and Roman Hyacinths, Nar cissus, daffodils, Jonquils and freesias. A. C. OELSCHIG A SON, Both phones 4 98. Leave orders with J. Gardner, Agt., 13 Broughton street, east. GEO. A. MERCER, JR. LAWYER. Real Estate and Patents are my Specialties. offices. Southern Bank Building. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor charterer of the British steamship Lord Roberts will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. J. BOAL. Master. inscranceT FIRE. BTOIIM, MARINE. W. M. CONEY A CO., Both Phones 67. No. 124 Bay hi. E. BUSINESS NOTICES. SPIFFY That’s the only word we know that so completely de scribes the dainty Talcum Powder (full size tins) Which we offer to-day at 7 cents each tin (4 tins for 25c. It’s a delightful hygienic toilet powder for the nursery and the man. That’s why Me for the Masonic at their Pharmacy Liberty and Whitaker Streets. TWO PHONES No. 582. Becoming More Popular Every Day! TRYST The new game—fascinating and Interesting. Instructions with every pack. 50 cents. SOLOMONS Bull Congress •nd ■ ■ ■ and Charlton Barnard Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. Bell Phone 149. Georgia Phone 657. Manufacturers and dealers In ali binds ROUGH AND DRESSED YEL LOW PINE LUMBER. SHINGLES and LATHS. FLOORING. CEILING. FINISHING. WEATHERBOARDING, and FRAMING. Stock always on hand In largs quantities of regular stock also, or manufactured to ordor on short no lle*. Shipments to the Interior In mix ed car load lota a specialty. IN SELECTING A piece of goods from our always large and comprehensive stock the purchaser can be reasonably sure they have something not offered elsewhere. We have the product of many of the leading factories on sale exclusively, so that hackneyed designs are avoided and Individual taste gratified. There Is as much Individuality In Jewelry ns In a bonnet. THEUS & CO. VER ITU’S TO-DAY. ELEGANT DINNER WITH OOF FEE. TEA, BEER. WINE, • 26c Cgy^gg=-—GENUINE TEXAS R. R. P. SEED OATS. Georgia and Southern Mseed rye. HAY, GRAIN, BRAN and BEST FEED generaUy. W. D. SIMKINS & CO. The Liberal Terms . ON WHICH MONEY CAN BE DEPOSITED IN THIS BANK ON THE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT PLAN MAKES IT AN INTERESTING PROPOSITION TO MOST INVESTORS. We will gladly tell you about them If you’ll only ask. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET, EAST, SAVANNAH GA, HERMAN MYERS, President. JNO. 51. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PAULSEN, Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT, Accountant. “A Shore Luncheon” that’s cooked to order -not the kind that’s been waiting, but cooked and served sizzling from the coals, 75c. Thunderbolt Oysters in faultless style, served at all hours by the CASINO RESTAURANT. Take Clayton & Russell’s Stomach Bitters. It finds the weak spots and makes them strong. Trade supplied by Henry Solomon & Son. BUSINESS NOTICES. Kodaks Photographic Supplies Ills Phonographs Phonographic lßecords. Mail orders are given prompt attention here. UVINGSIONS PHURMfICY Phones 293. 26 West Broughton Street. PURE FOOD STORE SPECIALTIES. Old Fashioned Lye Hominy, for breakfast, 3-pound cans. True flavor, wholesome, sub stantial. Superior Quality Honey, pound sections, as packed by the bees on Colonel’s Island. Dill Salt Water Pickles (Ger man), delicious. The Progressive Grocers. pCLMONIci" Company Bull and York. Phones 555 We Protect Antomohilists from rain, cold and dust. Cull and In spect the various garments we are offering. /. H. FRIEDMAN & CO., Hull and York Streets. Your Bicycle Repairs Will be done here properly and at a pleasing price. Give us a trial. WALTER F. HIGGINS, Drayton and President. 11" - -j- 'Li -"g-L—IL-181 It’s a noted fact that there are no laundries in the South, and very few in the United States, the eqnal of the De Soto Hotel. Phone 700. No. 1640. Chartered 1868. The MERCHANTS NATIONAL RANK OF SAVANNAn. GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital $500,000 Surplus and undivided profits. 127,000 Total $627,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Cor porations, Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issues Time Certificates of Deposit bearing Interest. Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON. President BEIRNB GORDON, Vice President W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. We Can Shoe You With the best footgear In the latest styles, at a popu lar price. And there's no guess work about the qual ity. The “Majestic” Shoe For ladles enhance the beauty of the foot and fit It perfectly, giving genuine comfort. We sell them for $3.00 a pair. We would be pleased to have you call and ask to see them. ALL SIZES; ALL WIDTHS. C. F. CLER 16 East Broughton. peD Cros s 1 gl -&!?&. 1 CoffeE |l IMPORTED AND ROASTED Wenry Solomon & Son ffpj J SAVANNAH, 6A Wf You Have Wasted 3 YEARS of your life If you haven’t eaten our CRULLERS. Only 15 cents Per Dozen. belsinger"& gross. PHONES 205. STOVES and RANGES. CORNWELL A CHI PM AN, 108 CongrcMa Street, West. SAVANNAH TRUST CO., CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 100,000 INTEREST PAID ON ALL DEPOSITS . Prompt and intelligent attention given to details. No business too small or too large to receive our attention. WM. W. MACKALL President. .7. P. WILLIAMS. U'. SHOTTED. BPH HULL. H. WEBER. Our Small expense, combin ed with our one-price system, forms the trenches behind which real values need fear no attack—this is all to it— we sell the best cheaper than the rest. Our small expense rest with you. °ur $11.50 Suits are birds— they have never flown too high, llaie you seen the new Hat? FALK’S “AROUND THE CORNER.” The Germania Bank, SAVANNA n. GA. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND PN DIVIDED PROFITS. S3OO. JOG Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up wards received In Savings De partment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY BLUN, President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice Pre*. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WAITER F. HOGAN. Assistant Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham Bank Is free from speculative dangers, yields an Income as large as is con sistent with conservative methods of banking, and is at all times subject to the eontrol of the depositor. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Pres. FRED. W. CLARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE, Asst. Cashier. 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS —ln the— Savings Department COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION IS REQUESTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A CRANE, Vic* PreeldonL JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. iv—o |Pji Brings New Patrons l|i W PETE DAILEY if iN-o Bicycle Repairing . Is done properly and at low prices ‘g. W. THOMAS’S, Jeflerson and Broughton Lane. GEO. J. BALDWIN, Vice president. DIRECTORS: ALLAN BOND. WM. W M U KALL. W A. WfNIHTtN. R. G. ERWIN. W’M. V. DAVIS, Sec’y and TreM. J. F. MINIS. GEO. J. BALDWIN. E. SIDNEY HtTEPPAWP. EDWIN S. WHIISTKIL