The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 24, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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8 CASTOR IA - for Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the ftigna* ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made tinder his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-gfood” are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. THI CINTHUW COMPANY, TT MUWWtY STWtCT, NEW VOWK CITY. EMMET RIFLES TENDERED FOURTH ANNUAL BALL Large Gathering of Friends and Members of Other Military Organizations. More than forty couples assembled last night at Chatham Artillery Hall os the guests of the Emmet Rifles, who tendered their fourth annual ball. Promptly at 9 o’clock the orchestra struck up the strains of the opening number of the dance programme, and a moment later the floor was filled with the figures of the dancers. Un til after midnight the dancing contin ued. Many of the number were vigor ously encored and the dancers seemed never to tire of the pleasure that had been provided. Practically every military organiza tion in Savannah was represented by at least one of its officers and several of the enlisted men. Everywhere were the blue uniforms and white striplngs of the infantry, the bars of the offi cers with the white stripes across the blue background adding a pleasing touch to the colors’ effect. The gray uniforms of the Volunteer Guards, with the red stripes, added a brighter coloring to the prevailing blue. Here and there could be seen the red of the artillery, and the gold of the Mayal Reserves was largely In evi dence. The brighter colorings were provided by the ladies' dresses, and BRIDGE WANTED ACROSS RIVER. Continued from Twelfth Page. to pave with vitrified 'brick that por tion of West Broad street extending from Indian to Liberty streets. .Need Trees mid Benches. The following resolutions looking to wards the planting of shade trees, the cultivation of grass plats and the erec tion of benches in Franklin, Liberty and Elbert Squares, was adopted, the citizens of the First claiming that these squares are intended to anrwer as parks for the western section. Whereas, The First district of this city is one of the most progressive and prosperous sections of the city, and contains within its limit many of the 'best citizens; and. Whereas, Franklin, Liberty and El bert Squares, within this district, are the only recreation places in this vi cinity for the use of the people of this district; and. Whereas, These squares are sadly in need of repair and are capable of be ing beautified if given proper atten tion. Now, therefore, be It resolved, That the Mayor and Aldermen are requested to give immediate attention to the needs of these squares, and that they include in their financial budget for the ensuing year such appropriation as will be necessary to pave and beau tify and adorn these squares. Aftk tor West Side Park. The following resolution was also adopted: Whereas, that section of Savannah, west of West Broad, between New and River streets, on account of the heavy traffic and narrow streets, having no place for recreation purposes, be it Resolved, that City Council be ’re quested to provide in the budget for a public park for recreation purposes, to be situated in the western section of the city between New street and River street. President Wickham, who is Justice Of the peace for the First district, was Indorsed for re-election by the follow ing resolution: Whereas, Justice Richard Wickham having faithfully and conscientiously performed the duties of Justice of the peace of the First district for a num ber of years, Therefore, be It resolved that this club indorses his re-election and pledges its support in the approaching election. The following officers were elected and the meeting then adjourned: Richard Wickham, president. Vice Presidents—John F. Canty, Richard Clements, Randolph Kirkland, John Ohsiek, George Let, aid, Thos. Fogerty, Cord Kracken, T. F. McDon ald, J. Frank Mills. John McGrath, Br. Corresponding Secretary—R. J. Ward. Recording Secretary—E. T. McEvoy. Executive Committee—J. J. Garlty, chairman; John E. Maguire, J. H. Scherer, Jas. Drury, C. H. Sipple, B. Weltz, Wesley Overstreet, Jos. F. Cul lum, B. Courshon, Jno. Schwarz. Thos. Dooley, E. W. O’Connor, Frank Brown, T. F. Murphy, Wolf Wiltnsky. 8. L. Miller, Jno. Buckley, Wm. Vollers, And. Barber, J. M. Hanly, Thos. White, Wm. Fallon. Henry Campsen Jno. Egan, Jos. F. Knox, Frank Cros by, Jno. J. Murphy. Thos. McDonnell, Goo. T. Clark, 8. Wallace, I. Gottlieb Jas. T. Rawls. M. A. Morris, Geo. Christopher, Danl. Grimm, J. H. Mon roe, William Cox, Geo. Lewln, Julius Stark, Jas. A. Rourke, J. p. Ward. Jas. McGuire, Blake Cooper, A. Rau xln, D. J. Ktley, Jno. Cooper, D Bchwartz, J. C. O'Driscoll. J. Schatz Jno. Downey. Wm. Spellman, Thos. Wickham, Geo. Knox, Ed. Kavenaugh, B. Leddy, Jacob Btelnman, Jas. O. Mcßride, Louis Wolf, Chas. Levari, F. Fulton, E. A. Massart. Iluildlnm Penults laaurtl. H. Lang wu* issued a permit by the building inspector, to add a second story to a workshop at No. 1006 Mont gomery street. D. R. Thomas was tven a permit for the building of a shsd at his coal yard at River and W*st Broad slresta, and Mrs. Belle M Middleton was given a permit for hi** erection of a one-story frame, mt- house si No. yit Fortieth street. during the different numbers of the dance programme the scene was a bright one. Pleasure was the chief object, and for the time the strict rules of the military were forgotten. The same privileges were extended to the en listed men as to the officers, and the civilians who attended as guests of the Emmets found themselves on the same footing as the military men. At an appropriate hour the dancing was suspended, and an elaborate sup per was served. This was prepared by Mrs. R. J. Fulton, Mrs. E. A. Leonard and Mrs. W. J. Conner. Here toasts were responded to by the representa tives of the different organizations. Following the supper dancing was re sumed, the merriment continuing until far after midnight. When the notes of the last waltz had died away and the dancers separated, the officers of the Emmets were praised and the earn est hope expressed that future years would bring a gathering equally as enjoyable. Much of the success of the ball was due to the efforts of Lieut. A. J. Ful ton, who acted as chairman of the committee that completed the arrange ments for the affair. He and his fel low-workers spared no pains in their work and the suocess. from every standpoint, that attended the ball was an ample reward. MANY PETITIONS WERE SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL Short hot Bather lluay Session of the Mayor and Aldermen. Though the meeting of Council last night was a rather short one, a num ber of minor matters were taken up. Accounts against the city amount- ! ing to $21,466.43 were approved and ordered paid. All the aldermen were present except Aldermen Oanty and Harman, though Alderman Grayson ; left immediately after the caucus. The Streets and Lanes Committee filed a report, which was adopted, re quiring the contractors for the Na tional Bank building to erect h. bridge along Broughton street, so that peo ple w-ill not have to walk around the fence, as is now the case. The same committee also reported favorably upon allowing the contractors to excav*ate ; under the sidewalks. The report was adopted. The petition for an appropriation for ; the firemen's coffee wagon was refer red to the Fire Committee. The peti tion for an Increased appropriation for the public library next yetar was re ferred to the Committee of the Whole. The petition from Capt. J. C. Postell in regard to Bilbo canal was referred to the same committee, though Aider man Thomas suggested It go to one of the working committees, so that an estimate of the. cost of covering the canal could be secured. A petition asking that the W. C. T. U. be relieved of faxes was re ferred to the Finance Committee, and a petition asking for a light on Slone street was referred to the Streets and Lanes Committee. The petition from Mr. W. A. Bisbee and Mr. Jacob Paulsen asking that the Dauntless be paid for its services at the St'aboard w-arehouse fire was referred to the Committee of the Whole. A petition from the Savannnah Electric Com pany, asking for permission to lay tracks on Ann street, from llndian to the company's plant, was referred to the Streets and Lanes Committee with power to act. ( A petition from the Union Society, asking for relief from taxation, was referrred to the Committee of the Whole. A petition asking relief from an execution issued against the Kate Baldwin Free Kindergarten for paving done on Thirty-first street, was refer red to the same committee. A peti tion ‘asking that the Kindergarten be relieved from paying the bill was act ed upon adversely by the Finance Com mittee some time ago. A petition from the Savannah Port Society, asking that it be relieved of taxation, was re ferred to the Finance Committee. BALTIMORE SQUIRRELS IN FORSYTH PARK. Alderman James M. Dixon released a number of squirrels In Forsyth Park yesterday. They were sent to him by Supt. W. W. Crosby of the Baltimore parks. The squirrels are big and fine looking, and were soon perfectly at home among trees in the park. They were caught In one of the Baltimore parks and shipped to Alder man Dixon. When they were first re leased they dashed off for quite a dis tance, but soon returned to 'be fed by the alderman. They are very tame, and will oat from the hands of the children and other visitors to the park. Just before the squirrels were released one of those already in the park, a little brown fellow, appeared on the scene. He looked for a time at the big giviy squirrels and then scampered away. Where lluppl nrim In Found. Don't look for true happiness In the munitions of the very rich, where high priced physicians are culled In to doc tor every ailment. But seek It and And It. too. In the comfortable homes of the middle classes and so-called poor, where Oreen's August Flower la al ways used to keep the family healthy— to cure .til stomach troubles, whether Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, loss of appetite, bilious attacks or tor pid liver. Trial bottle August Flower. **c. *•!* bottle, Ilf, At all drugftlsts. Knight's Pharmacy. SAVANNAH MORNI? WILL GIVE REWARD FOR BEST FLAG. A contest which, for more reasons than one, bids fair to arouse unusual interest, will be that of providing the most suitable flag for the city of Sa vannah. At a meeting of the committee ap pointed by Mayor Myers to select a flag, It was decided yesterday to offer a reward of $lO for the most appro priate and original design for the city flag. On the Hag must be the seal of the city, and colors must be used. The committee did not consider the suggestion made by Rev. A. M. Wil liams some time ago. COUNTY WONT PAT” CITY GARBAGE BILL Alderman Dixon, chairman of the Finance Committee of Council, will confer with the County Commission ers Friday afternoon in regard to the garbage bill, which the county has long owed the city. Under the contract which the city has with the county and the street car company, the county is to pay its part of the expense. The city paid the county’s portion, and the commis sioners have not yet refunded it. Sev eral unsuccessful efforts have been made recently to collect the bill. COURT-HOUSE PICK'UPS. In the City Court yesterday in the case of the Neal-Millard Company against A. J. Wilson, suit on account, judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $131.95. In the chse of the Ocean Steamship Company aginst Benjamin F. Finney, suit on account, judgment was render ed in favor of the plaintiff in the sum | of $374.54. The case was heard in the City Court. In the Superior Court announcement was made yesterday that the case of James G. West & Cos. against Helen H. Rush, and others, had been settled out of court. The case was stricken from the docket. Hmoker of ltetnil Clerks. Over 100 members and guests of the Retail Clerks' Association participated in a smoker in the Knights of Pythias Hall last night. The entertainment marked the regular monthly session of the association. Mr. SI Fleischman was master of ceremonies. THANKFUL PEOPLE There are thousands of people throughout the country thankful for the introduction of Hostetter’s Stom ach Bitters, and still more thankful because they were persuaded to try it. Asa result they now enjoy perfect health. Those not so fortunate should start to-day. The Bitters always cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness. General Debility, Chills, Colds ami Malaria, Fever and Ague. Give it a trial. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS HOTKLS AMD SUMMER RESORTS. empire, NEW YORK. Broadway and 63rd Street. Telephone in every Room. Take a car at any Railroad or Steam boat Terininai, as They All Pass the Empire. Within 6 minutes of all Theaters and large Department Stores. To Elevated and Subway Stations 1 minute. Over $250,UU0 iu improvements. Completely Remodeled, Redecorated and Refurnished. AU room lights controlled by door switches. All clothes Closets automatically lighted. Furnished throughout in Mahogany and Brass. Rooms (with use of bath) $1.50 per day up. Rooms (with private bath) $2.00 per day up. Suites (with private bath) $3.50 per day up. W. JOHNSON QUINN. Hotel Beileclalre Broaowag and 77th street. New York. "“"l Seventh Avenue, j Amsterdam Ave. jTN £ IV andWest 130th St. Royal Hungarian Orchestra. ‘ Moil Artistically Beautiful Hotel in the World. Can offer few single rooms, with hath, beautifully furnished, suitable for two people, SOO per month. TRANSIENT RATES: One Room, with bath fa.soperdty Parlor, Bedroom, with hath, $3 and $5 per day Parlor, a IU-d 1 ootns, with hath, and f7 r>er dsy Every improvement known to modern in* genuity. Wrlt.forour m agarine, "The Hotel Belle clatre World." MILTON ROBLPR. Proprietor. lK *OTO HOTKI* SavoMmb, lis. Open all year. Large airy rooms. I.wst feet plussae; 100 looms with pri vate bath. Telephone service In every room. Liberal Inducements to fami lies desiring permanent board. WATSoM A ToW Bltd. Proprietors. G NEWS: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1904 Made Life Look New Miss Postlcth waite’s experience with Wine of Cardui shows that all her former f B % Miss Postlethwa ite's cure, by taking Wine of Cardui is proof that the pain* that St hundreds of thousands of other women are enduring are equally unnecessary. And it M k should convince you that your sickness should not be allowed to go on another day. S 1 W “ c ** Cardui made Hfe beautiful for Miss Postleth waite. It has made life new f irel Y 1 for 1,500,000 sick women. It will make life new for you. It will give you health W \ W I for your sickness and quick and permanent relief for your pains. A25 cent package of F I Thedford's Black-Draught will give better health to every member of your family. \WINE sfCARDW No 1312 Broderick St., Sax Fraxcisco, Cai*. Dec. 8, 1903. I I suffered for over four years with ovarian troubles, which robbed me of the joy of life. My back and limbs ached so I could hardly stand up, and shooting pains made life at times unbearable. The blinding headaches I suffered were something no one can understand who has not had the experience. Mjlk Wine of Cardui saved my life, released me from suffering and made life look new and beautiful to me. IgjKV. y I took nearly twenty bottles in all before I was perfectly well, but I felt it was a cheap cure. This was ffiP£N over eleven months ago. lam well and in perfect health now, and most heartily do I endorse Wine of a/' . j/' m tv WIjD. Cardui as the best and most reliable remedy any r H B Millie sick woman can obtain. csinm.uixaovTßissxiiu.. FINE FURNITURE Not for many seasons has there been such a demand for the finer qualities in housefurnishings. This de mand finds a ready welcome with us, as our stock is made up of what is best in the furniture and carpet world. The tasty buyer will find right styles in the fine line we show in SOLID MAHOGANY DRESSER CHIFFONIERS SIDEBOARDS AND DINING TABLES BRASS BEDS. LADIES’ DESKS. PARLOR FURNITURE. RUGS AND DRAPERIES. This week a lot of Wicker Work Baskets, value for 98c. LINDSAY & MORGAN USE Southern Express Co.’s MONEY ORDERS for all your small remittances, by mail or otherwise. Sold on all points in the United States, Canada and on Havana, Cuba. CHEAP AND CONVENIENT. NO APPLICATION REQUIRED. A receipt h given and money will be refunded it order is lost. Sold at all agencies of the Southern Ex press Company at all reasonable hours. RATES ARE AS FOLLOWS I CENTS CENT* Not Over 0 8.50... 8 Not Over 5105.50...83 •* 6.00... 6 “ 105.00...85 “ 10.00... 8 “ 110.00...3S “ 80.00... lO “ 180.00...40 “ 80.00... 18 “ 130.00...48 “ 40.00...15 “ 140.00...45 “ 60.00... 18 “ 150.00..48 “ 60.00...80 “ 160.00...50 “ 76.00... 85 “ 175.00...55 “ 100.00..30 “ 800.00...60 SHIP YOUR GOODS BY THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY This Company operates on 81,000 miles of Amt-class routes, and has connections with other responsible Express Companies for all points accessible by express. All shipments of merchandise packages, valuables, etc., are constantly in the care of special messengers selected for the purpose, and forwarded on fast passenger trains. Special attention Is given to tbo handling of perishables. LOW RATES AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT J. I. HOCKADAY, Supt., W. J. BROWN, *|it, Stotniuh, Gi. Soannih, G. G. L LOOP. 24 Viet Prtsl4sot. MONEY ORDERS SOLD AT Express Office, 23 Bull street. Express Office, Union Station. Livingston's Pharmacy Cos., 2|- Broughton street wesL Knight's Pharmacy Cos., corns? Oglethorpe avenue and Drayton st. Knight's Pharmacy, Duffy and Jef ferson streets. J. T. Bhuptrlne, Druggist, >29 Con gress, west, corner Jefferson. A. I* Ford & Cos.. Druggists, S6l West Broad. Savannah Bank and Trust Cos„ Bay and Drayton afreets. Red Cross Pharmacy, Broughton end Habersham. V. K. Prather. Liberty and Haber sham. JOHN G. BUTLER Sash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cements, Plaster, so Congress Street, West. A PARADOX. Qn to the Golden Gate, |n comfort all the way, Let any one gainsay; Burn oil to keep you clean. Unhealthy smoke Reminds you no more. Nor cinders in your eyes galore, Exhaust your patience and pleasant mien. Remember the SOUTHERN PACIFIC to all points Louialann, Texas, Mexico and California. Special rates to Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona in November and December. Information cheerfully given. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent, IS Peachtree street Atlanta. Ga. COCEX Accomplishes results by building np the nervous system and stimulating a normal flow to tire debilitated organs nourishing them back to a condition of healthy vitality. Nocturnal emissions, which prove such a drain on tile sys tem, are effectually stopped. The ef fects of early errors and excesses In mntnrcr years are completely eradi cated and lost manhood Is permanent ly restored. If it falls to cure your money will be refunded. Guaranteed and for sale by LIPPMAN DRUG CO.. Llppman Block Savannah. Ga. pUCRQs Highly rscoaaMndMl tor It. TONIC Prop.rH.. and u a PWBVKNTIVE tor All Kinds of Fevers. I. KHdMIA 4 CO., to-n g, william it., N. V. Uwm. HIMINTASV gLixi R $32.00 NEW YORK And Return —VIA— SEABOARD £ OLD DOMINION Air Line Railway D Steamship Company. SCHEDULE Lt. Savannah... 1:15 p.m. or 12:10 a.m. R. R. Time. Ar. Norfolk 8:00 a.m or 5.30 p.m. Eastern Time hr. Norfolk 7:00 p.m. “ “ Ar. New York 2:30 p.m. " *• By leaving Savannah on the 1:15 p. m. train yon can spend the following|day at Norfolk and Old Point Comfortt by leaving on the 12:10 midnight train you make direct connection with the steamship. Tickets at above rates are on sale daily; and are limited for return six (6) months from date of sale. Full information, reservations; etc., at City Ticket Office, No. 7 Bull street. Phone 28. CHARLES F. STEWART, Assistant General Passenger Agent. The Last and Best Month to Visit the WORLD’S FAIR, ST. LOUIS. Southern Railway Is the Only Line Offering Through Sleeping Cars from Savannah. Excellent Dining Cars. Round Trip Rates from Savannah: $32.00 $26.05 Dec. 15th Fifteen-Day Limit Limit 520.10 Ten-Day Limit, sold each Tuesday and Thursday in November. For information, reservations or literature apply City Ticket Office, 141 Bull Street. E. Q. THOMSON, C. P. and T. A. 135 Minutes Saved to New York BY TAKING THE Atlantic Coast Line Florida and West Indian Limited, Finest all year round train between the East and South, leaves Savannah daily at 2:if p. m. (city time), arrives New York I:ss p. m. following day. Pullman Drawingroom Sleepers and Dining Cars of the highest standard of excellence. For Pullman reservations, rates, schedules, etc., apply Ticket Office, De Soto Hotel, Both Phones 73, and Union Station, Bell Phone 235, Georgia 911. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL ANO WORK ORDER YOUR UTH BUNK B °° KS FR °“