The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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MONEY MAIN FACTOR YESTERDAY* DEVELOPMENTS ** os STOCK EXCHANGE. piPMER RATES AND HOLIDAY rAI'SED CONSIDERABLE LIGHTEN. C ING OF SPECULATIVE LOANS. rcHi*UT no Time Money fop Any Term at Eeo Than 4 Pep Cent. More Gold Engaged for Shipment ,o Germany—J. P. Morgan & Cos. Barer of *30,000,000 Worth ot ( B. A 4- Bonds—Market Closed Below nest sad Barely Steady. York, Nov. 23.—Prices of stocks w ire considerably lower at one time than they were last night and then rather more than recovered the decline, with some prominent instances of aggressive strength. The whole pallet turned largely on the money 6 ituation. The hardening loan rates and the pending Thanksgiving holiday prompted considerable lightening of speculative loans. Another result was the decline in the amount of business done. yesterday’s flurry in the money mar ket held its influence this morning on account of the firm tone shown both for call and time loans. There was practically no time money offerings for any period for less than 4 per cent. The engagement of additional gold coin for shipment to Germany empha sized the influence of this showing. Morgan Bought Bonds, j. P. Morgan & Cos. announced the purchase of $20,000,000 of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy bonds. This represents another of the offerings which have overhung the market ever since the period of indigestion of se curities when temporary borrowings were resorted to to avoid the necessity of selling bonds at low prices. ME IV YORK STOCK AND BOND LIST Railroad Stocks. Atchison 88*4 do preferred 103% Baltimore and Ohio 95% do do prefei'red 93 Canadian Pacific 132% Central of New Jersey 189% Chesapeake and Ohio 49% Chicago and Alton 40 do do preferred 83 Chicago and Great Western 24% Chicago and Northwestern 197- Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Pau1.173% do do preferred 181 Chicago Terminal and Trans 15% do do preferred 26% C„ C\, C. and St. Louis ..... 87 Colorado Southern 22% do do Ist preferred 57% do do 2nd preferred 36 Delaware and Hudson 185% Delaware, Lackawanna and West.32o Denver and Rio Grande 32 do do preferred 84% Erie , 38% do Ist preferred 72% do Old preferred 53 Hocking Valley * 85% do do preferred 89% Illinois Central ......149% lowa Central .' 29% do do preferred 56 Kansas City Southern 28% do do preferred 53 Louisville and Nashville 138% Manhattan L 168% Metropolitan Securities 82 Metropolitan Street Railway 123% Minneapolis and St. Louis 63 Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste. M 90 do do preferred 145% Missouri Pacific 108% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 34% do do preferred 63 National 11. R. of Mexico pref.. 42% New York Central 134% Norfolk and Western 74% do do preferred 90 Ontario and Western 40% Pennsylvania 135 Pittsburg, C., C. and St. Louis... 75 Reading 75% do Ist preferred 87% do 2nd preferred 80 Rock Island Company 35% do do preferred 83% St. Louis and San Fran 2nd pref. 67% St. Louis, Southwestern 24 do do preferred 62% Southern Pacific 66% Southern Railway 34% do do preferred 95 Texas and Pacific 36% Toledo, St. Louis and Western.... 31 do do preferred 52% Pnion Pacific 115% do do preferred 94 Wabash 23 do preferred 40 Wheeling and Lake Erie 20 " I*consin Central 23% do do preferred 47% Mexican Central 1 22% Southern Pacific preferred 117% Express Companies. Adams Express 236 American Express 217 Pnlted States Express 121% wells-Fargo Express 237 Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper 78 American Car and Foundry 31% do do preferred 88% American Cotton Oil 33% do do preferred 93 American Ice 8% do do preferred 87% American Linseed Oil 16% do do preferred 37% American Locomotive 83% do do preferred 102 American Smelting and Refining.. 80% do do preferred 113% American Sugar Refining 149% Anaconda Mining Company 112 Brookyln Rapid Transit 87% Colorado Fuel and Iron 47% consolidated Gaa 215 Porn Products 23% do do preferred 79% Distillers' Securities 36% '■eneral Electric 191 International Paper 20% do do preferred 77% International Pump 40 do do preferred 83 National Lead 23% North American 104% Pacific Mall 45 People’s Gas 108 1 r.ssed Steel Car 3* do do preferred 83 • oilman Palace Car 228 Republic Steel 16% d0 Preferred 68% Rubber Goods 23% do do preferred .. 87 Tennessee Coal and Iron 74% United States Leather 13% do do preferred 94% united States Realty *2% nned States Rubber 33% United States Steel 27% do do preferred 00 W'-sUnghouae Electrlo 11l western Union 02 Bunds. 1*• rounding 2s, registered ....104% no do la, coupon 104% registered J<)4% "• *•. coupon 104% 1, *• 4s, registered ~,.,.....180% *'• ff. new 4s. coupon ...,,.,..,*..110% The placing of these in succession this week has an effect upon sentiment in quarters where the belief is held that the strength In the present mar ket is fostered to a large degree by the gTeat financial powers who have an interest in placing these new issues. Railroad stocks were not greatly af fected by the selling and, in fact, moved rather sluggishly all day in either direction. But a large number of low grade industrial stocks and spe cialties and some of the obscure rail roads suffered materially. The great strength of Atchison was unexplained by any news announcement, but it proved an effective stay for the whole market. United States Steel preferred was also an effective sustaining fac tor. The market closed below the best and barelv steady. There was a confident absorption of United States Steel sinking fund 5s on a rising scale. The bond market generally was Ir regular. Total sales, par value, $9,160,- 000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Sales of Stocks. Sales of stocks were 1,178,000 shares, including Atchison, 104,100; Atchison preferred, 14,500; Baltimore and Ohio, 8,400; Canadian Pacific, 6,800; Chesa peake and Ohio, 5,000; Chicago and Great Western, 17,100: St. Paul, 16,300; Erie, 33,900; Louisville and Nashville, 3,600; Manhattan, 5,400; Metropolitan Street, 8,900; Missouri Pacific, 18,900; Norfolk and Western, 3,800; Pennsyl vania, 55,300; Reading, 40,400; Rock is land, 28,900; Southern Pacific, 58,200; Southern Railway, 17,900; Southern Railway preferred, 1,000; Union Pa cific, 141,500; Mexican Central, 8,300; Amalgamated Copper, 118,400; Locomo tive, 5,400; Smelting, 20,300; Sugar, 37,- 000; Brooklyn Transit, 23,200; Colorado Fuel, 15,900; Corn Products, 7,000; Peo ple’s Gas, 7,500; Tennessee Coal, 8,500; United States Leather, 20,200; United States Steel, 55,800; United States Steel preferred, 128,700. MONEY MARKET. New York, Nov. 23. —Close: Money on call firm. 3@3% per cent.; closing bid 3. offered, 3%. Time loans firm. 60 days, 90 days and six months, 3%@ 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4Vi<<74% per cent. Sterling exchange easier, with actual business in bank ers’ bills, at $4.57@4.87.05 for demand, and at $4.84.20(8)4.84.25 for 60 days. Posted rates, $4.85 and $4.87%. Com mercial bills. $4.83%. Bar silver, 69c; Mexican dollars, 47c. U. S. old 4s, registered 106% U. S. old 4s, coupon 106% Atchison general 4s 102% Atchison adjustment 4s 94% Atlantic Coast Line 4s 100 Baltimore and Ohio 4s 103% Baltimore and Ohio 3%s 96% Central of Georgia 5s 111% Central of Georgia Ist inc of’d.... 92% Central of Georgia 2nd incomes, closed 70% Chesapeake and Ohio 4%s 108 Chicago and Alton 3%s 82 Chicago, B. and Quincy new 45..100% Chicago, M. and St. P. gen 4s 110% Chicago and N’hwestern consol 75.128% Chicago, R. I. and P. R. R. 4s 81% do do col. 5s 94 C. C. C. and St. Louis gen 45.... 102% Chicago Terminal 4s 85 Consolidated Tobacco 4s 81% Colorado and Southern 4s 88% Denver and Rio Grande 4s 101 Erie prior lien 4s 101% Erie general 4s 91% Ft. Worth and Denver City 15t..11l Hocking Valley 4%s 110 Louisville and Nash. Unified 45... 103 Mobile and Ohio c. t. 4s, closed (btd) 95% Manhattan consol gold 4s 105% Mexican Central 4s 78 Mexican Central Ist inc 27% Minn, and St. Louis 4s 96% Missouri, Kan. and Tex. 4s 103 do do 2nds 86% National R. R. of Mex. consol 4s. 81% New York Central gen 3%s 100% New Jersey Central general 55.... 135% Northern Pacific 4s 105 Northern Pacific 3s 75% Norfolk and West, consol 4s 101% Oregon Short Line 4s and Pennsylvania conv. 3%s 102% Reading general 4s 102 St. Louis and I. Mount, consol ss. 116 St. Louis and San Fran. fg. 45.. 89% St. Louis S’western lsts 97% Seaboard Air Line 4s 84 Southern Pacific 4s 96 Southern Railway 5s 118% Texas and Pacific lsts 121 Toledo, St. L. and Western 4s ... 81% Union Pacific 4s 106% Union Pacific conv. 4s ...115% U. S. Steel 2nd 5s 92% Wabash lsts bid 117% Wabash Deb. B 67% Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s .... 92% Wisconsin Central 4s 92% Virginia-Carolina Chemical 40 do do preferred 112 New York, Nov. 23. —Standard Oil, 622. Baltimore, Nov. 23.—Seaboard com mon, 19% @19%; do preferred. 39. At lantic Coast Line common. 149%. LOCAL FINANCIAL MARKET. The following are the Savannah Cotton Exchange quotations; FOREIGN EXCHANGE—SterIing easy: commercial demand, $4.87%: six ty days, $4.84; ninety days, $4.82%. Francs easy; commercial demand, 6.16%; sixty days, 5.19%. Marks, commercial demand, 95%@95 11-16 c; sixty days, 94 13-16; ninety days, 94%c. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE!—Buying at 75c per SI,OOO discount; selling up to S6OO a graded charge of 10c to 45c; over S6OO at rate of 75c per SI,OOO pre mium. Bank Stocks, Bid. Asked. Chatham Bank 84 Citizens Bank 160 Commercial Bank 109 ... Chatham R. E. and I. C 0.... 54 ... Germania Bank 150 Southern Bank 171 ... Merchants National Bank ..102% 103% The National Bank of 5av..170 Oglethorpe Rav. and Trust ..127 People's Raving and Loan ..101 103 Ravannah Bank and Trust .138 Savannah Trust 105 107 Railroads and Industrials. Bid. Asked. Augusta and Ravannah 118 117 Atlanta and West Point ....156 ... do 6 per cent, certlf 106 FINANCIAL ware&leland; BROKERS. MEMBERS New York Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New York Coffee Exchange St. Lon I* Merchants’ Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Local Office 43 Bay Street, East Private wires to principal dllea. K. R. OWEN, Manager. Reference— Mercantile Agendas. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Bond Brokor, AUUUHTA, GA. Writ* for I.lst. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1904 JOSEPH D. WEED, President. M. P. McCACLEY, Vice President. SAMUEL L. CLAY. Cashier. Savannah Bank and Trust Go. SAVANNAH. GA. Solicits accounts of Indi viduals, Firms, Banks, Bank ers and Corporations. Buys and sells Foreign Ex change. Savings Department Interest paid or compound ed quarterly. Correspondence invited. Chat, and Gulf stocks 11l 112 Central Ice 80 Georgia Telephone and Tel egraph 85 Georgia Brewery 92% 100 Macon Ry. and L. pref 82 85 do common 20 25 Georgia Railroad, c0mm0n..252 254 Planters' Rice Mill 95 Propeller Towboat 95 98 Savannah Elec, preferred ... 84% 85% Savannah Elec, common .... 15 18 Savannah Hotel Company.., 66 70 Southwestern .116 117 Southern Railway preferred.. 95% 96 do do common 35% 36% Savannah Brewing 100 102% Savannah Cotton Exchange. 65 70 Bonds. Chat, and Gulf R. R. 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 103 104 C. of G. coll, trust 11l 112 C. of Ga. cons .111% 112% C. of Ga. Ist incomes 91% 92% do do 3rd incomes 61 63 do do 2nd incomes 71 72 G. S. and F. 5s 114% 115 Georgia State 3%5, 1930 108 110 do do 3%5, 1915 104 106 do do 4%5, 1915 114 115 Macon Ry. and L. bonds .... 94% 95% Jacksonville Electric 5s .... 99- 97 Ocean Steamship 6s, 1926 108 Savannah city ss. 1913 108 110 Savannah city ss, 1909 104 104% S. A. L. common 19% 20% do do preferred 39% 39% Savannah Electric Cos. 55.... 95 97 Eatonton 11l 112 MARINE INTELLIGENCE An unknown schooner arrived in Ty bee Roads last nighit and will reach the city this morning. The bark Tillie Baker will arrive at Savannah this morning from Port Royal, the tug Cambria having start ed from that port with the vessel yes terday afternoon. The Propeller Tow Boat Company received a dispatch yesterday from New York stating that the tugs W. F. McCauley and Dauntless had reached port safely with the tow, the steam ship Finance. It is not known just when the tugs will return to this port. Savannah Almanac, 7!ith Meri dian, City Time. Thursday, Nov. 24. Sun rises at 7:00 a, m. and sets at 5:22 p. m. Full moon, rises 6:36 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 8:19 a. m. and 8:37 p. m. High water at Savannah one hour later. Low water at 2:06 a. m. and 2:45 p. m. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Arrived. Steamship Santurce, Fredericksen, New York, light.—North and South Line. Steamship Castleventry (Br), Berner, Philadelphia, light.—A. F. Churchill. S filled. Steamship City of Maoon, New York. Steamship Berkshire, Philadelphia. Schooner Marjorie J. Sumner, Dor chester, N. B. Shipping Memoranda. Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 23.—Arrived, schooner Donna Christian, Alexsen, Belize. Cleared, steamer Amstel (Dutch), Fomjer, Grimsby, via Mobile; schooner Ariel, Monatt, Cardenas. Fernandlna, Fla., Nov. 23. —Arrived, schooners Robert Graham Dun, Mc- Kown, New York: George M. Grant, Pelton, New York. Sailed, schooners Harry A. Berwlnd, Rumelle, Philadelphia; Raymond T. Maull, Kearney, Philadelphia; steamer Metis (Br), Brown, Hamburg. Bermuda, Nov. 22.—Arrived, brig Atalanta., Jacksonville; schooner Alex ander, Savannah. Brunswick. Ga., Nov. 22.—Arrived, steamer Comal, Woodward. Nov. 21, and sailed for Mobile. Sailed, schooners R. Bowers, Young, Providence; Evidne, Collins, Cardenas; James B. Drake, Sawyer, Philadelphia; Robert McFarland, Montgomery, New York; Jennie Hail, Watt, Boston. Rotterdam, Nov. 21. —Arrived, Diana, Port Tampa. Portland, England, Nov. 23.—Arrived, Onslow, Darien, for Antwerp. Hamburg. Nov. 20.—Arrived, steamer Lord Downshire, Fernandina. Charleston, S. C., Nov. 23.—Arrived, steamer New York, Hale, Jacksonville, and proceeded for Boston; U. S. steam er Fishhawk, Smith, Camden, N. J. Sailed, schooner Rebecca M. Walls, Little Savannah. Port Tampa, Fla., Nov. 23.—Arrived, schooner C. E. Hay, Ross, Ponce: steamer Olivette, Turner, Havana, via Key West. Sailed, schooner Henry W. Lewis, Fukshlre, Havana; steamer Algiers, Staples, Philadelphia. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 23. —Arrived, steamer Iroquois. Chichester, New York, and cleared to return. Cleared, schooner D. Howard Speer, Peterson, New Bedford. Mass. Sailed, steamer Arapahoe, Penning ton. New York. Key West. Fla., Nov. 23.—Arrived, steamers New York, Murphy, Mobile; Nueces, Hlx, New York, and sailed for Galveston; Mascotte. Turner, Port Tampa, and sailed for Havana. Notice to Captains of Vessels, Vessels arriving at night will be re ported at the Morning News In Its dispatches, without charge. If captains will confirm reports of their arrival to No. 241. either telephone. Notice to Mnrtners. Pilot charts and hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished masters of vessels free of charge In the United (lutes hydrographic office. In Custom House. Captains sra requested to nail at the office. Reports of wrecks and derellcU received. This office operates a time ball on the roof of the Cotton Exchange, dropped dally at Ith. OOm.OOs. (Hun days und holidays excepted), 7th me ridian time, in case of the failure the CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Oct 6, 1904. Arrival and departure of trains. Central Station, West Broad, foot of Liberty street except for Tybee. 90th meridian time-one hour slow er than city time. DEPARTURES. For Macon, Augusta, Colum bus, Montgomery, Atlan ta * 7 00 am For Avgusta, Macon. Al bany, Atlanta. Birming ham and Montgomery...* 9:00 pm For Augusta and Dublin...* 3:oopm For Egypt t *:00 pm For Ouyton ♦ |:4sam ARRIVALS. FivJn Guyton t 7:6oam From cSgvpt t 5:40 am From Augusta and Dublin.. *10:65 am From Montgomery, Birm ingham, Albany, Atlanta, Macon and Augusta • 7:00 nm From Stillmore and States boro t 6:lopm From Atlanta, Macon and Augusta .. 6:10 pm BETWEEN SAVANNAH and TYBEK Trains arrive and depart at Tybee denot, Randolph street, foot of Presi dent. Lv. Savannah t8:10 a. m.. *9:00 a m., *2:30 p. m. Lv. Tybee t7:00 a. m.. *9:55 a. m.. 30 p. m , ‘Dally. Sunday. Parlor Cars between Savannah and Atlanta on trains leaving Savannah <:00 a. m., arriving 6:10 p. m. Sleeping cars between Savannah and Augusta. Savannah and Macon, Sa vannah and Atlanta, Savannah and Birmingham on trains leaving Savan nah 9:00 p. m. t and arriving Savan nah 7:00 a. m. For further Information apply or write to J. S. HOLMES. C. T. A P. A.. 87 Bull street. Savannah. Ga. OFFICIAL. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. City of Savannah. Mayor’s Office, Nov. 19, 1904.—Whereas, Almighty God during the year that has passed has conferred upon the community of Savannah innumerable and contin ued blessings, granting unto us im munity from pestilence and catastro phe of any character, and endowing us with an abundance of prosperity; and. Whereas. It is fitting that, as a com munity, we should give some public expression to the sense of gratitude that should animate all for the gifts that have been showered on us through Divine love; Therefore I, Herman Myers, Mayor of the city of Savannah, do hereby set aside and designate Thursday, No vember 24th, as a day of Thanksgiv ing, and by the power vested in me do hereby declare such day a legal holi day, on which all municipal offices shall close. Given under the seal of the city of Savannah, the day and year above set forth. HERMAN MYERS, Mayor. Attest: J. ROBERT CREAMER, Clerk of Council. NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, Savannah, Ga., Nov. 15, 1904. Parties desiring to retail liquor dur ing year 1905 will file their applica tions at once, so that same can be read before Council in accordance with city ordinance. J. ROBERT CREAMER, Clerk of Council. ball is lowered slowly 5 minutes after 12. Clarence Hatch. in charge. OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per 100 pounds, 25c; to New York, per 100 pounds, 20c to dock: 23c lightered; to Philadelphia, 20c per 100 pounds; Bal timore, 20c per 100 pounds. COTTON— Foreign direct to Liver pool, 28c: Manchester, 28c; Bremen, 24c; Hamburg, 24c; Rotterdam, 26c; Barcelona, 38c; Havre. 35c; Antwerp, 28c. LUMBER—By Sail—Freight, active; to Baltimore, $5.00; to Philadelphia, $4.75; to New York, $5.62%; to Port land, $6.00. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Baltimore, $5.50; to P. R. R. or B. and O. Docks, $6.00; to Philadelphia, $6.00; to New York, $6.25 per M. to dock; lightered. $7.00; to Boston, to dock $7.25. DRY GOODS. New York, Nov. 23. —Although the dry goods market shows some slight decrease In activity owing to the prox imity of the holiday, yet the general situation is improving and many lines show Increasing depletion with buyers more anxious to secure deliveries. Ex port inquiry is still in evidence and converters are making inquiries for goods, which cannot be had. DARROW IN PENITENTIARY. Aged Physician Goes to the Prison Farm at M tUedgevllle. Amerlcus, Ga.. Nov. 23.—Dr. George W. Barrow was transferred to-day from the Sumter county jail to the State Penitentiary E’arm at Milledge ville to serve sentence of four years for assault with intent to murder, growing out of a criminal operation performed upon a young woman of Amerlcus. Dr. Barrow is an aged physician, and will probably be given a steward’s place In the hospital. City Alderman Thomas G. Sullivan, convicted of the same offense as Dr. LUNG TROUBLE; SKIN DISEASE. • Thin blooded, anemic persona are very liable to suffer from an inflammation of the lungs, or "lung trouble.” as f It l commonly called, as well as from stubborn affec- I due largely to a ]_ ‘maw depleted condition of the system—loss of strength and m H tissue. The lungs In turn become weak, the chest con 17mitracts Instead of expanding, the pores of the skin, not be i fiff Ing * e< * healthy blood are not sufficiently open, and LffHfC jgJEr the constitution being generally run down, there is often a complete deterioration of the functions of the body. Hence, the slightest cold takes firm root, the lungs be come Inflamed, pneumonia develops and the person's very life is in danger. Or the anemic state of the blood results some malignant form of skin disease, such as eczema, \ < psoriasis, salt rheum, Itch, open sores, bolls, pimples. etc, 1 have had abundant success in J Newton Hathaway THE CURE OF THESE DISEASES, M B. and I see no reason why I cannot repeat this success In Recognized as the your case. The time to be treated is now, when the dls- Oldest Established ease Is In Its earlier stages, for It Is then more easily and Most Reliable conquered. Btlll, come to me at any time. I will give Specialist. you a treatment that will promptly stop the further progress of the disease, and cure It In a remarkably short time. Thus you will prevent consumption, and the expense and danger attendant upon this dtease. as well as the fever diseases that are so prevalent when the cold weather sets In. There Is but one way for a person In this condition to avoid serious consequences; that is to have the body fortified and strengthened. There Is no use talking about cod liver oil, the wearing of "protectors” next to the skin, etc., for these are makeshifts that cannot be relied upon. The value of a specialist cannot be overestimated. I will not only give you a treatment for the cure of your disease, but I will give you medical ad vice on the care of your body that will be of untold value to you. Likewise In ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIM lam prepared to give you a treatment that 1 positively know is curative. I will change the ingredients to suit your individual condition, but the basis of It has been tested In hundreds of other cases and has invariably resulted In a satisfactory and permanent cure, skin diseases yield readily to my mode of treatment, whereas with others It often takes months and months. Make up vour mind to see me without further delay. I make no charge what ever for a conscientious examination, counsel and advioe. If you have seen no doctor yet, come and see me; If you have already seen doctors, come to me anyway and get my opinion. I am treating these diseases every day and I undoubtedly have special knowledge that others have not yet ac quired. This knowledge is st your service free of charge. My office and laboratory equipment. Including the Violet Hays, which have been found es pecially effective In certain skin diseases, nan he used by any caller with out cost. I would naturally Uke to make the personal acquaintance of each prospective patient, hut where this is Impossible by reason of distance 1 especially urge that you write me a letter. I will also send a Belf-eiami natton blank and booklet describing your disease, free of cost. Call on or address me as follows: J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M V . 86A Bryan street. Kavannah. Ga. Oflloe hours; BS. m. Is 11 m., Its I, ttolp. m. Sundays 10 a m. to 1 s>. m. Southern R a ilw a y Trains arrive and depart Savannah Union Station by Central time—one hour slower than city or Eastern time. Schedule Effective. Nov. 6, 1904. TO THE NORTH AND EAST. iDailyjDally Lv Savannah (Cen Time) 1 00p 12 15a Ar Blackville (East. Time) 4 50p 4 15a Ar Columbia 6 30p 6 00a Ar Charlotte 9 40p 9 55a Ar Greensboro 12 35a 12 61p Ar Danville j 1 45a 8 lOp Ar Richmond | 6 58a 6 42p Ar Lynchburg 4 04n 4 20p Ar Charlottesville 5 50a 6 lOp Ar Washington 9 45a 9 50p Ar Baltimore 11 25a 11 Jop Ar Philadelphia 1 50p 2 35a Ar New' York 4 13p u 43a TO THE" NORTH AND WEST. “ I Daily No. 30 Lv Savannah (Central Time) .. 12 15a Ar Columbia (Eastern time) ... 6 00a Ar Spartanburg 10 06a Ar Hendersonville 12 50p Ar Asheville 1 50p Ar Hot Springs (Central Time) t 37p Ar Knoxville 6 000 Ar Cincinnati 8 15a Ar Louisville 8 50a Ar St. Louis 4 flip Trains arrive Savannah as follows: No. 29, daily, from New York. Wash ington, St. Louis and Cincinnati. 4:50 a. m. No. 30. daily, from all points West, via Jesup, 12:10 a. m. No. 33, daily, from New York and Washington, 3:30 p. m. No. 34, daily, from all points West, via Jesup, 12:55 p. m. THROUGH OAR SERVICE, ETC. Trains S3 and S4, The New York and Florida Express. Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Trains 29 and 30. The Washington and Florida Limited. Vestlbuled lim ited trains, carrying Pullman Draw ing-room Sleeping Cars between Sa vannah and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Also Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and St. Louis, through Asheville and ’’The Land of the Sky.’’ For information as to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to C. H. ACKERT, G. M., Washington. D. C. S. H. HARDWICK, P. T. M.. Wash ington, D. C. W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A., Washing ton. D. C. BROOKS MORGAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. C. BLATTNER, Depot Ticket Agent, Union Station, Savannah, Ga. E. G. THOMSON, C. P. & T. A., Sa vannah, Ga., 141 Bull street. ’Phones 850. Merchanis S Miners Iransporiaiion Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North and West. First-class tickets Include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. The steamsftips of this company are appointed to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. LEXINGTON. Capt. Klrwan, THURS DAY. Nov. 24, 6 p. m. ITASCA. Capt. Crowell, SATURDAY. Nov. 26, 7 p. m. CHATHAM. Capt. Hudgins, TUES DAY. Nov. 29. 9 p. m. FREDERICK. Capt. Robinson, THURSDAY, Dec. 1. 11 a. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. MERRIMACK, Capt. McDorman. SATURDAY, Nov. 26, 7 p. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt Dow, WEDNES DAY, Nov. 30, 11 a. m. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Pratt, SATUR DAY, Dec. 3, 2 p. m. MERRIMACK, Capt. McDorman, WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7. 5 p. m. WM. W. TULL, Agent. J. F. WARD, T. P. A. Ticket Office 112 Bull street. Phones 124. Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. A. D. STEBRINS, G. M. J. C. WHITNEY, 2d V. P. and T. M, General Offices, Baltimore, Md. Barrow, is now serving a like term In a convict camp near Macon. Terrorised Paaaengera. Amerlcus, Ga., Nov. 23.—Jim Bald win, a bad negro, with a Colt’s re volver, was jailed here this afternoon for drawing his pistol upon Conductor Kelly on a Seaboard passenger train and terrorising the passengers. Bald win was forcibly ejected from the train for this disturbance, and created another next day, his arrest following. He will be vigorously prosecuted. Arbitration With Portugal. Washington, Nov. 23.—Secretary Hay and Viscount de Alte to-day signed an arbitration treaty between the United States and Portugal, The treaty is identical with the American-French arbitration treaty. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Cos. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 13. 1804. Trains operated by oth Meridian Time, One Hour Slower than City Time. *44 j *4O | NORTH AND SOUTH. *8 | *6 I *45 1 Up 5 40.1 1 35a'Lv ..SavanahTTT 2 50a 9 02a 6 30p 6 14pll 05a 5 55a;Ar ...: Charleston Lv 11 45p 6 68a 330 p H *, p 1 40p:Ar Wilmington Lv 3 sop - i “‘ a 7 45p Ar Richmond Lv 9 05a 7 25p - 1" a U SOpiAr Washington Lv 4 30a 345 p .! 1 40jAr Baltimore Lv 2 S7a 2 12p “ “ H * 26ajAr Philadelphia Lv 12 10a It 55a - Wp 7 30alAr New York Lv 9 25pj 9 25a *s7 j*2l *35 :3Q SOUTH ~~ |MO~ " *SB *32 | *22 8 <sp .~ p 9 12a ‘ 3 16aJLv .......Savannah Ar| 1 15a 9 45a lUp 9 35p t'rt'nn" c ?? p < s * oa Ar Brunswick Lv| * l®p ,™ p 6 15 P U 20p' 6 05s Ar Waycross Lv 10 15p 6 20a 9 50a 6P \ < 20p 10 40a Ar Thomasville Lv 3 10a 6 16a 2 35p % 1 66p Ar Albany Lv 1 45a 2 25p 2 *® a 6 40p 11 55a Ar Bainbrldge Lv 1 40a 5 00a 1 05p 8 0&a ".'V. I 8 UplAr ....Montgomery Lv 7 45p 6 ooa ® I*P 1 46p 8 40a,Ar Jacksonville Lv 8 05p 9 00a 330 p - ** £ ,a 7 47p 4 21a|Ar •...Kissimmee Lv 12 Olp 12 12a 8 42p Ar ....Tarpon Springs.... Lv 7 J* 20n 9 40p Ar PuntaGorda Lv 6 45a 4 05p - ***.• *OP .*„. 11 OOp Ar Port {flyers Lv 5 30a 2 4f>p NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. _*67 Via Jesup. I *SB *37 *57 I Via Montgomery. ~ *SB *22 f 83p **v. Savxmah. Arl 9 45a 3 15a 6 45p)Lv Savannah.. Ar 9 45a 9 35p sop Ar ....Jesup.... Lv 7 45a 6 15p 8 05a Ar .Montgomery. Lv 7 45p 6 30a 7oa Ar ...Macon... Lv 2 15a L. and N. 3 35a Ar ...Atlanta... Lv 11 50p 2 17a 7 15p Ar ..Nashville.. Lv 8 30a 8 35a Ar Chattanooga Lv 6 30p 3 20a 2 20a Ar ..Louisville.. Lv 2 40a ° 15p Ar .Louisville. Lv 7 40a 12 Oln 7 20a Ar ..Cincinnati.. Lv IV OOp - 6 45p Ar .Cincinnati. Lv 8 20a 1 36p 7 20a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 46p 7 32a Ar ..St. Louis..Lv 10 04p M. and O. . 10a Ar ...Chicago... Lv 9 OOp 7 36a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 Sip 6 10a Lv ...Atlanta... ArlOlSp 4 lOp 9 15a Ar ...Chicago... Lv 7 OOp 25pAr ..Memphis.. Lv 8 15a 2 55a 4 12p Ar ....Mobile.... Lv 1 17p 12 30a JJ2* Ar Kansas City Lv 6 30p 7 15a 8 15p Ar New Orleans Lv 9 25a 315 p •Daily. Trains Into and out of Charleston are operated by Eastern time, through Pullman Sleeping Car service to North. East and West and to Florida. Dining cars on trains 32 and 35 between Savannah and New York. No. 39, leaving Savannah 3:15 a. m..and connects at Jacksonville with Pull man Buffet Parlor Cars for Tampa and St. Petersburg. m?' , 31 ' ,eavln * Savannah 8:00 p. m„ connects at Jacksonville with Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars for Tampa and Fort Myers. Connections made at Port Tampa with U. S. mall steamship of the Penin sular and Occidental Steamship Line. leaving Port Tampa Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays at 11:15 p. m. J; RMERSON. Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. W. J, CRAIG, General Pass. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. H. LEAHY, Division Pass. Agent, Savaminh, Ga. M. WALSH, Trav. Pass. Agent, De Soto Hotel. ’Phones 78. R. C. BLATTNER, Union Ticket Agent. Bell 'phone 235, Georgia 911. I. C. SAPP, Ticket Agent, De Soto Hotel. ’Phones 73. S EABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Sept 25, 1904—90th Meridian Time—One hour slows* ••*“ City Time, south of Columbia; E astern Time north of Columbia. No. q. |No. 2L |~ NORTH AN j SOUTH I Ns. $4. jNo. 64 12 10am|12 26pm|Lv NEW YORK Ar 4 16pm 6 16MB 7 23am] 2 56pmjLv West Philadelphia Ar l 46pm 2 Mam 9 34am[ 6 lOpmlLv Baltlmoro Ar 11 30am 11 25pm 10 46amj 7 00pm Lv. Washington Ar 10 10am 8 36pm 3 20pm(l0 36pm Lv Richmond Ar 6 liatn 4 66pm 9 26am 9 O&pin Lv Portsmouth ...Ar 8 00am 6 30pm 7 86pm 4 00am Lv Raleigh Ar 1 26am 11 30am 320 pm 5 00am Lv Wilmington Ar 11 30pm 12 46pm 12 62am 9 55am|Lv .Camden Ar 7 36pm B6am 12 65am 10 00am Lv. Columbia Ar 6 30pm 4 25am 6 00am 2 26pm Lv SAVANNAH Lv 1 16pm 12 10am 7 43am 6 02pm Ar Darien Lv 10 10am 6 16pm 7 65anj| 5 30pmjAr Brunswick Lv 9 50am 340 pm 10 20am 6 40pm Ar. Fernandlna Lv 9 00am 6 26pu> 9 06am 6 60pm Ar ............JACKSONVILLE Lv 9 06am 7 60pm 9 12pm 2 06am Ar Ocala Lv 2 21am 100 pm 6 35pm 7 36am Ar Tampa Lv 8 00pm 8 60am 11 22am |Ar Lake City Lv] 5 36pm 310 pm |Ar Tailahaaaee Lvf I 53pm 11 10am 9 lOpmlAr Bt Augustine Lvf 7 80am 6 20pm *No. 71. NoTTiTf WK ST. jjNa 787[NoTff7 4 SOpm 7 16am|Lv lAVAhNAH Ar 8 20pm] 10~00am t 40pm 10 36am Ar Statesboro Lv 4 15pmf 7 60am 7 09pm 9 49am Ar Lyons Lv 6 87pm. 7 20am 8 35pm 11 19am Ar Helena Lv 4 05pm ooam 8 00am 4 20pm Ar Fitsgeraid Lv 9 46am 7 28am 1 26pm Ar Cordeie Lv 2 06pm 6 40pm 9 80am 335 pm Ar Albany Lv 12 06pm 7 00pm 8 35am 303 pm Ar Amerlcus Lv 12 32pm 5 10pm 1100 am 5 15pm Ar Columbus .... Lv 10 16am 216 pm TTipm Ar St Louis Lv 8 00am Noa. II and at, SEABOARD EXPRESS, solid veatlbuled train. Through Pullman sleeping care between New York and Tampa. Cafa dining cara Nos. 43 and 66, SEABOARD MAIL, through vestlbuied trains. Pullman buffet sleeping cars between New York and Jacksonville. Nos. 71 and 72, WESTERN EXPRESS, connects at Montgomery for New Orleans and Southwest. Full information at City Ticket Office. No. 7 Bull street. Telephone No. 29L Savannah and Statesboro Railway. SHORT LINE— THROUGH TRAINS. N0.~~72~1N0. 71* | No. 72) |No. 7* 4 SOpml 7 15am[Lv Savannah Ar 8 20prn]l0 00am fi 40pm|10 35am|Ar Statesboro Lvl ♦ 00pm 7 60am •Daily. tExcept Sunday. On Sunday* train 71 arrives Statesboro 9(36 a. m. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAILING DAYS . SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON. FOR NEW YORK. CITY OF COLUMBUS. Capt. Smith, KANSAS CITY. Capt Lewis. SATUR FRIDAY, Nov. 25. 6:30 a. m. DAY, Dec. 10, 7:00 a. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Lewis, MON- CITY OF ATLANTA Capt Flatter, DAY, Nov. 28. 8:30 a. m. MONDAY. Deo. 12, 9:90 a. m. CITY OF ATLANTA. Capt Fisher, *CITY OF MEMPHIS, Capt Burg. WEDNESDAY. Nov. 30, 10:30 a. m. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 14. 10:00 a. m. •CITY OF MEMPHIS. Capt. Burg, CITY OF MACON, Capt Aaklna, KAT SATURDAY, Dec, 8, 12:30 p. m. URDAY, Dec. 17, 13:80 p. m. •CITY OF MACON, Capt Asklna, CITY OF COLUMBUS, Capt Smith. MONDAY. Dec. 6. 3:30 p. m. MONDAY. Dec. 13, 3:30 p. m. CITY OF COLUMBUS. Capt Smith, KANSAS CITY, Capt Lewis WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 6:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 31, 3:30 p. m. FOR BOSTON DIRECT ( FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS.) CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt Dreyer, CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt Dreyer THURSDAY. Nov. 24. 1:30 p. m. THURSDAY, Dec. 8, 0:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt Johnaon, TALLAHASSEE, Capt Johnson. THURSDAY, Dec. 1, 11:80 x m. THURSDAY, Dec. 16, 10t<9 a. m. Ships suit on Central Time, one hour slower than city time. •Steamships City of Memphis, Chattahoochee, City of Maoon and Talla hassee cairy only flret cabin passengers. Obtain copy of tlte Green I'older from your near,-at agent The company reserves the right to change Its sailings and to substi tute ships for those above without notice and without liability or account ability therefor For reservations or other Information apply to your nearest agent or address. J. 8. HOLMES, 4 WM. B. CLEMENTS. City Ticket and Passenger Agent. Traveling Passenger Agent L. R. VANDIVIERE, Commercial Agent 87 Tlull Street, Germania Bank Building. Savannah, Ga. G. C. SAVAGE, Agent, Ocean S. 8. Wharves. W. H. PLEASANTS. NPW VflWk' J. C. HORTON. Vice Pres, and Gen Mgr. ’’ 1 v,fvl * General Passenger Agt. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPH AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH.GA 11