The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 10, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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ijjp T Sold Throughout the World If f “£VEP. THE SAME” f **A Highball .made of CASCADE * I WHISKY has a flavor of its own. 1 The reason lies in the scrupulous care with which this whisky is made, from the selection of the choicest grain to the final stage of bottling —when well matured. GEO. A. DICKEL & CO. Distillers Nashville, Tenn. sßk Big Spring Distilling Co.Dist’bt'rs Ml ATLANTA ENDS ITS RATE FIGRT •ACCEPTS THE CONCESSIONS THAT WERE AGREED UPON BY THE RAILROADS. Xo Opposition to the Adoption of the Report Developed in Connell Meet ing, But Woodward and Other" Op posed Grants to the Railroads ot Privileges Within the Corporate Limits—Despite This Opposition, Council Granted the Reiinests. Atlanta, Dec. 9.—The City Council this afternoon adopted the report of the committee of seven citizens ap pointed to confer with the railroad offi cials about freight rates, which means that Atlanta will accept the conces sions the railroads have made, and which they may still further make, and the freight rate fight will end. The report of the committee was adopted without a fight on the part of Alderman and Mayor-elect James G. Woodward, who was expected to op pose it because he was understood to desire that it go over until his ad ministration begins. The adoption was unanimous. Alderman Woodward and several others, however, strongly opposed the grants to the railroad corporations of privileges within the city limits, oppo sition to wffich by the freight bureau was withdrawn as the result of the rate agreement. Despite this opposi tion Council passed up every one of the grants, including the right to close Waverly Piace in order to complete the I.ouisville and Nashville the right to the Southern to use a por tion of Kelson " titrAet, provided it builds a bridge and several others which the roads have long contended for. Although Atlanta has come to an agreement and stopped its fight, the Railroad Commission will still insist on its point that a revision must be made of the rates within the state. THE WEATHER. ftlorning News barometer, Dec. 9, 11:30 p. m 29.73 Morning News thermometer, Dec. 9, 11:30 p. m 57 Washington, Dec. 9.—Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Georgia—Rain Saturday, colder in northwest portion; Sunday, fair, cold er in east portion; fresh south winds becoming west: South Carolina—Rain Saturday; Sun day fair and colder; fresh south wind3, increasing. Eastern Florida—Rain Saturday; Sunday fair; fresh southerly winds, becoming westerly. Western Florida—Clearing and cold er Saturday; Sunday fair; fresh west winds. Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah— Maximum temperature 3:00 p. m 64 degrees Minimum temperature 7:00 a. m 48 degrees Mean temperature 56 degrees •Normal temperature 64 degrees Excess of temperature ... 2 degrees Accumulated excess since Dec. 1 45 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 219 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal 10 inch Deficiency since Dec. 1 ... .44 inch Deficiency since Jan. 1 ....9.76 inches River Report—The hight of the Sa vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m. (75th meridian time) yesterday, was 8.6 feet, a fall of 1.8 feet during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same mo ment of time, Dec. 9, 1904, 8:00 p. m., 75th meridian time. Name of Station. T | W | R._ Roston, cldar 16 Wi .00 New York city, clear .... 22 N’ .00 Philadelphia, cloudy 28 NE .00 Washington city, cloudy . 34 N .00 Norfolk, clear 40 E .00 Hatteras. clear 48 NE| .00 Wilmington, cloudy 50 NEi .00 Charlotte, pt. cldy 52 | SEj T Raleigh, cloudy 48 E .00 Asheville, rain 44 SE .06 Charleston, cloudy 64 8 .00 Atlanta, rain |54 | 8| T Augusta, cloudy 54 ) S| .00 Savannah, cloudy 58 [NWj .00 Jacksonville, cloudy 64 8| .00 Jupiter, clear 60 I SW| .00 Key West, clear 64 NW .00 Tampa, clear * 62 |SW .00 Mobile, ruin 62 I 8 .54 Montgomery, t*aln I S| .08 Vicksburg, clear 60 I HWI .02 New Orleans, rain 66 1 SW .06 Galveston, clear 62 jSW .06 • orpus Chrtatt, pt. cldy. ..| 70 | Wj T Palestine, clear 6* NWI .00 Memphis, cloudy M | Hi .10 Cincinnati, snow 30 NE, .01 j ittsburg, cloudy ! 28 |NE T Buffalo, clear Jl2 ) El .01 l*ef rolt, clear [24 I N .00 Chicago, cloudy 24 1 N .00 Marquett*, snow ]l6 I W 01 J" Paul, cloudy Il* | N T I'uvenport, cloudy (60 E .00 Hi lula. rain 40 NE .31 Kansas City, rlMt ~,,,,,.J 30 NW .00 "klahoma. dear ,1 36 NW oo ''odae City, dear .. 34 NW .00 Nouh Platte, clokr II W .90 — w?irmJr - loSael jrereeastsr. TO RESUME TARGET PRACTICE IN JANUARY. Range Will Not Be Ised L'nttl After Rush of Holidays. Pistol practice by members of the police force will again be taken up after Christmas and special induce ments will be offered the men to come down while off duty and take turns at shooting at the bull’s eye. For the last few months It has been a hard matter to get the men to practice, as they excuse themselves for one reason or another, and it is probable when practice is resumed in the new year a special inducement in the way of a day oft duty for the best shot each week will be made. The superintendent of police said yesterday that no effort would be made to get the men to practice now, as the busy season for the patrolmen is on, and they will have to do much extra duty through the holidays. LOCAL PERSONALS. Mr. B. H. Thomas of Atlanta is at the Pulaski. Mr. S. M. Flogg of Fitzgerald is at the Pulaski. Mr. W. C. Sanders, Jr., is stopping at the De Soto. Mr. J. H. Clark of Albany is stop ping at the Pulaski. Mr. S. M. Gibson of Riceboro is a guest at the Pulaski. Mr. H. J. Hofmayer of Albany is stopping at the De Soto. iMr. A. S. Jamison of Birmingham is stopping at the De Soto. Mr. W. H. Eaton of Detroit is stop ping at the Screven House. Mr. H. J. Lee of Raleigh, N. C., is registered at the Screven House. Mr. James H. Scarborough of Sum ter, S. C., is registered at the De Soto. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bumpus of Bos ton are registered at the Screven House. Hon. Minter Wimberly, city attorney of Macon, registered at the Pulaski yesterday. Messrs. D. F. Crosland and C. S. Bennett of Albany are registered at the Pulaski. Messrs. F. F. Staces and Newman Wood of Sandersville are registered at the Screven House. Mr. J. J. Earle of J. F. Bailey & Cos., Valdosta, was a caller at the Morning News office yesterday. George M. Dame. Esq., of Homer yille, editor of the Clinch County News, is in the city shaking hands with his friends. AFTER THE MOONSHINERS. Marshal Thomas Raid of Hancock County Still. Macon, Dec. 9.—Deputy Marshal Thomas has just made a second haul of moonshiners in Hancock county and landed L. M. Jones, a white farmer. The marshal reached Jones’ place early in the morning. Fire was about to be built under the furnaces when the marshal appeared before the operator of the still. He made the arrest, de molished the still and began the re turn journey. Several months ago Jones’ father was arrested for the same offense and gave bond. The prisoner last arrested was given a pre liminary hearing before United States Commissioner L. M. Erwin. He plead ed guilty and was placed under a S2OO bond, which he promptly gave. PHINIZY IS PRESIDENT Of the Suntlieru Mutual Insurance Company at Athens. Athens, Ga., Dec. 9.—Billups Phinizy, a prominent cotton factor of this city, was elected to-day as president of the Southern Mutual Insurance Company to succeed the late W. W. Thomas. R. Toombs Dubose was named Athens agent and John White is the new di rector. Oonrt Honse Burned. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 9. —The Court House at Jamestown, Fentress county, Tennessee, was burned by incendiaries at an early hour to-day. Many valua ble records and other papers were de stroyed. LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW J=RAMES. INTERIOR FINISH. YBLI/OW PINE.WHITE PIVE. OAK, ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash , Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Bryan and Whitaker St*. Factory: Lathrop avenue and O. 8. fv Cos. wharves. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS; PERSONAL. E. F. FEGEAS, LAWYER, 116 Bull street; contracts, deeds, wills, collections, real estate; corporation work and foreign claims given espe cial attention; parle Francais, Deulsch gesprocheti. OIL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, hot stuff, wood and coal stoves; cast iron ranges, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit; will take your old stove in exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stovo mechan ics in the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia ’phone 2853; Bel! ’phone 1123. CHILDREN’S ROCKERS AND chairs at Miller's. Christmas pres ents for the grown folks, too. Make your selections now. Furniture makes the best kind of presents. 207 Brough ton, west. ONE POUND BOX Fine ASSORT ed candles or chocolates, 26c, at Het terlch s, 110 SUts street, weat DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they are the same as naw. Bee him on Whitaker, near York. OREEN. THE EXPERT VULCAN- I*er, sells the best tire on the market for |3. Sundries at lowest prlcss. 334 West Prosd Roth ’gßowse. MILLERS AND SANTA CL A UK. Doll carls from 36 cents to 810.00. Dolls, drums and lota of thtnga for tha little folka. 207 Brougbton^weal. "k kinhkrg 1" BROUGHTON, east, baa algnel rlnga. necklaces, brooches, atiekptns, suitable for Xmas presents. ~__~ BKEuRE BUYING YOUR HOLl day gifts o*ll at Wllenakys Jewelry store. 344 Brough toe, waat. It'll ba to your Intsraet. I SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1904. PERSONAL. AT MILLER’S IRON AND wooden wagons, velocipedes and au tomobiles, sulkies, hook and ladders, etc.; everything for the little folks. 807 Broughton, west. FOR STORING, PACKING. SHlP ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general dray-age a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both ’phones TO MY FRIENDS: I TAKE pleasure In informing you that I no longer am with Savannah Stove Com pany, but with D. N. Thomason. 139 Jefferson, where I will be pleased to serve you. Mr. Thomason makes a specialty of repairing or exchanging anything in the stove line. Best prices for old stoves in exchange for new. Nice stock just received. J. N. Sweat. GOOD REPAIR WORK COUNTS: we do it at cut rates. Williams Bi cycle Cos. ~ KAFFIR, NATURAL AND COLOR, ed reeds, all numbers, at Gardner's. 18 Broughton street, east. MERCHANTS, mTILINERS AND ribbon dealers, if you sell ribbon you are losing money unless you try my ribbon; the latest ribbon at the low est price of any ribbon house in America; send for samples. M. A. Stokes, Savannah, Ga. SEE MILLER'S ERBROOM fur niture. A beautiful showing of iron beds, leather rockers and couches. Come and see us. 207 Broughton, west. G. O. PENTON, DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson and York lane. STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES make suitable Christmas presents; we have the new things; let us show you. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. Lyons’ block. ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THE ignito mantles are not the greatest convenience they ever had in their homes; call under the Masonic Temple and examine them. A FOUNTAIN PEN MAKES A DE sirable present; we sell the famous “A. A.” pens from $2 to $10; just the thing to give a man. J. & C. N. Thom as. Whitaker and State. RUGS (MILLER’S KIND) MAKE lovely presents. Portieres and lace cur tains. Mattings. See our beautiful Japanese fire screens; they are per fect dreams. 207 Broughton, west. A.CANEVET, FRENCH SK9EMAK er, 309 Broughton, west; the cheapest place in town to buy shoes, because his rent is low, and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of it. I’LL BE GLAD TO SHOWIiY friends the beautiful things in this immense jewelry store, and give them very close prices. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos., Broughton street. GOOSE - FEATHERS WANTED! I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at $1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell 'phone 1136; Georgia ’phone 2841. ”GIVE US A TRIAL IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or machin ery of any kind. Mlngledorft & Cos. ’PHONE US WHEN YOU GET A puncture; 10 cents is our price. Wil liams Bicycle Cos. XMAS PRESENTS AT REDUCED prices at Wllensky’s opening sale. Watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds, umbrellas and everything that is usu ally kept in a first-class jewelry store. 244 Broughton, west. DANIEL A. HOLLAND SELLS repairs and rents bicycles of every kind. Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new tor sale. SETTER PUPPIES, ONE FEMALE Scotch terrier; Absynnian Guinea pigs, at Gardner’s, 18 Broughton street, east. STORE YOUR FURNITURE WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both 'phones 2. corner Montgomery and Broughton street. RIBBON! RIBBON! RIBBON' Heavy, stiff taffeta, all silk ribbon. No. 40, 60 and 80 at 10c per yard, all col ors; satin ribbon, lc, 2%c, sc, 10c and 15c, all colors; can’t match It else where for double the prices; if you can’t call, write for samples to M. A. Stokes' Ribbon Store, Savannah. PHOTOGRAPHY. FREE! ABSOLUTELY FREE! with every dozen cabinet photos a life size water color or crayon (not a little tinted cabinet photo), but the real thing. Come and see my elegant stu dio and the finest force of workmen In this line. Everything new and up-to date. Quality best, prices low. I still lead the procession and you should fall in line and take advantage of this ex ceptional holiday offer. Wilson’s Photo Studio, 111 Whitaker street, rear of Jackson & Gutman’s. FREE, A LIFE SIZE WATER COL or, pastel, sepia or crayon portrait with every dozen cabinets, and you don’t have to buy a frame to get It; it is free; see the new carbon platlnos in sepia and black, the daintiest pho tographs ever made; compare the work and prices of some of the self-pro claimed leaders with ours before you decide. Moore’s Studio, 107 Broughton, west; Collat building. BETTER FOR A Christmas gift than a portrait; not the common kind, but the kind we make; a fine water color given with each doz en cabinet photographs for -the holi days. Launey Studio. SPECIAL DAILY SALE No. 6. Saturday, Dec. 10, 1904. 98c THE PRICE TO-DAY FOR Ladies’ $1.25 Outing Pajamas. 1.88 THE PRICE TO-IIAY FOR Ladies’ $2.50 Sateen Pajamas a 9ft the P rice to-day for 4**o Ladies’ $5.50 Ponsa nette Pajamas. Looks like Silk. Wears better. Levy’s PERSONAL. Gardner! agentT iis Broughton street, east, for the Kim ball anti-rheumatic ring. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine ho the agent. Whitaker, near York. WATCH CHARMS, WATCH FOBS, link buttons, signet rings, shirt studs. J. H. Koch. 46 Whitaker. Lyons’ block. PUNCTURES REPAIRED FOR 10 cents. Williams Bicycle Cos., the cut rate houee. ’PHONE GEORGIA 1821 FOR THE best light ever offered to the public at $1.25; guaranteed for 3 months; prompt attention to all orders; under Masonic Temple. I SELL. BUY. EXCHANGE, RH pair or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. G. O. Penton. FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE sorted candy, 76c, sl, and $1.50. at Het terlch> 110 jState street. West. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A household word: cures coughs when everything else fails; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111_Barnard street. HAVING OVERHA ULED MY shop, equipping it with the best ma chines, tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of its patronage in wheelwrighting, blaeksmithing, horse shoeing. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Ju lian- __ CtANAftC BIRDS AND CAGES; goldNfisfc, apd globes; fish food; canary an <V par Pot seed, at Gardners’, 18 Broughton, street, east. ~GEM laFETY~RAz6rS, mounted shaving brushes and cups, any man would appreciate such as a present. J. &C. N. Thomas, Whitaker and State. CHRISTMAS is COMING; WE sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhine wine at 50 cents bottle; pure blackberry and chianti wine, 65 cents; other imported wines and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc..; give us a_oall. Trapani, Barnard-State. RING GEORGIA 1821 FOR MAN tles to fit any burner; guaranteed for three months by the only factory that guarantee their goods; 100 to 300 candle power. GREEN. THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me, 324 West Broad; jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia ’phono. 1834. Bell. 2130. “"MAHOGANY ■SECRETARIES, SO fas, bureaus, chipindale buffet, card and work tables, china, and brass pewter. 428 Congress street, west. BOOKS. SCHOOL AND MlSCEL laneous, bought and sold, at Gardners’ 18 Broughton street, east. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN INDUS try: if you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draylng lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagons are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railways; now, boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash; guaranteed twelve months. 512-520 Hull Street, west; also Deer ing mowers, rakes and repairs. A.CANEVET. FRENCH SHOEMAK er, agent tor the celebrated B. & L. shoes. $4; my price, $2.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale, repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. "FOB SEWINO MACHINES OF ALL kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer son; needles, ell In bulk or bottle. WHEN YOU, WANT YOUR AUTO moblle painted call on Kramer; he will do It right. HOME-MADE- BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterich’s. 110 State street, west. BRING YOUis! WATCH TO K. FlN berg, 18 Broughton, east; he repairs satisfactorily, cheap; have you seen his watches? professional! ~ '^jT^jUbruyn^opsT^archltect and Civil Engineer, 18 Board of Trade building. Georgia ’phone 1950. MEDICAL KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A medicine of merit, the most popular preparation for coughs and colds; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufac tured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE FOR the cure of liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine, tobacco and cigarette habits. For Information, address Keeley Insti tute, 235 Capitol avenue. Atlanta. Ga. hUli* wanted—male! WANTED, FOR THE U.sT'mA rine Corps, able-bodied men, between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land In our island pos sessions. and at naval atatlons In the United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. S. Marine Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to 5 and. in. RELIABLE PERSON, EACH LO cality for business position; salary $20.00 weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent: previous experience unnecessary; busi ness established. Address Mr. Cooper, Como Block, Chicago. WANTED, TWO SALESMEN IN each state; SSO and expenses; perma nent position. Penlcks Tobacco Works Cos., Bedford City, Vt. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED, A HARDWARE MAN Wanted, an experienced hardware man, who can manage a business, buy and sell goods. Must be thoroughly competent. Good paying position for the right man. Address ‘‘Hardware.” care of this paper. WANTED. 26 LABORERS. APPLY Monday morning at 7 o'clock. Mill- Haven Cos. WA NTED, A COMPETENT MAN to paint barrels. Apply at Holmes Co.’s works, east of Southern Cotton Oil Company. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS SAW mill machinist; none but sober men need apply. Oulda, care Morning News. WA NTED, HOTEL CLERK IN Florida, easy work, who has S3OO to Invest In the business. Address Flori da, care News. " WANTED, TWO YOUNG WHITE men to canvass; good pay; call Wed nesday evening from 7 to 8:30. Mr. Wing, 318 West Broad street. Central Hotel. _ WANTEb, DAIRY'HANDTr. DRIW ers. 6 cooks. 5 housegirls, 1 washwom an. 1 boy for drug store, man cook, 2 butlers. 2 housekeepers, white, man and wife for place In country, 6 saw mill hands, white lady companion. Wandell's, 209 Jefferson street. ANY PERSON TO DISTRIBUTE our samples; $lB weekly; steady. ”Em ptre,” 4 Wells street, Chicago. WANTED AT ONCE. FIRST" class saw filer and hammerer; must be strictly sober; state wages. Address P. O. Box No. 147, Bainbrldge, Ga. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS~SAW mIII foreman. References required. Crystal River Lumber Company, Crystal River, Fla. W ANTED! ENERGETIC, EDU cated men to represent us In the South: commission or guaranteed sal ary paid. Address Dodd, Mead &. Cos., Atlanta. Ga. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED, AN EDUCATED LADY to demonstrate an attractive proposi tion; permanent work; liberal com pensation. Address, A. C. M., care News. WANTED, A GOOD COOK. AP ply before 10 a. m., 918 Park avenue, east. WANTED. TWENTY MILES OUT of this city, at elegant plantation home, one good white cook; also a white laundress; light work tor fam ily; good wages and transportation paid. Also wanted situations for ste nographer and bookkeeper who can take dictation; good references. Want ed, good white dining-room girl; only those bringing references as to char acter need apply. Y. W. C. A., 129 Abereorn street. W ANTED, WHITE COOK FOR the country; small family; no wash ing or heavy work; state -ability and wages expected. Box No. 20, this of fice. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. PRINTER, A RELIABLE, COMPE ient, sober and up-to-date foreman, ad man and job printer wants per manent position; 17 years experience; age 28, married; recommendations from editors and business men. Ad dress “X. Y.” Box 197 Titusville, Fla. “ HAVE HAD SEVEN YEARS Ex perience as clerk In general merchan dise, desires position with some large retail business of Savannah; can give all reference you want. Address Clerk, care Morning News. — YOUNG MAN WITH THREE years experience as stenographer and office work; can furnish good refer ence from former employer. L, care News office, EXPERIENCED CASHIER AND bookkeeper, best references, desires po sition; can do anything in an office; salary reasonable. Address X., care News. W anted!" POSITION BY Ex perienced hardware clerk. Best ref erence furnished. D. N. Dlsbennett, Dayton Fla. WANTED—BOOM s. "'wantkdT'for LIOHT~HOUBE keepIng. two or three rooms In desir able locality. Address Box 8, care News. W A NTE D—BO A RD. YOUNG MAN WANTS HALL room and board in private family; state prices. “H.,” Morning News office. U ANTED-MIACEI.LANKOOI. WANTED, HICKORY, DOGWOOD, ash, persimmon and holly logs. James Coekshott, Charleston. S. C. MONEY TO LOAN. "Imoneyl if^yoiTneed^t^call or write and I will get It for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or Inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the loan. E. Muhlberg, 225 Congress, west. Georgia ‘phone 1992. • 1 11 i -i !.' FOR KENT—FLATS. NICE FLAT, 4 ROOMS, LARGE CE dar closets; private toilet; recently overhauled (Dale residence), Jones and Habersham. FOR RENT, FLAT ON PARK AVE nue, facing Park; three rooms and use of bath; 313 per month. Apply 9 Park avenue, east. A FLAT OF LARGE ROOMS, WITH wide piazzas, ' Instantaneous heater, with or without furniture. Apply 120 East Bolton street. Al* ARTMENTS FOR RENT. and Habersham. James B. Copps, 215 Congress; Bell 'phone 1919. FOR RENT—HOUSES. RESIDENCE, SOUTHEAST COR ner Hull and West Broad; eleven rooms and two baths; first-class in ev ery particular; an elegant location for a boarding house. W. J. Mlscally, Jr„ tt Bryan, eaat. FOR RENT, a VERY DESIRABLE house, furnished or unfurnished. 525 Whitaker. Apply 244 East Oglethorpe avenue. FOR RENT. SEVERAL DESI li able residences. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT—IIISUKLLANKtII'I, FOR RENT. PLANTERS HOTEL wtlh or without bar; will make cheap rent to right party. Apply to Horace Rivers. Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR MALE—REAL ESTATE. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL property consult Robt. 11. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 24 President street, opposite Court Hods*. Georgia 'phone 1360. I4SIBU AMD ■OILBRB. ""mACIU hie feed with live rolls, engine and boiler complete, reedy lo >JL*rul. lie/1 (elder-Oarbutt Company, 391-5 Hey street, west ENGINES, HOILKRN, PUMP*7~IN (act. everything In machine line re pelr*4 hy Mtngfsdvrg A tv, 319 Indian •treat. FOYE & ECKSTEIN For Saturday’s Selling-400 Rainproof Cravenettes For Saturday’s Selling-250 Tailor-Made Suits Ladies' Suits A lot of 250 Mnn Tailored Ladles’ Suits are marked way down for quick selling. These suits are the swellest styles of the season— built ap to date in every way. The prices of these suits have ranged from 17.50 up to 25.00, hut values don't count, they will be sold at a sacrifice, 10.98 We cannot say too much about the generous quality and the su iwrh tailoring of these suits. You will do well to come early for the first choice, for opportunities like this are rare. Itcnicmber the price, 10.98 TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. navigable stream In Nlcaruuguit, with in 30 miles of ocean; for sale on fav orable terms; this timber Is within 700 miles of Panama canal. For particu lars, R. McWilliams l,and Agency, 810 Common street, Hennen building, New Orleans, La. VIRGIN PINE FOREST FOR SALE in Calhoun county, West Florida; 10,- 000 acres. Titles perfect. Want to realize at once. Address S. S. Aider man, Wewahltehka, West Florida. PICTURE* AND FRAMES. DON’T TRUST OREEN MEN TO frame your valuable pictures, but tuke your work to C. R. L. (Compe tent, Reliable Ladevese), where you can get the best grade mouldings, neatly Joined, at prices that defy com petition. We do the framing for the Telfair Academy and the leading art teachers In Savannah. 11 Congress street, west. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. """drug store] comprising soda fountain, fixtures and stock, for sale; location one of best In Jackson ville. Address Hcffley Drug Company, Jacksonville. Fla. FOR SALE, TURPENTINE PRlV lleges on 80,000 acres of pine timber, very rich in rosin, In Nlcaraugua on navigable streum. For particulars, R. McWilliams Land Agency, 810 Com mon street, NewjOrleans, La. FOR SALE. AN ESTABLISHED sheet metal business, complete in ev ery detail, cheap rent, big building, excellent territory, und good will of concern working In connection with it; will sell at a bargain; good reason for disposal; It will pay you to Investi gate; answer quickly. Address Box 146, Charlotte. N. C. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. STEINWAY SECOND-HAND Pl ano, 3100; Guild, 385; Barmore, 850, and other big bargains. Largest, best and handsomest stock personally selected, high grade pianos and or gans ever shown In Savannah; pianos tuned, repaired and thoroughly reno vated; prices moderate; best work guaranteed; estimates free. Murphy's piano warerooms. Guards' Armory, Bull and Charlton: Georgia ’phone 810. FOR SALK—MISCELLANEOUS. '"notice cattle buyers] ON the 16th of December, 1904, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash about fifty head of stock and beef cattle; sale commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. at A. J. Saps farm In Chatham coun ty, about four miles from Meldrlm sta tion. A. J. Franklin, Statesboro, Ga. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND records; the November-December rec ords will arrive here first New York steamer; about Wednesday. 8. 8. Sol lee, 120 State strest, west. FOR SALE, BULL DOOB, BBAUTI fully marked, finely built; color, white and tan. For particulars, address M. L. K., No. 10 Gilmore street, Waycross, On. FOR SALE, OLDSMOBILE RUNG about, In good order, for 3225 cash. E. F. Whitcomb, Savannah, Ga. HOUGH BOARDS. 35 PER 1.009 feet. lleppaid, Snedeker A Co.’s, lumber yard. Henry street and At lantic Coast Llnu Hull road. THERE IS NO MORE DELIGHT* fill music than la made on the Edison phonograph; buy one for your home; the Edison phonograph Is the best talking machine msde, Edison records make the boat music. S. H. Hollee, 129 fltaie street, west OUK TIRES ARK GOOD, WE SELL them 4t cut rates. Williams Bicycle fla, SWEET CREAM, 40c per QUART; ws Stake a ey<>< laity of t ream for char- j io9U ruse# Georgia Dairy, M3 Disyton, kadk gbenee- Cravenettes Sold for less than tile cost of the material. There are 250 of them In this lot and they arc worth fully 10.00. These becoming garments are now being slaugh tered at 5.00 Cravenettes Sold for less than the cost of the material. There are 150 of them in another lot Just Like Picture. They are well worth $17.50, but will lie sold out now at 8.50 AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. OGLETHdRpfWET&YA^NARD AUCTION SALE CONTENTS OF RESIDENCE. C. H. DOKSETT. Auctioneer, Will sell W EDNESDAY, Dec. 14, 1904, at 11 a. m., at the residence on the Routhwest corner of Oglethorpe ave nue and Barnard streets, the contents of said residence, consisting In part of Furniture, Carpets, Books, Pam phlets and Old Papers, Bed and Ta ble Linens, Cut Glass, Imported and Domestic Hrlc-a-Hrac and Curios. PLUMBING. BLOCK LIGHT MEANS CHEER fuI homes und preservation of your eyesight. Block Light will give in creased light at a reduction of gas bills. Hence tho economy. Block Lights are sold in every part of the world where gus Is used. Their econ omy has been appreciated. Each Block Light Is guaranted 300 candle power; no other one sold gives over 75; hence the eeonomy. One Block Light will light a room brilliantly, where four others are now used; hence the econ omy. The’ Block Light acts as a savings Bank; it pays Interest on cost. Block Light uses eight parts of air to one part of gas; air costs nothing; hence the economy. National Plumbing Company, Agents, Jefferson and Mu- Donough streets. Ga. ’phone 2847. FOR GOOD RELIABLE 'PLUMB-' Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son. 142 Drayton street. Ail work done by us strictly first class. HOAHDING. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS WITH good board, hot and cold bath, gas and telephone. 222 Weat McDonough street. SOUTH ROOM, NICELY FURNISH ed, to gentlemen, with every conveni ence and board, If they desire same. "M. R,," care New. BOARD OR TABLE BOARD, WlfH home comforts; large, pleasant rooms. 224 Oglethorpe, east. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AT 20 TAY lor street, west; rooms large; not and cold bath: table board. LOST AND FOUND. IjOHT , ton street, small package containing two lace collars and one other article, about 1 o'clock. Reward if returned to 537 Broughton, east. LOST IN FRONT GERMANIA Bank, one Tribune bicycle, No. 94061; liberal reward if returned to L. Kay ton & Son. MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU WANT A NICE PRESENT for some loved one. call at Wllensky s Jewelry store. You’ll find something suitable and at moderate cost there. Goods shown with pleasure. 244 Broughton, west. DON’T GET SO ENTHUSIASTIC over Christmas as to forget that you get the best Jewelry bargains here. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. K. FINBKRO. 18 BROUGHTON, east, has received a pretty line of la dles' und gentlemen's watches, suitable Xmas presents. KNAPP'S EXPECTORANT CURES roughs, colds croup and ail bronchial \ troubles; at drug stores 25 and 5o cents; manufactured bv W. O. Cubbedge. GREEN. THE EXPERT VULCAN~ leer, makes a specialty of vulcanising automobile tires, casings and tubea Path '•knee. ut i l I;- the place to air your Christmas presents. The biggest line of beautiful things In the city. K W. Hylvan, with Sternberg A Cos.. Broughton street. FOR GOOD RELIABLE I’LUMB- Ing work rail around te L. A. McCar thy A Ben. 11l Drayton street. || work dene hr US strictly Rret oiaß 3