The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 12, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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ga - KG < ®^J^^^ ,ARM * ° r CtOTT AMO MONARCH WILL BOWL GAMES BY TELEGRAPH AN EIGHT CITY LEAGUE. MB. C. S. RICHMOND OF SAVANNAH IS HADE PRESIDENT. Tlie First Game Will Be Bonlcd on Wednesday Night—Circuit Em braces Atlanta, Macon, Augusta, Columbus, Jacksonville, Tampa, Brunswick and Savannah—Records of tlie Other Teams Will Be Re ceived by Telegraph. A bowling league composed of the following eight cities has just been organized: Atlanta, Macon, Augusta, Columbus, Jacksonville, Tampa, Brunswick, and Savannah. The organization of the league was largely due to the efforts of Mr. C. S. Richmond of Savannah, who has been unanimously elected president. Mr. Richmond has been busily en gaged for the last few weeks in ar ranging for the league, and has Anal ly perfected plans which will govern the conduct of the organization. All games will be played by tele graph between teams of Ave men. The race will be decided according to the number of pins each team has bowled during the season. Two games will be played each month on the Arst and third Wednes day nights. Three games will be bowled, and a report made after each game. Scores of these games will be posted at the place in each city where the contesting team is playing. In this way it is believed the most intense interest will be aroused. Mr. Richmond says the Savannah team has not yet been selected, though some of those who will compose it have been virtually agreed upon. Five of the most consistent bowlers in the city, with substitutes, will be se lected. The Arst games in this contest will be bowled on Wednesday night, the Savannah team bowling at the Hus sars alleys. Special arrangements have been made to receive the reports from the other cities. I'uUerßlty’M Football Coach, Athens, Ga., Dec. 11.—The new coach for the University of Georgia football team for next year will be chosen in all probability within the next few days. There are under consideration several names, but they are not being given out by those who have the nam ing of the coach. It is quite certain that there will be no running North for the next Georgia coach, but that he will be a Southerner, well cogni zant of the peculiarities and require ments of Southern boys. It is rumor ed that Marvin Dickinson will be made coach and that he will be given an assistant, but that cannot be veriAed. It would not be surprising, however, should it happen. SHGTS FLEW TOO CLOSE. Captain Complain* About Practice of a British Gunboat. London, Dec. 11.—Oapt. Mills of the American line steamer Philadelphia has entered a protest against reckless target practice carried on off Ply mouth. He says that as he approach ed the harbor on Saturday with near ly 1,000 persons aboard, their safety was endangered by a gunboat which persisted in Aring, even afteT the pa trol launch apprised the gunboat of t'he liner’s approach. Capt. Mills adds that he was ob liged twice to stop and go full speed astern to avoid disaster. ROYALTY AND NOBILITY GIVE TO UNEMPLOYED. Liberal Response Made to the Ap peal of the Lord Mayor. London, Dec. 11. —Lord Mayor Pound has Issued an appeal for funds for the relief of the unemployed of London. King Edward has contributed $1,250; Queen Alexandra, $1,000; the Prince of Wales, $500; the Princess of Wales, $25; Lord Iveagh, $25,000; the Roth schilds, $15,000; the Duke of Westmin ster, SIO,OOO, and the Peabody Trustees, $25,000. OXE BOV WAS SHOT When He and HU Friend Got Care less With a Gan. Tifton, Ga., Dec. 11.—News has Just reached Tifton of the death of Jor dan Hammond, 14 years of age, who was accidentally shot with a gun last Thursday night by a playmate. Coney Pitts. The two boys had started 'possum hunting, and at a negro house one mile from Sumner they got to tusseling over the gun when it was accidentally fired, the shot taking effect under the left arm of Hammond. Doctors from Sumner and Albany were at once summoned and an operation was deemed necessary. 810 Kilt K AT HOt HKtTER. Loss of A limit $44)0.000 Was Caasrd by the Klwinss. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 11.—The Roby building. Main street, west, and Eliza beth street, was destroyed by fire this morning, entailing a loss of about $400,- ®OO. The building, which was valued ■t $60,000, was practically destroyed. The Vun Bergh Hllverplate Company loses SIOO,OOO, wflh an Insurance of $75,- iiiki. The Hayden Furniture Company lost SIOO,OOO, insured. Will HabsMlse the Line. Mexico City. Dec. 11.—41 Is report ed here that the contract for the Brlt j*h steamship line between British Co lumbia at id Mexico has been award* o' l to Andrew Weir A Cos. of Glasgow, Gotland The agreement calls for first-, less stesmers . enable of carry lb# 4,500 tons of freight each, fifty met-< lass passengers and from *OO to , '•• •rage passengers. The line will ,* subsidised and will receive $40,004 K®f n *** Oanodlso government, and a Wu amount from the Meatean sever n- BROTHERS QUARRELLED OVER THEIR CROP. One of Them Stabbed the Other niul He 1* Likely to Die. Moultrie, Ga., Dec. 11.—Will Ham mock, a young farmer living a few miles south of Moultrie is in a criti cal condition resulting from knife wounds received in a difficulty with Thomas Hammock, his brother, last night. The two young men made a crop together, and had a disagreement over its division. The disagreement resulted in an encounter in which the older brother wounded the younger. A surgeon was called from Moultrie and he found the young man in a very dangerous condition. Monltrfte News. Moultrie, Ga., Dec. 11.—J. S. Palikoff, a Hebrew merchant of this place, has closed his store and turned the keys over to the sheriff with the announce ment that he is insolvent. A settle ment is pending. Palikoff places his liabilities at SIO,OOO, with assets valued at $3,500. Mr. G. C. Beckham of Macon In vested this week, through the White House Land Company, in two lots of land consisting of 400 acres each. These lots are located on the Georgia North ern Railroad, one a few miles south of this place, the other near Autrey ville. Mr. Beckham has great faith in Colquitt lands, having only recent ly purchased a tract of 1,000 acres near Doerun and has since declined a very handsome profit on the investment. Messrs. W. E. and T. J. Aycock, who have been extensively engaged in the lumber trade here, left this week with their families to make their home at Allie, Fla., where they are installing a large mill. W. P. Gillespie of Moultrie Will be associated with them. Postal Arrangement* Made. Panama, Dec. 11. —Arrangements be tween Panama and the canal zone postal authorities have been made as speciAed in Secretary Taft's executive orders. TECH OPENS JAN. 2. Second Term Promises Many New Students. Entrance examinations for tlie sec ond term of tlie Georgia School of Technology will begin on Jan. 2. Tlie requirements for entrance to the low est or sub-apprentice class at that time are as follows: Algebra; Hall's, 135 pages. Plane Geometry; Milne’s 135 pages. English Grammar; Milne's. Classics; Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. The above work constitutes the progress of the sub-apprentice class since Sept. 28. For entrance to the apprentice class full information will he given on application. .All applicants should lie present by a. m. on Jan. 2. For catalogue and particulars ad dress LYMAN HALL, Pres. LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW JRAMES. INTERIOR FINISH. YELLOW PINE,WHITE PINE, OAK, ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash , Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Brynn and Whitaker St*. Factory: Lathrop avenue and O. 8. 8. Cos. wharves. CLASSIFIED AbVEBIISEMENTSi PERSONAL. “A BALD HEAD" IS A DETRl ment to your future in many ways; cease to squander money on mysterious nostrums that promise wonders—if. With us no Ifs, no maybe; it is sure, it is positive, it is an absolute elimina tion of baldness, and with it comes back the natural youthful looks; our catalogue tells you all about It; It Is free; send for it now. America’s Cheapest Hair Cos., Savannah, Ga. "oil HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, hot stuff, wood and coal stoves: cast iron ranges, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit; will take your old stove in exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stove mechan ics In the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia ’phone 2853; Bel! •phone 1123. ONE-POUND BOX FINE ASSORT ed candies or chocolates, 25c, at Het terich’s, 110 State street, west. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they are the same as new. See him on Whitaker, near York. GET YOUR BUSINESS FRIEND an ‘'A. A.” self-filling fountain pen, $2 to $lO. Nothing gives a man more pleasure than one of these conven ient pens. J. & C. N. Thomas, Whit aker and State. KAFFIR, NATURAL AND COLOR ed reeds, all numbers, at Gardner's, 18 Broughton street, east. GOOD REPAIR WORK COUNTS; we do It at cut rates. Williams Bi cycle Cos. GIVE US A TRIAL IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or machin ery of ony kind. Mingledorff ft Cos. G. O. PENTON, DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson_and York lane. ; A.CANEVET, FRENCH SHOF.MAK er. 309 Broughton, west; the cheapeet place In town to buy shoes, because his rent Is low, and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of it. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED. I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at *1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; Imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell ‘phone 1133; Georgia ‘phone 2341. _ ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THE Ignlto mantle* are not the greatest convenience they ever had In their homes; call under the Ma*onic Temple and examine them. GWOOVBMK Fm BUST, BUT 1 CAN still give attention to the wants of my friend* and patrons. I>et me show you the many handsome things In this mammoth jewelry establishment. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg * Cos., Broughton atieet. _________ WE ENGRAVE' 'artihtb’am.y all article* purchased of us; our stock Is very stanorste now. S, If. Koch, Jeweler, 43 Whitaker. I. A ■ !•; fI’HTAIMS AND l" K tteres at Millers; lovely rug* for pres- Juts; nice matting*, com* and see us.* Hr# screens and portieres Wl rwwMm, west. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1904. PERSONAL. WE DESIRE TO LEARN THE whereabouts of John Stroker who was iast heard of in Savannah in 1874, and was then in the service of a merchant vessel sailing from Havre to Savannah. There is a considerable legacy await ing him upon the proper proof of identity. Cann & Barrow, attorneys at law, 16 Bryan street, east. Savannah, Ga. PHONE US WHEN YOU GET A puncture; 10 cents is our price. Wil llams Bicycle Cos. XMAS PRESENTS AT REDUCED prices at Wilensky's opening sale. Watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds, umbrellas and everything that is usu ally kept in a Arst-class jewelry store. 244 Broughton, west. DANIEL A. HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents bicycles of every kind. Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new for sale. SETTER PUPPIES. ONE FEMALE Scotch terrier; Absynnian Guinea pigs, at Gardner’s, 18 Broughton street, east. STORE TOUR FURNITURE WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both 'phones 2. corner Montgomery and Broughton street. A FINE PRESENT is" A GEM Safety Razor. We sell them; shaving brushes and cups. J. & C. N. Thomas, Whitaker and State. RIBBON! RIBBON! RIBBON! Heavy, stiff taffeta, all silk ribbon, No. 40. 60 and 80 at 10c per yard, all col ors; satin ribbon, lc, 2%c, sc, 10c and 15c, all colors; can’t match it else where for double the prices; If you can’t call, write for samples to M. A. Stokes’ Ribbon Store, Savannah. J. GARDNER, AGENT 18 Broughton street, east, for the Kim ball anti-rheumatic ring. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York. LOCOMOTIVES AT MILLER'S that children can ride In; also “the Pioneer Flyer," automobiles, tandems, tricycles and velocipedes; all good goods. 207 Broughton, west. BEAUTIFUL SIGNET RINGS, watch charms, watch fobs, link but tons, shirt studs, for presents to gen tlemen; very low prices; very high quality, J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. PUNCTURES REPAIRED FOR. 10 cents. Williams Bicycle Cos., the cut rate houee. ’PHONE GEORGIA 1821 FORTHE best light ever offered to the public at $1.25; guaranteed for 3 months; prompt attention to all orders; under Masonic Temple. J SELL, BUY, EXCHANGE. RE pair or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. G. O. Penton. FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE sorted candy, 75c, sl, and $1.50, at Het terlch’s 110 State street, west. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A household word; cures coughs when everything else fails; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. HAVING OVERHAULED MY shop, equipping it with the best ma chines, tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of its patronage in wheelwrighting, blacksmithing, horse shoeing. F. Chris Kramer, 310 St. Ju lian. CANARY BIRDS AND CAGES; gold fish and globes; fish food; canary and parrot seed, at Gardners’, 18 Broughton street, east. CHRISTMAS IS COMING; WE sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhine wine at 50 cents bottle; pure blackberry and chiantl wine, 65 cents; other imported wines and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a call. Trapani, Barnard-State. RING GEORGIA 1821 FOR MAhL ties to fit any burner; guaranteed for three months by the only factory that guarantee their goods; 100 to 300 candle power. GREEN. THE EX PERT VUtCAN iser; bring your vulcanizing direct to me, 324 West Broad; jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia ’phono. 1834. Bell. 2130. MAHOGANY SECRETARIES, SO fas, bureaus, chlpindale buffet, card and work tables, china, and brass pewter. 428 Congress street, west. BOOKS, SCHOOL AND MlSCEL laneous, bought and sold, at Gardners’ 18 Broughton street, east. DOLL CARTS AT 25 CENTS TO *lO at Miller’s; doll beds, dolls. Santa Claus, come and see us; wooden and iron wagons. 207 Broughton, west. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN INDUS try; if you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draying lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagoxis are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railways; now, boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash; guaranteed twelve months. 512-520 Hull street, west; also Leer ing mowers, rakes and repairs. A.CANEVET. FRENCH SHOEMAK er, agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes, $4; my price, $2.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale, repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. "FOR SEWING MACHINES OF at.j, kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer son, needles, oil In bulk or bottle. _ WHEN YOU WANT YOUR AUTO moblle painted call on Kramer; he will do It right. "HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterlch’s. 110 State street, west. BRING YOUR WATCH TO K. FlN berg, 18 Broughton, east; he repairs satisfactorily, cheap; have you seen his watches? MILLER’B FURNITURE, LADIES' desks, rockers and other articles, make very desirable presents: combination desks and fancy rockers, odd pieces, music cabinets. 207 Broughton, west. BEFORE BUYING YOUR HOLl day gifts call at Wllensky's jewelry store, 244 Broughton, west. It'll be to your Interest. ' GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN- Ixer, sells the best tire on the market for $3. Sundries at lowest prices. 324 West Proud. Both ’phones. K. FINBERO, 1* BROUGHTON, east, has signet rings. necklaces, brooches, stickpins, suitable for Xmas presents. “FOR BTORINoT PACKINgT”BHlP- ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general dfayage a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both ’phones i. TO MY FRIENDS: I TAKE pleasure In Informing you that I no longer am with Savannnh Stove Com pany, but with D. N. Thomason, 139 Jefferson, where I will be pleased to serve you. Mr. Thomason makes a specialty of repairing or exchanging anything in the stove line. Best prices for old stoves In exchange for neiv. Mice stock Just rsootrsd. J. W. Sweat, MERCHANTS. MILLINERS AND ribbon dealers, If you sell ribbon you are losing money unless you try my ribbon, the latest ribbon at the low est price of any ribbon house in A merles; send for samples. Ml. A. Mtokes, Savannah. Ga. RATTLE DRUMS. Cd CENT*. AT Miller's; "If" want ona of these; fancy rattan rockers tor Ike children, m me end sea what wo ve got. Wt Brough <nn 9k'- 0•* PHOTOGRAPHY. FREE! ABSOLUTELY FREE! with every dozen cabinet photos a life size water color or crayon (not a little tinted cabinet photo), but the real thing. Come and see my elegant stu dio and the finest force of workmen in this line. Everything new and up-to date. Quality best, prices low. I still lead the procession and you should fall In line and take advantage of this ex ceptional holiday offer. AVilson’s Photo Studio, 111 Whitaker street, rear of Jackson & Gutman’s. FREE. A~LIFE-SIZE WATER color pastel, sepia or crayon portrait with every dozen cabinet. See the new carbon-plattnos in black and se pia; the best of all high-grade photo graphs; compare the work and prices of some of the self-proclaimed leaders, before vou decide: your money back if you are not satisfied. Moore’s Stu dio. 107 Broughton street, west, Collat building. NOTH ING BETTER FOR A Christmas gift than a portrait; not the common kind, but the kind we make; a fine water color given with each doz en cabinet photographs for the holi days. Launey Studio. REMOVED TO 34S BULITsTRE ET. near Jones, where we are prepared to do first-class work of all kind; special prices on all class photographs for Christmas. Silversteln's popular price and good work studio. PROFESSIONAL. MISS SALLIE ROBERTS COM mercial stenographer has removed from Provident building to 412 Ger mania Bank building. Georgia ’phone 2892. J. HE BRL'YN HOPS. ARCHITECT and Civil Engineer, 18 Board of Trade building. Georgia 'phone 1950. MEDICAL. medicine of merit, the most popular preparation for coughs and colds; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufac tured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE FOR the cure of liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine, tobacco and cigarette habits. For information, address Keeley Insti tute. 235 Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga, HELP WANTED—MALE. SALESMAN—SPECIALTY SALES man of more than ordinary ability; a man to sell a high-class proposition to high-class, well-rated trade; advertis ing specialty men given preference; must be thoroughly experienced, of un questionable integrity with record for results; to such a man we will give exclusive charge of territory with a yearly contract; remuneration no ob ject; we want results; references and full particulars with first letter for in terview; give permanent address; this is not a get-rich scheme, but a per manent legitimate business; goods are sold on the “money back if not satis fied plan;” quick action required. Ad dress "Clean Salesman," this paper. WANTED, TWO '"COLORED BOYS willing to work; must have good recommendation from lust employer. Apply 110 State street, west. WANTED, A HARDWARE MAN. Wanted, an experienced hardware man, who can manage a business, buy and sell goods. Must be thoroughly competent. Good paying position for the right man. Address “Hardware,” care of this paper. WANTED, MEAT CUTTER, 3 drivers, 8 sawmill hands, 1 pantry girl, 1 chambermaid, 6 general house girls, 1 man cook, 3 waiters, general .help for Florida, man to manage stable, boy tor drug store, 1 watchman. Wandall’s 209 Jefferson street. WANTED, SIX COLORED LABOR ers; steady work. No. 44 Drayton street. WANTED, AT ONCE FIRST-CLASS planing mill foreman; must be strictly sober; state wages; run three ma chines. Address P. O. Box 147, Bain brldge, Ga. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS SAW mill foreman. References required. Crystal River Lumber Company, Crystal River, Fla. WANTED, ENERGETIC. EDU cated men to represent us In the South; commission or guaranteed sal ary paid. Address Dodd, Mead ft Cos.. Atlanta, Ga, WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, 303 Bull street,. Sa vannah, Ga., or 108 West Forsyth street. Jacksonville. Fla. DETECTIVES; EVERY LOCALITY; good salary; experience unnecessary. Interstate Detective Agency, Milwau kee, Wls. WANTED, FOR THE U. S. MA~ rlne Corps, able-bodied men, between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land in our island pos sessions. and at naval stations in the United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer. U. S. Marine Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., 9 a. m. to 5 and. m. RELIABLE PERSON, EACH Lo cality for business position; salary $20.00 weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent; previous experience unnecessary; busi ness established. Address Mr. Cooper, Como Block, Chicago. SPECIAL DAILY SALE No. 7. Monday, Dec. 12, 1904. 39 c THE PRICE TO-DAY FOR Ladies’ 75c Flannelette Sacques Shepherd's Plaid Dressing Kacqiics, good quality llunnelette, lilted hack with belt, sailor collar, with I'crslan border, lllsliop sleeve. Very Special IJ A _ For To-day Only OvC Levy’s HLLI 1 WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED. TWENTY-FIVE Ex tra salesladies; no experience neces sary. but must be quick and accurate. F. M. Kirby & Cos. WANTED, SIX YOUNG LADIES at Conlda’s for packing department. A SETTLED WHITE WOMAN for children and general housekeep ing, with good references, may apply for immediate position. 1002 West Broad, corner Waldburg street. FIVE EXPERIENCED HANDS can get employment at E. ft W. Laun drv. WANTED, TWENTY MILES OUT of this city, at elegant plantation home, one good white cook; also a white laundress; light work for fam ily: good wages and transportation paid. Also wanted situations for ste nographer and bookkeeper who can take dictation; good references. Want ed. good white dining-room girl; only those bringing references as to char acter need apply. Y. W. C. A.. 129 Abercorn street. EMPLOYMENT W ANTED. *2.000 CASH TO INVEST AND services: employment desired where the work of a high grade man, active, practical, business-getter, resourceful and of absolute integrity, may be needed. Address Steady Progress, care E. F. Fegeas, lawyer. 116 Bull streeL_ BOOKKEEPER OF FIVE YEARS’ experience, can do anything In an of fice, from retail grocery to railroad work; best references; small salary. Quick, care News office. WANTED, POSITION BY Ex perienced hardware clerk. Best ref erence furnished. D. N. Disbennett, Dayton Fla. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION; good reference and willing to work. Address, J., this office. WANTED; SITUATION AS BAND, resaw or circular filer; also to keep In order any other tools of a first-class wood-working plant. R. C. Reid, No. 448 Smith avenue. Thomasville, Ga. YOUNG MAN. WITH THREE years’ experience In insurance and cotton business as stenographer and office work; can furnish good refer ences from former employer. Will ing care News. WANTED—HO A HD. WANTED, TWO ROOMS AND board for gentleman and two ladies; private family preferred. W. F. 8.. room 4, Merchants’ National Bank building. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. CUSTOMERS WANTED FOR THE most perfect syrup product ever se cured from sugar cane, obtained through new methods of handling which results in a syrup “like honey,” both in general appearance and dens ity, but much pleasanter to the taste. Mr. D. G. Purse, president of Inter state Sugar Cane Growers Association, in a personal letter, states the follow ing; “You have made a wonderful success In vour manufacture. Never tasted better syrup.” This Is not the cheap product, Is absolutely free of any adulteration and so far ahead of other productions in quality It is cheap at our price. Wo will deliver any where within 509 miles any order for 2 cases or more. 6 gallons each, at $3.50 the case in gallons, or $3.75 on halves. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Sample will be sent on re ceipt of 10 cents (It costs us 15 cents for every sample mailed.) If you want the best cane syrup on earth try this; money back If not satisfied. Reference Jefferson County State Bank. H. A. Barrows, Monticello, Fla. WANTED, HICKORY, DOGWOOD, ash, persimmon and holly logs. James Cockshott, Charleston. S. C. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY! IF YOU NEED IT CALL or write and I will get it for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or Inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the loan. E. Muhlberg, 225 Congress, west; Georgia ’phone 1992. FOR RENT—ROOMS. DESIRABLE, NICELY FURNIBH ed rooms for gentlemen; hot and cold bath; new fixtures In bath room. No. 31 Jones street, east. FOR RE NT, LA RGE ""FURNISHED room; bath, hot and cold water; tele phone; no children; two blocks from the De Soto Hotel; to gentleman only. Address V. H., care News. FOR RENT—FLATS. "^FLATToFILARGE^OOMSrwrrH wide piazzas, instantaneous heater, with or without furniture. Apply 120 East Bolton street. NICE FLAT, 4 ROOMS, LARGE CE dar closets; private toilet; recently overhauled (Dale residence), Jones and Habersham. FORRENT\ FLAT ON PARK AVE nue, facing Park; three rooms and use of bath; *l3 per month. Apply 9 Park avenue, east. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. "'apartment and Habersham. James B. Copps, 215 Congress; Bell ’phone 1919. FOR nENT— HOUSE*. 237 GORDON. EAST, CORNER Lincoln, brick residence, modern and every convenience; six bedrooms; splendid exposure. Haines ft Hunter. DESIRABLE SEVEN-ROOM house, perfect condition; corner Thirty third and Abercorn; S2O. J. C. Postell, IS Bryan, east. FOR RENT; SEVERAL DESIR able residences and fiats. Apply A. Wylly. 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, A VERY DESIRABLE house, furnished or unfurnished. 125 Whitaker. Apply 244 East Oglethorpe avenue. FOR RENT—OFFICES. ~ rooms; 10 Liberty street, west; choice location; sls. G. A. Mercer, Jr. FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT, PLANTERS HOTEL wtlh or without bar; will make cheap rent to right party. Apply to Horace Rivers. Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. ~ HAND^IS worth two In the bush, a home in Sa vannah near the business section is worth a dozen In the woods, a two story house on basement, fronting large flower garden near the De Soto at a bargain; cash or time, to suit pur chaser. For particulars, E. F. Fegeas. lawyer. 116 Bull Htreet. FOR SALE. TEN-ROOM HOUSE: all modern conveniences, near Union Depot; rents for $492 per annum; will entertain reasonable offer. Real Es tate. care News office. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL property consult Robt. H. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 24 President street, opposite Court House. Georgia ’phone 1360. 1 11,1 1 .! TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. 80,000 ACRES PINE TIMBER, ON navigable stream in Nicaraugua. with in 30 miles of ocean; for sale on fav orable terms; this timber Is within 700 miles of Panama canal. For particu lars, R. McWilliams Land Agency, 810 Common street, Hennen building, New Orleans, La. vißoiN pTnk FORESTFOR HALF in Calhoun county. West Florida; 10,- 000 acres. Titles perfect. Want to realize at once. Address S. S. Aider man, Wewahltchka, West Florida. ENGINKJ AND BOILERS. MACHINERY: SAWMILL, VARIA bIe feed with live rolls, engine and boiler complete; ready to operate. Hartfelder-Garbutt Company, 301-5 Bayjstrect, west. ENGINES” BOILERS,“PUMPS; IN fact, everything In machine line re paired by Mingledorff ft Cos., 510 Indian street. I’MTI HKS AMI FRAMES; ~DONY TRUST GREEN MBN~TO frame your valuable pictures, but take your work to C. R. 1.,. (Compe tent, Reliable Ladeveze), where you can get the best grade mouldings, neatly Joined, at prices that defy com petition. We do the framing for the Telfair Academy and the leading art teachers In Savannah. 11 Congress street, west. lIUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CLIENT WANTS TO BUY AN IN tercst in an established real estate business, where the business is getting too large for one man. Send particu lars to E. F. Fegeas, lawyer, 116 Bull street. "LAWYERS, ATTENTION! AD vertlser desires to buy half an Inter est in a busy olflre, with a vlciv ulti mately to buy the other half In the case present incumbent wishes to re tire at some subsequent date; send full particulars and amount wanted to Legal Tender, cure Morning News. MBA T MARKET AND GREEN groceries; fine stand: good dwelling upstairs: splendid business: has to be sold at a sacrifice on account of poor health; como early and secure this growing, valuable business. For particulars, E. F. Fegeas, lawyer, 116 Hull street. DRUG STORE, COMPRISING soda fountain, fixtures and stock, for sale; location one of best In Jackson ville. Address Heffley Drug Company, Jacksonville. Fla. — FOR SALE SAWMILL. 10,000 FEET capacity per day, together with 6,000 acres timber. Address P. O. Box 111, Douglas, Ga. FOR SALE. TURPENTINE PRlV ileges on 80,000 acres of pine timber, very rich In rosin, In Nicaraugua on navigable stream. For particulars, R. McWilliams Land Agency, 810 Com mon street. New Orleans, La. FOR BALE, AN ESTABLISHED sheet metal business, complete in ev ery detail, cheap rent, big building, excellent territory, and good will of concern working In connection with It; will sell at a bargain; good reason for disposal it will pay you to investi gate; answer quickly. Address Box 146, Charlotte, N. C. FOR MALE—MINI'EM.ANKOUN. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE stock of hot stuff stoves, wood and coal heaters below cost. Bernstein Bankrupt Sale, 305 Broughton street, west. “ NOTICE CATTLE BIJY ERS. ON the 15th of December, 1904, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash about fifty head of stock and beef cattle; sale commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. at A. J. Saps farm In Chatham coun ty, about four miles from Meldrlm sta tlon. A. J. Franklin, Statesboro, Ga. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE stock of hot stuff stoves, wood and coal heaters below cost. Bernstein Bankrupt Sale, 305 Broughton street, west. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND records; the November-Decemhcr rec ords will arrive here first New York steamer, about Wednesday. 8. 8. Sol lee. 120 State street, west. FOR SALE, GOOD SECOND-HAND Everett piano. 304 Oglethorpe avenue, vast. "CLOSING OUT ' THE ENTIRE stock of hot stuff stoves, wood and coal heaters below cost. Bernstein Bankrupt Sale, 305 Broughton street, west. THERE IS NO MORE DBLIGHT fuI music than Is made on the Edison phonograph; buy one for your home; the Edison phonograph Is the best talking machine made; Edison records make the best music. S. S. Holies, 120 State street. west. OLD NE WSPA P E RB. 200 FOR 2 5 cents, at Business Office, Morning News. ™ Knight’s Pharmacies SL UNION PHARMACY, West Broad. Holiday Good* hi Finn Toilet Koaps, K.sqiilsite stationery. Good fVtmb* ami Itrualies, line IVrfunics, Tooth Ilnialiee and Toilet nciv-.slilea—things with genuine Knight worth. Wiley’s Delicious Box Candies. AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. TondatT^ UPRIGHT PIANO, POOL TABLE, CARPETS, FOLDING BEDS, ETC. C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell Monday, 12, 11 a. m., at 22 Congress, west: Six carpets and art squares, 3 sofas, walnut bedsteads and bed room sets, 4 folding beds, extension Boston couch, pool table, lounge, very pretty library table, 3 adjustable chairs, lot of pic tures. revolving bookcase, handsome smoking set, with music box attach ments, mahogany rocker, large Daven port, sewing machines, platform scales, refrigerators, baby carriage, heater, ranges, g*as stoves, water closet, lot of wall paper, Imported soda water and ginger ale. ALSO. One upright piano, 1 Steinw'ay square, ordered sold, without reserve. ALSO, A small stock of notions, mirrors, stationery, suspenders, daps, clothing, ribbon, buttons, bells, handkerchiefs, and sundry other articles. ALSO, A good, serviceable horse, buggy and harness. AUCTION SALES FUTURE"DAYS. OGLETHORPE AVE. anil BARNARD CARPETS, MIRRORS FURNITURE, CUT GLASS, BRIC-A-BRAC. C. H. DORSET!’, Auctioneer, Will sell on Wednesday, 14th Inst.., at 11 a. m., e,t the residence on the southwestern corner of Bartfard and Oglethorpe avenue, the entire contents of said premises, consisting, in part, of: The floor coverings on all of the rooms, carpets, matting linoleum and oil cloth. All of the mattresses and pillows, moss, hair and feathers, win dow shades, bed and table lln'en, bed steads .eiderdown sofa pillows, hand some portieres, valuable lace curtains, wardrobes, chairs, handsome set of dinning room chairs and flrteen-foot extension table, antique desk, refrig erators, cedar chest, blankets, antique etagere, inuhogany ottoman, tine cut lery. ALSO, Two very elegant parlor mirrors In gilt frames, and a. very large lot of bric-a-brac, including imported and domestic ware, curios, a few articles of cut glass and a great many articles rare und beautiful. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. OUR TIRES ARE GOOD; WE SELL them at cut rates. Williams Bicycle Cos. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE stock of hot stuff stoves, wood and coal heaters below cost. Bernstein Bankrupt Sale, 305 Broughton street, west. STEINWAY SECOND-HAND PL ano, $100; Guild, SBS; Barmore, S6O, and other big bargains. Largest, best and handsomest stock personally selected, high grade pianos and or gans ever shown In Savannah; pianos tuned, repaired and thoroughly reno vated; prices moderate; best work guaranteed; estimates free. Murphy’s piano warerooins. Guards’ Armory, Bull and .Charlton: Georgia ‘phone 810. irish coblerT fall raised seed potatoes for sale; the best potato, early, large yielders, few culls; sells as high as any; also white Bliss and Bovee seed. A. H. Lindsay, Ports mouth, Va. PLUMBING. ~blociTTight''rTean^ ful homos and preservation of your eyesight. Block Light will give in creased light at a reduction of gas bills. Hence the economy. Block Lights are Bold In every part of the world where gas is used. Their econ omy has been appreciated. Each Block Light is guaranted 300 candle power; no other one sold gives over 75; hence the economy. One Block Light will light a room brilliantly, where four others are now used; hence the econ omy. The Block Light acts as a savings Bank; It pnya Interest on cost. Block Light uses eight parts of air to one part of gas; air costs nothing; hence the economy. National Plumbing Company, Agents. Jefferson and Mc- Donough streets. Ga. ’phone 2847, FOR GOOD RELIABLE PLUM U- Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son. 142 Drayton street. All work done by us strictly first class. m HOARDING. delightful rooms with good board, hot and cold bath, gas and telephone. 222 West McDonough street. ~ 8 OUTH P OOMNI (HO L Y FURNISH - ed, to gentlemen, with every conveni ence and board, If they desire same. "M. R..” care News. BOARD OR TABLE BOARD,’ WITH home comforts; large, pleasant rooms. 224 Oglethorpe, east. LOST AND FOUND. LOST SUNDAY NIGHT. ON PREB - Price or Liberty streets, a red buggy lap robe; finder rewarded If re turned to 222 Liberty street, east. BLACK AND WHITE SETTER dog, answers to the name of Rod; suit able reward If returned to 122 State street, east. MISCELLANEOUS. ~your'"christma,s^'money''will go further here than In any store In Savannah. Sterling silver novelties of all kind* at very low prices. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. if’yolTwant"a"NlCE PRESENT for some loved one. call at Wilensky’s Jewelry store. You’ll find something suitable and at moderate cost there. Goods shown with pleasure. 244 Broughton, west. K. FINBEROi li BROUGHTON, east, has received a pretty line of la dles’ and gentlemen’s watches, suitable Xmas presents. LET ME REPAIR YOUR BROKEN Jewelry. E. W. Sylvan, with Stern berg ft Cos.. Broughton_street. KNAPP’S" EXPECTORANT CURES coughs, colds, croup and ail bronchial troubles; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents; manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge. GREEN, THE EXPERT VDLOAN- Izer, makes a specialty of vulcanizing automobile tires, c-aslnge and tubea Both ’Dhoner. FOR GOOD RELIABLE PLUMB- Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy ft Son. 142 Drayton street All work done b* us strictly first class. 3