The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 04, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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14 VWI Lm I I • THE WEEK IN SOCIETY. Intereeting Day* Just Past, anil Schedule of Coming Event*. The much-talked-of prospect of a gay winter is early being realized, the first fortnight of the season having been an unusually full one for socie ty. Several large card parties. one large dance, the first cotillion, the in troduction of a number of debutantes, the announcement of engagements, and many informal parties, have pre ceded the first of December and have kept society people interested and much occupied. Gayety seldom be gins with such a rush and seldom so early, and since Easter does not come until April 23, the latest day upon which it can fall, the signs seem to augur an eventful season, even with the probable lack of post-Len tent entertainments. The cotillion given by Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hunter Thursday evening to introduce Miss Julia Hunter made last week notable, and was an elab orate and very beautiful entertain ment. The cotillion was led by Mr. Harris G. Cope, with Hiss Hunter's guest, Miss Ethel Gay of Atlanta, one of this season's debutantes. Miss An na Hunter and Miss Cecilia Woods, also debutantes of the season, assist ed in receiving. Another debutante made her first appearance in society at this dance. Miss Edith Thiot. Among the visitors presents were Miss Hayes of Philadelphia, Miss Duckworth of Liverpool, Miss Moss of Boston, Miss Seymour of Richmond, Capt. and Mrs. G. B. Pritchard, Jr., and Count Ogen zio. Mr. Gordon Harrison led the first cotillion of the Cotillion Club at the Guards’ Hall Tuesday evening. The entertainment was rather slimly at tended, a very small number of girls being present. The debutantes were Miss Mary Comer. Miss Cecilia Woods, Miss Julia Hunter. Miss Anna Hunter, and Miss Nellie Haile, and the visit ors, Miss Gay, Miss Seymour, Miss Duckworth. Miss Brown of Louisville, and Judge Speer. The chaperons pres ent were Mrs. Dent, Mrs. Minis, Mrs. Lawton, and Mrs. Wright Hunter. Miss Margaret Charlton will be intro duced at the Christmas german, Dec. 27. During the week a number of in formal card parties and teas were giv en for the visitors. Miss Julia Hunter entertained with cards for Miss Gay; Mrs. Henry Walthour for Mrs. G. B. Pritchard, Jr., and Miss Duckworth; Mrs. Howkins for Miss Moss; Miss Nelly White for her guest. Miss Sey mour; Miss Moynelo for Miss Duck worth; and a few friends were askod In informally by Mrs. Wright Hunter Monday afternoon to meet Miss Brown. Miss Irene Withers enter tained with a large card party Wed nesday afternoon. This week the event of particular interest will be the dance with which Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rogers Woods will entertain Tuesday evening to in troduce their daughter, Miss Cecilia Woods. Miss Woods will have as her guests, Miss Ella Wheeler and Miss WALSH & nEYER, ‘ / ■*“ 14 Broughton Street, West. TO-MORROW This Store Becomes a Christmas Store in Real Earnest. FOUR WEEKS OE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE! Thinking or Planning What to Give Her, or Conniving What to Give Him ? We will shoulder your troubles and make Christmas a pleasure. Here are a few suggestions: Christmas Showing of Handkerchiefs For Men, Women and Children. 50 styles of Irish Linen Handwork Initial Handker chiefs, all exclusive, From 98c a Box Up. Children’s Box Initial Handkerchiefs 25c Box Christmas assortment of real Lace and Hand-Em broidered Handkerchiefs, in newest effects and dainty designs. All Linen Hand-Embroidered Handkerchiefs From 25c Up. 500 boxes Men’s Irish Linen handwork Initial Handkerchiefs At $1.50 a Box and Upwards. On our second floor you will find the most useful and practical Gifts for the Holidays. Tailor-made Suits and Skirts, handsome showing of Waists, including Lace Waists. Silk Petticoats, French Lingerie, Silk Kimonas. INTERESTING THINGS FOR THE LITTLE ONES. 1 French Hand-made Baby Caps, Embroidered and Crochet Sacques, Bootees, nuts. Bibbs, Leggins, Infants' Baskets. Olive McMillan of Mobile and Miss Fannie Royster of Norfolk. There will be a number of large card parties. Mrs. Godin Guerard will entertain with cards Tuesday aft ernoon. The Married Women’s Card Club will be entertained by Mrs. A. L. Alexander Thursday afternoon at the second meeting of the season. Mrs. Francis Robinson Clarke and Miss Remshart will give two afternoon card parties, one Wednesday and one Thursday. Mrs. J. S. Wood will entertain with cards Friday afternon. Saturday aft ernoon, Miss Pritchard will give an afternoon reception for Mrs. G. B. Pritchard. Jr. Mrs. Malloch will pour tea at the Golf Club Saturday after noon. BISIXESS MEETING AT WOMAN'S CLI n. A business meeting of the Woman's Club was held yesterday morning at the clubrooms. Miss Reid, the acting president, presided. The attendance was unusually large, and although the morning was given up almost entirely to the transaction of routine business it was interesting and pleasant. There was considerable enthusiasm over the reports of the chairmen of the stand ing committees and of the officers, all showing the club to be in excellent condition. The report of the treasurer Mrs. John M. Bryan was especially gratifying, as was that of the chair man of the executive committee, Mrs. T. M. Cunningham. Avery important action of the meet ing was the amending of an article of the bylaws providing for the nomi nation of officers from the floor. Un der the amendment, which was carried after some amicable discussion for and against, officers will hereafter be nomi nated by a nominating committee, to be appointed by acting president, Miss Reid. A unanimous motion of regret at the resignation of the president, Miss Mor gan, and of sympathy for her con tinued ill-health, was offered, and a committee was appointed to draft reso lutions to that effect. The gift of a pretty fern was made to the club by Mrs. Raymond M. Dem ere. The next business meeting will be held early In January, when the an nual election of officers will take place. There will be a meeting of the Cur rent Events Department Tuesday week, and the current events commit tee will meet at the clubrooms to-mor row morning. TO HOLD AN OPEN MEETING. The first open meeting this season of the Council of Jewish Women will take place to-morrow afternoon at the Chapel. It will begin at four o’clock, instead of half past four. Avery interesting programme has been arranged. An address will be de livered by Rev. Dr. George Solomon, and a paper will be read by Mrs. Henry Levy. Miss Irene Solomons of St. Paul will recite. FOR VERT LITTLE FOLKS. Mias Dorothy Dreyer’* Flrat Birth day Party Yesterday. A charming gathering of very little folks was held yesterday afternoon at SAVANNAH .MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1904 Annual HOLIDAY Announcement. lai IT C CtinillHat* Vnnr TfnnhlAC and make Xmas shopping a real pleasure. To LCI Uo OIIUUIUCI I UUI I lUUUICo take you through our list of suitable gifts on paper would be a long and tedious journey, so why burden you with details here? Won’t you please consider this your store during these Yuletide days more so than ever? Just make it your Xmas home—let us be playmates and helpmates together; we’ll try our best to serve you. Surely, you will be glad to know that we have guarded against all possible disappointment in any article bought here. Good goods only; low prices only; prompt and polite attention. HOLIDAY OFFERINGS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Lovely new Ties 25c and 50c Best Linen Collars l£%c Lovely Suspenders 25c and 50c Fine White Shirts 1.00 Warm Wool Underwear 1.00 Handsome Scarf Pins 50c Fine Cuff Buttons 1.00 Initial Linen Handkerchiefs 25c Initial Silk Handkerchiefs 50c Large Silk Mufflers 1.00 Blankets for making Robes, and al most anything else you might suggest, at saving prices. SLAUGHTER SALE OF DRESS GOODS REMNANTS. Silk, Wool, and Silk and Wool, light and heavy weaves, waist lengths and skirt lengths. Just the thing for Holi day Gifts, or to save money on for your own use. PRICES POSITIVELY SLAUGHTERED. Evening Shawls. of Silk, pink, light blue and cream, with full deep fringe, a splendid article and a useful one. $3.50 is / f* the regular price, but the / AU “Holiday Skle’’ says fa • " / only Wool Shawls and Fascinators Large and small sizes. Red, blue, pink and white. The cut prices bring them down to 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dreyer on Habersham street, to cele brate the birthday of their little daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Revere Dreyer. The small hostess was Just 1 year old yes terday, and the little people asked to TACKSON & GUTMAN BROUGHTON AND WHITAKER STREETS. OFFERINGS FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Children’s Dresses $1.13 up Children's Sweaters 89c up Children's Crochet Collars 1.00 uij Children's Cloaks 3.00 up Children’s Umbrellas 50c up Children's Pocket Books 10c up Children's Underwear 25c up Children’s Stockings 10c up Misses’ Chatelaines 25c up Misses’ Kid Gloves 75c up It's an easy matter to select a sensi ble Gift for a Boy or Girl from our stock. Ladies’ Tailor Suits Of Mannish Mixtures and Cheviots, trimmed and plain. Some Tourist effect and some short semi-fitted backs. Regular $16.00 to $20.00 values, priced for Xmas selling S^O'OO SUIT Children’s Cloaks. Made full length, strap back, ripple cape, tourist full sleeve, * QP Military Collar, SIO.OO value. Holiday price ... APRONS Misses’, Maids and Waitresses White Aprons, full width, deep hem and tucks. Some with bretelles, plain or embroidery trimmed. Prices 25c, 35c, 50c her party -were all about the same age, from a year to a year and a half old. There were eighteen of them, and a prettier little group than they made would have been hard to Imagine. The rooms downstairs were set apart Our Holiday Selection of Gloves Hai,e Arrived - We only keep the best makes, such as are always : appreciated as a Gift. /// /N. FOWNES, //[A f REYNIER FRERES, U\ JL I MAGGIONI, T J 16, 20, 24-button lengths, in j FOWNES Evening Gloves. Nothing more acceptable as an Xmas Gift LEATHER GOODS. Hand Bags in all the new shapes, including the en velope shape. Port-Folios.JMusic Rolls, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Holiday Umbrellas. Novelties in Neckwear. GRAND EXHIBITION OF 1904 DOLLS. Everything you could ask will be found in our stock of Dolls—very large or very small, dressed or undressed, but the most important feature is, they are all brand new. Just seen daylight. And the prices are on our usual quick sale and light profit plan. It’s not too soon to buy an Undressed Doll, and others may be stored till wanted Ladies’ Jackets Black, Brown and Blue Kersey Cloth, made Norfolk and Strap Back Tourist effect. This is a regular SIO.OO seller, and one of the best you ever saw for SIO.OO. However, we now price It as a Holiday plum at ip6- 75 Holiday Bargains in Household Specialties. $6.50 Blankets $4.49 75c Table Damasks 54c 5.00 Comforts 3.49 35c Towels 23c 35c Matting 24c 2.00 Rugs 98c 15.00 Art Squares 9.98 4.25 Lace Curt'ains 2.98 Door Panels, Linen Scarfs and Squares, Fancy Doylies, Sheets, Spreads, Gases, etc. All new. All un derpriced. for their use, provided with enough little chairs for every one to have a seat, and with toys of every descrip tion, to delight the roost fastidious of babies. That the pleasures of the party might not be revealed too soon, OFFERINGS FOR BABIES AND LITTLE TOTS. Baby Caps 25c up Baby Sacques 39c up Baby Cloaks $2.25 up Baby Slips 50c up Baby FPannel Underskirts 98c up Baby Mitts and Bootees 15c up Baby Leggings 25c up Little Reefers $1.35 up Little -White Cloaks $7.20 up Little White Dresses 50c up Baby Baskets $4.50 up Christening Outfits $9.00 up Pretty near everything here, and that, too. at saving prices. Silk Underskirts Made of best Taffeta, black, blue, gar net and red. Corded flounce with ruf fle and dust ruffle. This ■v is an SB.OO garment, and you can’t well go wrong ' in buying it at this price DRESSING AND BATH ROBES in Imported Eiderdowns, Japanese designs, with OA cord and tassels. II 1 Ckl I Avery popular IS H•v/ w and sensible pur- * Vy chase the refreshment table was laid in a room on the second floor. Everything was in the baby color, pink. Around the table were ranged eighteen high chairs, and piled up In the center were dolls and balls. The menu consisted Exceptional Values in Holiday Furs. Our Linen Department. Here you will find many attractive and useful gifts to gladden the hearts of the housekeeper. Table Sets, Tea Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Hand-Embroidered and Cluny Lace Center Pieces and Table Sets, Hand-Embroidered Spreads and Shams, Hand-Embroidered Linen Baby Pillow Cases. Art Department. Here you will find many pretty and unique offerings in hand-made goods, also Pillows, Lambrequins, Table Covers, Portieres, Couch Throwers, Lace Curtains, Door Panels. Gentime * 'Centemeri’ ’ Gloves For Xmas Gifts. HOLIDAY OFFERINGS FOR LADIES. Ready-made Suits $ 7.50 Handsome Rain Coats $14.55 Holiday Waists $ 2.53 Silk Petticoats $5.39 Handsome Coats $14.55 Beautiful Furs $ s.lO Fancy Neckwear 50c Feather Boas SB.OO Shopping Bags $ 1.00 Fine Perfumery 75 C Gauze Fans $ 1.00 Fancy Hosiery 50e Dress Silks, Worsteds, Velvet Suit ings, Cloakings, Waistings, etc. SACRIFICE SALE OF HANDSOME FURS. We expected a big season on Furs, and bought heavy—too hdavy for the light trade we’ve had so far. We're going to make a loss—the story’s quick er told this way; $ 2.50 Furs $ 1.50 $ 4.00 Furs $ 2.48 SIO.OO Furs $ 5.85 $25.00 Furs $13.50 And finer grades in proportion. Holiday Handkerchief Sale. Monday morning we place on sale a tremendous invoice of Ladies’, Men's and Children’s Handkerchiefs, silk, lin en 'and cotton, plain, embroidered an 1 initial. The prices—well, they are marked so low you cannot possibly make a mistake in buying your Xmas supply. of delicacies that even the very lit tlest girls and boys are allowed to eat, such as animal crackers, snowflakes, lady fingers and gum drops. Each (Continued on Page Fifteen.)