The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 30, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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CONTRACT WORK NEARLY ENDED WORK ON SAVANNAH HARBOR AS CALLED FOR IS CONTRACTS PRACTICALLY COMPLETE. Will Be Finished Shortly Alter Jan. 1, 1005 at the Latest—All Work, Save That of Maintenance, Will Then Be Dropped—Work on Tybee Knoll and Tjhee Bar Can Be Con tinued-Plans in Case of Limited Appropriation. Unless an appropriation is made for rivers and harbors improvements at the next session of Congress, work on the Savannah river and harbor and on the rivers in the interior of this dis trict will shortly cease. Announcement was made yesterday by Col. James B. Quinn, division chief of United States Engineers, that the work called for in the contracts of 1898 vas nearly complete. Barring all ac cidents and unforeseen delays, neither of which are probable at this stage of the work, the contracts will be com pleted shortly after the first of Jan uary, if not before that date. This would mean that all work on the rivers, save that which the main tenance of what has already been accomplished, makes necessary, would be stopped. The only work that could go on would be that of removing Tybee Knoll, and of continuing the work on the bar of Tybee. These projects are under different provisions and con tracts than the other portions of the river and harbor work in thi9 district. The reports from the work done shows, when the contracts have been completed, which will occupy but a few weeks more time, the channel will have been not only deepened, but bettered and straightened, and work done which will tend to make it easier to keep it in proper condition. The stone work at Cockspur Island jetty has also been completed, and other similar Improvements carried out. The Plan Contemplated. It is certain that sufficient moneys will be advanced to this district to maintain what has already been ac complished, but there is some doubt as to whether more extensive im provements will be authorized. It is feared by many that the disposition of the last Congress to cut down river appropriations will be manifested in the next Congress. In case it is found at the last mo ment that a large appropriation can not be secured, an effort will be made to limit the use of the money that is given to work on Savannah harbor, to the upper part of the Savannah riv er, and the Altamaha. The work on the Ocmulgee and Oconee will proba bly, under these circumstances, be dropped. The river channels in the two last named streams and in other siifiilar streams that have been worked during the past, is maintained principally as a check on the railroads and their tendency to charge exorbitant freight rates. Otherwise the rivers are prac tically useless for purposes of naviga tion. The greater usefulness of the upper Savannah river and of the Al tamaha. however, and the vastly greater necessity than either of mak ing this harbor even better than it is, will justify limiting a limited appro priation to those purposes. Rumors from Washington. The statement In the telegTaph dis patches of the Morning News yester day .to the effect that a secret meet ing of the River and Harbor Commit tee had been held, and that it was rumored an effort would be made to secure a large appropriation. \yas good news to those Interested In the har bor here. Such a course is highly prob able, especially in view of the influ ences that will be brought to bear to secure a large appropriation. Congressman Lester and the entire Georgia delegation will do their best to secure the money to begin the work of further deepening the harbor. An outline of the plans by which the aid of other states will be secured has al ready been given in the Morning News, togather with the estimates of the cost of the work here. No stone will be left unturned to secure this money and there is a general feeling here that the effort will be successful. TO REORGANIZE THE S. P. C. A. Meeting Will Be Held at O. I- A. Hall To-morrow Afternoon. The plans for the reorganization of the Society for the Prevention of Cruel ty to Animals, is well undqr way. A meeting will be held in the Catholic Library Hall to-morrow afternoon at 4 o’clock, for the purpose of electing officers and hutlining a plan, whereby the work can *be carried on in a sys tematic manner. Miss Cosens, who is reorganizing the society, has about 150 members pledged, but Is assured that many more will add their names to the list at the meet ing. She is very anxious to have every one interested in a work which Savannah has long needed. The year ly duos are fixed at sl, but a number have subscribed more than this amount and have expressed a willing ness to aid the society whenever they are called upon. At the organization meeting it will probably be decided to employ an agent to investigate all cases that are brought to the attention of the so ciety, so they can be intelligently car ried before the authorities. A cordial Invitation to attend the meeting is extended to all whether they are desirous ot becoming a member of the society or not. REBEKAH COMEDY’ DRAMA. A four-act comedy drama "Wooing Under Difficulties” will be presented in Catholic Library Hall by Deborah Lodge No. 10. Daughters of Rebekah to-night. A number of specialties are to be added chief, of which, is the tab leau, "The Holy City,” which will con clude the programme. Dancing will follow. The Fast Trains To California are run over the Union Pacific. Via Omaha sixteen hours quicker to San Francisco than any other line. No change of roads, no detours, "The Overland Route" all the way. Be sure your ticket reads over Bhe Union Pacific. Inquire of J. jj, Lttthrop, G. A., 903 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo.—ad. A Fall Medlelne. Now Is the time to take Greybeard to fortify your system against ali ments likely to prey upon you when cool weather takes the place of warm weather. Greybeard tones up your system— mekea you eat and digest. 1854-1904 Waltham Watches HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. **The Perfected American Watch,"' an illustrated Book of .interesting information about watches. frte upon requests AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY* WALTHAM. MASS, “RIVERSIDE” grade •specially recommended. W A. C. L. SURGEONS TO GATHER HERE. Plans for the annual session of the Atlantic Coast Line surgeons, to be held at the De Soto Hotel Dec. 12 and 13 are complete. Dr. L. P. Izlar of Waycross, president of the association, will preside. The secretary is Dr. J. H. Lattlmer, also of Waycross. The sessions of the convention will be de voted to the reading of papers of in terest to the members and to the transaction of business. The delegates will be welcomed to the city by Mayor Herman Mvers. WAIVED PRELIMINARY. Ruben Horovitz. who was docketed several days ago for keeping open a tippling house on Sunday, waived a. preliminary hearing in Police Court yesterday morning, and was bound over to the City Court. He will prob ably be given a hearing Friday. LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW FRAMES. INTERIOR FINISH. YELLOW PINE,WHITE PINE. OAK, ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash, Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Brynn and Whitaker Sts. Factory: Lathrop nvenue and O. S. k Cos. wharves. IU SSHTeFa L Vtfi USE ME N TS, PERSONAL. '^balS^headedlJen^or^unit^ ed States President have never been; don’t be one; send for catalogue ot America’s cheapest hair company, Sa vannah, Ga.; it is free; it positively cuts out old jokes about bald heads, thereby Improving your chance for a better position; best mail house in America for toupees, wigs, switches, pompadours for daily, stage and de tective use; send to-day. “DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York. CONFEDERATE AND OTHER uncurrent money? Yes, I buy it. Give brief description; will call, city or country, Antiquarian, P. O. Box 5, Sa vannah, Ga. A.CANEVET, FRENCH SHOEMAK er, agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes. $4; my price, $2.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale; repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. REPAIRING WATCHES AND ALL kinds of Jewelry attended to promptly by J. A C. N. Thomas, corner Whit aker and State streets. “ for" storino]“packing, ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general and nay age a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both ’phones 2. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer, sells the best tire on the market for $3. Sundries at lowest prices. 324 West Broad. Both ’phones. WATCHES. CLOCKS AND LADIES stick pins, brooches, necklaces, rings, hair pins and all kinds of Jewelry at J. & C. N. Thomas, corner State and Whitaker. ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THE ignito mantles are not the greatest convenience they ever had in their homes; call under the Masonic Temple and examine them. PEOPLE WHO USE THE "NEW Home” sewing machine will tell you that its "Johnny on the Spot.” A. J. Pursley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State strest. “GIVE US A TRIAL IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or machin ery of any kind. Mlngledorff A Cos. FOR SEWING MACHINES OF ALL kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer son: needles, oil in bulk or bottle. G. O. PENTON. DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson and York lane. FOLDING CARTS, 12.50 AT MlL ler’s; this is go-cart headquarters; over 60 patterns to select from; hot stuff stoves and oil heater*. 207 Brough ton street, west M. A. STOKES’ RIBBON STORE] will sell you beautiful satin and taffeta ribbon, four inches wide, at 15c per yard; better than others sell at 25c; ull silk taffeta ribbon. No. 7. 9, 12 and 16. at 5c yard; No. 40, 60, and 80, at 10c per yard in all the late colors; narrow satin ribbon for collars and fancy work, lc to 2%c, yard. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they are the same as new. See him on Whitaker, near York. WILENRKtTjEWELER“AND Op tician, is selling at reduced prices at his opening sals, 244 Broughton, west. Bring your repairing along; satisfac tion guaranteed. HAVING OVERHAULED MY shop, equipping It with the best ma chines, tools and focllltlaa for doing flrst-rloaa work, 1 am before the pub lic for a slisra of Its pa Iron age In a heel aright log. blackamlthinf, horse shoeing. Jr. Chris lit sub**, ua at. Ju- Uocl SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY.NOVEMBER 30. 1004. PERSONAL. er, 309 Broughton, west; the cheapest place in town to buy shoes, because his rent is low. and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of it. THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF new things ready for your early inspec tion here: watch charms, chains, fobs, low prices always rule with us. J. H. Koch. 46 Whitaker. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED. I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at $1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell ’phone 1136; Georgia 'phone 2841. SELL,]BUY. EXCHANGE. RE pair or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. G. O. Penton. MUSLIN CURTAINS 69 CENTS; ruffled net curtains $1.75: portieres at $2.50; see our Smyrna rug at $1.25; se lect designs of curtains, portieres and rugs in the better grades. Miller’s, 207 Broughton, west. HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES are getting scarce this early in the season; advanced to $2.95 each; gold fish three for a quarter. At Gard ner’s, 18 Broughton street, east. STORE TOUR FURNITURE WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both ’phones 2. corner Montgomery and Broughton street. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN INDUS try; if you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draying lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagons are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railways; now. boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash; guaranteed twelve months. 512-520 Hull street, west; also Deer ing mowers, rakes and repairs. LET ME SHOW YOU THE PRET ty things in this jewelry store. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos., Broughton street. BEDROOM SUITS, ’’CASH OR credit,” at Miller’s; sideboards and din ing tables; try us once, we’ll meet you half way in price and quality. 207 Broughon, west. ~DANIEL A HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents bicycles of every kind. Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new for sale. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A household word: cures coughs when everything else fails; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge. 11l Barnard street. OUR PRICES ARE LOWLAND OUR quality is high; you get your money’s worth when you buy your Jewelry here. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. WILLIAMS’ BICYCLE COMPANY, the cut rate house. 240 Drayton street; plugs put In, 10c. D. N. THOMASON, AGENT; STOVE expert, has severed his connection with Thomason & Hahn Stove Company, and has removed to 139 Jefferson, where he carries full line stoves and ranges, cheaper than ever. Old atoves taken in exchange. Repairing a spec ialty; best material used in Jobs; best workmanship; prompt attention to work. Beil ’phone 966; Georgia 2807. OIL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, hot stuff, wood and coal stoves; cast iron ranges, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit; will take your old stove in exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stove mechan ics in the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia ’phone 2853; Bel! ■phone 1123. KIMBALLS ANTLRHEUMATIC ring is giving relief to the many that use them. Why continue to suffer when so simple a remedy can be got ten? J. Gardner. Agent, 18 Broughton street, east. ONE-POUND BOX FINE ASSORT ed candies or chocolates, 25c, at Het terlch’s, 110 State street, west. THE BEST JEWELRY AT THE cheapest price at J. & C. N. Thomas; we handle fine goods and do not get fancy prices. GREEN. THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me. 324 West Broad; Jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia ’phono, FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE As sorted candy, 7&c, sl, and $1.50, at Hat terlch’s 110 State street, west. SWEET. PEAS, POPPY, DAISY and other flower seed; plant food; bone flower and pots at Gardner’s, 18 Broughton street, east. I'LL DO YOUR JEWELRY RE pairlng and charge you reasonably. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos., Broughton street. ’PHONE GEORGIA 1821 FOR THE best light ever offered to the public at $1.25: guaranteed for 3 months; prompt attention to all orders; under Masonic Temple. "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT:” THAT means the "New Home” sewing ma chine; its always ready. A. J. Furs ley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State street. CHINA MATTINGS 12% CENTS, 15 cents, 19 cents, 26 cents and up; pri vate patterns in Japanese mattings; stair carpets and art squares; see our 9x12 Axmlnsters and velvets. Miller's, 207 Broughton street, west. HANDKERCHIEFS FOR LADIES and men, 35c and 40c, dozen; hose fdr men, ladles and children, 2 pair for 16c; Bailey’s violet talcum powder*. 8 boy, 76c dozen; J. O. King’s spool thread, 20c dozen. M. A. Stoke*, the specialty man; THOMPSON'S TRANSFER CO. call and get price of our beautiful fourhorse team for a straw and a day’s outing. If it Is business you wsnt Instead of pleasure Ist i * call and make estimate for moving. Jug fo called for and delivered Office Whitaker street, Savannah, <J* Bell ’phone, 184; Os., |Tlf. WILLIAMS' BICYCLE COMPANY, the cut rate house, itiv Drayton street. underbuy and undersell. Holiday Goods Are being displayed now, and the display is well worthy of at tention. We show MANY EXCLUSIVE LINES Our selections have been made carefully and we are certain of pleasing our many patrons. In Libbey's Cut Glass We show all the novelties for the Holiday Season. OUR IMPORTATIONS This year are very large and will surpass anything we have heretofore shown in Fine China, CRYSTAL GLASS, ART GOODS, Bric-a-Brac, etc. We ask an early inspection of our display. Thos. West & Cos., ii Broughton Street, West. PERSONAL. IS Bell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhlne wine at 50 cents bottle: pure blackberry and chianti wine, 65 cents; other imported wines and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a call. * Trapani, Barnard-State. $2.95 RATTAN ROCKER] FULL roll weave, others ask 33 per cent, more for it; handsome couches $7.50; leather couches and fancy rockers. Miller's, 207 Broughton street, west. WHEN YOU WANT YOUR AUTO mobile painted call on Kramer; he will do It right. _ _ _ OUR "ARTIST PROOOFS” AND “art folders” in the brown and black finishes are attracting considerable at tention by their artistic appearance; nothing makes a more appreciated Christmas gift than one of these: the prices range from $2 to $6 per dozen, which is the most reasonable in the city for the same class of work. Foltz, the photographer, 116 Bull street; de veloping and finishing for amateurs. ~ PHOTOGRAPHy7 best equipped studio in the South is Wilson’s Studio at 111 Whitaker street. Amateur supplies, developing and fin ishing. Frames made to order from a very large and select line of mouldings by an expert white framemaker. Many pretty novelties and specialties for the holidays. Before making your Xmas selections be sure and visit Wil son's Photo Studio at 111 Whitaker street, Just south of Broughton street. DON’T WASTE GOOD MONEY~ON trashy photographs when we make the best cabinets in city for $3 per dozen. We are making the new ear bon-platinos in black and sepia. They are the highest grade and leading photographs in all first-class studios. Our prices on this work will please you find we guarantee thorough satis faction. Our frame stock is complete. Moore’s Studio, 107 Broughton street, west. PROFESSIONAL. '^X^e^ruytTkopsT^architect and Civil Engineer, 18 Board of Trade building. Georgia ’phone 1950. MEDICAL. medicine of merit, the most popular preparation for coughs and colds; at drug stores 26 and 50 cents. Manufac tured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE FOR the cure of liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine, tobacco and cigarette habits. For information, address Keeley Insti tute, 235 Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED, A COLORED BOY AND cook. Apply 2016 Habersham street, S. C. Hall. W ANTED, A N lIDUCATED young man of good address for a permanent position requiring tact and energy. Apply, after 3 p. m., to Mr. Carter, Room 4, Provident building. WANTED, RELIABLE ENERGET ic single young man who has had at least 3 years experience as turpentine woodsman for place near Savannah. Address, Walker Bros. city. WANTED, TWO YOUNG WHITE men to canvass; good pay; call Wed nesday evening from 7 to 8:30. Mr. Wing, 318 West Broad street. Central Hotel. WANTED, LADY OR GENTLE man of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000 capital; salary, $1,072 per year and expenses; salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Ad dress, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Savannah, Ga. 6 drivers, 3 waiters for Tampa, 6 hcusegirls for Palm Beach, 6 cooks, 4 housegirls; men, steady work, SI.OO per day; all kinds of help wanted at Wan dell’s, 209 Jefferson street. WANTED, FOR THeTxl' 8. MA rlne Corps, able-bodied men. between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land In our island pos sessions, and at naval stations in the- United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. S. Marino Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to 5 and. m. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE bodled, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab its. who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to .recruiting officer, 303 Bull street, Sa vannah, Ga., or 108 West Forsyth street. Jacksonville. Fla. *76 PER MONTH AND TRAVEL- Ing expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers; experience unneces sary. Purity Cos., Chicago. ANY PERSON To DISTRIBUTE our samples; $lB weekly; steady. "Em pire," 4 Wells street, Chicago. YOUNG MSN EVERYWHERE, copy letters, home evenings, $9.50 week. Send addressed envelope for particulars. Manager Dept., W 47, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. HEI.I' WAIT EII—FKMALK. WANTED, A KKAMSTRESS. Ap ply 128 Habersham street. “LADIES WANTED EVERY where copying letter* at home, even ings or spare time end return to ua. No mailing or canvassing, Cllf# WM’itlX tifnH HiAtcruili (ri. Kim *w*if i4CkNMM,4 tw plLftU’UUftf •. i (I un-fiut un* c# mu. W 41, Niittfe , i Philadelphia, P_ HELP WAITED-FEMALE. WANTED, TWENTY MILES OUT of this city, at elegant plantation home, one good white cook; also a white laundress; light work for fam ily; good wages and transportation paid. Also wanted situations for ste nographer and bookkeeper who can take dictation; good references. Want ed. good white dining-room girl; only those bringing references as to char acter need apply. Y. W. C. A.. 129 Abercorn street. WANTED. LADY OR GENTLE nian of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000.00 capital; salary, sl.- 072.00 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expense advanced. Address with stamp. J. A. Alexander. Savannah, Ga. WANTED, LADY OR GENTLE man of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000 capital; salary, $1,072 per year and expenses: salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Ad dress, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Savannah. Ga. ■ . " "B EMPLOY >II'.NT WANTED. YOUNG MAN WITH ABILITY and experience desires position as 'bookkeeper and office man with re sponsible house. Address Box 341, Sa va nah, Ga. “ WANTED, POSITION AS GEN eral or shipping clerk by a man of experience in railroad and steamship work. "Harold," care News. ’ A "YOUNG LADY STENOGRA~ pher desires a position; anxious and willing to work. Address M. Bland, care News. “WANTED, YOUNG MAN WITH experience as stenographer and gen eral office man, wants work of any kind; can furnish best city references. J. P. Smith, 222 Montgomery street. WANTED. POSITION AS TUR pentine woodsman by man of expe rience. Address Woodsman, News offlce,_ Savannah, Ga. RE LIABLE GIRL WANTS Posi tion. Apply, 113 Drayton, east. In basement. WANTED, GENERAL HOUSE work and washing by two competent women. Address Mary Wert, 30 Cleve land lane. AGENTS WANTED. blue suit and cash security required. Union News Company, Waycross, Ga. WANTED—BOARD. YOUNG LADY WISHES ROOM and board with private family in vi cinity of Bull and Jones. X—O, care Nows. -j .. . —.;..m WANTED—HOUSES. FOR THE WINTER] furnished house or three rooms and board for family of six. H. C. Bea man, Pulaski House. ANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. AND "OTHER uncurrent money? Yes, I buy It; will call, city or country; give brief de scription. Antiquarian, P. O. Box 5, Savannah, Ga, WANTED, TO BUY 100 BUSHELS rough rice for poultry and Htoek feed. Apply to E. W. Sylvan, 117 West Broughton. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and household goods bought for cash. Bourquin. 113 Barnard street. WANTED, HICKORY] - DOGWOOD, ash, persimmon and hoily logs. James Cockshott, Charleston. S. C. “WANTED, OLD GOLD - AND SlL ver for cash, or will make new Jewelry of it. Wilensky, jeweler and optician, 244 Broughton, west. ” OLD BOOKS ANI) ENG RAVINGS ? Yes. I buy them; will call city or country; give brief description. Anti quarian, P. O. Box 6. Savannah, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN. ■^SoneyT^iF^yoiTn^ed^t^call or write and I will get it for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or Inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the loan. E. Muhlberg, 225 Congress, west; Georgia ’phone 1992. FOR RE N T—H O O Ms] FURNISHED ROOM for gentlemen, with private fam ily; convenient to bath, with hot wat er, use of gas and telephone. 140 Mont gomery street. FOR RENT, DELIGHTFUL southern front room, facing Pulaski Square. 120 Harris street, west. FOR KENT—FLATS. FOR RENT, FLAT, FURNISHED or unfurnished. 207 Jones, west. MODERN FLAT]”"FIVE ROOMS and bath, 314 West Liberty street. Apply M. D. Hlrsch. “FOR RENT. PORTION OF "HOUSE 317 Liberty street, east. Apply to J. F. Brooks, 15 Bay street, west. NICE FLAT, FOUR ROOMS; large cedar closets; gas and water. (Dale residence). Jones and Haber sham. APARTMENTS FOR RENT.~ "^4^abercornT^dTroom¥and bath: beautifully papered; gas range, instantaneous heater, tiled bath room, and every convenience; low rental. Youmans & Demmond. “APARTMENT. THIRTY THIRD and Habersham. James B. Copps, 215 Congress; Bell ’phone 1919. FOR RENT-HOUSES. "^^or^rentTXTery^esirable house, furnished or unfurnished. 125 Whitaker. Apply 244 East Oglethorpe avenue. FOR RENT. 121 PARK AVENUE, east; also 312 Henry, west, and 501 Charlton street, east. 608 Drayton. $29 1 S THE PENT OF THE THltEE story brick house, 104 Harris, east; will make an excellent boiarding house. Youmanp tk Demmond. D E S I R ABLE SEVEN-ROOM house, perfect condition; corner Thirty third and Abercorn; *2O. J. C. Postell. 18 Bryan, east. “for rent, several desir able residence* and flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. CHAS. F. FULTON, Real Estate Agent and Broker, Buys and Sells on Commission. Rents Collected. Estates Managed. Assumes the entire management of real eelate, collecting rents, paying taxes, making returns, etc., thereby re lieving the owner of all care and an no#, laontc vxp#n#nf*# and p#rlft#nt it* (pfitton **n'< m# to rtillM tor prop* #rty #wn#ri thir vtry b#t rnului, All in my will f#£tlv# tli# mo#* fctuntfoii, 111 iMftl PUQMKM —Otergift Ilf, SA,, BURT & PACKARD” to the salesman and he will fit you in the easiest aud most stylish of all S3.SO SHOES. SPECIAL NOTICE:— Suggestions for a name for our new line of Men’s and M omen's Shoes are coming from all over the country. Send yours along. It's $5 and anew pair for the best name. Globe Shoe Company. FOR RENT—ROUSES. THE LOWE RESIDENCE, COR ner Abercorn and Charlton streets. This house has been put In elegant condition: will rent very cheap. G. A. Mercer. Jr. “RESIDENCE] SOUTHEAST COR ner Hull and West Broad; eleven rooms and two baths; first-class in ev ery particular; an elegant location for a boarding house. W. J. Mtscally, Jr.. 20 Bryan, east. ~ FOR RENT, THREE-8 TORY brick house, 439 Barnard street; late ly renovated throughout. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. 237 GORDON. EAST] CORNER Lincoln, brick residence, modern and every convenience; six bedrooms; splendid exposure. Haines & Hunter. FOR RENT—STORES. STORE AND DWELLING WITH first-class bake oven attached; An derson and West Broad streets. Apply to Francis Hart. St. Julian and Jef feraon streets. FOR HKNT]~STORE, 328 LI BEIL ty street, west, near Montgomery. Apply next door. “FOR RENT. STORE. AND SIX rooms above, on Bay, near Montgom ery; will rent separate or together. Apply at Wilensky. Jeweler, 244 Broughton, west. FOR KENT— MINI ELI.ANEOUS. FOP. RENT. PLANTERS HOTEL? wtih or without bar; will make cheap tent to right party. Apply to Horace Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. “FOR RENT. THE BARROOM AND premises known as the "Custom House Shades." For terms apply to T. Lloyd Owens. Custom House. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR RENT. IN GUY ton, Ga., a five-room dwelling. In de sirable location, with beautiful shade trees. By J. W. Robertson,, Shear wood. Ga. THE HABERSHAM HOUSE, FAC ing Orleans Square; one of the hand somest and most picturesque colonial residences In the South; can be bought cheap. Haines & Hunter. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL property consult Robt. H. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 24 President street, opposite Court House. Georgia 'phone 1360. .ENGINE* AND BOILER*. sawmill^varTa ble feed with live roll*, engine and boiler complete: ready to operate. Hartfelder-Garbutt Company, 801-8 Buy street, west. ENGINES, BOILERS. PUMPS; IN fact, everything In machine Un* re paired by Mlngledorff A Cos.. 610 Indlaa Street. FICTUiTe* AND frames] DON’T TRUST GREEN MEN TO frame your valuable pictures, but take your work to C. R. L. (Compe tent, Ueliabte Ladeveze), where you can get the best grade mouldings, neatly Joined, at prices that defy com petition. We do the framing for the Telfair Academy and the leading art teachers in Savannah. 11 Congress street, west. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ~FOlT'lolLlir~ANr^ green grocery, doing good business. Ad dress Willie, care of News. FOR SALE, WELL ESTABLIHH ed furniture store in a South Georgia city, SB,OOO cash proposition, and a bargain; assets over all liabilities worth $12,000; good reason for selling. Box 222, Valdosta. Ga, FOR SAI.E—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAI.E. WE HAVE A NICE line of typewriters, all new, which we will sell very cheap; they are. how ever, none of the standard makes, but are good machines and will be sold very low; we also have a line of fire proof safes, made by the York Safe and Lock Company, York, Pa.; there is nothing superior in the United States; we carry these elegant safes In stock, and you can see at a glance the dif ference between them and a common safe; the York Safe and Lock Com pany had a number of safes in the Baltimore fire and not one was lost, a boast that very few manufacturers can make; we shall be glad to show these safes and typewriters to any one at any time. J. Llppman, corner Con gress and Barnard streets. Savannah, Ga. __ THERE 18 NOTHING NICER TO give a friend than an Edison phono graph; there are nine thousand choice pieces of music to choose from; the Edison phonograph plays each piece perfectly. 8. S. Sollee. 120 State street, west. “ BBE~THE" CUT RATE HOUSE. Williams' Bicycle Company. FOR BALE. AT YOUR PRICE, suits and complete line of house fur nishings. Wandell’s, 209 Jefferson ■treat. _ __ ___ FOR SALE. AIT T O MOBILE. "Ford;” only used two months; perfect condition; extra tire, and Inner tubes; lamps, horn and extra tools. Address Morning New*. FOR SALE, THE NORWEGIAN bark Rlmfaxe of Rlsor, Norway; 480 tons register; lately stranded on the Marquesas Keys. Florida coast, and brought to Key West. Fla.; will be sold at public auction on Thursday, Dec. 8. 1904. Vessel copper fastened and remetaled In January, 1904. Geo. Busch. Master. Key West. Fla., Nov, 86, 1904. ' “EDISON GOLD MOULDED REC ords and Edison phonographs for sale at 8. S. Hollee’s, J2O Btatejitreet, west. “FOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN; yacht Enure at Barnard dock; *lx mouths old; forty-eight feet long; thir teen foot beam; three and a half draft water; twenty-flve horsepower engine; she I* a fine boat. Captain and owner, ('ha*. B. Crane. FOR HALE. PINK WOOD, 90 cent* per load, guaranteed cord, $8.60; mixed wood, tt; o(i, II.U. Brown Bros. Hell phone NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Edison fold moulded records; call and hear them; they ore extra An*. 8. I, Molise. mt. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND MEAN (he Nevember Deoemb-r record* now at t. f, guile*s, )M hut* *u**t, w<t. AUCTION SALES' FUTURE DAYS. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE PLANTATION IN HEAP PORT COUNTY. Under a power of sale contained In the will of Henry M. Fuller, deceased, late of Sheldon. I will sell at publlo auction ot the Court House In Beau fort. S. C., on Tuesday. 6th December, 1 904, at 12 o'clock, the well known "Sheldon” plantation In Beaufort county, one mile from C. & W. C. R. 8., containing 1.700 acres, more or less, of excellent cotton and truck land, 107 acres of rice lands and am ple back water. Has eight room dwelling house, outhouses, barns, sta ble. tenants' houses and cotton gin ning establishment In full operation. There is the finest duck and bird shooting and trout (black bass) fish ing In that, famous hunting section. Terms, one-third cash, balance In one and two years, with Interest from date at 7 per cent, per annum, paya ble annually. No bid for less than $3,050 received. Possession given Ist January. 1905. WM. ELLIOTT Executor, 1231 Washington st., Columbia, S. O. FOR t> A LE—MI SC ELI. AN KOU9. FOB SALK, TEN THREE-QUA li ter grown full blood leghorn roosters; one seventy-two hole pigeon house; eight gable roof. Apply Jewett, care Standard Fuel Supply Company. STEINWAY SECOND-HAND PL ano, $100; Guild, SBS; Barmore, SSO. and other big bargains. Largest, best and handsomest stock personally selected, high grade pianos and or gans ever shown in Savannah; pianos tuned, repaired and thoroughly reno vated; prices moderate; best work guaranteed: estimates free. Murphy's piano wurerooms, Guards’ Armory, Bull and Charlton: Georgia ’phone 810. MAHOGANY SEC RET A RIES, “ BCL fas, bureaus, rhlplndale buffet, card and work' tables, china, and brass pewter. 428 Congress street, west. "" 1 .** PLUMBING. JUST THINK A MOMENT! WHY burn gas when air Is free. One Block Light burning but one mantle Is guar anteed to light a room twenty-flve feet square. Your money back If not satisfied. Design No. 8, *1.50 Installed In your residence, office or store on trial. If your lights need attention let us know. We adjust and sell man tles for any gas lamp made. Plumbing of every description. The National Plumbing Company, Georgia 'phone 2847, Jefferson and McDonough streets. Agents wanted. FOR GOOD RELIABLE PLUM!* Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son, 142 Drayton street. AU work done by us strictly first class. Hi'". ■ —— ■!■ MILLINERY. KENNER A BRITTON MLLLL nery notice; we are showing the most complete line of misses' and children’s hats, trimmed and untrlmmed, at half that others ask; you must see these hats to appreciate them. TRIMMED HATS—ALL TRIMMED hats greatly reduced this week; feath ers dyed and curled. Kenner A Brit ton, No. 118 Broughton street, west. " KENNER A BRITTON—JUST ItE~ celved, anew line of felt shapes In the leading colors; velvets and chenilles at prices that will make them go; all hats bought of us trimmed free of charge. BABY CA PS--WE ARE LEADERS in baby caps; the best 25c cap to be had. Kenner & Britton, No. 118 Broughton street, west. EDUCATIONAL. of Christ Church, teacher of piano technique, the voice, organ, conserva tory methods: studio, 6 Jones street, west; office hours. 9 to 10 and 3 to 4. MISCELLANEOUS. THINKING about holiday presents. Let us show' you the new things In sterltng silver. J. H. Koch. 46 Whitaker street. WE UNDEf>BTAND~THK BICYCLE business; twelve years' experience. Williams’ Blcycle_Company. KNAPP’S EXPECTORANT CURES coughs, colds, croup and ail bronchial troubles; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents; manufactured bv W. O. Cubbedge. HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterich’s, 110 State street, west. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN* izer, makes a specialty of vulcanizing automobile tlrss, casings and tube*. Both 'phone*. FOR OOOD RELIABLE FLUMB- Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy A Son. 142 Drayton street. AU work dons b-* u* strictly first class. RING GEORGIA 1821 FOR MAN tles to fit any burner; guaranteed for three months by the only factory that guarantee their goods; 100 to 300 candle power. Rubber! Not In the slang sense, but we do Invite your attention to this particular line of goods. We know the rubber goods we are offering to be of unusually good values. Spray Syringes, Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes Why not use good quality In such things, especially where the price lx low? Knight’s Pharmacies, Ox kt IMS’! *• - Ora y ton. Diiß>- Wltltakeg. UNION I*ll ARMA<Y. WM HrosUL 3