The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 02, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Why pay 10 Cents * f for an imitation mantle when you can get a GENUINE WELSBACH MANTLE (THE N0.2.L00P) For 15 Cents Or the No. 2.Cap for 20$ both Mantles of excellent Quality The best SSESfe); WELSBACH MANTLES are / \ Welsbach Yusea 355/ \ WtLSBACH tl(tinqinal 3o** Welsbach Melolite 25$ u, , .. Welsbach All Dealers. j AND THE GAS COMPANY nrnmrcm WHAT THE PRESIDENT SEES TO BE THANKFUL FOR His Proclamation Designates Nov. 24 to Be Ob served as Thanksgiving Day. Washington, Nov. I.—The President to-day issued the Thanksgiving proc lamation, setting aside Thursday, Nov. 24, "to be observed as a day of festi val and thanksgiving by all the people of the United States at home and abroad.” The proclamation follows: By the President of the United States of America.—A Proclamation. "It has pleased Almighty Hod to bring the American people in safety and honor through another year, and, In-accordance with the long unbroken custom handed down to us by our fore fathers, the time has come when a special day shall be set apart 1n which to thank Him who holds all nations in the hollow of His hand, for the mer cies thus vouchsafed to us. During the century and a quarter of our na tional life, we as a people have been •blessed beyond all others, and for this we owe humble and heartfelt thanks to the author of all blessings. “The year that has closed has been one of peace within our own borders, as well as between us and all other nations. The harvests have been abun dant, and those who work, whether •with hand or brain, are prospering greatly. Reward has waited upon (honest effort. We hav. been enabled to do our duty to ourselves and to others. Never has there been a time when religious and charitable effort has been more evident. Much has been given to us and much will be expected from us.' "We speak of what has been done by this nation in no spirit of boastfulness or vain glory, but with full and rev erent realization that our strength Is as nothing unless we are helped from above. Hitherto we have been given the heart and the strength to THE WEATHER. Morning News barometer. Nor. 1, 11:30 p. m 30.13 Morning News thermometer, Nov. 1, 11:30 p. m 60 Washington. Nov. I.—Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: South Carolina—Fair Wednesday; Thursday, partly cloudy; light east winds. Georgia—Fair Wednesday: Thursday partly cloudy, probable showers In south portion; light to fresh east winds. Eastern Florida—Occasional showers Wednesday and Thursday; fresh northeast to east winds. * Western Florida—Rain Wednesday and probably Thursday; northeast winds. Yesterday’s weather at Savannah: Maximum temperature 2 p. ns 70 degrees Minimum temperature 7 a. m 49 degrees Mean temperature 60 degrees Normal temperature 60 degrees Excess or deficiency of temperature 0 degrees Accumulated excess or de fleteney since Nov. 1 0 degrees Accumulated deficiency since .Tan. 1 263 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal 09 inch Deficiency since Nov.'l ... .09 inch Deficiency since Jan. 1 .. .10.33 inches River Report.—The hlght of the Sa vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m., (76th meridian time), yesterday, was 4.6 feet, a fall of 0.4 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same mo ment of time, Nov. 1. 1904, 8:00 p. m., 75th meridian time: Name of Station. T W| R. Boston, clear 142 N ~ .00 New York Olty, cldy... 52 NE .00 Philadelphia, clear 54 NE .00 Washington City, clear.. 52 S .00 Norfolk, clear 54 SE .00 Hatteras. clear 52 W .08 ■\\filmdngton, clear ...J.. 56 W .00 Charlotte, clear 60 re .00 Raleigh, clear 54 S .00 Asheville, clear 54 NW .00 Charleston, clear 60 E .00 Atlanta, ptly cldy 62 SK .00 Avg\4*ta. clear 58 NE .00 Savannah, clear 61 E .00 Jacksonville, clear ....... 66 NE .00 Jupiter, partly cldy 74 E T Key West, rain 74 E 1.80 Tampa, cloudy |72 |E | . T Mobile, cloudy 66 jNEI .00 Montgomery, pitly cldy..| 68 -NE j .00 Vicksburg, cloudy 70 jE I .00 New Orleans, rain 64 |NE| .06 Galveston, rain 70 iE i .04 Corpus Christ!, cloudy .. 64 NW .26 Palestine, cloudy 68 'NE .00 Memphis, clear 68 |E .00 Cincinnati, clear | 68 |Cm .00 Plttaburg. clear | 60 NW .(H) Buffalo, cloudy 146 E .00 Detroit. Clear j 56 NE .on Ctltcagn, dear ...| 62 S .00 Marquette, cloudy 144 ,S I .00 gt. Paul, clear |6O W .00 'avenport, clear | 60 |BW | .00 St. Douls, clear 66 'SE i .00 Kansas City, clear 64 iH .00 Oklahoma, cloudy 62 'NE ! T Dodge City, clear 50 (HR I .00 North Platte, clear 54 |SE 1 oo H. B. ’Borer, local Forecaster. TO CtHK A COI.ll 14 04K DAT Take Lakatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls t cure, K. W. Grove’s slgnuture *• on aorta bet. Uo. AGED WOMAN WAS KILLED BY A FALL. Pell from n Wagon and Her ffeek Wo* Broken. Columbus, Ga., Nov. I.—S. T. Pink ston, a well-known Columbus lawyer, left to-day for Union, In Stewart coun ty, being called there by the Intelli gence that his aged mother, Mrs. Mary A. Pinkston, had met her death acci dently last night. Mrs. Pinkston was on her way home to Union from Lumpkin late yesterday afternoon and was riding in ‘a wagon, sitting in a chair. In some manner the wagon tilted over. She was thrown to the ground, striking on her head and breaking her neck. She was over seventy years old. negroHhung' at WAYNESBORO. Paid the Penalty for Murder of Two Men. Waynesboro, Ga., Nov. I.—Sampson Flournoy was hanged to-day for the murder of two young men on Brier creek last July. He made a very short statement on the gallows, and the trap was then sprung. There was not much excitement surrounding the hanging, although it was a brutal murder and created much excitement at the time. do the tasks allotted to us as they severally arose. We are thankful for all that has been done for us in the past and we pray that in the future we may be strengthened in the un ending struggle to do our duty fear lessly and honestly, wtth charity and good will, with respect for ourselves and with love toward our fellow men. “In this great republic the effort to combine national strength with per sonal freedom is being tried on a scale more gigantic than ever before In the world’s history. Our success will mean much not only for ourselves, but for the future of all mankind: and every man or woman in our land should fee.l the grave responsibility resting upon him or her. for In the last analysis this success must depend upon the high average of our individual citizenship, upon the way In which each of us does his duty by himself and his neighbor. "Now, therefore, I. Theodore Roose velt, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart Thursday, the 24th of this November, to be observed as a day of festival and thanksgiving by all the people of the United States, at home or abroad, and do recommend that on that day, they cease from their ordinary occupations and gather In their several places of worship or In their homes, devoutly to give thanks unto Almighty Godi for the benefits he has conferred upon us as individuals and as a nation, and to beseech Him that, In the future. His divine favor may be continued to us. “In witness whereof. I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington, this, Ist day of November, tn the year of our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hun dred and Four, and of the Independ ence of the United States the One Hun dred and Twenty-ninth. “Theodore Roosevelt." . “By the President: “John Hay, Secretary of State.” Order a Free Bottle Of Drake's Palmetto Wine. It gives vigor and energy to tbe whole body, soothes, heals and invigorates stomachs that are weakened by injurious living or when the mucous lining of the stomach is impaired by hurtful medicines or food. Drake's Palmetto Wlno will clear the liver and kidDeys from congestion, cause them to perform their necessary work thoroughly nnd Insure their healthy condition. Drake's Pal metto Wine oures every form of stomach dis tress. such as indigestion, distress after eating, shortness of breatb and heart trouble caused by indigestion. Drake's Palmetto Wine cures you permanently of that bad taste in mouth, offensive breatb. loss of appetite, heartburn. Inflamed, catarrhal or ulcerated stomach and constipated or flatulent bowels. The Drake Formula Company, Drake Building, Chicago, 111 proves all this to you by sending you free and prepaid a trial bottle of Drake’s Palmetto Wine to test it. This wonderful Palmetto Medi cine is purely vegetable and the greatest rem edy ever offered to Chronic Sufferers. Write today for a free bottle. A letter or postal card IS your only expense. SPECIAL NOTICES. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WDX SAVE TEN PER CENT, by paying your bills on or be fore the 13th Inst. B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING COAL. Office of Savannah Water Works Sa vannah, Oct. 81, 1904.—Sealed pro posals will be received at this office until Nov. 7. 1904, at 12 o’clock noon (city time) for furnishing f. o. b. Sa vannah water works (In box cars) 500 tons New River Steam Coal, free from slate and dirt, to be delivered not later than Nov. 26, 1904. Coal to be weighed on water works scales. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. I. U. KINSEY. Supt. POPULAR BRANDS. The celebrated "White Rose” Lime, “Atlas Portland” and "Rosendale" Ce ment, Atlas Ready Mixed Paint, su perior to anything on the market. ANDREW HANLEY CO. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 18 York, West. Cleaning. Dyeing, Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1165 Ga. Phone 1264. NOTICE. AII bills against the German steam ship Louisiana. Drummer, master, must be presented at our office by or before 10 o'clock a. m. Nov. 3. 1904, or payment will therefore be debar red. J. F. MINIS A CO., Agents. INSURANCE. FIRE, STORM, MARINE. W. M. COKEY A CO., Both Phones 87. No. 124 Hay 84. K. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: WEDN ESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1901. A GLORIOUS SMOKE, Cortez Cigars. (Lure That Gold! For more than fifty years Savumuvhians hare had a reliable remedy In Solomons ’ Cough and Cold Mixture Take it as directed and your cold will disappear. Zsu SOLOMONS CO4HT FUNERAL INVITATIONS. FURLONG. The relatives and friends of Messrs. J. F. and W. F. Furlong and families are invited to attend the funeral of Nicholas R. Fur long from 410 Price street, this (Wed nesday) afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock. In terment in Cathedral Cemetery. NEWMAN.—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Newman are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of the former from his late residence, No, 545 Indian street, to morrow (Thursday) at 10:00 o’clock. Interment at Laurel Grove Cemetery. meetings. GEORGIA CHAPTER NO. 3, R. A. M. A regular convoca- ■ nr tion of this chapter will \ J be held this (Wednesday) evening, at Masonic Tem pie, at 8:15 o’clock. The P. *M. E. Degrees 1 I will be conferred. P i Visiting companions fraternally in vited to meet with us. By order of H. W. WITCOVER, H. P. W. S. ROCKWELL, Secretary. CANTON FOREST CITY NO. 1, I. O. O. F. Meeting will be held at Odd Fellows Hall to-night 8:30 o'clock. Every member, both active and honorary, are urged to be present. Refresh ments will be served. OREAR, Capt, GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. The Georgia State Board of Phar macy will meet in Atlanta on Monday, Nov. 14, at 9 o’clock, in the ball room of the Kimball House, for the ex amination of applicants for license to practice pharmacy. The members of the board are Max Morris, Chairman, Macon; C. D. Jordan, Monticello; J. G. Dodson, Americus; R. H. Land, Jr„ Augusta; George F. Payne, Sec retary, Atlanta. In November Samuel E. Bayne of Macon succeeds Max Morris as a member of the board. SPECIAL NOTICES. EGGS 23c DOZEN. EGGS 23c DOZEN. CAULIFLOWER. GRAPE FRUIT. EGGS 23c DOZEN. EGGS 23c DOZEN. CELERY. CRANBERRIES. M. S. GARDNER. KINS—2O OZ.—BALDWINS APPLES. Order from us. We can please you. COLLINS, GRAYSON A CO. Both phones 244. TO CAPTAINS, MASTERS, MATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York, Boston, Phila delphia and other daily newspapers; weekly Journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and ink. —at— ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, 18 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom House). BULBS. Dutch and Roman Hyacinths, Nar cissus, daffodils, jonquils and freeslas. A. C. OELSCHIG A SON, Both phones 496. Leave orders with J. Gardner, Agt., 16 Broughton street, aast. HOW’S YOUR PLUMBING? Sec BRODERICK. 242 Drayton St. Phone 1077. VERUKTB TO-DAY. ELEGANT' DINNER WITH COF FEE, TEA, BEER, WINK, SPECIAL NOTICE. Walter S. Wilson. M. D.. has op ened an office at 12 Jones street, west, and offers his professional services to the public. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO., Sole Agent for the Celebrated PERFECTED OKANITK ROOFING. Cheaper and better than tin. Rust Proof. NO PAINTING. Get our prices. Georgia ’Phbne. 847; Belt ’Phone, 426. NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor charterer of the British steamship Sslnt Cuthbert will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. JOHN LKWJB, Master. BCSIXESS NOTICES. Columbia Evaporated Cream. 5c and 10c sizes. A product of the Borden Condensed Milk Cos., recom mended by the Pure Food Store. Perfectly pure cow’s milk evaporated to the con sistency of cream. Delightful in tea, coffee and desserts. Un sweetened! Red Snapper Sauce is sold by the Delmonioo. THE PURE FOOD STORE. nELMONico c Qmpant Bull and York. Phones 555 SPECIAL NOTICES. BIDS WANTED. Office Director ’of Public Works, Sa vannah, Ga„ Nov. 1, 1904.—Bids will be received at this office until 12 o’clock noon, Eastern time, Tuesday Nov. 15, for furnishing the city of Sa vannah, Ga., with fifty thousand (50,000) square yards, more or less, of No. 1 (number one) vitrified pav ing brick. Brick must be uniform in size, free from cracks and thoroughly vitrified. They must stand the recog'- nized test for hardness, toughness, vitrification, etc. Samples of five (5) brick must be submitted with each bid and time of delivery f. o. b. cars or^ wharf, Savannah, Ga„ specified in Bid must guarantee the number of brick to the square yard when laid ip pavement. Bidder shall also guarantee the life of his brick for five (5) or ten (10) years, and furnish satisfactory bond for this guarantee. Envelopes to be marked “Bids on Vitrified Brick.’’ All bids opened in the presence of bidders. The city reserves the right to re ject any or_aJUbids. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director of Public Works. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING. Now is the time to plant bulbs. The finest stock we have ever had. Ro man Hyacinths, Paper White Nar cissus, Yellow Trumpet Daffodils, and other favorites. Phones 684. JOHN WOLF, Ott and Anderson streets. SPECIAL NOTICE^ Walter S. Wilson, M. D„ offers his professional services to the public, and has opened an office at 12 Jones street, west. GEO. A. MERCER. JR., LAWYER. Real Estate and Patents are my Specialties. Office*. Southern Bank Building. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Remington Standard Typewriter is still the standard. Durability, ease of operation, simplicity, and the fact that you can put it in your Inventory are its chief merits. See the latest models before buying a machine. R. M. HULL. Sole Dealer for Savannah, 10 Drayton St. Provident Building. I BUY LIFE INSURANCE Policies and pay more for them than the companies do. ALLAN SWEAT. GENERAL INSURANCE. Fire, Tornado. Marine, Life, Acci dent and Sickness Insurance and all other forms of Insurance effected Your Interest carefully protected In any of the above. W. T. HOPKINS, 18 Bryan street east. Phones 219. Chas. Jnglesby, Manager. NOTICE. PROPERTY OWNERS DO NOT wait until ordinance requiring you to connect to new houee drainage Is en forced. It will pay you to havs It dons at once by the former Inspector of plumbing, W. H. COSGROVE. 123 Drayton Street WHAT WE ADVERTISE WE KEEP. Fine Western and native turkeys. Barnyard and wild ducks. Roasting, broiling, frying chickens. Plenty fine beef, pork, veal, lamb. Cauliflow er, Kalamasoo celery, snap beans, hot house lettuce. Florida oranges, King apples, grapes of all kinds. Grandma sausage. Phones 107. JAS. J. JOYCE. COTTON IS ALL HUiHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool. Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Oents’ Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lacs curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blaoka a spe cialty tat GROGAN’S NEW YORK DYR WORKS. Whitaker and Stats utrsete. Both phones 648. Estab lished 1861. PUT YOUR IDLE DOLLARS TO WORK. Don’t allow one dollar to remain idle—when it is not earning something. AWAITING THE OPPORTUNITY? Leave your money with us and get a Certificate of De posit. It will pay you to know something about this. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET, EAST, SAVANNAH GA. HERMAN MYERS, President. JNO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PACLSKN, Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT, Accountant. “A Shore Luncheon” that’s cooked to order- -not the kind that’s been waiting:, but cooked and served sizzling from the coals, 75c. Thunderbolt Oysters in faultless style, served at all hours by the CASINO RESTAURANT. BUSINESS NOTICES. Nunnally’s Candy Fresh supplies for the Car nival trade. All the artistic packings. Gillette’s Safety Razor— no honing, no stropping. Always ready. LIViNGSTON'S HHUIKI 26 West Broughton Street. The Term “ Artistic Jewelry ” means much or little. Discriminating people of artistic taste can be afforded pleasure by an in spection of stock. We have the very newest de signs in Brooches, Pendants, Hat Pins, etc., Egyptian and Japanese motives in diamond, pearl and en ameled combinations, the acme of the jeweler’s art. Theus & Cos. Second-hand Bicycles Can he had here at regular snap prices. We have a large lot. G. W. THOMAS. Jefferson and Broughton Lane. Baltimore Soft Shell Crabs. SOMMERS’ CAFE, Union Station. YOST TYPEWRITERS On sale at J. W. FRETWELL’S SONS STOVES and RANGES. CORNWELL A CHIPMAN, 108 Congress Street, West. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL INOTH ST To the Public in General: All par ties having furniture or goods stored with Savannah District Messenger and Delivery Company will please call and settle their accounts, as the present manager and owner would like to straighten out the business. BENTON TRANSFER CO.. Successor to S. D. M. A D. Cos. Both 'Phones No. 2. This is the only place in the city to send a full dress shirt. Opposite De Soto Hotel. Phone 700, BUCHU GIN, Product of J)r. Bonvier, invariably relieves the most aggravated oases of kidney trouble. Purchasable every where at a reasonable price. Distil lers represented by Henry Solomon & Son. Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. Bell Phone *49. Georgia Phone 657. Manufacturers and dealers In all binds ROUGH AND DRESSED YEL LOW PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES and LATnS, FLOORING, CEILING. FINISHING. WEATHERBOARDING, nnd FRAMING. Stock always on hand In large quantities of regular stock slss. or manufactured to order on short no tice. Shipments to the Interior In mix ed car load lota a specialty. fJpiA/ Sfnre The name new injure. ncsbouiiions on a piece of goods New Goods. go^ nait9 We are showing anew line of Dia rhonde. Watches, Fobs, Lockets, Scarf Pins, Shirtwaist Sets, Brooches, Etc., In. Jewelry, Clocks and Cut Glass. DESBOUILLONS, 12 BROUGHTON ST., EAST., Opposite Adler's. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Oct. 20, 1902. Oct. 20. 1903. Oct. 20, 1904 $109,345.90 $391,725.29 $540,294.43 W'M. W M VKAIJ, 080. 3. nAI,I>WIN. WM. V. DAVII, President. Vice President. Jiec’jr and Trea*. BUSINESS NOTICES. Save the $ We saw an ad. the other day which read "Woman’s shoes at 33.00 and $4.00,” but it didn’t tell what kind of shoes, what quality or grade was offered at the price. There are millions of shoes at $3.00 and $4.00, but that does not tell the whole story. .What you want is some thing substantial and re liable for the price. We aim to give you all of this in the "Majestic’’ shoe for $3.00 and save you money. May we have the pleasure of showing them to you? C. F. CLER 16 East Broughton. Smokers get true value when buying a J-e Panto You have not seen all the Fair Until you have seen our daily window displays. /. H. FRIEDMAN 6 CO., Bull ami York Streets. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham Bank Is free from speculative dangers yields an Income ns large as is con sistent with conservative methods of banking, and is at all times subject to the control of the denositor. LEOPOLD ADLER,' President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Pres. FREIhW. CLARKE, Cashier COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. Cashier. 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS —in the— Savings Department COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION 18 REQUESTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. JOHN FLANNERY. President HORACE A CRANE, Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. No. 1640. Chartered 1866. The MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH. GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital $600,000 Surplus and undivided profits. 127,000 Total $627,000 Accounts ot Banks, Bankers, Cor porations, Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorab'e terms. Issues Time Certificates of Deposit bearing Interest Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President W M- HAVANT. Cashier. MILLS B. LANE, President. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. Tlsiifitoismiii RESOURCES. Sept 29, 1904. Loans and discounts. .. $2,444,953 47 Stocks and bonds 179,500 00 Real estate and bank buildings 170,000 00 Due by banks 773,786 88 Cash 882,948 43 $3,951,187 78 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 600,000 00 Surplus and undivided profits 325,854 64 Deposits 3,125,333 14 33,951,187 78 The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH. OA. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS. ISM.iNt Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposit* of one dollar and up wards received In Savings De partment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY P.LUN, President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice Free. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Assistant Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. The Latest Novelty. CHOC TELEPHONES THEY RING. Only 25 cts. BELSINGER & GROSS. PHONES 263. The Dayton $25 Bicycle has no equtil—regardless of price. We would be pleased to have you call and see them. WALTER F. HIGGINS, President anti Drayton.