The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 23, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 MARRIAGE. OOFF-ULM B5R— Married, In New York city, Oct. 6. 1904, Dr. Cleveland Willis QofT of New York city to Mis. Jane Dawson Ulmer of Savannah, Ge„ by the Rev. Wm. B. Tower, pastor of the Washington Square Methodist Episcopal Church. millAL INVITATIONS. CONE—The friends and relatives of Mr. Linton Cone and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Cone are Invited to attend the funeral of the former at the Fellowship Baptist Church, Ivanhoe, this morning at 10 o’clock. SPECIAL NOTICES. Cauliflower. X. y. Fancy Lettuce. Cranberries. Large White Celery. Pineapples. Florida Oranges. drape Fruit. King Apples. M. S. GARDNER. BULBS. Dutch and Roman Hyacinths, Nar cissus, daffodils, jonquils and freeslas. A. C. OELSCHIG & SON. Both phones 4 96. Leave orders with J. Gardner, Agt., 1 8 Broughton street, east. GEO. A. MERCER, JR., LAWYER. Real Estate and Patents are my Specialties. Offices. Southern Bank Building. COTTON IS ALL RIGHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool. Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents’ Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN’S NEW YORK DYE WORKS, Whitaker and State streets. Both phones 943. Estab lished 1891. KINS—2O OZ.—BALDWINS APPLES. Order from ue. We can please you. COLLINS, GRAYSON A CO. Both phones 244. JOYCE'S MENU FOR TO-MORROW. Fine Beef. Fine Mutton, Veal, Pork, Fine Turkeys, Ducks, Broilers, Roast ing Fowl*, Grandma Sausage, Sweet bread, Llve-r, Tripe. In vegetables everything. In fruits only the best. JAS. J. JOYCE. ’Phones 167. SPECIAL NOTICE. Mies Marlon A. Haskell (National Conservatory, normal courses National Institute and Teachers’ College. New York) will receive musie pupils for in struction in piano and harmony at the Haskell School, 402 Gaston street, east, after 3 p. m. dally. Special courses for children. Always Quality First The Delmonleo never varle* from its set rule. Quality first —then the price is put just as low as It is pos sible to make It. Those who use the Delmonleo hare al ready discovered that quality prices In this establishment are low enough—oftentimes lower than special prices elsewhere. It is real economy to use pure foods and to make sure that you are getting them use a Delmonloo passbook. You oan't buy Inferior art icles here. Special Mention To-day. Deerfield Water, a delight ful light table water that tastes so well you'll want it again. Tn pints, quarts, and half gallons. For Smokers. Norma Martinez Havana Smokers, $2.50 a box of fifty. They are very popular since the Delmonleo introduced them. Out Henry, a mild, sweet smoke in which satisfaction outclasses the cost. Malt Extracts. Hoff's Malt Extract. Hoff's Malt and Iron. Wyeth's Liquid Malt Extract. Pabst Malt Extract. Pabst Best Tonic. Malt-Nutrlne. These are the popular malt tonics, and the Dolmon. Ico has them fresh. When downtown. Mrs. Housekeeper, drop In and see the clean store. THE PURE FOOD STOKE, pELMONIco -so'dPir**- cqm panf Bull and Yerk. Phones 5U There’s no middle ground In laundry work. It is either good or bad. When you choose your laundry why not select Phonei 333, 383. 94. Savannah-Georgia Laundry, 17 West tonrreu Street. The goodness of CORTEZ CIGARS is ever present in the minds of discriminating smohers. All eyes are turned towards the man, McCullough, who made Ken tucky famous by producing Green River. “The Whiskey Without a Head ache. The judges appointed for mak ing awards at the Louisiana Pitrehase Exposition awarded a Gold Medal to Green River which brand Is handled in Savannah by Henry Solomon & Son. jj LEE’S EGG-TAR SHAMPOO SOAP. n Keeps the scalp in a healthy condl y Hon. It lathers freely, removes the |) dandruff and heals and soothes the ' fender, irritated scalp. It leaves no ij tar odor. If yon shampoo your own \ hair you’ll be glad of an acquaintance ’) with this soap. I "-j SOLOMONS CO."s~" ' < harlton. w w ' Barnard. The Only Exclusive Family Liquor Store in the City. YOU BUY RIGHT WHEN YOU BUY Bull’s Pure Rye, 75c Full Quart; Manhattan, Martini, $3.00 per gallon. A good whisky Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, etc. for drinking or medicinal use. COCKTAILS, CLOVER HILL CORN, 75c full SI.OO per bottle, quart: $3.00 per gallon; 8 years Full line Duff-Oordon old—verv delicate. Sherries BELSINGER & CO., 43 4 I t “ Cf Ga. Phone 1327. 1 UFFALO LICK SPRINGS GNQERALE vt-Ki INVIGORATING. BUSINKSS NOTICE*. WBv I Frank’s j Rhematism Core.; 11l IMS llj If you have rheumatism you will find relief from your sufferings in this remedy. $1.50 a Bottle. Theses 295. inurTi pharmacy 26 West Broughton Street. In Original Packages. line Honey in pound sections ns packed by the betas—2 sections 25c G. W. THOMAS, Jefferson and Broughton Lane. SPECIAL. XOTICBS. THFIuATKST^ANirTIIST! The Block and Air Lights ara su perior to any other Goa Umpi. Why burn monay when air ia free? The Block burna ninety per cent, free air and only ten per cant, costly gas. We have the strongest mantles for all kinds of air gas pressure burners. 200 Candle Power with only six feet gas per hour. Air Lights oar be plaoed on any chandelier and coats no more than inferior burners. We will send and put on our lamps and prove what w'a claim Is trus. otherwise we will take them back. Get our prises. NATIONAL PLUMBING CO. Jefforaon and McDonough Oa. Phone 2247. Good l One". SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1904. BUSINESS NOTICES. Schwab’s Eyeglass Guard Hold the glasses on under all conditions. The contrivance adjusts itself to the nose without pinching and with out discomfort. The sweaty skin has no effect on Its hold. Let ua show you the guard and you'll readily recognise its merit. Dr. M. Schwab’s Son, BuH and State Sts. W e Build Wagoaa and Tracks, and take your old one In part payment. FURLONG & SPALDING The Connor Book Store State Street, Next to Bull. Ladies’ Home Journal, Munsey’s, Everybody’s. Woman’s Home Companion. And All Other November Magazines. ■■■■■■saßMßsaasMßi Gome Here for the Correct in Stationery, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ HERE ARE SOME OF THE NEW BOOKS. V, by Thos. K. Watson. OIiOIANS, by Will BarbaL. - GOOD MAN by Corelli. 11 lie WAHQUERADER, by Thurston. THE BRETHREN, by Rider Haggard. DOUBLE HARNESS, by Anthony Hope. IN THE BISHOP’S CARRIAGE, by Mltohelson. CHRISTMAS EVE ON LONESOME, by John To*, Jr. THE CASTAWAY, by Rives. J THE COW. by PhUifos. AND HUNDRHDS OF OTHER* ] v Meet Me At the CONNOR BOOK STORE. BUSINESS NOTICES. All Fresh and Fine Buckwheat and Maple Syrup. This stock is ex ceptionally superior and is fresh and delicious. Try an order to-mor row. The McG. 6 R. Specials Are aomething extra. ’’McG & R” Coffees, Java and Mocha. “McG A R.” Teas, specially se lected. ’•’McG. t R.’’ our own brand Hams. “McG. & R" Rockroyal Butter. ‘vMcG. & R.” Fancy King Ap ples. Our facilities are at your com mand. The best attention is as sured. McGrath & Ransford Established 1866. Grocers and Wine Dealers. 37 and 39 Whitaker Street. Phones 177. The science of Pharmacy Is practiced by us. who are skilled 1 n Its every branch. The as surance that your prescription has been filled pre cisely as your physician wrote It is made doubly sure when the label on the package is of the MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY, PHONES 582. Agency for Ye Olde English Hair Restorer, *£ 600 SCHNAARS & SEILER, Real Estate Agents, 27 BAY STREET, EAST. Estates Managed. Rents Collected. Wo attend to the paying of taxes, making returns, ate. Repairs made without extra charge. All business In trusted to us will reoelve careful at tention. Georgia ’phono 1001. Your Bicycle Needs will be attended to here—properly. Our prices are right and repairs guar anteed. WALTER F. HIGGINS, Drayton and President. Car-load Fancy Ntw York State Just Arrived Prices surprisingly low for such magnificent stock. W. D. Simkins & Cos. FREE ! Oct. 10th to Nov. 15th. Oct. 10th to Nov. 15th. Free. Free. We herewith present onr combination otter, for the above date, and with each order received for New Flate and 50 Engraved Cards, 30 styles to select from, price ranging from SI.OO to $1.50. Will give FREE OF CHARGE, a TW O QUIRE BOX finest pa per, embossed with any 2 or 3 letter monogram, with envelopes to match, from any of our different styles of dies, stamping may be in any COLORED INK desired. This FREE BOX of stationery is well worth $3.50. If you want one yon will have to hurry. Phones 387. m i s BYCK D. Pi. Id 9 I “A Shore Luncheon” that’s cooked to order -not the kind that’s been waiting, but cooked and served sizzling from the coals, 75c. Thunderbolt Oysters in faultless style, served at all hours by the CASINO RESTAURANT. Take Clayton & Russell’s Stomach Bitters, Blackberry Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Wild Cherry Brandy, all made from herbs, roots and fruits, have great medicinal value. Trade supplied by Henry Solomon & Son. ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS PPKI AND DKLICJLOUB PROMPT DELIVERY, BUSINESS SOTIORS. Charlotte Russe, Bisque Ice Cream. Guiok service, any quantity supplied on short notice. Tele phone your orders at any time. Bull Street- DAILY ADDITIONS To onr stock, of the latest and most artistic goods In DIAMOND AND PEARL JEWELRY, BRON ZES and CUT GLASS, enables us to offer She finest se lection we have ever shown. THEDS & CO. For birthdays, anniversa ries, weddings and euchre parties. nothing is so good and acceptable a* the novelties in leather wldch we arc offering. /. H. FRIEDMAN & CO., Bull and York Streets. M Monsees: Graham Flour. Loose Oatmeal, New Mackerel. Plain and Prepared Buck wheat, Fine New Georgia Syrup, Im ported Sauerkraut and Dill Pickles. The finest, tendereat and juiciest meat. Phone your order to 5 27, both phones. Hall and Jefferson. We have a nice stock of Fancy Work and new designs arriving daily. WOMAN’S EXCHANGE 307 Bull Street. King Apples 114 Broughton, West, BUSINESS NOTICES. THE ONLY WAY To travel around a century ago was on horseback. Now people use stylish carriages in 1104 getting around was a nuisance; in 1904 one of our BTYLISH VEHICLES lea PLEAS URE and a great assistance in a BUSINESS WAY. Our prices are right, and we want your trade. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY. Largest vehiele and harness dealers South. Removal Notice. After 34 years of successful business in the old stand we have removed to more commodious store, No. 12 Broughton street, east, acroae from Adler's, where we will be glad to serve you as heretofora. A. L. DESBOUILLONS, Jeweler. 801 l 'phone 1167. You Have Wasted 3 YEARS of your life if you haven’t eaten our CRULLERS. Only 15 cents Per Dosen. BELSINGER~& gross. PHONES 265. STOVES and RANGES. CORNWELL A CHTPMAN, IOS Congress Street, West. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Oct. 20, 1902. $109,345.90 WM. MACRALL Fully Twenty Designs Tobacco Brown mixtures, Grays, Blacks and Plaids— a guaranteed suit. if it's fair to judge hv what other stores think fair, it's a fifteen-dollar line, or bet ter. Don’t you think a white or fancy vest looks swell with your black coat and trousers for Sunday or evening wear? We do. Beauts from $1.25 to $3.75. FALK'S “AROUND THE CORNER/’ BIBINKSS NOTICES. Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. Bell Phone X 49. Georgia Phone 657. ’■lnnufactnrers end dealers In an kinds ROUGH AND DRESSED YF.I LOW PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES nrni LATHS, FLOORING, CEILING FINISHING. WEATHERBOARDING and FRAMING, Stock always on hand In large quantities of regular stock size, or manufactured to order on short no tice. Shipments to the Interior In mix ed car load lots a specialty. THE EASE OF LIGHTING The lack of risk of carelessly thrown matohes, as Is the case with gas. kero sene or candles. We supply all sorts of appliances for ELECTRIC LIGHT ING, besides Bells, Burglar Alarms, and many other, little contrivances to make the house comfortable. EDM'. S. ABRAHAMS. JR., GENTLEMEN If you don’t know a good shoe by the looks of it, come to us and we will sell you a guaranteed PAT. COLD SHOE, one that will be replaced If it does not wear properly. SNOW'S Patent Colts are fully guaranteed. You take no chances on these goods. $4.00 is what we sell them for. C. F. CLER 16 East Broughton. It PETE DAILEY If RICH CUT GLASS, STERLING SILVER, ART POTTERY, FOR Bridal Gifts A superb collection of articles suitable for gift purposes, in cluding the useful as well as the ornamental. R. Van Keuren & Cos. JEWELERS, 143 Bull Street. YOST TYPEWRITERS On sale at J. W.FRETWELL’S SONS 2 BAT. WEST. Oct. 20, 1903. $391,725.29 *o Oct. 20, 1904., $540,294.43 mL \3fZtT~. jj