The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 09, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 NEWS OF A DAY IN GEORGIA’S CAPITAL ATLANTA NOT SATISFIED BIT WILL TRY TO GET ALONG WITH RATE REDUCTIONS. Reduction* Allowed by the Rail roads Anionnt to About fit a Car from Both Ohio River Points and the Large Eastern Cities— Will Other Cities Now Be Entitled to a Proportionate Reduction in Their Hates t Atlanta, Dec. B.—Atlanta's commit tee of seven appointed to confer with the railroads with a view to securing lower freight rates, completed its work to-day and will make its report to the City Council to-morrow. The railroad officials offered Atlanta reductions both from the East and West on all the classes and on many commodities, but the concessions fell far short of what the committee hoped for and expected to get. That the committee is rather disap pointed is evident from its report, which makes no recommendation as to adopting or rejecting the proposition of the railroads, but merely states its be lief that these reductions will prove helpful to the general business interests of the city and that the railroads are considering other reductions, which may be made. These reductions run all the way from X cent to 16 cents per 100 pounds, the average being about 5 cents per 100. This means an average reduction of about $5 per car of 40,000 pounds. The reductions apply from Ohio river points on the one hand and from New York, Baltimore and other Eastern cities on the other. The reduction on first-class freight is the greatest, be ing about 9 cents per 100 pounds all the way through. A question which is not discussed in the report is whether or not these re ductions would necessitate reductions to other cities in this territory. If that should be done the alleged discrimina tion would not be gretitly relieved. The conference did not deal at all with rates within the state. That sub ject will be handled through the State Itailroad Commission. Soldier a Suicide. William Nimmo, private in Company K, Sixteenth Infantry, stationed at Fort McPherson, committed suicide last night by shooting himself through the brain with a Krag-Jorgensen rifle. He sat in a chair, put the muzzle of the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger with his toe. Nimmo was from Patterson, N. J. He was 47 years old and had served in the army twenty-five years. He left no note stating the cause of his suicide. Jordan Wants Mass Meetings. Hon. Harvie Jordan of Monticello, president of the Southern Cotton Growers' Protective Association, to day issued a letter to the farmers, mer chants and bankers east of the Mis sissippi calling on them to hold mass meeting in every county on Dec. 17, for the purpose of taking steps to hold all the cotton which has not been mar keted. until prices have been raised at least 3 cents per pound. Uave Up His Missionary Plan. Barry A. Etheridge, who left Atlanta July 25 to go to China as a mission ary, abandoned his plan on account of the severe illness of his wife at Los Angeles, and has returned to Atlanta and resumed practice of his profes sion. Mother and Daughter in a Row. Mrs. Julia A. Young of Boston, who went to jail last night rather than give 12 bond to keep the peace towards her daughter. Miss Fannie May Young of this city, to-day instituted habeas cor pus proceedings to secure her release. The ease will probably be heard to morrow. Mrs, Young is trying to force her daughter to retract certain state ments, the young lady refusing her demands. Hence the peace proceed ings. The mother is said to be quite a wealthy woman. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. ELLIS. —The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis and fam ily are invited to attend the funeral of the latter from residence 113 An derson street, west, at 11 o'clock, this Friday morning. Interment Laurel Grove Cemetery. MEETINGS. WOODMEN OK THE WORLD. Regular meeting to-night. Election of officers. Choppers must be in hall promptly at 8:16 o’clock. By order E. T. BURDELL. C. C. R. J. STEWART, Clerk. SPECIAL NOTICES. JAMES HUNTER’S EXCHANGE. Room 1. Sorrel Building, Dec. 8, 1904. Birth. Chatham Bank Stock 8514, Ogle thorp? Savings Cos 132, National Bank of Savannah 173, Savannah Trust Cos. 108, Merchants' National Bank 11014, Southwestern Railroad stock and Au gusta and Savannah 11714, Macon 8 per cent 1910, 109; Georgia State 4*4 1915, 11414. Suggestions. I think very highly of Macon Rail way and Light Cos. for much higher prices. Buy first mortgage bonds 5 per cent, due 1933, gold, coupons January and July at 9514, preferred stock 6 per cent payable April and October at 85, and common—dividend when earned, at 26. The bonds should go to 100, preferred to 93 and com mon to 30. Buy Steel common, pre ferred and the second 5 per cent. Southern Railway common. L. 41 N. The Seaboards, but through a com petent broker who can advise limits to pay, and when to sell. Sell Central of Georgia Seconds and Thirds, especially fractional scrips. Cotton Bought on a scales. If you won't be too greedy, should show fair reaulta, JAMES HUNTER, Broker. DIVIDEND NOTICE NO. 38. Office of Chatham Ben) Estate and Improvement Cos., Dec. *. 1104- Tha Hoerd of Directors have this day de clared • semi-annual dividend of I per cent, on the capital stock, payable on and after |h* 31st day of Decem ber 1944. The transfer book* will be closed from |>e< it t 2i net *’• W. HARDEN. Use'll and Tresa, Asa source of pleasure, both to yourself and for others, we suggest CORTEZ CIGARS MILL-HAVEN COMPANY. LUMBER In order to reduce our stock we offer for immediate sale the following material at very low prices f. o. b, cars our mill: 2 car No. 2 Com. Bevel Weatherboarding.. • $5.00 2 car No. 2 Com. Square Edge Weatherboarding $6.00 1 car Sheathing SB.OO 5 cars Framing Stock SIO.OO Weatherboards and Sheathing dressed, framing surfaced four sides. Cam brill's Patapsco Flour Has a reputation for goodness. Most Savannah dealers will supply you. Just ask for it, Insist on having it, and then enjoy its superiority. Trade supplied by HENRY SOLOMON 6 SON. SPECIAL NOTICES. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT, by paying your bills on or be fore the 15th lnat B. H. LEVY. BRO. A CO. Go once and you’ll go often! Sommers’ Cafe, Union Station, has a magnetic influence over those who know of its goodness. lilies of the valley. American Beauty Roses, Double Violets. Something extra handsome are these products of our greenhouse. JOHN WOLF, Phones 634. Ott and Anderson Sts. INSURANCE. Fire. Tornado,, Marine, Accident, Sickness and Life Insurance. Your interest carefully protected in any of the above. W. T. HOPKINS, Agent. 18 Bryan street, east. Phones 219. Chas. Inglesby, Manager. FOK SALE COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS. Sack, Ton, Carload. SEABOARD COTTON OIL CO., JUST RECEIVED, Large stock of the celebrated Shelby County (Alabama) Lime. 200-lb. barrels, good cooperage. Cheap as any. Good as the best. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO. Georgia 'Phone. 347; Bell 'Phone, 425. ROOFING PAPER. Large shipment Just received— 2, 3 and 4-ply. See us about It. ANDREW HANLEY CO. Phones 109. INSURANCE. FIRE, STORM, MARINE. W. M. CONEY & CO., Both Phones 7. No. 121 Bay St. E. FURS NEVER GET OLD. Old furs may be converted into new. I refit, recut and make over furs so that as scarfs, etc., they are late style. Phone 84 4. B. SIMON, 15 Broughton. East. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the Australian steamship Hermine will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew STRACHAN A CO., Consignees. DR. GEORGE M. NORTON ha* returned to the city and resumed precti<-r. Ki lt 111. NOTH I 411 bills MfMluet the North German Lloyd steam#r Mains must be pre sented st our office on >r before 12 no on this dey, or payment thereof will be debarred WILLI A MUON A It A IF. Its Agents I MeVxmiHh. Os , Dei. 9, 1944. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES. FISH. OYSTERS. FISH. OYSTERS. FISH. OYSTERS. FISH. OYSTERS. M. S. GARDNER, 411 Whitaker Street. WANTED, 20,000 POUNDS PRICKLY ASH BARK. Must be free of wood. LIPPMAN DRUG CO. THE HUNGRY MAN Gets a meal for 25 cents at VERtKI’S CAFE. 42-44 BARNARD STREET. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. Oysters and the best of oysters' served in every style and delivered to any part of the city. SCHWARZ CAFE. P. S.—Remember that you may or der here anything that the market affords. Regular breakfasts and sup pers 35c. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 19 York, West. Cleaning, Dyeing. Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1145. Ga. Phone 1264. MOST BEAUTIFUL CUT ROSES, a perfect delight, such as American Beauties La France Brides. Brides maid. Ivory, Perles des Jardine and Sunrise, Carnations and Lilies of the Valley, Extra Fine Flowering Begonia Loraine, Just the thing for presenta tion. A. C. OELSCHIG & SON, Florist*. Both phones 496. J. Gardner. Agent, 18 Broughton street, east. POLI.YCHKOME RIBBON. Have you seen it? Writes in two color*. The latest models of the Remington Typewriter are the only machines equipped with this new de parture in typewriting. R. M. HULL, Sole Dealer, COTTON IS ALL KU.Hr. I dye cotton Just as good as wool Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents' Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blarks a spe cialty at GROGAN'S NEW YORK DYE WORKS. Whitaker and State streets. Both phones 943. Estab lished 1891. TO CAPTAINS, MASTERS, MATES AND SAILORS. The latest New York. Boston, Phila delphia and other daily newspapers; weekfy Journals and monthly maga zines; books and cheap literature; letter and note paper, pens and Ink. KSTILL'S NEWS DEPOT, 19 Bull street, corner of Bryan street (near the U. S. Custom Houae), SPECIAL Notice. Neither the owners, master nor the agents of the British steamship Hl,Jin will be responsible for any debt* eon. traded by the crew of said steam ship. 14, VOOKMANK, Agent. BUSINESS NOTICES. New York Cash Grocery Company, 12f* CONGRESS STREET. WEST. Tlie Place to Huy Your Fresh and Dried Fruits. See these prices and you will be convinced vou are losing money by not coming to us. For your Fruit Cake see these prices on dried fruit. Good Raisins 5c per pound. Best Cleaned Currants 8c per pound. Best Seeded Raisins 8c per pound. Citron. Lemon and Orange Peel 18c pound. Extra fancy Dates in full pound pack ages. Extra fancy Figs, 1-pound packages 12 cents. Lot fine Sweet Oranges 10c dozen. Lot fine Indian River Oranges 15c doz. Fancy Tangerine Oranges 15c dozen. Fancy Pineapples 10c each. Fancy Grape Fruit 25c to SI.OO per dozen. *4 boxes fancy Bunch Raisins 60c. 1%-lb. boxes Table Raisins 15c. 2%-lb. boxes Table Raisins 30c. New Dates 10c pound. 3 lbs. for 25c. Stuffed Dates in large boxes 25c. Fine Figs 15c and 20c per pound. Fine Loose Mince Meat 10c pound, 3 for 26c. Pure Apple Jelly in large tumblers 10c , each. A full assortment of the Boss cele brated Crackers retailed at whole sale prices. Cranberries 10c quart. Lowney's Celebrated Sweet Chocolate 5c cake. Lowney’s Premium Chocolate 10c and 15c a cake. Rich’3 Celebrated Crystalized Ginger, large boxes, 25c. Fancy Basket Washed Figs 18c. Maple Syrup in glass, 10c and 25c. Maple Syrup, Log Cabin brand, in pints, quarts and half gallon cans. Sweet and Sour Pickles in half-gallon jars 25c. Chalmer's, Kenox Cox, Cooper and Whitmore’s Gelatine. Mothers’ Oats 10c pkg. sl.lO dozen. Olives from 5c per bottle up. Fancy Olives stuffed with sweet pep- Marasachino Cherries in full quart Marsachino Cherries in full quart bottles 60c each. Antonin! Oil in full quart bottles 65c; pint bottles 40c. Kippered Herring 15c can. White and Yellow Yam Sweet Pota toes and Irish Potatoes cheap. Indian River Oranges 20c dozen. Grape Fruit from 25c dozen up. Fresh Cocoanuts. New ground Pearl Meal and Grits 20c peck. Our Mocha and Java Coffee at 25c per pound is extra fine. 3-lb. Standard Tomatoes 80c dozen. 2- Standard Tomatoes 56c dozen. 3- Peaches in loaf sugar syrup 15c can. Fancy Edam Cheese 85c each. A lot of the .Celebrated Calumet Hams 1214 c per pound. This is one of the best hams on the market. Also a lot of Calumet Strips 1214 c per pound. This meat has no superior. A full assortment of Guava Jelly In 10c, 20c, 25c. 45c and 65c packages. VEGETABLES. Fancy Head Lettuce, Cabbage, Radishes, Beets. Turnips. Fine Danish Cabbage 6c each. Lot of fresh Egg Plants, fine and large, 5 cents. Christmas Candles, assorted colors, 5c per dozen. Come and see them. Fancy New York State Baldwin Apples 35c per peck. A lot of fancy 5-crown Figs In 1- pound cartons, 12c. pi L.HAS ry| Read the List! Our line of Christmas Things is too large to permit of more than suggestions on the installment plan. Magnifying Shaving Mirrors. Snake wood Fan-Tan Blocks. Fine Soaps und Perfumes. Military Hnlr Brushes. Traveling Manicure Sets. Dressing Sets. Children’s Sets. . Elegant designs In Box Paper. Sachet Powders, all odors. Hair Brushes anti Combs. lIVISMRiG! 26 West Broughton Street. Fashion Makes demands on the sta tionery manufacturer just as much as It does on the mil liner. Whiting's Products meet the demands fully, and every style of pa per fashion calls for Is found In Whiting’s line. You'll need nice stationery for acknowledging Christmas presents. SOLOMONS Bull Congress ail, l I A J. and Clisrltou. Barnard. YOU TAKE NO CHANCES " HEN YOU BUY A PETE DAILEY CIGAR THEY ARE , ALWAYS GOOD. SPECIAL NOTICE*. HIDE BANANAS. INDIAN IIIVI.H OH A NORR. Just arrived, Fancy Fruit. Prices low. Fireworks cheap. C'MJ.INH GRAYSON A CO. Both l b unes 344. fy t • a PLACE YOUR I h t*l CTtTI Q c ORDERS NOW UliriMllldb SHIPMENTS^ ORANGES TANGERINES g MANDARINS| Vjl dilUtO# GRAPE FRUIT W O Apples, Cocoanuts, Lemons, Cranberries, Candies* • Potatoes, Onions, Turnips, Etc. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEED OATS AND RYE. W. D. Simkins&Co. Good Resolutions When made in good faith are commendatory. Strength to carry out the resolution is essential. If you resolvento save a part of your earnings you will find a savings account a source of strength. A life of steady plodding and constant saving NOW will insure a future life of ease and comfort. The Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Cos. 8-10 BRYAN STREET, EAST, SAVANNAH GA. HERMAN MYERS, President. JNO. M. BRYAN, Cashier. JACOB PAULSEN. Vice Pres. ALLAN SWEAT, Accountant. Now that winter is again with us don’t forget the delights of a CASINO SHORE LUNCHEON. Servi-ce perfect, cooking faultless and an elegance that simply spells perfection. BUSINESS NOTICES. Seasonable Helps For the Holiday Entertainment . Strictly high class goods. Quality perfect. Very fresh, and reasonably priced. Glace Red Cherries. Glace White Pineapples. Glace Melange. Glace Orange Peel. Glace Lemon Peel. Shelled Pecans. Shelled Walnuts. Shelled Brazils. ' ’ Shelled Filberts. Bar le Due Preserves. Stuffed Figs, Prunes and Dates. New Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds, Filberts and Brazils. Finest Paper shell Louisiana Pe cans, largest ever seen in Savan nah. Full Pound Packages. New- Raisins and Currants, 10 cents, 3 for 25 cents. New Citron. All Kinds of Fruit Cake Spices in bulk, 2 oz. and 4 oz. packages. Black Molasses. Deniarara, Sugar, etc. Maraschino Cherries, Pineapple, Figs, etc. Huntley & Palmer’s Imported Cakes —Algeria, Opera Wafers, Philippine, Reading Shortbread. Crackers, etc., in bulk. Everything good to eat and drink. McGrath & Ransford Established 1866. Grocers and Wine Dealers. 37 and 39 Whitaker Street. Phones 177. LOVERS of the beautiful can have their sense of the artistic fully gratified by looking over ourstock. We have added this week a most elegant lot of Lamps, Electroliers, Art Pottery, and Fancy Brass Goods. An in spection will repay for the time spent. Th.ii. , Cos. Santa Has a Snap! Fifteen dollars buys a cracker jack boys’ wheel here. G. W. THOMAS, Jefferson and Broughton Lane. We will launder most beautiful ly 7 large Ta ble Cloths for 35 cents. 307 Bull St. Phone 700. 4 % PAID ON DEPOSITS —ln the— Savings Department COMMERCIAL BANK of Savannah. State Depository. BUSINESS NOTICES. Delicious Hams . Our Virginia Brand Hams were never better—they age delicate, juicy, sw'eet, tender, and may be had in sizes from 6 to 14-pound, fat or lean. A receipe for boiling with every ham. Virginia Country Cured Ham sliced in cans. Sliced Boiled Hams. In glass jars. Sparklets—Ask the Delmon ico. The Progressive Grocers. pELMONICo c Qmpan^ Bull and York. Phones 555. Whea the Little Girl Needs shoes, let us show our line that we call “Vent.” This shoe Is made from good materials, both sole and up per stock, is a good fitter and correct in style. Sizes 8% to 11 $1.25 Sizes 12 to 2 $1.50 We feel In offering you this shoe, that we will make a well satisfied customer, and that it will be the means of bringing you back to our store when in need of more footwear. C. F. CLER 16 East Broughton. Christmas Candies , Fruit Cakes, Pound Cakes. Place yunr order for Charlotte Rnsse, Ice Cream, etc., for <'lirli mn. dinner with as. The Larg est assortment of Fancy Goods, Baskets, etc., ever shown in Bu vauuuh. BELSINGER & GROSS, Phones 265. For an Xmas Gift That Pleases THE DAYTON BICYCLE at $25.00 IS THE THING. WALTER F. HIGGINS, President-Drayton. SAVANNAH TRUST CO. Comparative Statement of Deposits. Dec. 7,1902. Dec. 7, 1903. Dec. 7,1904. $196,132.50 $317,963.07 $631,966.94 WM. W. MIC 14ALL GEO. J BALDWIN, WH. V. DAVE 1 , 1 rcsldsut. View President. Hoc’/ atwi Troan. If You Had One of our Rain Coats you wouldn’t care if it did rain. If i t don’t rain its a dressy cold wea ther coat. We have both makes, Kirschbaum or Kuppenhetmer makes. A beaut for $18.00; good ones as low as $9.00. If y OU start out Monday with $15.00 in your pocket for a suit remember our $11.50 suits are $15.00 suits at other stores. Walking Gloves, $1.15, and $1.50. Swellest kind of Neckwear at 45c. FALK’S “AROXJND THE CORNER.” DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. ATTENTION IB REQUESTED To ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO DE POSITORS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SAVINGS OF THIS BANK. INTEREST PAID OR COMPOUND ED QUARTERLY 'AT THE OPTION OF DEPOSITOR. IOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A CRANE, Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. No. 1840. Chartered 1866. Ilia MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF SAVANNAH, GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital $500,00* Surplus and undivided profits. 127,000 Total ...................... .$627,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Cor porations, Firms and Individuals re ceived upon favorable terms. Issues Time Certificates of Deposit bearing interest Correspondence solicited J. A. G. CARSON. President BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. MILLS B. LANE, President. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. Iledeislioisiii Capital and Surplus SBOO,OOO We Solicit the Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals. Our patrons will receive cour teous treatment at all times, and every accommodation within the range of prudent banking. The Germania Bank, SAVANNAH. GA. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UN DIVIDED PROFITS. $500,J00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposit* of one dollar and op wards received In Savings De portment. Interest payable or compounded quarterly. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice Praa. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Assistant Cashier. IDLE MONEY deposited in the Savings Department —OF THE— Chatham Bank Is free front speculative dangers, yields an Income as large as Is con sistent tvlth conservative methods of banking, and Is at all times subject to the control of the depositor. LEOPOLD ADLER, President. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, JR., Vice Pres. FRED. W. CI.ARK E. Cashier. COURTNEY THORPE. Asst. Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. tulacit CORNWELL & CHIPMAN. 108 Congress, West