The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 11, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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NOW HAS RIGHT TO SEE HIS BOYS ON EVERY OTHER SUNDAY. JIBS. MARY LENAHAN MIST LET CHILDREN BE WITH FATHER. He fan Keep Them Only Until Sun down— Alao Haa Privilege of See ing Them Oil Tuesday and Thurs day Afternoons, Says the Decree ot Judge Cann—lf He Meets Them on Street He May Speak to Them and Caress Them, and Mother is En joined From Interfering. The plea of W. 'M. Lenahan for the right to at least sometimes see his own children has been granted by Judge Cann, though there are only certain times that he has this privilege. And never will he be allowed to see them after sundown. The case came before the court when Mr. Lenahan took out a writ of ha beas corpus against his wife, Mrs. Mary Lenahan. The petitioner stated that his wife had separated from him and taken with her their two minor children, Edward J. Lenahan and Dan iel W. Lenahan. Since that time she had refused to live with him, and had even denied him the privilege of see ing his children. He claimed he was well able and willing to provide for the support of the children, but that she would not allow him to go near them, and that she was prejudicing the minds of the children against him. He prayed the court to pass an order giving him the custody of the children, and it was this cause which was argued before Judge Cann yesterday; See Them Every Other Sunday. After hearing all the evidence the court decreed that the petitioner must pay each month the sum of sls to ward the support of the children. In return the wife is commanded to al low him to see the children “every other Sunday in each month from 10 •a. m., until not later than sundown, and also in the afternoons of each Tues day and Thursday, from 4:30 o'clock until not later than sundown.” The order of the court provides that on the stated Sundays the children shall he sent to the home of the petitioner’s mother and for the entire <fay shall be solely in the custody of Mr. Lenahan, or such persons as he shall authorize. Before sunset, however, they must be sent back to their mother and under no circumstances must they be kept over night. The same method shall be followed with the week-day visits, only in this case the man must notify the worrtan that he desires to see the children be fore noon of the stated days. When this notice has been received then she shall send the children to him, to be kept by him until sundown. Can Caress Little Ones, It is further provided that in cases of sickness the father can visit the children at any time and without send ing notice, provided that such visits shall not be continued to the annoy ance of the mother. If at any time he meets the children on the streets he has the privilege of speaking to them and “may caress them." The mother is prohibited from interfering with this right and is also enjoined from attempting to prejudice the minds of the boys against their father. These privileges are to continue only so long as the man shall pay the sls monthly to the mother. These pay ments are to be made on the 10th of each month to Mr. J. K. P. Carr, clerk of the Superior Court, and he will turn the money over to Mrs. Len ahan. r This decree of the court ends one of the most pathetic cases that has come before it in years. There is no divorce action pending between the parties, and probably none will be instituted. AN ANGEL OR'a MASON THIS WOMAN CLAIMED. Jury Wns Uncertain About Her Sani ty and Will Try Her Again. I .aura Carter, colored, yesterday, faced a lunacy Jury in the Court of Ordinary, but no verdict was reached. The account of the woman’s actions in the past were somewhat weird and pointed undoubtedly to the fact that she was “all to the bad above the ears.” But yesterday she talked in the san est manner, and insisted that she was not crazy. The Jury decided it would be best to keep her at the jail for ten days more, in the hope there will be developments that will enable it to determine the case. Laura’s chief trouble seems to be she is not certain whether she is an angel or a Mason. The jury had no trouble in determining that question. The first ballot showed in its opinion the woman was neither. When closely questioned she also seemed to have doubts as to just which organization she was attached. She admitted she had once disrobed for the purpose of receiving a heavenly visitant, but she was disappointed and the angel didn’t come. The case is a strange one and the action of the jury in postponing a verdict until it learns more about the woman's present condition, is deemed to be the wisest that could have been pursued. Fernanilinn l'ort Ncwo. Fernandina, Fla., Dec. 10.—The Brit ish steamship Pydua, after loading here for the past week was already to go to sea when the master. Capt. Crowly, discovered that a portion of his crew had deserted. Capt. Crowly Is well and favorably known here, having made several trips from Eu rope to this port. The Dutch steamship VooTburg nar rowly escaped becoming a total wreck on her last trip across. The vessel, from some cause, got into shallow wa ter on entering the harbor of Rotter dam, The sea was very rough and the master applied oil on both sides of the bow of the steamer. This reduced the roughness of the sea to such an ex tent that he was enabled to get Into the channel. The Voorburg Is a regu lar trader to this port. She will re turn Immediately, bringing a part car go of canned goods to Savannah, then coming to Fernandlna to take a cargo of phosphate for Rotterdam. The appointment of Hinton J. Ra ker hs United States coimniealoner at this port la ex pc ted In the near fu ture. *l>ir!iiiai|.|' s Fredli'tlvM la Douglas. Douglas, flu., Dae. 10. —Douglaa poo- Tie have been interested in the erpoel tlon of antrituailam by Rev. N. tl Buckley of Chicago. Thursday night he !■ lured and gave exhibition of hi* Wonderful power, Last night standing mom was at a premium For two noura he held hts audience epeilbound with hie 4mnnelretine Among other <l he predicted the sudden death rum heart failure of a mart who will ?tep dead at I o’etoeh Monday flfleet, f*uai Um postali wmt. POLITICS STIR FITZGERALD; BONDS, THE MAIN ISSUE. Fitzgerald, Ga., Dec. 10.—There is a lively interest In politics here just now. The Justice of the peace election was little less than a frantic struggle. The winning candidate had a majority of out °f a little less than 500 votes. The municipal Campaign will have a number of features, though the bond question and the liquor question are leading. The city is in its crucial stage, financially, its credit is good, and its bonds in demand above par, with ‘a margin of $45,000 between the present indebtedness and the limit of bonded liabilities. This fact has resulted in a demand for more public improvements, and an attempt is being made to issue bonds for $40,000 to begin a sewerage system and enlarge the w*ater and light plant. The sentiment against the election is so strong that the sum named in the notice has been reduced from $40,000 to $15,000, with the specification that the money is to be used only for en larging the water and light plant. The underlying object of this economy is to keep the tax rate as at present, 1 per cent. THE WEATHER. Morning News barometer, Dec. 10. 11:30 and. m 29.91 Morning News thermometer, Dec. 10, 11:30 p. m 51 Washington, Dec. 10.—Forecast for Sunday and Monday: South Carolina—Fair and colder Sunday; Monday increasing cloudi ness; fresh northwest winds. Georgia—Fair Sunday, colder in east portion; Monday increasing cloudi ness with rain in northwest portion; light to fresh northwest, to north winds. Eastern Florida—Fair Sunday, cold er in north and central portions; Mon day fair, diminishing northwest winds. Western Florida —Fair Sunday; Mon day rain; fresh northeast winds be coming southeasterly. Yesterday’s weather at Savannah: Maximum temperature 3 P- m 71 degrees Minimum temperature 3 a - 111 55 degrees Mean temperature 63 degrees Normal temperature 53 degrees Excess of temperature 10 degrees Accumulated excess since Dec. 1 55 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 209 degrees Rainfall 05 inch Normal 10 inch Deficiency since Dec. 1 .. .49 inch Deficiency since Jan. 1 9.81 inches River Report.—The hight of the Sa vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m., (75th meridian time), yesterday, was 8.0 feet, a fail of 0.6 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same mo ment of time Dec. 10, 1904, 8 p. m„ 75th meridian time. Name of Station. | T | W| R Norfolk, cloudy 26 N .14 Hatteras, clear 40 NW T Wilmington, e'ear 44 NW T Charlotte, clear 40 W T Raleigh, clear 32 'N .01 Asheville, pt. cloudy .... 32 NW .02 Charleston, cloudy 60 NW .0) Atlanta, clear 42 NW .01 Augusta, clear 52 NW . 00 Savannah, clear 59 N .01 Jacksonville, clear 64 iNW .08 Jupiter, pt. cloudy 70 W .00 Key West, clear 72 jW .00 Tampa, raining 68 jNW .16 Mobile, clear 54 IN .00 Montgomery, clear 52 W .00 New Orleans, clear 56 N .00 Galveston, clear 60 N .00 Corpus Christ!, clear 62 N .00 Palestine, clear 54 |NE .00 H. B. Boyer, Local Forecaster. Fernandina New*. Fernandina, Fla.. Dec. 10.—At a meeting of the Board of Trade the projected boulevard to the beach, to be built under the supervision of a gov ernment expert, was fully discussed and indorsed. Maj. Duryee presented a letter that he had received from a large tobacco company in New York who desires to locate here, asking what inducements would he offered. During the last session of Congress a bill was introduced by Senator Talliaferro for a public building at this port. The board decided to make an appeal to the citizens in general and to the Pi lots’ Association and other public bodies to co-operate in the effort and do everything possible to effect the passage of the measure. Manager Bacon of the National Transportation and Terminal Company reports a big month in naval stores shipments. The space north of the Centre street wharf has been bought by Stephen Chadwick, a wealthy tugboat man, and he has contracted to build a wharf, one of the largest and best in the port. Cambridge Ranaeri Wan. London, Dec. 10.—The twenty-fifth annual Oxford-Cambridge cross coun try run took place at Rochampton to day. distance seven and a half miles. Cambridge won, taking the first three places. The best time was 47 minutes 17 4-5 seconds. W. R. Schuett of Cornell University, the Rhodes scholar of Oxford, was fifth. The Toilers in Our Factories. No workmen in the world can do so much or use the same intelligence that our own American work men and women are cana- Ible of. That ia why America is now beating the world in! manufac tures ; all due to the brain and muscle of our Yankee men and Unfortunately where there is smoke, dirt and dust and little sunlight there also can be found the germs of disease. Nature's great diainfec in the factory, the work shop, the office, that men and women suffer from diseases which are Bftr'SnsJo ' *" the dust and the bad FawiAjtois J air. Such disease l&rfS m t germs enter into the I gxj f blood in two ways. 818 either through the m - luugs or stomach. ——U /*" After years of experi ence in an active prac- l nm Wi tice, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., discovered a remedy that is a blood-maker and tisane-builder, at the same time alleviates a cough. He called it Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery—an alterative extract that assists in the digestion and assimilation of the food—so that the blood gets its elements from the products of digestion, the liver at the same time is started into activity and there ia perfect elimination of waste mat ter. The germs of grip, malaria, catarrh or consumption find a fertile field if the body is not kept in perfect order and the blood pure, Because the stomach ia diseased there ia a diminution of the red corpuscle* of the blood. Tills ia why one 1* sleepless, laugald, nervous and irritable (Sensitive -tomaebs groan aloud at tbc irritating rod liver oils, but they will get ail tbe food • o meats the tissues >.quite by using tbe "Golden Medical Discovery " Tbe ’’Discovery* is absolutely a non a too Italic and non narcotic nsMHt, Thera is nothing rise “Just as good * Dr Plane's Aaasant pellets, tbe heat isaotiva for o*4 and rssng people They wn tswngiiisi and kil *rgfr‘'** SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1904. the value of charcoal. FVw Peoplj Know How Useful It Is In Preserving Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that char coal is the safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier In nature, but few realize its value when taken into the human system for the same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of it the better; it is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities always present in the stomach and intestines and car ries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating on ions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and im proves the complexion; it whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money is in Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics In tablet form or rather in the form of large, pleasant tasting lozenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The daily use of these lozenges will soon tell in a much improved condi tion of the general health, better com plexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of it is, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician In speaking of the benefits of charcoal, says: "I ad vise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffering from gas in stom ach and bowels, and to clear the com plexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver is greatly benefited by the daily use of them; they cost but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although in some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better char coal in Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tablets.” To Attend Forest Convention. Atlanta, Dec. 10.—Gov. Terrell to day appointed the following delegates to attend the annual convention of the American Forest Congress to be held in Washington, beginning, Jan. 2: J. W. Oglesby. Quitman; J. Lee Ensign, Tifton; J. W. Pope, Atlanta; J. B. Norman, Jr., Norman Park, Colquitt county, and W. E. Candler, Blairsville. SPECIAL NOTICES. ROOFING PAPER. Large shipment just received— 2, 3 and 4-ply. See us about it. ANDREW HANLEY CO. Phones 109. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Makes “quick loans” to the right par ties on the most liberal terms. Let us serve your wants. Suite 20, Provident building. Phones, Bel 1, 1117; Ga., 2844. GREEN GROCERY STAND FOR RENT, From JUn. 1, the late J. T. Fleming’s green grocery, No. 303 Henry, west, can be rented by a desirable party. Wm. J. MISCALLY, JR., ftOTICXs. PROPERTY OWNERS DO NOT wait until ordinance requiring you to connect to new house drainage is en forced. It will pay you to have it done at once by the former Inspector of plumbing, W. H. COSGROVE, 123 Drayton Street. FURS NEVER GET OLD. Old furs may be converted into new. I refit, recut and make over furs so that as scarfs, etc., they are late style. Phone 844. B. SIMON, PARTRIDGES TO BURN .TAS. J. JOYCE’S, Liberty and Abercorn streets. I Automobiles Come and I I Oldsmobiles Cos. I P If an automobile goe6 and keeps going it has merit. In ■ B buying you desire not only going ability —in other words, I ■ reliability—but comfort,beauty, power and the best construe- O H We sell the Oldsmobile Light Tonneau Carat $950.00, Bj H and with it Oldsmobile reliability represented by the most I H comfortable and handsomest light car of the year, equipped R with full 10 h. p. motor which will run 100 miles without Hj |H need of stopping, speeds up to 30 miles per hour and has I || strength of parts quite out of the ordinary. H ■j Among it* notable fetturei found only on few of ra H the higheat priced car* are tbe tiltingateeringpoit, safety 1$ H starting device, divided front seats, large roomy ton- p| M neau, honey comb radiator, long wheel base, 3)4 inch H B tires, 30 inch wheels, easily removable body. H B The cars are the result of the longest and most sue- IB I cessful automobile experience in America. fj eM Write for our new Art Catalogue. U Oldsmobile 7h. p. Standard Runabout, $650.00; Touring Run- Q _ : about $750.00. All price* f. o. b. factory. I OLDS MOTOR WORKS, Detroit, Mich. I | T. A. BRYSON. 242 BULL STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. | Now for buying an Automo bile and enjoying the most de lightful season of the year. Look over the following list, come in and see the machines and let us make you a practical demonstration at your conven ience. The “Ford” Runabouts and Tonneau Cars. The “Ford” Touring Cars. The “Michigan” Light Touring Cars. And last but not least The “Pope-Waverley” Electrics. A complete line. Repairing and Storage. We have unequaled facilities for repairing, storing and car ing for Automobiles of all makes, furnishing new parts for same and charging electric vehicles. Our service is prompt, our work is done properly and our charges are reasonable. Sundries, Supplies, etc. We have a complete stock of spark plugs, spark coils, tires, tubes, lamps, horns, repair parts, etc., and the best dry batteries made. If we cannot give you satisfaction and save you money, it’s because you won't give us the opportunity. Renting Machines. We now have several comfor table machines on hand for renting purposes, and will give good service and at reasonable rates. Try us. Electric Supply Cos. Phones No. 0. 309 Bull St. SPECIAL NOTICES. A CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. Mrs. Louis Llppman Is holding a bazaar for the sale of Fancy Hand made Novelties at moderate prices for the Xmas holidays. All are cordially invited to attend. Open day and even ing, beginning on Thursday, Dec. 15, and to continue ten days. MRS. LOUIS LIPPMAN, 418 E. Huntingdon street. LILIES OF THE VALLEY, American Beauty Roses, Double Violets. Something extra handsome are these products of our greenhouse. JOHN WOLF. Phones 634. Ott and Anderson Sts. FOR SALE COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS. Sack, Ton, Carload. SEABOARD COTTON OIL CO., 229 Bay Street, East. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. Large stock bright new goods. Special prices. Also Lime, Cement, Plaster, etc. Georgia ’Phone, 347; Bell ’Phone, 425. SAVANNAH LUMBER CO. Neither LOW COTTON Nor LAWSON Can ull the Interest mani fested in the New 1905 Franklins Scheduled to arrive this Can dull the interest manl the coming of the Great Light Car, The Powerful and Speedy 1905 Franklin. Four cylinders air cooled, comfortable as a Pullman yet Easier on Tires than any other Machine. Less cost to run a Franklin—yet more pleasure—l9o4 Frank lins have done excellent work—but In the new model —the Franklin has its own way towards superlative ex cellence. The Olds Light Touring Runabout For $775 Is a most acceptable holiday gift. Let us send one to your wife. It Is such a handy machine and pleases every body. For the money, its the 1905 event in Auto mobiles. Quick to handle. Easy to operate, fast, nice to ride In and reliable. We have an ample stock of these Olds Light Touring Runabouts on hand and can fill orders on a moment's no tice. Don’t forget the low price $775.00. Its so very cheap for such a good ma chine. The Cadillac, good old reliable member of the Bryson household. Nothing better in its class. Go out any where and see what it is do ing. Always at work, and doing something. The Cadillac, is one of the most reliable machines sold. We sail, too. The Pope Toledo Touring Car. The New Garage. Wo had hoped to say how’dy, in our new building on Christmas Day, but alas it cannot be. More days are necessary to the finish and on the day of in the year 1905 we hope to get in and be settled. 'Till we do come over and be welcomed in the street, or lane. They are all nice ly paved, and your shoes won’t have the polish taken off. Our force, though is Just as good as If we were in the Garage and any Job can be done in the best way known to the best men. No delays here, but business start to finish. Our service is better than elsewhere, thats a fact. No hot air fabrication. Come and buy a machine for Xmas. Treat yourself right, buy the kind we sell. T. A. BRYSON, AUTOMOBILES, *42 BULL STREET. and Facing Chippewa Square. SPECIAL NOTICES. A BUSY DAY THISt SAVE TIME BY TAKING DINNER AT SOMMERS’ CAFE, UNION STA TION. RIPE BANANAS. INDIAN RIVER ORANGES. Just arrived, Fancy Fruit. Prices low. Fireworks cheap. COLIJNS, GRAYSON & CO. Both Phones 244. INSURANCE. Fire, Tornado,, Marine, Accident, Sickness and Life Insurance. Your Interest carefully protected in any of the above. W. T. HOPKINS, Agent, 18 Bryan street, east. Phones 219. Chas. Inglesby, Manager. FLAG COMPETITION. Ten dollars will be awarded for the best design submitted for a flag for the City of Havunnah. All designs must be submitted in colors and show in some way the Coat of Arms or seal of the city. The competition will close Jan. 1. Address all communications to JAMES M. DIXON, Chairman. COTTON IB ALL HIGHT. I dye cotton Just as good as wool Lace dyed to match any dress. Feathers dyed and cleaned like new. Gents’ Suits and Overcoats dyed or cleaned to perfection. Blan kets and lace curtains. Ditto dry cleaning and mourning blacks a spe cialty at GROGAN’S NEW YORK DYE WORKS, Whitaker and Stute streets. Both phonies 943. Estab lished 1891. Y&E New Year Resolutions are NOW in Order. RESOLVE TO-DAY, now, to do away with your troublesome, antedeluvian, trouble making file and instal anew, up-to-date Y&E FILING OUTFIT built on tbe keep together principal. M. S. & D, A. BYCK, Stationers and Office Outfitters, CAN OIVE YOU EXPERT ASSISTANCE. DESKS - - CHAIRS You Would Not Think of Visiting A Blacksmith Shop If you were looking for Diamonds, nor do you expect the Manufacturer who has produced nothing but the cheapest Automobiles (and some of these rank failures) to bring out some thing worth considering. But you do know THE AUTOCAR CO. OF ARDMORE Have a record for producing not only the finest Cars, but all of them com mercial successes. NO OTHER AMERICAN MANUFAC TURER That we know of, has sueh a record, extending over such a period of time. THE AUTOCAR CO. Produce Cars the equal of any in the world, of like horsepower. We are not quite sure, but that they excell. THERE WILL IIE NO CHANGES In the Autocar for 1905. They simply do not need It. Who else can say this. The other fellow tells you to "wait." wait for what. For you to take the chances and prove wheth er or not such and such a car will run. If it does, will It stand up. If you buy an AUTOCAR You buy a success, you buy a car that was right years ago, and the more we know of It, the more we handle It, the more enthused we be come with Its Incomparable qualities. We want you to feel as we do that the Autocar Touring Car, type VIII, Is the best value that America will produce for some years to come. THE AUTOCAR RUNABOUT $900.00 THE AUTOCAR TOUIUNG CAR $1,400.00 We can supply first-class canopy tops, with Glass Fronts, at moderate prices, to fit all types of Autocars. THE PIERCE STANHOPE, Pre-eminently a professional man’s Automobile. Reliable, Sturdy, Dur able. The most luxurious riding car built. These cars need no words of praise. We carry a full line in stock. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is excelled by none, and we mean this generally, not locally. We know every make of car sold in this mar ket, and most of the others. If you desire the best workmanship, in the shortest possible time. This is the spot. R. V. CONNERAT, No. 18 State Street, East. AUCTION SALES FUTURE HAYS. sale. UPRIGHT PIANO, POOL TABLE, CARPETS, FOLDING BEDS, ETC. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell Monday, 12, 11 a. m., at 22 Congress, west: Six carpets and art squares, 3 sofas, walnut bedsteads and bed room sets, 4 folding beds, extension Boston couch, pool table, lounge, very pretty llbr’ary table, 3 adjustable chairs, lot of pic tures, revolving bookcase, handsome smoking set, with music box attach ments, mahogany roeker, large Daven port, sewing machines, platform scales, refrigerators, baby carriage, heater, ranges, g‘as stoves, water closet, lot of wall paper, Imported soda water and ginger ale. ALBO, One upright piano, 1 Steinway square, ordered sold, without reserve. ALSO, A small stock of notions, mirrors, stationery, suspenders, daps, clothing, ribbon, buttons, bells, handkerchiefs, and sundry other articles. ALSO, A good, serviceable horse, buggy and harness. AUCTION SALE. OGLETHORPE AVE. and BARNARD CARPETS, MIRRORS FURNITURE, CUT GLASS, BRIC-A-BRAC. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell on Wednesday, 14th Inst., at 11 a. m„ at the residence on the southwestern corner of Barn’ard and Oglethorpe avenue, the entire contents of said premises, consisting. In part, of: The floor coverings on all of tho rooms, carpets, matting linoleum and oil cloth. All of the mattresses and pillows, moss, hair and feathers, win dow shades, bed and table linen, bed steads .eiderdown sofa pillows, hand some portieres, valuable lace curtains, wardrobes, chairs, handsome set of dinning room chairs and flfteen-foot extension table, antique desk, refrig erators, cedar chest, blankets, antique etagere, mahogany ottoman, fine cut lery. ALSO, Two very elegant parlor mirrors in gilt frames, and a very large lot of bric-a-brac, Including imported and domestic ware, curios, a few articles of cut glass and a great many articles rare and beautiful. I*"? 1 "- 1 ." - 1 lll.'l. !i"'l .IBS ■..'■3 SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the owners, master nor the agents of the British steamship Sidra will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew of said steam ship. H. VOGEMANN. Agent. FORCED SPREADING OUT. So very popular has The Delmonlco's Wine Depart ment become that it has been necessary for us to treble the shelf space allotted to tt. Day by day rare old brands of foreign and do mestic wines are added and right now we have a stock— a variety—that was never dreamed of before The Del* inonlco’s birth. We call es pecial attention to this de partment at this season, for at Christmas a great deal of wine is drunk and It is very desirable that only the pur est should be used. We sup ply only the best that Is known. We ship promptly any orders that come to us from the interior. For Christmas Feasts. Mrs. Housekeeper, you are Invited to use us. Take ad vantage of the great variety of pure foods offered by this store whether you are a reg ular patron or not. Plum I'utlillng Sauco. Plum Pudding. Fancy Malaga Grapes. Salted Almonds. Fresh Shelled Pccnns, Wal nuts, Almonds, Etc. English Fruit Cakes. Cresca Washed Figs. Seeded Italslns. Stuffed Dates and Figs. Crystallzed Orange Peel. Crystallzed Lemon Peel. Cooking Sherry and Brandy. Mnple Syrup and Sugar. Honey Comb Candy. Gibson's Fruit Tablets. Shelled Pop Corn. Mail lard's Chocolates, Bon Bong and Caromels. Home-made Fruit Cakes. We receive orders for Home-made Fruit Cakes for future delivery. They are made by an expert who is vouched for by The Delnion- Ico. It’s not too late to order your Christmas cake. Rockdale Butter Is sold ex clusively In Savannah by the Pure Food Store. Butter by another name Is not so sweet. THE PITRE FOOD STORE. pUUMON |c o -p'diiP *- >c Qmpan^ Bull and York. Phones 555, SPEC IA I. XOTK KS. WANTED, 20,000 POUNDS PRICKLY ASH BARK. Must be free of wood. LIPPMAN DRUG 00. HOW’S YOUR PLUMBING? See BRODERICK. 242 Drnyton St. Phono 1077. SAVANNAH STEAM DYE WORKS, 19 York. West. Cleaning:, Dyeing, Pressing. Lace Curtains finished by steam. Only skilled workmen employed. Bell Phone 1145. Ga. Phone 1264. A. C. OKLBCIUG & SON, floral Decorators. Handsomest Palms and Ferns In the Southern states. Cut Flowers and Floral Designs. Your orders solicited. Both phones 496. J. GARDNER, Agent, 18 Broughton street, east. POLLYCIIKOME RIBBON. Have you seen It? Writes in two colors. The latest models of the Remington Typewriter are the only machines equipped with this new de parture in typewriting. R. M. HULL. Sole Dealer, 10 Drayton street. Y&E 3 CARD INDEX OUTFITS