The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 REPRIMANDS FOR OFFICERS mO WERE AT STATESBORO General Orders ond Executive Order Are Issued in Atlanta in Accordance With Court-Martial Findings. Atlanta, Nov. 10.—By the publica tion to-dav of General Orders No. 10, the lon* awaited public reprimand is administered to Lieut. George A. Mell of Company L and Lieut. Henry L. Griner of Company A, First Regiment, Infantry, In accordance with the find ings of the recent court-martial which met in Savannah. The general order deale with all the officers who were tried bv the court, Capt. Robt. M. Hitch, included, and in the appended executive order his commission is re voked, in accordance with the sentence of dismissal from the service. Those general orders were mailed to dav to every officer in the state serv- SYNOD WILL MEET NEXT AT GRIFFIN THAT PLACE WAS SELECTED HT i’HESBTTEHIAVS VOW IX SES SION AT UIBUSi. Synod of Georgia Wants a Presby terian Sw|ipr Established. Thinks One Is Needed, and Neigh boring Syrods Are Asked to Aid One—Proposed Presbyterian I'ni versity for Atlanta Received In dorsement. Dublin, Ga.. Nov. 10.—The next ses sion of the synod of Georgia will be held at Griffin, that city to-day being unanimously selected. The synod went on record as being heartily in favor of a Presbyterian newspaper projected for this state by Dr. T. E. Converse of Louisville, Ky. The neighboring syn ods have been ahked to help support the paper. To-day a number of ministers made addresses on various subjects. A resolution touching the consolida tion of the Presbyterian universities and establishing a big university at Atlanta, was adopted. It was recom mended that two directors for the con solidated university be elected. This election has not yet taken place. To-night addresses on foreign mis sions were made by Dr. S. H. Chester of Nashville, Tenn., and Rev. L. C. Vass, missionary to Africa. The synod will adjourn to-morrow night. THE WEATHER. Morning News barometer, Nov. 10. 11:80 p. m 30.00 Morning News thermometer, Nov. 10. 11:30 p. m 64 Washington, Nov. 10.—Forecast for Friday and Saturday: South Carolina—Rain and colder Fri day; fresh to brisk west to northwest winds; Saturday fair. Georgia—Partly cloudy Friday, prob ably rain in north and east portions; colder; Saturday, fair; fresh to brisk west to northwest winds. . Western Florida—Fair, colder Fri day; Saturday fair; fresh to brisk north winds. Eastern Florida—ltaln Friday, cold er in extreme northern portion; Sat urday probably fair; variable winds. Yesterday's weather at Savannah- Maximum temperature, 3 P- m 71 degrees Minimum temperature, 7 * m 56 degrees Mean temperature 64 degrees Normal -empenature 61 degrees Excess of temperature 3 degrees Accumulated excess since Nov - I 7 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 2.56 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal 07 inch Excess since Nov. 1 1.14 inches Deficiency since Jan. 1.. ..9.10 inches River Report—The hlght of the Sa vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m. (75th meridian time) yesterday, was 6.6 feet, a fail of 0.2 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same mo ment of time, Nov. 10, 1904. 8:00 p. m.. 76th meridian time. Name of Station, j T j Vt | R. Boston, clear I 42 liw TOO New York city, raining ...1 42 !NE .02 Philadelphia, raining j 44 NE .14 Washington city, raining ,| 46 N ' .12 Norfolk, clear 54 ,ne .0.1 J?£) tte , ra *’ dew 62 8W .00 Wilmington, cloudy 62 !8 .00 Charlotte, pt cldy 58 W .00 Raleigh, cloudy 58 se .00 Asheville, clear 48 n .00 Charleston, cloudy 64 js 00 Atlanta, clear 52 NW !oo Augusta, clear 64 W .00 Savannah, cloudy 64 8W .00 Jacksonville, cloudy 64 is .00 Jupiter, raining 68 |e .iS Key West, cloudy 68 NE .02 Tampa, raining S NE 02 Mobile, cloudy 56 |N .00 Montgomery, pt cldy 56 NW .00 Vicksburg, clear 48 |N .00 New Orleans, clear 58 IN 00 Galveston, clear 56 N .00 Corpus Christi, cloudy .... 56 N .00 Palestine, clear 44 NWi .00 Memphis, cloudy 46 In .00 Cincinnati, raining 40 N .22 Memphis, cloudy 46 |W | .00 Buffalo, cloudy |3O IN I T Detroit, clear 134 |jg 1 00 Chicago, cloudy 38 N 00 Marquette, clear 30 NW .00 St. Paul, clear | 32 |NW .00 Davenport, cloudy : 3g |NB i T St. Louis, cloudy | .. |n | x Kansas City, cloudy 138 |N I lo Oklahoma, clear 34 NW .00 Dodge City, snowing |24 N | .02 North Platt.-, dear 22 N , T H. O. B over. Local Forecaater. Feaster Accidentally Killed. Ocala, Fla., Nov. 10.— J. R. Feaster, foreman at Ross mines at Holder, Cit rus county, was accidently killed to day. His remains were sent to his relative* in North Carolina. TO ( I KK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablet!. All drugglat* refund the money If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's siguuture is on each box. 28c. This Is foe fns. Don't forget the letter from the Florence CriUenton Miealon. Remem ber those that need your help, R by tteiplng others that we make our sßm happy. Che dollar a yesi is Jau* aa glady retsived as tan.- ad, ice. Thev cover ten pages of printed matter, and after setting forth all the charges In each case, followed by the findings and sentences of the court, conclude with an executive order, sign ed by Gov. Terrell, carrying the sen tences Into effect. Relative to the public reprimand the following from Gov. Terrell’s order is the only thing that is said on the sub ject: "In executing the sentence imposed by the court-martial in the case of Lleuts. George A. Moll and Henry L. Griner, the fact of the findings and sentence of the court and the publi cation of this order is deemed a suffi cient compliance with so much of the sentence as required a public repri mand." CASTOR! A Foe infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought FUNERAL INVITATIONS. COOPER—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Cooper are in vited to attend the funeral of their infant son, George, from No. 513 In dian street, at 3:30 o'clock this after noon. LLOYD—The friends and acquaint ances of Dr. S. P. Lloyd, W. H. Lloyd and J. D. Lloyd,are respectful ly Invited to attend the funeral of the latter from the First Congregational Church this Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock. MEETINGS. PALESTINE COMMANDER* NO. 7, K. T. Attention Sir Knights: A regular conclave of this com- * *, mandery will be held this (Friday) evening at your asylum, Masonic Temple, at 8:15 o'clock. < Order of Temple. t fsitlng Sir Knights are cordially in vited to attend. By order of w - STUBBS, Eminent Com. ■ S. ROCKWELL. Recorder. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, MIS TLETOE CAMP NO. 4. The regular meeting will be held this (Friday) evening at 8:15 o'clock m the lodge room, K. of p. Hall. All members are earnestly invited to at tend. Business of importance. Protec tion Degree will be given. By order E. T. BURDELL, C. C. R. J. STEWART. Sec y. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO SUPERIOR COURT JU RORS. The petit jurors below named will appear in court at 10 o’clock this (Friday) morning, to wit: Vaisberg Asendorf, Winn, Wm. H., Wickham Jordan. Behr. Friedman, Gaudry. Ef/T* Tietjen, Jr., Howard, Stewart Winn. Fleming W„ Brandon, Vinson, Kehoe, Thomas. Honour, Bartlett, Sehiobaum, Bryan. Tatem, Bregler. Wood. By order of His Honor Judge Cann. JAMES K. P. CARR. Clerk 8, C- C. C.. Ga. LIMES OF THE VALLEY, American Beauty Roses, Double Violets. Something extra handsome are these products of our greenhouse. JOHN WOLF, Phones 634. Pit and Anderson Sts. KIXS—2O 07,.— BALDWINS APPLES. Order from us. We can please you. COLLINS, GRAYSON & CO. Both phones 244. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. Large stock bright new goods. Special prices. Also Lime. Cement Plaster, etc. Georgia Phone. 347; Bell ’Phone, 425. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO. SALE OF STAI.LS IX THE MARKET City Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga.. Nov. 10. 1904.—The stalls in the market building will be offered for rent at public outcry on WEDNES DAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF DE CEMBER, 1904, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Parties desiring to retain their stalls and renting by the year will have the preference, but must be on hand and respond promptly. By order Committee on Market. HENRY E. DREESON, City Marshal. POPULAR BRANDS. The celebrated “White Rose" Lime. "Atlas Portland" and “Rosendale" Ce ment. Atlas Ready Mixed Paint, su perior to anything on the market. ANDREW HANLEY CO. INSURANCE. Phone 219 for Fire, Tornado, Ma rine, Life, Accident and Sickness In surance. All other forma of insurance effected. W. T. HOPKINS. Agent, 18 Brvnn street, east. Chna. Ingleshy. Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Remington Standard Typewriter is still the standard. Durability, ease of operation, simplicity, and the fact that you can put It in your inventory are Its chief merits. See the latest models before buying a machine. R. M. HULL, Sole Denier for Savannah, 10 Drayton St. Provident Building. BULBS. Dutch and Homan Hyacinths, Nar cissus, daffodils. Jonquils and freealas. A. C. OECBCHIU A SON, Both phones 4 96. Leave orders with J. Gardner, Agt., 18 Broughton street, east. COTTON 1$ ALL MIGHT. I dye cotton juat aa good as wool. Lace dyed to match any dreaa. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents' finite and Overcoata dyed or cleaned to perfection. RUn keta and lace curtains Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN* NEW YORK DTE works, Whitaker and fitsta •t reals BeO phones 941 tfeuh- Ushed SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1904. The span of life is ever smooth for those who use Cortez Cigars. Red Lion Courage Gin Restores lost energy, and Is Al Blood maker. Retailed at 25 and 50 cent* per bottle according to size. Henry Solomon & Son supply the trade. BISINESS NOTICES. New York Cash Grocery Cos., 129 Congress Street, West. See these prices. Look al your pass book and see what you ran save by spending your money with us. First arrival of the celebrated Sweet Clever Hams and Strips. This meat is iincamascd and you get clear weight of meat. Wo ask 10c jer pound for sante. Our 12Vic Sugar Cured Hnms, guaranteed, are a bargain. Our 22e Pure Butter is the best in the city. Try a pound of it. Try our Snowdrift Lard, in one pound cartons, 10c each. Our new Maine Sugar Com is the best. tOo can. Our new Succotash. !5c per can. New Lima Beans 10c per can. Our new Pure Fruit Jams, 3 for 25c. Our sliced and Pineapple chunks. In loaf sugar syrup. 2 cans for 250. ImjKirted Kippered Herring. 13c can. Just think of it—Wiiite Clover Honey in one-potind cartons, at 10c. DRIED FRUITS. 1-pound jiaekages best Seed Rai sins. 10c; 3 for 23c. Fancy loose Raisins, 10c pound three for 25c. 1 pound cleaned Currants, 10c; 3 for 25c. Best Citron, Orange or Lemon Peel, 18c pound. pound boxes Bunch Raisins 15c bow 2>4 pound boxes Fancy Raisins 30c box. New Walnuts, Pecans, Butter, Al monds. 18c pound. New Shelled Almonds 85c pound. New Shelled Pecans 45c pound. New Edam Cheese 85c each. FRESH FRUITS. 1.000 Tangerines or Glove Skin Or anges. 12c dozen. Fine Sweet Florida Oranges 15c dozen. Fancy eating Apples 40e peek. Fancy Indian River Grapefruit 30c, 50e. 75 c and SI.OO dozen. This is one article we are headquar ters for—Terrapin Meat 250 can. Imported Sardines, % boxes, 24 fish to box, 10c box. Pare Apple Jelly In full pound glasses, 10c. NEW SAMP. Mother's Oats Hecker’s Oats, 10c per package. Georgia Syrup, something fancy, 10c gallon. S-pound packages Buckwheat !sc; 0 pounds 25c. Maple Syrup in quart bottles 25c. VEGETABLES. Fresh Cucumbers. lettuce, Beets, Cabbage, Onions. Potatoes, Okra and Bell Peppers, and In fact every vege table on the market at a cut price for cash. We will have on Saturday morn ing a lot of home-made Potato Salad, which we will retail at 15c per pound. SPECIAL NOTICES. Savannah, Nov. 11. 1904. Owners, buyers or sellers securities, I want to buy and will pay here for 5,000 Savannah 5 per cent. bonds, due 1909 103% 5.000 Chatham county 5 per cent, bonds, due 1919 103 100 shares Southwestern Rail road stock 116% 50 shares Augusta and Savan nah Railroad stock 116 2,000 Eatonton Branch Railroad bonds 109% 2,000 Middle Georgia and Atlan tic Railroad bonds 110% 5.000 Central Georgia consols.. ..111 % 50 shares Citizens Bank stock.. .159% Fractions Central Georgia in comes, bought 3 and 5 per cent, or points under New York price, for 1,000 25 shares Merchants National Bank stock 102% Offer me any Southern Bank or Na tional Bank. Savannah or Oglethorpe Savings stock. These are too gilt edged for me to part you. and 1 want 5,000 first incomes, second Incomes or third incomes in blocks 6,000, bought % points under New York bid price. JAMES HUNTER, Broker. Room 1 Sorroi Building, only one flight up. no danger from elevator. you use stairs. SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Public in General: All par ties having furniture or goods stored with Savannah District Messenger and Delivery Company will please call and settle their accounts, as the present manager and owner would like to straighten out the business. BENTON TRANSFER CO., Successor to 8. I>. M. * D. CO. 325 W. Broughton, cor. Montgomery. Both l’liones_Xo. 2. TO CAPTAINS. MASTERS, MATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York, Boston, Phila delphia and other daily newspapers; weekly Journals and monthly maga zines: hooka and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and ink. —at — KSTILL'K NEWS DEPOT, 18 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. 8. Custom House). SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS. 19 York, West. Cleaning, Dyeing. Preying. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1146. Ga. Phone 1264. NOTICE. All bills against the British steam ship Bedouin must be present**<l at our office on or In-fore 11 noon this day. or payment thereof will be de barred. WILLIAMSON A RACERS Agents. Savannah, (la., Nov. 11, 1904. BISINESS NOTICES. FLOWER SEEDS. \ new line of freslv seeds lust reeelved. . None better can be had anywhere. Nasturtium, Sweet Peas, Pansy, Pinks, Poppy, Etc. All varieties popular in Savannah. Quick messengers to de liver your purchases. SOLOMONS 801 l Congress aD< l I.IJ, >nd Charlton. * Barnard. Always Attractive Tills store shows the most complete* Hite I fine leather goods. /. H. FRIEDMAN 6 CO., Bull and York Streets. The Latest Novelty. GHOG TELEPHONES THtY RING. Only 25 cts. BELSINGER & GROSS. PHONES 205. FURNACES CORNWELL & CHIPMAN, 108 Congress, West. DAYTON BICYCLES $25.00 “Are your money's worth.*’ Twelve Months Guaranteed. WALTER F. HIGGINS, President - Dray ton. SPECIAL NOTICES. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. CORNED BEEF. SAUERKRAUT. M. S. GARDNER. LEVY'S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT, by paying your bills on or be fore the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY. BRO. * CO. \ Kitnu'K cafe. First-class restaurant. Popular price*. Dinner*, with wine, beer or coffee, 25 cent*. Try It once. 12-44 Barnard Street. INMI'RANCK. FI HE. STOIIM, MAIIIVK W. M. H)Mi;V A 00., (kali I*hone# ST, So, IN Bar Ml. K. Genuine Texas Pfigjil Seed Oats. V Wjw Seed Rye. GRAPE FRUIT and ORANGES. Cranberries. Pineapples. W. D. Simkins & Cos. THE HARVEST SEASON IS NOW ON. The increase in new deposits for October has been greater than any other month during the past year. Many are appreciating the advantages of a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Some have delayed beginning—remember, “Time and tide waits on no man.” Begin tills month and be in line for an introduction to our new home in the National Building Interest allowed for the full month If deposited by the 10th instant. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET, EAST, SAVANNAH GA. HERMAN MYERS, President. .IXO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. 9 .IACOB PAULSEN, Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT. Accountant. “A Shore Luncheon” that’s cooked to order- -not the kind that’s been waiting-, but cooked and served sizzling from the coals, 75c. Thunderbolt Oysters in faultless style, served at all hours bv the CASINO RESTAURANT . BUSINESS NOTICES. MMMgaMßMaßaaaHHaaaHaHaaHaHaaHaaaaßnHHßi Demonstration of Columbian Cream now going on at the Pure Food Store. It is used in Deimonlco's Mocha and Java and Tryphosa Gelatine to demonstrate its superior qualities. Visitors cordially welcomed. RICH'S PEANUT BRITTLE. RICH'S COCOAM T BRITTLE. RICH'S CRYSTALLIZED GIN GER. RICH'S PRESERVED GiNGER. THE PURE FOOD STORE. PELMONICq -<Or~ c OMPANt Bull and York. Phones 555 Save a Dollar when you can on footwear. What is the use of paying 85.00 for a pair of shoes, gen tlemen, when 34.00 will se cure as good an article. We know there are some people who prefer to pay the 35.00, and these will continue to do so: but we appeal to the men who want the good ar ticle at the lowest possible cost.We want this trade and can readily demonstrate our ability to supply the goods as stated. We offer you the closest margin of profit on reliable, strictly up-to-date shoes. Don't you want to see them? C. F. CLER 16 East Broughton. [fit Panto Cigars j|S The same yesterday, to-day and forever, The Term “ Artistic Jewelry ” means much or little. Discriminating people of artistic taste can be afforded pleasure by an in spection of stock. We have the very newest de signs in Brooches, Pendants, Hat Pins, etc., Egyptian and Japanese motives in diamond, pearl and en ameled combinations, the acme of the jeweler’s art. Theus & Cos. i— . 1 : —•- •'''!! Send us your dress shirts to-day (Fri day). Wewilllaun der them beautiful ly and return them to-morrow. Opposite De Soto Hotel. Pijoue 700, No. 1640. Chartered 1866. The MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital 3600,000 Surplus and undivided profits. 127,000 Total • ••••••• (to ee • • e-e •• • 3827.000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Cor porations. Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issues Time Certifies use of Deposit bearing interest. Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. Do You Wear Glasses? You can got a fit hero just as well as you enn anywhere else and the cost Is but $1.25, Against $2.50 charged elsewhere. If you have an occullst’s pre scription let us fill it. IjflsjH Livingston’s Pharmacy, 26 West Broughton. Mill-Haven Cos., Savannah, Ga. Bell Phone 1 49. Georgia Phone 657. Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds ROUGH AND DRESSED YEL LOW PINK LUMBER. SHINGLES and LATHS, FLOORING, CEILING, FINISH ING WEATHERBOARDING, and FRAMING. Stock always on hand in large quantities of regular stock size, or manufactured to order on short no tice. Shipments to the Interior In mixed carload lots a specialty. The Good Kind You get the best bicycle repair ing here at very low prices. G. W. THOMAS. Jefferson and Broughton Lane. Our Club Sandwiches are the real two-story sandwiches. Everything you get her* is Just right. SOMMERS' CAFE, Union Stalina. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Oct. 20, 1902. Oct. 20. 1903. Oct. 20, 1904 $109,345.90 $391,725.29 $540,294.43 U. U MACHALL GEO. J RAI.DWIN. \YU. V. DAVIS, PreeUlrnt. Vim Friahtent Sac’jr and Teens, IF you want to see the Best $lO Suit in this city go to FALK’S “AROUND THE CORNER." DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION 18 REQUROTH TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OI SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR, JOHN FLANNIRT, PrwidenL HORACE A CRANK Vlca Urtolil—f JAMES SULLIVAN. Caahl*r. MILLS B. LANE, President QEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Aaat. Cashier. ntQlMtttfM RESOURCES. Sept 29, 1904. Loans and discounts... Stocks and bonds ...... 179,509 00 Real estate and bank buildings 170,006 00 Due by bank5......778.788 88 Cash 382.948 43 33.961.187 71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 800,000 00 Surplus and undivided „ profits 3 88,88 4 6 4 Deposits ..,,,,,,3,125,383 14 33.951.187 78 The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH, GA CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS, SBOO, JOG Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and up wards received In Savings De partment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY BLtJN. President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vlca Free, JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN, a— Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THB — Chatham Bank I* free from spoculittiro dangers, yields an Income aa large aa la own* •latent with conserratlve method of hanking, nnd Is at all times subject to the central of the depositor. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CCNNINGHAM. JR.. Vice Fm FRED. W. CI.ARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. CMhter. 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS —la the- Savings Department COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. OLE NBWSPAPKRS. *OO FOR eenta, at Business Office, MomJn# Neva t