The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 26, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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STEEL WAS FEATURE IN TKADIXO IX RBW YORK STOCK MARKET YESTERDAY. new high records made ],l COMMON AMD PREFERRED STOCK AND SINKING FIND BONDS. , i riinaarliuiia In These Issues Almost One-third of Day's Total Opera tions—Heading Led Advance in Im provement of Coalers—Union Pa ,-iflc Marked Exception to General Hi***—Market Held Generally Strong. \'e\v York, Nov. 25.— I The mainte nance of the minimum discount rate j v the Bank of England, the lack of . prehension as to the demand money r , ,-itet here and evidence of steady improvement in industrial circles were rinnng the contributing factors to to day's strong and active stock market. United States Steel issues were the leaders, the preferred and common shares together with the sinking fund bonds moving to new high records for the present movement. The contin ued absorption of these bonds at the higher level was in excess of $7,000,000 f ,nd was assumed to be for Investment account. After an irregular opening, prices for a number of active issues, chiefly Amalgamated Copper, Sugar and Pa cific Mail, took a decided drop, the result, it seemed of market manipula tion Recoveries were quite general by noon a number of specialties partici pating in the improvement. Save for some moments of hesitation the mar ket heid strong throughout the after noon. I.nion Pacific Lnder Pressure. Heavy buying of Reading, attributed to Philadelphia demand, stimulated buying in the other coalers. The most marked exception to the general rise evas Union Pacific, which was under pressure all day, and made a net frac tional decline. Transactions in the steel shares, which made net gains of I'tfi 4t4 per cent, for the common and preferred, respectively, aggregated al most one-third of the day’s total op e rat ions. . , Government bonds unchanged on rail. Total sales, par value, $10,740,- Snles of Stocks. Total sales stocks to-day were 1,350,- 100 Shares, including: NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND UST Railroad Stocks. Atchison do preferred Baltimore and Ohio do do preferred Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey i™. Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago and Alton do do preferred Chicago and Great Western 25% Chicago and Northwestern ..198 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. 173% do do preferred 18® Chicago Terminal and Trans 16% do do preferred • 26% C„ C., C. and St. Louis 87 Colorado Southern ..... 22% do do Ist preferred i 57% do do 2nd preferred 35 Delaware and Hudson 187% Delaware, Lackawanna and West. 333 Denver and Rio Grande 32% do do preferred 85% Erie 39% do Ist preferred 73% do 2nd preferred '* Hocking Valley 85% do do preferred 89% Illinois Central 151% lowa Central 30 do do preferred 55% Kansas City Southern 28 do do preferred 52% Louisville and Nashville 138% Manhattan L 168% Metropolitan Securities 81 Metropolitan Street Railway 122% Minneapolis and St. Louis 64 Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste. M... 90 do do preferred ...146 Missouri Pacific 108% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 34% do do preferred 63 National R. R. of Mexico pref.... 42% New York Central 135% Norfolk and Western 74% do do prefered 90 Ontario and Western 42 Pennsylvania 125% Pittsburg, C., C. and St. L. (ofd.). 77 Raiding .. 76% do Ist preferred 87% do 2nd preferred 79% Rock Island Company 35V. do do preferred 83% Pt. Louis and San Fran. 2nd pref. 67% St. Louis, Southwestern 25% do do preferred 53 Southern Pacific 66% Southern Railway 35 do do preferred 95% Texas and Pacific 36% Toledo, St. Louis and Western... 31% do do preferred 52% Union Pacific 115% do do preferred 1.. 94%' Wabash 23% do preferred 46% Wheeling and Lake Erie 20 Wisconsin Central 23% do do preferred 47% Mexican Central 22% Southern Pacific preferred 117% Eiprraa Companies. Adams Express 236 American Express .....215 1 nlted States Express 120 uells-Fargo Express 237 Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper 78% American Car and Foundry 32% do do preferred 90 American Cotton Oil 34 do do preferred 93 -Vnerican Ice jB% d<> do preferred 37% American Linseed Oil 15 do do preferred 37 American Locomotive 34% do do preferred 103% American Smelting and Refining.. 81 do do preferred 113% - nerlcan Sugar Refining 148% Anaconda Mining Company 114% 1 "ooklyn Rapid Transit 67% '•dorado Fuel „ nrt Iron 50% '•nsolldated Gas 215 1 orn Products 23% do do preferred 80 'lstniers* Securities .....' 35% "ineral Electric m 2 International Paper 19 do preferred 77% international Pump 40 do do preferred 85 National 2J7 sK-isrr* t Pullman *% 'Public Steel 17 *7 Fmi.* I! * n< * ,ron ’*.*•..4... TANARUS% a, ? "lAlee Leather 14 *> tJnc'J," £ r **'r*d M 11,. Reslty 81% “l •talcs Hu biter 13% Atchison, 58,200: do preferred, 6.200; Baltimore and Ohio, 5.400; Canadian Fuciflc, 9,800: Chicago and Great Western. 36.100; Sk Paul, 12.000; Erie, 69,700; do first preferred, 8,000; Illinois Central. 12.400; Metropolitan Street. 16,000; Missouri Pacific, 10,400; Norfolk amT Western, 6,900; Pennsylvania, 40.- 600; Reading, 56,000; Rock Island, 20,- 200; do preferred, 11,000; Southern Pacifld, 26,500; Southern Railway, 15,- 800; do preferred, 700; Union Pacific, 64,700: Copper, 110,100; Locomotive. 18,- 400; Smelting, 9.500: Sugar, 16.300; Brooklyn Transit.l3.Bß9; Colorado Fuel, 38,300; Pressed Steel Car, 8,900; Ten nessee Coal, 15,100; United States Steel, 216,500; do preferred, 256,600. MONEY MARKET. New Tork. Nov. 25.—Prime mercan tile paper, 4%@4% per cent. ' Sterling exchange soft with actual business in bankers bills at for de mand and at $4.84.05@4.54.10 for 60 day bills. Posted rates,s4.Bs and $4.87%@4.58. Commercial bills, $4.83%@4.83%. Bar silver. 58%c. Mexican dollars, 47c. Money on call strong, 3@4 per cent.; closing bid, and asked, 3% per cent. Time loans, firm, 60 days, 3% per cent.; 90 days, 4 per cent., six months, 4 per cent. BANK CLEARINGS. New York, Nov 25.—The folio-wing table, compiled by Bradstreet show ing the bank clearings at a number of the principal cities for the week ended Thursday, Nov. 24, with the percentage of increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year. Sixty-one other cities are included in the totals: New York $1,746,841,235 inc. 82.6 Chicago . 164,030,849 inc. 13.8 Boston 127,107.608 inc. 29.6 Philadelphia 110,139,369 inc. 20.5 St. Louis 52,973,719 dec. 2.7 Pittsburg 40,475,014 inc. 38.3 San Francisco ... 27.710,096 inc. 10.4 Baltimore 22,821,925 inc. 31.2 Cincinnati 19.528,400 inc. 3.9 Kansas City 20,321.369 inc. 13.7 New Orleans 19.493.732 inc. 22.4 Louisville .... ... 9,562,345 inc. 18.6 Memphis 6,242,973 inc. 28.5 Richmond 5,745,410 inc. 57.0 Washington 4,153,142 inc. 23.9 •Savannah 5,512,045 • •Fort Worth ..... 5,477,022 Atlanta 3,401,846 Inc. 30.3 Nashville .... .... 2,666,412 inc. 42.9 Norfolk 1,897,831 Augusta 1,506,245 inc. 12.7 Birmingham 1,237,688 int. 15.7 Knoxville 1,127.668 dec. 20.3 Little Rock 1,398,349 inc. 3.8 Macon 375,842 dec. 49.8 Chattanooga 751,821 inc. 6.2 Jacksonville 734,397 inc. 37.2 Galveston 12,087,000 inc. 16.8 Charleston 1,209,676 inc. 10.1 Totals U. S $2,567,079,848 inc. 55.1 Outside N. Y. .... 820,238,613 inc. 17.6 Totals Canada ... 75,727,293 inc. 44.3 • Last week. do do preferred 91 United States Steel . 29 do do preferred 94 WesyngThouse Electric 180% Western Union 92 Bonds. U. S. refunding 2s, registered 104% <jo do refunding 2s, coupon 104% do do 3s, registered 104% do do 3s, coupon 104% do do new 4s, registered 130% do do new 4s, coupon .........130% do do-old 4s, registered 106%. dp do old -4s, coupon 106% Atchison general 4s 102% Atchison adjustment 4s 94% Atlantic Coast Line 4s 100 Baltimore ajnd Ohio 4s 103% Baltimore and Ohio 3%s 95% Centi'al of Georgia ss, bid 111% Central of Georgia Ist inc 90 Central of Georgia 2nd Incomes, closing 70 Chesaivße and Ohio 4%s •.. 108 Chicago and Alton 3%s 82% Chicago, B. and Quincy new 4s ....100% Chicago, M. and St. P. gen. 4s .. .110% Chicago & Northwestern con. 7s .128% Chicago, R. I and P. R. R. 4s ... 81% Chicago, R. I. and P. R. R. col. 5s . 94% C., C., 0. and St. Louis gen. 4s ...103 Chicago Terminal 4s 84 Consolidated Tobacco 4s 81% Colorado and Southern 4s 88% Denver and Rio Grande 4s 101 Brie prior lien 4s .....102% Erie General 4s ,s. 91% Fort Worth 'and Denver City Ist ..111 Hocking Valley 4%s 110 Louisville and Nash. Unified 4s ...103% Mobile and Ohio c. t. 4s. closing (bid) 95% Manhattan consol gold 4s 105% Mexican Central 4s ofd 79 Mexican Central Ist inc 27 Minn, and St. Louis 4s 97% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 4s ...102% Missouri. Kansas and Texas 2nds .. 86% National R. R. of Mexico con. 4s . 81% New York Central gen. 3%s 100% New Jersey Central gen. 5s 135% Northern Pacific 4s 105% Northern Pacific 3s 74% Norfolk and Western con. 4s 100% Oregon Short Line 4s and Partlc .103% Penn. conv. 3%s 102% Reading General 4s 102% St. Louis and I. M. con. 5s ...115% St. Louis and San Fran. fg. 4s .... 98% St Louis Southwestern lsts 97% Seaboard Air Line 4s 84 Southern Pacific 4s % SAutherh Railway 5s 118% Texas and Pacific lsts 121 Toledo, St. L. and Western 4s 82 Union Pacific 4s 106 Union Pacific conv. 4s 115% U. 8. Steel 2nd 5s 95% Wabash lsts 117% Wabash Deb. B 67% Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s 92% Wisconsin Central 4s 93 Virginia-Carolina Chemical 40% do do preferred 112% New York, Nov. 25.—Standard Oil, 626. Baltimore. Nov. 25.—Seaboard com mon, 19%@19%; do preferred, 38%@>39. Atlantic Coast Line common, 1490149%. FINANCIAL. ware&leland; BROKERS. MEMBERS New York Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade New Orleans Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Local Office 43 Bay Street, East. Private wire* to principal cities. K. R. OWEN. Manager. Reference—Mercantile Agencies. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Bond Broker, AUGUSTA, GA. Write for IJet. PROPOSALS WANTED. Fort De Soto, Fid.. Oct. *l, 1904. Sealed proposals In triplicate for plumbing 1 officer's and 1 N. C, O. quarters will be received here until 6 p. m. Nov. 80, 1904. V. (I. reserves right to reject or accept any and all proposals or any part thereof. Infor mation furntshvd on application. En velope* non talcing proposals will be ■nark'd "Proposal* tor Plumbing Buildings," addressed C. DeW, 99111- soi, Capt. A. C., Q. M. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1904. JOSEFH D. WEED, President. " ML F. MoUAL LEY,Vice Prenluenc. SAMUEL L CLAY, Cashier. Savannah Bank and Trust Go. SAVANNAH. GA, Solicits accounts of Indi viduals, Firms, Banks, Bank ers and Corporations. Buys and sells Foreign Ex change. Savings Department Interest paid or compound ed quarterly. Correspondence Invited. LOCAL FINANCIAL MARKETS. The following are the bank clearings for the week ending Nov. 25, and for the corresponding week last year: Saturday $ 890,167 13 Monday 977,198 90 Tuesday 838.806 86 Wednesday 765.9 TS 36 Thursday Holiday Friday $1,084,136 26 Total $4,556,287 51 Last year $4,591,177 43 The following are the Savannah Cotton Exchange quotations: FOREIGN EXCHANGE—SterIing easier; commercial demand, $4.87; six ty days, $4.83%; ninety days, $4.82%. Francs, weak; commercial demand, $5.16%: sixty days, $5.19%. Marks, commercial demand, 95%e; sixty days, 94%@94 13-16 c; ninety days, 94 7-16® 94%c. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE—Buying at 75c per SI,OOO discount; selling up to S6OO a graded charge of 10c to 45c; over S6OO at rate of 75c per SI,OOO pre mium. Bank Stocks. Bid. Asked. Chatham Bank 84 Citizens Bank 160 Commercial Bank 109 Chatham R. E. and I. C 0.... 54 Germania Bank 150 Southern Bank 171 Merchants National Bank ..102% 103% The National Bank of Sav. .170 Oglethorpe Sav. and Trust ..127 People's Saving and Loan ..101 103 Savannah Bank and Trust .138 Savannah Trust 106 Railroads and Industrials. Bid. Asked. Augusta and Savannah .....116 117 Atlanta and West Point ....156 do 6 per cent, eertlf 108 109 Chat, and Gulf stocks 11l 112 Central Ice 80 Georgia Telephone and Tel egraph 85 Georgia Brewery 92% 100 Macon Ry. and L. pref 82 85 do common 20 25 Georgia Railroad, c0mm0n..252 254 Planters’ Rice Mill 95 Propeller Towboat 95 98 Savannah Elec, preferred ... 84% 85% Savannah Elec, common .... 15 18 Savannah Hotel Company... 66 70 Southwestern 116 117 Southern Railway preferred.. 95% 96 do do common 35% 36% Savannah Brewing 100 102% Savannah Cotton Exchange. 65 70 Bonds, Chat, and Gulf R. R. 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 103 104 C. of G. coll, trust 11l 112 C. of Ga. cons 111% 112% C. of Ga. Ist incomes 90% 92% do do 2nd incomes 69 * 71 do do 3rd incomes 59% 61% G. S. and F. 5s 114% 115 Georgia State 3%5. 1930 ....108 110 do do 3%5, 1915 104 106 do do 4%5, 1915 114 115 Macon Ry. and tq bonds .... 94% 95% Jacksonville Electric 6s ~.. 95 97 Ocean Steamship ss, 1926 108 Savannah city ss. 1913 108 110 Savannah city ss, 1909 ...104% ... Southbound 5s 112 S. A. L. common 19% 20% do do preferred 39% 39% Savannah Electric Cos. 55.... 95 97 Eaton ton 11l 112 MARINE INTELLIGENCE The Ocean Steamship Company will make a change in the days of sailings of their ships from Savannah beginning with December. Prior to this sailings from this city have been on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. After De cember the third sailing of the week will be on Saturday instead of Friday. Savannah Almanac, 73th Meri dian, City Time. Saturday, Nov. 26. Sun rises at 7:02 a. m. and sets at 5:22 p. m. Full moon, rises 8:28 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 9:49 a. m. and 10:09 p. m. High water at Savannah one -hour later. Low water at 3:33 a. m. and 4:12 p. m. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES, Arrived. Steamship Rtafallo (Br), Hey, Nor derrham, kalnft. —A. F. Churchill. Steamship Borneo (Auat), Randle, Philadelphia, light.—Strachan & Cos. Steamship Merrimack, MoDormon, Philadelphia, assorted.—W. W. Tull. Steamship Itasca, Crowell, Balti more, assorted. —W. W. Tull. Steamship Kansas City, Lewie, New York, assorted.—Ocean Steamship Company. Steamship Pensacola, O’Leary, Balti more. light.—North and South Line. Bark Marla (Urug), Gonaales, Ha vana, light.—Master. Schooner E. Marie Brown. Brown, New York, tankage.—Master. Steamer Wistaria, buoy tender Sa vannah district. Sailed. Steamship City of Columbus, New York. Schooner Gladys, New York. • hipping Memoranda. Baltimore, Nov. 26.—Arrived. Freder ick. Savannah; schooner Isabella OIL), Savannah. Philadelphia, Nov. 15.—Cleared, bark Bruce Hawkins, Savannah, schooner Jennie E. lighter, Jackson ville. Key West, Fla., Nov. 86.—Arrived, ■learners Olivette, Allen, Port Tampa, and sailed for Havana; Martinique, Dillon, Havana, and Bailed for Miami. Charleston, 8. C., Nov. <6.—Arrived, steamer Iroquois, Chichester, Jackson ville, and proceeded for New York; bark Ethel, Albertson, New York; schooner J. B. dußlgnon, Turner, Phil adelphia. Brunswick, Oa., Nov, 28—Arrived, bark John lean, Mitchell; schooner* Howard B Peck, Chamber*, New York; Henry B. Fisk*, Cummings; Frank 44. Berrvtt, Frances, Boston; CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Oct. 6, 1904. Arrival and departure of trains. Central Station. West Broad, foot of Liberty street, except for T>bee. 90th meridian time—one hour slow er than city time. DEPARTURES. For Macon, Augusta, Colum bus, Montgomery. Atlan ta • T 00 am For Avgusta. Macon, Al bany. Atlanta, Birming ham and Montgomery...* 1:00pm For Augusta and Dublin. . .• 3:00 pm For Egypt t 6'oo pm For Ouyton t 6:42 am ' ARRIVALS. Guyton t 7:50 am From jlgvpt t 6:40 am From Augusta and Dublin.. *10:55 c.m From Montgomery. Birm ingham. Albany, Atlanta. Macon and Augusta • 7:00 run From Stillmore and States boro f 6.10 pm From Atlanta, Macon and __Augusta • 6:10 pm BETWEEN SAVANNAH and TV BEE Trains arrive and depart at Tybee decot, Randolph street, foot of Presi dent. Lv. Savannah t6:l0 a. m., *9:00 a. m.. *2:30 p. m. Lv. Tybee t7:00 a. m., *9:56 a. m.. *<•3o p m. •Daily,- Sunday. Parlor Cars between Savannah and Atlanta on trains leaving Savannah 7:00 a. m., arriving 6:10 j>. m. Sleeping cars between Savannah and Augusta. Savannah and Macon, Sa vannah and Atlanta. Savannah and Birmingham on trains leaving Savan nah 9:00 p. m., and arriving Savan nah 7:00 a. m. For further Information apply or write to J. S. HOLMES, C. T. A P. A.. *7 Bull afreet. Ravnnnnh. Ga. HOTELS AND SCMMF.It RESORTS. DE SOTO HOTEL, Savannah, Ga. Open all year. Large airy rooms; 7,000 feet piazzas; 100 rooms with pri vate bath. Telephone service In every room. Liberal inducements to fami lies desiring permanent board. WATSON & POWERS., Proprietors. JOHN G. BUTLER Sash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cements, Plaster, 20 Congress Street, West. Imported Molasses. 661 Puncheons, 24 hogsheads. It barrels, Muscovado Molasses, re ceived by bark Letizia. For sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO.. IMPORTERS Harold J. McCarthy, Fly-in, Perth Amboy. Sailed. bark Elisha, Concalves, Oporto. - Fefnandina, Fla.. Nov. 25.—Arrived, schooners Florence LptaruL Holden, New York: Jennie Lockwood, - Boston; Laura C. Anderson, Hlgbee, New York: steamer- Raima Mertin sen, New York. Sailed, steamer Sark, -—, Charles ton. Jacksonville; Fla., Nov. 26.—Arrived, steamers Apache, Staples, New York; Mohican, Devereaux, Boston end New York, and cleared for Boston; tug Wellington, Nelsorf, Norfolk, with barge William D. Becker, Land, Nor folk, in tov and cleared to return with barge Southland in tow; schooners J. S. Hoskins, Johnson, Hamilton, Ber muda; John W. Danna, Fossett, New York. Port Tampa, Fla., Nov. 26.—Arrived, steamer Masootte, White, Havana, via Key West. Sailed, schooner Oalumet, Cuptlll, Philadelphia; steamer Carolyn, Dalton, Carteret. Fleetwood, Nov. 24.—Arrived, steam er Glenroy, Darien, via Amsterdam. Manchester, Nov. 24.—Arrived, steamer Sandyford, Savannah. Barry, Nov. 25.—Sailed, steamer Lord Downshlre, Fernendina. Barcelona, Nov. 22. —Arrived, steamer Clara, Savannah. Bremen, Nov. —. —Arrived, Britannia, Charleston. Notice to Captain* of Veaaela. Vessels arriving at night will be re ported at the Morning News in its dispatches, without charge, if captains will confirm reports of their arrlvil to No. 241, either telephone. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished masters of vessels free of charge in the United States hydrographic office, in Custom House. Captains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received. This office operates a time bail on the roof of the Cotton Exchange, dropped daily at 12h. 00m.00s. (Sun days and holidays excepted), 75th me ridian time. In case of the failure the ball is lowered slowly 5 minutes after 12. • Clarenoe Hatch. In charge. OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per 100 pounds, 26c; to New York, per 100 pounds. 20c to dock: 23c lightered; to Philadelphia, 20c per 100 pounds; Bal timore, 20c per 100 pounds. COTTON—Foreign direct to Liver pool, 28c; Manchester, 28c; Bremen, 24c; Hamburg, 24c; Rotterdam, 2c; Barcelona, 88c: Havre, 36c; Antwerp, 28c. LUMBER—By Sail—Freight, active; to Baltimore, 85.00; to Philadelphia, 84.75; to New York, 85.62%; to Port land, 86.00. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Baltimore, 85.59; to P. R. R. or B. and O. Docks, 86.00; to Philadelphia, 86.00; to New York, 86.25 per M. to dock; lightered, 87.00; to Boston, to dock 87.25. COTTON HEED OIL. New York, Nov. 25.—Cotton seed oil was easier again under liberal offerings. Prime crude, f. o. to. mills, 19%c; prime summer yellow, 25%tQ26%c; off summer yellow, nominal: prime white, 30030%c; prime winter yellow, 30%@31c. IMIV GOODS. New York, Nov. 26. —Comparatively little activity has been reported In dry good* to-day. although the market re* maim firm, against all Importunity of the buyer. , To Captains, Masters, Mates and Hall. ora. The latMt New York. Boston, Phila delphia arid other daily newspapers; weekly Journals and monthly mage- | sines; books and cheap literature; let ter and note paper, pen* and Ink, at Katlll’e News Depot. II Bull street, corner Bryan street (near U. U. Cus tom Mouse).—ad. /IK Southern Railway Trains arrive and depart Savannah Union Station by Central time —one hour slower than city or Eastern lime. Schedule Effective, Nov. 6, 1904. TO THE NORTH AND EAST. IDally, Daily _ |N0.34|N0.30 Lv Savannah (Cen Time)l 1 OOp 12 15a Ar Blackvllle (East. Time) 4 50p 4 15a Ar Columbia 6 30p 6 00a Ar Charlotte 9 40p 9 56a Ar Greensboro 12 35a 12 51p Ar Danville, ~ 1 45a| 2 lOp Ar Richmond .7 j 6 sSa| 642 p Ar Lynchburg 4 04a] 4 2#p Ar Charlottesville 6 50a| 6 lOp Ar Washington -9 46u 9 50: Ar Baltimore 11 25a 11 35p Ar Philadelphia 1 60p| 2 35a Ar New York | 4 13p, u 43a TO THE NORTH AND WEST. I Daily Lv Savannah (Central Time) .. 12 15a Ar Columbia (Eastern time) ... 6 00a Ar Spartanburg 10 o;>a Ar Hendersonville 12 50p Ar Asheville 1 60p Ar Hot Springs (Central Time) 2 37p Ar Knoxville 6 00p Ar Cincinnati 8 15a Ar Louisville 8 50a Ar St. Louis _4_s6p Trains arrive Savannah as follows; No. 29, daily, from New York, Wash ington, St. Louis and Cincinnati, 4:50 a. m. No. 30, daily, from all points West, via Jesup, 12:10 a. m. No. 33, daily, from New York and Washington, 3:30 p. m. No. 34, dally, from ail points West, via Jesup, 12:55 p. m. THROUGH OAR SERVICE, ETC. Trains 33 and 34, The New York and Florida Express. Vcstibuled limited trains. carrying Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Curs serve meals en route. Trains 29 and SO, The Washington and Florida Limited. Vestlbuled lim ited trains, carrying Pullman Draw ing-room Sleeping Cars between Sa vannah and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Also Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and St. Louis. through Asheville and "The Land of the Sky.” For information as to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to C. H. ACKERT, G. M., Washington, D. C. 8. 11. HARDWICK, P. T. M„ Wash ington, D. C. W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A., Washing ton. D. C. BROOKS MORGAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. C. BLATTNER, Depot Ticket Agent, Union Station, Savannah, Ga. E. G. THOMSON, C. P. & T. A., Sa vannah, Ga., 141 Bull street. ’Phones 850. Mercimnisx Miners Tfonsporiailoo Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North and West. First-class tickets include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. The steamships of this company are appointed to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. ITASCA. Capt. Crowell, SATURDAY, Nov. 26, 7 p. m. CHATHAM, Capt. Hudgins, TUES DAY, Nov. 29, 9 p. m. FREDERICK. Capt. Robihson, THURSDAY, Dec. 1, 11 a. m. LEXINGTON, Capt. Kirwan. SATUR DAY, Dec. 3, 2 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. MERRIMACK. Capt. McDorman, SATURDAY, Nov. 26, Ip. m. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Dow), WEDNES DAY, Nov. 30, 11 a. m. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Pratt, BATUR DAY, Dec. 3, 2 p. m. MERRIMACK. Capt. McDorman, WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, B p. m. WM. W. TULL, Agent J. F. WARD, T. P. A. Ticket Office 112 Bull street Phones 124. Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. A. D. STEBBINS, G. M. J. C. WHITNEY, 2d V. P. and T. M, General Offices, Baltimore. Md. A PARADOX. Qa to the Golden Gate, |n comfort all the way, Let any one gainsay: Burn oil to keep you clean. Unhealthy smoke Reminds you no more. Nor cinders in your eyes galore. Exhaust your patience and pleasant mien. Remember the SOUTHERN PACIFIC to all points Louisiana, Texas, Mexico and California. 8 facial raU-s to Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona In November and J><h ember. Information cheerfully given. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent IS Peachtree street Atlanta, Ga. Gooormoea, kidney Roubles and Urinary Discharges, CAPSULES Relief In 4-H Hours. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 200 FOR 96 cento, at Business Office. Morning News. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Cos. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. IS, IM4. grains operated bv_ 90th Meridian Time, One Hour Slower than City Time. *32 •( | *4O ! NORTH, AND SOUTH. *39 *35 j *45 K 1?“ 1 SBaH/v.............. Savanah. I Mg # 02a 6 30p 6 14p 11 Oaa 6 S&a.Ar Charleston Lv 11'45p 6 58a 330 p 4 e7uj 1 40p Ar Wilmington Lv 3 2op . r l H 1 45p[Ar ". Richmond Lv 9 05a 7 25p q 11 SP:Ar Washington Lv 4 30a 345 p ~ 1 40|Ar Baltimore Lvl 2 37a 2 12p - , n 4 25a|Ar Philadelphia Lv,l2 10a:ll 65a i“. ‘ 30a Ar New York Lv| 9 25p! # 25a - —*2li 35 | *39 | SOUTH ~ |_*4o I *SB I *32 *22 h * 1 e ® 3 15aiLv Savannah Ar| 1 15a 9 45a 1 15P 9 35p lo'oOnl ! P ‘:; 1 8 40aAr Brunswick Lv| Mp I XVr " 15p I* 20p 6 05a lAr Way cross Lv 10 15p 6 20a 9 50a 6 30p J 4 2<>r 10 40u,Ar .. ..Thomasvllle tv 3 10a 6 15a 2 35p *> o n •••••• 1 B6p,Ar Albany Lv 145a 2 25p o X,!, 0 40p 11 65a Ar Bain bridge Lv 1 40a! 5 00a 1 05p l? p 1 <6p 8 40a Ar Jacksonville Lv 8 06pl 9 00a 330 p ., 3 45 pll 40a:Ar Palatka Lv 4 OOp 5 35a .“ :® a 6 15P| 2 30piAr .Sanford Lv 2 OOp 2 20a ••• •••• .t (Ua , 00p ; 330 pAr Winter Park Lv 12 52p 1 10a ? a ' 10pj 3 41piAr Orlando Lv 12 41p 12 68a i 7 Up 4 21a]Ar ... Kissimmee Lv 12 Olp 12 12a 1 l; a |l° lOP 7 3r,j-.'Ar.. Tampa Bay Hotel...Lv 8 40a 8 25p 8 42p Ar ....Tarpon Springs.... Lv 7 :: 10 OSpjAr St. Petersburg... Lv 6 00a I 9 40p Ar PuutaGorda Lv 6 45a 4 05p !*• 4 -P •••••..[ll 00p[Ar Fort Myers Lv 5 30a 2 45p -J NORTH. 'WEST AND 'SOUTHWEST, I~ L Via jesup. rSS f *37 *67 | Via Montgomery. *SB *22 s a? 9 45n 3 16a 6 46p Lv . .Savannah. . Ar 9 45a 9 35p - nr?, . l-* v 7 4 ' r>a 6 15p 8 05a Ar .Montgomery. Lv 7 45p 6 30a l 2£ a Ar • Macon... Lv 2 15a L. and N. J- | Atlant !" Lv 11 60p 3 17a 7 15p Ar ..Nashville.. Lv 8 30a a x,>,t Ar Chattanooga Lv 6 30p 3 20a 2 20a Ar ..Louisville.. Lv 2 40a A-I . r Louisville. Lv 7 40a 12 Oln 7 20a Ar ..Cincinnati.. Lv 11 OOp 4np,Ar .Cincinnati. Lv 8 20a 1 35p 7 20a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 45p Ar Louis..Lv 10 04p M. and O. i „ ! *'| A ' r ■•• Chicago... Lv 9 OOp 7 36a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 31p a * * "-Atlanta... Ar 10 15p 4 tOp 9 15a Ar ...Chicago... Lv 7 00p o Lv 8 15a 2 55a 4 12p Ar .... Mobile.... Lv 1 17p 12 30a -S-4*ia City Lv! 6 SOp 7 15a 8 15p Ar New Orleans Lv 9 25a 315 p Irains into and out of Charleston are operated by Eastern time. Florlda° U *" I’u*'rnan 1 ’ u *' rnan Sleeping Car service to North. East and West and to cars on trains 32 and 35 between Savannah and New York. , 0 ■ leaving Savannah 3:15 a. m.,and connects at Jacksonville with Pull mni' ,u°* Parlor Cars for Tampa and Bt. Petersburg. n , lp a'’lt>K Savannah 3:00 p. m„ connects at Jacksonville with Pullman nurret Sleeping Cars for Tampa and Fort Myers. < onn e>'tions made at Port Tampa with U. S. mall steamship of the Penln eutar ami Occidental Steamship Line, leuvlng Port Tampa Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays at 11:15 p. m. Uj M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. G. At,' ,- URAIG, General Phsh. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. ”• LEAHY, Division Pass. Agent, Savannah, Ga. M. WALSH, Trav. Pass. Agent, DeSoto Hotel. ’Phones 73. It. C. BLATTNER, Union Ticket Agent. Bell ’phone 236, Georgia 911. ~* C. SAPP, Ticket Agent, De Soto Hotel. ’Phones 73. S EABOARD AIR LIINE RAILWAY, Schedule Effective Sept. 26, 1904—90th Meridian Time—One hour slower than City Time, south of Columbia; E astern Time north of Columbia. No. 43. |No. #L | NORTH A.n“’bv7cTH _ No. 44. ..No. M, 12 jLOamilf 25pm j'Lv 7.", I*W Yoak a rl 4lt pm * Manx 7 23am 2 55pmjLv West Philadelphia ~.Ar 1 45pm I 36am 9 34am 6 10prn[Lv Baltimore Ar 11 30am 11 26pm 10 46am 7 00pm Lv. Washington Ar 10 10am 8 Mpra 2 20pm 10 36pin Lv Richmond ...Ar 6 25am 4 66pm * 25inn 9 06pm Lv Portsmouth Ar X 00am 6 30pm 7 35pm 4.00 am Lv. Raleigh Ar 1 26am 11 SOora 320 pm 5 00am Lv. Wilmington Ar 11 80pm 12 45pm 12 62aml 9 65am|Lv .Camden Ar 7 35pm * 25am 12 65amfl0 OOamJLv. Columbia Ar 6 20pm 4 26am 6 00am 2 26pn Lv UVAXXAU L, v t i Sprn n foam 7 48am 6 04pm|Ar Darien Lv 10 10am 6 16pm 7 55auj| 6 30pm|Ar Brunswick Lv 9 50am 8 40pm 10 20am 6 40pm'Ar. Fernandtna Lv 9 00am 6 26pm 9 06am 6 50pm|Ar JACKSONVILLE Lv 9 OOarn 7 60pm 3 12 pm 2 OSamJAr Ocala Lv 2 21am 1 00pm 8 35pm 7 35am[Ar Tampa Lvl 8 OOpin 8 60am 11 22am |Ar Lake City LvJ 6 36pm 310 pm ,;\Ar Tallahassee Lv[ 1 63pm U 10am • lOpmlAr Bt. Auguatlne Lv| 7 30am 6_2opm ~R07 7 371N0..71.f ' WEST. |Nq772.|No. 74.' .4 30pm) 7 15am Lv SAVANNAH „„ Ar 8 20pmfl0 00am 6 40pm 10 35am Ar Statesboro Lv 4 15pm[ 7 60am 7 09pm 9 49am Ar 1 Lyons Lv 6 37pm. 7 20am 8 35pm 11 19am Ar Helena Lv 4 06pm 6 00am 8 00am 4 20pm Ar Fitzgerald Lv 9 46am 7 28am 1 2Gpm Ar Cordeie Lv 2 05pm 6 40pm 9 30am 335 pm Ar Albany Lv 12 06pm 7 00pm 8 35afn 303 pm Ar Amertcue Lv 12 32pm 6 10pm 11 OOum C 16pm Ar Columbus Lv 10 15am 2 16pm .........I 5 62pm Ar SL Louis Lv 8 00am Noklloud 34, SEABOARD EXPRESS, solid vestlbuled train. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York and Tampa. Cafe dining cars. Nos. 43 and 66, SEABOARD MAIL, through vestlbuled trains. Pullman buffet sleeping cars between Now York and Jacksonville. Noe. 71 and 72, WESTERN EXPUEOS, connects at Montgomery for New Orleans and Southwest. Full Information at City Ticket Office. No. 7 Bull street. Telephone No, 2R Savannah and Statesboro Railway. , V; ' SHORT LINK— THROUGH TRAINff. No. 73~|No."Yl* j ' ~~ |No. 721 )No. 74* 4 SOpml 7 15am Lv Savannah > Arl 8 20pmTl0 00am 6 40pm|10 35am Ar Statesboro .. Lv 4 00pm 7 50am 'Daily. tExcc-pt Sunday. On Sundays train 71 arrives Statesboro 9:86 a. m. SAILING DAYS SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON. FOR NEW YORK. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Lewis, MON- CITY OF ATLANTA, Capt Fisher. DAY. Nov. 28. 8:30 a. m. MONDAY, Dec. 12, 2:00 a. m. CITY OF ATLANTA, Capt. Fleher, 'CITY OF MEMPHIS, Capt. Burg, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 80. 10:30. a. m. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14, 10:00 a. m. •CITY OF MEMPHIS, Capt. Burg, CITY OF MACON, Capt. Asklns, SAT SATURDAY. Dec. 3. 12:30 p. m. ITRDAY, Dec. 17, 12:80 p. m. •CITY OF MACON, Capt. Asklns, CITY OF COLUMBUS. Capt. Smith, MONDAY. Dec. 6, 3:30 p. m. MONDAY, Dec. 19, 2:30 p. m. CITY OF COLUMBUS, Capt. Smith, KANSAS CITY, Capt Lewie WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 6:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21. 3:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Lewis, SATUR- CITY OF ATLANTA, Capt Fisher, DAY, Dec. 10. 7:00 a. m. SATURDAY, Dec. 24, 7 a. m. FOR BOSTON DIRECT (FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS.) TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Johnson. TALLAH6BSEE, Capt. Johneon THURSDAY, Dec. 1, 11:30 a. m. THURSDAY. Dec. 15, 10:00 a. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. Dreyer, CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. Dreyer. THURSDAY. Dec- *. 0:90 P- ro. THURSDAY, Dec. 22, 4 30 p. m. • Ships sail on Central Time, one hour slower than city time. •Stearrifhlp* City of Memphis, Chattahoochee. City of Macon and Talla haasee entry only first cabin passengers. Obtain copy of tle Green Folder from your nearest agent ' The company reserves the right to change Its sailings and to substi tute ships for those above without notice and without liability or account ability therefor. , For reservations or other Information apply to your nearest agent or address. ' J. S. HOLMES. WM. B. CLEMENTS, City Ticket and Passenger Agent. Traveling Passenger Agent L. R. VANDIVIERH, Commercial Agent, 87 null Street, Germania Bank Building. Savannah, Oa. O. C. SAVAGE, Agent. Ocean S. 8. Wharves. W. H. PLEASANTS. Nl-W YORK J C HORTON. Vice Pres, and Gen. Mgr. ~~ * VM\l\ General Passenger A*rt. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPH AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH. GA. 11