The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 03, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 At 72 and 79 Yaars of Aga. Relieved Immediately and Cured Quickly with Drake’s Palmetto Wine.i Mr. Geo. W. Pelton. 7* years of age, Akron, Mich., writes: For many years I have been treat It troubled w ith Chronic Coostlpaiion. and thought there was no help for me. I have used Dearly three bottle* of Drake's Palmeno Wine With result tbat I hare no trouble from Consti pation. and belleye a cure is assured. Drake's Palmetto Wine has done for me what all other remedies failed to do. N. J. Knight. 79 years of age. 94 Pierce St. New Bedford, Mass., writes: I had La Grippe, which left me with severe Catarrh of Mucous Membrane all through tny body, a very bard couth mornings, enlargement and Inflammation of Prostate Gland, bloody urine, and my suffer ings were intense. I am taking Drake's Pal metto Wine; have used less than two bottles so farandam gaining inovery way. I did not hope to eTer feel so well as I do now and have great cause to rejoice that I found such a wonderful Medicine as Drake's Palmetto Wine. A test bottle will be sent prepaid free of Charge to any readerof this paper who writes foi it to Drake Formula Company. Drake Building Chicago. IH. A test bottle often cures. NEWS OF A DAY IN GEORGIA’S CAPITAL AN EPIDEMIC OF ROBBERIES MANY SERIOUS CRIMES HAVE BEEN COMMITTED LATELY. Atlanta Police Greatly Stirred I'p Over the Crimes— Seem Powerless to Break t'i> the Bands—The Jour nal Nays Savannah and Other Cities Are Losing; Heavily la Railroad Taxes—Pardon Is Sought for M. S. Moll. Atlanta, Nov. 2. —The police are much stirred up over an epidemic of burglaries, robberies and asauits, in few of which they have been able to make arrests. It is getting to be almost a nightly occurrence that some store in the heart of the city is enter ed almost under the glare of electric lights and the cash register robbed. At 3:30 o'clock this morning Mrs. J. B. Dorman was suddenly awakened and saw a man standing over her with a knife. He made a vicious slash at her throat, but she pushed him away and he retreated from the room. He was afterwards arrested and was found to be B. W. Tuton, who has been reared by the Dorman family. The knife used was one that Mrs. Dorman had given him. His purpose is supposed to have been robbery. Late last night unknown white men suddenly sprang upon Mrs Emma R. Woodbury, an aged widow, as she opened her door, and enveloped her in a quilt. They threatened her life if she made any outcry. They robbed the house and made their escape. A 15-year-old youth was caught last night trying to steal a bicycle. While he was held by his two captors await ing the police, he suddenly shoved a pistol into their faces, backed out of the establishment and made his es cape. These are recent samples of numer ous crimes which Atlanta is suffering from almost daily. Manston on Trial. Charles A. Manston, superintendent of the Southern Engraving Company, was placed on trial in the United States Court to-day on the charge of having made the plates with which a large number of counterfeit $lO bills were printed by the gang, of whom three pleaded guilty yesterday. W. L. Wynne, who turned state’s ev idence, declared that Manston himself made the plates, and that he had shielded him at first only because of his wife and children. Night Watch man Wallace of the Constitution stat ed Manston was in the engraving room on the night on which the plates are said to have been made. The trial will be continued to-mor row. Seeking Tardon for Mell. Attorney Robert L. Colding of Sa vannah and Harbormaster James Mc- Bride were in the city to-day. Mr. Golding came up to present to the Prison Commission an application for the pardon of M. S. Mell of Savan nah, who is serving a twenty-years’ sentence for voluntary manslaughter. The commission has not yet acted on the casa. Siicceaaor for Mathla. The State Normal School trustees ■will meet at the Capitol to-morrow to elect a successor to Prof. J. B. Mathis of the chair of mathematics. There are several applicants, and it may take two or three ballots to decide it. Their Sentence* Commuted. The Prison Commission to-day com muted the sentences of the four State Fair gamblers who were arrested for conducting gaming devices at the State Fair in Macon, as follows: The fines of Sam Kasten and J. Weinberg, prin cipals, were reduced from SSOO to $260, and those of the clerks, J. H. Wilday and 8. A. Peterson, were reduced from S4OO to SIOO each. The Governor ap proved the findings. Pops With Republicans. Hon. S. C. Dunlap and Hon. Fletcher Jphnson of Gainesville, who were In the city to-day, stated that the Popu lists of the Ninth Congressional dis trict are preparing to vote right along for the Republicans, and that the name of J. M. Ashley, Republican candidate for Congress, will appear on the Pop ulist tickets. Hon. T. M. Bell and his friends do not fear the result, but are making strong efforts to get out a full Demo cratic vote. County Must Pay Expense. Attorney General John C. Hart ren dered an opinion to-day to the effect that where a felony convict escapes from a county chaingang, organized under the new law. the county must pay the expense of recapture. If the qonvlct Is not recaptured, or If a con vict dies, another convict must be sup plied by the state to make up the full quota to which the county is entitled. Loses Railroad Taxes. In a statement In the Journal it Is charged that Atlanta, Savannah and Macon and the counties in which they are located lose annually a total of $106,324 In taxes from the railroads as the result of the difference in the act ual value of their properties as stated In their petitions filed in the United States court, and the returns of valu ation made to Controller General W. A. Wright. It la true that the valuations act forth In the court petitions are con siderably greater than the returns made for taxation, but Controller Gen eral Wright atatea this la a well known fact and that the railroads In making their returns stated they were made on he same baals us all other property in the state, or about 60 par cent, of actual value. There has never been any secret about this, he said. OIIH44TBK CIRE FOR I'll,KM. Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud ing plica. Your druggiat will rotund money If Paso Ointment falls to cure ?•* to • to 14 days.-ad. CRITICISES THE REPORT MADE BY GEN. BARRY. Col. Anderson Defends the Georgia Troops at Manassas. Atlanta, Nov. 2.—C01. Clifford L. Anderson in an interview this after noon asserts that the report of Gen. Barry orlticising Georgia troops at Manassas, is absolutely unjust. He declares the sanitation of the camp was perfect and that no officers of Gen. Barry's staff at any time inspect ed it. Col. Anderson asserts it as a fact that his regiment did more marching than any other in Gen. Barry’s bri gade, and for that reason did not go to the review. Gov. Terrell, speaking of the matter to-day, said he simply turned the troops over to the United States, and if they did anything that subjected themselves to criticism, that was their lookout. He knew nothing of the facts in the case, he said. Acting Adjt. Gen. Scott agrees with Gen. Barry as to the inefficiency of composite regiments, but did not care to discuss other features of the report. CHAINGANG BOSSES FOUND NOT GUILTY. Acquitted of Charge of Whipping Hartley to Death. Edgefield, S. C., Nov. 2.—G. P. Saw yer and M. R. Prince, the two chain gang overseers charged with whipping to death Wade Hartley, were acquit ted here this afternoon, the jury re maining out only about ten minutes. The state failed to prove that the deceased came to a violent death or that the defendants did him any vio lence. Father and Son Arrested. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 2.—G. W. Tem ples and Julius Temples, father and son, were placed under arrest in Gir ard, Ala., to-day, charged with bur glarizing the store of F. C. Staggs in that city on two different occasions recently. They will be given a pre liminary trial at Seale to-morrow. A Good Night's Rest. The greatest tonic on earth is a good night’s rest. Restless nights and the terrible exhaustion of a hacking cough are dread dangers of the poor con sumptive. But why this fear of the night when a few doses of Dr. Bos chee’s German Syrup will insure re freshing sleep, entirely free from cough or night sweat? Free expecto ration in the morning is made certain by taking German Syrup. It has cured consumption for forty years Trial bot tle, 25c. Big bottle, 75c. At all drug gists. Knight's Pharmacy. SPECIaIT NOTICES. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICK. YOU WILL 6AVB TEN PER CENT, by paying your bills on or be fore the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY, BRO. ft CO. GENERAL INSURANCE. Fire, Tornado, Marine, Life. Acci dent and Sickness Insurance and all other forms of Insurance effected. Your interest carefully protected in any of the above. W. T. HOPKINS. 18 Bryan street, east. Phones 219. Chas. Inglesby, Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE. Walter S. Wilson. M. D.. has op ened an office at 12 Jones street, west, and offers his professional services to the public. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Remington Standard Typewriter is still the standard. Durability, ease of operation, simplicity, and the fact that you can put It In your inventory are its chief merits. See the latest models before buying a machine. R. M. HULL, Sole Dealer for Savannah. 10 Drayton St Provident Building. POPULAR BRANDS. The celebrated ’’White Rose” Lime, "Atlas Portland” and ’’Rosendale" Ce ment, Atlas Ready Mixed Paint, su perior to anything on the market. ANDREW HANLEY CO. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 19 York, West. Cleaning. Dyeing, Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1165 Ga. Phone 1264. 1001 W HITE TOURING CAR, In perfect condition, owner disposing of same on account close of season In the North, and having ordered a 1905 model. Baskets, Acetylene headlights, extra tires; in fart all accessories in cluded. Address S. H. W., P. O. Box 824, New York. No little details neg lected in this establish ment. Every article is well washed, well ironed and promptly delivered. Good work has given this laundry a good name — msm /~N .* •*'> ' ir ... Good IQ*®® Savannah-Georgia Laundry, II West Congress Street. 110 Weal Congress Street. Phones 333, 385, 9 H. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1904. 1 Murray Hill Club Whiskey Pronounced by Every Connoisseur A Whiskey Rare, Without Compare, This Particular Brand for Particular People. JUCHTER-HENGES CO-, FUNERAL INVITATIONS. REILLY—The relatives and friends of Mr. James T. Reilly and family are invited to attend his funeral from 211 Gwinnett street, east, at 3:30 o’clock this Thursday afternoon. In terment Cathedral Cemetery. NEWMAN The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. New man and family are invited to at tend the funeral of the former from No. 545 Indian street, at 10 o’clock, •this morning. MEETINGS. SOLOMON’S LODGE NO. 1, F. ft A. M. A regular communication of A this lodge will be held at Ma- TCy sonic Temple this (Thursday) ' w \ evening at 8:15. E. A. Degree. Transient brethren and members of sister lodges fraternally invited to at tend. JAS. FURSE. W. M. J. R, CAIN. Secretary. ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY. The members of the St. Andrews Society are requested to meet at their room. Georgia Hussars’ Club, this (Thursday) morning, 9:30 o’clock, to pay the last tribute of respect to our late member, M. J. Newman. W. F. TRAIN, President. W. W. WILSON, Secretary. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. There will be a regular meeting of Savannah Aerie No. 330 to-morrow evening at 8:30, at the hall, Lyons Rlock. Visiting brothers are cordially in vited to meet with us. There will be initiation. GEO. C. SCHWARZ, W. Pres. LEO McGOVERN, W. Sec. SPECIAL NOTICES. EGGS 23c DOZEN. EGGS 23c DOZEN. CAULIFLOWER. GRAPE FRUIT. EGGS 23c DOZEN. EGGS 23c DOZEN. CELERY. CRANBERRIES. M. S. GARDNER. NOTICE. The firm of G. W. Merrill & Cos., doing business at No. 11 Congress street, west, composed of G. W. Merrill and Austin T. Wilson, is this day dis solved, Mr. Wilson withdrawing from the firm and Mr. Merrill acquiring his Interest in the business. Mr. Merrill will carry on the business as usual under the old firm name, assuming all obligations of the old firm. Your continued patronage Is solicited by Mr. Merrill. GEORGE W. MERRILL, AUSTIN T. WILSON. SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Public in General: All par ties having furniture or goods stored with Savannah District Messenger and Delivery Company will please call and settle their accounts, as the present manager and owner would like to straighten out the business. BENTON TRANSFER CO., Successor to S. D. M. & D. Cos. 32S \V. Broughton, cor. Montgomery. Both Phones No. 2. KINS—2O 07,.—BALDWINS APPLES. Order from us. We can please you. COLLINS, GRAYSON & CO. Both phones 244. TO CAPTAINS, MASTERS, MATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York, Boston, Phila delphia and other daily newspapers; weekly Journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and ink. —at— ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, 18 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom House). BULBS. Dutch and Roman Hyacinths, Nar cissus, daffodils, jonquils and freeslas. A. C. OELBCHIG & SON, Both phones 496. Leave orders with J. Gardner, Agt, 18 Broughton street, east. * I BUY LIFE INSURANCE Policies and pay more for them than the companies do. ALLAN SWEAT. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. Large stock bright new goods. Special prices. ( Also Lime, Cement, Plaster, etc. Georgia 'Phone, 347; Bell 'Phone, 425. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO. NOTICE. Neither the master, owners nor charterer of the British steamship Saint Cuthbert will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. JOHN LEWIB. Master. GEO. A. MERCER, JR., LAWYER, Real Estate mill Patents are my Specialties. Offices: Southern Hank Building. COTTON IR ALL RIGHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool. Lace dyed to match any drees. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Qenta’ Suits and Overcoste dyed or cleaned to perfection. BUn keta and lave curtains. Ditto dry claiming and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN'S NEW TORK DTE WORKS, Whitaker and State •treels Both phones 90. Estab lished lIIL BUSINESS NOTICES. “Rockroyal” Is the name of the BUTTER we sell . It is truly royal In quality, fla vor and freshness. It Is the product of the best dairy section of New York state, ami comes to us refrigerated as sweet and fresh as a daisy. We Sell Many Other Good Things. Georgia Syrup Selected Golden Syrup—this year’s crop. Something extra In flavor and qnality. Buckwheat McGrath & Ransford Established 1866. Grocers and Wine Dealers. 37 and 39 Whitaker Street. Phones 177. No Pinching! Schwab's Eyeglass Guard does not pinch or mark the nose. It adjusts itself to the movements of the face and never lets the glasses slip from their proper place. If you glasses let us show you the guard. Dr. M. Schwab’s Son, Bull and State Streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. BIDS WANTED. Office Director of Public Works, Sa vannah, Ga., Nov. 1, 1904.—Bids will be received at this office until 12 o’clock noon, Eastern time, Tuesday, Nov. 15, for furnishing the cltv of Sa vannah, Ga., with fifty thousand (50,000) square yards, more or less, of No. 1 (number one) vitrified pav ing brick. Brick must be uniform in size, free from cracks and thoroughly vitrified. They must stand the recog nized test for hardness, toughness, vitrification, etc. Samples of five (5) brick must be submitted with each bid and time of delivery t. o. b. cars or wharf, Savannah, Ga., specified In bid. Bid must guarantee the number of brick to the square yard when laid in pavement. Bidder shall also guarantee the life of his brick for five (6) or ten (10) years, and furnish satisfactory bond for this guarantee. Envelopes to be marked “Bids on Vitrified Brick.” All bids opened in the presence of bidders. The city reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director of Public Works. NOTICE TO INVESTMENT COM PANIES. Office of Comptroller General, At lanta, Ga., Nov. 1, 1904.—Investment companies are hereby notified that by an act of the General Assembly of this state, approved Aug. 13, 1904, all Invest ment Companies, resident as well as non-resident, doing business In this state are required to file in this office by the 13th Inst, sworn reports showing their assets and liabilities and their Income for the preceding year, the total amount of their reserve fund now on hand, the number of certificates re deemed or paid, and the amount of money used therefor, and are alao re quired to make deposits of not less than $25 000 in United State*. State of Georgia, county or municipal bonds. WM. A. WRIGHT, Comptroller General of Georgia. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING COAL. Office of Savannah Water Works, Sa vannah, Oct. 31, 1904. —Sealed pro posals will be received at this office until Nov. 7, 1904, at 12 o’clock noon (city time) for furnishing f. o. b. Sa vannah water works (In box cars) 500 tons New River Steam Coal, free from slate and dirt, to be delivered not later that) Nov. 25, 1904. Coal to be wdghed on water works scales. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. U. KINSEY. Supt. Visitors to the Carnival should cat at Sommers' Cafe, Union Sta tion. The beat la nerved there. BULBS FOB FALL PLANTING Now I* the time to plant bulba. The flneet stock we have ever had. Ho man Hyacinth*. Taper White Nar cleaue, Yellow Trumpet Daffodils, and other favorites. Phones <s4. JOHN WOLF, ©U and Anderson sir sets. THE HARVEST SEASON IS NOW ON. The increase in new deposits for October has been greater than any other month during the past year. Many are appreciating: the advantages of a SAX INGS ACCOUNT. Some have delayed beginning—remember. “Time and tide waits on no man.” Begin this month and be in line for an introduction to our new home in the National Building Interest allowed for the full month if deposited by the 10th instant. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET, EAST, SAVANNAH GA. HERMAN MYERS, President. JNO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PAULSEN. Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT, Accountant. “A Shore Luncheon” that’s cooked to order —not the kind that’s been waiting - , but cooked and served sizzling from the coals, 75c. Thunderbolt Oysters in faultless style, served at all hours by the CASINO RESTAURANT. BUSINESS NOTICES. Deerfield Wafer. A light table water that blends well with liquors and gives a touch of elegance to a luncheon. A Pelmonieo gpod thing! Old Fashioned Lye Hominy —the true hominy flavor. THE PURE FOOD STORE. p£UMOINic 0 c ompan^ Bull and York. Phones 555 PROTECT Yourself & Your Horse from the rapidly approaching cold weather, by selecting fearly from our large stock, either a Plush Robe at $1.75 to sls; Wool Robes at $1.50 to $12.50; Broadcloth Robes at $3.95 to $20.00; Lehman Foot Warmers to $4.00; Horse Street Blanket at $2.50 to $8.00; Stable Blankets, 85c to $4.50; Rubber Horse Covers at $3.50 to $8.00; Aprons at SI.OO to $3.50; Ponchos $2.50, and many other necessary articles for automobiiists and driving parties. Cohen-Kalman Carriage and Wagon Co-, Largest Vehicle and Harness Dealers South. Bicycle Sundries The price Is cut here. Anything you need. Come see. G. W. THOMAS. Jefferson and Broughton Bane. CUPPING. Your horse should be clipped by FURLONG & SPALDING, CLIPPERS. STOVES and RANGES. CORNWELL & CIIIPMAN, 108 Congress Street, West. fe— —■ . t-i-l" 1 ■ ._i; i 1 '.J!— — SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICeT" All bills against the British steam ship Zlngara must be presented at our office before 12 o’clock noon this day. or payment thereof will be de barred. STRACHAN & CO., Agent*. Nov. , 1904. SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the Italian steam ship II Piemonte must be presented at our office before 12 o’clock noon this day. or payment thereof will be debarred. STRACHAN & CO., Agents. Nov. 3. 1904. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the Italian steamship Citta dl Nuova Orleans will be responsible for any debts contracted by her crew. STRACHAN & CO., Consignees. This is the only place in the city to send a full dress shirt. Opposite De Soto Hotel. Phone 700. SWEET MAIDEN Will always be popular. The name is sufficient to warrant It, and the quali ty of the soap is on a par with the name, and at 5 cents every purchaser is assured full value. For further par ticulars see Henry Solomon & Son. Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. Bell Phone K 49. Georgia Phone 657. Manufacturers and dealers In all binds ROUGH AND DRESSED YEL LOW PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES and LATHS, FLOORING, CEILING, FINISHING WEATHERBOARDING, and FRAMING. Stock always on hand in large quantities of regular stock size, or manufactured to order on short no tice. Shipments to the interior in mixed irarloail lots a specialty. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Oct. 20, 1902. Oct. 20, 1903. Oct. 20, 1904 $109,345.90 $391,725.29 $540,294.43 W U. W. MACMU. GEO. 4. BALDWIN, WM. V. DAVIS, President. Vii riMUwt kou'jr and Tnm BUSINESS NOTICES. New Dried Figs Large, soft and beautiful Figs. 5-pound boxes 85 cents. 20 cents single pound. Also PULLED FIGS. We solicit an order for this wholesome fruit, which is especially fine this season. A. M, & C. W, WEST. New Things FOR WEDDING GIFTS. Just received, a large and beautiful lot of ART VASES, JARDINIERES, ELECTRO LIERS, LAMPS, CUT GLASS PIECES AND SETS, and STERLING SILVER, In pieces, sets and cabinets. Let us show you. R. Van Keuren 6 Cos. JEWELERS, H3 Bull Street. /I ten-cent cigar for 5 cents is my claim. Pete Dailey You have not seen all the Fair Until you have seen our daily window displays. I. H. FRIEDMAN & CO., Bull and York Street*. 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS —ln th— Savings Department COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION IB REQUESTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. JOHN FLANNHRT, President HORACE A CHANEL Vic Presldsnt JAMES SULLIVAN. Caahlsr. No. 1640. Chartered 1844. The MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital $500,000 Surplus and undivided profits. 127,000 Total $827,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Cor porations, Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorab'e terms. Issues Time Certificates of Deposit bearing Interest Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President W. M THVANT. Cashier. MILLS B. LANE, President. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L, GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. Miliifiisifiisoiii RESOURCES. Sept 29, 1904. Loans and di5c0unt5...52,444,953 47 Stocks and bonds 179,500 00 Real estate and bank buildings 170,000 00 Due by banks 773,785 88 Cash 382,948 43 $3,951,187 78 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 500,000 00 Surplus and undivided Profits 325,854 64 Deposits 3,126,333 14 $3,9*1,187 78 The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH, GA CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS. 8500,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up ward. received in Saving* De partment Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY BLUN, President GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vico Prea. JOHN XI. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN, Assistant Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham Bank Is free from speculative dangers, yields an Income as large as la con sistent with conservative methods of banking, and Is at all times subject to the control of the denosltor. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Proa FRED. W. CI.ARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. The Latest Novelty. CHOC TELEPHONES THEY RING. Only 25 cts. BELSINGER & GROSS. PHONES 2BR. The Dayton $25 Bicycle has no equal—regardless of price. We would be pleased to have you call and see them. WALTER F. HIGGINS, President and Drayton.