The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 20, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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10 Mail Orders receive careful and prompt attention. Agents for the Standard Fash ion patterns. There Is Only One Reason—Just One that accounts for the extraordinary large business we are doing day in and day out, rain or shine, and that is the LOW PRICES at which we offer everything in our store In addi tion to this, we may add that our stock is always large and complete; that we never keep old or shop worn goods ; that everything we show is new and seasonable in style, and re//a ble in quality. Our SPECIAL OFFERINGS for this week, partly told of in this advertisement, is interesting reading for economical buyers Women's and Children's Knit Underwear Here are some Underwear Bargains for Monday which simply cannot go unnoticed. Children's flece-lined Jersey-ribbed Union Suits. alLsizes, worth 36c at 25c Boys' heavy plush-lined Cotton Vests and Drawers, all sizes up to 34, fully worth 40c at 25c Ladies’ fleece-lined Jersey Ribbed Undervqsts and Pants, 69c quality at 490 Ladies’ Wool Vests and Pants, white, grey and scarlet, the SI.OO kind at 75c Ladies’ Australian Wool Jersey Rlt/. bed Vests and Pants, white and grey, absolutely worth $1.25, at 98c Ladies' Oneita Wool Union Suits, the $1.26 kind at .. . 98c Ladies’ Silk and Wool Swiss Ribbed Vests and Pants, light weight, $1.50 value at 98c Hosiery. Boys’ extra heavy fast black Bicycle and School Hose, seamless, 20c value at 15c Children’s fine imported fast black Hose, Hermsdorf dye, large and small rib, high spliced heels, double soles, size 6 to 10, 39c value at 25c Ladies’ fine fast black Hose, f all seamless, regularly worth 25c, this week 17c Ladles’ imported fast black Hose, heavy, medium and light weight, high spliced heel, double soles, genuine 35c quality at 25c Ladies' fine fast black Cashmere and Merino Hose, extra good value at 25c, 35c and 49c. Gloves. One lot Infants’ Wool Mittens, white, pink and blue, regular price 19c, a bargain at 10c Children's All Wool Fancy Golf Gloves, a large assortment, broken sizes, was 35c, now 19c Ladles’, Misses' and Boys’ all wool Golf Gloves, black, white and fancy mixtures, extra value at 25c Ladies’ Real Kid Gloves, in black and all the leading colors. Special drive at 69c Ladies' fine Kid Gloves, black and colored, including all the new shades, clasp and hook: every pair guaranteed a genuine $1.25 value, for SI.OO Notions. Leather and Silk Belts, Immense variety, latest novelties at 25c, 50c, 75c and up. Leather Hand Bags, the latest styles at 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO and up to $7.50. Hair Brushes, extra values at 25c, 50c, 76c anil SI.OO. Tooth Brushes, extra good value at 10c, 15c, 2©c and 25c . New Pompadour and Back Combs at 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c. The latest novelties In Fancy But tons, large and small size to match, big variety 25c dozen up Kitty’s First Thanksgiving By IDA SHEPLER. Kitty Blair lived In one of the states Where Thanksgiving dawns upon cold days, and often the roads at this time glisten with snow. But Thanksgiving ■was not kept in Kitty's home. Her father was an honest man, but very ■trict and stern, and he said that he gave thanks every hour, not Just one day In the year. He did not believe In very much pleasure for young people. The neigh bors said: “Just wait until that young •sf child of his, Kitty, grows up and •ee if she doesn’t set her will against her father's will in these matters. Khe bas such a determined way with her.” The neighbors were right. When Kitty was nearly 14 she made her first attempt to set aside her father's will. At school there was one boy named Johnny Martin that Kitty thought very nice. He was her brother barn's chum. Johnny told Kitty that his mamma had brought him the finest new sleigh, and that his aunt across tbs river was going to glvs a party for the young folks the night before Thanksgiving, “and 1 am going to taka Vou and Mam to Ihe party In my new sleigh, Johnny said. Silks and Dress Goods Extraordinary Inducements This Week. Bi" selling means big values. If our prices for Biiks and Dress Goods were not lower than elsewhere, our sales would not he so large. If you think this over you will see the force of it, and will feel inclined to come here for your wants. It is VALUES such a3 we offer below that holds our patrons and constantly increases their ranks. 19 inch Heavy Black Taffeta Silk wear guaranteed; soft, rich luster; good 65c value, at 47? One lot Novelty Taffeta Silks, suitable for shirt waist suits, all colors, including the new browns; 69c values; at 49? 20-inch Plain and Changeable Taffeta Silks, all the new colors; regular 75c value, at 58? Novelty Taffeta Silk, fhe latest effects, suitable for shirt waist suits; 75 and 85c values; at 59^ 27-inch Black Guaranteed Taffeta, guaranteed woven in Selvedge; real 90c quality, at 69^ Silk Crepe de Chine, street and evening shades, an ex cellent SI.OO quality, at Corean Silk Crepe, an entirely new fabric that promises to be very popular; street and evening shades, 31 inches wide, at 75<* Yard-wide Heavy Black Taffeta Silk, wear guaranteed; instead of $1.19, here at 89£ Special 27-inch Imported Black Taffeta Silk; perspiration and spot-proof; wear guaranteed; sold everywhere at $1.50; price this week $1.25 See Those New Arrivals. Rajah Burlingham and Peau de Sobel Silks, in street and evening shades, at popular prices. Novelty Velvets in new, neat effects; suitable for shirt waists; special value 69^ Just received anew line Crushed Velvets, now so popu lar, in brown, garnet, blue and green 75 and 98^ Black Dress Goods. I One lot strictly reliable Black Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, including ladies cloth, Venetian serge, henrietta, Zibeline cheviot, Brilllantine, Sicilian and granite cloth, 40 to 52 inches, positively the best value offered at. .49<* One lot Imported Black Goods, the most dependable all wool and Mohair and wool, in all the leading and popular weaves; every yard a full SI.OO worth, some worth $1.25; choice this week at ’ 79? 54-inch fine Imported Black Broadcloth the $1.25 qual ity; this week 98> 54-inch Black French Broadcloth, finest finish, the $1.75 and $2.50 quality; reduced to $1.39 and $1.98 Colored Dress Goods. One lot 3 y ’nch Heavy Wool Ladies, Cloth, plain colors and mixtm\ . honestly worth 40c, at 29? One lot very stylish all-wool mixed suitings, mannish effects; 65c value, at \ 49? 52-inch absolutely all-wool Ladies’ Cloth, in all colors; a great bargain at 50^ One lot Mannish Suitings, pretty mixtures, guaranteed water-proof, should be 89c* this week 69^ 54-inch Imported Broadcloth, in all the leading street shades; SI.OO value at 79? 46-inch Heavy Sicilian, in all the new mixtures now so popular; special price $1.25 Gents’ Furnishings. Gents’ Heavy Black and Tan Half Hose, seamless, ex ceptional at two pairs for 25? Gents all pure wool Half Hose, black, blue, gray and tan; 35c value for .25? Gents’ heavy fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers, the kind sold everywhere at 50c; here 39^* Gents percale and madras negligee Shirts, stiff bosom or soft, choice patterns; excellent value at 49 and 75^ Gents’ extra heavy navy blue fleeced lined overshirts, pearl buttons or laced, very special at 50 and 75? Gents’ wool undcrphirts and drawers, gray and camels, exceptional value at .75 and 98C Gents’ fine heavy all-wool undersuits, white, scarlet, gray and camel hair; worth $4.00 a suit, at $2-98 Gents’ white plaited Dress Shirts, large and small plaits, no better value elsewhere at $1.50; here f)Bc Kitty shook her head, and said: “No, indeed, you won't Johnny Martin, be cause papa would never, never let us go. You will play games and maybe dance a little, and that wpuld never do for us." But Kitty could not help thinking about the party, and at last her desire merged Into a resolve to go. “And you are going with me," she said stoutly to her brother Ram, two years older than herself. “Yes, you are. and don’t say no! It's Just awful for us to have no fun at all. We will go to Nellie Brown's to spend the evening. We haven't been at the Browns for so long. Surely papa will not refuse that request, beenuse he thinks the Browns ever so nice. They live nearly across the river from Johnny's aunt, and they are going over In the boat to the party, so Nellie told me." “But that will bo the same as tell ing a lie, for we will not spend the evening with tho Browns," weakly protested Sam. “Yes. we will—we will spend It with them st the party. I expect to tell papa where we have been when I get home again. 1 won't care thon for the scolding, for I will have enjoyed the party." ft all turned oat as Kitty planned. With Nellis Brown, her sister end SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1904. Foye & Eckstein. brother, Ram and Klttv rowed glee fully ucross the river, down which ice cukes were floating, and the clock was striking twelve before Ram, fearing his father's stern displeasure, could coax Kitty to go home. “The Browns arc readv to go,” he urged. Johnny Martin wanted to take Sam and Kitty heme In his sleigh, and while they debated over this offer, Will Brown and hit; sisters, thinking Ram and Kitty not coming with them, went on toward the river. But Ram wanted to see Will about something that night, and said: “lil hurry on to overtake our crowd, and you two go on In tho sleigh around by the bridge, Hnd drive back along the river road on the other side to meet me. I've Just got to see Bill again to-night.” Ro Sam hurried on to the river. When he reached the mooring place, the Browns were nearly across the riv er In thrlr boat, and Ram would not call to them, but looked for another boat. There was none In sight but an old dugout, which is simply half a por tion of a log, flattened on the bottom and scooped out like a trough. One end of thia dugout was Ailed with Ice, hut Ram hiid rowed about the river too much to mind that. Picking up a long pole used for steering the dugout, ho aprang Into It and was soon bobbing out into the middle of the river. Perhaps. If he had not been in auch a hurry, he might, have come safely across, but so it was; Nellie Brown, looking bsek, saw him pushing the boat in a reckless manner Ladies' and Misses' Cloak and Suit Department This Department is doing a rushing business these days, and it is doing it solely because of merit. The public have found out that the best values are offered here, and that the largest variety and latest styles are also here. Make your purchases this week, as the choosing will not be as good later on, nor will the prices be any lower. A Great Landslide in Prices 250 Ladies’ Suits, up-to-date styles, fashionable materials. Have sold freely this season at $17.50, S2O, $22.50. While they last, if we have your size, choice $11.98 200 Ladies’ fashionably made Tail or-made Jackets. We may not have all the sizes and all the colors. Sold from $8.50 to $12.98. While they last, if you can get your size, choice at $5.98 200 Ladies' Skirts, broken sizes, as sorted colors of most desirable mater ials. While they last, choice . .$4.98 One lot Ladies’ Waists, choicest materials and colorings, broken sizes. While they last $3.50 and $5.00 values will be closed out at $1.98 i About 160 Misses’ and Children’s Tailor-made Suits, all colors, fashion able material, stylishly made; former price $6.50 to SIO.OO. This week your choice at $4.98 About 100 Children’s Military Coats, elegantly made, up-to-date styles, worth up to $6.50, choice $2.49 Misses’ Velvet Cloaks now so desir able. A complete line. Two specials— ss.oo and $12.50 values now $2.49 and $7.50. A grand variety of Infants’ Long Cloaks, the very latest productions. Specially priced for this sale 98c to SIO.OO. A great run on Misses’ All Wool Juvenile Sweaters worth $1.50 at 89s. 60 dozen Ladies' Outing Night -Gowns. Specially priced at 49c and 69c. Worth more. ' Our Fur Dep’t Is In charge of a man who thoroughly understands the Fur trade. Not a known skin or style that he is not ac quainted with. If you cannot suit yourself from stock, consult him. He will pro- re on short notice anything you may ant in this department De pend on it, he will save you money. Read the following items: Children’s and Misses’ Fur Sets. Specially good values and most desir able, at per set, 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49 and up. Ladies’ black and brown French Coney Ascots; the kind sold elsewhere at $3.00, here $1.98 Ladies’ black French Coney Stoles, 60 inches long, well worth $4.50, at $2.98. Ladies’ genuine blerded Mink Stoles, 60 inches long, SIO.OO value at $5.98 Ladies’ genuine River Mink Stoles, 60 inches long, extra special at $6.98. Beautiful Squirrel Stoles and Scarfs, worth $12.60, at $7.49. Isabella Fore Stoles, 120 Inches long, 4 clusters of tails, worth $50.00, at $35.00. Millinery In this Department every Worthy manufacturer is represented: every shape, style and color is here. Prices —well, we are sharing the prices with you this week. This Is a Great Chance. $ 7.50 Exclusive Pattern Hat5..5.4.98 SIO.OO Exclusive Pattern Hat5..5.0.98 $15.00 Exclusive Pattern Hat5..5.8.98 $20.00 Exclusive Pattern Hats..sll.9B Mourning Hats and Veils a specialty. among the floating cakes. The night was not bright enough to see objects plainly, but Nellie was very sure that she saw Kitty sitting behind Ram in the dugout. “Oh, Will!” she cried out In alarm.' "Row back! That dugout will roil over with them!” Will rowed back with all the speed possible, but before he came In clear sight of tho dugout It struck a cake of Ice fairly, and one end flying up in the air, tumbled Sam backward, hts head striking the ice in the boat before he rolled out of it into the river. He was clinging to the dugout. dazed and speechless with the blow and the shook from the cold plunge, and the young people ibore him to their . home unconscious. Johnny and Kitty, almost flying along the river road, wondered why they did not meet Sam. They pulled out of the road to let a galloping horse go by. Its rider, an older son of the Browns, was going for the doc tor for Ram, and to tell Klder Blair that Kitty was In the river. He did not recognize Johnny or Kitty, but called back: "Ram Blair's boat turned over!” Then Kitty went almost wild with grief and remorse. She dared not go home Mr fear of what her father would say. Johnny could do nothing better than take har to his mother, his own refuge when in trouble, and for houra the kind woman trlod to comfort tho IHtle mourner. Near morning oh* said’ "Hitch up the pony Johnny, and go tell Blder Furniture and Carpet Dep’t. Price Reductions Predominate. A Saving of a Third to a Half. In our determination to clear one of our three large floors of furniture to make room for toys and holiday goods, now arriving daily, we have made such immense reductions as no thoughtful housekeeper who will have such needs in the near future will want to pass. These sharp price concessions are made to make it worth your while to invest now: Solid oak Sideboard, nicely carved and finished, best French plate glass; fbrmerlv $15.00, now . .. $9 98 Solid oak three-piece Bedroom Suits, French plate glass in Dresser; formerly $20.00, now 813-98 Solid oak three-piece Bedroom Suits, full swell front, best French plate glass; formerly $50.00, n0w.... $32.75 Three-piece oak suit, hand-carved, quartered and pol ished, piano finish; former price, $85.00, now. ... $63 98 Solid mahogany three-piece Bedroom Suit, hand-carved, full roll to dresser and bed, piano polish; former price, $125.00, now $91.00 Odd solid oak Dressers, formerly priced at $8.50 and SIO.OO, now $5.98 Another lot solid oak Dressers, very sightly; former price $15.00 and $17.50, now $9 -98 Genuine mahogany Dressers, best French plate glass; regular price $37.50, now $25-98 Three-piece Parlor Sets, best tapestry and damask covers, former price $27.50; sale price $17.98 Five-piece Parlor Suit, covered with cut verona valous, beautifully finished; regular price $85.00, now $59.00 One lot solid oak and mahogany Morris Chairs, elegant finish, best covers; former price SIO.OO, now $6.98 Best Floor Covering At Ridiculous Prices. Ingrain Carpets, a large variety of patterns, made, laid and lined, the usual 45c quality, at 29? Best all-wool Ingrain Carpets, all new patterns, made, laid and lined; instead of 85c, now 59? Tapestry Brussels Carpets, made, laid and lined, never sold for less than 75c; now .59? Tapestry Brussels Carpet, best quality, made, laid and lined, always sold at SI.OO and $1.10; this week.. Whitall’s celebrated 5-frame Body Brussell Carpet, made, laid and lined; standard price $1.50, this week $1.09 Three hundred rolls Japanese and China Matting, all new patterns; 35 and 40c quality, this week. 25? Lace Curtains, Portieres, Etc. 500 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, sacrificed at 58c, 69c, 98c, $1.49 and upwards.. Odd lot fine Lace Curtains, one and two pairs of a kind used as samples; to close out at Half Price A beautiful variety of Tapestry Portieres, latest designs and colorings, per pair, ..$1.98 and $20.00 Ladies 9 and Children's Shoes. Children’s Button and Laoe Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, SI.OO value; for Monday only 50? Ladies’ Felt Slippers, good 75c quality; sale price. Ladies’ Felt Slippers, red, green and black, the $1.25 quality, at 79? Children’s Tan Button Shoes, sizes 4 to 8, regular price $1 .00; this week 69<* Children’s Button Shoes, tan tops and patent leather vamps, sizes 9 to 11; a $1.75 value for SI.OO One special lot Ladies’ Button Shoes, sizes 3 to 4 1-2; for Monday only. $1.50 value, at sl-00 . Ladies’ Lace Shoes, extension soles, all sizes; worth $2.50, now $1.50 Odd lot Ladies’ Lace and Button Shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 4-12, never offered less than $3.50; now $2.25 Umbrellas. Lav by something for a rainy day, if it’s only a good um brella. You will never appreciate your savings or our umbrella until you are in actual need of them. This is certainly a low price for a good umbrella; 500 26-iuch Black Gloria or Twilled Silk Close Rolling Umbrellas, natural, trimmed and fancy handles, suitable for ladies and gents; none in the lot worth less than $1.50, choice at 98<* Blair that Kitty is with us.” As Johnny went driving out of the gate, a neighbor passed, and called to him: “That’s dreadful about Kitty Blair, Isn't it?” "Sam, you mean,” corrected Johnny. "No, Kitty. Sam will be all right in an hour or so more the doctor says. It is for Kitty that Klder Blair grieves as never man grieved for daughter be fore, surely.” Over his son Blder Blair bent, lis tening to him mutter for Kitty to hurry! hurry! As In a daze, he saw Kitty push between himself and the bed, b.end over- and kiss her brother, then turning, throw herself In his arms, crying, "Forgive • me, forgive me, papa, and never, never again will I de ceive you!" Folding Kitty In his arms, those near saw a look of glory spread over the stern face, and heard him utter: “Dear Lord, we all come short In Thy sight. Forgive me, and accept my thanks for this Blessed Thanksgiving Dawn, which I will ever keep In mem ory of Thy mercy to me.” MENELIK’sTzOO GIFT TO PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. Formed a Sira nee Procession Through Mew York Streets. New York, Nov. It.—With policemen from the Tremont and Bronx Park stations forming an escort and guard of honor, the collection of animals pre sented by King Meneltk to President If you think others give good values, Come Here. You’ll find better. Roosevelt made an interesting parade from Fordham to the New York Zoological Park. These animals, which arrived recent ly on the steamship Minneapolis, came to this country consigned to William Bills, and are intended as a gift from the African King to President Roose velt. It was at first Intended to ship them direct to Washington, but this plan was changed and the collection is now safely housed under the care of the Zoological Society In Bronx Park, where It will remain until further or ders, and perhaps mav eventually form part of the regular collection. At the head of the profession was Raleb Bln Raleb, an attendant, who came to this country with the ani mals. In his charge were the two Galada baboons, natives of Abyssinia, their fierce looking faces, with manes resembling those of lions, causing the boys who followed to give the animals plenty of room. These baboons are considered very rare In this country and are now the only ones of their kind In the Zoological Park. Led by an attendant of the park and closely following tho strangely clod Raleb Bln Raleb. enme Gravy's zebra, which Is a particularly fine specimen of Its kind, no others being on ex hibition In this country. The zebra, like the other animals of the collec tion, will be kept in the park until President Roosevelt sees fit to other wise dispose It. It differs from the others on exhibition there, In that Its •tripes are much finer, while the white tialr Is very much cleaner looking than Table Linens, Towels, Etc. Great Thanksgiving Offerings. Heavy Russian Crash Toweling worth B%c at 6He 20x38 Huck Towels, hemmed fancy border, the 12Hc kind at .’ 9 0 Table Doylies, fringed, checked and colored border, each l>4c Large size knot fringe Damask Tow els, plain, white and fancy borders, the 25c kind at 19c 68-inch Bleached Table Damask, the 29c quality at 21c 100 dozen large size all Linen fring ed Doyllss, the 65c a dozen kind at 49 C ’ 20 pieces fine Mercerized Table Damask, well worth 65c, at 49c 100 dozen 3-4 Damask Dinner Nap kins, the SI.OO kind at 790 25 dozen large size white fringed Linen Doylies worth $1.39 at ...,98c 20 72-inch All Linen Bleached Dam ask Napkins to match the $1.26 qual ity, at 98c 60 Damask Table Sets, plain and hemstitched, at greatly reduced prices this week. Domestics Good Unbleached Sea Island Sheet ing, the 6c kind at 4c Good Soft Finished Bleached Shirt ing, good 6c value, at 4c Yard-wide Soft Finished Bleached Shirting, worth 6%c, at 4Hc White Domet Flannel, worth 7c, at sc. Yard-wide good quality Bleached Shirting, 8c quality at 6Hc Outing Flannels, light and dark colors, stripes and checks; the 10c quality at Bc. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, the 22%c kind at ..17 He Blrdeye Cotton Diaper, 10 yard piece, 50c value, at 39c English Long Cloth, 12-yard piece, worth $1.19, at 89c Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases Full size hemmed Pillow Cases, sold everywhere at 10c, here 8c 45x36 best quality hemmed Pillow Cases, the 15c kind, at ........ 11%C Full size Bleached Sheets, hemmed ready for use, 50c value at ...,39c 81x90 very best quality hemmed Sheets, regular 75c quality at ....59c Blankets \ and Comforts 10-4 White and Grey Wool Finished Blankets. A bargain at 69c 10- heavy White and Grey Wool Blankets worth $1.60, at 980 11- White pure Wool Blankets, positively worth $6.00, at $3.75 11-4 White California Wool Blan kets, easily worth $7.50, at ....$4.98 11-4 Extra fine White California Wool Blankets, SIO.OO value at . .$6.98 Bib Bargains in Bed Comforts at 29c, 49c, 75c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98 and up to SIO.OO. that of the ordinary zebra seen in this country. The zebra Is almost as large as an ordinary mule. Other animals in the perade were a handsome lion cub. five Arctic foxes and the largest pair of ostriches ever seen by keepers at the park. The white foxes are a gift to the Zoological Society from A. H. Dunham, who has charge of the game of the Arctic re gions. All along the stretch of the two miles from the railroad to the park were lined by crowds of people who watched the strange procession with great in terest. —Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jennings are to observe their golden -wedding on Thanksgiving Day at their home at Stamford, Conn. Their daughter will celebrate her silver wedding at the same time and their granddaughter will be married. BRADFORD'S EVAPORATED OKRA. Makes the finest soups and gum bos. gold by all leading grocers I eta. per box. M. Ferst's Bona A Cos., Wholesale Agenta.