The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, October 29, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 COUNT BENCKENDORFF ■ ■•■■■■■ 11 - —i .. .. ■„n. ■- Russian Ambassador at London. A POTATO THREE FEET FOUR INCHES LONG And 18 Inrhea Braidea Win Broken Off in Polling. Tifton. Ga., Oct. 28.—Mr. J. T.Hooks of Worth county, whose reputation as a potato raiser has been won through many years of fruitful crops, brought to town to-day the champion potato of the season. It is of the Spanish variety, and the piece brought in is three feet and four inches long. Besides this, in pulling it up. a piece eighteen inches long was broken off one end. The Spanish potato is noted as a •‘runner,” but this one breaks the record and gives Mr. Hooks the 1904 ribbon. Will Ini Ite Terrell. Columbus, Ga.. Oct. 28. —Gov. Terrell and staff are to be invited to Colum bus next week to be the guests of the city during tlhe carnival and race meet. A meeting of citizens will be held at the Rankin House 'to-monrow night to Smrange for a reception to the Gov ernor. This will be Gov. Terrell’s first official visit here if he comes. DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY CONCLUDE THEIR CONVENTION Want Memorial Day Observed—Mob Violence Condemned—Resolution of Thanks for Mrs. Hull. fllberton, Ga., Oct, 2$. —After the .- busiest day of the convention, the Daughters of the Confederacy ad journed this afternoon and most of the delegates left on the late trains for home. The second social feature of the convention was the reception last evening given by the Georgia Soros is In honor of the visitors. The conven tion by a rising vote tendered thanks to the ladies in charge of the delight ful affair. Macon was selected as the next meeting place. - A strong resolution was adopted unanimosly protesting against the desecration of Memorial Day by mak ing it a day of baseball and other like sports. All college presidents and public schools authorities were urged TWELVE BROKE VALDOSTA JAIL SAWED THIER WAY OUT WITH A SAW PASSER IX THROUGH A WINDOW. Truck Dor* Hrtc Been Pot on the Trntl of the Facepea—Sheriff Hn Ottered a Reward of for the Apprehenaion of Each— Xante* ot Thoae Who Succeeded in Getting Out of Priaon. Valdost, Ga., Oct. 28.—There was a wholesale jail delivery here to-night about dark, twelve prisoners escaped from the jail. All were negroes on felony charges except two. Their escape was effected by cutting three of the large steel barn to the cell In two, then picking their way | through the wall with a heavy piece of iron, taken from the frame of one of the bunks. A saw, which was pas sed to them through one of the win dows, was evidently used in cutting the steel bars of the cell. All of the work was done during the day. the work of cutting through the wall being comparatively easy. The escape was made while Jailer Exell was at supper. Several attempts had recently been made to get out of the Jail, but they j were foiled. Owing to these attempts ! the jailer and sheriff had been very 1 watchful. ' Track dogs have been sent for and the sheriff and a large posse are look ing for the fugitives everywhere. The sheriff has offered a reward of $25 each for the arrest of the prisoners. The names of the escaped are as follows: Grant Burton. Fayet Johnson. Robert Wallace. Arthur Young. Boh Johnson. Will Pringle, Henry White, Lee Butler. Charlie Dickerson, John Taylor. Will Hill and a mute known as •‘Dummy.** The prisoners were In four adjoin ing cells on the bottom floor. GUARANTEE CURE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud ing plies. Your druggist will refund money if Paso Ointment fails to cure you In # to 14 days.—ad. Water* Sent Ip for Life. fltatesboro, Oa„ Oct. 28.—A1l of yes tardaj In the Superior Court was con sumed tn the trial of I. A. Waters, who was convicted and sentenced to life Imprisonment for the killing of his eoueln, J. M. Waters, last June. FORTY-SEVEN YEARS A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Tifton, Ga., Oct. 28.—Isaac Howard, of the Seventh district of Worth county probably enjoys, the distinction of be ing the oldest justice of the peace in active service in the state.He has held office continually since 1857, the year Worth county was created, having been an officer <of the state for 47 years. The cases he has tried, the mar riages at which he has officiated and the development of the section which he has witnessed would make a long and interesting story. Charged With Larceny. Columbus, Ga.. Oct. 28. —John Davies, Frank Batastint and Joe Avery, tlhree young men, were given a preliminary trial to-day. charged with larceny by the Columbus Railroad Company, for which they have been working. Da vies was discharged and the two oth ers were bound over. Baitastini was transfer agent for the company and Avery was conductor. It was alleged that they sfote money front the company by means of ‘the improper use of transfers. to discourage the practice, and have the day set apart to the Confederate dead and sacredly observed. Resolutions were also passed con deming the mob spirit and other forms of lawlessness-. Several important changes were made in the constitution, the most important being tP embrace all the children of the Confederacy as a part of the regular 'organization*, and the registration of the children’s division was made the duty of a state officer. Notice was also given Mrs. Wolf, of Savannah and Mrs. Godfrey that at the next meeting an amendment would be offered allowing membership upon the record of uncles and other col lateral ancestors. The convention also-adopted a ring ing resolution of thanks to .the presi dent, Mrs. A. B. Hull, showing a hearty appreciation of her admin stration. TRIED TO ROB GRIFFIN POSTOFFICE. Griffin, Ga., Oct. 28.—An unsuccess ful attempt was made to burglarise the Griffin postofflce last night. The four policemen on duty the first part of the night went to Bartlesville to help fight the fire which was raging there. It was at that auspicious time the attempt was made to rob the post offlce. The burglars gained access to the office by using a heavy piece of scantling, with which they knocked the door from its hinges, but it Is thought they were frightened oft be fore rifling the stamp and money drawers, as they failed to secure any plunder. Two Lowndm County Cltlirsa Dead. Valdosta, Ga., Oct. 28.—Two of Lowndes county's oldest citizens were buried to-day. R. F. Lineberger, at the Hightower burial ground, and George W. Herndon, at Lake Park. Both were old Confederate soldiers and both were farmers. Both died of paralysis, Mr. Lineberger’s attack be ing due to a severe fall which he re ceived about ten days ago. Mr. Hern don was at one time a member of the board of County Commissioners. He leaves one of the finest farms in the county to his family of a wife and four children. Draks’s Palmatto Wine. A complete medicine sod tonic for immediate relief and absolute cure of Chronic Stomach Troubles. Flatulency. Constipation. Liver and Kidney Congestion. Inflammation of Bladder and Catarrh of Mucous Membranes. When used tor the cure of Bright's Disease, Diabetes and lemale troubles. It ourus to stay cured and pro motes health and vigor. One tablespoonful. once a day. establishes a perfect cure, and Is a wonderful tonic for the appetite and nerves and purities and enriches the blood. Seventy-five cents at Drug Stores for a large bottle, usual dollar site, but a trial bottle will be sent free and prepaid to every reader of this paper who writes for it to Drake Formula Company. Drake Building. Chicago. 111. Simply send your name and sddress. with request for one bottle ot Drake's Palmetto Wine, prepaid, free of charge SPECIAL NOTICES. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING. Now is the time to plant bulba. The finest stock we have ever had. Ro man Hyacinth*. Paper White Nar cissus, Yellow Trumpet Daffodils, and other favorites. Phones 634. JOHN WOLF. * Ottjind Anderson streets. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the Austrian steam ship Clara must be presented at our office before 1 2 o'clock noon this day. or pavment thereof will be debarred. fiTRACHAN St CO.. Consignees. Oct. St, I #O4. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1904. Do You Play Tryst? It’s the popular game now. Fascinating at an evening’s entertainment. 50 Cents. Instructions and Counting Dial with every pack. “ SOLOMONS CO/”"'”' Charlton. N kf Fl SERAI, INVITATIONS. HARDEE.—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hardee, are invited to attend the funeral of their infant daughter, Mamie, from their res idence, 526 Duffy street, west, this aft ernoon, at 3 o’clock. Interment Cath olic Cemetery. WOODHOUSE—The friends and ac quaintances of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Woodhouse are invited to attend the funeral of the latter on Sunday morn ing at 12:30 o’clock from St. Stephen's Church. MEETINGS. SPECIAL NOTICE. A regular meeting of Post A, T. P. A., will be held at the Screven House parlors this (Saturday) morning at 11:30. A full attendance is specially desird, as business of the greatest importance to the membership will be transacted. M. F. MEYER. Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. EGGS 23c DOZEN. EGGS 23c DOZEN. CAULIFLOAVER. GRAPE FRUIT. EGGS 23c DOZEN. EGGS 23c DOZEN. CELERY. CRANBERRIES. M. S. GARDNER. KINS —20 OZ.—BALDWIN’S APPLES. Order from us. We can please you. COLIiWB/GRAYSON & CO. Both phones 244.- SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor the agents of the Brjtish steamship Lord Iv'eagh, Hepden, master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said steamship. J. F. MINIS & CO.. Agents. GEO. A. MERCER, lit, LAWYER- Real Estate and Patent# era my Specialties. Offices. Southern Bank Building. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 19 York, West. Cleaning. Dyeing, Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1165 Ga. Phone 1264. PLASTERING LATHES. Large stock cheap. Prompt deliv ery. Superior Alabama Lime. Get our prices. AVANNAH LUMBER CO. Phone —Georgia. 34 7. TO CAPTAINS, MASTERS, MATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York. Boston, Phila delphia and other daily newspapers; weekly journals and monthly maga zines: books and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and ink. —at— ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, 18 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom House). SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the British steam ship Sandyford, Stephens, master, must be presented at our office by or before 10 am„ Oct. 39. 1904, or pay ment will therefore be debarred. L F. MINIS & CO., Agents. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the German steam ship Neidenfels must be presented at our office on or before 12 noon this day, or payment thereof will be de barred. WILLIAMSON St RAUERS, Agents. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 29, 1904. WIIAT WE ADVERTISE WE KEEP. Fine Western and native turkeys. Barnyard and wild ducks. Roasting, broiling, frying chickens. Plenty fine beef, pork, veal. lamb. Cauliflow er. Kalamazoo celery, snap beans, hot house lettuce. Florida oranges, King apples, gropes of all kind*. Grandma sausage. Phones 107. JAS. J. JOYCE. TO WATER TAKERS. Office of Savannah Water Works, Savannah. 0u... Oct. 28, 1904.—The water will be shut off Saturday morn ing. Oct. 29. at 9 o'clock, on Forty second street, from Montgomery to Whitaker, and will remain off for sev eral hours. I. U. KINSEY. Supt BIDS WANTED. Office Director of Public Works.— Bids will be received at this office by the Street and Lane Committee until 12 o'clock Saturday, Oct. 29. 1904. for laying 2.760 square yards of artificial stona sidewalks in Park Extension. A five-year surety company bond for *1.500 will be required from suc cessful bidder as a guarantee of the life of hi* pavement. Bid to state price per square yard. Specifications furnished on application to this office GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director of Public Work*. Tom Moore Cigarros axe as renown ed as the name which they bear. They are praised by smokers who have used them and they are certain to satisfy those who have not. Pur chasable everywhere at 16 cents the package. SPECIAL NOTICES. STDS WANTED Office Director of Public Works, Oct. 25, 1904.—Bids will be received at this office until Monday, Oct. 31, 1904, at 12 o'clock noon, city time, by the Streets and Lanes Committee, for furnishing feed as follows: No. 1 Timothy Hay. per 100 pounds. No. 2 Timothy Hay, per 100 pounds. Best quality Mixed Oats. All to be weighed at City Lot. En velopes to be marked. “Bids for Feed.” The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Perference given to party who can deliver feed from one location. Bids to be opened in pres ence of bidder. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. Sealed proposals will be received at this office unUl Monday. Oct 31, 1904, at 12 o'clock noon, city time, by the Streets and Lanes Committee, for furnishing the city with supplies to be purchased during the month of November. 1904, such as Harness, Oils, Paints, Iron, Lime, Cement, Brick. Hardware. Tools, Lumber and such other materials as Is used by this department. All proposals must be made on offi cial forms, which can be had at this office on or after this date. Envelopes to be marked. “Proposals for Supplies.’’ The city reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in the pres ence of bidder. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director of Public Works. GENERAL INSURANCE. Fire. Life, Accident, Marine and Tornado Insurance. AH other forms of Insurance effected. Your patron age solicited. W. T. HOPKINS, 18 Bryan street, east. Phones 219. Chas. Inglesby, Manager. AN APPLICATION Of Hanley’s Ready-mixed Paint would put a tenant In your vacant house. Try It. ANDREW HANLEY CO.. Headquarters for Builders’ Supplies. COTTON IS ALL HIGHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool. Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents' Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN'S NEW YORK DYE WORKS. Whitaker and Stats st roots. Both phones 943. Estab llshed 1891, BULBS. Dutch and Roman Hyacinths, Nar cissus, daffodils. Jonquils and freealas. A. C. OELBCHIG A SON. Both phones 496. Leave orders with J. Gardner. Agt, 18 Broughton street, east. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Remington Standard Typewriter U atlll the standard. Durability, eaee of operation, simplicity, and the fact that you can put it In your inventory are Its chief merits. See the lateet models before buying e machine. r. M. HULL Bole Dealer for Savannah, 10 Drayton St, Provident Building. business notices. PERFUMES —of Roger & Oallet Paris. Coudray Paris. Atkinson London. Colgate i New York. Lazell ' I New York. Palmer NAv York. and their Toilet Waters. Face Lotions. Sachet Powders. Face Powders, and Cold Creams are at the MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY Our .prescription .busi ness is gmwtng heavier each day because we do it right. If out late to-night take lunch at Sommers’ Cafe, Union Station. Fine service., private dining rooms. Call and examine our line of- -jp t, /rff'Mlß Cooking Stoves and Ranges, j i— =l Sfim|| and Oil and Wood Heaters. We have several grades to se- L~4 lect from. Prominent among ! them are the celebrated Char- ? ter Oak Cook Stoves and ■ Ranges, and Barler Oil Heat- 1 r Our prices are right and satisfaction is guaranteed. Ife PALMER HARDWARE CO., Bay and Jefferson Sts. i'v™i -• ; ’■ ,v —•- PUT YOUR IDLE DOLLARS TO WORK. Don’t allow one dollar to remain idle—when it is not earning something. AWAITING THE OPPORTUNITY? Leave your money with us and get a Certificate of De posit. It will pay you to know something about this. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET, EAST, SAVANNAH GA. HERMAN MYERS, President. JNO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PAULSEN, Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT, Accountant. “A Shore Luncheon” that’s cooked to order -not the kind that’s been waiting, but cooked and served sizzling from the coals, 75c. Thunderbolt Oysters in faultless style, served at all hours by the CASINO RESTAURANT. Take Clayton & Russell’s Stomach Bitters, Blackberry Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Wild Cherry Brandy, all made from herbs, roots and fruits, have great medicinal value. Trade supplied by Henry Solomon & Son. BUSINESS NOTICES. Saturday Specials. Fancy Norway Bloaters, Is, 2 s. Anchovies in kegs. Cream Boneless Codfish. McCann's Irish Oatmeal. Pin-Head Oatmeal. Cracked Wheat. Perfection Peas, sweet, wrink led, tender. They are delicious. THE PURE I'OOD STORE, p^LMONICo Company Bull and York. Phones 555 STOVES and RANGES. CORNWELL & CHIPMAN, The Dayton $25 Bicyde has no equal—regardless of price. We would be pleased to have you call and see them. WALTER F. HIGGINS, President and Drayton. SPECIAL NOTICES. INSPECT AND REPAIR YOUR SIDEWALKS. Notice to Owners of Real Estate. In conformity with resolutions adopted by the City Council, on March 11, 1904, notice is hereby given: I. To owners of abutting realty, their lessees and agents, to keep in re pair the sidewalks along their respec tive frontages, including the small iron boxes for gas and water connections, wash payments, and the like, which latter have metal covers adapted to the sidewalk level. 11. In case of suits for damages against the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah for injuries to persons or property, sustained by per sons by reason of holes in sidewalks, broken, displaced or loose brick or stones, or of gas or water boxes, with out covers, or protruding above side walk level, or of other defects or ob structions in and on sidewalks, the owners of abutting realty or other persons whose negligence may have caused such defects and obstructions, will be vouched to defend, and will be held responsible for all damages awarded against the city on account of such injuries to persons and prop erty. 111. Sidewalks throughout the city are being inspected, and notices have been and are being sent to owners of abutting realty, and to whom it may concern, to repair sidewalk defects promptly, or bear the consequences of their neglect of duty. Savannah, Ga., July 1, 1904. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director of Public Works. SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Public in General: All par ties having furniture or goods stored with Savannah District Messenger and Delivery Company will please cal. and settle their accounts, as the present manager and owner would like to straighten out the business. BENTON TRANSFER CO., Successor to S. D. M. A D. Cos. This is the only place in the city to send a full dress shirt. Opposite De Soto Hotel. Phone 700. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. Bell Phone 149. Georgia Phone 657. Manufacturer* and dealers In all kinds ROUGH AND DRESSED YEL LOW PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES and LATHS, FLOORING, CEILING, FINISHING. WEATHERBOARDING. and FRAMING. Stock always on hand In large quantities of regular stock size, or manufactured to order on short no aco. Shipments to the Interior la mix ed car load lota a specialty. MINCE MEAT It is not too early for a nice mince pie. AVe have the “Subway*’ and ev erything else for its construction. In bulk, by the pound. , In 5-pound pails. One-pound Concentrated. These goods are strictly reliable, of fine flavor and reasonable in price. A. M. & G. W. WEST, W My cigars are famous 1 9gbecause they are good. ' 1 PETE DAILEV J You Have Wasted 3 YEARS of yonr life If you haven’t eaten our CRULLERS. Only 15 cents Per Dozen. belsinger"! gross. PHONES 265. Second-Hand Bicycles are made a specialty here. Al ways snaps to be had. G. W. THOMAS, Jefferson and Broughton Lane. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Oct. 20, 1902. Oct. 20, 1903. Oct. 20, 1904. $109,345.90 $391,725.29 $540,294.43 \VM. W. MACKAJ.L GEO. J. BALDWIN, WM. V DAVIS, President. Vice President. Sec'* and No. I*4B. Chartered 186S. Tbs MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OP SAVANNAH, GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital *500,04# Surplus and undivided profita. 127,000 T °t*J *627,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Cor porations, Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issues Time Certificates of Deposit hearing Interest Correspondence solicited J. A. <3. CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH. GA. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS. SSOO, <>oo Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up wards received In Savings De partment Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY BLUN. President GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice Proa. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN, Assistant Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham Bank Is free from speculative dangers, fields an income as large as is con sistent with conservative methods of banking, and is at all times subject to the control of the denosltor. LEOPOLD ADLER," President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Pres. FRED. W. CLARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. Cashier. 4 % PAID ON DEPOSITS —ln the— Savings Department gommerclai bank of Savannah. State Depository. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION IB REQUESTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITOR3 IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. IOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A CRANE, Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Caahler. BUSINESS NOTICES. J now as yd twelve years ago 1 Le Panto j l Cigars A For birthdays, anniversa ries. weddings and euchre parties, nothing Is so good and acceptable as the novelties In leather which vve are offering. /. H. FRIEDMAN & CO., Bull and York Streets. At Monsees: Graham Flour, Loose Oatmeal, New Mackerel, Plain and Prepared Buck wheat, Fine New Georgia Syrup, Im ported Sauerkraut and Dill Pickles. The finest, tenderest and Juiciest meat. Phone your order to 587, both phones. Hall and Jefferson.