The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 13, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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14 WANTED TO SERVE FOR GRANDSON ASKED GOVERNMENT LAWYER ro LET HER SERVE TIRE RATHER THAR THAT SMALL BOY snoi'LD. Called Attention to the Faet That George Devldion, Colored, Hod Neither Father Nor Mother— Begged to Be Allowed to Pay the Penalty of Hie Aliened Crime— Pitiful Plea of Old Negro Woman Succeeded in Getting Her Grand eon Temporary Liberty. > *‘Oh Lordy, Mister District Attor ney, don’ sen' him up, don’ sen' him up. Jes' let me go, lert me go. Ise ready t’ do the time. De good Lor’ Knows Ise ready t’ do de time.” With these words the aged grand mother of George Davidson, the 12- year old colored boy accused of rob bing the branch office at Liberty and Price streets, pleaded with Special As sistant Attorney General William R. for mercy, yesterday. In the simple belief that all the law requir ed was that someone do service for the offense that had been committed, she asked that she be sent to the peni tentiary rather than the small boy who had been entrusted to her care. Without this unusual ending to the dase, little interest would have at tached to It. The witnesses for the government were positive In their statements and the chain of circum stantial evidence gradually threw a net around both of the defendants that they were unable to throw off. Con viction seems certain and no course was open to the commissioner other tWan that of binding both defendants over to the federal grand Jury. The defendants were Benjamin John Robinson, a negro boy about 20 years of age, and George Davidson, a negro not more than 12 years. Robinson was a clerk in the drug store and branch postoffloe at Price and Liberty streets and Davidson was an errand boy and boot black, having his stand just out side the store. Clerk Eating Oysters. The evidence brought out in the case disclosed the fact that at 11 o’clock, an hour when there was little busi ness to occupy the attention of the clerk of the branch office, he and a number of his friends assembled for an oyster repast. How long this revel continued the evidence did not state, but it is at least certain that It lasted until midnight. During the time this was going on, Robinson is alleged to have been In the vicinity of the safs, though there was no direct evidence to prove that he had tampered with the strong box, Davidson claims he was in another part of the store, and he never went near the safe, where the money was kept. On Sunday afternoon Robinson failed to appear for work. Shortly after It was found there was about *lB miss ing from the safe, the greater part of it in money orders. Robinson was at once arrested and during the examina tion he stated Davidson had received as much as he had from the proceeds. Grandmother Wants to Serve. The above, and other evidence, com bined to make the case against the boy a dark one. and even his aged grandmother, who has cared for him Blnce the death of his parents, saw he was certain to be held for the federal grand jury. She could restrain her feelings no longer and began begging to be allowed to serve the time instead of tlis boy. "Please let me go to Jail and turn him loose, she begged. "Oh Lordy, Mister District Attorney, don’ sen’ him up, don’ sen' him up. Jes* let me go, Jes let me go. Ise ready t’ do the time. Do good Lori knows Ise ready t’ do the time. Please let him go. Mister At . to vT ej l- e ’ B done los’ his mammy an his daddy and he sure not guilty.” Oyer and over the plea was entered and at last the government’s officer agreed to let the old woman, who owns some property, go on the boy's bond In the sum of *2OO. When this was furnished hs was set free, though he must face the federal grand Jury dur ing the latter part of this month. Rob inson was turned over to the Chatham county Jailor to await the action of the United States grand Jury In his OftM. Thr Want a Name. Th* Globe Shoe Cos., in Uhls Issue of the Morning News, offers $6 in gold and ft pair of shoes to the man or woman who will suggest a suitable name for ft new shoe which they expect to put on the market the first of the coming year. The present members of the firm. A*r. J. A. Vamedoo and Mr. A. I* Well are wide-awake shoe dealers, the former having an experience of more than twenty years in shoes, and the tremendous sales which they have made on standard manufacturings of shoes leads them to the conclusion that they can make even a greater success ■with their own shoes. This company believe* that to place a man’s and woman’s shoe on this market with spe cial regard for the local demand, will enable them to meet every objection urged against some of the very best sellers, and objections which cannot be oorrected with shoes made to sell in •very part of America. The new shoe will be distinctly Southern, and will be made in every color and kind of leather, and will be of the quality and finish of th# regu lar J* shoes sold all over the United States. The Olobe Shoe 00. hopes to •et a precedent by establishing the new tfooc at $l5O. The name that the com pany wishes suggested must be such a. name as will embrace both men’s and women’s shoes, and contestants may be from any city or section of the country South. • ■. Louis and Return. Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets from Savannah to Bt. Louis at above very low rate on each Tuesday and Thursday In November limited to ten days. The best route and service. Call at or 'phone City Ticket Office. 141 Bull street, for in formation. —ad. Reantlfal Rose Bashes. Ail 2 years old. Very handsome. Just received from Virginia. Will be sold very reasonable. Apply Llppman Drug Company, Lippman Block.—ad. et.: 1 . 1 _ PBHSORAL. ONE-POUND BOX ed randies or chocolates, ttr, at liet -I*tl< h’s, ltd State street, west. ring up Georgia no. ibiTlet us furnish you with good lights before you get company for ths ’’Oarnlvsl;’' the "lgnlto” <n't bo matched, b- Xmum you need no malchsa LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW FRAMES. INTERIOR FINISH . YELI.OW PINE. WHITE PISTE. OAK. ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash, Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Bryno and Whitaker St.. Factory: Lathrop avenue and O. S. S. Cos. wharves. CLASSIFIED ALVEfiIISEMEfITSi PERSONAL. "Y SEND NORTH" FOR HAIR goods? We have the hair, we have the skill, and we can beat their prices. Mail orders for becoming. youthful and fine iitting toupees for gentle men, or wigs for ladies for daily, stage or private detective use, promptly till ed. End the jokes and drawbacks of a bald head, when seeking for a bet ter thing, commercial or otherwise, by sending for our catalogue; it is tree. Address America's Cheapest Hair Company, Savannah, Ga. GIVE US A TRIAL IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or maehin ery of any kind. Mingledorff & Cos. WILEN.SK Y, JEWELER AND Op tician, is selling at reduced prices at his opening sale, 244 Broughton, west. Bring your repairing along; satisfac tion guaranteed. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN izer, sells the best tire on the market for $3. Sundries at lowest prices. 324 West Broad. Both ’phones. KIMBALL’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC ring is giving relief to the many that use them. Why continue to suffer when so simple a remedy can be got ten? J. Gardner, Agent, 18 Broughton street, east. GOLDEN OAK ROCKER, *1.24; A *3 value; in special sale Monday at the Rhodes-Havertjt Furniture Company. IF YOU HAVE A WEDDING present to buy take advantage of our honest prices; our sterling sliver nov elties are of latest designs. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker street. ' FOLD JNO CA RTS, *2.50 AT MlL ler's; this is g'o-cart headquarters; over 60 patterns to select from; hot stuff stoves and oil heaters. 207 Brough ton street, west. HAKTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES are getting scarce this early In the season; advanced to *2.96 each; gold tish three for a quarter. At Gard ner’s, is Broughton street, east. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT” CURES coughs, colds, croup, and all bronchial troubles; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. “ SAVANNAH STOVE CO., CORNER Barnard and State, carries the largest and finest stock of Btoves, ranges and heaters in Savannah; nuff sed. ” STORE YOUR FURNITURE WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both 'phones 2, corner Montgomery and Broughton street. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN try; If you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draying lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagons are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railways; now, boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash; guaranteed twelve months. 612-520 Hull street, west; also Deer'- ing mowers, rakes and repai£s. FOB SEWING MACHINES OF ALL kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer son; needles, oil In bulk or bottle. SWEET, PEAS,” “POPPYi DAISY and other flower seed; plant food; bone flower and pots at Gardner’s, 18 Broughton street, east. G. O. FENTON, DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson and York lane. FIVS-POUND BOXES FINE A& sorted candy, 75c, *l, and *1.50, at Het terlch'a 110 State street, west. DID TOT} KNOW WE HAVE THE largest stock of tires In Savannah? Williams Bicycle Company, T SELL. BUY. EXCHAN&E. RE pair or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. O. O. Penton. YOU CAN'T DO BETTER TITAN to buy a ball bearing "New Home" sewing machine. 119 Whitaker, corner State street. A. J. Pursley, agent. MUSLIN CURTAIfIS 6tT CENTS? ruffted net curtains $1.75; portieres at $2.50; eee our Smyrna rug at $1.25; se lect designs of curtains, portieres and rugs in the better grades. Miller’s, 207 Broughton, west. THOMPSON'S TRANSFER CO? call and get price of our beautiful fourhorse team for a straw and a day’s outing. If it Is business you want Instead of pleasure let ua call and make estimate for moving. Bag gage called for and delivered. Office 210 Whitaker street, Savannah. Ua. Bell ’phone. 184; Oa., 1717. MATTRESSES RENOVATED $1; mattresses renovated $1; mattresses renovated $1; mattresses renovated $1; mattresses renovated $1; mattresses renovated sl. Bell 2171. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED. 1 will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at $1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell 'phone 1138; Georgia 'phone 2841. HAVING OVERHAULED MY shop, equipping it with the best ma chines. tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of its patronage In wheelwrighting, blacksmlthlng, horse shoeing. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Ju lian. "SAVANNAH STOVE COMPANY, corner Barnard and State sella the charter oak ranges; miff sed. THE BEST JEWELRY AT THE Cheapest price at J. & C. N. Thomas; we handle fine goods and do not get fancy prlres. "WATCH 88. CUDCXt AN DLADIEB stick pins, brooches, necklaces, rings, hair pins and all kinds of Jewelry at J. & C. N. Thomas, corner State and Whitaker. GREEN. THE EXI’ERT VITLCAN ixer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me, $24 Weil Broad; Jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia ’phono, 1834. Bell. 2130. $2.95 RATTAN ROCKC3R. FULL roll weave, other* ask 83 |ier cent, more for It; handsome couches $7.50; leather couches and fancy rocksrs. Miller's. 207 Broughton street, west. TRUNKS REPAIRED AND Cov ered; satchels repuJrcd and covered; suit-case* repaired; urnbrcllua repair ed and covered, by skill workmen. Chatham Trunk Factor*.'. Broughton and Abcrcorn streets) Georgia ’phone 1011. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they ere tlie same as near, bee him oa Whitaker, near York. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1904. PERSONAL. FOR STORING. PACKING. Snip ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general drtiyage a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both ’phones 2. SAVANNAH STOVE CO., CORNER Barnard and State, repairs stoves and range; nuff sed. Georgia ’phone 2853, Bell 1125. A.CANEVET. FRENCH SHOEM'aK’- er, 309 Broughton, west: the cheapest place In town to buy shoes, because his rent Is low, and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit 2l u ‘ AT $1724. A GOLD EN OA K~ ROCK er, upholstered seat, beautifully carved, *3 value; on sale Monday at Rhodes- Haverty Furniture Company. WE ~ CUT ANY AND EVERY price. Williams Bicycle Company, the cut rate house. M. A. STOKES’ RIBBON STORE will sell you Bailey's Violet Talcum Powders at 8c box, 75c dozen; this pow der is just as good as any in Savan nah; pure white hemstitched handker chiefs 35c dozen for ladies’, 40c dozen for men's; see them; men's ladies’ and children’s seamless hose 2 pair for 15c, worth 15c pair. “ HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterich’s, 110 State street, west. ~ D. NT THOMASON, AGENT; STOVE expert, has severed his connection' with Thomason & Hahn Stove Company, and has removed to 139 Jefferson, where he carries full line stoves and ranges, cheaper than ever. Old stoves taken In exchange. Repairing a spec ialty; best material used In jobs; best workmanship; prompt attention to work. Bell ’phone 966; Georgia 2807. HAVING SOLD THE “NEW Home” sewing machine in Savannah the past eighteen years, I still guar antee satisfaction. A, J. Pursley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State street. CHIN A MATTINGS 12% CENTS* 15 cents, 19 cents, 25 cents and up; pri vate patterns in Japanese mattings; stair carpets and art squares; see our 9x12 Axminsters and velvets. Miller’s, 207 Broughton street, west. OLD CARPETS CLEANED ON THE floor; old carpets cleaned on the floor; old carpets cleaned on the floor; old carpets cleaned on the floor; old carpets cleaned on the floor; all the original colors restored as good as new. Beil 2171. REPAIRING WATCHES AND ALL kinds of jewelry attended to promptly by J. & C. N. Thomas, corner Whit aker and State streets. DANIEL A. HOLLAND ■ REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York. FRESH GOODS” ARRIVED FROM China arid Japan; lacquered papier mache articles; bronzes for charms and ornament; china ware, fine bamboo bas kets, silk fancy handerchiefs and scarfs, curious toys, extra teas and lilies; prices reasonable. Kee Chung Cos., 148 Barnard street. TRUNKS, SATCHELS, SUITV eases, club bags, for half you pay oth ers. Chatham Trunk Factory, Broughton, corner Abercorn streets. CHRISTMAS IS COMING; WE sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhine wine at 50 cents bottle; pure blackberry and chlantl wine, 65 cents; other imported wines and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a call. Trapani, Barnard-State. A.CANEVET, FRENCH SHOEMAK er, agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes, *4; my price, *2.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale; repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. M. A. STOKES’ RTBBON STORE has all the latest shades of satin rib bon, 4 Inches wide at 15c per yard; don’t forget, we sell you any ribbon you want at half wihat others can or will; specialty In ribbon from lc to 25c per, yard; mall orders promptly HUM; write for samples. Ht>T STUFF NOT ALWAYS healthy. I do not use electricity In clipping horses. Why? Ask me. Horse shoeing brought almost to perferction. Why? A1 material and workmanship. Try me. Monahan, Horseshoer and Clipper. I LIKE TOREP AIR PARTICULAR things; I like to take your watch or clock and clean it if It is necessary or repair it as it should be; my work is perfect; you’ll not be disappointed in the way I do what is to be done; just try me. E. W. Sylvan, with Stern berg & Cos., Broughton street. SHOES HALF SOLED ANDHEEL ed for 50 cents while you wait; best whit oak leather used. D. Epstein, 112 Drayton street. Georgia’ phone 2808. BEDfcOOM SUITS, OR credit,” at Miller’s; sideboards and din ing tables; try us once, we'll meet you half way in price and quality. 207 Broughon, west. DANIEL A.” HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents btcyclos of every kind. Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new for sale. HORSESHOEING AND ELEC tric clipping; latest Improved machin ery; an expert clipper in charge: we guarantee satisfaction. Clements A Heagarty, 149 West Broad, near Ogle thorpe. “STORES AND RESIDENCES IN the country can have as good lights as the city, at much less cost, by ad dressing the Ignito Cos., under Masonic Temple. Savannah. Ga. PHOTOGRAPHY. NO GREEN OR COLORED MEN, but a white man. an expert frame maker, makes frames, at Wilson's Photo Studio, 111 Whitaker street; re member “the old reliable” Wilson’s Studio and the new location. 111 Whit aker, Just south of Broughton. THE Ft)l .TZ STU DU >, AT 116 BULL street, is again ready for business, after being entirely remodeled; a pow erful skylight has been Installed, and Improved accessories huve been added to this already up-to-date studio, so that we are now better able than ever to produce the highest grade of photographic and at popular prices, developing, printing and en larging for amateurs In the greatest promptness consistent with good work. MOOBE’9 STUDIO, 107 BRbUGH ton street, west. Is the place to go for good, honest work; all work exhibited Is done right here In our studio, and the work you see in our show cases Is Just what you get from the studio; our fine cabinets at $3 per dosen will please you; try us and be convinced. MEDICAL. 'TnIREiT'IEAIHNG INDT9PENSU ables for best ladles and beat girls; stamps taken; all great Easier™ goods and guaranteed; artificial skins, 25c; Dental Dust for teeth, 25c; and Pc trolnsh for skin eruptions, IRe; quoted prices to Jan. 1. Great Eastern Chem ical rv>. SISTERS IN DESPAIR; SPEEDY relief; abnormal suppression any cause; write for remedy; safe, sine. Dr. Martha M. Walks* Cos.. 163 Mate, Uhlcagftk La I>l US WHEN IN NEED REND for free trial of otlr never fa I ling rem edy; relief quick and safe. Paris Chemical Cos., Milwaukee, Wls, ' KNAI’PH EXPECTORANT Iff A meifleiitg of msrlt, th* most popular preparation fur cough* and colds, at drug *lor*s SS and 54 efttits. Some Exquisite Things In Hand-Made Hammered Brass. Wood Baskets, Coal Vases, Um brella Stands, Jardinieres, and Other Useful Articles. These are all high-grade work, handsome In design and finish. Fireplace Furniture. Wrought Iron and Brass Fire Dogs, lire Sets, Vases, Tongs, Fenders, Shovels, etc. Oil Heaters. The Barler in all sizes—the best heater made. No dirt, smell nor smoke. Easy to operate and very economical. Wedding Gifts. More of them than ever before, and the richest and most elegant assortment anywhere. Libbey's Cut Glass The only kind for Wedding Gifts. Come and see for yourself. Thos. West & Cos., ii Broughton Street, West. PROFESSIONAL, COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHER, located at Room 18, Board of Trade; Georgia ’phone 1950. HELP WANTED—MALE. ADLER'S WANT TWO SALES men for their furniture and carpet departments. Positions are open for immediate acceptance. GOOD BOYS MAY HAVE STEADY positions at Adler's department store; character and energy are essential. Apply at once. WANTED, EXPERIENCED EN try clerk for wholesale dry goods house. Apply P. O. Box 416. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS BILL sawyer for circular mill, steam feed; 60,000 feet capacity; good wages. Apply with references to A5, Morning News. WANTED, 2 DRIVERS, 3 WArT ers, I man cook, 1 hall man, 1 white chambermaid, 3 women cooks, 4 house girls, 3 nursegirls, 1 butler, 1 grocer porter, 3 city salesmen, I experienced collector, 3 maids for Tampa, 4 wait ers for Palm Beach. Wandell’s, 209 Jefferson street. WANTED, 27 TEACHERS, MALE and female, to register for immediate and spring positions, on our coupon plan. Interstate Teachers’ Bureau, At lanta, Ga. WANTED, CHEROOT ROLLERS— No suction; steady work and good pay; cheap rates to Tampa, account South Florida Fair. E. J. Lynch, P. O. Box 624, Tampa, Fla. ” WANTED, SALESMAN ALREADY traveling to carry linseed oil and paints as side line. United Paint and Linseed Company, Richmond, Va. “ CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER Georgia with staple line; high com missions With advance of *IOO.OO monthly; permanent position to right man. Jess H, Smith Cos., Detroit, Mich. WANTED, FOR” THE u7“s ~MA rine Corps, able-bodied men, between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land In our island pos sessions, and at naval stations In the United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. S. Marino Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to 5 and. m. MAKE $lO, S2O OR SBO PER DAT manufacturing mirrors and resilvering looking glasses. D. Terry, Station 8., Atlanta. Ga. $75 PER MONTH AND TRAVEL ing expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers; experience unneces sary. Purity Cos., Chicago. WANTED, IN EACH STATE salesmen to sell large line tobacco; permanent position. Central Tobacco Works Cos., Periicks, Va. WANTED, CIGAR SALESMEN IN every section to Introduce our goods; experience unnecessary; good salary and expenses paid. Emanuel Com pany, Station J, New Tori* city. "SALESMEN, COLLECTORS, BOOK keepers, stenographers. . mechanical, technical men, salesladies, housekeep ers, and competent help in every line; send us your name; positions guaran teed. National Employment Associa tion, Century Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., pi oneers in this line. WANTED ME N EVERYWHERE; good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc; no canvass ing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED, PERSON TO CALL ON retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary, $25, paid week ly; expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary. American House, Star building, Chicago. “$75 WEEKI.Y " AND EXPENSES easily made, writing life, health and accident insurance; experience unnec essary. Write Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo. _ WOULD YOU, WITH POCKET sample only, like to make S2OO to S4OO commission weekly, as some do? If so, write E. L. Brown, 612 Roe build ing, St. Louis, Mo. WE WILL MAKE YOU A PREB -of SIOO. give you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free ahd pay you a salary of SBS per month and all traveling ex penses to take orders for the greatest and most reliable portrait house In the world; all this will be guaranteed. Ad dress R. D. Martel, Dept. 211, Chicago, 111. "~W ANTED; FIRST-CEaSS Spe cialty salesman to sell attractive prop osition to general trade; commission of one man for one month over $760. Barton Parker Mfg. Cos., Cedar Rapids la. "‘SALESMEN. LOCAL" OR TRAVffL- Ing to sell fireproof safes to business men and fanners; experience unneces sary; quick salea: big profits. Alpine Safe Company, Cincinnati, O. WANTED, EX PER I ENDED TRAV ellng salesman by large Cleveland Jobbing house to fill vacancy for bal ance of 1904; will renew for 1906 if aatlafactofy; high commissions with $25 weekly. W. S. Finley Cos., 90 Pros pect street, Cleveland, O. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE, copy letters, home evenings, $9.50 week. Send addressed envelope for particu lars. Manager Dept. 8 47, Box I*ll, Philadelphia, Pa. ENERGETIC WORKERS EVERT where to distribute otrculure, sam ples and advertising matter. Good pay. No canvassing. Co-operative Adver tising Cos., .New York. HIGH -CI,ASS EXPERIENCED salesman to sell established line to retell tmde, liberal pay to right man and running exp-use account. E, M. Arthur Cos., Detroit, Mick. HELP W.4HTED- MALE. WANTED, AT ONCE, YOUNG man, as stock clerk; one with some knowledge of dry goods preferred. Ap ply to Gustave Eckstein & Cos.. 13 Broughton street, west. WANTED, ENERGETIC TRUST 7 worthy, man or woman to work In Georgia, representing large manufac turing company; salary, *4O to *BO per month, paid weekly; expenses ad vanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Savannah, Ga. WANTED, TWO GOOD SIZE CASH boys. The Bee Hive, 19 Broughton street, east. WANTED. A GUN AND smith. Apply A. G. Marin, 215 Con gress stS-eet, west. WANTED. SEVERAL EXPERl enced harness makers and riding sad dle makers; also machine operators for factory work; must be sober and reliable; steady position given. Leo Frank, Savannah, Ga WANTED, A CITY SALESMAN; one who is thoroughly acquainted with city trade. Address Wholesale, care News. TWO DELIVBJRY BOYS WANTED with bicycles. Apply at M. S. & D. A. Byck, 6, 8 and 10 Bay street, west. WANTED. EXPERIENCED STE nographor and office man; good open ing for right kind of man. Address In own hand-writing, stating experience, Kuklux, care News. “ WANTKdTpa KTNER IN PNOTO graph business; active or otherwise: with some capital; long established business. Photograph, News. WANTED, BRIGHT. ENERGETIC office boy; give age and references, with salary expected. "8.,” News of fice. WANTED, A BOY ABOUT” 18” OR 20, who is willing to work. Apply A. G. Marin. 215 Congress street, west. PRINTER WANTED WANTED, sober, moral, capable printer to take charge of weekly paper during winter months; work light; proper wages paid. Address Courier office, Plant City, Fla. WANTED” 'TEN MEN IN EACH state to travel, tack signs and dis tribute samples and circulars of our goods; salary. *75 per month, *3 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Company, Dept. C—lo, Atlas block, Chicago. WANTED, E VER YWIIERE, HUS - tiers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chi cago. ~A SALESMAN VISITING ICfTfac'- tories, breweries, cold storage and steam plants will hear of highly profit able side line. Address Factory, Box 663, Cincinnati. O. “PRE SIDE NT ROOSEVELTS election insures an Increase in civil service appointments; those intending to take the next examination should send to the Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C., and se cure Its free civil service announce ment containing dates, salaries, places for holding examinations and questions recently used by the government. WANTED, ENERGETIC MEN AS branch office managers to handle agents; also soap crew managers for road; *2OO. Parker Chemical Cos., Chi cago. “if you have taken a corre'- spondence course in advertising we can employ either part or all of your time profitably. Causeman Molt Cos., 1001 Medlnah Temple, Chicago. WANTED. GOOD, INTELLIGENT solicitor to sell dividend paying mining stock; good salary and commission to capable man; yearly contract; refer ences. R. D. Robinson Company, Los Angeles, Cal. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS. OUR new music and song book, contain ing 30 songs, with music; subscribe now; 25 cents per year. Address the Welcome Messenger, Ware, Mass. “wanted, aTreliable man or woman to manage a branch supply of fice for salesman; no investment or canvassing required in position; ex penses advanced; weekly salary and 5 per cent, commission. Address Man ager, Supply Dept., fifth floor, Thomp son building, St. Louis. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER and typewriter operator; good opening for right party; state experience, ref erences a.nd salary. "A..’’ News office. GOOD COOK WANTED AT~ONCE; references required; good wages to right party. Mra. C. A. O’Brien, 235 West Broad. "WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK and assist in housework; reference re quired. Apply at once, 615 East Bol ton street. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS COOK for small family. Apply Monday, 409 Waldburg, east. A FEW EXPERIENCED YOUNG ladles can get employment at E. & XV. Laundry. "WANTED, A "RELIABLE HOUSE girl; must have reference. Apply 129 Gordon street, west. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE wrlter, young man; quick, willing and accurate; familiar with lumber busi ness; town 8,000; position permanent. Address, stating full particulars and salary wanted, "Pine,” News office. WANTED, TWO EXPERIENCED hotel chambermaids at the Da Soto. Ap ply to housekeeper. "WANTED. A COOK AND A WASID woman. Call after 10 Monday morn ing at 121 Gordon street, west. "WANTED. A RELIABLE WHITE woman to cook and do general house work for a family of three, residing Just out of town; home and good wages for right party; references re quired. Address S. M. TANARUS., P. O. Box 177, Quitman. Ga. LADIES, EARN 220 PER HUN dred wrlttlng short letters; send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Cos., Cassopolls, Mich. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME, 29.00 per week; materials sent everywhere free, steady work, plain sewing only. Send addressed envelope for full par ticulars. S. A. G. Du Pont, Philadel phia, Pa. "LADIES, TO DO PIECEWORK AT their homes; we furnish ell materials and pay from $7 to sl2 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Cos., $4 E. Monrpe street, Chicago. ' ladies having'fanct Work to sell, embroideries, Bsttenberg and drawn work; also to do order work; stamped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE copying letters at home, evenings or Spure time, and return to us. No mail ing or canvassing, 19.00 weekly earned, materials free. Enclose self-addressed envelope for particulars. Guarantee Company, No. S 47. Ninth street, Phil adelphia. Pa. WANTED, REFINER "WELL bred ladles to soli Our fasteners; no one but a true lady need answer: a clean, wholesome proposition; witlte to-day to the Multi Fastener Compa ny, Buffalo, N. Y. "LADIES. US THOUSAND Ing short letter* home; material sent free everywhere; send stamped ad dcessed envelope for eopy of letter and full p*rtlrnlnrs. Eastern Company, 817 Head building, Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES, 130 THOUSAND COPT lng letters at home; no mailing to friends, stamped envelops for, particu lars. Crescent Modkdne Cos., Dept. 31, Mishawaka, ink. A Name Wanted $9.00 IN GOLD AND A PAIR OF THE BEST $3.50 SHOES MADE TO ORDER GRATIS w e are going to put on saJe the very greatest S3 so shoe A $5.60 GOLD PIECE AND A PAIR OF SHOES MADE AS THEY MAY DESIRE. Globe Shoe Company. __ 22 HROUGHTON street, west, savannah, ga. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. UADI^rGIRLSr^OYS^AND^MEN something free from Santa Claus; if you want the Ladies Home Journal or the Youth Companion for a Christ mas gift, Just address a letter to Santa Claus care the Morning News; he will endeavor to see that you get what you want for the ensuing year; if you prefer It above all other gifts mention it. WANTED, EXPERIENCED SALBS ladies for our ready-to-wear and no tion departments. Apply Monday morn ing, to Gustave Eckstein & Cos., 13 Broughton street, west. YOUNG GIRL” TO ASSIST IN OF flce; must write good, plain hand and be quick at figures. Box 124. WANTED, A GOCjd”COOK; MUST have reference. 2312 Barnard street. L ~ ..—!■■■" . I! AGENTS WANTED. DON'T ACCEPT AGENCY UNTIL you get my free samples and big offer. Sayman, 2137 Franklin avenue, St. Louis, Mo. CORN CURE. KILLS PAIN fi? one hour; a trial a cure. Send 15 cents for sample; agents wanted. E. Baker, Lakeland, Fla. ”AGE NTS, *75 PER MONTH AND expenses to sell advertising signs to merchants and manufacturers. St. Louis Sign Cos., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS MAKE $3 TO”*10 A DAY fitting classes; big profits; our twenty four-page free eye book tells how; write to-day. Jacksonian Optical Col lege, College Place, Jackson, Mich. AGENTS, READ-IN DARK, NAME plates, signs, numbers, 200 per cent profit; samples free. Wright Supply Company, Englewood, 111. WE START YOU SELLING DlA monds; don’t fail getting our liberal offer; *5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Cos., Syracuse. N. Y.; mention paper. HEEL CUSHIONS. FITS INSIDE shoe, made springs; 100 per cent, prof it; every counity. Dupuis Gimbol Company, Times building, Chicago. AGENTS, $1 AN HOUR,” SELLING Milwaukee Common Sense Pie Lifter; beats all records; greatest money maker in existence; people borrow money to buy; sample 40c; agents wanted everywhere. Cream City Spe cialty Company, Station D., 159, Mil waukee. Wis. AGENTS HANDY Andy corn sheller; sell on sight; every farmer and poultry dealer needs it; satisfaction guaranteed; sample 30c. Wright, Washington & Cos., Box 347 Dept. C., Bonne Terre, N. W. “ LADY _ AGENT SELL” VICTORIA Protector; hygienic, sanitary, comfort ably sample postpaid 54 cents; cata logue Illustrating full line agents' sup plies, free. Ely Novelty Cos., Box 252, Silver City, N. M. AGENTS WANTED—CLEAN Em ployment; useful articles; rapid sales; big profits; every home delighted to buy; write. Raymond Mfg. Cos., Mun cie, Ind. AGENTS WANTED PORTRAIT men! Why not deal dlreot with the artist. I do finest crayon and pastel work; twelve years’ experience in the business. Address artist, P. O. Box 22, Atlanta, Ga. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. $2,000 CASH TO INVEST, "and services; employment desired, where the work of a high-grade man, active, practical, business-getter, resourceful, and of absolute integrity, may be needed. Address Steady Progress, care E. F. Fegeas, lawyer, 116 Bull street. "young LADY GRADUATE OF Richmond’s Business College, wishea position as stenographer in Savannah or elsewhere; accurate, neat and prompt. Stenographer, care Morning Nsws. POSITION OF GOVERNESS "FOR children desired; experience In New York families; reference given. Ad dress Morning News. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS chambermaid. Apply 10 o'clock this morning at 15 Perry, west. WANTED, POSITION IN AN OF fice by a lady; now employed In an Instalment house. Address K., care of this office. WANTED BY YOUK'G MAN, 19, position as general utility clerk, or as sistant to shipping clerk; well recom mended. Address J. K., Morning News. RESPECTABLE WHITE WOMAN wants place in private family; Is a good cook and understands house work; is neat, tidy; has good reference; would like room; please 'address this paper. Box 31 PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, FA mtllar with setting up of all kinds of machinery, Is open for engagement. G, M.. care Morning News. YOUNG WOMAN WITH EXPERI ence North desires position of man aging housekeeper in private family or Institution; references given. H., Morning News. A YOUNG ISats WOULD LIKE position In the wholesale grocery busi ness as shipping olerk. J. M. Q,, care News. WANTED, BY YOUNG MAN. POSl tlon as bookkeeper or assistant. Ad dress M. R., care of office. i Want a position, wfio wants a stenographer. Address Seek er, Morning News office. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION with chance for promotion: has posi tion now, but desires change; good ref erence. Address J,, care this office. POSITION, WANTED BY AN BX perleuoed cashier and bookkeeper with a slight knowledge of stenography; best references from present employer. Address. R., cars News. A YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER desires a position; has had experience In railroad office and can give refer ence. Address A. M. C. D., care Morning News. "competent engineer and machinist with technical education, 17 years experience and good references; can take charge of or erect machin ery for manufacturing, power planta, etc,; wishes position aa such. Ad dress Engineer, Morning News. ENGINEER ON ANY CLASS KN glue; all-around mechanic on machine tools. Address Box 3, Morning New*. A COMPETENT. ACI.nJRATK BTE nographer with several years exper ience desires position; references. Ad dress, "Frwnpt,” this affice. WANTED—ROOMS. nice room^^with privilege of bath by a young man; must be between Barnard and Aber7 corn, and Liberty and Broughton streets. Address, with terms, O. s care News. WANTED, A FURNISHED ROOM by a young man; references required Address A. B. C.. P. O. Box 222. WANTED—FLAT. three small furnished rooms; suitable for light housekeeping; references giv en and required. Answer, 8. B„ care this office. WANTED— BOARD. * YOUNG LADY DESIRES BOARD in a private family; central location state terms. Address Rex, Morning News. W ANTE D—MISCELLANEOUS. WE ARE RENTING AGENTS AND not property owners; we want your business and will give you better serv ice than the other fellow who is the owner of more property than you pos sess. Youmans & Demmond. EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT we are headquarters for modern apart ments; they are comfortable and give every satisfaction; we build, rent and sell them. Youmans & Demmond. YOU TO KNOW THAT THE YOU mans & Demmond system of handling real estate Is direct, business-like, thorough and up-to-date; it gives the results you are looking for; their su perior facilities enable them to save for you more than you pay In com missions. Youmans & Demmond. WANTED, $4,500 for three years, with renewal privilege; store property rent ing for *BO.OO as colftttral. Store Prop erty, News. WANTED, % OR %“ HORSE-POW er electric or gasolene motor- state price and condition of same.' B. B. BNews office. BIX OR ” EIGHT FOOT SHOW case; state size, price, condition, etc. Show Case Wanted, care News. WANTEdT CYPRESS AND PO>- lar wood sawed in lengths of four feet, round sticks and not split; we are paying $4.00 per cord for this wood delivered at our factory; It must be sound and comparatively free from knots. Write us for specifications. Pier pont Manufacturing Company, Savan nah, Ga. WANTED, *6,000 FOR THREE years at 5 per cent.; security real es tate three times the value of amount. Address Capital, Morning News. WANTED, OLD GOLD AND SlL ver for cash, or will make new jewelry of it. Wilensky, Jeweler and optician, 244 Broughton, west. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and household goods bought for cash. Bourquin, 113 Barnard street. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for scrap iron and steel, metals, bones, and rubber. F. W. Storer & Cos. —_____ WANTED, WOOD SPLITTER and cut oft saw for wood yard; sec ond hand; must be cheap and In good order. F. E. Breen, Jesup, Ga. WANTED, TOMBOY OR SWAP a 20-H. P. locomotive boiler for a return tubular boiler, 35 to 50-H. P.; 20-horse boiler good as new; will buy or trade for new or second-hand. Address Boiler, care Morning News. MONEY TO LO*!t. "moneyTTf^yoi??seedTt^Call or write and I will get it for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or Inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the loan. E. Muhlberg, 225 Congress, west; Georgia ’phone 1992. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY IM proved property in any amount; rents collected; real estate bought and sold by I. D. Laßoche. 21 Bay street, east. ""for rest-rooms. FURNISHED ROOM (OR TWO connecting) for gentleman; private family; porcelain bath; instantaneous heater same floor; telephone. 19 West Charlton. FOR RENT, THREE ROOMS AND bath on same floor. 110 Taylor, east. TO ONE OR SEVERAL GENTLE men. delightful rooms, single or as fiat, furnished; all conveniences; board in same block if desired. 108 Gaston, east. "FOR RENT," LARGE FURNISHED room. Apply 305 York, west. " FOR RENT CH EA P. ONE OR TWO nice connecting rooms, convenient to bath, with use of ’phone; possession immediately. No. 1813 Barnard street. "FOR RENT, NIOELY FURNISHED front room for gentlemen on parlor floor, In desirable locality. Apply No. 309 Bolton. east. "FORRENT,” DELIGHTFUL FRONT room with southern exposure; newly furnished; hot and cold bath: electric lights; telephone, etc. 128 Harris street, east. "FORRENT. A NICELY FURNI9H ed room southeastern exposure; bath on same floor. 224 East Liberty. FOR RENT. THREE SOUTH rooms, unfurnished with use of bath; adults only. Apply 811 Lincoln street. BEAUTIFUL LA ROE FRONT room, neatly furnished; all conven iences; centrally located, with south ern and eastern exposure. Corner Per ry and Abercorn, facing Colonial Park. (GauUaaoen only.) "FOR KENT, NICELY FURNISH ed south room; also basement, suita ble for office. 124 East Oglethorpe avenue. • . "FOR RENT. THREE J.oVBLY, large rooms with bath; very reason able. 208 Thirty-ninth street, west. "two NICELY furnished rooms; housekeeping; go*, bain, ’phone; $9 per month; rooms for gents, $2 month. 212 Whitaker, near Ogb • thorp® tvenuft. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS T> rent. 204 Bryan and Aborcorn, -jriCHLY FURNISHED CONNW ■ fog rooms for gantUmsn; seal them ex posure. 41* Bust Oglethorpe avaaue