The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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SUNSHINE AND RAIN ALTERNATE rapid change in weather made disagreeable to resi dents OF SAVANNAH. Cloudy Skin In Mofnlng and Rain In Afternoon Sunshine at 4 O'clock and Rain at O’clock. Clear Skies Cnttl H O'clock and It Hained Again Until Nearly 0 O’clock— Cantlon Advised Shipping Interests Until This Morning. Disturbance Is Increasing. Yesterday was an experimental oc casion with the Weather Man and he alternated the currents with an aston ishing irregularity that kept Savannah lans in a constant state of worriment as to what to expect next. At 10 o’clock last night a telegram from Washington announced that the disturbance over the Gulf states was Increasing In intensity, with a ten dency to move northward, and advis ed caution to vessels until morning. As far as Savannah was concerned It was a most disagreeable day. It bep*an with skies overcast with gray clouds, moving rapidly northward, but never allowing the sun the slightest opening through which to peep. At noon it changed tactics, the clouds disappeared, and the sun came out. Then the gloom cheered up, hoping for another fair day. But it couldn’t last and at 3 o’clock in the ‘afternoon It began raining. The shower was not pleasing to the Weath er Man, and he switched levers and out came the sun again. This was even less pleasing, and he turned on the rain crank ag'ain, while he deliberated on the question. This shower was heavier than the first, but like its pred ecessor, did not last long. At 4 o'clock it cleared up again, and every indication was that the rain was over. Umbrellas were put In ob scure corners, raincoats went to their pegs on the walls, and Savannahians began thronging the streets again. Two Heavier Showers. Shortly before G o’clock, however, the Weather Man got things mixed again and it began raining. This was the hardest shower of the day and there was a hurried scramble for shelter. Big automobiles, tooting a warning to scurrying pedestrians, swished around the corners in a mad race for home. Delivery wagons rushed hither and thither and cabs swung aroqpd cor ners with an astonishing recklessness. Men turned up their coat collars, pull ed their hats down more firmly on their heads, and, throwing diginity to the winds, scurried for shelter. The’ entrances to the stores were crowded with busy shonners. At 7 o’clock it stopped raining again, but this condition lasted only until 8, and then storm symptoms rapidly de veloped and the rain again began. In the hollows in the pavements little pools collected which reflected the lights from the streets and stores. Men and women, hurrying past each other in search of shelter, splashed in the puddles. The women looked dag gers and the men muttered softly of certain rainless regions where mer cury keeps above the boiling point. Evening Was Clear. At 9 o’clock the fair weather current was turned on again and from that hour until midnight the night was ideal. A full moon made artificial lights unnecessary for the at-'ets. The skies were cloudless and sa\e for the wet pavements and streets there were no indications that It had rained in weeks. At midnight affairs twisted around again and the rain side of the signals showed, though the rain was not a heavy one. The total rainfall for the day measured .38 of an Inch. At 10 o’clock the following telegram was received from the central Weath er Bureau office at Washington: “Dis turbance over South Atlantic coast in creasing in intensity, with more north ward tendency. Advise caution till morning.” The disturbance Is not of a nature that ts at all serious and the warning is intended merely for the shipping interests. THE OCTOBER TERM CAUSED DISMISSAL Andem Divorce Libel la Re-lnat&ted in Snperior Court. On motion of Attorney W. H. Boyd the divorce libel of Mrs. J. H. Anders, against her husband. J. L. Anders, was yesterday reinstated in the Su perior Court. The case was dismissed at an order of the court during the October term, because no one appear ed to prosecute It. In his motion for reinstatement of the case the attorney for the plaintiff Calmed the ease had been brought to the .Tune term of the court, and that a first verdict had been then secured. He then expected, the October term tiot having been established at that time, that the case would come up for its second hearing at the December term. For that reason he did not ap pear to prosecute It at the October term. fhe court granted the motion for re instatement, and the case will come up at the December term. The divorce is brought on the alleged grounds that the husband is habitually Intoxicated, nd that his actions and general con duct compelled the petitioner to part from him. Two Trains Daily to Eastern Cities Via Southern Railway. Southern Railway has resumed double daily train service be tween Savannah and the East, leaving Savannah 1 p. m. and 12-15 a ' m - £ entral tlme ' Both trains car ry Pullman drawing room sleeping cars to Washington and New York elegant day coaches and the finest din ing cars In the world. All trains now operated over the new double track through Virginia and the Southern Potom y <,o !j£ 1 *’ track bridge across the lo Pullman reservations glad- O ™ ad ?. or Information furnished upon application to E. G. Thomson, C. P. * fl T ’ A ” Bull street; 'phones 850. hhuohal. wu! Jn ’ BTOKE8 ’ RIBBON store, rihLr 1 ]' 0U behu,| lul Batin and taffeta yar,i ' f K Ur lnchM t 15c per at 26r- J?f U " lh * n olherß e " S 12 l i ; ,,k t ? ffeta r>bon. No. 7. And lo*. ** 60 y r<l ; No. 40, 60. Colf ,r?7 at 10c Pr yard In all the late an,l *’ n,rrow aatln ribbon for collars fan <y work. Ir to 2t*e, yard. arwl o ,^r„ , . nN ?' op IUM. LAUDANUM in l ‘"i* hahßs cured permanently an., Patient, without Inconvenl eur**l r .' 1 ® , *' nllon from business; have Do r ,S Un .' ,r ' !4l * : °° m Plate treatment, i.... ,y. <M| * particulars write Dr. ~ — Bos ||, Atlanta. Os. JKWKLBR AND OP hn l! retiui and prices at *nt yolf "0u f tuon, west. Las s u i..', ) ,, pi aieu, sawsfsa- 1854-1904 Waltham Watches HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. The Perfected American Watch, " an illustrated Booh of .Interesting information about watches, free upon request .AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, WALTHAM. MASS, “RIVERSIDE” grad* •specially recommended. LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW FRAMES. INTERIOR FINISH. YELI.OW PINE,WHITE PINE, OAK, ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash, Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Bryan and Whitaker Sta, Factory: Latlirop avenue and O. S. b. Cos. wharves. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSi PERSONAL. E. F. FEGEAS, LAWYER, 116 BULL street; contracts, deeds, wills, collec tions, real estate; corporation work and foreign claims given especial at tention; parle Francais. Deutsch ge sprochen. DANIEL aT YiOLLAND REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York. A.CANEVET, FRENCH SHOEMAK er, agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes, ?4; my price, 32.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale; repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. REPAIRING WATCHES AND ALL kinds of jewelry attended to promptly by J. & C. N. Thomas, corner Whit aker and State streets. FOR - STORING. PACKING, SHlß ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general drtiyage a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both ’phones 2. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN izer, sells the best tire on the market f0r,33. Sundries at lowest prices. 324 West Proad. Both ’phones. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND LADIES stick pins, brooches, necklaces, rings, hair pins and all kinds of jewelry at J. & C. N. Thomas, corner State and Whitaker. A. CANE VET, FRENCH SHOEMAK er, 309 Broughton, west; the cheapest place In town to buy shoes, because his rent is low, and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of it. HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES are getting scarce this early in the season; advanced to 32.95 each; gold fish three for a quarter. At Gard ners, 18 Broughton street, east. STORE TOUR FURNITURE WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both ’phones 2. corner Montgomery and Broughton street. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED! I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at 31.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; Imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell ’phone 1136; Georgia ’phone 2841. "h A vino" OVERHAULED MY shop, equipping it with the best ma chines, tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of its patronage In wheelwrightlng, blacksmithing, horse shoeing. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Ju lian. HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterlch’s, 110 State street, west. WHEN YOU WANT YOUR AUTO mobile painted call on Kramer; he will do it right. THE BEST JEWELRY AT THE cheapest price at J. & C. N. Thomas; we handle fine goods and do not get fancy prices. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me, 324 West Broad; Jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia ’phono. 1834. Bell. 2130. FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE As sorted candy, 75c, 31. and 31.50, at Het terich’s 110 State street, west. "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT;” THAT means the "New Home” sewing ma chine; Its always ready. A. J. Purs ley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State street. “LET"ME REPAIR YOUR BROKEN jewelry before the holiday festivities are upon you. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos., Broughton street. WE REPAIR PUNCTURES FOR only 10c. Williams’ Bicycle Company, the cut rate house. SWEET, PEAS. POPPY, DAISY and other flower seed; plant food; bone flower and pots at Oardner's, IS Broughton street, east. O. O. PENTON. DEALER IN ALL kinds ot sewing machines, has moved io 142 Jefferson and York lane. I SELL. BUY. EXCHANGE, RB pah- or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plles. O. O. I’enton. YOU GET YOUR MONEYS worth when vou buy your Jewelry of us. Every quality Is guaranteed, and our prices are always low enough. J. H Koch, 41 Whitaker, PEOPLE WHO USE THE "NEW Home” sewing machine will tell you that Its "Johnny on the gpot." A. J. Pursley, agent. US Whitaker, corner rftete street. * GIVE US A TRIAL IP YOU NEED any repairs en yaur boiler or machin ery •< sop kind. Mingi.dorff * Ce. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEIt 23. 11)04. PERSONAL. BEDROOM SUITS. “CASH OR credit,” at Miller’s; sideboards and din ing tables; try us once, we’ll meet you half way in price and quality. 207 Broughon, west. DANIEL A. HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents bicycles of every kind. Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new for sale. 32.95 RATTAN ROCKER, FULL roll weave, others ask 33 per cent, more for It; handsome couches $7.50; leather couches and fancy rockers. Miller’s, 207 Broughton street, west. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they are the same as new. See him on Whitaker near York. ONE-POUND BOX FINE ASSORT ed candies or chocolates, 25c, at Het terlch's, 110 State street, west. RING UP GEORGIA NoT 1821. LET us furnish you with good lights before you get company for the “Carnival;" the "Ignito” can’t be matched, be cause you need no matches. OIL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, hot stuff, wood and coal stoves; cast Iron ranges, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit; will take your old stove in exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stove mechan ics In the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia ’phone 2853; Bel! ’phone 1123. D. N. THOMASON. AGENT: STOVE expert, has severed his connection with Thomason & Hahn Stove Company, and has removed to 139 Jefferson, where he carries full line stoves and ranges, cheaper than ever. Old stoves taken In exchange. Repairing a spec ialty; best material used In Jobs; best workmanship; prompt attention to work. Bell ’phone 966; Georgia 2807, MUSLIN CURTAINS 69 CENTS; ruffled net curtains 31.75; portieres at 32.50; see our Smyrna rug at 31.25; se lect designs of curtains, portieres and rugs in the better grades. Miller’s, 207 Broughton, west. CHRISTMAS is COMING; WE sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhine wine at 50 cents bottle; pure blackberry and Chianti wine, 65 cents; other imported wines and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a call. Trapani, Barnard-State. HANDKERCHIEFS FOR LADIES and men, 35c and 40c, dozen; hose for men, ladies and children, 2 pair for 15c; Bailey’s violet talcum powders 8c box, 75c dozen; J. O. King’s spool thread, 20c dozen. M. A. Stokes, the specialty man. FOR SEWING MACHINES OF AT.t, kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer son; needles, oil In bulk or bottle. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN-INDUS try; If you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draying lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagons are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railways; now, boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash; guaranteed twelve months. 512-520 Hull street, west; also Deer ing mowers, rakes and repairs. STORES AND RESIDENCES IN the country can have as good lights as the city, at much less cost, by ad dressing the Ignito Cos., under Masonic Temple. Savannah. Qa. THOMPSON’S TRANSFER CO. call and get price of our beautiful fourhorse team for a straw and a day’s outing. If It Is business you want instead of pleasure let us call and make estimate for moving. Bag gage called tor and delivered. Office 210 Whitaker street. Savannah, Ga, Bell ’phone, 184; Ga., 1717. KIMBALL’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC ring is giving relief to the many that use them. Why continue to suffer when so simple a remedy can be got ten? J. Gardner, Agent, 18 Broughton street, east. , " KNAPPS - EXPECTORANT IS A household word; cures coughs when everything else fails; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111_Barnard street. FOLDING CARTS, 32.50 AT MlL ler's; this is go-cart headquarters; over 60 patterns to select from; hot stuff stoves and oil heaters. 207 Brough ton stj-eet, west MY CHARGES FOR JEWELRY repair work are very reasonable and my work is good. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos. ' CHINA MATTINGS 12% CENTS! 15 cents, 19 cents, 25 cents and up; pri vate patterns In Japanese mattings; stair carpets and art squares; see our 9x12 Axmlnsters and velvets. Miller’s, 207 Broughton street, west. PHOTOGIIAPHy, THE LARGEST AND FINEST AND best equipped studio In the South Is Wilson's Studio at 111 Whitaker street. Amateur supplies, developing and fin ishing. Frames made to order from a very large and select line of mouldings by an expert white framemaker. Many pretty novelties and specialties for the holidays. Before making your Xmas selections be Bure and visit Wil son’s Photo Studio at 111 Whitaker street, Just south of Broughton street, THE FOLTZ STUDIO. AT 116 BULL street, Is again ready for business, after being entirely remodeled; a pow erful skylight has been Installed, and Improved acceetories have been added to this already up-to-date studio, so that we are now better able than ever to produce the highest grade if photographic work and at popular prices; developing, printing and en larging for amateurs in the greatest promptness consistent with good work. MOORE’S STUDIO, 107 BROUGH ton street, west, la the place to go for good, honest work; all work exhibited Is done right here In our etudlo, and the work vou see In our show rases Is Just what you get from the studio; our fine rabtnels at IS per dor.en will pitas* you; try us sad be convinced. —OUR— Hammered Brass All Hand-made Is So Attractive. See Our East Window. CHAFING-DISHES An assortment unequaled any where. This is just the season for the delights of the Chafing Dish. Our stock covers the lowest priced ones as well as those costing 3-5. Barter Oil Heaters. Don’t neglect keeping your rooms comfortable these fall days. It saves sickness and expense. The Barter Oil Heater Is the very best Oil Heater made. It does not smoke or smell. It is economicttl with oil and the flame does not crawl. Oil is cheaper than gas, wood or coal. Our Fall Display Is most attractive. Come and see it. Thos. West & Cos., 11 Broughton Street, West. PROFESSION AL. COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHER, located at Room 18, Board of Trade; Georgia 'phone 1950. MEDICAL. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A medicine of merit, the most popular preparation for coughs and colds; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufac tured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE FOR the cure of liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine, tobacco and cigarette habits. For information, address Keeley Insti tute, 235 Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga. LADIES, I REPRESENT - ONE OF the most wonderful remedies for fe male troubles; physician's prescription; don’t fail to consult me; money refund ed if not satisfied. Mrs. M. A. But ler, No. 28 Oglethorpe avenue, Sa vannah. Ga. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE entry bookkeeper who is capable of doing out-door work and can furnish bond. Address, “Sober,” care Morning News. WANT E D — TWO YOUNG W HITE men to canvass; good pay; call Wed nesday evening from 7 to 8:30. Mr. Wing, 318 West Broad street, Central Hotel. WANTED, A MAN AND His WIFE without children to run a model dairy of ten or twelve cows; wages 325 to 330 a' month; According to returns; house and vegetable garden free of rent. Address W. J. De Renne, Isle of Hope, Savannah. Gh. WANTED FOR SAVANNAH, A representative for the Smith Premier Typewriter. Apply to H. M. Ashe, General Dealer; Atlanta, Ga. WANT A GOOD, SMART YOUNG grocery clerk at the Little Cash Gro cery. 41 Habersham. TWO FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS, 5 FIRST-CLASS PAINTERS. 2 FIRST CLASS PLUMBERS. ADDRESS, JAMES GRIBBEN, THOMASVILLE, GA. WANTED, AN ACTIVE EXPER . ienced grocery salesman for South west Georgia and Northern Florida; must reside in a central location in this territory and come well recommended. Otto Tiedeman & Sons* Charleston, S. C. (W A N T E D. EXPERIENCED woodsman for small turpentine place; must be able to furnish good refer ence and control labor; man with fam ily preferred. Address E. O. Powell, Hawkinsville, Ga. WANTED, A GENERAL LINE OF help, drivers, sawmill men, wood cut ters, cooks, house girls, nurse girls, laundry Wands, office boys, experienced collector, waiters, porters and butlers. Wandell’s 209 Jefferson street. PRINTER WANTED; PERMA nent position to competent book, Job and advertisement man, in good shop; preference given to attractive ad. writ er from rough draft; state wages; no boozers. Address Wilson, care Morn- News. WANTED, A GOOD SHINGLEIN SPECTOR; BOY PREFERRED COME AT ONCE. GODLBY BROS. SNYDER, GA., S. A. L. RY. “WANTED, FIVE FIRST-CLASS cigar makers; good pay and steady employment to the proper parties. Ad dress Xlmiamles Bros., Miami, Fla. WANTED. SALESMAN IN BAVAN nah and vicinity to handle our pen and pencil writing tablets os side line. Address at once, A. L. Holton Cos., Ltd., tablet manufacturers. Norfolk, Va. 375 PER MONTH AND TRAVEL- Ing expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers; experience unneces sary. Purity Cos.. Chicago. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE! copy letters; home evenings; 39.50 week; send addressed envelope for par ticulars. Manager Dept. W.. 47 Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED FOR U. sTarMYABLe’- bodied, unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate Its, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 303 Bull street. Sa vannah. Ga., or 108 West Forsyth street. Jacksonville. Fla. WANTED. FOR THE U. 8. MA rlne Corps, able-bodied men. between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land In our island pos sessions, and at naval stations in the United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. S. Marine Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to 5 and. m. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED. COMPETENT NURSE to stay on premises; must come w-ell recommended; good salary to right party. Mrs. M. S. Gardner, 413 Whlt ‘aker street. WANTED, A GOOD" WHITE OIRL willing to assist In cooking. Apply 23 Bay street, east. WANTED. A THOROUGHLY CAR able woman without encumbrance to do house work for small family; will And comfortable home at 120 West Thirty-seventh street. COOK. WANTED, AT 803 WHlTA aker street. wanted, a matured, CVI7- lured, energetic lady for a permanent d'llghtfut and lucrative position, pre vious experience unnecessary. Address W, it C, cart of ike News. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. L A DIES copying letters at home; evenings or spare time and return to us; no mail ing or canvassing, 39.00 weekly earned; materials free; enclose self-addressed envelope for particulars. Guarantee Cos.. No. W. 47 Ninth street, Philadel phia, Pa. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. FARMER AND GARDENER wants work; long experience with veg etables and fruit trees; sober, reliable, white man; best reference. Address, Farmer, Morning News. ” WANTED, POSITION, YOUNG man, Danish; speaks three languages; as clerk, waiter, porter, anything; not afraid of work. Peter Rasmussen, W. C. T. U„ Liberty street, Past. WANTED, POSITION BY FlßST elass circular sawyer; is also filer and hammerer; strictly sober; state sal ary paid. Address Box No. 46, Screven, Wayne county, Georgia. WANTED, .SITUATION AS WOODS man for sawmill; ten years’ experi ence; all necessary references furnish ed. F. Smith. Poulan, Ga. EXPERIENCED SAW FILER wants position now or by first of the year. Address Filer, care Morning News. WANTED. POSITION AS _ SECOND baker in hotel; willing *■> go any where. 412 West Charlton street. ANTED— 110 \ It l>. GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM AND hoard in good location; in house with modern conveniences; address with terms. Address. Box 35, News office. W ANTED—MISCELL A \ KOI*. _ WANTED. CYPRESS AND POP lar wood sawed in lengths of four feet, round sticks and not split; we are paying 34.00 per cord for this wood delivered at our factory; it must be sound and comparatively free from knots. Write us for specifications. Pler pont Manufacturing Company, Savan nah, Ga. " COIN COLLECTIONS?” YES, I BUY them; describe what you have; will call if description justifies. Antiquarian, P. O. Box 5, Savannah, Ga. SECOND-HAND F U R N ITU R E. stoves and household goods bought for cash. Bourquin, 113 Barnard street. CONFEDERATE - MONEY ? Y ICS, I buy it by price list; will call if your description justifies. Antiquarian, P. O. Box 5, Suvann’.ih, Ga. WANTED, - OLD GOLD AND SlL ver for cash, or will make new Jewelry of it. Wilensky, jeweler and optician, 244 Broughton, west. MONEY TO LOAN. "moneyT^f'yoiTnhedTt^call or write and I will get it for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the loan. E. Muhlberg, 225 Congress, west; Georgia ’phone 1992. FOR. RENT—ROOMS. southern exposure, to gentleman; no other roomers; references exchanged. Address G. H., care Morning News. FOR RENT—FLATS. ~'to rent! a seconilstory flat. No. 9 Park avenue, east; these are fine rooms; rent 313 per month. Apply on premises. N ICE - FLAT - FOUR ROOMS; large cedar closets; gas and water. (Dale residence). Jones and Haber sham. FOR RENT, PORTION OF HOUSeT 317 Liberty street, east. Apply to J. F. Brooks, 15 Bay street, west. THREE NICE ROOMS, - 311 WEST Waldburg; with use of bath; 310. A FLAT FOR K ENT - ON BAR nard street, with ail modern Improve ments. Apply E. Moyle, 10 Broughton street, east. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENT, THIRTY-THIRD and Habersham. James B. Copps, 215 Congress; Bell ’phone 1919. ONE DESIRABLE APARTMENT left In "Casanova,” corner Taylor and Lincoln. J. C. Postell, 18 Bryan, east, east. 1402 abercornTsix ROOMS - AND bath; beautifully papered; gas range, instantaneous heater, tiled bath room, and every convenience; low rental. Youmans & Demmond. FOR IIK.VT FIOISKK. '^Sir^ORTY^7KST - STREET\WESTT this duelling. being thoroughly repair ed, contains eight rooms; large yard; rent *l2. Apply R. 8. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. 540 TAYLOR. EAST; THIS DWELL log has been thoroughly overhauled; has eight rooms and bath; only 117 per month. Apply R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bry an, east. 18 HENRY, EAST; THIS DWELL- Ing contains seven rooms, kitchen and bath; large yard; rent, $33. Apply R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. TWO-STORY DWELLING ON CAR line In West Savannah; artesian wat er; splendid neighborhood; 110 per month. Qeo. L, Keen, Pulaski. House. FOR RENT] THREE- 8 TOTfY brick house, 439 Barnard street; late ly renovated throughout. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. ~~d eTsTr able seven-room house, perfect condition; corner Thirty third and Abercorn; 120. J. C. Postell, 18 Bryan, east. 237 GORDON, EAST; CORNER Lincoln, brick residence, modern and every convenience; six bedrooms; splendid Haines & Hunter. 139 IS THE RENT OF THE TllßEE story brick house, lOlNHarrls,. east; will make an excellent boArdlng house. Youmans & Demmond. RESIDENCE, ner Hull and West Broad; eleven rooms and two baths; first-class In ev ery particular; an elegant location for a boarding house. W. J. Miscally, Jr., 20 Bryan, east. 202 HABERSHAM. EIGHT ROOMS? newly painted. 205 Charlton street, east, second floor. CHAS. fTfULTON, Real Estate Agent and Broker, Buys and Sells on Commission. Rents Collected. ■ Estates Managed. Assumes the entire management of real estate, collecting rents, paying taxes, making returns, etc., thereby re lieving the owner of all care and an noyance. 1-ong experience and persistent at tention enables ine to realise for prop, arty owners the very best results. All business placed In my bunds will receive the most careful attention. 11l Bell--FlfUNKll—Georgia 111. Raise $3.50 Give it to Us for a Pair of the Packard’s “Korrect Shape” And your Shoe troubles will be settled for another season —or two. Don't forgot to send in a name for jj our now lino of Mon’s and Women’s Shoes. Five dollars and anew pair for the best name. Globe Shoe Company. FOR RENT— ROUSES. *"'for~rent] several DESIR bIe residences and flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. A VERY DESIRABLE house, furnished or unfurnished. 525 Whituker, Apply 244 East Oglethorpe avenue. r 1 FOR KENT—STORES. FOR RENT, STOReT'aND SIX rooms above, on Bay, near Montgom ery; will rent separate or together. Apply at Wilensky, Jeweler, 244 Broughton, west. FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. '"tor" RE NTr PLANTERS HOTEL, wtih or without bar; will make cheap lent to right party. Apply to Horace Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, THE BARROOM AND premises known as the "Custom House Shades.” For terms apply to T. Lloyd Owens, Custom House. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. ing Orleans Square; one of the hand somest and most picturesque colonial residences in the South; can be bought cheap. Haines & Hunter. BEFORE YOU BUY~OR SELL property consult Robt. H. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 24 President street, opposite Court House. Georgia 'phone 1360. FARMS FOR SALE. ONE FARM FOR SALE. APPLY to 46 Whitaker street. ENUINEA AND UOII,EIIs. FOR field tram engine; 28-Inch drivers; In A1 condition; just overhauled. Address Tram, this office. MACHINERY: SAWMILL, VARIA bIe feed with live rolls, engine and boiler complete; ready to operate. Hartfelder-Garbutt Company, 301-5 Bay street, west. ENGINES. BOILERS, PUMPS; IN fact, everything In machine line re paired by Mtngledorff & Cos., 510 Indian street. DIMNESS OPPORTUNITIES. ~”'for !yle! near talla^ hassee, Fla., hew sawmill, 20,000 feet daily capacity, with teams, and about 5,000 acres pine timber; a bargain if taken before Dec. 15. Apply to J. J. I Whlspell, Tallahassee, Fla. “FOR SALETa GiIOD PAYING FEED business including corn meal mill; will sell or lease property. L. 8. Defue, 820, Four and a Half street, Washing ton, D. 4C. PICTURES AND FRAMES. DON’T TRUST OREEN MEN TO frame your valuable pictures, but take your work to C. R. L. (Compe tent, Reliable Ladeveze), where you can get the best grade mouldings, neatly Joined, at prices that defy com petition. We do the framing for the Telfair Academy and the leading art teachers In Savannah. 11 Congress Btreet, west. i on -\ ii -Misi;oi *. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK; IlE glnnlng Monday, 21st, Japan bread box, 10x13 Inches, worth 49c, for 33c; Japar bread box, 11x16 Inches, worth 69c, foi 43c; Japan bread box, 12x18 inches, worth 98c, 58c; blue and white enam eled ladles, worth 25c, for 10c; gray enameled two-quart cov. buckets, worth 25c, for 10c; eight-quart white enainelqd pots, worth 31, for 50c; fine grade steel hand axes, worth 31.25, for 65c; fine grade hand saws, worth 31, for 60e; ten-inch fine grade steel butcher knives, worth 75c, for 35c; all sizes chair seats, worth 10c. for sc; wax tapers, thirty In a box, worth 10c, for 3c; nutmeg graters, worth 10c, for 3c; hardwmod toothpicks, worth 5c box, for 2c; we are closing out the entire stock of hot stuff heaters, coal and wood stoves, below cost. Bernstein bankrupt sale, 305 Broughton street, west. FURNITURE FOR SALE, HAND some flemish oak dining set, library table and chair, ladles’ dressing table, Iron beds, perfection mattresses, No. 9 drop head Wheeler & Wilson ma chine, and m’any small articles at once. 102 Thirty-fifth, west. Thirty-fifth, west. “byRUP BARRELS FOR BALE - BY Savannah Cooperage Company, Savan nah, Ga. OUR 31.45 TIRE IS A GOOD ONE. Williams' Bicycle Company. FOR ’ SALE. AT YOUR PRICE, suits and complete line of house fur nishings. Wandell's, 209 Jefferson street. ~ MAHOOANY SECRETARIES! 80- fas. bureaus, chlplndale buffet, card and work tables, china, and bras* pewter. 428 Congress street, west. ANY PERSON WHO WILL LOOK Into the matter of bilking machines will surely select an Edison phono graph; because they are the best. S. S Sollee, agent, 120 Stale street. W";. ST EINW A Y HEC( )ND-H AND PL ano, 3100; Guild, 385; Barmore, SSO. and other big bargains. Largest, best and handsomest stock personally selected, high grade pianos and or gans ever shown in Savannah; pianos tuned, repulred and thoroughly reno vated; prices moderate; best work guaranteed; estimates free. Murphy's piano warerooms. Guards' Armory, Bull and Charlton: Georgia ’phone 810. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF FINE tires for 13.50. Williams’ Bicycle Com pany, the cut rate house. Some Low-Price Specials. For this week we are offering specially Imv prices on Cliainols Skins. Cliumols Vests, Chest Protectors. Reduced prices on Pocket knives, llaxors, Kclssors anil Manicure On tilts. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY C 0 oglfthorpe-drayton. UNION PHARMACY H I>T ItHOAD. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. n^ECUTOR^SArr™' OF VALUABLE PLANTATION IN BEAUFORT COUNTY. Under a power of sale contained In the will of Henry M. Fuller, deceased, late of Sheldon. I will sell at public auction ot the Court House In Beau fort, S. C., on Tuesday, 6th December, 1 904, at 12 o’clock, the well known "Sheldon” plantation in Beaufort county, one mile from C. & W. C. R. It., containing 1,700 acres, more or less, of excellent cotton and truck land, 107 acres of rice lands and am ple back water. Has eight room dwelling house, outhouses, barns, sta ble. tenants’ houses and cotton gin ning establishment in full operation. There Is the finest duck and bird shooting and trout (black bass) fish ing In that famous bunting section. Terms, one-third cash, balance In one years, with Interest from date at 7 per cent, per annum, paya ble annually. No bid for less than 39,050 re. elved. Possession given Ist January, 1905. WM. ELLIOTT Executor. 1231 Washington st., Columbia, S. C. FDR SAI.E—MISCELLANEOUS. BECAUSE OF MY POLICY OF giving credit to reliable people who want the best of phonograph music everybody can have It lp their homes; buy the Edison phonograph and Edison gold moulded records, 35c each. S. S. Sollee, agent, 120 State street, west. MILLINERY. KENNER & BIHTTOn! MlLLJ nery notice; we are. showing the most complete line of misses’and children’s hats, trimmed and untrimmed, at half that others ask; you must see these hats to appreciate them. TRIM MED HATS - -ALL TRIMMED hatß greatly reduced this week; feath ers dyed and curled. Kenner & Brit ton, No. 118 Broughton street, west. KENNER & BRITTON—JUST RE eeived, anew line of felt shapes In the leading colors; velvets and chenilles at prices that will make them go; all hats bought of us trimmed free of charge. BABY CAPS-—WSJ ARE LEADERS In baby caps; the best 25c cap to be had. Kenner & Britton, No. 118 Broughton street, west. LOST AND FOUND. lost, GOLD HEART! studded with pearls and diamond In center; finder will return to Mrs. F. M. Whit tle, 208 Gwinnett, west, and receive reward- U •ST, SMALL LEATHER POCK et-book containing 337.00 in bills. If found please ring up 735 Georgia 'phone. Llberul reward to finder. LOST. YESTERDAY, - 6 A. “m 7! black hat on Liberty, between Lincoln and Drayton, or on Drayton, between Liberty and Perry; finder please re turn to 307 Liberty, east, and receive reward. A SMALL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE lae Rav. Dr. I. S. K. Axson. Finder will please return to T. S. Clay, 28 East Taylor street, and receive reward. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN! A brown dog with white feet; answers to the name of Lion: has a large bump on right side. Liberal reward if re turned to 12 Gaston street, west. I’LUMIiINU. COM PA R ISON 8. THE FOLLOW ing comparisons arc the results of ac tual testH, and may be accepted with absolute confidence. With a guaran teed light of 300 candle-power the Block Light employs but one mantle and Its brilliancy is equul to any oth er four incandescent gas burners of the best quality yet produced. Design 8, price complete, 31.50. Can't we place one on trial. The National Plumbing Company, Agents, Jefferson and Mc- Donough streets. Georgia ’phone 2847. " BOR GOOD RELIABLE PIVuMB- Ing work call around to L. A. SlcCar thy & Son. 142 Drayton street. All work dons by us strictly first class. EDUCATIONAL. FREDERIC A. SELF, ORGANIST of Christ Church, teacher of piano technique, the voice, organ, conserva tory methods; studio, 5 Jones street, west; office hours, 9 to 10 and 3 to 4. maumni * FIRST-CLASS BOARD AT 20 TAY lor street, west; rooms large; hot and cold buth; table board. MISCELLANEOUS. SEE WILLIAMS’ BICYCLE COM pany; the cut raj.e house for tires and. repairs. , KNAPP’S EXPECTORANT CURES roughs, colds, croup and ail bronchial troubles; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents; manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge. > JUST RECEIVED A NEW BUP ply of alarm clocks; they are reliable ar.d good timekeepers. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. . ‘ GREEN. THE EXPERT VtfLcwi Izer. makes a specialty of vulcanizing automobile tires, casings and tubes. Jloth 'phones. “ MANY BEAUTIFUL" THINGS IN this mammoth Jewelry store. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos., Brough ton street. FOR OOOD RELIABLE PLUMB-' Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son. 142 Drayton street. All work done b* us trlctly first class. " YOU WILL NEVER - REALIZE how you managed to get along with the ordinary light after once trying the great “Ignito” mantle. ’Phone Geor gia 1821. 3