The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 04, 1904, Page 18, Image 18

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18 TIFTON TO HAVE FIVE RURAL ROUTES. Tifton. Ga., Dec. 3.—W. B. Brannon, rural route inspector for this territory, ■was in Tlfton several days this week, going over the three proposed new ru ral routes. He expressed his opinion that he thought the chances for Tifton to get these routes were very good, and that Tifton would soon have five rural routes leading out of Tifton, b&ving two now. Dwelling; at Heartsease Burned. Tifton. Ga.. Dec. 3.—The residence Of Mr. Hart Gress at Heartsease, also an adjoining residence, belonging to the Hart Lumber Company, burned to the ground yesterday. Just how the Are originated is not known, but It is thought that it caught from matches ignited by rats. Mr. Hart Gross was tfhnnarly from Atlanta and is pres ident of the Hart Lumber Company, at Heartsease. His residence was ele- Ktuntly furnished, and was a frame building containing several rooms. Heartsease is a small section on the Atiantio Coast Line in Berrien county, thirteen miles east of Tlfton. LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW FRAMES. INTERIOR FINISH. nXLOW PINE.WHITE PINE. OAK, ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash, Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Bryan and Whitaker St. Factor;: Latlirop avenue and O. 6. S. Cos. wharves. CLASSTFTED AbvIHHS£M£AITS. PERSONAL. E. F. FEGEAS, LAWYER, 116 Bull street; contracts, deeds, wills, collections, real estate; corporation work and foreign claims given espe cial attention; parle Francais, Deutsch gesproehen. “IF YOU WANT TO GET A IIAND- Bome Christinas present, c'all at our sewing machine parlors, and we will astonish you at the remarkable close prices we will give you on our hand some drop head machines, either in golden oak, walnut, maple or bird's eye maple. We will repair all nfakes of sewing machines free of charge, for the next thirty days. The Singer {Manufacturing Company, 150 Whitaker Street. A. RUNDBAKEN, 223 BROUOH ton street, west, is agent, for the Health Food Company. He has re calved a fresh supply of Gluten boead. proto puffs, wafers, zwieback, kaffeebroad,_etc. BRING YOUR WATCH TO K. FIN- B>org, 18 Broughton, east; he repairs satisfactorily, cheap; have you seen his watches T ~DANIEL aThOLLAND REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York. A.CANEVET, FRENCH 6HOEMAK er, agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes. $4; my price, $2.50; first-class Bainpie shoes always on hand for sale; repairing dpne while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. repairincTwatches and all kinds of jewelry attended to promptly t>y J. & C. N. Thomas, corner Whit aker and State streets. ' LADIES," "AT THE WANEMAKER {tarlor, you can have your youthful 00 ks fully restored; all facial blem ishes, wrinkles and those ugly double chins removed. No. 1 Charlton, west. "“for storing, PACKING, SHlP ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general drttyage a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both 'phones 2. HOLIDAY GOODS AT CHINESE etore, direct from Japan and China; Bilk scarfs and handkerchiefs; beauti ful fane, line ohlnaware, fancy vases, bronze articles, such as images, stamp boxes and pin trays; bamboo and rush baskets, mats and house slippers, paper lanterns, dinner and supper gongs, tea, lilies, firecrackers and toys. Kee Chung Cos.. 148 Barnard street. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY IN the most satisfactory line of jewelry In Savannah. Honest goods—honest prices. J, H. Koch, 46 Whitaker street. TRUNKS, BAGS AND SUIT OASES make the most desirable Christmas gifts. Chatham Trunk Factory, Broughton and Abercorn. "~A CANEVET, - FREfINCH SHOF.MAK er. 309 Broughton, west; the cheapest place in town to buy shoes, because rent is low. and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of It. "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT:” THAT means the "New Home” sewing ma chine; its always ready. A. J. Purs- Ny. agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State pireet. GOOSE' FEATHERS WANTED. I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at $1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Beil 'phone 1138; Georgia •phone 2841. "'PHONE US WHEN YOU (SET A puncture; 10 cents is our price. Wil liams Bicycle Cos. ~T SELL, BUY, EXCHANGE, RB pah' or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. _G. O Penton. HART 7. MOUNTAIN CANARIES *re getting scarce this early in the Season; advanced to 82.95 each; gold fish three for a quarter. At Gard ner's. _IK Broughton street, east. ‘“STORE YOUR FURNtTUYtK WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both phones 2. corner Montgomery and Broughton Street. LET ME PUT NEW UPhTiNtS your disabled watch. E. W. Sylvan with Sternberg A Cos., Broughton •treet. west. RIBBON! RIBBON! RJBBO>T' Heavy, stiff taffeta, all silk ribbon. No. 4®, 80 and SO at 10< per yard, all col ors, satin ribbon, lc, 2Vfco, fa, jen an <j Itr, all colors; cant match it else where for double the prlrw. If you *n'l call, write for ssiuplee 4o M. A bloke* Ribbon Store, Savannah. patronize’ Southern induWT try if you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two hors# wagon, or Wagon for draylng lumber, sand, brick, mm H. K C. Kaus; Ihaee wagons are made South, from Moutbern lumbar. ft Southern mechantca. and handled g gout betu railways; now, boys, help wa Mouth and buy wagons of me, tbne J 2, l_ toaran lead twelve mon I be. mt-tae Hub street, weal, ataa Uen meat, raJaas sal rtnalsg. PERSONAL. TO~LEARN THE whereabouts of John Stroksr who was last heard of in Savannah in 1674, and was then in the service of a merchant vessel sailing from Havre to Savannah. There is a considerable legacy await ing him upon the proper proof of identity. Cann & Barrow, attorneys at law, 16 Bryan street, east. Savannah, Ga. ANY ONE DESIRING TO ADOPT, or take temporarily a bright, healthy, good-looking girl baby, six months old, please call at the W. C. T. U. Home on Liberty street, between the hours or 12 and 3. The father is dead, and the mother is willing to sign papers of adoption if she is satisfied the child will be well treated. “PUNCTURES REPAIRED FOR 10 cents. Williams Bicycle Cos., the cut rate houee. SWEET, PEAS, POPPY, DAISY and other flower seed; plant food; bone flower and pots at Gardner’s, 18 Broughton street, east. 'PHONE - GEORGIA 1821 FOR THE best light ever offered to the public at $1.25; guaranteed for 3 months; prompt attention to all orders; under Masonic Temple. MILLER'S AND SANTA CLAPS. Doll carts from 25 cents to SIO.OO. Dolls, drums and lots of things for the little folks. 207 Broughton, west. ~AT "odd FELLOWS’ HALL ON Monday, Deo. 5, at 8 p. m., the sofa pil low will be disposed of for the benefit of Deborah Lodge, No. 10, I. O. O. F. All those who are Interested are urgent ly requested to be present. CONFEDERATE AND OTHER uncurrent money? Yes, I buy it; will call, city or country; give brief de scription. Antiquarian, P. O. Box 5, Savannah, Ga. SEN D US~ THE ADDRESSES OF all you know using talking machine, and we will send you a “Victor” record free. Metropolitan Talking Machine Company, Jacksonville, Fla. LET ME PUT NEW LIFE INTO your disabled watch. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos., Broughton street, west. ~KNAPPS EXPECTORANT is A household word; cures coughs when everything else fails; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. lEOTfylsu H~BItOKEN~UMB RE L la to H. Zlotnisky, 26 Broughton, east. He repairs and covers them, fits locks and keys; hangs bells; repairs trunks; work guaranteed. Bell 'phone 1472. WHEN YOU WANT YOUR AUTO mobile painted call on Kramer; he will do It right. HAVING OVERHAULED MY shop, equipping it with the best ma chines, tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of its patronage in wheelwrlghting, blacksmithing, horse shoeing. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Ju llan. MORPHINE, OPIUM, LAUDANUM and cocaine habits cured permanently at home of patient, without Inconveni ence or detention from business; have cured hundreds; complete treatment, $lO. For full particulars write Dr. Long Company. Box 1118, Atlanta, Ga. CHRISTMAS IS COMING; WE sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhine wine at 50 cents bottle; pure blackberry and chtanti wine, 65 cents; other imported wines and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a call. Trapani. Barnard-State. GREEN. THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me. 324 West Broad; Jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia 'phono, 1834. Bell. 2130. AT MILLER'S IRON AND wooden wagons, velocipedes and au tomobiles, sulkies, hook and ladders, etc.; everything for the little folks. 207 Broughton, west. PEOPLE WHO USE THE "NEW Home" sewing machine will tell you that Its "Johnny on the Spot.” A. J. Pursley, agent, 119 Whitaker, comer State street. FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE AS* sorted candy. 75c, sl, and $1.50, at Het terlch’s 110 State street, west. WILENSKY, JEWELER AND Op tician, is selling at reduced prices at his opening sale, 244 Broughton, west. Bring your repairing along; satisfac tion guaranteed. "MERCHANTS] MILLINERS AND ribbon dealers, If you sell ribbon you are losing money unless you try my ribbon; the latest ribbon at the low est price of any ribbon house In America; send for samples. <M. A. Stokes, Savannah, Ga. K. FIN BERG, 18 BROUGHTON, east, has signet rings, necklaces, brooches, stickpins, suitable for Xmas presents. THERE ARE FEW IN THE STATE of Georgia who can furnish your ta ble better than A. Rundbaken. He carries a full line of the best In the market. Phone or call at 223 Brough ton street, west, call. WATCHES, 6LOCKS AND LADIES stick pins, brooches, necklaces, rings, hair pins and all kinds of Jewelry at J. & C. N. Thomas, corner State and Whitaker. _____ ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THE lgnlto mantles are not the greatest convenience they ever had in their homes; call under the Masonic Temple and examine them. GIVE US A TRIAD IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or machin ery of any kind. Mingledorff & Cos. "FOR SEWING MACHINES OF ALE kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer gon; needles, oil In bulk or bottle. ~ SEE MILLER'S BEDROOM FUR niture. A beautiful showing of Iron beds, leather rockers and couches. Come and see us. 207 Broughton, west. G. O. PENTON, DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson and York lane. BUY TRAVELING GOODS WHERE they are made; the Chatham Trunk Factory make and guarantees their baggage to wear. Broughton and Ab ercorn. HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterich's, 110 Slate street, west. GOOD REPAIR WORK COUNTS? we do it at cut rates. Williams Bi cycle Cos. IT'S A REGULAR CIRCUS, THE way some horses are clipped, except for the horse Itself and the owner; I am giving the same close attention to the clipping of horses that I have always given to my horseshoeing business, and with same result; first class work; I use no electric methods; why? Ask me. Monahan, horseshosr and clipper. ~DIRT TO GIVE AWAY. APPLY 109 West Broad street. C. S. O'Con nell. DANIEL A. HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents bicycles of every kind. Plenty si corni-hand wheels, good ns new for sale. OLD BOOKS AND ENGRAVINGS* Yes, I buy them, will cull, city or coun try, give brief description. Antiquar ian. P. O. Bos S, Savannah, (la. TO MY FRIENDH; I TAKE filessurs In informing you thei | no anger am with Hsvannah Htove Com pany. but with 1). N. Thomason, 119 Jefferson, where 1 will be phased to serve you, Mr. Thomason makes a iyw IsJlji of repairing or egi-hanglng anything In fha stove line Rest prices fer old stoves In eachange for new. Him stack Juki received. J. ti. ttwemt SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1904 rTX '. , / 1 i!o\ r *Sf ™e * r\zrv NAME VICCCj. Christmas Cut Glass A thousand gifts of dazzling brilliance, .depth and beauty— the exclusive display In this city of the cel- J ebrated Libbey cut I I glass. | I We ask the public to M I come and see our r LIBBEY DISPLAY f I and all the other beau- ■ tlful Holiday Gifts. | I is. vest 8 Cos.. I ffi 11 Broughton St., west, m PERSONAL. '^chTheatersTwood^heaters^ hot stuff, wood and coal stoves; cast Iron ranges, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit; will take your old stove in exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stove mechan ics in the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia ’phone 2853; Bell ’phone 1123. CHI LDREN’S ROCKERS AND chairs at Miller's. Christmas pres ents for the grown folks, too. Make your selections now. Furniture makes the best kind of presents. 207 Brough ton, w r est. KIMBALL’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC ring is giving relief to the many that use them. Why continue to suffer when so simple a remedy can be got ten? J. Gardner, Agent, 18 Broughton street, east. ONE-POUND BOX FINE ed candies or chocolates, 25c, at Het terlch's. 110 State street, west. THE BEST JEWELRY AT THE cheapest price at J. & C. N. Thomas; we handle fine goods and do not get fancy prices. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they are the same as new. See him on Whitaker, near York. GREEN, THE EXPERT’ VULCAN izer, sells the best tire on the market for $3. Sundries at lowest prices. 324 West Broad. Both ’phones. RUGS (MILLER’S KIND) MAKE lovely presents. Portieres and lace cur tains. Mattings. See our beautiful Japanese fire screens; they are per fect dreams. 207 Broughton, west. PHOTOGRAPHY. "^theTargest^and^tnest^and best equipped studio in the South is Wilson’s Studio at 111 Whitaker street. Amateur supplies, developing and fin ishing. Frames made to order from a very large and select line of mouldings by an expert white framemaker. Many pretty novelties and specialties for the holidays. Before making your Xmas selections be sure and visit Wil son's Photo Studio at 111 Whitaker street, just south of Broughton street. ~FREE: A "BEAUTIFUL WATER color portrait given with every dozen cabinet photographs; see the new ear bon-platinos, the latest thing in high grade photographs; prices right for you; all work turned out from this studio strictly up-to-date and fully guaranteed; our cabinets at 83 per dozen are winners, and don’t forget the free water-color. Moore’s Studio, 107 Broughton, west. Collat building. NOTHINO BETTER FOR A Christmas gift than a portrait; not the common kind, but the kind we make; a fine water color given with each doz en cabinet photographs for the holi days. Launey Studio. ~ "professional. and Civil Engineer, 18 Board of Trade building. Georgia 'phone 1950. MEDICAL. IS~A medicine of merit, the most popular preparation for coughs and colds; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufac tured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. LADIES. WHEN IN NEED SEND for free trial of our neverfailing rem edy; relief quick and safe. Paris Chemical Cos., Milwaukee, Wis. "weak" men,"’our"!MPROVED Vacuum Developer permanently cures sexual weakness, varicocele, stricture, enlarges shrunken organs sealed par ticulars. Charles Manufacturing Cos., Charles building, Denver, Col. TH E K EELEY INSTITUTE FOR the cure of liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine, tobacco and cigarette habits. For information, address Keeley Insti tute, 236 Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga. HELP WANTED— MALE. WANTED, TRUSTWORTHY MAN or woman for small loc*al office; we train our own people; weekly cash sal ary. Supt. Local Dep't, 223 North Second street, St. Louis. WANTED, “ENERGETIC TRUST worthy. man or woman to work in Georgia, representing large manufac turing company; salary, 840 to 890 per month, paid weekly; expenses ad vanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Savannah, Ga. YOUNG men ’everywhere! copy letters, home evenings. 89.50 week. Send addressed envelopo for particu lars. Manager Dept. S 47, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMAN WANTED, EXPER lenced traveling salesman, by large Cleveland Jobbing house, to fill vacancy for balance of 1904; will renew for 1905 If satisfactory: high commissions, with 835 weekly. W. 8. Finley Cos., 90 Prospect street, Cleveland, O. WANTED, CIGAR SALESMEN IN •very section to Introduce our goods; experience unnecessary; good salary and expenses paid. Emanuel Com pany, Station J. New York city. WANTED, SALESMEN FOR HPK clalty line, season 1906; commission of one man this year over 86,000; send for particulars now. Dart on-Pucker Manufacturing Company, Cedar Rap id*, la. WANTED. GOOD, INTELLIGENT solicitor to sell dividend paying mining stock; good salary and commission to rnpebls man. vsarly '-on tract, rofor ense R. D. Robinson Company, Loa A lore lag, CM, _____ wanted, everywhere, huh list's to lack signs, dtstrlbuls clrctilsrs, Sumpiu. *4no cgnvassmg; good psg. bun AAvarUaing Bui mu, Chi co HELP WANTED—MALE. lectors. A one contract to the right party. Only those who can furnish giltedge references need apply. Call at the Singer Manufacturing Company, 150 Whitaker street. "SMART - BOY" TO CARE FOR horse and be generally useful. 319 Duffy street, east. WANTED HON EST] RELIABLE boy about 17, with some experience; steady Job for right party; also good watchmaker; must furnish tools and materials. Arthur Deutsch, Pawn broker. WANTED, NIGHT WATCHMAN. Apply at factory, Monday. A. S. Ba con & Son. A GOOD LIVE SALES man to take as a side line one of the finest and best advertised gas burners In the United States. They are money makers to the dealers and gas savers to the consumers. Address United States Gas Lamp Company, care News. WANTED, TWO rASH ROY.sT tHE Bee Hive, 19 Broughton street, east. WANTED, A GOOD BUTLER. AP ply 108 Jones, west. WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED driver who knows the city; give ex perience and reference; none but good experienced man need apply. Produce, care News. WANTED,A GOOD.R ELI ABLE AND energetic man to present a proposition of merit to business men. Address Rare Opportunity, News office. WANTED, OFFICE BOY; MUST BE 15 years of age and own a wheel; Wages, $3.00 per week. P. O. Box 2. TINNER - WANTED FOR REPAIR work. Apply William Taylor, 121 West York street. J 7 B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, have agreeable, desir able, and profitable vacancies for salesmen of reference works; first class references absolutely necessary. PKR.MANENT POSITION FOR SO ber young man well recommended as clerk in general store and helper in watch repairing. John G. White, Newberry, Fla. WANTED, TWO EXPERIENCED crockery salesmen to travel Georgia, and other Southern territory; guaran teed salary and expenses, or straight commission; none but experienced crockery salesmen need answer. John W. Tucker, No. 217 S. Tryon street, Charlotte, N. C. Southern agent for French Mitchell Woodbury Company, Boston, Mass., and complete line of domestic crockery and glassware. WANTED FOR SOUTHEASTERN Georgia, a hustling organizer; good renewal contract. Address the Key stone Mystic Circle, 606 Common street, New Orleans, La. WANTED, 5 DRIVERS, 8 SAW mill hands, 7 men, SI.OO per day; man and wife for place, $25.00 per month; 2 butlers, 2 porters, 6 cooks, 2 men cooks; 2 nurse girls; 1 laundress, 1 ex perienced woods rider, and much oth er help. Wandell’s, 209 Jefferson street. WANTED] WHITE BRiCKLAY ers; 50 cents an hour. Steady work. Jensen Sc Wellborn, Miami, Fla. WANTED, A MAN OF GOOdTadI dress and education to develop in our business. Apply, giving age and busi ness experience, to H. & M., care News. WANT ED, PLANING MILLFORE man; salary SSO per month. Address Hart Lumber Company, Heartsease, Ga. • WANTED, TWO YOUNG WHITE men to canvass; good pay; call Wed nesday evening from 7 to 8:30. Mr Wing, 318 West Broad street. Central Hotel. WANTED, FOR THE U. S. MA rine Corps, able-bodied men, between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land in our island pos sessions, and at naval stations In the United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. S. Marine Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to 5 o. m. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER Georgia with staple line; high com missions with advance of SIOO.OO monthly; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Cos., Detroit, Mich. DESIRABLE PARTY WANTED for the sale of our manufactured pro duct in Savannah and vicinity; must be in position to command necessary capital to conduct the business in mopt advantageous manner; salary and commission; good staple and of the highest order; all manufactured under our own patents; a splendid opportunity and in every way worthy of careful Investigation. Address Southern Office I. P. V. Cos. Box 623, Macon, Ga. ADLER'S WANTS GOOOP. BRIGHT boys for steady positions, from 14 to 17 years old; those willing to work may apply at once; others should not ap ply. Adler’s. SALESMEN. COLLECTORS, BOOK keepers, stenographers, mechanical, technical men, salesladies, housekeep ers, and competent help In every line; send us your name; positions guaran teed. National Employment Associa tion, Century Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., pi oneers in this line. WANTED, TEN MEN IN EACH state to travel, tack signs and dis tribute samples and circulars of our goods; salary, 875 per month, 83 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Company, Dept. D—6, AUas Block. Chicago. P R E 8 I DE N T ROOSEVELT’S election Insures an increase In civil service appointments; those Intending to take the next examination should send to the Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C., and se cure its free civil service announce ment containing dates, salaries, places for holding examinations and questions recently used by the government. “8 A MBS MEN WA NT ED~B Y AN Eastern manufacturer, to handle a line of high grade leather goods, as a side issue, for advertising; commission only. Applicants must be active, energetic and reliable, with best ref erence and well experienced in this cfass of work. Those handling litho graphic and art calendars preferred. Salesman, P. O. Box 1692, Philadelphia, Pa. r — ” ■ __ _a HELP WANTED—FEMALE. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE copying letters at home, evenings or spare time, and return to us. No mail ing or canvassing. 89.00 weekly earned, materials free. Enclose self-addressed envelope for particulars. Guarantee Company. No. S 47, Ninth street, Phil adelphia. Pa. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME, j#.oo per week; materials sent everywhere free, steady work, plain sewing only. Send addressed envelope for full par ticulars. S. A. G. Du Pont, Phlladel phla, Pa. ladies Having panct work to sell, embroideries, Hattenberg and drawn work; also to do order work; stumped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Moinoe, Chicago. LADIES, TO IK) PfiCKWORK AT their homes, we furnish all materials and pay from 87 to 112 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Cos., 84 K. Monroe street. Chicago. LADIES, B*s THOUSAND COPY- Ing short letters home; msterlal sent free everywhere; send ■Uiii|#it ad dressed envel 'ire tor copy of letter snd full particular*. Eastern Company, til lleel bvilJgutg, PtHlsgMpma. Pa. HELP WAXTED—FEMALE. LEOPOLD ADLER WANTS EXPE rienced woman for the dressmaking department; high skill will be what we want, and no other need apply. Mrs. Parker’s dressmaking rooms. wanted] - twenty" miles - out of this city, at elegant plantation home, one good white cook; also a white laundress; light work for fam ily; good wages and transportation paid. Also wanted situations for ste nographer and bookkeeper who can take dictation; good references. Want ed, good white dining-room girl; only those bringing references as to char acter need apply. Y. W. C. A., 129 Abercorn street. WANTED, TWO SALESLADIES for notions and fancy goods. The Bee Hive, 19 Broughton street, east. wantedTgood cook Tat ONCE. Call with recommendation. 124 East Oglethorpe avenue. “WANTED] - WHITE GIRL, IRISH or Dutch preferred, to cook in country; wages $lO, board and room. Address “Cook,” care News. ~W A NTED, A YOKING LADY-Ap prentice at the Wanemaker hair dress ing, massage and manicure parlor. No. 1 Charlton, west. WANTED] - RELIABLE SERVANT. Apply at once, 118 East Henry street. WANTED. A WOMAN OR GIRL AT the Georgia Dairy, 343 Drayton street. Apply Monday morning, between 11 and 12 o’clock. “wanted, COMPETENT nurse] Apply with recommendations, between 9 and 12, Monday morning at 213 Thir ty-eighth street, east. A RARE AND SPLENDID OPPOR tunlty to make a nice Income for a lady of refinement and Intelligence to present a proposition of unusual merit among her friends and acquaintances. Address Annuity System, care News office. WANTED, A LADY WHO HAS taught or one capable of teaching for a permanent position requiring tact and energy. Address Manager, care News. ' WANTED] REFINED WELL bred ladies to sell our fasteners; no one but a true lady need answer; a clean, wholesome proposition; wnjte to-day to the Multi Fastener Compa r.y, Buffalo, N. Y. UaDIES, EARN S2O PER HUN dred writing short letters; send stamp ed envelope. Best Manufacturing Company, Valpariso, Ind. AGENTS WANTED] AGENTS, $75 PER MONTH AND expenses to sell advertising signs to merchants and manufacturers. St. Louis Sign Cos., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS WANTED, LADY agents; useful articles; rapid sales; big profits; every home delighted to buy; write. Raymond Manufacturing Company, Muncie, Ind. GENERAL AGENTS. S2O TO SSO weekly; every business man buys new vest pocket invention; $3; big holiday business. Standard Cos., Spitzer, To ledo, O. HAVE YOU SEeSTtHE NEW LINE of ‘aluminum novelties; agents find they sell the best; are you looking for a line of goods that will sell? Send for my catalogue and prices; for 25 cents I will send a ladies’ dressing comb with your name hand engraved upon It; gents pocket comb for 15 cents; send at once. B. M. Cole, Middletown, Pa. AGENTS WANTED] HANDY Andy corn sheller; sell on sight; every farmer and poultry dealer needs it; satisfaction guaranteed; sample 30c. Wright, Washington & Cos., Box 347 Dept.U, Bonne Terre, Mo. S OAPAGE NTS WANTED; MEN and women make S2OO monthly; send 15c for $1 box assorted toilet soaps and special terms to agents: greatest sell er known; everybody buys. Hancock Novelty Company, Chicago. AGENTS, $75 MONTHLY; METAL combination rolling pin; nine articles combined; lightning seller; sample free. Forshee Company, 8.. 346, Cin cinnati. O. HUSTLING AGENT, WHO CAN sell the goods, wants fast selling ar ticle. Your proposition, please. Ad dress, Agent, Morven, Ga. AGENTS, $25 TO $45 PER WEEK introducing and selling “handy cane;” quickly changed Into a stool to sit or stand upon; wonderful novelty; light ning seller; enormous profits; write quickly for Illustrated booklet. The H. C. Novelty Company, Cincinnati, O, AGENTS, WORKERS] MAR shall’s men dress well, have money, take life easy; why not you? Prettiest, quickest seller out; samples, 20 cents; money back if not satisfied; “nuf sed.” 57 Third avenue. New York. $lB A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to Introduce our poul try goods. Javelle Manufacturing Company, Dept. B. Parsons, Kan. WANTED, AN ACTIVE ENER getic agent to sell our soaps, per fume, etc.; 100 per cent, cash profit. Write to-day for full particulars and free sample. James A. Simmons, Aus tin Station, Chicago. PORTRAITS FINISHED FOR agents, photographers, merchants, in crayon, pastel, sepia; good work; prompt service. Griffin Portrait Cos., 612 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. AGENTS, HERE "iF A CORKERT only pancake griddle In world that bakes square cakes; turns them; bakes six each time; 100 per cent. profit. Canton Griddle Cos.. Canton. O. AGENTS, A NEW BUSL ness proposition: either man or woman can handle; big money; no canvassing; no cheap Jew elry, patent medicines, or toilet arti cles; an opportunity to engage In a high-class, permanent business. Write for particulars. Box 777, Columbus, Neb. LADY AGENTS WANTED TO sell Cupid bracelets; latest thing out; sample 6c; catalogue free. D. A. Byron, No. 304 West One Hundred and Twen tieth street. New York city. AGENTS’ RECEIVE ENORMOUS daily mall by advertising in agents monthly circulating directory. Your name and address Inserted monthly one year for 10c. Manager, Box 552, Williamsport, Pa. " WANTED, AGENTS”|3 A CAY IN every town, to take orders for silver ware: correspondence invited. Fuller Bros., Box 2,254, Station G. Washing ton, D. C. i - WANTED. WANTED. POSITION AS COOK and house work. Apply 106 Forty-first street, east. _ YOUNG MAN 'WITH FIVE YEARS' experience as stenographer, typewriter and office work: can bring good refer ence from former place. M,, care Morning News. 'butler <>r~coachman’can be found at 537 West Charlton. Under stands horses. WANTED. A PLACE AS NURSE cook' or house work; can glvo good reference. 116 Arnold street. WASHING WANTED; CALL AT 418 IJl.erty lane, east. “a reliable washwoman can be found at No. 784 Perry street, east. A \V A 8 H WOMAN PEKfRKH work at 627 Oak street, went “POBITION WANTED A* HUTLER or porter, or any kind of work. lien Goodwins, Mb. WT West Charlton gtfbbt ARE YOUR FEET TENDER? then wear our “CUSHION SOLE ” SHOES. They give quick and permanent relief. The cork keeps out dampness - the cushion is like walking on velvet Twice the comfort of the ordinary shoe. Ladies’ . . . $3.50 Men’s . . . i $5.00 Globe Shoe Company. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. $2,000 CASH TO services; employment desired where the work of a high-grade man, active, practical, business-getter, resourceful, and of absolute Integrity, may be needed. Address Steady Progress, care E. F. Fegeas, lawyer, 116 Bull street. POSITION BY A YOUNG LADY AS bookkeeper and office assistant; best references. Adderss, E. L. R., this office. WANTED, POSITION BY EX perlenced hardware clerk. Best ref erence furnished. D. N. Disbennett, Dayton Fla. EXPERIENCED CASHIER AND assistant bookkeeper desires position. Address Quick, care News. Wanted," by young man pcl sition as assistant bookkeeper of clerk. Address M. R„ this office. A POS ITi6n“WANTED AT ONCE by a competent stenographer. Ad dress Good, care of News. YOUNG MAN WITH ABILITY and experience desires permanent po sition as bookkeeper and office man with responsible house. Address Box 341, Savannah, Ga. YOUNG”LADY STENOGRAPHER with four years experience, now em ployed, desires to make a change. Ad dress Anxious, care News. WANTED, POSITION BY EXPE rienced lady stenographer. Address K. D. S., News office. YOUNG MAN, COMPETENT IN any clerical capacity, with knowledge of bookkeeping and stenography de sires position; rapid and accurate at figures. Figures, care News. YOUNG MAN WANTS - POSITION as collector; good reference. Address J., this office. WANT POSITION AS STENOGRA pher; six years experience; first-class references; prompt and accurate. Ad dress Experienced, this office. — A GOOD, RELIABLE, FlßST class cook wants position. Apply 318 Taylor, west. POSITION BY A YOUNG LADY as stenographer and office assistant; best reference. Address Z., care Car rier No. 11. DEMONSTRATOR AND SALES woman for high-grade first-class food and delicatessen; reference. H. Llywelln, postofllce. WASTED—BOARD. WANTED, BY A GENTLEMAN and wife, and two little girls, two rooms with board, in good neighbor hood. Private family preferred. Ad dress, with terms. Permanent, care News. wanted] TWO ROOMS FOR light housekeeping or board, east of Bull street, for couple and 5-year-old child. Address K., this office, A GENTLEMAN WISHES TABLE board. Address P. O. Box 315. " \Tasted-miscellweois. WE ARE RENTING AGENTS AND not property owners; we want your business and will give you better serv ice than the other fellow who is the owner of more property than you pos sess. Youmans & Demmond. YOU TO KNOW THAT THE YOU mans & Demmond system of handling real estate is direct, business-like, thorough and dp-to-date; it gives the results you are looking for; their su perior facilities enable them to save for you more than you pay in com missions. CONFEDERATE AND OTHER uncurrent money? Yes. I buy It. Give brief description; will call, city or country, Antiquarian, P. O. Box 5, Sa vannah, Ga. OLD GOLD AND SILVER TAKEN in exchange for new goods. J. H. Koch, Jeweler, 46 Whitaker street, near Broughton. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and household goods bought for cash. Bourquin, 113 Barnard street. “wanted:BY A BUSINESS HOUSE a horse or mule for his feed; good treatment; light work. Address Rex, care Morning News. wanted:srcond-hand TYPE writer and roll top desk. Address Box 32, Jesup, Ga. “wanted, an eight ten or twelve-foot show case; must be cheap for cash. Address Case, P. O. Box. 80. WANTED. A HEREFORD BULL. Edw. J. Thomas, Court House. HIGHEST S POT~~CASH PRICES paid for scrap Iron and steel, metals, bones, and rubber. F. 'W. Storer & Cos. WANTED, BOARDING HORSES; satisfactory services guaranteed; stall room to let, or If you have a horse for sale or want to buy, see DeMartln, at Belmont St'ables, 115 Congress, east. “WILL TRADE A 8-YEAR-OLD Jersey or Holstein cow, milking, for a good all-around bird dog and gun. Ad dress Carey, Morning News. WANTED, HICKORY, DOGWOOD, ash, persimmon and holly logs. James Cockshott, Charleston. S. C. “old BOOKS AND ENGRAVINGS ? Yes, I buy them; will call city or country; give brief description. Anti quarian. P. O. Box 5, Savannah, Ga. wa nti;d, goliT and SlL ver for cash, or will make new Jewelry of It. Wilensky, Jeweler and optician, 244 Broughton, west. MONEY TO LOAN. or write and I will get It for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or Inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the loan. E. Muhlberg 225 Congress, west; Georgia 'phone _ MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY IM proved property in any amount; rente collected; real estate bought and sold by I. D. LaKoche. 21 Bay street, east. FOB KENT—HonMV NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room with private family, suitable for couple of gentlemen, 406 York, west. TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED rooms with closets suitable for light housekeeping for root. sot Congress I (treat, east. FOR RENT—ROOMS. a couple without children, in a lovely southern room. 109 Liberty, west. "EXCELLENT ROOM FOR STOIT Ing furniture, accessible; best insur ance rate and low' rent, or will store firnall lots of furniture. Address Box 503, citv. DESIRABLE, NICELY FUR NISID ed rooms for gentlemen; hot and cold bath; new fixtures In bath room. No. 31^ Jones street, east. TO adults] DELIGHTFUL south rooms, well furnished; rented singly or as flat; board in same block it desired. 108 Gaston, east. TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms to rent, with all conveniences to gentlemen only. No. 321 Whitaker street, corner Harris. FOR - RENT, ONE LARGE, NICE- Iy furnished south room; also one hall south room; hot and cold baths; gas and telephone. 112 West Oglethorpe. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen; home comforts; also front basement suitable for doctor’s or lawyer’s office. 21 York, east, op posite Court House. FOR RENT, ONE LARGE "FRONT room on first floor, with small room on same floor; water and use of bath 124 President, east, comer Houston street. “BEAUTIFUL LARGE FRONT room, neatly furnished, all conveni ences; southern and eastern exposure (gentlemen only); also large front room, parlor floor, unfurnished, corner Perry and Abercorn. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, southeastern exposure, ’bath on same floor; Instantaneous heater. 224 East Liberty. Ring twice. TWO OR THREE CONNECTING rooms, unfurnished or partly furnish ed, with 6-B. gas ranges; furnished rooms to gentlemen or couples. 464 State, west. FOR RENT, THREE ROOMS, UN furnlshed, with use of bath on same floor. 'llO Taylor street, east. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentlemen with private family; con venient to bath, with hot water; use of gas and telephone. 140 Montgomery street. FOR"" RENT, THREE -- SOUTH rooms, unfurnished with use of bath; adults only. Apply 811 Lincoln street. FOR RENT, TWO CONNECTING rooms, singly or together; southern exposure; bath on same floor, with In stantaneous heater; also gas; reference required. 314 East Broughton. FOR RENT—FLATS. SMALL THREE-ROOM FLAT, 129 Farm street; $5 per month. C. Men del, 16 Bryan street, east; bell ‘phone 180, ON BULL STREET, CORNER Maupas avenue, beautiful six-room flat, at the very low figure of $15.00 per month. C. Mendel, 16 Bryan street, east; Bell ’phone 180. " MODERN FLAT] FIVE ROOMS and bath, 314 West Liberty street. Apply M. D. Hlrsch. “DESIRABLE FLAT, THREE rooms and bath; $9. Apply 1606 Aber corn street. FLAT FOR RENT. 404 STATE street, east. A FLAT OFLARGE ROOMS, WITH wide piazzas, instantaneous heater, with or without furniture. Apply 120 East Bolton street. FOR RENT, 211 WEST BOLTON; choice parlor flat. Apply on premises. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! 307 Hall, east, 811.25; 619 Broughton, east, 812; 116 Liberty, west; 220 Liberty, west; 303 Price street, 303 Park ave nue, west, Bis each. Youmans & Demmond. SOUTHWEST CORNER ABER corn and Charlton street lane; four rooms and bath; 816.00. G. A. Mercer, Jr. PARLOR FLAT AND FURNISHED rooms to rent, at 114 Liberty, east. MODERN FLAT; ALL CONVBNI ences; location desirable and central. Apply 27 East Jones. FLAT OR FOUR ROOMS AND bath to family without children. 235 Gordon st reet, east. PARLOR FLAT, NICELY PAPER ed; porcelain bath; hot and cold water. 220 Bolton, .west; 812.00. FLAT FOR RENT; 'THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnished, suit able light housekeeping, to right parties without children. Call any time of day at 321 Tattnall street. FLATS,THREE AND FOUR ROOMS, suitable for small families: Macon street, east, between Habersham and Price, 88 and 810. N, P. Corlsh. ~ FLAT FOUR ROOMS AND BATH 418 and 420 Charlton street, east, cheap. N. P. Corlsh, 10 State street, west. NO. 415 GASTON STREETTeAST four rooms and bath; upper floor; 815.00 a month. Lattlmore A Bond. SECOND FLOOR. 307 JONES, EAST; four rooms and bath; this is a nice lo cation and the rent Is only 815.00. Lat tlmore & Bond. UPPER FLAT 412 FORTIETH! west; three rooms and bath; 83.60 per month. W. J. Miscally, Jr. FOUR-ROOM PARLOR FLAT, private bath; a large room, second floor, furnished or unfurnished; privi lege of bath. 235 Jefferson, corner Perry. FOR rent! FLAT ON FIRST floor; also nicely furnished south room. 121 Last i iglelhorpe avenue. FOR RENT. ' FLAT OR ROOMS with all conveniences. Apply 110 Hull street, west, between Whitaker and Barnard. “FOR RENT, FLAT OF FOUR rooms with use of hath, $lO per month. 617 West Thirty-eighth ai reet. MODERN FLAT FIVE ROOMS and bath, Thirty-sixth street, east of Habersham. Rowland A Rowland. MODERN FLAT! ALL convßN leiuua; location desirable and central. Apply 27 East Jones. NICE FLAT FOUR ROOMS, LARGE cedar closet; private toilet, gas and water, stationary basin, newly over- ' hauled; adults; referents required, (Dale residence), Jones and Haber sham, Georgia 1486, FOR KENT. THREE HOOM FLAT, nrtth balk. Apply MB Martin, Mat.