The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TOM WATSON TO GEORGIANS AT ALEX. STEPHENS’ HOME. MB CO>TIM'ED HIS ARRAIGNMENT OF DEMOCRACY. Watson Ridicules tlie Idea of a Southern Party—Race Hatred and Sectional Passion Dwelt I’jton—De clares the Democratic Party Is no Longer a .Notional, bnt a Sectional Party—Plea lor Jeffersonian Prin ciples Is Made. Crawfordsville, Ga., Nov. 30.—Thom as E. Watson, recently candidate of the People’s Party for President, to day addressed a large crowd at this place, the former home of Alexander H. Stephens. His address was receiv ed with close attention, but with no marked enthusiasm. He spoke in part as follows: After the Civil War the politicians made capital out of the race hatreds and sectional passions engendered by that strife. Every statesman who tried to breast that current was swept away. In the state of Georgia this was amply illustrated. Joseph E. Brown urged the people to "accept the situation,” and become reconciled to the re-established Union. He went down under a storm of abuse, and a whole generation passed away before the South realized that he had been right. Benjamin H. Hill ventured to attend a Republican banquet at the Kimball House in Atlanta, and to plead for a better understanding be tween the North and the South. Next morning he awoke to find himself in famous; and for ten years he was a political outcast. Alexander H. Stephens, the most il lustrious Jeffersonian Democrat since the days of Andrew Jackson, spent his fortune in the effort to maintain a newspaper, whose purpose was to recall our people to the principles of Jeffersonian Democracy and constitu tional liberty. He lost his money and accomplished little good with his pa per. The tide was too strong. Wanted a Winning Platform. Southern politicians, hungry for of fice were not on the lookout for what was right. They wanted a platform on ■which"they could win. They were • tired of being in the minority”—as ■was the St. Louis crowd in 1904. In steady of trying to regain the confi dence of the country by firm adher ence to principle, they began that se ries of attempts to humbug the pub lic which ended in the earthquake of Nov. 8. When Southern Democracy trooped at the heels of unscrupulous leaders and declared in national con vention their "devotion” to the Four teenth and Fifteenth amendments, they lied so artlessly that even the artless knew they lied. And Henry Watterson of Kentucky was president of that convention! Be ginning with this kind of false pre tense, it was no wonder that national Democracy has had but one success ful leader since the Civil War. Nor is It any’wonder that this leader, Cleve land, left the party in a plight so hopeless that not even the strategeni practiced upon the Populists In 1896 could save it. To secure his victory in 1592, Cleveland's managers had to make pledges to Wall street which Harrison had refused to make. When Congress and Cleveland began to pay these campaign debts, the people at last awoke to the truth. National De mocracy was revealed in its true light as "the other horse” of plutocracy. Clevelaml’s Rond Sale. When Grover Cleveland and John G. Carlisle made secret midnight deals with Morgan and Belmont to issue the founds which Harrison had refused, and when those bonds of the richest na tion on earth were sold behind closed doors for a price less than the negroes were getting for their bonds in Ja maica, a deep-seated hatred and in dignation was aroused which nursed its wrath for ten long years and then broke like a tempest over the Cleve land candidate of 1904. In national politics the Democratic party stands without a party, a de claration of principles, or accepted leader. It is utterly bankrupt in repu tation. It has no unity of conviction, sentiment or purpose. It contains an tagonistic element which can never be harmonized. Its secret purpose is so foreign to what Democratic masses approve that the eternal struggle of the national leaders is to prevent the Democratic masses from penetrating that secret purpose. What is that se cret purpose? To use the Democratic party in support of the same system or class legislation which the Republi can party stands for. The watch word is "keep up the attack upon Repub lican individuals, but do not attack the system of special privileges which is responsible for present conditions." In other words, the secret mission of the Democratic party is to keep up a sham battle. By keeping the people divided and deluded, they hinder the organization of a real opposition to greed. Thus the national Democratic party is the best friend of which the plutocratic Republican party can boast, for the Belmonts, who call themselves Democrats are just as much In favor of special privileges as the Carnegles *nd Morgans who call themselves Re publicans. Watson’s Xew York Statement. On Nov. 13. last, I gave out a state ment in New York in which it was argued that there was no hope of re form Inside the Democratic party. At tention was called to the fact that the machinery of the party was in control of “the plutocratic element,” and that this element would seek to maintain the advantage it had won at St. Louis. This prediction has already been verified. On the night of Nov. 21. Judge Parker and several other chiefs, rep resenting "the plutocratic element," mex at the Manhattan Club in New York city for the purpose of forming plans to insure the future control of the Democratic party. Nothing is more certain than that this "plutocratic ele ment” will maintain its power. They control the sinews of war—the money the newspapers, the machinery. And I make this prediction: Bryan will be its candidate for the nomina tion! Second to that prediction. I make another: When Bryan runs for Presi dent In 190S as the candidate of the Parker - Belmont - Cleveland - Gorman combine, He will be n worse beaten man than Parker was. For Mr. Ilryau to Does Mr. Bryan sincerely believe that he can commit the National Demo cratic Convention to his recently re imired and replenished Populist plat form? If so, he must see that the country would then have two Popu list parties. Such a contingency would be laughable were not the crisis so grave. Mr. Bryan must know that his programme promises nothing bet ter thun another spectacular combat, at another St. Louis convention, with another "dog-fall'* as the result, an other surrender on the part of Mr. Bry an. another shunt battle before the pso pj*. and another Wut#rl<a< In which all will be lost, including honor, i **/•. •‘'■l'*' l this •ampaign tiled to lead Democratic gentlemen where gen iienjen could no go. tie failed. If ns is g wiae man the lesson will do him good. Let him quit playing poli tics? with sacred principles. Let him quit trifling with the passions, the hopes, the convictions, and the suffer ings of the American people. Let him realize that radicalism in this country is stronger than Bryan, or Hearst, or Debs, or Watson; and that the self important leader who seeks to butt the engine off the track will politically die as the fool dieth.” No Longer a National Party. The Democratic party can no longer claim to be. national. It is sectional. The South is still its victim. The South is still the quadrennial sacrifice which corrupt or stupid Southern politicians deliver over to Wall street. But for the solid South, the Eastern Democra cy would have to shut up shop, Join the Republicans, and face a genuine party of opposition. What keeps the South solid? Noth ing in the world except an out-of-date sectional animosity, and the shameless ly hypocritical cry of negro domina tion. In each Southern state there is a monopoly of privilege and power which is fighting for its life. Asa rule, this monopoly is based upon the support of Northern railroads. Northern banks, Northern manufactures, the school book trust, the Standard Oil trust, the tobacco trust, the whisky trust and the cotton seed oil trust. Fed bountifully from these rich sources, the Democratic machine in the Southern states is very haughty, indeed. It wants no change. Southern politicians will sacrifice the national ticket, any time to maintain the local monopoly. And the “negro question" is the joy of their lives. They exist upon it. They fatten on it. With one shout of “nigger” they can . run native Democrats to their holes at any hour of the day. Men who appear to have some common sense in other di rections lose ail their mental bearings when the "negro question” is sprung, and they Immediately begin to hop around in a Dervish dance of political hysteria. A Vuln Arttumnt. In vain you point to them that the Southern states, excepting Georgia, have disfranchised the negro. In vain you remind them that the negro is completely in our power, and that there is absolutely no limit to what we do to him when we want to do it. In vain you suggest that in spite of the political cry of “negro domina tion,” the Southern people are so de termined not to part with the. blacks that we are ready to lynch the emi gration agent who tries to carry them away. Nothing counts —not during the campaign. After the campaign the politician laughs, the editor laughs, the officeholder laughs, "We fooled them one more time”—ind they wink as they meet and nass. Take the state of Georgia, for ex ample. It is ruled by the railway combination of which Hamp McWhor ter is the lobbbyist, the professional corruptionist. He is the creature of August Belmont, Democrat, and J. P. Morgan, Republican. On Sept. 1, 1904, in Atlanta, I alleged that this Democratic machine in Georgia could not be maintained with out the negro vote. I challenged them to unite with us Populists and remove that disturbing faction from politics. I challenged them to meet us on the question of principle before the white people of Georgia—leaving the negro out of it. Did they dare to accept it? No. Do they now dare to accept it? No. They are perfectly aware of the fact that they cannot secure a majority of the white votes in Georgia, and they hold the negro in reserve. He is the card they keep up their sleeve. Wright anil the Governorship. Let it be remembered that the Hon. Boykin Wright, the railroad candidate for Governor of Georgia, has already placed himself on record as being op posed to removing the alleged “negro question” from politics. He can't part from that stock in trade of political humbuggery. He must keep his dear "nigger question." He might want to use it again. Bereft of that, he might not have anything to talk about when he faces the dear people. He simply proves what I stated in that Atlanta speech: “The Democratic bosses in Georgia are determined not to allow the negro to be removed from politics. Without him they would be as much lost as the cow that had lost her cud." Can such political hypocrisy always succeed? Will th people never open their eyes? The Populists have publicly and solemnly offered to aid the Democrats in removing the negro question from polities. We want to have a fair, square fight on principle before the white people of Georgia; and the railroad candidate for Gover nor says that we shall not have it. He contends that the white primary had already settled the "negro ques tion.” Why, then, did he not inform the people of that fact during the last campaign? Why was the alleged “race issue” ridden so hard in Georgia if the white primary had already settled it? In. truth, the white primary has not settled the “negro question.” The white primary is not a law. It can he put aside by the Democratic party at any time. The State Executive Committee can adopt it or not, accord ing to pleasure. A Qnratlon for Mr. Wright. Does the Hon. Boykin Wright mean to say that the Democratic party of Georgia pledges itself to the people that they will abide in all future elec tions by the vote of the whites? I challenge him to state in plain, simple, unequivoeable language Just what he does mean. I long for the day when the politi cal servitude of the South will end. To see my home section prostituted every four years to the bestial lusts of Wall street tires my indigestion. Fellow Citizens: Arouse yourselves to the facts. Realize that for four years the national Democratic party will have no platform excepting that abominable makeshift adopted at St. Louis. Realize that the plutocratic element which captured your machin ery will possess it four years at the least. Realize 'that your national chief is not Bryan, nor Hearst, nor Bailey— but Tom Taggart of Indiana, chairman of your National Executive Commit tee. And who is Tom Taggart? A pol itician of low type who rose to power by coddling the negro vote of Indianap olis In ways which would make a New York ward heeler blush. At French Lick Springs, Indiana, Is one of the largest, most splendid gambling re sorts of America. Known throughout the union as the Monte Carlo of these United States. Who is the chief man ager and keeper of this magnificent gambling hell? Tom Taggart, the offi cial commander-ln-chief of the national Democratic party. Tied lip to Wall Street. Those of you who mean to vote the principles of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Alexander H. Stephens can never be at home In a party which is tied hand and foot to Wall street corporations. Those of you who want to follow the lead of respectable men can find a better place than Is afford ed by the party whose national chiefs are August Belmont, Bill Sheehan. Cord Meyer, Dave Hill and Pat Me- Carren. Those of you who believe that a citizen should vote as he prays ought to think twice, and again twice, before following the banner which is held aloft by the notorious Tom Tug- Kart—dhu gambling hell man of In diana. Lot us remove this negro question fnan poll! ha futrvar. lei us quit be ing si a red by I*l It Ural scarecrows! Let us quit aeaftig ghosts Let us quit warming *v*r th# Imtirdi Mini L/t*Ju dlcHi </f ttia pant. Hi*p Awmy ill flita rubbish. Hid yo w mkidf of iiotfrano j mid Him 1# ih diguHy SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1904. Drakes n Vi ' Palmetto WirveA Positiviely Cures Lifer Stoiacti Coistipitioi Kidney end Haider Troubles luiauppmiuunj w* rnßß, icm uumc ui UnA r C 3 rALIYItI TV WINE. All yOU Have to do IS to Call at the aHrfr#** below. We ask not a cent one way or another, and you will be under no obligations to us whatsoever. On the contrary, it is a mutual favor—a favor to us in giving Drake’s Palmetto W' to show its merits, a favor to you in allowing Drake s Palmetto Wine to prove to your own satisfaction from actual trial that you have at last found the remedy that will cure you * 01141106 In this way we have given away in th# last six months OVER 1,000,000 FREE TEST BOTTLES UDd the remits have been very gratifying indeed. We would prefer to have every person make a free test before buying it in the regular way at a drug store. The price is 75 cents for the u I1 • l bottle, and as it is a concentrated, non-alcoholic remedy, excellent results are produced with the one bottle alone, as the above letters amply prove. Call at the following address today for frae to.f boftfa / MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY, of iruinhood which darr* to for Itself Help us build up u real parly of the people, baaed upon the Jeffer sonian theory of government. Oran also lion nnd Pal u oat lon. Let ua educate ourselves and other*. Then lei ua organise nil thoae who think alike. Without such unity of conviction and puijioae no political party can hope for succana. The Ham lltonlaua control the Itcpublh an party. At present they alao control the Dem ocratic party. We have waited four teen yearn for the Democrats to give reform "Inside the old party." How math longer ahull we wait? How much longer muet we gnaw the bonea of nrihieaa promises? They are further off from reform than they were In IWNi When they got full coni ml of •hr government in im (hey did worse <*■ i- > ■- 7 -or*. • t- - **-*-*“ ‘ r 1 1 1711^1 Have you kad a I'DFF Test , KLC Bottle of r - Drakes Palmetto Wine# *S* * - v 1 if ' .. S ♦.“•v* • -t ... H*. #'*•*-* evaJfc’wj;* •—• >yr-•■v . •* > . WE HAVE been watching for years the grand, curative results obtained by people thronghont the vuprld by ths use of Drake's Palmetto Wine. / From the experience we have had with it we know what it will do for sufferers from catarrh of the mucons membranes, from kidney trouble, I J stomach disorders, bladder and urinary disease, thin blood, diseases of women, nervous disorders and weaknesses, constipation and many other diseases of the vital organs. But the main point with us is j HOW CAN WE GET YOU TO KNOW WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU? We want to interest you in Drake's Palmetto Wine in an open, honest way because we feel positive that we have a remedy of genuine worth for the cnf of certain diseases—but even such sincerity, of course, will not necessarily prove what it will do for you. • We are not trying to conceal anything from you. The title itself tells you what the chief ingredient of Drake’s Palmetto Wine is, the essence of the glorious palmetto berry —but that does not prove what it will do for you. We might produce argument upon argument that would convince you as to the merits of Drake’s Palmetto Wine and why it is better than other remedies for the same purpose, arguments that would be logical, sound and honest—but still it would not prove what it will do for you. We could send you original letters from over 10,000 people singing the praises of Drake's Palmetto Wine —and even that would not prove what it will do for yon. We could present testimonial letters galore showing that well-known residents say they were cured of every symptom and disease that we claim to cure with Drake's Palmetto Wine—and still that would not prove what it will do for you. Then what will prove it? 1 WE WILL GIVE A TEST BOTTLE FREE TO AHYONE—THAT WILL PROVE. Yes, that is the best and most absolute proof —for you to let us give you a trial bottle free of charge. You are sick and looking for a cure. We claim gsa to have the remedy that will cure you. The thing for you to do is to call at the address given below and they will cheerfully hand you a test bottle of rjl Drake's Palmetto Wine, free of charge and include booklets, etc., on the subject, also free. Drake’s Palmetto Wine is not a “drugging process"—is is very pleasant to the taste and one dose a day is all you take, but so curative is this wonderful jjj palmetto medicine that the one dose daily does the work thoroughly—brightens your eyes, clears out the liver, stomach and bowels, strengthens the nerves, psri lies and enriches the blood, invigorates the muscles, tones the kidneys, bladder and mucous membranes and makes you once again a rejuvenated man or woman. Let the free test bottle prove all this to you. Also, take a glance at the appended letters from cured people, just a few. Jr do'thattoday AND YOU WILL SOON BE CURED. a Bladder and Stomach Trouble The doctor told me I V could not be cured of bladder trouble. Since taking Drake's Palmetto Wine do not bave to get up in the night and my wife is entirely cured of stomach trouble from taking it. Ephraim Davis. Cherry Vale. Kans. Stomach and Kidney Trouble—Drake’s Palmetto Wine has cured me of stomach and liver trouble and my wife of kidney trouble of long standing. lam a walking advertisement for yourwonderful medicine. S. S. Prosser, Smith Center. Kans. Bladder Trouble—When I left the hospital where I had aa operation for an aboess of the bladder, weighed about 100 pounds. By taking Drake’s Palmetto Wine have entirely re covered and weigh 165 pounds. It is indeed a wonderful medicine. Mrs. J. F. Vale, Cherry, Kans. Constipation—l used Drake's Palmetto Wine with wonder ful effect. It opens the bowels without griping or sickness. Dr. A Sampson. Earlboro. Okla. Kidney and Liver—l had billious fever and colic. I naed Drake's Palmetto Wtne. I am cured. I don’t want to get sick again, but if I do I know the cure-Drake’s Palmetto Wine. I can now recommend Drake’s Palmetto Wine for tho liver and the kidneys. 8. P. Stone, 608 Hojan St. .Houston,Tex. Catarrh After using Use trial bottle of Drake’s Pal metto Wine I purchase a two large bottles. I am now well of the complaint of aatarrh. I can say it will cure. C. T. Gardner, Louisville. Ky. Kidney Trouble—Our little girl was left with kidney trouble from scarlet fever and oar doctor has worked on her for over two years without helping her, but one bot tle of Drake’s Palmetto Wine has almost cured her. Think a few doses more will be all she needs. Louis H. Lund. Westmoreland, Tenn. Catarrh and Kidney Trouble—l had catarrh and kidney trouble. I hare never taken any medicine that has done half as much good as your Wine has done. I can recom mend it and am doing It every day. I feel my kidney trouble is cured and the catarrh in my head is a great deal better. J. H. OZrloats, Trammel, Ky. Seels Lika n New Woman—l don’t believe the Wine Jets half the praise ibdeserves. It worked like a charm n ray ease. It seems'to give quiet sleep, builds up the system, gives new life and vigor. Mary C. Chesner, Willisburg. Ky. Kidney and Bowl Trouble—My little three-year-old daughter has had kidney and bowl trouble for two years. I have tried several different kinds of medicine for her and have never found anything to do her as much good as Drake’s Palmetto Wine. She Is well now and is as fat and healthy looking as any little girl I ever saw. Mrs. Roger Lewis, Simpsonville, Ky. Cured of Kidney TrauMe—l thank you for my cure. I suffered from kidney trouble. I used the wine. I am cured. A. N. Danforth. Dublin. Tex. Cured of Bed-Wetting—l have two bovs—one eleven, one thirteen years of age—that wet the bed nearly every night. I commenced giving them your Palmetto Wine as directed and before half a bottle was used I sow im provement and when the bottle was out I found no bed wet in the morning. 1 gave them another bottle for a sure cure and have not had a wet bed since. Wiley Hunt. Ennis, Tex. Indigestion and Bladder Cured—Your Drake's Palmetto W ine has completely cured me of lndirestion and bladder troubles. I used three bottles. Robert L. Cobb. Gaines ville. Ala. Indigestion. Constipation and Catarrh—Your Palmetto Wine has cured me ol indigestion, constipation and ca tarrh of the head. I shall never be without the grand medicine. Mrs. L. Boyd, Rector. Clay Cos., Ark. Catarrh and Female Trouble—For years I suffered with catarrh. I tried Drake's Palmetto Wine, and, being cured, got my wife to take the one dose a day for female complaint. She is well. It is a God’s blessing to us. E. J, Nall. 819 High St.. Little Rock. Ark. Catarrh of the Stomach—l have taken one and one-half bottles of Drake’B Palmetto Wine for catarrh of the stom ach. My trouble is cured. At times I could not eat any thing without great distress; now I can eat anything and as much as I want. I can recommend your Palmetto Wine for stomach trouble. J. R. High. Hunter. Ark. Constipation—l was troubled with constipation and in digestion. lam now cured. Lula Franklin. Austin, Tex. Constipation Cured -I am cured of const! pa tion. Drake's Palmetto Wine did the curing. John N. Rhalaupka. Ne vahrad. Tex. Chronic Constipation—l think Drake’s Palmetto Wine Is the best remedy for chronic constipation I have ever used. Mrs. M. O. Cumbie, Alexander. Tex. Better than the Ordinary Pills and Much the Cheaper I think Drake’s Palmetto Wine a tine remedy for oonsti nation, much better than the ordinary pills and much cheaper. H. L. Russell, Bono, Tex. Constipation—Palmetto Wine not only relieved but cured a severe case of constipation Am now using it for catarrh of the head. A. L. Ernst, 902 N. 6th SU, St. Joseph. Mo. Indigestion—Drake's Palmetto Wine gave Instant relief in a very severe attack of Indigestlon.and I heartily indorse it in such cases. Mrs. C. E. Robey. White Plains, Md. DRAKE’S PALMETTO WINE is the only proprietary medicine that is prescribed by the best ethical physicians. Drake’s Palmetto Wine nwf than all other proprietary medicines by newspaper men and their families, who, on account of their profession, know when an article has merit mora Don’ miss this opportunity of getting a FREE test bottle of DRAKE’S PALMETTO WINE. All you have to do is to call , than the Republicans had done. If again put In power they will do no better. The leopard Ima not changed hltt apote. False once, false always; dishonest once, honest never. Hryan may tight llelmont and Belmont may light tiryan; neither can drive the other out. By their differences Demo cratlc lenders merely cancel each other nnd reduce the parly to a slate of puralyala. Art the people to be kept Idly eas ing forever al spectators while this liemocratlc farce runa on from one presidential campaign lA another. Khali the people never have .a party of their own? Take up the lamp of experience; guide youi feel by It, and search for some better path to the reformation whi< h you need than la to be egpectad from the bewildered and discredited Bladder and Prostate Trouble—Sinoe taking two 760 bottles of Drake’s Palmetto Wine am not compelled to pass urine only ODce during the night, but before was obliged to get up six or eight times every night. lam also greatly improved in every way. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of those that are raftering with bladder or prostate trouble. James W. Sullivan. P. O. Box 60, Sterling, Kans. Nervous Dyspepsia—l want to tell you so yon oan tell others what your wonderful Palmetto Wine has done for me. About a year ago I was taken with a severe case of nervous dyspepsia. I went to almost every doc tor. but grew worse. One-third of a bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wine did me more good than any medicine ever taken. Mrs. Loretta Howard. 329 E. Locust St.. Nevada, Mo. Stomach and Bowl Trouble—l have been taking dif ferent mediolnes for seven years, but got no relief until I used Drake's Palmetto Wine which cured me of stom ach and bowl trouble. Chas. Andrews, Culdesack, Ida. Pour Dooes Cured HU Kidneys—l just tell you the plain truth, four doses of your Drake's Palmetto Wine cured me of kidney trouble. I can’t help how strange it sounds. It's just the fact. Mary Mar lone. Obion, Tenn. Headache —I had suffered for two years with sick headache. After one bottle of Drake’s Palmetto Wine haven't had headache. It oured my daughter of con stipation. Mrs. H. Kersting, 1438 Dolman St, St. Louis, Mo. Constipation—Drake's Palmetto Wine has cured my wife of a stubborn case of constipation and it hascured me. We are both in better health than we have been for years. Geo. Washington. Perry, Kans. Constipation, Kidney and Liver Troable —I thank God for directing me to your advertisement where you offer a free test bottle. If I had not taken yoor Drake’s'Pal metto Wine I would have been in my grave in six months. My stbmach was in a terrible condition and terribly constipated; am now cured of that and my ap petite has returned and my stomaoh. Kidneys and liver are now all right. James Leroy, Chitopa, Kans. Constipation—l had a relative at the house who was all run down with pneumonia and pleurisy and her bowels refufed to work. The doctor gave hor up. Your trial bottle arrived and we gave her a big dose. It moved her bowels and she began gaining from that minute. Drake’s Palmetto Wine surely saved her life. J. C. Sohroeder. 313 Maple St. Leavenworth, Kans. .Stomach Trouble and Constipation—Have been trou bled for 25 years with stomach trouble and constipation. Sent to Kansas City for Drake’s Palmetto Wine and both my husband and self have been oured. We are recommending it to our friends. Mrs. G. B. C. Jones, Box 332. Manhattan, Kan. Back Trouble—l have suffered fortwelve months with back trouble. I feel now lam cured. My wife used Drake's Palmetto Wine for indigestion. We both rec ommend the Wine. J. M. Jackson. RF. D. No. 1. Nash ville, Tenn. dreatly Benefited—My father, mother and myself are taking Drake's Palmetto Wine and have been greatly benefited. My mother has never in so short a time re ceived such benefit from anything as she has from Drake’s Palmetto Wine. L. C. Garner, Goodman, Mo. Constipation—l don’t think there is a better medloine on earth than Drake’s Palmetto Wine. I have used two bottles. My husband got so he couldn’t sleep at night and was troubled with constipation, hut since he has been taking the wine he can sleep all night now. We keep the Wine in the house all the time. Mrs. Arthur Patterson, Ennis, Tex. Tongue Rid of Coating—Drake's Palmetto Wine has been beneficial and satisfactory. My case of stomach trouble has been of more than twenty years standing. My wife and daughter are taking the wine for constipa tion and are decidedly benefited. I have much faith in your remedy and will say that my tongue is rid of a coating for the first time in many years. Dr. Miles 0. Perkins. Beaumont, Tex. . Constipation and Dyspeptic Stomach—After using two bottles of Drake s Palmetto Wine I am greatly im proved. The general dragging down sensation, oonsti pnted bowels and dyspeptic stomach have disappeared. Mrs. J. E. Sims. Versailles Mo. Bladder Trouble and Backache- Before receiving the first bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wine my bladder was so weak that I was almost unable to hold my water at all. I think Drake's Palmetto Wine has done more good than any other medicine I have ever tried. F. Denheard, 1201 Light St.. Baltimore. Md. Stomach Trouble—l have taken two 750 bottles of Drake's Palmetto Wine, and am on my third bottle, and have received so much relief from it I would not be without It for twice the price. It is just what you recommend it to be. I can recommend it to any sufferer of stomach trouble. Mrs. N. J. Bailey. Hebron. Md. Liver Complaint—l think Drake’s Palmetto Wine is the best medicine I ever tried for liver complaint. Nettie Eames, Tidmore, L T. national Democracy. Let Bryan and Belmont busy them selves preparing for the meaningless dramatic performance of 1S0H; they seem to love that sort of thing; let them enjoy at least one more "last appearance." As for us, let us keep straight ahead with our work educat ing and organising; to the end that the Jeffersonbuis may nil learn in put confidence In us, take place In our ranks, keep etop with our advance and be ready with us to wage a combat of principle against the ilamlltonbtus In BMW. southern Party Talk Moeh. All this talk of having the ' Mouth forming a parly of Ita own la mere beh The Civil War la aver and the booth is Just as muoh a pan of the Kidney and Bladder Trouble—To whom it may concern; This is to certify that I have been suffering with kidney and bladder trouble for five years and with the use of one bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wine I have received perfect relief. Prof. A. H. Williams. Birmingham. Ala. Appetite Gone—With my appetite gone, all run down, constipated. I was In fact no good. I thank God that Drake s Palmetto Wine has restored my health. I feel better than I have felt hi ten or twelve years. Rev Mrs. G. W. Reeves, Sylaoauga, Ala. Liver and Stomach Trouble—l suffered for years with liver and stomach trouble, and tried most every kind of medicine I could hear of but got no help until I used your Drake’s Palmetto Wine, M. J. Ash, Finger. Tenn. Walking Skeleton —I have been bothered with lndlgea tion for the past three years, have been a walking skelft ton. One bottle of Drake’s Palmetto Wiae has done me more good than ail the medicines I have ever taken. It has saved my life. Logan Loins, La Pollette, R.F D. No. 1. Campbell Cos.. Tenn. Jaundice—l was in bed with jaundice, the doctor did not help me rapidly enough. I took three bottle* of Drake's Palmetto Wine. It has done me more good than all mv doctors and their medicines. W. B. Robinson. Rich mond, Va. Woman's Troubles—l am happy to say to you I never had met any thing or had any doctor that has ever done me so much good as Drake’s Palmetto Wine. It is the first Winter in ten years that I have not been in bed sick. There is nothlnglike Drake's Palmetto Wine for women. Mary E. Trent. Trentville, Tenn. Indigestion and Constipation— I am nearly fifty and have suffered all my life from Indigestion and oonstina tion. No medicine ever gave me the relief that Drake’s Palmetto Wine has given me. I eat my meals without the fear of having to suffer. Mrs. Alice Bratton. Little Lot. Tenn. Stomach Trouble—l could not eat anything without being distressed. Since taking Drake’s Palmetto Wine can eat anything without bad effect* and feel like anew woman. Mrs. 0. T. Murphy. Boulder, Colo. Prostate and Bladder Trouble—l was troubled with a derangement of my bladder and kidneys; my urinary tract was paralixed and my prostate gland was swollen. After taking two bottles of your Drake's Palmetto Win* am in state of health. John W. Upton. Pleasant Indigestion-Drake’s Palmetto Wine has helped mv wife more than anything she ever took. She is bettor than she has been in the last 10 years. Richard Gnfflith. Mail Route No. 2, Loomis, Neb. Stomach. Bawsls and Catarrh— Drake’s Palmetto Wine has doneme more good at a less cost than any medicine S'a Ww. a T and bow ®‘ trout>u “ and Ci “* rrh - Kldney and Bladder Trouble— l had to get nn three rm five times a night. It was very painful for me uTpam urine: tried several advertised remedies but got no relief until I took Drake’s Palmetto Wine. lam reoommend ing it to other sufferers. J. C. Wallace. Horton, * Kidney Trouble— l eould not sleep nights, had kidney trouhleso bad. I now rest well thanks to Drake's Pat metto Wine. Mrs. Grace Nashville, Merrian, Tex. Indigestion and Constipation- I find Drake’s Palmetto Wine the best remedy I ever tried for indigestion and oon atipation. J. F. Clark. Pueblo, Colo. °°^ t^l h . r^ Broth ' r “"d Myself- 1 began to Improve from the first dose: my mother is taking the wine aud brother says it is the best he has ever ueed. I have gained three pounds in weight. Mary Gaddy. Coffee. Bedford Cos .VA Catarrh of the Lungs— l have had oatarrh of the lungs and head for several years and am glad to sav DmUe'. Palmetto Wine Is the best medicine I ever tried When I commenced taking it. I could not lay on the bed all night and was not able to do anything. I have taken only ono —One bottle of Drake's Palmetto Wln K*ir**rt my stomach more than any other medicines I halier used. John Proctor, Cross, Tenn. ” Chronic Constipation—*l am T 9 years of are. mv Is chronic constipation. Your advertisement dlls tne bill to the letter. It is a complete success in extreme constipation and kidney trouble. Dr. B J Haroer Wlnslow, Ark. l er ' C *??! lp ? t, . on rf n<l ston “ c ** Trouble— After taking a hot tie of Drake s Palmetto Wine, my constipation Is cured Panther'creek? Il'c* lmproved - M™- D- H- Mast Indigestion- First dose took of Drake’s Palmetto Win* helped me so much I could sleep nights. I heartily rernm mend it. Mrs. M. V.Ollvar, 924 Franklin St.. SSSSSSEvt Indigestion and ConsHpatlon-My wife tried five doctors and got no relief for her indigestion and constipation o? months we bought and used your Drake’s Union as New England. We have as much right to influence in the pinion as any other section. The Mouth cannot afford to be sec tlonnl. In self defense, she must be rational, if we allow our Southern leaders to put us In a degrading po sition natkmally. ours Is the fault. As long as wo allow the solid South to be a political slave to a handful of Kaatern capltallsta we may expect to feel the lash of the slave driver and to IWI the weight of the chain. Bvery four yes is yie Moot hern politicians curry the solid South to New York, expose her in the political slave mar ket, have her ‘'points" carefully looked over, and sell her tn the highest bid (fop. IntmJM ma law gains hwMng been made, those politicians return home and tell us we must ratify the bargain for the sake of "the Democratic par ty" and to avert the dangers of "negro domination." Oh I the Infinite shame of It! It htyi been going on year after year, regularly repeated every presi dential campaign, until a climax has been reached which neither gods nor men should tolerate. A yislth to Seutbern UegraSattea- Let us put a llnlah to this degrada tion, of the Mouth. Let us assert our manhood against the tyranny of politi cal bosses Let us break the shall SeuiMiued en madts Pag*.