The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 25, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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COLORED MASONS LAID CORNERSTONE OF TEMPLE Parade of Military and Civic Societies Preceded the Ceremonies. Colored Masons observed Thanksgiv- presiding officers of the organizations lng -wtth the laying of the corner stone of their new temple on Gwinnett street, •R-est. It was one of the largest demon 8t rat ions ever held by the colored peo ple of Savannah. The ceremonies were under the auspices of the Grand Lodge, Grand Master H. R. Butler of Atlanta having charge. •phe organizations formed in front of the Tribune office, and from there marched down St. Julian street to Whitaker, to Broughton, to Jefferson, to Liberty. *o West Broad and to the building, where the ceremony took place. Among the organizations that parad ed were the First Battalion, Joshua Company, K. of P.; Crescent Lodge No. j, K. of P.; Myrtle Lodge No. 1663, G. U, O. of O. F.; Adelphia Club, Chat ham Conservative Club, Bricklayers' Union, followed by the Masonic Grand Lodge, with Grand Master H. R. But ler, Past Grand Masters John H. De veaux, Alexander Harris, and Past Grand Deputy Grand Master Charles A, Clark of Brunswick, in carriages. So dense was the crowd around the building that when the organizations arrived at the building it was neces sary for the crowd to be pressed back. The Grand Lodge officers were re ceived in open ranks and with the peeping tom run down BY THE POLICE. Negro Arrested Near Police Head quarters After Exciting Chase. A negro who, It is alleged, has for some time been disturbing the resi dents in the neighborhood of Ogle thorpe avenue and Habersham street, by peeping in the windows of the houses was caught by the police last night after a chase of several blocks. A woman was at police headquar ters making a complaint about some one peeping in her windows, when the cry, "Stop him, stop him," was heard on the street. Chief Deputy Sheriff Sweeny, Detec tive Murphy and several other officers joined the chase and caught the negro at Broughton street. He was badly winded when arrested, and said he had forgotten his name. Later he gave his name as John Milley. At the time the officers joined the ch ise Milley had just been chased from the house at No. 420 McDon ough street, east. He had attempted to break open the blinds of one of the windows. MORE EVIDENCE IN BRUYN’S BEHALF. Editor Morning News: I wish to help in the cause of that dear old Spartan who has been so cruelly turn ed down on such a trifling technical ity. While I am not a member of the organization known as the Daughters of the Confederacy, yet I count myself by birth a Daughter of the Confeder acy and a devout lover of it and its heroes. Hirst, I would help financially if my contribution will be acceptable. Secondly, I have in my possession a history of Savannah that might pos sibly assist the Daughters. The book was entered in clerk's office of Dis trict Court of United States, in 1868, by F. D. Lee and J. L. Agnew. It was printed and published by Col. J. H. Estill in 1869. This history con tains Savannah’s roll of honor, the names of all our city's soldiers, living or dead, who fought for the cause and were deserving of honor. One of the first on the list of captains ap pears the name DeWitt C. Bruyn. Now It seems impossible that an officer and gentleman of Mr. Bruyn’s standing should have been placed on the “roll of honor” unless Mr. Agnew (himself a Confederate veteran) knew Mr. Bruyn had been honorably discharged. Hoping that this may help in the cause, I am. yours verv truly, A Subscriber. HIS FATHER WILL NOT GO BAIL FOR SPENCER. Me Says the Boy Mast Stand the Conaeqnencea. Atlanta, Nov. 24. —David E. Spencer, father of Bert Spencer, the 17-year-old lad who is held, charged with several burglaries, has refused to arrange bond in the sum of $5,000 for his son, and declares that the boy must now stand the consequences of his acts. This is the second time young Spen cer has been involved in similar trou bles. Herbert Talley, hifc accomplice, succeeded in giving bond for SSOO and was released. CITY BREVITIES. For larceny after trust Nancy Jones, a negro woman, was arrested by Pa trolman Carney last night The pris oner is a wash woman. Grand Jnry's Final Meeting. The grand jury of the Superior Court Wll meet this afternoon. Its general presentments will probaibly be submit ted to the court, after which the jury will be discharged for the term. The fall term of court will adjourn Mon day. It Yon Are Going South Take advantage of the splendid train service via Atlantic Coast Line. Flor ida and West Indian Limited leaves Savannah 10:12 a. m. (city time), arrives Jacksonville 1:46 p. m., leav ing Jacksonville 2:00 p. m., arriving Tampa 10:30 p. m. Sleepers and din ing cars to Jacksonville, buffet sleeper Jacksonville to Tampa. New York and Florida Express leaves Savannah 4:15 a. m. (city time) arrives Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. Sleep er Savannah to Jacksonville. This train connects at Jacksonville with trains for Fort Myers, Tampa and St. Petersburg, leaving at 9:45 a. rn. Pullman buffet parlor cars Jackson ville to Tampa and Jacksonville to St. Petersburg. Savannah and Jacksonville Express, • ruin No. 21. leaves Savannah 4:00 p. in. (city time), (train made up at Ka vtnnah and always leaves on time), connects at Jacksonville with train leaving for Fort Myers and Tampa at 8 35 p. m., carrying Pullman buffet sleeping Cltr( , juritaonvllle to Fort My ef and Jacksonville to Tampa, arriv ing Fort Myers at 12:40 p. m., arriving l**mpa 7 00 a. m.. Passenger aervlce unexcelled, Secure Information and rerve your Pullman space at city ticket office, De goto Hotel. Both Pliona* 75,--ad. participating, ascended the platform. The crowd was called to order by Grand Master Butler and despite the large number, respectful attention was given throughout. At the opening there was a musical number, and pray er was offered by Grand Chaplin Har ris. Gra-nd Secretary Sol C. Johnson read the request for the ceremony, aft er which Past Grand Master John H. Deveaux introduced Past Grand Dep uty Grand Master Charles A. Clark of Brunswick, who delivered the address. It was enthusiastically received by the members of the lodges and the large gathering. It was along practical lines and of much benefit to the race he represented. A liberal donation was made by the Masons, after which the comer stone was laid by Grand Master Butler, with Deputy Grand Master Deveaux, Grand Senior Warden M. G. Robertson, Grand Junior Warden Edward Pettle and Principal Architect C. Brinson. After the ceremonies photographs of the large gathering were taken, and the verious bodies returned to their meet ing places. The building will be the largest of its kind in the South, and reflects much credit on those who have It in charge. It will be a three-story brick building, 57x82 feet, with stores on the first floor, a large auditorium on the second and lodge rooms on the third floor. Those who have charge of the building are M. G. Robertson, as chair man; Sol C. Johnson, secretary and treasurer. ' : t THE WEATHER. Morning News barometer, Nov. 24, 11:30 p. m 29.75 Morning News thermometer, Nov. 24, 11:30 p. m 55 Washington, Nov. 24. —Forecast for Friday and Saturday; South Carolina and Georgia; Flair Friday and Saturday; light to fresh north winds. Eastern Florida: Fair Friday and Saturday; light to fresh northwest to north winds. Western Florida: Fair Friday; Sat urday, Increasing cloudiness; light to fresh west winds. Yesterday’s weather at Savannah: Maximum temperature 2 p. m 72 degrees Minimum temperature 8 a. m 50 degrees Mean temperature 61 degrees Normal temperature 55 degrees Excess of temperature .... 6degrees Accumulated excess since Nov. 1 4 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 269 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal .07 inch Excess since Nov. 1 1.40 Inches Deficiency since Jan. 1 .. ..8.84 inches River Report.—The hight of the Sa vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m., (75th meridian time), yesterday, was 5.5 feet, a rise of 0.9 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same mo ment of time, Nov. 24, 1904, 8:00 p. m., 75th meridian time: Name of Station. | T | W | R. Boston, clear 38 NW .02 New York city, cloudy .... 46 N .00 Philadelphia, cloudy 48 NW .00 Washington city, pt cldy . 46 NW .00 Norfolk, clear 50 NW .00 Hatteras, pt cldy 52 N .00 Wilmington, clear 54 N .00 Charlotte, clear 46 NE .00 Raleigh, clear 48 NW .00 Asheville, pt cldy 40 NW .00 Charleston, clear 60 NW .00 Atlanta, clear 50 NW .00 Augusta, clear 58 NW .00 Savannah, clear 62 N .00 Jacksonville, clear 64 W .00 Jupiter, clear 62 W .00 Key West, clear 76 N .00 Tampa, clear 62 W .00 Mobile, clear 62 NW .00 Montgomery, clear 60 NW .00 Vicksburg, clear 60 N .00 New Orleans, clear 68 N .00 Galveston, pt cldy 64 S .00 Corpus Christi, cloudy .... 68 E .00 Palestine, pt cldy 70 E .00 Memphis, clear 54 NE .00 Cincinnati, cloudy 44 NW .00 Pittsburg, cloudy 40 NW .01 Buffalo, snowing 34 NW .04 Detroit, cloudy 36 NW .00 Chicago, cloudy 40 N .00 Marquette, snowing 32 NW .10 St. Paul, cloudy 38 NW .00 Davenport, clear 42 NW .00 St. Louis, clear 48 NW .00 Kansas City, clear 48 B .00 Dodge City, clear 50 SE .00 North Platte, clear 44 N ,00 Oklahoma, missing. H. B. Boyar, Local Forecaster. LOCAL PERSONALS. Mr. Frank R. Clark of Augusta is a guest at the De Soto. Mr. F. B. Stubbs of Macon Is stop ping at the Pulaski House. Mr. R. C. Caldwell of Louisville, Ky„ is a guest at the De Soto. Mr. W. D. Brady of Atlanta Is a guest at the Screven House. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stewart of Co lumbus are at the De Soto. Mr. Fred Lockhart of Augusta is stopping at the Screven House. Mr. C. H. Shaft of Jacksonville spent yesterday at the Screven House. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Beckwith of Tam pa are registered at the De Soto. Mr. J. D. Donelly of Ehrhardt, S. C., is stopping at the Pulaski House. Mr. J. Nathan Lucas of Charleston is registered at the Pulaski House. Dr. O. L. Holmes of Covington Is in the city, stopping at the Pulaski House. Mr. James Badger of Fort Madison, 0., Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. O. Broady. Mr. C. M. Colgan and Mr. Gilbert Morgan of Worely, Ga., are stopping at the Screven House. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pritchard and four children, of Charleston, are stop ping at the Pulaski House. Hon. C. M. Hitch, secretary of the Executive Department, Atlanta, and a brother of Capt. R. M. Hitch, spent Thanksgiving day in Savannah. All the members of the Charles Haw-, trey company, with the exception of Mr. Hawtrey and Miss Harrison, who have their private car, were at the De Soto while in the city. Among the Jacksonville people up for the football game yesterday who stopped at the Pulaski House were Mr. H. R. Teasdale, Mr. J. H. Dart, Mr. T. Maxwell, Mr. C. P. Townsend, Mr. R. Windsor, Mr. E. D. Dodge, Mr. 8. F. Floyd, Mr. H. J. Kelton, Mr. R. E. Kennedy. Mr. R. O. Chappelle, Mr. H. Larry, Mr. W. Yar.cey, Mr. Samuel Harrison, Mr. Charles Marant, Mr. Fred Rockwell, Mr. H. R. Payne, Mr. T. M. Dozier, Mr. R. E. Ferrla, Mrs. T. M. Dozier, Misa Dozier, Mra. R. E. Ferris. Mr. Dan Nelaon, Mr. Elmo Thomas. Mr. Samuel L. Searing, Mr. I* F. Reerbower, Mr. Floyd Metcalf, Mr. Emory Adamson. Mr. E. J. Webb, Mr, W. B. gurney and Mr. George W. Conover. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1904. INTERESTING, IF TRUE. Yon Can Try It For Yourself and Prove It. One grain of the active principle in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat, eggs or other wholesonrve food, and this claim has been proven by actual experiment which anyone can perform for him self In the following manner: Cut hard-boiled eggs into very small pieces, as it would be if masticated, place the egg and two or three of the tablets in a bottle or jar containing warm water, heated to 98 degrees (the temperature of the body), and keep it at this temperature for three and one half hours, at the end of which time the egg will be as completely digested as it would have been in the healthy stomach of a hungry boy. The point of this experiment is that what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do to the egg in the bottle It will do to the egg or meat In the stomach, and nothing else will rest and invigorate the stomach so safely and effectually. Even a little child can take Stuart's Tablets with safety and benefit if its digestion is weak and the thousands of cures accomplished by their regular daily use are easily explained when it is understood that they are composed of vegetable essences, aseptic pepsin, diastase and Golden Seal, which min gles with the food and digest it thor oughly, giving the overworked stom ach a chance to recuperate. Dieting never cures dyspepsia, neither do pills and cathartic medi cines, which simply irritate and in flame the intestines. When enough food is eaten and promptly digested there will be no constipation, nor in fact will there be disease of any kind, because good di gestion means good health in every organ. The merit and success of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are world-wide and they are sold at the moderate price of 50 cts for full-sized package in ev ery drug store in the United States and Canada, as well as in Europe. Cloak Waist SALE Our entire line of Ladies’ Fall Waists, in price from $2.50 to 64.00, will be of fered Friday and Saturday $1.98 Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloaks, good value at $5.50 and $6.00, reduced to $3.98 Ladies’ Norfolk Sweaters, in all colors, former price 65.00, for Friday and Sat urday $3.39 To close out odd sizes in our Suit Department we will offer on Friday $lO, sls, $lB suits at $7.89 Estate Daniel Hogan. Magazines for December. Price Harper’s Monthly ,35c Scribner’s Monthly 25c Century Monthly ....35c Llppincott's Monthly. ..., ,25c Book Lover’s Monthly ,#.25c Everybody's Monthly 10c Physical Culture 10c Pearson’s Magazine 10c Red Book 10c Ainsley’s Magazine 15c Metropolitan Magazine 15C Ladies’ Home Journal 15c Leslie’s Magazine 10c Smart Set Magazine 26c McClure’s Magazine 10c Cosmopolitan Magazine 10c Wide World 10c For sale at ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, No. 18 Bull Street, comer Bryan, No. 2 East, Savannah, Ga. JOHN C. BUTLER • Sash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cements, Plaster, 20 Congress Street, West. —li. l si . - 1 \exlnti In Dying. Cave Springs, Ga., Nov. 24.—Charles Neejan, the New York cartoonist, who has been here for some time in search of health, Is slowly sinking and the attending physicians have abandoned all hope. His wife and sister are at his bedside. The cartoonist's home is in Akron, 0., and when he has passed away the remains will be sent there for Interment. PERSONAL WILLIAMS’ BICYCLE COMPANY, the cut rate house. 240 Drayton street; underbuy and undersell. LET ME CLEAN YOUR WATCH. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg A Cos. "‘PEOPLE WHO" USE "THE “NEW Home” sewing machine will tell you that its "Johnny on the Spot." A. J. Pursley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State street. “CHRISTMAS IS COMING; "WE sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhlne wthe at 60 cents bottle; pure blackberry and cblantl wine, 66 cents; other Imported tvlnes and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a rail. Trapani. Barnard-Stats. " ss. RATTAN ROCKER. FULL roll weave, others ask 33 per cent, more for It; handsome couches $7.64, leather couches and fancy rockers. Millar’s, 247 Broughton street, west. LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW FRAMES . INTERIOR FINISH. YELLOW PINE.WHITE TINE, OAK, ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash, Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Bryan and Whitaker Sts. Factory: Lathrop avenue and O. S. 6. Cos. wharves. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS; PERSONAL E. F. FBGEAS, LAWYER, 11* BULL street; contracts, deeds, wills, collec tions, real estate; corporation work and foreign claims given especial at tention; parle Francais. Deutsch ge sprochen. _ WILL~ THE FINDER OF THE email leather pocketbook, containing $37 in bills kindly ring up again, Geor gia 'phone 735? DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York. A. CANE VET. FRENCH SHOEMAK er, agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes. $4; my price, $2.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale; repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. REPAIRING WATCHES AND ALL kinds of jewelry attended to promptly by J. & C. N. Thomas, corner Whit aker and State streets. “FOR”STORING, PACKING, SHlP ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general dr’ayage a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both 'phones 2. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN izer, sells the best tire on the market for $3. Sundries at lowest prices. 324 West Broad. Both ’phones. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND LADIES stick pins, brooches, necklaces, rings, hair pins and all kinds of Jewelry at J. & C. N. Thomas, corner State and Whitaker, A.CANEVET, FRENCH SKOEMAK er, 309 Broughton, west; the cheapest place in town to buy shoes, because his rent is low, and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of it. HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES are getting scarce this early in the season; advanced to $2.95 each; gold fish three for a quarter. At Gard ner’s, IS Broughton street, east. MY CHARGES ARB LIGHT-MY work the best; bring me your Jewelry repairing. E. W. Sylvan, with Stern burg & Cos., Broughton street. STORE YOUrTfURNITURE WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both ’phones 2. corner Montgomery and Broughton street. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED. I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at $1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell ’phone 1136; Georgia ’phone 2841. T SELL, BUY, EXCHANGE. RB pah- or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. G. O. Penton. HAVING OVERHAULED MY shop, equipping it with the best ma chines, tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of its patronage In' wheelwrighting, blacksmlthlng, horse shoeing. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Ju lian. HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterich's. 110 State street, west WHEN YOU WANT YOUR AUTO mobile painted call on Kramer; he will do It right. THE BEST JEWELRY AT THE cheapest price at J. & C. N. Thomas; we handle fine goods and do not get fancy prices. GREEN. THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me, 324 West Broad; Jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia ’phono, 1834. Bell. 2130. FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE As sorted candy, 75c, sl, and $1.50, at Het terlch’s 110 State street, west. “JOHNNY ON THE SPOT;’’ THAT means the “New Home” sewing ma chine; Us always ready. A. J. Purs ley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State street. SWEET. PEAS, POPPY, DAISY and other flower seed; plant food; bone flower and pots at Gardner's, 18 Broughton street, east. YOU GET YOUR ’ MONEYS worth when vou buy your Jewelry of us. Every quality is guaranteed, and our prices are always low enough. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. GIVE US A TRIAL IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or machin ery of any kind. Mlngledorff & Cos. “fob"sewingmachines of"all kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer son; needles, oil In bulk or bottle. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN INDUS try; if you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draying lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagons are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railways; now, boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash; guaranteed twelve months. 512-520 Hull street, west; also Deer ing mowers, rakes and repairs. STORES AND RESIDENCES IN the country can have as good lights as the city, at much less cost, by ad dressing the Ignito Cos„ under Masonic Temple. Savannah. Ga. “BEDROOM SUITS, "CASH OR credit,” at Miller’s; sideboards and din ing tables; try us once, we'll meet you half way in price and quality. 207 Broughon, west. "daNIEITa, HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents bicycles of every kind.’ Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new for sale. _ _ ' DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they are the same as new. See him on Whitaker, near York. _ _ ONE-POUND BOX FINE ASSORT ed candies or chocolates, 26c, at Het terlch's, 110 Stats tr—t, w—t, RING UP GEORGIA NO. 1921. LET us furnish you with good lights before you g'-t company for the "Carnival;" the “Ignito” can’t be matched, be cause you need no matches. OIL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, hot stuff, wood and coal stovea: cast iron range*, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit: will take your old stove in exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stove mechari lea In the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia phone 2955, Bel! 'phone 1122, PUHNONAL WILLIAMS' BICYCLE COMPANY, the cut rate house. 240 Drayton street; plugs put in, 10c. D. N. THOMASON. AGENT; STOVE expert, has severed his connection with Thomason & Hahn Stove Company, and has removed to 139 Jefferson, where he carries full line stoves and ranges, cheaper than ever. Old stoves taken in exchange. Repairing a spec ialty; best material used in jobs; best workmanship; prompt attention to work. Bell 'phone 966; Georgia 2807. MUSLIN CURTAINS 69 CENTS: ruffled net curtains $1.75; portieres at $2.50; see our Smyrna rug at $1.25; se lect designs of curtains, portieres and rugs in the better grades. Miller’s, 207 Broughton, west. HANDKERCHIEFS FOR LADIES and men. 35c and 400, dozen; hose for men, ladies and children, 2 pair for 15c; Bailey’s violet talcum powders, 8c box, 75c dozen; J. O. King's spool thread, 20c dozen. M. A. Stokes, the specialty man. THOMPSON’S TRANSFER 667 call and get price of our beautiful fourhorse team for a straw and a day's outing. If it is business you want instead of pleasure let us call and make estimate for moving. Bag gage called for and delivered. Office 210 Whitaker sSreet, Savannah, Ga. Bell 'phone. 184; Ga.. 1717. KIMBALL’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC ring is giving relief to the many that use them. Why continue to suffer when so simple a remedy can be got ten? J. Gardner, Agent, 18 Broughton street, east. ‘ KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A household word; cures coughs when everything else fails; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. 'l, ft. PENTON, DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson and York lane. FOLDING CARTS, $2.60 AT MlL ler’s; this is go-cart headquarters; over 60 patterns to select from; hot stuff stoves and oil heaters. 207 Brough ton street, west M. a: STOKES 7 RIBBON STORE, w'ill sell you beautiful satin and taffeta ribbon, four inches wide, at 15c per yard; better than others sell at 25c; all silk taffeta ribbon, No. 7, 9, 12 and 16. at 6c yard; No. 40, 60, and 80, at loic per yard in all the late colors; narrow satin ribbon for collars and fancy work, lc to 2%c, yard. WILENSKY, JEWELER AND Op tician, is selling at reduced prices at his opening sale, 244 Broughton, west. Bring your repairing along; satisfac tion guaranteed. "CHINA MATTINGS 12V4 CENTS, 15 cents, 19 cents, 25 cents and up; pri vate patterns in Japanese mattings; stair carpets and art squares; see our 9x12 Axminsters and velvets. Miller’s, 207 Broughton street, west. PHOTOGRAPHY. THE LARGEST AND FINEST AND best equipped studio in the. South is Wilson's Studio at 111 Whitaker street. Amateur supplies, developing and fin ishing. Frames made to order from a very large and select line of mouldings by an expert white fratnemaker. Many pretty novelties and specialties for the holidays. Before making your Xmas selections be sure and visit Wil son's Photo Studio at 111 Whitaker street, Just south of Broughton street. " the FOLTZ STUDIO, AT U BULL street, is again ready for business, after being entirely remodeled; a pow erful skylight has been installed, and improved accessories have been added to this already up-to-date studio, so that we are now better able than ever to produce the highest grade of photographic work and at popular prices; developing, printing and en larging for amateurs in the greatest promptness consistent with good work. MOORE’S STUDIO, 107 BROUGH ton street, west, is the place to go for good, honest work; all work exhibited is done right here in our studio, and the work you see in our show cases is Just what you get from the studio; our fine cabinets at $3 per dozen will please you: try us and be convinced. PROFESSIONAL. COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHER, located at Room 18, Board of Trade; Georgia 'phone 1950. MEDICAL. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A medicine of merit, the most popular preparation for coughs and colds; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufac tured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. _ THE KEELEY INSTITUTE FOR the cure of liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine, tobacco and cigarette habits. For information, address Keeley Instl tute, 235 Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga. LADIES, I REPRESENT ONE OF the most wonderful remedies for fe male troubles; physician's prescription; don’t fail to consult me; money refund ed if not satisfied. Mrs. M. A. But ler, No. 28 Oglethorpe avenue, Sa vannah. Ga. HELP WANTED—MALE. ~wantedT by wholesale house a first-class double entry book keeper, who can furnish bond; will pay $1,200 to the right party. Address “Sober,” Morning News. WANTED, TWO YOUNG WHITE men to canvass; good pay; call Wed nesday evening from 7 to 8:30. Mr. Wing, 318 West Broad street, Central Hotel. WANTED, YOUNG MAN, 18 TO 20, who Is fair stenographer and typewrit er and willing to work; permanent po sitlon, W„ P, O. Box 392. WANTED, A MAN AND HISWIFE without children to run a model dairy of ten or twelve cows; wages $25 to S3O a month; 'according to returns; house and vegetable garden free of rent. Address W. J. De Renne, Isle of Hope, Savannah, Ga, (WANTED, EXPERIENCED woodsman for small turpentine place; must be able to furnish good refer ence and control labor; man with fam ily preferred. Address E. O. Powell, HawklnsvlUe, Oa. TWO FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS, 5 FIRST-CLASS PAINTERS, 2 FIRST CLASS PLUMBERS. ADDRESS, JAMES GRIBBKN, THOMASVILLE, GA. ‘ WANTED FOR" SAVANNAH, A representative for the Smith Premier Typewriter. Apply to H. M. Ashe, GeneralJ>ealer,_Atlanta, Ga. WANTED] ALL’KINDS OF HELP! a high priced man cook, laundry hands, cooks, house girls, scrub woman, saw mill hands, nurse girls, man (white) waiter, drivers, sawmill hands, mes senger boys. Wandell’s, 209 Jefferson Street. “WANTED, FOR THE U. S. MA rlne Corps, able-bodied men, between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land In our Island pos sessions, and at naval stations in the United State*. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. 8, Marino Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to 6 and. m. TIM I! EH LANDS lull HAl.l;. WILL HELL AT PRIVATE BALE: *OO acres cypress Umber, near Argyll*, Ga.; fine cross-tie timber location, near Argyle. Ga.; flue (8,400 acres) sawmill, location near Quitman, Ga.; 1-17 ton locomotive for wood track at Way i rose. Ga. Writs McC. Pats, trust'*, HawklnavlU* Ga. HELP WASTED—MALE. WANTED, TWO FIRST-CLASS carpenters; report Lamar's warehouse. No. 7. Saturday morning. WANTED. TWO SALESMEN IN each state; SSO and expenses; perma nent position. Penlcka Tobacco Works Company, Bedford City, Va. WANTED FOR U. sTaRMY ABLE bodied. unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate its, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 303 Bull street Sa vannah. Ga.. or 10* West Forsyth street, Jacksonville. Fla. help wasted—female. WANTED, COMPETENT NURSE to stay on premises; must come well recommended; good salary to right party. Mrs. M. S. Gardner, 413 Whit aker street. WANTED, LADY OR GENT] IN each town to take orders for enlarged portrait work. Dixie Portrait Cos., Canton, Ga. EMPLOYMENT WANTED] WANTED. POSITION BY FlßST class circular sawyer; is also filer and hammerer; strictly sober; state sal ary paid. Address Box No. 46, Screven Wayne county, Georgia. WANTED—HOUSE*] WANTED, TO RENT, FUIiNISH ed house with 6 bed rooms; must be well furnished and comfortable; will want from Dec. 1 to April 1; give full particulars, rent expected and address, New York State, care Morning News. W mUD—MISCELLANEOUS. COIN COLLECTIONS? YES, I BUY them; describe what you have; will call if description Justifies. Antiquurian, P. O. Box 5, Savannah, Ga. WANTED, HICKORY, DOGWOOD, ash, persimmon and holly logs. James Cockshott, Charleston. S. C. WANTED, CYPRESS AND POP lar wood sawed in lengths of four feet, round sticks and not split; we are paying $4.00 per cord for this wood delivered at our factory; It must be sound and comparatively free from knots. Write us for specifications. Pler pont Manufacturing Company, Savan nah, Ga. IVAN TED, OLD GOLD AND" sTL ver for cash, or will make new Jewelry of It. Wllensky, Jeweler and optician, 244 Broughton, west. CONFEDERATE MONEY? YES]"! buy it by price list; will call if your description Justifies. Antiquarian, P. O. Box 5, Savann’ah, Ga. WANTED, OPEN ACCOUNTS] notes; mortgages, county scrip for spot cash. Thos. L. Hill, lawyer. No. II East York street. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY! IF YOU NEED IT CALL or write and I will get It for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or Inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the ioan. E, Muhlbcrg 225 Congress, west: Georgia ’phone mu*. "I-j I ■ ■' ■'S'j. s FOR RENT—FLATS. TO RENT, A SECOND-STORY fiat, No. 9 Park avenue, east; these are fine rooms; rent sl3 per month. Apply on premises. NICE FLAT] FOUR ROOMS; large cedar closets; gas and water (Dale residence). Jones and Haber sham. THREE NICE ROOMS, >ll WEST Waldburg; with use of bath; $lO. A FLAT FOR RENT ON BAIL nard street, with all modern Improve ments. Apply E. Moyle, 10 Broughton street, east. APARTMENTS FOR RENT? APARTMENT, THIRTY-TIIIRI} and Habersham. James B. Copps, 216 Congress; Bell ’phone 1919. FOR RENT— HOUSES. FOR REN?i SIZE house, eight rooms, on Taylor street two doors from Bull; veranda on three sides; choice location for music teacher, dressm'aklng or other profes sional business. Apply John Lynch, grocer. DEB IR A BL~E SEVEN-ROOM house, perfect condition; corner Thirty third and Abercorn; S2O. J. c. Postell 18 Bryan, east. 237 GORDON] EAST] CORNER Lincoln, brick residence, modern and every convenience; six bedrooms; splendid exposure. Halnas & Hunter. $39 IS THE RENT OF THE THREE story brick house, 104 Harris, east; will make an excellent boarding house. Youmam & Detntnond. RESIDENCE, SOUTHEAST COR nsr Hull and West Broad; eleven rooms and two baths; first-class In ev ery particular; an elegant location for a boarding house. W. J. Miscally, Jr., 20 Bryan, east. __ 202 HABERSHAM, EIGHT ROOMB newly painted. 206 Charlton street, east, second floor. • FOR RENT. SEVERAL DESIR able residences and flats. Apply A. Wylly. 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, A VERY DESIRABLE house, furnished or unfurnished. 625 Whitaker. Apply 244 East Oglethorpe avenue. FOR RENT—STORES. FOR RENT, STORE, AND SIX rooms above, on Bay, near Montgom ery; will rent separate or together. Apply at Wilensky, Jeweler, 244 Broughton, west. FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT, PLANTERS HOTEL wtlh or without bar; will make cheap rent to right party. Apply to Horace Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. “FOR RENT, THE BARROOM~AND premises known as the “Custom House Shades." For terms apply to T. Lloyd Owens. Custom House. FOR HALE—HEAL ESTATE. ~beforiT"you "sell property consult Robt. H. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 24 President street, opposite Court House. Georgia 'phone 1360. FARMS FOR SALE. ONE FARM FOR SALE. APPLY to 46 Whitaker street. Knight's Pharmacy Cos., Oglethorpe-Drayton. Duffy-Whitaker. Special Bargains in Chamois Skins, Chamois Vests, Chest Protectors, Razors, Knives, Scissors and Manicure Outfits. Knight’s Bargains Are Real. ENGINES AND BOILER*. FOR SALE, TWO 30-TON LOCOMO tlvos In good running condition; excel lent engines for logging purposes; twelve well broken oxen; bargain for cash buyer. T. J. James, Adrian, Ga. MACHINERY: SAWMILL, VAJUA bIe teed with live rolls, engine and boiler complete; ready to operate. Hartfelder-Garbutt Company, $Ol-9 Bay street, west. ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS; IN fact, everything in machine line re paired by Mlngledorff A Cos., 610 India* street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE, $260 BUYB ONE-HALF Interest in best paying business in city; no licenses: no credit; all cash. Ad dress X. Y. Z.. care Savannah Mom ins News. ~ FOR SALE, NEAR TALLA haasee, Fla., new sawmill, >O,OOO feet daily capacity, with teams, and about 5,000 acres pine timber; a bargain if taken before Dec. 15. Apply to J. J. Whlspell. Tallahassee, Fla. FOR SALE, A GOOD PAYING FE&D business Including com meal mill; will sell or lease property. L. 8. Defue, 820, Four and a Half street, Washing ton, D. C. PICTURES AND FRAMES. DON’T TRUST GREEN MEN TO frame your valuable pictures, but take your work to C. R. L. (Compe tent, Reliable Ladeveze), where you can get the best grade mouldings, neatly Joined, at prices that defy com petition. We do the framing for the Telfair Academy and the leading art teachers in Savannah. 11 Congress street, west. FOIi SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. SEE THE CUT RATE HOUSE. Williams' Bicycle Company. SYRUP BARRELS FOR SALE BY Savannah Cooperage Company, Savan nah. Ga. FOR SALE. AT YOUR PRICE, suits and complete line of house fur nishings. Wandell's, 209 Jefferson •treat. MAHOGANY BBCRNTARIES, SO fas, bureaus, chlplndale buffet, card and work tables, china, and brass pewter. 42* Congress street, west. ANY PERSON WHO WILL LOOK into the matter of talking machines will surely select an Edison phono graph; because they are the best. S. S. Sollee, agent, 120 Slate street, west. STEIN WAY (SECOND-HAND Pl ano, |X00; Guild, SBS; Barmore, SSO, and other big bargains. Largest, best and handsomest stock personally eeleoted, high grade pianos and or gans ever shown in Savannah; pianos tuned, repaired and thoroughly reno vated; prices moderate; best work guaranteed; estimates free. Murphy’s piano warerooms. Guards' Armory, Bull and Charlton; Georgia 'phone 810. BECAUSE OF~ MY POLICT OF giving credit to reliable people who want the best of phonograph musio everybody can have It in their homes; buy the Edison phonograph and Edison gold moulded records, 35c each. S. 8. Sollee, agent, 120 State street, west. plumbing. COMPARISONS. THE FOLLOW- Ing comparisons are the results of ac tual tests, and may be accepted with absolute confluence. With a guaran teed light of 300 candle-power the Block Light employs but one mantle and its brilliancy is equal to any oth er four incandescent gas burners of the best quality yet produced. Design 8, price complete, $1.50. Can’t we place one on trial. The National Plumbing Company, Agents, Jefferson and Mc- Donough streets. Georgia ’phone 2847. ""FOR GOOD RELIABLE PLUMB ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son, 142 Drayton street. All work done by us strictly first class. MILLINERY. ~lkenner~ & brittonT^milll nery notice; we are showing the most complete line of misses’ and children's hats, trimmed and untrlmmed, at half that others ask; you must see these hats to appreciate them, "TRIMMED HATS—ALL TRIMMED hats greatly reduced this week; feath ers dyed and curled. Kenner * Brit ton, No. 118 Broughton street, west. "KENNER A RK celved, anew line of felt Shapes in the leading colors; velvets arid chenilles at prices that will make them go; ail hats bought of us trimmed free of charge. "BABY CAPS—WE ARB LEADERS In baby caps; the best 26c cap to b had. Kenner & Britton, No. 118 Broughton street, west. LOST AND FOUND. late Rev. Dr. I. 8. K. Axson. Ffnder will please return to T. 8. Clay, 28 East Taylor street, and reoeive revwLrd. i iu;- — 1 . i uii™—Li ...lh EDUCATIONAL. FREDERIC A. SELF, ORGANIST of Christ Church, teacher of piano technique, the voloe, organ, conserva tory methods; studio, 5 Jones stqeot, west; office hours, 9 to 10 and 8 to 4. BOARDING. FIRST-CLABB BOARD AT 20 TAY lor street, west; rooms large; hot and cold bath; table board. MISCELLANEOUS. business; twelve years' experience. Williams’ Bicycle Company. KNAPP’S EXPECTORANT CURES coughs, colds, croup and ail bronohjal troubles; at drug stores 36 and 60 cents; manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge. YOU’LL ENJOY A VISIT TO THIS Jewelry store; many holiday goods are now on display. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg A Cos.. Broughton street. "just received anew stn ply of alarm clocks; they are reliable and good timekeeper*. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. ”GREEN. THE EXPERT VULCAN- Ixer, makes a specialty of vulcanising automobile tlras, casings and tube*. Both ’phonee. FOR GOOD RELIABLE PLUMB- Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy A Son. 142 Drayton street. All work done b-* us strictly first clasa "‘yOU WILL NEVER REALIZE how you managed to get along with the ordinary light after once trying the great "Ignlto” mantle. ’Phone Geor gia 1821. 3