The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 19, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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SUGAR AND COPPER %f,UX FEATURES OF TRADISO OX STOCK EXCHANGE. SHOWED LOSSES AT CLOSE. decline had strong svmpathet. 1C EFFECT OX GENERAL MARKET. Intended Export of Half n Million In Gold to Pnrls Failed to Affect Money Market—Stock Market Clon ed AVith General Showing of Loaa e Due to Heavy Profit Taking— Itondn AVere Active and Irregular. New Vork, Nov. 18.—There was an excited flurry during the first hour of to-day’s stock market, principally due to the continuance of the wild move ment in Sugar and Amalgamated C ; per, with which last night's mar lo-t dosed. But the edge was taken off the movement by the successive setbacks to Sugar’s efforts to get up, by the relapse in Amalgamated Cop per and Tennessee Coal to a point un der last night and to the yielding of Union Paeiflc to the extent of a point. As these stocks formed the main force of yesterday’s late advance their exhaustion had a strong sympathetic effect on the general market. The day's news of actual conditions w T as not unsatisfactory. Money Still Easy. The engagement of $500,000 addi tional gold for Paris to-morrow and the promise of a reflection in to-mor row's bank statement of the heavy withdrawals of gold for export were without influence, as money on call was easy and banks which held out for the 2% per cent, rate had difficulty in placing all of their available funds. But the pressure to take profits was persistent in the market and carried prices backwards repeatedly. The result was a general showing of losses at the last, even in stocks that had been strong. The market closed weak on an active selling movement. Bonds were active and irregular. Total sales, par value, $10,380,000. rnitod States bonds were unchanged on call. Sales of Stocks. Total sales stocks to-day, 1,579,500 shares, including: Atchison, 26,000; Atchison preferred, 10,100; Baltimore and Ohio, 13,700; Canadian Pacific, 17,- 300; Chesapeake and Ohio, 31,100; NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND LIST Railroad Stocks. Atchison 86% Aitchison preferred 102 % Baltimore and Ohio 97% Baltimore and Ohio preferred .... 94 Canadian Pacific 134% Central of New Jersey 191 Chesapeake and Ohio 50 Chicago and Alton 44% Chicago and Alton preferred 82 Chicago and Great Western 25% Chicago and Northwestern 200 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 172% do do preferred 182% Chicago Terminal an(i Trans. .... 12% do do preferred 24 C„ C., C. and St. Louis 88% Colorado Southern 23 Colorado Southern Jst preferred .. 58% Colorado Southern 2nd preferred.. 36% Delaware and Hudson 185% Delaware, Lackawanna and West.33o Denver and Rio Grande 33% Denver and Rio Grande preferred . 86 Erie 39% Erie Ist preferred 73 Erie 2nd preferred 54% Hocking Valley 83% Hocking Valley preferred 90% Illinois Central 149 lowa Central 30% lowa Central preferred 57 Kansas City Southern 30 Kansas City Southern preferred.. 53% Louisville and Nashville 138% Manhattan L 167% Metropolitan Securities 82 Metropolitan Street Railway 124% Minneapolis and St. Louis 64 Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste. M... 91 do do preferred 147 Missouri Pacific 108% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 34 do do preferred 64 Nall. R. R. of Mex. preferred... 44 Now York Central 135% Norfolk and Western 75 Norfolk and Western preferred .. 90 Ontario and Western 42% Pennsylvania 136% Pittsburg, C. C. and St. Louis... 75% Reading 75% Reading Ist preferred 87% Reading 2nd preferred 79% Rock Island Company 36% Rock Island Company preferred.. 82% ot. Louis and San Fran. 2nd pref. 68 *t. flouts Southwestern 25% ed- Tyotiis Southwestern preferred. 63% Southern Pacific 66% Southern Railway 35% Southern Railway preferred 95% Texas and Pacific 37% Toledo, St. Louis and Western .. 31% do do preferred 51% l nion Pacific 114% Cnion Pacific preferred 94% 'Nnhash 24 Wabash preferred ".!47 "heeling and Lake Erle 21% M seonsin Central 24 v Isconsin Central preferred 48 Mexican Central 21% ‘ "Uthern Pacific preferred 117% ftiprena Compnnfei. •A'Mms Express 240 American 216 V idled States 124 "ells Fargo 245 MiMCPllnnroHN. Amalgamated Copper 79% Amen, „ n Car and Foundry 30% and" do preferred 87% American <'otton Oil 34% '" l( ' r !' an Cotton Oil preferred ... 93 American i,. e 8 % American fee preferred".'.".'.'.'.".’.’.'.'! 37% Am I!!' itn u,l! dTd OH 18% ' , an Linseed Oil preferred .. 40 \ !T!' 811 L °comotive 31% merra n Locomotive preferred .99% monenn Smelting Hnd Re fl n |ng . 7914 do do preferred ....114% aIT 1 -" Kugnr Refining 149% Rro.Vn' 1a Company 118 , Vll , KI - " •‘“Pld Transit 68% (•one V",' * Uel and Iron 46% 1 25*4 Divtm 1 Preferred 79 ids'ill,., s- securities 36% l'*"™ 1 Electric .........181% j ernatinnni Paper 20* lntl rl , ‘* l "" nl Raper preferred ...78 B,pf d Car preferred 8* pref^. lubber Goods preferred .’ *7* Vn 7°*' "nil Iron 75 Leather 14% I’n ,!!| w I , l *!'* leather preferred.. 94% :::::::::::: Si ”•** usaz v? Great Western. 29.400; St. Paul. 36,200; Erie, 74.700; Louisville and Nashville, 10,700; Manhattan, 6.600; Missouri Pa cific, 61,200; Missouri, Kansas and Texas preferred, 5,000; National of Mexico preferred, 7,300; Norfolk and Western, 6.600; Pennsylvania, 63,200; Reading. 104,200; Rock Island, 31,700; do preferred. 8,400; Southern Pacific, 49,600; Southern Railway, 107,100; do preferred, 1,100; Texas Pacific, 11,200; Union Pacific, 112,000; Wabash pre ferred, 12,000; Mexican Central, 31,200; Copper, 126,500; Locomotive, 19,900; Smelting. 7,700; Sugar, 60,300; Brook lyn Transit. 15,800; Corn Products, 18,- 100: People's Gas. 6,800; Tennessee Coal, 7,200; United States Leather, 7.- 600; United States Rubber, 6.400; United States Steel. 54,700; United States Steel preferred, 76,900. MONEY MARKET. New York, Nov. 18. —Money on call steady. 2@2% per cent., closing bid, 2% per cent., offered at, 2% per cent. Time loans, steady; 60 days, 3%@3% per cent.; 90 days ‘and six months, 3% @4 per cent. Prime mercantile pap er, 4%@4% per cent. Sterling exchange strong with actual business in bank ers bills at $4.86.95@4.57 for demand and at $4.84.50@4.84.10 for 60 day bills. Posted rates, $4.85 and S4.B7Vi• Com mercial bills. $4.83%. Bar silver, 58%c; Mexican dollars, 46%c. BANK CLEARINGS. The following table compiled by Bradstreet shows the bank clearings at a number of the principal cities for the week ended Thursday, Nov. 17, with the percentage of increase and decrease as compared with the corre sponding week last year. Sixty-three other cities are included in the totals: New' York $2,201,230,553 inc. 79.8 Chicago 213.671,731 inc. 19.5 Boston 162,921,292 inc. 17.1 Philadelphia 135,183,446 inc. 18.4 St. Louis •.... 70,409,694 inc. 29.3 Pittsburg 50,741,380 inc. 35.8 San Francisco 39.021,772 inc. 15.5 Baltimore ....*..... 27,996,454 inc. 22.0 Cincinnati 24.194,750 inc. 9.8 Kansas City 27,266,107 inc. 19.9 New Orleans 20,463.999 dec. 13.6 Louisville 12,915,544 inc. 20.2 Memphis 7,923,311 inc. 6.4 Richmond 5,577,596 inc. 20.2 Washington 4,644,678 inc. 21.1 Savannah 5,512,045 inc. 20.8 Fort Worth 5,477,022 inc. 11.7 Atlanta 4,108,821 inc. 17.3 Nashville 2,920,927 inc. 18.1 Norfolk 2,090,887 inc. 3.7 Augusta 2,054,316 inc. 21.6 Birmingham 1,535,776 inc. 25.6 Knoxville 1,210,360 inc. 26.7 Little Rock 1,318,413 dec. 19.8 Macon 721,371 dec. 29.1 Chattanooga 869,946 dec. 1.9 Jacksonville 1,108,990 inc. 45.2 Galveston 14,310,000 dec. 2.1 Houston 16,797,237 dec. 20.8 Charleston 1,644,051 inc. 21.0 Total U. S 3,242,490,173 tnc. 53.5 Outside N. Y 1,041,259,620 inc. 17.2 Totals Canada 56,109,519 dec. 3.9 United States Steel preferred .... 87% Westlnghouse Electric 174% Western Union 92 llonds. U. S. refunding 2s, registered 104% do do refunding 2s, coupon 104% do do 3s, registered 104% do do 3s, coupon 104% do do new 4s, registered 130% do do new 4s, coupon ~.130% do do old 4s, registered ..106% do do Old 4s, coupon 106% Atchison general 4s 102% Atchison adjustment 4s 94% Atlantic Coast Line 4s 99% Baltimore and Ohio 4s 103% Baltimore and Ohio 3%s 96 Central of Georgia 5s 112 Central of Georgia Ist inc 92 C. of Ga. 2nd incomes, closing.:. 71 Chesapeake and Ohio 4%s .107% Chicago and Alton 3%s 82% Chicago, B. and Quincy new 4s ...100% Chicago, M. and St. P. gen. 4s ...110% Chicago and Northwestern con. 7s .128% Chicago, R. I. and P. R. R. 4s ; 82 Chicago, R. I. and P. R. R. col. 5s . 95% C., C., C. and St Louis gen. 4s ....103 Chicago Terminal 4s 84 Consolidated Tobacco 4s 81% Colorado and Southern 4s 88 Denver and Rio Grande 4s ..101 Erie prior lien 4s 101 Erie General 4s 91% Fort Worth and Denver City Ist ...110% Hocking Valley 4%s 11l Louisville and Nash. Unified 4s ...103 M. and O. c. t. 4s, closing, ofd.. 97 Manhattan con. gold 4s 105 Mexican Central 4s 75 Mexican Central Ist inc 24% Minn, and St. Louis 4s 97 Missouri, Kansas and Texas 4s ...103 Missouri, Kansas and Texas 2nds . 86% National R. R. of Mexico con. 4s . 81 New York Central gen. 3%s 100% New Jersey Central gen. 5s 135% Northern Pacific 4s 105 Northern Pacific 3s 75% Norfolk and Western con. 4s ......101 Oregon Short Line 4s and Partic .104% Penn. conv. 3%s 103% Reading General 4s .102% St. L. and I. M. consol 5s 115% St. Louis and San Fran. fg. 4s ... 90 St. Louis Southwestern lsts 97% Seaboard Air Line 4s 85% Southern Pacific 4s 96% Southern Railway 5s ...118% Tex'as and Pacific lsts 121% Toledo, St. L. and Western 4s 82 Union Pacific 4s 106% Union Pacific eonv. 4s 114 U. S. Steel 2nd 5s 89% Wabash lsts 117% Wabash Deb. B 69% Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s 93 Wisconsin Central 4s 92% Virginla-Carolina Chemical 41% do do preferred 113 New York, Nov. 18.—Standard Oil. £25. Baltimore, Nov. 18.—Seaboard com mon, 19@19%; do preferred. 38%@39: Atlantic Coast Line common, 153 asked. OKI GOODS. New York. Nov. 18.—(Little Increase Is* reported in any direction and yet general firmness prevails In the dry goods market. Certain increased pur chases of prints are reported, espe cially from the Southern trade, and ac tivity continues on print cloth yarn goods at stiffening prices. COTTON SEED OIL. New York. Nov. 18.—Cotton seed oil was about steady, with a fair trade. Prime crude f. o. b., mills, 20c; prime summer yellow, 27@27%c; off summer yellow, nominal; prime white, 30%@ 31c: prime winter yellow, 30%@31c. FINANCIAL. ware&leland: BROKERS. MEMBERS New York Cotton Exchange Chics go BOnrd of Trade New Orleans Cotton Exchang* New York Coffee Exchange St. Louis Merchants' Exchang# Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Local Office 42 Bay Street, East. Private wires to principal cities. K. R. OWEN. Manager. Reference—Mercantile Agencies. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Bond Broker, AUGUSTA, GA. Write for List. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1904. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. WM. P. McCAULEY,Vice President. SAMUEL L. CLAY. Cashier. Savannah Bank and Trust Go. SAVANNAH, GA. Solicits accounts of Indi viduals, Firms, Banks, Bank ers and Corporations. Buys and sells Foreign Ex change. Savings Department. Interest paid or compound ed quarterly. Correspondence Invited. LOCAL FINANCIAL MARKETS. The following are the bank clearings for the week ending Nov. IS, and for the corresponding week last year: .Saturday $ 863,680 09 Monday 910,250 93 Tuesday 825,442 13 Wednesday 855,002 06 Thursday 1,062,794 81 Friday 751,521 00 Total $5,268,691 02 Last year $5,558,091 64 The following are the Savannah Cotton Exchange quotations: FOREIGN EXCHANGE—SterIing firm; commercial demand, $4.86%@ 4.86%; sixty days, $4.53%@4.53%; nine ty days, $4.82%@4.82%. Francs, flint; commercial demand, 5.16%; sixty days, 5.19%. Marks, commercial demand, 95 9-16@90%e; sixty days, 94%@ 94 13-16 e; ninety days, 94 7-16 c. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE—Buying at 75c per SI,OOO discount; selling up to S6OO a graded charge of 10c to 45c; over S6OO at rate of 75c per SI,OOO premium. Bank Slock,. Bid. Asked. Chatham Bank 82 83 Citizens Bank 159 Commercial Bank 108 Chatham R. E. and I. C 0.... 53% 54% Germania Bank 150 Southern Bank 171 172 Merchants National Bank ..102% 103% The National Bank of Sav ..170 Oglethorpe Sav. and Trust ..127 People’s Saving and Loan ..101 102 Savannah Bank and Trust.. 137 Savannah Trust 105 .. ’ Railroads and Industrials. Bid. Asked. Augusta and Savannah 116 117 Atlanta and West Point 156 do 6 per cent, certif 106 Central Ice so Chat, and Gulf stocks ..11l 112 Georgia Telephone and Tel egraph 85 Georgia Brewery 92% 100 Macon Ry. and L. pref 82 85 do common 18 25 Georgia Railroad, c0mm0n..252 254 Planters’ Rice Mill 95 Propeller Towboat 95 98 Savannah Elec, preferred.... 84 85 Savannah Elec, com 14 15 Savannah Hotel Company .. 62 65 Southwestern 116 117 Southern Railway preferred.. 95% 96% do do common 36 37 Savannah Brewing 103 104 Savannah Cotton Exchange. 65 70 Boiidn. Chat, and Gulf. R. R. 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 103 104 C. of Ga. con. ss, 1945, M. and N 113 113% C. of Ga. Ist incomes.... 91 93 do do 2drlncomes 71 72 do do 3rd incomes 63 65 C. of G., M. G. and A 11l 113 Georgia State 3%5, 1930 108% 110 C. of Ga. (M. G. and A. Div.) 5s 112 114 G. S. and F. 5s 114 115 Georgia State 3%5, 1930 110 do do 3%5, 1915 105% 106% do do 4%5, 1915 114 115 Macon Ry. and L. bonds.... 95 96 Jacksonville Electric 5s .... 95 97 Ocean Steamship 6s, 1926 ....107 108 Savannah city ss, 1913 108% JO9 Savannah city ss, 1909 104 106 S. A. L. common 19 19% do do preferred 39 39% Savannah Electric Cos. 55.... 94 96 Eatonton 110 112 MARINE INTELLIGENCE The schooner Greenleaf Johnson, which arrived at New London Thurs day with its cargo afire, had been chartered to take a cargo of lumber from this port and was expected to arrive after It had discharged its pres ent cargo of garbage tankage, intend ed for a South Carolina port. Savannah Almanac, 7516 Meri dian, City lime. Saturday, Nov. 19. Sun rises at 6:56 a. m. and sets at 5:23 p. m. Moon, first quarter, sets 3:08 a. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 4:56 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. High water at Savannah one hour later. Low water at 11:07 a. m. and 11:28 p. m. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Arrived. Steamship Alleghany, Dow, Phila delphia, assorted.—W. W. Tull. Steamship Chatham, Hudgins, Bal timore, assorted.—W. W. Tull. Steamship City of Memphis, Burg, New York, assorted.—Ocean Steamship Company. Steamship Foyle. Page, New York, light.—A. F. Churchill. Schooner C. C. Wehrum, Cairlien, New York, tankage.—Master. Schooner wm. K. Park, Lee, Carte ret, fertilizer. —Master. Sailed. Steamship Tallahassee, New York. Bark Edmund Phinney, Brunswick. Schooner Margaret A. May, Eiiza bethport. Steamship Finance, New York, tow ed by tugs W. F. McCauley and Dauntless. Shipping Memoranda. Liverpool. Nov. 18.—Arrived. Bandy ford, Savannah for Manchester. Pensacola. Fla., Nov. 18.—Cleared, steamers Monvlso (It). Cremonlnl, Hpezia via New Orleans; Hycanla (it), Blanch!, Hpezia. via New Orleans. Sailed, steamers E. O. Hultmarch (Br), Rogers, Tampico; Monviao (It), Cremonlnl, Hpezia, via New Orleans. Philadelphia, Nov. 18. Cleared, steamer Castle Vetitry, Savannah. New York. Nov. 18.—Bailed, steamer Dunblane, Charleston and Jacksonville. Liverpool, Nov. 18.—Arrived, steamer Oladestry, Savannah for Maneheafer. Key West, Nov. 18, —Arrived, steam er Denver, Evans, New York, and sail ed for Galveston; Olivette, Hanlon, port Tampa, and sailed for Havana; Martinique, Dillon, Havana, and sall- CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Oct. 6, 1904. Arrival and departure of trains. Central Station. West Broad. foot oi Liberty street, except for Tybee. 90th meridian time—one hour slow er than city time. „ DEPARTURES*; For Macon, Augusta, Colum bus. Montgomery. Atlan ta • 7 00 am For Augusta. Macon, Al bany, Atlanta. Birming ham and Montgomery...* 9:00 pm For Augusta and Dublin...* 3:00 pm For Egypt t t oo pm For Guyton. J 5:43 am ARRIVALS. Guyton t 7:50 am From ,Igypt t 5:40 am From Augusta and Dublin.. *10:55 am From Montgomery, Birm ingham. Albany. Atlanta. Macon and Aurusta • 7:00 run From Stillmore and States fcovo t 6:10 pm From Atlanta, Macon and Augusta * 6:10 pm BETWEEN SAVANNAH and TYBEK Trains arrive and depart at Tybee deDot, Randolph street, foot of Presi dent. Lv. Savannah t6:10 a. m.. *9:00 a. m.. *2:30 p. m . Lv. Tybee 17:00 a. m., *9:55 a. m., *4 30 p. m . ‘Daily. tßxcept Sunday. Parlor Care between Savannah and Atlanta on trains leaving Savannah 7:00 a. m„ arriving 6:10 p. m. Sleeping cars between Savannah and Augusta. Savannah and Macon, Sa vannah and Atlanta. Savannah and Birmingham on trains lenvtng Savan nah 9:00 p. m., and arriving Savan nah 7:00 a. m. For further Information apply or write to J. S. HOLMES. C. T. A P. A.. *7 Bull street. Savannah. Ga. ed for Miami; schooner Helen F. Taft, Baltimore. Charleston, S. C., Nov. 18.—Arrived, steamer Belfast (Br), McKee, Ham burg. On Nov. 13, when about 150 miles southeast of Nantucket shoals, encountered severe gale, southwest to northwest. Boats were swept over board and upper works damaged. Storm continued to the next morning; schooner Beulah McCabe, Maxwell, Philadelphia. Sailed, steamer Abergeldle (Br), Keith. Bremen; barkentlne Emlla, Reomie, Fernandina. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 18. —Arrived, steamer Conmnche, Watson, New York, and cleared to return; schooner Robert and Russell (Br), Russell, Hopetoun. Cleared, schooner Salisbury, Ben nett, Washington, D. C. Fernandina, Fla., Nov. 18.—Arrived, steamep Metes (Br), Brown, Phila delphia; schooners James D. Dewell, Hammond, New York; Job H. Jack son, Williamson, New York. Notice to Captains of Vessels. Vessels arriving at night will be re ported at the Morning News in its dispatches, without charge, if captains will confirm reports of their arrival to No. 241, either telephone. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of vessels free of charge in the United States hydrographic office, in Custom House. Captains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received. This office operates a time ball on the roof of the Cotton Exchange, dropped dally at 12h. 00m.00s. (Sun days and holidays excepted), 75th me ridian time. In case of the failure the ball is lowered slowly 5 minutes after 12. Clarence Hatch. In charge. OCEAN FHF.ICnTS. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per 100 pounds, 25c to New York, per 100 pounds, 20c to dock; 23e lightered: to Philadelphia, 20c per 100 pounds; Bal timore, 20c per 100 pounds. COTTON—Foreign direct to Liver pool, 28c; Manchester, 28c; Bremen, 24c; Hamburg, 24c; Rotterdam, 26c; Barcelona, 38c; Havre. 35c; Antwerp, 28c. LUMBER—By Sail—Freight, active; to Baltimore, 95.00; to Philadelphia, *4.75; to New York. 35.62%; to Port land, 36.00. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Baltimore, 35.50; to P. R. R. or B. and O. Docks, 36.00; to Philadelphia, 36.00; to New York. 36.25 per M. to dock; lightered. 37.00; to Boston, to dock 37.25. GENERAL MARKETS. New York,' Nov. 18.—Flour market was quiet and partially lower; Min nesota patent, 36.10@6.35. Rye flour, quiet. Buckwheat flour, firm: per 100 pounds. $2.20@2.25. Corn meal, steady. Rye, nominal. Wheat, spot, steady; No. 2 red, 31.21. Options had a severe forenoon break under bearish news, recovering later on a scare of shorts, the market closing firm at a partial lc net advance. May, 31.13%; July, 31.03%; December. 31.18. Corn, spot, steady; No. 2,57 c, f. o. b. afloat. Options market was dull and heavy. Rallying near the close, with wheat, it was finally %c net lower; May, 61%c; December, 58c. Oats—Spot, steady; mixed, 34%@ 35%c. Options, nominal. Beef, steady; beef hams, $22.00®23.50. Out meats, firm; pickled bellies, 8% (09c. Lard, easy; Western steamed, $7.45, November closed $7.45, nominal; refin ed, easy; continent, $7.80. Pork, steady. Tallow, steady. Rice, steady. Sugar, raw, steady; fair refining, 4%c; centrifugal 96 test, 4%c; molasses sugar, 3%c; refined, strong. Coffee, spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 884 c; mild, steady. The market for cofTee futures opened steady at a decline of 10®15 points. The close was steady at a net loss of 15@20 points. Bales, 82.500. Potatoes firm; Long Island. $1.75® 2.00; state and Western, $1.48@1.60, Jersey sweets, $].50@8.25. Peanuts steady; fancy hand-picked, 5%c; other domestic, 3>4@5140. Cabbages firm; per barrel, bo@7sc. Cotton by steam to Liverpool, 10@15c. Butter, firm, unchanged. Cheese, Irregular; skims full to light. 9<&9%c. Kggs, steady, unchanged. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, Nov. 18.—Reiterated reports of damage In the southwest caused ac tive covering of wheat to-day resulting in a firm market. At the close both the December and May deliveries were up %c. Corn is down %®lc. Oats are up a shade. Provisions are prac tically unchanged. The leading lulures ranged as fol lows Opening. Highest. Lowest Closing Wheat. No. 8— Dec $1 10% $1 1114 $1 18 $1 1114 May .... 1 1014 1 1114 1 1014 1 HI4 July .... 9714 8814 9714 *Bl4 Corn No. 2. Dec .... 6014 60% 4984 4984 May ... 4614 4514 45 >4 4514 July .... 46% 46% 4684 8614 Data, No. 2 Nov *9% Dee .... 28% 21% 2% 21% May .... 81% 81% 2| 14 81% July .... 8114 >l% *l% 11% Mea# Pork per barrel— Jan .... 11 80 12 85 11 67% I8 60 May ... U 66 12 TO It *2% IJ 87% Southern ilfV Railway Trains arrive and depart Savannah Union Station by Central time—one hour slower than city or Eastern time. Schedule Effective, Nov. 6, 1904. TO THE" NORTH AND EAST. [DallylDally [No. 34,N0.30 Lv Savannah (Cen Time)| 1 00p,12 15a Ar Blackville (East. Time)j 4 60p| 4 15a Ar Columbia 6 30p| 6 00a Ar Charlotte I 9 40p; 9 SSa Ar Greensboro 12 35a;12 51p Ar Danville j 1 46a| 2 10p At Richmond 6 58a| 6 4lp Ar Lynchburg 4 06 4 Mp Ar Charlottesville 5 50aj 6 lOp Ar Washington 9 45a, 9 50p Ar Baltimore 11 25a|1l 3op Ar Philadelphia 1 50p] 2 35a Ar New York 4 13p| 5 43a TO TH E "NORTH AND WEST. [Dally No. SO Lv Savannah (Central Time) .. 12 15a Ar Columbia (Eastern time) ... 6 00a Ar Spartanburg 10 o.ia Ar Hendersonville 12 50p Ar Asheville 1 50p Ar Hot Springs (Central Time) 2 "7p Ar Knoxville 6 00t> Ar Cincinnati 8 15a Ar Louisville 8 50a Ar St. Loul .., 4 Trains arrive Savannah as follows: No. 29, daily, from New York, Wash ington, St. Louts and Cincinnati, 4:50 a. m. No. 30, daily, from ail points West, via Jesup, 12:10 a. in. No. 33, daily, from New York and Washington, 3:30 p. m. No. 34. daily, from all points West, via Jesup, 12:55 p. in. THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. Trains 33 and 34, The New York and Florida Express. Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Trains 29 and 30, The Washington and Florida Limited. Vestibuled lim ited trains, carrying Pullman Draw ing-room Sleeping Cars between Sa vannah' and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Also Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and St. Louis. through Asheville and "The Land of the Sky." For information as to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to C. H. ACKERT, G. M„ -Washington, D. C. S. H. HARDWICK. P. T. M., Wash ington. D. C. W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A., Washing ton, D. C. BROOKS MORGAN, A. G. P. A., A tin 111 !l Cla R. C.' BLATTNER. Depot Ticket Agent, Union Station, Savannah, Ga. E. G. THOMSON. C. P. & T. A.. Sa vannah, Ga., 141 Bull street. ’Phones 850. MerioHis s Miners irsnsooriDiion Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North and West. First-class tickets Include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. The steamships of this company are appointed to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): to Baltimore:. CHATHAM, Capt Hudgins. SATUR DAY, Nov. 19, 2 p. m. FREDERICK, Capt. Robinson, TUES DAY, Nov. 22, 4 p. m. LEXINGTON, Capt. Kirwan, THURS DAY, Nov. 24, 5 p. m. ITASCA, Capt. Crowell, SATURDAY, Nov. 26, 7 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Dow, SATUR DAY, Nov. 19. 2 p. m. BERKSHIRE, Capt. Pratt, WEDNES DAY. Nov. 23. 5 o. m. MERRIMACK, Capt. McDorman, SATURDAY. Nov. 26, 7 p. m. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Dow, WEDNES DAY, Nov. 30, 11 a. m. WM. W. TULL, Agent. J. F. WARD. T. P. A. Ticket Office 112 Bull street. Phones 124. Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. A. D. BTEBBINS, G. M. J. C. WHITNEY. 2d V. P. and T. M, Genera) Offices. Baltimore. Md. Lard, per 100 pounds— Jan .... 7 07% 707 % 700 7 02% May ... 7 17% 7 17% 715 7 17% Short Ribs, per 100 pounds— Jan .... 650 652 % 650 650 May ....6 62% 665 6 62% 665 Cash quotation* were as follows; Flour easy; No. 2 spring wheat, 31.10 @1.15; No. 3, $1.03® 1.13; No. 2 red. $1.13%@1.14%; No. 2 corn, 52@54c; No. 2 yellow, 57%c; No. 2 oats, 29%c; No. 2 white,32%@32%c; No. 3 white. 31@32%c; No. 2 rye, 79%c; good feeding barley, 36@38%c; fair to choice malting. 42® 52c; No. 1 flax seed, 31.14; No. 1 Northwestern, 31-18%; mess pork, per barrel, $U.10@11.15; lard, per 100 pounds, $6.95@6.97%; short ribs sides (loose), 36.77@7.02; short clear sides (boxed), $6.75@6.87; whisky, basis of high wines, 31.24; clover, contract grade, 312.25. Receipts Wheat, 105,000 bushels; corn, 345,000 bushels; oats, 136,300 bush els. 1% Captains, Masters, Males and Sail ors. The latest New York, Boston, Phila delphia and other dally newspapers; weekly Journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; let ter and note paper, pens and Ink. at Estill's News Depot, 18 Bull street, corner Bryan street (near U. 8. Cus tom House). —ad. If Von Are Going (fonth Take advantage of the splendid train service via Atlantic Coast Line. Flor ida and West Indian Limited leaves Savannah 10:12 a m. (city time), arrives Jacksonville 1:45 p. in., leav ing Jacksonville 2:00 p. m., arriving Tampa 10:30 p. m. Sleepers and din ing cars to Jacksonville, buffet sleeper Jacksonville to Tampa. New York and Florida Express leaves Savannah 4:16 a. m. (city time) arrives Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. Sleep, er Savannah to Jacksonville. This train connect* at Jacksonville with train* for Fort Myers, Tampa and St. Petersburg, leaving at 9:46 a. m. Pullman buffet parlor cars Jackson ville to Tampa and Jacksonville to St. Petersburg. Savannah and Jacksonville Express, train No. 21, leave* Savannah 4:00 p. m. (city time), (train made up at Sa vannah and always leave* on time), connect* at Jacksonville with train leaving for Fort Myers and Tampa at 9:25 p. m., carrying Pullman buffet sleeping c*r* Jacksonville In Fort My ers and Jacksonville to Tampa, arriv ing Fort Myers at 12:40 p. m., arriving Tampa 7 :00 a. m.. Passenger service unexcelled. Secure Information and reserve your Pullman space at city ticket office, De Soto Hotel. Both 'phones 78. —ad. Drill He*tilallo. Tha latest edition of the United States infantry Drill Regulations. For sal* at Ratin'* News Stand, No. 13 Bull street, corner of Bryan, No. 3, east. Savannah, Oa. Mailed to any ad • dress lor 13 cent#.—*4. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Cos. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. IS. 1901. Trajns operated by _9oHi_Merldian Time. One Hour Slower than City Tims. J2U_!4f_ijHo J NORTH AND SOUTH.' f *39 I *3B I *45~~ I 15p| 6 40a i 1 35a! Lv .Savanah I 2 50ai 9 02a 6 30p 5 4p,n 05a 6 55a Ar Charleston Lv'll 45p[ 6 58a 330 p *’ I 1 40pAr Wilmington Lv| 330 p; Z ®‘ a [ 7 45p Ar Richmond Lv 9 05a 7 25p - ‘ ill ROp Ar Washington Lv 4 30a 345 p ® 9a i 1 40 Ar Baltimore Lv 2 37ai 2 12p - " a , i 4 25a(Ar Philadelphia Lv 12 lOa ll SSa ~ - z °°Pl 7 30a Ar New York Lv 9 25t> 6 2Sa *57 I *2l_ J_*3s_)_39 1 ” SOUTH _ | *4O | *SB *32 *22 6 45p 3 OOp. 9 12a[ 3 15uiLv Savannah Ar| 1 15a 9 45a 1 15p 9 36p in'AA "' ? 30,< 8 40a:Ar Brunswick Lv| 4 lOp 10 OOp 6 15p 11 20p| 6 05a Ar Wayoross Lv'lo 15p 6 20a 9 50aJ 6 30p i ?° a . 4 20p 10 40a Ar .. ..Thomasvllle Lv 3 10a 6 15a 2 35p , t *| a 1 55p Ar Albany Lvj 1 45a 2 25p --- a 6 40p 11 55a Ar Batnbridgc Lv 140a 5 00a 1 05p 8 °' >a 6 15p Ar ....Montgomery Lv 7 45p 6 50a i 9 ISP 1 45p 8 40a Ar Jacksonville Lv 8 05p 9 00a 330 p * 2op 345 pll 40a Ar Palatka Lv 4 50p 5 35a - a t < OOP 3 SOp Ar Winter Park Lvil2 52p 1 10a 33a U 00p 7 55p,Ar Port Tampa.... Lvi 8 20a 8 06p 8 42p Ar ....Tarpon Springs.... Lv! 7 20a jll 20a 9 40p:Ar PuntaGorda Lvi 6 45a 4 05p II 1 12 40p n OOplAr Fort Myera Lvi 5 30a 2 45p| NORTH. WEST AND SOUTHWEST. *67 I Via Jesup. j *SB *37 | *57 I Via Montgomery. *6B *22 8 45p'Lv. Savannah. Ar’ 9 45a!( 3 15a 6 4Sp|Lv . Savannah.. Ar 9 45a 9 35p 8 Sup Ar ....Jesup.... Lv 7 45a! 6 15p 8 05a Ar .Montgomery. Lv 7 45p 6 30a - o:.a:Ar ...Macon... Lv 2 15a I L. and N. .1 15a Ar ...Atlanta... Lv 11 50p 3 17a 7 15pAr ..Nashville.. Lv 8 30a 8 35a Ar Chattanooga Lv 6 30p 3 20a 2 20s Ar ..Louisville.. Lv 2 40a 8 15p Ar .Louisville. Lv 7 40a 12 Oln 7 20n ! Ar ..Cincinnati.. Lv 11 OOp 6 45p Ar .Cincinnati. Lv 8 20a 1 35p 7 20u Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 45p - 7 32a Ar ..St. Louis..Lv 10 Olp I M. and O. 7 10a Ar ...Chicago... Lv 9 00p 7 36a;Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 31p 6 10a Lv ...Atlanta... Ar 10 15p 4 lOp 9 15a'Ar ...Chicago... Lv 7 OOp 8 25p,Ar ..Memphis.. Lv 8 15a 2 65a 4 12p:Ar .... Mobile.... Lv 1 17p 12 30a 9 40a|Ar Kansas City Lv 6 30p 7 15a 8 16p| Ar New Orleans Lv 9 25a 315 p •Dally. Trains Into and out of Charleston are operated by Eastern time. Through Pullman Sleeping Car service to North. East and West and to Florida. Dining cars on trains 32 and 35 between Savannah and New York. No. 39, leaving Savannah 3:15 a. m,,and connects at Jacksonville with Puil man Buffet Parlor Cars for Tampa and St. Petersburg. Buffet Sleeping Cars for Tampa and Fort Myers. Connections made nt Port Tampa with U. S. mail steamship of the Penin sular and Occidental Steamship Line, leaving Port Tampa Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays at 11:16 p. m. IT. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. W. J. CRAIG, General Pass. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. . j W. H. LEAHY, Division Pass. Agent, Savannah, Ga. M. WALSH, Trav. Pass. Agent, De Soto Hotel. 'Phones 73. R. C. BLATTNER, Union Ticket Agent. Bell 'phone 235, Georgia 91L I. C. SAPP, Ticket Agent, De Soto Hotel. 'Phones 73. S EABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Sept. 26, 1904—90th Meridian Time—One hour alower lb**® City Time, south of Columbia;. E astern Time north of Columbia. No. 42. |No. 31.7 NORTH AN oocT H |No. St. (NoJML _ 12 10am|i2 26ptO|Lv *KW Voilß .Ar 4 15pm 3oa 7 23amj 2 65pmiLv West Philadelphia Ar 1 46pm 336 am 9 34am[ 5 10ptii[Lv Baltimore Aril SOura 11 26pm 10 46aml 7 OOpmlLv. Washington Ar 10 10am 8 36pm 2 20pmfl0 3Spin[Lv. Richmond Ar 6 35um 4 66pm 9 25am 9 06pm|Lv Portsmouth ...Ar 8 00am 6 30pm 7 Sopm 4 OOamjLv Raleigh Ar 1 25am 11 30am 320 pm 6 OOamjLv Wilmington Ar 11 30pm 12 45pm 12 62am! 9 56am|Lv Camden Ar 7 35pm 6 85am 12 56amfl0 00am Lv Columbia ..........Ar 5 30pm 4 25am 6 00am 2 26pm Lv SAVANNAH Lv 1 15pm 13 10am 7 43am 6 02pm Ar Darien Lv 10 10am 6 15pm 8 30am 6 30pm Ar Brunswick Lv 9 50am 8 40pm 10 20am 6 40pm Ar Fernanglna Lv 9 00am 6 25pm 9 05am 6 50pm Ar JACKIOSVILLIfi ............ Lv 9 05am 7 60pm 7 12pm 2 06am Ar Ocala Lv 2 21am 1 00pm 6 35pm 7 35am Ar Tampa Lv 8 00pm 360 am 11 22am |Ar Lake City Lvl 6 36pm 3 10pm]., |Ar Tallahassee Lvf 1 63pm 11 lOaml 9 lOpmlAr St Augustine Lv| 7 30am 6 20pm No. 73. INo. 71.| WEST.' jNo. 73.JN0. 74. 4 30pm 7 15am:Lv lAVaSjiau Ar 8 20pmjl0 00am 6 40pm 10 35am Ar Statesboro Lv 4 15pm| 7 60am 7 09pm 9 49am Ar Lyons Lv 5 37pm. 7 20am 8 85pm 11 19am Ar Helena Lv 4 05pm 6 00am 8 00am 4 20pm Ar Fitzgerald Lv 9 45am 7 28am 1 25pm Ar Corilele Lv 2 05pm 6 40pm 9 80am 335 pm Ar Albany Lv 12 05pm 7 00pm 8 85am 303 pm Ar Amerfcus Lv 12 S2pm 5 10pm 1100 am 5 15pm Ar Columbus Lv 10 15am 2 15pm ......... St. Louis Lv 8 00am f 7 16pml Mr NSW Lv 8 15pm No* II and 24, (SEABOARD EX Bit 1688, solid vestibuled train. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York and Tampa. Cafe dining cars. Nos. 43 and M, SEABOARD MAIL, through vestlbuied train* Pullman buffet sleeping cars between New York and Jacksonville. Nos. 71 and 72, WESTERN EXPRESS, connects at Montgomery for New Orleans and Southwest. l< CUjjrckt_olߣe ;> 2i2^i£ilJL!iiS2L-ISi£E!l£2£-i!iiJii Savannah and Statesboro Railway. SHORT LINK—THROUGH TRAINS. ___ NOD? 3 r TNo!~?tT' WS No! 7lt ]No. 74 4 30pm! 7 15am|Lv Savannah ArT 8 20pm|l0 00am 6 4Opm|JoJls(imtAr Statesboro Lv 4 OOptn 7 80am •Dally. tExcepit Sunday. On Sundays train 71 arrives Statesboro 9:15 OCE^^^^HI^^PANY SAILING DAYS SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON. roil NEW YORK. •CITY OF MEMPHIS, Capt. Burg, ‘CITY OF MACON, Capt. Asklns, MONDAY, Nov. 21, 3:30 p. m. MONDAY, Dec. 6, 3:30 p. m. •CITY OF MACON. Capt. Asklns, CITY OF COLUMBUS, Capt. Smith, WEDNESDAY. Nov. 23. 4 p. m. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 5:00 p. m. CITY OF COLUMBUS, Capt. Smith, KANSAS CITY, Capt Lewis, SATUR FRIDAY, Nov. 25. 6:30 a. m. DAY, Dec. 10. 7:00 a. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Lewis, MON- CITY OF ATLANTA, Capt Fisher, DAY, Nov. 28. 8:30 a. m. MONDAY, Dec. 12, 9:00 a. m. CITY OF ATLANTA, Capt Fisher. *CITY OF MEMPHIS, Capt Burg. WEDNESDAY. Nov. 30, 10:30 a. m. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 14. 10:00 a. m. •CITY OF MEMPHIS, Capt. Burg, CITY OF MACON, Capt Asklns. SAT SATURDAY. Dec. 3, 12:30 p. m. URDAY, Dec. 17, 12:80 p. m. FOR BOSTON DIRECT (FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS.) CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. Dreyer. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt Dreyer THURSDAY. Nov. 24. 6:30 p. m. THURSDAY, Dec. 8, 6:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Johnson, TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Johnson. THURSDAY, Dec. 1, 11:30 a. m. THURSDAY, Dec. 16, 10:00 * m. Ships sail on Central Time, one hour slower than city time. •Steamships City of Memphis, Chattahoochee, City of Macon and Talla hassee cairy only first cabin passengers. Obtain ropy of the Green Folder from your nearest agent. The company reserves the right to change Its sailings and to substi tute ships for those above without notice and without liability or account ability therefor For reservations or other Information apply to your nearest agent or address. J. 8. HOLMES. * WM. B. CLEMENTS, City Ticket and Passenger Agent. Traveling Passenger Agent L. R. VANDIVIEKE, Commercial Agent 37 Bull Street, Oermanla Bank Building. Savannah, Ga. O. C. SAVAGE, Agent, Ocean S. 8. Wharves. W. H. PLEASANTS. NFW YORK J - C HORTON. Vic# Pres, and Gen. Mgr. ’’ 1 ul ' l ' General Passenger Agt IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPH AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEW* SAVANNAH.GA. 11