The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 03, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 DR. H. S. THACHER Dr. H. S. Thacher, the originator of Dr. Thacher** Li%*er and Blood Syrup, was born In Maine in 1626. Me came South in 1856, locating in Nashville Tenn removing to Chattanooga in 1861*. which city became his permanent home. Dr. Thacher was a specialist in }he front rank of his protession, devoting his time and research to a study ot the liver, kidneys and blood, and was a recognised authority on diseases of this character He has the dis tinction of being the only specialist to dis cover a remedy which not only cures kidney and blood diseases, but at the same time re moves the cause, by curing diseases of the liver, a His great discovery, Dr. Thacher** Liver and Blood Syrup, contains all the recognized best remedies tor these diseases, scientihcally combined. NEWS OF A DAY IN GEORGIA’S CAPITAL NEW MILITARY COMPANIES TO BE MISTERED IS AT DIBUJ AXD MADISOX. The Advent of Tlie.e Two Infantry Command* Will heave But One Vacancy Ajuodk the Stnte'* Infan try—Tbi* Vacancy I* In the Third Regiment—'There Are Abont a Doz en Application* From Towns That Want to Or*aiii*e Companies. Atlanta, Dec. 2.—Two new military companies have been ordered by Gov. Terrell admitted to the state service. One of these will be at Dublin, Lau rens county, and the other at Madi son, Morgan county. The Dublin com pany will be attached to the Second Infantry and the Madison company to the Third Infantry. Both of these companies will be mus tered into the service before the ttrst of the year. There will then remain only one vacancy In the sixty Infantry companies allowed by law, and that Is in the Third Regiment. There are about a dozen applications on file for the admission of companies In various parts of the state. Printer* Are Restrained. Judge J. H. Lumpkin, In the Superior Court to-day, granted a sweeping In junction, in which the action of or ganized'labor figures prominently. The Dr. Blosser Printing Company wlth- drew from the Printers’ Employing Club of Atlanta some time ago be cause of alleged discrimination, and the club, aided by the printers' union, began a systematic interference, call ing out Blosser’s men. Blosser sued for $50,000 and permanent injunction. Judge Lumpkin holds that the Print ers' Club and the Typographical Union have no right to interfere in any way with the printers employed by Blosser, and a cessation of this interference, even by solicitation or any other means, is ordered, pending the litiga tion. Sale of Trees Prohibited. The .State Board of Entomology, act ing under an opinion rendered by At lofney General John C. Hart, has is sued an order forbidding the sale of young neach trees from certain nurse ries in ar.d around Fort Valley, which are known to be Infected with San Jose scale. The owners of these nurseries petitioned the board for permission to .dispose of this stock locally, hut under i-'v prohibitory law of December. 1898. the boo-,1 ha,, emphatically denied the request. Freight Trains Kun Monday. The Seaboard Air Line’s new line be tvvf-en Atlanta and Birmingham was finally completed to-day, and on Mon day next i: will be opened to freight traffic. This line will open anew route to the West, in connection with the 'Frisco system, and bring active com petition with the Southern Railway into Alabama, as it parallels that road bet ween Atlanta and Birmingham. The Seaboard's new line runs through only four Georgia counties, Fulton, Cobb, Paulding and Polk. Passenger service on the new' line w ill not be installed before the first of the year, because there i9 consid erable work to be done on the road be fore it will be in shape for thut travel. HEADACHES FROM COLDS. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause. To get the genuine call for the full name and look for signature of E. W. Grove. 25 cents—ad. REVIEW OF TRADE. Development" Have Bren Mainly Favorable. New York, Dec. 2.—Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Developments have been mainly fav orable. Cooler weather has helped re tail trade, stimulated re-orders from Jobbers and improved collections, ex cept in portions of the South, where holding of cotton is reported. Heavy dry goods, clothing, shoes, groceries and hardware note relatively most ac tivity. Holiday trade has opened well and promises a very v large aggregate. Breaks in raw material have tended to unsettle cotton goods, inducing sellers toward conservatism and prints have been reduced at leading markets. All usual measures of trade volume point to a heavy turn-over proceeding. Clearings, partly because of active stock speculations, are large, Novem ber totals having only once been sur passed, and then In May. 1901. Failures are fewer In number and liabilities the lightest in any month but one of 1904, Business failures for the week end ing Dec. 1 number 184. against 230 in the like week of 1903. Vote In Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., Dec. 2.—The More* tary of state to-day promulgated the official vote of Mississippi for the election held Nov. Sof 58.061 votes caat, the Democratic electors receiv ing 53,280; Republican electors 3,147 Populist electors, 1.424 und Socialist electors 392. There was a falling oft of about 2,000 Republican votes. Out of about 16,000 negroes who are leglstered in Missis sippi and qualified to vote, only about 1,800 voted. About BO per cent, of the registered Democratic voters did not participate In the election. Col. Wllkrn Very 111, Lynchburg Va.. Dec. 2.—The family Of Col. Robert K. Withers has been summoned to his bedside in Wythc ville, Va., and the worst is feared. Col. Withers, who was a member of the United Htatea Keuate, 1875-UM, and afterwards consul at Hong Kong and who fought through the entire Civil war In the army of the Con federacy. la HI years old. His madady is a fever, the exact nature of which has not been determined by his physi clans. ut'tHtXTRK 41 lit; yon i’ii.ks. Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud ing Piles. Your druggist will refund money if Paso Ointment (ails is curs Mm to • to 14 days. -ad. THE WEATHER. Morning News barometer, Dec. 2, 11:30 p. 29.95 Morning News thermometer, Dec. 2. 11:30 p. 63 ■Washington, Dec. 2. —Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Georgia and South Carolina —Rain Saturday, colder in west portion. Sun day fair in the interior, rain on the coast; fresh northeast to north winds. Eastern Florida —Partly cloudy Sat urday, with rain in northern portion. Sunday fair, colder In north and west portions; fresh south, shifting to west, winds. Western Florida—Clearing and colder Saturday. Sunday fair, variable winds, becoming fresh to brisk westerly. Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah— Maximum temperature, 12 m 71 degrees Minimum temperature 4 'a. m 57 degrees Mean temperature 64 degrees Normal temperature 52 degrees Excess of temperature .. 12 degrees Accumulated excess since Dec. 1 16 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 248 degrees Rainfall 08 inch. Normal 09 Inch. Deficiency since Dec. 1 .. .10 Inch. Deficiency since Jan. 1 ..9.42 inches River Report—The flight of the Sa vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m.. (75th meridian time) yesterday, was 5.4 feet, a fall of 0.1 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same mo ment of time Dec. 2, 1904, 8 p. m.. 75th meridian time: Name of Station. | T | ff | B. Boston, clear I 22 |NWj .00 New York city, pt cldy... 32 |NE .00 Philadelphia, cloudy | 34 !NE ; .00 Washington city, raining.! 36 N j T Norfolk, raining 46 IE ! .38 Hatteras, raining 62 !S i .01 Wilmington, raining 56 INE .20 Charlotte, cloudy 48 |E .72 Raleigh, raining 48 N .64 Asheville, raining 48 jS .38 Charleston, cloudy 60 E .22 Atlanta, eloudy 50 !SE .18 Augusta, cloudy 58 |NW 1.08 Savannah, cloudy 64 S .08 Jacksonville, cloudy 70 !s T Jupiter, clear 70 Is .00 Key West, clear 74 E .00 Tampa, cloudy 70 |SW T Mobile, clear 66 Is T Montgomery, raining 64 jE .26 Vicksburg, clear 68 iE T New Orleans, clear 66 Is .12 Galveston, clear 168 jSW T Corpus Christl, clear .... 70 SE .00 Palestine, clear 56 NW .00 Cincinnati, raining 40 NE .01 Pittsburg, raining 36 NE T Buffalo, cloudy 20 NE .00 Detroit, snowing 24 NE .02 Chicago, cloudy 28 NE .16 Marquette, cloudy 20 S .02 St. Paul, clear 18 N .00 Davenport, cloudy 26 iNE T St. Louis, cloudy 30 (NE T Kansas City, cloudy 26 'N T Oklahoma, cloudy 36 IN .00 Dodge City, cloudy 26 |N .00 North Platte, cloudy l 20 |E .00 H. B. Boyer, Local Forecaster. Mills On Fall Time. Gainesville. Ga.. Dec. 2.—The Paco let Cotton Mills at New Holland and the Gainesville Cotton Mills are now running full time, employing nearly 2.- 000 hands and consuming about 100 bales of cotton per day. The force of hands is, however, not yet complete, but agents are scouring the country for additional aid, which is rapidly be ing secured. Sanitarium Hailding Permit. A building permit for the addition that Is to be made to the Park View Sanitarium was issued by the city yes terday. The addition will be 32 by 44 and will be three stories high. It will 'be a frame structure, with a metal roof. OftNN'S KIDNEY CURE is n old tried remedy for all Kidney Dis eases. Liver Complaints. Pains In back or sldee, Gravel, Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Trlun • y Troubles, Tired, Acbtnc Limbs, and el lichee end pains resulting from sick or weak kidneys. SO c. per bottle. CANN'S KIDNEY CARE CO., Phils,, Fa. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. DALY —The relatives and friends of Mrs. Johanna Daly and family and of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Glass are invited to attend the funeral of the former from her late residence. No. 409 Charl ton street, east, at 3 o'clock this aft ernoon. SPECIAL INOTH Es 7 CHRISTMAS THINGS AT JOYCE'S. Plenty of everything. Wild Ducks, Wild Turkeys, Fowls. Celery, lettuce, cauliflower, oranges, apples, etc. Phones 107. JAS. J. JOYCE. COTTON IS ALL RIGHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents’ Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN'S NEW YORK DYE WORKS, Whitaker and State streets. Both phones 943. Estab lished 1891. MOST BEAUTIFUL CUT ROSES, a perfect delight, such as American Beauties, La France Brides, Brides maid. Ivory. Perles des Jardlne and Sunrise. Carnations and Lilies of the Valley. Extra Fine Flowering Begonia Loruine, Just the thing for presenta tion. A. C. OELSCHIG & SON. Florists. Both phones 498. J. Gardner, Agent, 18 Broughton street. eHst. POLLYCHROME RIBBON. Have you seen It? Writes In two color*. The latest models of the Remington Typewriter are the only machines equipped with this new de parture in typewriting. R. M. HULL. Sole Dealer, 10 Drayton street. LIMBS OF THE VALLEY. American Beauty Roses, Double Violets. Something extra handsome are these products of our greenhouse. JOHN WOLF. Phones (34. Ott and Anderson Sts. FOR KALE COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS. Sack, Ton, Carload. SEABOARD COTTON OIL 4 0., 329 Bay Wrret. East. SAVANNAH NT LAM DYE WOIIKK, 19 York, Weet. Cleaning, Dyeing. Pressing. Ls<* Curtain* fin tel *d by stasm. Only skilled workmen employed. Ball Phone ittt, Us. Plume 1844. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1904. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I Waltham Watches HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. **The Perfected American Witch,” in iltusfnted Book of interesting informition ibout witches, free upon request L AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY. WALTHAM. MASS. SPECIAL NOTICES. ON SALE TO-DAY 2.500 FANCY PIG HAMS, GUARANTEED, —at— JAS. G. NELSON, Phone 527, Broughton aiul Whitaker. NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE BAR. Members of the bar are hereby notified that at 10 o’clock on this (Saturday) morning the civil and criminal dockets of Superior Court will be called for assignment of cases for trial at December term. By order of His Honor Judge Cann. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C-, C. C. DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. I DOVES. DOVES. DOVES. M. S. GARDNER, 411 Whitaker Street. Both Phones 575. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT, by paying year bills on or be fore the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY. BRO. A CO. WANTED, 20,000 POUNDS PRICKLY ASH BARK. Must be free of wood. LIPPMAN DRUG CO. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Savannah. Ga.. Dec. 2, 1904. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of J. W. F. Hester & Cos. is dissolved by mutual consent. J. W. F. Hester has purchased the interest of Francis E. Roeca and takes over all assets and assumes all lia bilities of said firm. J. W. F. Hester will continue the business under the name of J. W. F. Hester & Cos. FRANCIS E. ROCCA. J. W. F. HESTER. INDIAN RIVER ORANGES. Cur just arrived. Fruit strictly fancy: prices right. COLLINS, GRAYSON & CO. Both Phones 244. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. Oysters and the best of oysters! served in every style and delivered to any part of the city. SCHWARZ CAFE. P. S.—Remember that you may or der here anything that the market affords. Regular breakfasts and sup pers 35c. "WHITE ROSE” Is the builders' choice of lime. We are constantly receiving It fresh from the kiln. Prompt delivery. We are dis playing the handsomest line of Man tels ever brought to Savannah. Mod ern designs, correct price*. ANDREW HANLEY CO. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO., Sole Agent for the Celebrated PKRKEtWKD GRANITE ROOFING. Cheaper and better than tin. Bust Proof. NO PAINTING. Ont our prices. Oeorgla ‘Pnone, $47: Bell ‘Phone. 428. GEM It M I \st RAN 4 I Fire, Marine, Storm, Accident, Kick, neee and Life Insurance. All other forma of insurance effected W T. HOPKINS, Agent, II Bryan street, *et Phones 111, Cttas. 1 oglesby, Manager, BUSINESS NOTICES. So Many Good and Tempting Things Are in This Store. TODAY Stop by on your way to market or the shopping district and see what a complete stock is. Fresh Fruit “McG. & R.” King Apples. Florida Oranges. Florida Pineapples. Jamaica Bananas. Malaga Grapes. Mott’s Sweet Cider. McGrath & Ransford Established 1866. Grocers and Wine Dealers. 37 and 39 Whitaker Street. Phones 177. Saturday Specials Fancy Fnt Broiling Smoked Bloaters, six in basket. Fancy Norway Mackerel. Fancy Cream Codfish with out a bone. Pride of the Sea Mackerel in five-pound boxes. Corned Codfish for Codfish Balls. Martinez Smokers a .high class cigar, 4 for 25c. THE PURE FOOD STORE. pCLMONIcV X OMPAN^ Bull and York. Phones 555 SPECIAL NOTICES. INSPECT AND REPAIR YOUR SIDEWALKS. Notice to Owners of Real Estate. In conformity with resolutions adopted by the City Council, on March 11, 1904, notice is hereby given: I. To owners of abutting realty, their lessees and agents, to keep in re pair the sidewalks along their respec tive frontages, including the small iron boxes for gas and water connections, wash payments, and the like, which latter have metal covers adapted to the sidewalk level. 11. In case of suits for damages against the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah for injuries to persons or property, sustained by per sons by reason of holes in sidewalks, broken, displaced or loose brick or stones, or of gas or water boxes, with out covers, or protruding above side walk level, or of other defects or ob structions in and on sidewalks, the owners of abutting realty or other persons whose negligence may have caused such defects and obstructions, wyll be vouched to defend, and will be held responsible for all damages awarded against the city on account of such Injuries to persons and prop erty. 111. Sidewalks throughout the city are being inspected, and notices have been and are being sent to owners of abutting realty, and to whom it may concern, to repair sidewalk defects promptly, or bear the consequences of their neglect of duty. Savannah, Ga., July 1, 1904. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Director of Public Works. NOTICE. In Regard to the Assessment of Real . .Property in the City of Savannah for Taxation for the Year 1905. Office Tak Assessors, Savannah, Nov. 30, 1904.—Under a resolution of this board taxpayers are hereby noti fied that the assessment and valuation of property for the year 1904. in the absence of objections, will be contin ued as the basis of taxation by the city of Savannah for the year 1906, as to real estate, Including improvements covered thereby. Objections, if any, must be made in writing and filed in the office of the Board of Tax Assessors within FIF TEEN DAYS after the date of the publication of this notice. No objec tions will be considered unless verified by an affidavit made by the property owner or his agent, staling that the property has been assessed higher than Its actual market value. In tlie absence of objections within the time specified the assessment and valuation will be considered as satis factory. and will be binding for the year 1 90S. J. W. H. OSBORNE. Chairman. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 80, 1904, A CiOOD DINNER WILL BE KEinjKD AT SOMMKRH' CAFE UNION STATION. TO-DAY. I'OH ftALK. Retiring from busineaa, I offer for sale my feed business, wagons and horses. In whole or in part. M 11. HAYM. forest City Mitts, II Montgomery at. Call and examine our line of Cooking Stoves and Ranges, and Oil and Wood Heaters. We have several grades to se lect from. Prominent among them are the celebrated Char ter Oak Cook Stoves and Ranges, and Barler Oil Heat ers. Our prices are right and satisfaction is guaranteed. PALMER HARDWARE CO., Bay and Jefferson Sts. Good Resolutions Vyhen made in good faith are commendatory. Strength to carry out the resolution is essential. If you resolve to save a part of your earnings you will find a savings account a source of strength. A life of steady plodding and constant saving NOW will insure a future life of ease and comfort. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos, 8-10 BRYAN STREET. EAST, SAVANNAH GA. HERMAN MYERS, President. JNO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PAULSEN, Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT, Accountant. Our elegant service and perfect cooking is simply town talk. One patron brings another to note progres sive ideas and taste. CASINO TIT BITS BUSINESS NOTICES. Fireworks HEADQUARTERS! Place early orders to meet your holiday requirements with the wholesale house of Henry Solomon & Son. It . : -It- Have You a Cold? Solomons’ Cough and Cold Mixture will re lieve you quiekly. It has been In use for fifty years and always gives satisfaction. • Onr Bull street store is open all night and messen gers are ready to serve you. Phones 63. SOLOMONS Bull Congress and 1,11. and Charlton. Barnard. Not Coming, But Herel Our Juvenile Bicycles are in. sls and sls G. W. THOMAS. Jefferson and Broughton Lane. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO^CAPrAINBr^iASTERsTIdATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York, Boston, Phila delphia and other dally newspapers; weekly Journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and ink. —at— ESTILL’S NEW S DEPOT, 18 Bull street. corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom House). DISSOLUTION NOTICE. . This is to give all persons notice that on the 18th day of November, 1904, the firm of Huxford & Davis was dissolved by mutual consent. W. L. Davis retiring and C. Huxford to continue saldbuslness. to pay all claims and collect all debts due said firm. C. HUXFORD. W. L. DAVIS. We will launder most beautiful ly 7 large Ta ble Cloths for 35 cents. 307 Bull St. Phone 700. '' ' ~ ■■Am* > BUSINESS NOTICES. MRavei® In order to reduce our stock by Jan. 1,1905, we are offering the following stock to the retail trade at whole sale prices: NO. 2 COMMON BEVEL EDGE WEATHERBOARDS. 9 NO. 2 COMMON SQUARE EDGE WEATHERBOARDS. SHEATHING. FRAMING ALL SIZES AND LENGTHS. Come and see this stock and get our prices. GUAVA JELLY, Something entirely different from the Guava Jelly usually sold. This is clear and beautiful, perfectly pure and put up in exceedingly attractive packages. —also— Guava Marmalade —and— Grape=Fruitate. Many of our holiday goods are in—our store is full of novelties. A. M. & G. W. WEST. SOUPS served every day front 11 a. in. to 3 p. in. Ladies out shopping will find this a great convenience. Three of our specials: CHARLOTTE RUSSK, CREAM PUFFS. MEXICAN PENOCHIS. BEL SINGER & GROSS, Phones 265. 12 W. Broughton st. HOLIDAY GOODS IN LEATHER. The very latest things. Look even though you are not ready to buy. /. H. FRIEDMAN & CO., Bull and York Streets. FUBNAGES CORNWELL & CHI PM AN, 108 Congress. West. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. 0 Comparative Statement of Deposits. Nov. 30,1902. Nov. 30. 1903. Nov. 30,1904. $206,477.39 $327,000.97 $608,483.46 ' 4 $ r 1C if? MM. U MACK ALL GEO. I. IIAI.DWIW. MM. V. DAVID. IVcsidsnt. Vlo President. isev'y and Trass No- 'Chartered iS6 O Ilie MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA. c ™ STATES DEPOSITORY. Surplus and undivided" proflu.*ij7|ooo Total ."8627,00# Accounts ol Banks. Bankers. Cor porations, Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issues Time Certificates ot D* do ... bearing interest. P *' Correspondence aollclted £™t>S- CARSON - President. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President. W. M. PAVANT. Cashier. MILLS B. LANE, President. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L, GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. TUe Ciiizens book of sovaian Capital and Surplus SBOO,OOO We Solicit the Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals Our patrons will receive cour teous treatment at ail times, and every accommodation within the range of prudent banking. The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH, GA. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS. $500,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of one dollar and op wards received la Savings De partment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY P.LUN. President. GEO. W. TIEDEM.AN, Vice Pres. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Assistant Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham Bank Is free from speculative dangers, yields an income as large as is con sistent with conservative methods of banking, and Is at all times subject to the control of thq depositor. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vico Pres. FRED. W. CLARKE, Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. Cashier. 4 % PAID ON DEPOSITS —ln tbs— Savings Department COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION IS REQUESTED TO ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. IOHN FLANNERY, PrMtdant HORACE A CRANE Vlo* President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. B,".. 1 -IL' .. . ._ ~_j. L_M HB BUSINESS NOTICES. For a XMAS GIIT That is a Treat Get a 1905 DAYTON BICYCLE, Guaranteed 12 month**, $25; Black and Carmine Enamel. 19-Inch. 21- inch, 23-inch, 25-luch frames. WALTER F. HIGGINS, Prcsldent-Drayton. That Sunday Dinner. ..Ring either Phone 587 and let us make a suggestion. “QUALITY” our motto. C. H. MONSEEB, Hall and Jefferson.