The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 10, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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RECOVERYIN stocks came ABOUT IX XEW YORK AFTER NOOX HOI R. OPENING WAS AT LOSSES. KtT GAIXS eater reached level OF XIGHT BEFORE. Gain* Not Folly Held aud Closing Rather Easy—Market Marked Bj Hesitation and Dullness When Recovery Had Reached Prices of Former Closing;—Leas Discrimina tion Against Securities as Col lateral That During Day Before. Hew York, Dec. 9.—Succeeding the commotion in the stock market yes terday. the course of prices to-day fol lowed according to a rule with a series of lessening fluctuations. Opening losses ran from 1 to 2*4 points in an extended list of important properties. The recovery promptly set in as soon as it was announced that all sheets had gone through the Stock Exchange clearing house successfully. There was hesitation and dullness when the recovery had reached about last night's closing level again. But the light pressure to sell at the re covered level of prices encouraged speculative sentiment, and induced so much confidence that prices were push ed upward again aggressively, with some evidence of a resumption of opera tions by speculative pools, in spite of yesterday’s severe lesson. The severe discrimination against some securities as collateral, which was a factor in breaking the market yes terday, was somewhat relaxed. The announcement of the engagement of 5500,000 gold in Paris for importation had some effect on sentiment. Mi ney Market Easier. The ease of the call money market was accepted as a better index of the extent of the liquidation effected yes terday than will be given by to-mor row's bank statement, which will prob ably reflect the loss of dash due to gold exports and transfers to the in terior through the sub-treasury and only slight loan contraction owing to the operation of the average system of computation. The Missouri Pacific bond sale and the establishment of dividend on Southern Pacific preferred were helps toward reviving speculative spirits. Before the end of the day the de clines h'ad been transformed into gains of Ito 2*4 for the principal active stocks. The gains were not fully held and the closing was rather easy. Bonds turned firm after some de clines. Total sales, par Value, $5,995,000. t'nited States bonds were unchanged on call. Sales of Stock*. Total sales stock to-day, 1,052,600 shares, including; Atchison, 16,100; Bal timore and Ohio, 95,400; Canadian Pa cific. 5,500; Chesapeake and Ohio, 8,500; Chicago Great Western, 13,300; St. Paul, 29,50d: Erie, 34,900; Erie Ist pre ferred, 7.200; Illinois Central, 9,200; Metropolitan Street, 7,000; Missouri Pacific, 63,900; Norfolk and Western, 21,400; Louisville and Nashville, 5,900; Ontario and Western, 6,100; Penn sylvania, 61,300; Reading, 53,500; Rock Island, 23,000; Southern Pacific. 45,300; Southern Railway, 14,400; Southern Railway preferred. 1.400; Unipn Pacific, 86,600; Union Pacific preferred. 11,400; Mexican Central, 6,200; Southern Pacific preferred, 14,000; Copper, 73,900; Smell ing, 10,500; Sugar, 22,600; Brooklyn Transit, 19,400; Colorado Fuel, 23,300; International Papdh 23,600; People's Gas, IS.000; Tennessee Coal, 10,800; United States Leather, 23,900; United NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND LIST Railroad Stocks. Atchison 86*4 Atchison preferred 102% Baltimore and Ohio 100% Baltimore and Ohio preferred .... 95 Canadian Pacific 131% Central of New Jersey 190 Chesapeake and Ohio 47% Chicago and Alton ... 40% Chicago and Alton preferred .... 80 Chicago and Great Western 22% Chicago and Northwestern 206% Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 171% do do preferred 182 Chicago Terminal and Trans 13 do do preferred 23 C.. C., C. and St. Louis 89% Colorado Southern 21% Colorado Southern Ist preferred . 57% Colorado Southern 2nd preferred . 32% Delaware and Hudson 186% Delaware; Lackawanna and West.32s Denver and Rio Grande 31% Denver and Rio Grande preferred. 86 Brie 37% Erie Ist preferred 75% Erie 2nd preferred 56% Hocking Valley ■ 89 Hocking Valley preferred 92 Illinois Central 154% lowa Central 29% lowa Central preferred 54 Kansas City Southern 27% Kansas City Southern preferred.. 61% Louisville and Nashville ....' 142% Manhattan L. 164% Metropolitan Securities 79% Metropolitan Street Railway 121% Minneapolis and St. Louis 62 Minn.. St. P. and Sault Ste. M.. 89 do do preferred ... t 147 Missouri Pacific 108% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 32% do do preferred 62% Katl. r. r, 0 f Mex. preferred.... 41 New York Central. 138% Norfolk and Western 77% Norfolk and Western preferred .. 90 fi ntario and Western 44 Pennsylvania , 136% Pittsburg. C. C. and St. Louis .. 78% Reading 77% Reading Ist preferred 90 Reading 2nd preferred 81 Rook Island Company 34% Rock Island Company preferred . 84% ot. Louts and San Fran. 2nd. pref. 66% ■ t. Louis Southwestern 26% ot. Louis Southwestern preferred. 67 Southern Pacific 63% Southern Railway 35% Southern Railway preferred 96% Texas and Pacific 35% Toledo, st. Louis and Western.. 36% do do preferred 55 cnlon Pacific 111% Cnion Pacific preferred 95 abash 22% Wabash preferred 44% Wheeling and i>ake Erie 19 Wisconsin Central 22% M Isconsln Central preferred 46 Mexican Central 21% Southern Pacific preferred 118 R*pre* ConipiinlM. A<\i\mn KxprenH 240 American .. 210 J T nlted Htates 11* Wcllg Fargo ~..240 MUfrltnnroiik. AiiMigutn* i*c* Clipper 6*% Aiti-ilcan far and Foundry ...... 32% do do preferred 92% American Cotton Olt M% American Cotton fHI preferted ... *3 American ~ American |r preferred 37% American Oil 16% American Linseed oil preferred II Amartrnn Icscmotiv* M American L*,ciinotiv preferred .1413% American Mrneltlng and Refining . ee% States Leather preferred. 17,000; United States Steel, 164,500; United Sfates Steel preferred, 127,400. MONEY MARKET. New York, Dec. 9.—Money on call, steady, 2@4 per cent.; closing bid and offered, 214 per cent. Time loans steady: 60 days, 90 days and six months, 4 per cent. Prime mercan tile paper, 4@4% per cent.; sterling ex change firmer, with actual business in bankers bills at $4.56.15@4.86.25 for de mand, and at $4.83.50@4.83.60 for 60 day bills. Posted rates, $4.8414 and $4.87(&4.87%. Commercial bills, $4.83%. Bar silver, 60c. Mexican dol lars, 48%c. BANK CLEARINGS. New York. Dec. 9. —The following ta ble compiled by Bradstreet shows the bank clearings at a number of the principal cities for the week ended Dec. 8, 1904, with the percentage of increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year, sixty four other cities being included in the totals: New York $2,289,428,122 inc. 73.8 Chicago 209,783,368 iuc. 16.8 Boston 160,634.697 inc. 24.7 Philadelphia . . 180,628,165 inc. 79.1 St. Louis 71,068,725 inc. 31.7 Pittsburg 49,973.402 inc. 40.2 San Francisco .. 33,709,784 inc. 16.3 Baltimore 35,112,716 inc. 60.7 Cincinnati .. .. 27,239.250 inc. 16.5 Kansas City .... 25,056,987 inc. 15.6 New Orleans .. 29,610,992 inc. 3.2 Louisville .. .. 12,433.453 inc. 4.6 Memphis 7,481,641 dec. 2.5 Richmond 5,926,575 inc. 31.5 Washington .. . 5,864,052 inc. 29.3 Savannah 5,710,299 inc. 13.0 Fort Worth .... 4,949,975 inc. 2.9 Atlanta 4,662.598 inc. 17.6 Nashville 3,312,718 inc. 17.4 Norfolk .. .... 2,386,348 inc. 9.6 Augusta 1,901.795 dec. 18.0 Birmingham .. . 1,842,584 inc. 45.2 Knoxville 1,192,317 Inc. 1.8 Little Rock .... 1,438,392 dec. 1.4 Macon 609,748 dec. 45.3 Chattanooga .. . 1,600,879 Inc. 76.4 Jacksonville .. . 1,031,046 dec. 31.5 Houston 12,208,932 dec. 41.3 Galveston 12,396,000 inc. 12.1 Charleston .. .. 1,301,784 inc. 2.1 Totals, U. S. .$3,380,988,794 inc. 55.6 Outside N. Y. 1,091,560,672 inc. 27.7 Totals Canada 77,054,928 inc. 33.5 DEMERE & HAMMOND’S Dally Stock Letter from New York. New York, Dec. 9.—Effort to repro duce the demoralization which tem porarily prevailed in the morning yes iteSday, failed dismally in to-day's stock market. The principal attack was made at the start against cop per, which sold off 2% points. From that point, however, there was a ral ly of about 6 per cent. While copper was being sold in the early dealings, several prominent railroad and indus trial issues broke from 1 to 2 per cent. It was not long, however, before it became apparent that stocks were not pressing for sale. The profits shown on London’s purchases yester day tempted a moderate selling for foreign accounts to-day. Elsewhere, however, the purchases were consider ed to come from strong interests. There were no adverse news develop ment, but on the contrary, several en couraging facts, among which was the declaration of an initial dividend upon the new Southern Pacific stock, and the official announcement of the sale of Missouri Pacific bonds to bankers identified with the Pennsylvania Rail road System's interests and the as surance that all the bonds would be taken abroad. The decline in money rates below yesterday's figures and the engagement of small amount of gold tor import^.were also favorable factors. The railroad earnings and other ad vices continued favorable and there was also less anxiety with regard to any extreme attitude on the part of President Roosevelt, towards corpora tions. The market closed strong and active at about the best prices of the day. Total sales 1,638,200. do do preferred 11l American Sugar Refining 142% Anaconda Mining Company 102 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 62% Colorado Fuel and Iron 47% Consolidated Gas 209% Corn Products 21% Corn Products preferred 79% Distillers’ Securities 38 General Electric 186% International Paper 22% International Paper preferred .... 78% International Pump 39 International Pump preferred .... 85 National Lead 23% North American 101 Pacific Mail 44% People's Gas 107% Pressed Steel Car 38% Pressed Steel Car preferred 89% Pullman Palace Car *.235 Republic Steel 16% Republic Steel preferred 68% Rubber Goods 27% Rubber Goods preferred 95 Tennessee Coal and Iron 71 United States Leather 19% United States Leather preferred . 103% United States Realty -79% United States Rubber 31% United States Rubber preferred . 92% United States Steel 29% United States Steel preferred 91 Westinghouse Electric 179% Western Union 92% Bond*. U. S. refunding 2s, registered 104% do do coupon 104% do do 3s, registered 104% do do 3s, coupon 104% do new 4s, registered 130% do do new 4s. coupon 131 do old ss, registered 105% do do coupon 106% Atchison general 4s 102% do adjustment 4s 94% Atlantic Coast Line 4s 99% Baltimore and Ohio 4s 103% do do 3%s 96% Central of Georgia 5s 11l do do Ist Incomes 91 C. of Ga. 2nd Inc. c. bid 71 Chesapeake and Ohio 4%g 107 Chicago and Alton 3%s 82% C., B. and Q. new 4s 100 C., M. and St. P. gen. 4s 110% Chicago and Nw. consol 7s 128% C., R. I. and P. R. R. 4s 80% FINANCIAL. WARE &L ELANDS BROKERS. MEMBERS New York Cotton Exclianga Chicago Board of Trade New Orleans Cotton Exchange New York Cos IT re Exchange St. Louis Merchants* Exchange •Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Local Office 42 Bay Street, East. Private wires to principal elUea. K. R. OWEN. Manager. Reference—Mercantile Agencies. JOHN W. DICKEY, Mock and Bond Brokir, AVGVBTA, (sA. VA rile for i-tat. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS; SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1901. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. WM. P. McCACLEY.VIce President. SAMUEL L. CLAY, Cashier. Savannah Bank and Trust Go. SAVANNAH. GA. Solicits accounts of Indi viduals, Firms, Banks, Bank ers and Corporations. Buys and sells Foreign Ex change. Savings Department Interest paid or compound ed quarterly. Correspondence invited. BOILER TUBES J. D. WEED & CO. do do col. 5s 94% C., C., C. and St. L. gen. 4s 101% Chicago Terminal 4s 94% Consolidated Tobacco 4s 82 Colorado and Southern 4s 89% Denver and Rio Grande 4s 101% Erie prior lien 4s 101*4 do general 4s 92 F. YV. and D. C. lsts (ofd.) 108% Hocking Valley 4%s 11l Louisville and Nashville unified 45.103 M. & O. c. t. 4s, closing 96% Manhattan consol gold 4s 105 Mexican Central 4s 76% do do Ist incomes 22 Minn, and St. Louis 4s 97 Missouri, Kansas and Texas 45... 100% do do 2nds 85% National R. R. of Mexicon con. 4s 81% N. Y. Central gen. 3%s 100% N. J. Central gen. 5s 135% Northern Pacific 4s 105% do do 3s 75% Norfolk and Western consol 4s 100% Oregon Short-Line 4s and Partic.,lo3% Pennsylvania conv. 3%s 102% Reading general 4s 102% St. L. and I. M. con. 5s 116 St. L. and S. F. fg. 45,............ 89% St. Louis, Southwestern lsts 97% Seaboard Air Line 4s (ofd.) 85 Southern Pacific 4s 93% Southern Railway 5s 119% Texas and Pacific lsts ...........119% Toledo, St. Louis and Western 4s. 83% Union Pacific 4s 106 do do conv. 4s 111% United States Steel 2nd 5s 91% Wabash lsts 117% do deb. B 68% Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s 93 Wisconsin Central 4s 92 Virginia-Carolina Chemical 40% do do preferred 113% New York, Dec. 9.—Standard DIE 640. Baltimore, Dec. 9.—Seaboard com mon, 18%@18%; do preferred, 38%$> 38%. Atlantic Coast Line common, 150%@J51%. LOCAL FINANCIAL MARKET. The following are the bank clearings for the week ending, Dec. 9, and for the corresponding week last year: Saturday ~...51,151,030 80 Monday .. * 1,026,672 96 Tuesday .. 837,942 19 Wednesday 855,312 03 Thursday ..' 835,286 65 Friday .. 676,297 76 Total .. ,$5,382,542 39 Last year $5,024,152 68 The following are the Savannah Cotton Exchange quotations: FOREIGN EXCHANGE—SterIing steady; commercial demand, $4.86%; sixty days, $4.83%; ninety days, $4.82%; francs, steady; commercial de mand, 5.17%; sixty days, 5.19%; marks, commercial demand, 95 7-16; sixty days, 94 5-16. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE—Buying at 75c per SI,OOO discount; selling up to S6OO a graded charge of 10c to 45c; over S6OO at rate of 75c per SI,OOO pre mium. B*k Stock*. Bid. Asked. Chatham Bank 84 Citizens Bank 160 ... Commercial Bank 109 ... Chatham R. E. and I. 00.... 54% ... Germania Bank 150 ... Southern Bank 171 ... Merchants National 8ank....110 ... The National Bank of 5av..170 Oglethorpe Sav. and Trust ..127 People’s Saving and Loan ..100 102 Savannah Bank and Trust .138 Savannah Trust 107 'Railroad* and Industrial*. Bid. Asked. Augusta and Savannah 117% ... Atlanta and West Point ....155 156 do 6 per cent, certif. 109 110 Chat, and Gulf stocks 11l 112 Central Ice Georgia Telephone and Tel egraph 85 Georgia Brewery 92% 100 Macon Ry. and L. pref 84 do common 25 Georgia Railroad, c0mm0n..253 255 Planters’ Rice Mill 95 Propeller Towboat 96% 98 Savannah Elec, preferred ... 85 Savannah Elec, common .... 16 18 Savannah Hotel Company... 66 70 Southwestern 117% ... Southern Railway pfd 94% 95% do do common 34% 35% Savannah Brewing, ex-d1v...100 102% Savannah Cotton Exchange. 65 70 Doml*. Chat, and Gulf R. R. 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 103 104 C. of G. coll, trust .....11l 112 C. of Ga. cons 111% 112% C. of Ga. Ist incomes 90 90 do do 2nd incomes 70 72 do do 3rd incomes 60 62 G. S. and F. 5s 115 Georgia State 3%5, 1930 ....108 110 do do 3%5, 1915 104 106 do do 4%5, 1915 114 115 Macon Ry. and L. bonds .... 94 95% Jacksonville Electric 5s .... 95 97 Ocean Steamship ss. 1926 108 Savannah city 6s. 1913 108 110 Savannah city ss, 1909 104% ... Southbound 5s 112 S. A. L. common 19% 20% do do preferred 39% 40% Savannah Electric Cos. 55.... 95 97 Eatonton 11l 112 (‘ll *•-* Before I. S. Commissioner Disml*ae<l. Valdosta, Ga.. Dec, 9.—Four promi nent citizens of Mitchell county were arraigned in the United States Com missloner’s court yesterday on serious charges, but all were discharged. Har ry Beaseley wan charged with holding a man named Tom Fain in peonage, but the charge was not proven. Dennis Beaseley, Tom Oregory and Jim Merritt, three other white men. were charged with conspiracy to white oap Tom Fain, but they were also released. It wu* thought when the arrests were made that the cases would prove of Interest, but the evidence was weak. juSsr Speer lo la-i-iure at Valdasla. Valdosta, (la., Dec. o, Judge Speer will deliver his famous lecture Ihe Life and Time* of Itutnfi B. Lee Tues day nltil for lb* benefit of (be, Daugh ter# of the Confederacy, the priaecds from the tret Hl* to go to a fund for the ervcUwt of e Ueufaltisis iihsiu* , merit hers. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Oct. 6, 1904. Arrival and departure of trains. Central Station, West Broad, foot of Liberty street, except for Tybee. 90th meridian time-—one hour slow er than city time. _ DEPARTURES. For Macon, Augusta, Colum bus, Montgomery. Atlan „ ta * 7 00 am For Augusta. Macon, Al bany, Atlanta, Birming ham and Montgomery...* 9:oopm For Augusta and Dublin • S:oopm For Egypt t 0:00 pm For Guyton t 5:42 am ARRIVALS. Guyton t 7:50 am From /Egypt t s:4oam From Augusta and Dublin.. •10:55 am From Montgomery, Birm ingham. Albany, Atlanta. Macon and Augusta • 7:00 ran From Stillmore and States boro t C:10 pm From Atlanta, Macon and Augusta * 6:10 pm BETWEEN SAVANNA Hand TYBEE Trains arrive and depart at Tybee dent 1 ’ Randolph ‘ireet, foot of Presl- Lv. Savannah t6:10 a. m„ *9:00 a. m„ 2:30 p. m. . Lv. Tybee t7:00 a. m.. *9:56 a. ra.. *4 30 n . m, _ •Daily. Sunday. a.l rlor Cars between Savannah and Atlanta orv rt trains leaving Savannah 7:00 a. m.. arriving 6:10 p. m. Sleeping cars between Savannah and Augusta, SOvannah and Macon, Sa vannah and Atlafita, Savannah and Birmingham on trains leaving Savan nah 9; 00 p. m., and arriving Savan nah 7:00 a. m. For further information apply or write to J. S. HOLMES, C. T. A P. A.. 37 Bull street. Savannah. Ga. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Savannnli Almanac, 7fith Meri dian, City Time. Saturday, Dec. 10. Sun rises at 7:13 a. in. and sets 5:22 p. m. New moon, sets 8:30 p. m. High water at Tybee to-efay at 9:54 a. m. and 10:20 p. m. High water at Savannah one hour later. Low water at 3;42 a. m. and 4:18 p. m. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Arrived. Steamship Frederick, Robinson, Bal timore. —Asst. W. YV. Tall. Steamship Alleghany, Dow, Philadel phia.—Asst. YV. W. Tull. Steamship City of Atlanta. Fisher, New York.—Asst. Ocean Steamship Cohipany. Steamship Miguel De Larrinaga (Br.), Thomson, Manchester; light.—YY’illiani sou & Rauers. Sailed. Schooner Rebecca M. Walls, Phila delphia. Schooner E. Marie Brown, New York. Schooner Earl of Aberdeen, Bridge water. Shipping Memoranda. Baltimore, Dec. 9.—Arrived, Belfast, Charleston; Itfisda, Savannah. Dublin, Dec. B.—Arrived, Lord Iveagh, Savanniih, Via Cardiff. Manchester, Dec. 8. —Sailed, Sairn strath! Savannah. Uremen, Dec.,7.—Sailed, Kelvin Bank, Savannah. Fernandtna, Fla., Dec. 9.—Sailed, steamer Pydna (Br.), Crossley, Nor folk: sehooners MYtrltm E. Wallace, Ray, New York; Jeremiah Smith, Flynn, New York. Port Tampa, Fla., De?. 9, —Arrived, Mascotte, Allen, Havana, via Key West. Sailed, schooner Malcolm B. Seavey, Atkins, Baltimore; brig A)c‘aea, Pouth ern, Havana. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 9.—Cleared, tug Wellington, Nelson, New York; schooners George W. Truitt, Elzey, New York; John A, Penrose, Nelson, Philadelphia. Key YY’est, Fla., Dec. 9.—Arrived, Olivette, Turner, Port Tampa, and sail ed for Havana. Punta Gorda. Fla., Dec. 9.—Sailed, schooner Alice E. Clark, McDonald, Baltimore. Charleston, S, C., De>q. 9. —Arrived, steamer Algonquin, Staples, Jackson ville, and proceeded for New York. Sailed, steamers Frltdjof N*ansen, (Nor.) Gregor, Bremen; Axminster (Br.), Staibler, Sapelo; schooners Adonis (Br.), Brown, Barbados; Fred eric A. Duggan, Jayne, New York. Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 9.—Arrived, steamers Eva (Nor.), Meyer, Genoa; BVay Head (Br.), Moore, Galveston; India (Br.), Wilkes, Bremen and Ant werp; barks Avoca (Br.), Bernier. Rio Janeiro; Augerona (Nor.), SJertsen, Buenos Ayres. Sailed, steamer Consul Horn (Ger.), Amsterdam and London. New York, Dec. 9.—Sailed, Arapahoe, Charleston and Jacksonville. Venice, Dec. B.—Arrived, Clara, Sa vannah, via Barcelona and Trieste. Notice to Captain* of Veaaela. Vessels arriving at night will be re ported at the Morning News in its dispatches, without charge, if captains will confirm reports of tbeir arrival to No. 241, either telephone. Not i<-e t‘> ,'))■'> Tiller*. Pilot charts and hydrographic infor mation will bflrfumlshed piasters of vessels free of charge in the United States hydrographic office, in Custom House. Captains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received. This office operates a time ball on the roof of the Cotton Exchange, dropped dally at 12h. 00m.00s. (Sun days and holidays excepted), 75th me- Let Me Cure Your Kidney Trouble. SEE IF YOU HAVE IT. Thousands suffering from kidney trouble, from urinary disorder*, from rheumatism and uric acid poison make the mistake of buying ready-made rcmedlesut drug stores, and wonder why they do not get well. No two cases of kidney trouble are exactly alike, and each re quires a different treatment. The only way you can j • Individual attention of ( ft specialist of recognised ability and experience. I . know positively that 1 can cure any case of kidney trou- PrJjßßte JKa W*. rheumatism, bladder trouble. Blight’s disease, dlu ‘ betes. weak buck, etc , no matter how stubborn and UAt, aW deep-seated. My announcements have appeared In the JaJjfar if'' papers of this city a longer time than that of any other % .tj's • ■J, on#- iiimi, and that In Itself proves I have been curing Kji*CTjK> my patients, or I would not have been successful so long. There are certain symptoms that Indicate kidney trouble, and those Who have one or more of these ' toms should call ut my office aip I get the benefit of a free consultation with me; or. If they cannot call, they JVrT* "T. should write me for H"lf-Examination blank booklet, IMt.IIAIII t\\\V etc . and I will give them the sumo benefits by mall, Ileco|tnl/,ed us the B |m fine. Ball on me or W’rlte me If you urinate too Oldest Established often, If your skin Is dry, pale, harsh or waxy, If thers and Most Iteiisble j A nausea after eating, If the folnls pnln and ache, If the Hpeciaiist. urine Is dark and cloudy, If the flesh under the eyes Is bloated. If the imrsplralloM has a bad ‘odor. If there Is a constant bad taste In ilie mouth, If you have a . billy, clammy feeling. These are but u few of the many symptoms, but they ur all important and you should lose no time getting proper treatment, fall or Witte and I will make a thorough examination free of charge, arid 4 vlae you Just what Ur do to be ruled. My uddrese Is, t 1 A. Mry*u street, riavamtnh, <i* iiftlee hours, Sa, nr. tg If in., itob.Ttgfp-m. Mun days, It a, m. WI p. in. K Southern Railway Trams arrive and depart Savannah Union Station by Central time —one hour slower than city or Eastern time. Schedule Effective. Nov. 6. 1904. TO THE NORTH AND EAST. IDallyiDaily Lv Savannah (Cen Time) 1 OOp 12 15a Ar BUckville (East. Time) 4 50p 4 15a Ar Columbia 6 30p 6 00a Ar Charlotte 9 40p 9 55a Ar Greensboro 12 35a 12 &lp Ar Danville -.j 1 45a| X lOp Ar Richmond | 8 58* 342 p Ar Lynchburg I 4 04a 4 20p Ar Charlottesville , 5 50a 6 lOp Ar Washington ! 9 45a 9 50p Ar Baltimore 11 25a 11 25p Ar Philadelphia 1 50p 2 35a Ar New Y’ork 4 13p 5 43a TO THE NORTH AND WEST. (Dally Lv Savannah (Central Time) .. 12 15s Ar Columbia (Eastern time) ... 6 00a Ar Spartanburg 1® 05a Ar Hendersonville 12 50p Ar Asheville 1 WP Ar Hot Springs (Central Time) 2 37p Ar Knoxville 6 000 Ar Cincinnati 8 15a Ar Louisville 8 50a Ar St. Louis 4 oOP Trains arrive Savannah ns follows: No. 29. dally, from New York, Wash ington, St. Louis and Cincinnati, 4:o0 a. m. No. 30, daily, from all points West, via Jesup, 12:10 a. m. No. 33, daily, from New York ard Washington, 3:30 p. m. No. 34. dally, from all points YY est, via Jesup, 12:55 p. m. _ THROUGH OAR SERVICE, ETC. Trains 33 and 34, The New York and Florida Express. Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Trains 29 and 30. The Washington and Florida Limited. VestibuleJ lim ited trains, carrying Pullman Draw ing-room Sleeping Cars between ha vannah and New York. Dining C ars serve meals en route. Also Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Oars between Savannah and St. Louis. Asheville and "The Land of the Ky. For information as to rates, sched • ules, etc., apply to C. H. ACICERT, G. M., Washington, D. C. S. H. HARDWICK, P. T. M., Wash ington, D. C. „ .. YV. H. TAYLOE. G. P. A., Washing ton. D. C. „ . BROOKS MORGAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. C. BLATTNER, Depot Ticket Agent. Union Station, Savannah, Ga. E. G. THOMSON. C. P. & T. A., Sa vannah, Ga., 141 Bull street. ’Phones 850. MeictionlU Miners iransporiailon Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North and West. First-class tickets include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. The steamsltips of this company are appointed to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. FREDERICK. Cap(. P. H. Tyler, SAT URDAY. Dec. 10, 7 p. m. LEXINGTON. Capt. Ivtrwan, TUES DAY. Dec. 13. 9 p. m. ITASCA. Capt. Crowell, THURSDAY, Dec. 15, 11 a. m. CHATHAM. Capt. Hudgins, SATUR DAY, Dec. 17, 1 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Dow, SATUR DAY, Dec. 10, 7 p. m. BERKSHIRE. Capt. Pratt, WED NESDAY, Dec. 14. 10 a. m. MERRIMACK, Capt. McDorman, SATURDAY, Dec. 17, 1 p. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Dow, WEDNES DAY. Dec. 21. 4 p. m. WM. W. TULL, Agent, J. F. WARD, T. P. A. Ticket Office 112 Bull street. Phones 124. Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. A. D. STEBBINS, G. M. J. C. WHITNEY, 2d V. P. and T. M, General Offices. Baltimore. Md. Imported Molasses. Ell Puncheons, 24 hogsheads, II barrels. Muscovado Molasses, re ceived by bark Letlzia. For sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO.. IMPORTERS. ridian time. In case of the failure the ball is lowered slowly 5 minutes after 12. Clarence Hatch. in charge. OCEAN FREIUHT9. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per 100 pounds, 25c; to New York, per 100 pounds, 20c to dock; 2Se lightered; to Philadelphia, 20c per 100 pounds; Bal timore. 20c per 100 pounds. COTTON—Foreign direct to Liver pool, 28c; Manchester, 28c: Bremen, 24c; Hamburg, 24c; Rotterdam, 26c; Barcelona, 38c; Havre. 35c; Antwerp, 28c. LUMBER—By Sail—Freight, active; to Baltimore, $5.00; to Philadelphia, $4.75: to New York, $5.62%; to Port land, $6.00. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Baltimore, $5.60; to I’. R. R. or B. and O. Docks, $6.00; to Philadelphia, $6.00; to New York, $6.25 per M. to dock; lightered, $7.00; to Boston, to dock $7.25. X COTTON SEED OIL. New York, Dec. 9.—Cotton seed oil was irregular with fair trade. Prime crude f. o. b. mills, 17%c; prime sum mer yellow, 24%®25c; off summer yel low, 24%®25c; prime white, 28c; prime winter yellow, 29c. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Cos. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 13, 1904. Trafiis operated by 90th Meridian Time. One Hour Slower than City Time. -* 32 JL * 44 _ 1 *4O I NORTH AND SOUTH. | *39 I *35 *45 k 1 35 *t Lv SaVanah 2 50a, 9 02a 6 30p ~ J 4p | U oi>a E 55a Ar Charleston, Lv 11 45 Pj 6 68a 330 p 4 i 3p 140 P |Ar Wilmington Lv| 3 1 7 46p Ar Richmond Lv 9 05ai 7 25p - c, no , 1 ; 50p;Ar Washington Lvl 4 30al 345 p - 1, 1 40a Ar Baltimore Lv 2 37a| 2 12p 2 nnr, 4 25alAr Philadelphia Lv 12 10a 11 55a * 30alAr New York Lvl 9 25pj 9 25a - ~~ ’l 1 i *39 | SOUTH *4O ] *SB | *32 _*22_ p a 9 i*a| 8 15a;Lv Bararujift Ar 1 15a! 4Vj 1 lit P 10 00ri r ,? P 8 Brunswick Lv 1 1 4 lOp 1 fI'D b 15p -Opj 6 05a Ar YVaycrosa LvllO 15p 6 ?oa| 9 50a 6 30p •> to* 4 20p 10 40a A r .. ..Thomasville Lv 3 10a 6 15a 2 35p o ofla 1 55p'Ar Albany Lv 1 45a] 2 25p 8 6 40p 11 55a: Ar Bainbrldge Lv 1 40a 5 00a 1 05p ;• 6 16p Ar Montgomery Lv 7 45p 6 °a i? p ; 4 *sp 8 40a.Ar Jacksonville Lv 8 05p1.. 9 00a 330 p A „’ p , 345 pll 40a, Ar Palatka Lv 4 KOp 5 35a - ; ; 6 ISp 2 SOp'Ar Sanford Lv 2 OOp 2 20a - o 1 A °° p 3 30p.Ar YVlnter Dark Lv 12 52p 1 10a , 1 ; 7 40p 341 pAr Orlando Lv 12 41p 12 58a iE* 7 47p 4 21]Ar ... Kissimmee Lv 12 Olp 12 12a - „ 9a ! 9 6 OOp Ar Lakeland Lv 10 25a 10 20p ] A 30p 7 25pAr Tampa Lv 9 00a 8 49p I' A A; H iJ? 40p 7 35ji'Ar.. Tampa Bay Hotel...Lv 8 40a 8 25p , ‘ 3,,a 11 °®P 7 55p'Ar ... ..Port Tampa.... Lv 8 20a 8 05p | ; 8 42pjAr ....Tarpon Springs.... Lv 7 20a H'll” 10 OSp'Ar St. Petersburg... Lv 6 - ;,A I 9 40p Ar PimaGorda Lv 6 45a 4 05p —-""''AiLiHP 11l OOplAr Fort Myers Lv 5 30a 2 45p -jttl—- NORTH. WEST AND SOIJTHYY’ESY ■g-jr-jr Via j<*up. I *SB *37 *57 [ via Montgomery. |j> 8 30n'a"-' ®*' ,,n, '*h. Ar 9 45a] 3 15a 6 4f.p Lv ..Savannah.. Ar 9 45a 9 35p 7 OVi \r ** * \“ CSU P* ••• Lv 7 45a 6 15p 8 05ti Ar .Montgomery. Lv 7 4op 6 30a 3 35iUr Uv 2 15a) L. and N 8 35a!a,. NNAfianta... X-v 11 50p 3 17a 7 ISp Ar ..Nashville.. Lv 8 30a 8 15naL *-battanooga. Lv 6 30p 3 20a 2 20a'Ar ..Louisville.. Lv 2 40a 15n \e •£ 0U Svllle - Lv 7 4 ® a 12 01n 7 JOalAr ..Cincinnati.. Lv 11 OOp 7 r’alAr • C '" cl s nn "- I-V 8 30n 1 35p 7 20a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 45p 7 liia tr “ruAi i - iOU l s "l‘ v 10 °4pj M. and O. 6 10al v lea g 0... Lv 9 00pi 7 36a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 31p 8 *6n!Ar " v? 1 nri u?'" A r 19 ISf 4 10P 9 15alAr ...Chicago... I-v 7 OOp 9 4(wla- ic? mph fr 8 H 2 r>ril ' 4 1-P Ar ....Mobile ... Lv 1 17p 12 30a -9.40a Arjvansas City Lv 6 30p|l 7 15a 8 15p| Ar New Orleans Lv 9 25a 3 lap A'fuly. ■ ■ ■ ■ ——• ® nd OIR of Charleston are operated by Eastern time. Florida. Pu man feleepln * c “r service to North. East and YVest and to S‘ nl £* , or '"' B , on trains 32 and 35 between Savannah and New York. man Buffet ‘ a X anna i* 3:l £ a ' "Land connects at Jacksonville with Pull- w ß i f Parlor Curs for Tampa and St. Petersburg. Buffet' siconimi 11 ?' tlavannnh 3:00 p. m , connects at Jacksonville with Pullman rv, ‘ loepln ß (7 **rs for Tampa and Fort Myers. sular nnd P, rWM nia . d ? r ° r l.' Ta,npa with U. S. mall steamship of the Penin daysr and 4 Thursdays'at nHS p P m ' leaV ‘ n<£ P ° rt Tampa Tue w Trafflc Manager, Wilmington, N. C. w it.d. 9. General Pass. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. ! 1 Division Pass. Agent, Savannah, Ga. R VVJ„ Pu ■ Agent, De Soto Hotel. 'Phones 73. ! I * l;nl °. n Aeont - Bbll ’Phone 235. Georgia 911. 1. C. SAPP. Ticket Agent, De Soto Hotel. 'Phones 73. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Nov. 27. 1904-90th Meridian Time-On. hour .lower ihaa City Time, aout.h of Columbia; E sat.rn Tim. north of Columbia. No. 43. INo. 8L | NORTH AN ./ n.JLTU |No 34 . 12 10am|12 26pni|LV NEW OllK ~ V rl ~. 30an , 7 23am 3 66pm|Lv Weat Bhilad.iphla .W‘!”lAr l 46pm! 2 36am 10 to*m c \° r Pm f' V Baltimore Ar|ll 3oam[ll U[/m I “ dnl 23pm^v Washington ArllO 10am| 8 36pm -20 pm 10 OOpmiLv Richmond Ar! 6 35am 4 66pm 2sam 9 06pm|Lv Portsmouth Ar| 8 oUam| 6 30pm 7 00pm 3 40amlLv i. Raleigh ..Ar| 126 am, 11 46am 320 pm 6 OOanijLv Wilmington Ar|H 30pmjl2 46pin 12 19am 9 64am[Lv Camden ,\r 7 45pm 6 24um 12 20am 10 OnamjLv Columbia Ar 5 40pm| 4 25am 4 40ain 2 25pm.]Lv SAVANNAH Lv 1 10pm 12 10am 7 43am 6 02pm|Ar Darien Lv 10 10am 5 16pm 7 55anU‘5 30pm|Ar Brunswick Lv 9 buam 8 40pm 10 20am{ 6 40pm]Ar. Fernaoiliua Lv 9 00am 5 16pm 8 46am] 6 60pm|Ar JACKSONVILLE Lv 9 00am 7 50pm 1 01pm| 2 OdamiAr Ocala Lv| 2 21um| 1 01pm 6 45pm 7 35am;Ar Tampa ......Lvl 8 OOpmj 8 50am II 10am].-....... |Ar. Lake Cttr .....Lvl J 5 36pm 3 10pm] ~.|Ar. Tallahassee L| | 1 63pm 11 10am! 9 IQpmlAr It Augustine Lv| 7 10amI G 20pm No. 73. |No. 71.| ~~WjC BT. |No. 72. |No. 74. 4 30pm 7 lOamJLv lavannaß Ar 8 20pm|10 00am 6 40pm 10 35am Ar Statesboro Lv 4 16pm! 7 60am 7 09pm 9 49am Ar Lyons Lv 6 37pm. 7 20am 8 36pm 11 19am Ar Helena Lv 4 05pm 6 00am 8 00am 4 20pm Ar Fitzgerald Lv 9 46am 7 28am 1 25pm Ar Cordele Lv 2 ODpm 6 40pm 9 30am 335 pm Ar Albany Lv 12 06pm 7 00pn 8 35am 303 pm Ar Amertcus Lv 12 32pm 5 10pm 11 00am 6 15pm Ar Columbus Lv 10 15am 2 15pm No*. 31 and 34, SEABOARD EXPRESS, .olid vestibuled train. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York and Tampa. Cafe dining cars. Noe. 43 and 66. SEABOARD MAIL, through vestibuled trains Pullman buffet eleeplng cars between Now York and Tampa. Nos. 71 and 72, WESTERN EXPRESS, connects at Montgomery for New Orleans and Southwest Full Information at City Ticket Ofß ce. No. T Bull street. Telephone No. 2fc 1 Savannah and Statesboro Railway. SHORT LINE— THROUGH TRAINS. No. 73* |No. 7i~! [No, 73t I'No. 74* 4 SOpml 7 15am[Lv Savannah Ar 8 20pm io 00am 6 40pm 10 35amiAr Stateaboro Lv 4 00pm 7 50am •Dally. tExccpt Sunday. On Sundays train 71 arrlvea Statesboro 9:35 a. m. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAILING DAYS SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON. FOR NEW YORK. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Lewis, BATUR- 4 -ITY Capt Lewi., DAY, Dec. 10. 7:00 a. m. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21, 3.30 p. m. CITY OF ATLANTA, Capt Fisher, CITY OF ATLANTA. Capt. Fisher, MONDAY. Dec. 12, 9:00 a. m. SATURDAY. Dec. 24. 7 a. m. •CITY OF MEMPHIS, Capt. Burg, ‘CITY OF MEMPHIS. Capt. Burg. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14, 10:00 a. m. MONDAY, Dec. 26, 7:30 a. m. •CITY OF MACON, Capt. Asklns. CITY OF MACON, Capt Asklns, SATURDAY, Dec. 17, 12;30 p. m. WEDNESDAY, Dec, 28, 9 a. m. CITY OF COLUMBUS, Capt Smith, CITY OF COLUMBUS. Capt. Smith, MONDAY, Dec. 19. 2:80 p. m. SATURDAY, Dec. 31, 7 a. m. FOR BOSTON DIRECT < FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS.) TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Johnson, TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Johnson, THURSDAY. Dec. 15, 10:00 a. m. THURSDAY. Dec. 29, 10 a. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt Dreyer, THURSDAY, Dec. 22, 4:30 p. m. RATES SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. First Cabin, $20.00; First Cabin Excursion, $32.00: Intermediate Cabin, $15.00; Intermediate Cabin Excursion. $24.00; Steerage, SIO.OO. SAVANNAH TO RONTON. First Cabin, $22.00; First Cabin Excursion, $36.00; Intermediate Cabin, $17.00, Intermediate Cabin Excursion, $28.00: Steerage. $11.75'. Meals and Berth furnished without extra charge on First and Inter mediate Cabin tickets. Tickets on sale to all points North, East and West. Ships sell on Central Time, ons hour slower than city time. •Steamships City of Memphis and City of Macon carry only first cabin passenger)!. Obtain copy of I lie Green Foliler from your nearest agent. The company reserves the right to change Its sailings and to substi tute ships for thoaa above without nolle* and without liability or account ability therefor. For reservations or other Information apply U> your nearest agent or address. J. S. HOLM EH, WM. P. CLEMENTS, City Ticket snd Passenger Agent. Traveling Paeeenger Agent L. R. VANDIVIKRE. Commercial Agent 17 Bull Street. Germania Hunk Building. Savannah. Ga. O C. SAVAGE. Agent, O'-ean H H. Wharves. W H. PLEASANTS. Mf-W Vice Pres and Oen. Mgr. RL " I * Jl\l\ General Passenger Agt. 11