The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 26, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 PROSPEROUS AND PROGRESSIVE COFFEE COUNTY The Largest County in the State Has a Great Future Before It. Douglas, Ga., Oct. 25.—Douglas, the county site of Coffee county is located In the center of the county on fifty acres of land donated for a town, by Mr. James Pearson, In 1854. Mr. Pearson is yet alive to see the little plant, that lay so long dwarfed, for want of transportation facilities, acquiring them, suddenly bloom into one of the most up-to-the hour, enterprising little towns in South Georgia, modern brick business blocks, with plate glass fronts, artesfan water, foundry and machine works, two nov elty wood working plants, two steam ginneries, for both upland and sea is land cotton, grist mill, steam saw mill, brick manufactory four commo dious modern hotels, _nd boarding houses, three livery stables, and whole sale grocery house, two newspaper and Job printing plants as well equipped as any south of Savannah, thirty-five business houses, nine churches. No saloons, and last, and best. The South ern Normal Institute, with its 400 Suplls from this and other states, con ucted by Prof. J. W. Hendricks, with h. corps of twelve teachers, where boys and girls are fitted for every avocation of life. Pupils here are surrounded by a truly religious, and moral atmosphere. County School Commissioner Tanner, has the county laid off into school dis tricts, with competent teachers in each district, giving to the rural residences every advantage possible with the means available. Coffee, the largest county in the State, with an area of 11,445 square miles, produces in superabundance, to the thrifty farmer, com, upland and cane, rye, sweet and Irish potatoes, and all fruits indigenous to a semi tropical climate. The soil is a dark gray pebbly loam, closely underlaid ■with a clay subsoil, easy to bring into cultivation, and to cultivate, with Just sufficient natural drairfage. No cyclones or disastrous storms have ever visit ed the county, and wise men say that NEWS OF A DAY IN GEORGIA’S CAPITAL SIX YEARS FOR WALLIN E. GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER IN KILLING IJHETT. Trial That Attracted Wide Atten tion Conic to a Ulnae— The Killing Grew Ont of Wnlline Leaving Hl* Noon Door Open—Air*. Brett Saw Him Hall Drraaed, and Brelt Ob jected—Fatal Fight Reunited. Atlanta, Oct. 25.—Andrew A. Wal llne, whose trial for the murder of Prank E. Brett was concluded this afternoon, was found guilty of man slaughter and was sentenced by Judge Roan to serve six years in the state penitentiary. Walline shot Brett to death Sunday morning, Aug. 21, In a boarding house on Mitchell street as the result of a quarrel brought about by the charge that Walline persisted in leaving his room door open when be was half dressed, and where Mrs. Brett, whose room was Just across the ball, could not fall to see him. Walline claimed he acted in self de fense, asserting that Brett first at tacked him and threatened to kill him. Think* Himself a Crank. John Wilkes, 20 years old. of Nash ville, Tenn., is tied to a bed In the police station, where he is constantly guarded to keep him from doing him self harm. Wilkes recently returned from a trip to St. Louis, and while there paid particular attention to the machinery exhibit. Following this he became entirely demented and began to imagine himself a part of the big machinery at the exposition. He con tinually makes noise like different machines, which he saw there and at times is violent. His father has Just arrived from Nashville to take him home when his condition permits. Fight on Freight Association, Fearing that some attack would be made upon its existence as the result of the fight for freight rates In At lanta, it is said the Southeastern Freight Association has abolished its statistical department for the present and is letting each of the roads take care of itself for a while. This statistical department is said to be used to apportion the freight among the various roads which are members of the Association. Just as the old cotton pool was used to distribute the ootton among the various roads and which was declared illegal. It is said the Atlanta Freight Bureau contemplates a fight on the freight as sociation on the ground that it is pro scribed under the anti-trust law. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Aa Eatlrc Family Died. Bartow. Ga.. Oct. 25.—8. A. Fields, one of Bartow’s prominent merchants, died to-day. He had been ill only about a week. He was married a lit tle more than a year ago to Miss Cora Jordan. Sept. 16 they loet their only little child. Ten days later the mother filed. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICK. To the Public In General: All par ties having furniture or goods stored •with Savannah Dlatrlct Messenger and Delivery Company will please call and settle their accounts, as the present manager nnd owner would like to straighten out the business. BENTON TRANSFER CO., Successor to S. D. M. * JD. Cos. HlDfi WANTED To erect SIO,OOO brick church. Work to begin by March Ist. Address F. F. STACBR. Sandersvtlle, Os. NOTICE. All hills against the British steam ship Cayo Domingo, Friend, master, must be presented st our office by or before noon Oct. SO. 1904, or payment will therefore be debarred. J. F. MINIS St CO.. Agents. SPECIAL NOTICE. Nslther ths master nor the agents of ihe German steamship Louisiana. Brummer. master, wilt be reeponslble for any debts contracted by the crew of said eteamshlp. J. r. MINIS A CO.. Afoot*. its geographical situation renders the county immune from them. Pure wholesome water, free from lime, or other impurities renders it as healthy as any place in the county. Vegetables grow the year round. The greatest factor In developing Douglas and Coffee county and giving them the markets of the East. West and great Northwest was the build ing of the Atlantic and Birmingham Railroad, through the center of the county, from east to west Such ex perienced railroad men as President W. G. Raoul, General Manager George Dole Wadley, Supt. Alex Bonnyman and General Freight and Passenger Agent H. C. McFadden. after a tour of inspection, at once saw the future possibilities of Wlregrass Georgia, if given rail facilities, and purchased the old Waycross Air Line tram road, and later the Brunswick and Birmingham, which now makes up the Atlantic and Birmingham system, one of the best in the South. Passenger trains are equipped with electric lights and fans, in summer, and are steam-heated in winter. The system traverses the gar den spot of the South, passing through the counties of Thomas. Colquitt, Ma con, Dooly, Berrien, Irwin, Wilcox, Coffee, Appling, Ware, Wayne and Glynn to deep sea water at Bruns wick. Two years ago such Coffee county capitalists as John McLean, B. B. Gray, Frank L. Sweat, B. H. Tanner, B. Peterson, J, M. Ashley and others, seeing the necessity of competitive rates, built from Douglas to Barrows Bluff, on the Ocmulgee river what Is now termed the Wadley and Mount Vernon extension, without issuing bonds, and without the aid of one cent of outside capital. This road will be completed to Nashville, in Berrien county, by Nov. 1. Douglas now en joys, through this agency, a better rate than Waycross or Fitzgerald. Coffee county invites the inspection by progressive hoine-seekers, who will see than the half is not told. Lands now cheap are accessible to the mar kets of the world for all surplus crops. The hospitality of Coffee county peo ple Is proverbial. GOVERNOR AT THE FAIR. W Gives n Military Reception on Mia Arrtvnl. Macon, Oct. 25. —Gov. Terrell ac companied by several members of his staff arrived this morning to attend the State Fair as the guest of the State Agricultural Society, and of the Macon Fair Asosciation. The Governor was met at the train and accompanied to Central City Park by an escort composed of Company I of the Seventh United States Cavalry, by the Macon Volunteers under com mand of Capt. R. C. Hazelhurst, the Second Regiment Band, and by the Mayor and Council of the city, and the city attorney, and by a number of citizens. WHY APPENDICITIS? Why is appendicitis so common to day? Because we have got into the per nicious habit of eating too fast. Dr. Curtis, the great authority on this disease, says: "Appendicitis often follows the eating of a very hasty, or particularly large or indigestible meal.” After carelessly following a foolish custom, you can ensure your safety by taking Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. It is an accepted, scientific truth, which admits of no dispute, that if you will only keep your digestive ap paratus in good order, you will never suffer from this dread disease, which, at best, means a weakening operation, with long weeks wasted in bed, and big doctor’s and surgeon's bills to pay as souvenirs. Keep your appendix In health by the proper use of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets, whenever you have laid your self open to danger by overeating-, and upon the least sign of stomach or In testinal trouble, for otherwise, at any time, this dangerous disease may lay you low. The curative influence of this great medicine is quickly shown in the gen tle. soothing effect It has on all Inflam ed conditions of any part of the diges tive tract. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets tone all these parts up to a proper condition of perfect health, and regulate their functions into a proper working state They also make away with all the causes of irritation, inflammation or Indigestion, by helping to dissolve, di gest and assimilate, or put to proper use, all the food which Is lying around In odd corners of your digestive appa ratus, fermenting, rotting and curd ling, like so much garbage in a dirty sink. Tn these natural and perfectly sim ple ways, Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets restore all sufferers, from any form of dyspeptic trouble, to health. They are safe and reliable. They never fail to relieve and cure, quickly and permanently. Use them, and you need never worry about your appendix vermifor mtx. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO SUPERIOR' COURT JURORS. Petit jurors who were discharged until Wednesday, 26th Instant, are hereby discharged until Thursday, 27th instant. By order of His Honor, Judge Cann. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C. C. C. BIDS WANTED. Office Director of Public Works.— Bids will be received at this office by the Street and Lane Committee until 12 o’clock Saturday, Oct 29, 1904, for laying 2,760 square yards of artificial stone sidewalks in Park Extension. A five-year surety company bond for $1,500 will be required from suc cessful bidder as a guarantee of the life of his pavement. Bid to state price per square yard. Specifications furnished on application to this office. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director of Public Works. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the British steam ship Candleshoe must be presented at our office before 12 o’clock noon, this day. or payment thereof will be debarred. BTRACHAN & CO.. Consignees. JOYCE’S MENU FOr'tO-MORKOW. Fine Beef. Fine Mutton, Veal, Pork, Fine Turkeys, Ducks. Broilers, Roast ing Fowls. Grandma Sausage, Sweet bread. Liver, Tripe. In vegetables everything. In fruits only the beat. JAB. J. JOYCE. JPhon#*_l67. SOTICS, PROPEKTT OWNERS _ DO NOT wait until ordinance requiring you to connect to new house drainage is sn forced. It will gay you to havo It don* st ones by the former Inspector of plumbing, W. H COBOROVB, Ul Drayton (Brest. SAVAXNAH MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY.OCTOBER 26. 1904. The goodness of CORTEZ CIGARS is ever present in the minds of discriminating smohers. FI JiERAIi INVITATIONS. MACLEAN The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mac lean and family are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Maclean at the In dependent Presbyterian Church this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3:80 o’cloek. Interment private. MEETINGS. CLINTON LODGE NO. 54, F. * A. M. A regular communication of A this lodge will be held at Ma- YY sonic Temple this (Wednesday) sr ' evening at 8:15 o’clock. Members of sister lodges and visit ing brethren are cordially invited to meet with us M. DRYFUS, W. M. T. S. RUSSELL, Sec’y. CANTON FOREST CITY NO. I, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of this Canton will be held this (Wednesday) evening at 3:30 o’clock, at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Election of officers to fill unexplred term. Every member urged to be present. OREAR, Captain. SPECIAL NOTICES. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. M. S. GARDNER. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING. Now is the time to plant bulbs. The finest stock we have ever had. Ro man Hyacinths. Paper White Nar cissus, Yellow Trumpet Daffodils, and other favorites. Phones 684. JOHN WOLF, Ott and Anderson streets. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 1* York. West Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1165 Ga. Phone 1264, SAVANNAH LUMBER CO., Sole Agent for the Celebrated PERFECTED GRANITE ROOFING. Cheaper and better than tin. Rust Proof. NO PAINTING. Get our prices. Phones—Ga. 1627; Bell, 425. COTTON IS ALL RIGHT. I dye cotton just as good as wool. Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents' Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN’S NEW YORK DYE WORKS, Whitaker and State strffats. Both phones 948. Estab llshed 1891. BULBS. Dutch and Roman Hyacinths, Nar cissus, daffodils, jonquils and freeslas. A. C. OELSCHIG & SON. Both phones 498. Leave orders with J. Gardner, Agt, 18 Broughton street, east. GEO. A. MERGER, JR* LAWYER. Real Estate and Patents ate nj Specialties. Offices. Southern Bank Building. KINS—2O OZ BALDWINS APPLES. Order from us. We can please you. COLLINS, GRAYSON A CO. Both phones 244. IIOW’B YOUR PLUMBING? Sec BRODERICK. 24 2 Drayton St. Phone 10T7. INSURANCE. FIRE, STORM, MARINE W. M. CONEY A CO„ Both Phones $7. No. 184 Bay St. K VERUKI’S TO-DAY. ELEGANT DINNER WITH COP* FEE. TEA, BEER, WINE ■ fftc ______ NOTICE Neither the master, owners nor charterer of the British steamship Oladestry will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. CHAS. CRANE. Master. NOTICE Neither the master, owners nor charterer of the British steamship Lord Erne will he responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. W, EAOINMB, Master. ■racui, notice Tbs Remington Standard Typewriter Is still Ike standard. Durability, css* of operation, simplicity, and ths lasi that you can put it lo your inventory are Its chief merits. See the latest models before buying * machine. n M. HULL. Sol* Dealer for Bavanneh, M Drayton St. Provident Building. BUSINESS NOTICES. Chappy Weather This first breath of winter. And the MASONIC so convenient for COLD-CREAMS (the creamy kinds) and SOOTHING LOTIONS that make so delightful the finish of the toilet. All, all are there with a profusion of CAM PHOR ICES and VAS ELINE DAINTIES at the Masonic Temple Pharmacy, Whose Phones are 582 and location Liberty and Whitaker. SPECIAL NOTICES. BIDS WANTED. Office Director of Public Works, sct. 25, 1904.—Bids will be received it this office until Monday, Oct. 31, 1904. at 12 o'clock noon, city time, by he Streets and Lanes Committee, for urnishing feed as follows: No. 1 Timothy Hay, per 100 pounds. No. 2 Timothy Hay, per 100 pounds. Best quality Mixed Oats. All to be weighed at City Lot. En 'elopes to be marked, ''Bids for Feed.” rhe city reserves the right to reject iny or all bids. Perference given to larty who can deliver feed from one location. Bids to be opened in pres ence of bidder. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Monday, Oct. 31, 1904, at 12 o’clock noon, city time, by the Streets and Lanes Committee, for Furnishing the city with supplies to be purchased during the month of November, 1904, such as Harness, Oils, Paints, Iron, Lime, Cement, Brick, Hardware, Tools, Lumber and such other materials a e is used by this department. All proposals must be made on offi cial forms, which can be had at this office on or after this date. Envelopes to be marked, ‘‘Proposals for Supplies.” The city reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in the pres ence of bidder. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director of Public Works. INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR LEASE OF CONVICTS OF GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA. The Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Glynn county, Georgia, hereby Invite bids for all convicts serv ing sentences on the chalngang of said county, and for all convicts who may be sentenced to work on the pub lic works or chalngang of said coun ty within twelve months from Nov. I, 1904, to be leased for a term of twelve months from Nov. 10, 1904. All bids must be sealed and filed with the clerk of said board by 11 o’clock a. m. Nov. 1, 1904. The lessee or lessees shall bear all expenses of transporta tion of such convicts to and from Brunswick. The lessee or lessees shall be required to pay all expenses of maintenance. Including guards and food and clothing. The hire of such convicts shall be paid monthly, and the lessee or lessees shall give such assurance of payment as may be re quired by this board, and shall also give bond for the faithful compliance with all provisions of law relating to the hiring and working of such con victs. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. A. O. TOWNSEND. Clerk Commissioners Roads and Rev enue, Glynn county, Georgia. Brunswick, Ga.. Sept. 14. 1904. GENERAL INSURANCE, Fire. Life, Accident, Marine and Tornado Insurance. All other forms of insurance effected. Your patron age solicited. W. T. HOPKINS. 18 Bryan street, east. Phones 219. Chaa Inglesby, Manager. Small dinner parties are accom modated any time at Sommers’ Cafe, Union Station. AN APPLICATION Of Hanley’s Ready-mixed Paint would put a tenant in your vacant house. Try It. ANDREW HANLEY GO.. Headquarters for Builders’ Supplies. SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council. Savannah, Oa.. o*l. 19, 1994. All persons desiring oopiee ef the pamphlet, "Savannah, a City of Op portunities," to mail to non-residents, will be supplied with copies all ready for mailing. J. ROBERT CREAMER. Clerk of Couoeil PUT YOUR IDLE DOLLARS TO WORK. Don’t allow one dollar to remain idle—when it is not earning something. AWAITING THE OPPORTUNITY? Leave your money with us and get a Certificate of De posit. It will pay you to know something about this. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET, EAST, SAVANNAH GA. HERMAN MYERS, President. JNO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PAULSEN, Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT, Accountant. "A Shore Luncheon” that’s cooked to order- -not the kind that’s been waiting, but cooked and served sizzling from the coals, 75c. Thunderbolt Oysters in faultless style, served at all hours by the CASINO RESTAURANT. Take Clayton & Russell's Stomach Bitters, Blackberry Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Wild Cherry Brandy, all made from herbs, roots and fruits, have great medicinal value. Trade supplied by Henry Solomon & Son. nl SIMiSS NOTICES. Gillitte’s Safety Razor $5 The most economical ra zor now on the market. No stropping nor honing re quired, and It Is always in shape for instant use. Ask about It. LIVINSSTONS PHKRMRCY 28 West Broughton Street Phones 203. PURE FOOD STORE NEW ARRIVALS. Cresca Stuffed Dates and Figs. Cresca Dessert Raisins, pound boxes. Rich’s Orystallzed Ginger, quar ter, half and pound boxes. Huylsr’s. Callier’s and Peters's Milk Chocolate. Malilard’s Delicious Choco lates and Bon Bons and Caro mels, exclusive selling privilege. The Progressive Grocers. pELMONICo c OMPANTf 801 l and York. Phones 886 Thomas, at Jefferson and Broughton Lane, make a specialty of sec ond-hand bicycles. STOVES and RANGES. CORNWELL A CHIPMAN, 108 Congress Street, West. DAYTON BICYCLES $25.00 DAYTON BICYCLES $25.00 DAYTON BICYCLES 525.00 DAYTON BICYCLES $25.00 DAYTON BICYCLES $25.00 Call and sec them. WALTER F. HIGGINS, President and Drayton. If you sec a finely laundered shirt, you know It was done at the s Opposite De Soto Hotel. Phone 700, Traveler* all know Club Oocktails, product of G. F. H ruble in A Bro., Hartford, Conn. It Is foUy, Mr. Deal er to suggest to knowing ones some tiling rale, as there la nothing produc ed Just like them. For further In formation see Henry Salomon A Son. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. Bell Phone 149. Georgia Phone 657. Manufactnrera and dealers tn all binds ROUGH AND DRESSED YEL LOW PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES and LATHS, FLOORING, CEILING, FINISHING. WEATHERBOARDING, and FRAMING. Stock always os band In Urge quantities of regular stoek slae. or manufactured to order on short no tice. Shipments to the Interior In mix ed car load lota a specialty. DAILY ADDITIONS To our stock, of the latest nnd most artistic goods in DIAMOND AND PEARL JEWELRY, B R O N ZES and CUT GLASS, enables us to offer the finest se lection we have ever shown. THEUS & GO. YOST TYPEWRITERS On sale at J. W. FRETWELL’S SONS 9 BAY. WEST. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Oct. 20, 1902. Oct. 20, 1903. Oct. 20, 1904. $109,345.90 $391,725.29 $540,294.43 WM. W. MACK ALL GKO. 9. BALDWIN, VPM. V. DAVIS, President. Vice President. AeCy and TVs— GENTLEMEN If you don’t know a good shoe by the looks of It, come to us and we will sell you a guaranteed PAT. COLD SHOE, one that will be replaced If It does not wear properly. SNOW’S Patent Colts are fully guaranteed. You take 'no chances on these goods. $4.00 Is what we sell them for. C. F. CLER 16 East Broughton. f Hoar readily the smoker smiles ' when the dealer says PETE DAILEY 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS —ln tha— Savings Department —of tha- COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, ATTENTION IS REQUIBTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE. POBITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. . INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A CRANE, Vie* President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. No. 1640. Chartered 1866. Hit MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH. GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital $600,000 Burplua and undivided profits. 127,000 Total $627,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Cor porations, Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issues Time Certificates of Deposit bearing Interest Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON, President BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. The Germania Bank, B.AVANNAH, GA. . CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS. $300,J00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up wards received In Savings De partment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W. TIL DEMAN Vico Free. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Assistant Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham. Bank Is free from speculative dangers, yields an Income as large as is con sistent with conservative methods of banking, and Is at nil times subject to the control of the depositor. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Pres. FRED. W. CIARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. Removal Notice, After 84 years of successful business in the old stand we have removed to more commodious store, No. 12 Broughton street, east, across from Adler’s, where we will be glad to serve you as heretofore. A. L. DESBOUILLONS, Jeweler. Bell ’phone 1167. You Have Wasted 3 YEARS of your life if you haven’t eaten our CRULLERS. Only 15 cents Per Dozen. BELSINGEY& GROSS. PHONES 205. For birthdays, anniversa rlw. weddings and ouch re parties, nothing Is so good and acceptable as the novelties In leather which we ares offering. I. H. FRIEDMAN 6 CO., Bull and York Streets.