The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 14, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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report of another ACCIDENT TO AN OFFICER. Hunting Party Hml a Hatlier Stren aom Time of It. When a complete report was made at police headquarters yesterday morn ing of the fishing trip participated in by Patrolmen Fleming, Tullis and Beach and Fireman Hughes on Mon day, it developed that Mr. Beach was not the only one who came very near passing over the river. While attempting t*r stalk a heron in the vicinity of Fort Jackson, Patrol man Moody Fleming came very near being stuck in the mud for good. This guardian of the peace weighs in the neighborhood of 250 pounds. He step ped out of the boat and proceeded sev eral feet before he Anally struck the deceptive looking mire. Before he knew what was happening be \\*&s floundering about, each step making it more difficult for him to take another. In a few minutes he was ex hausted, and was so well lodged in the mire that he could .not move. A con sultation was hastily held among the re maining members of the party as to the best method to respond to the loud calls for aid from the man in the mire. A rope and two boat paddles were finally agreed on as the wrecking out fit. Patrolman Beach threw the lasso over Fleming’s head and the paddles were placed within reach so he could slowly extricate himself. Covered from his feet to his waist with mud like a coat of glue, Fleming was hauled to safe ground and finally placed aboard the boat. WILL MEET THURSDAY TO CONSIDER BUDGET. Mayor Myers Is Now Figuring on Probable Expenditures by Himself. There will probably be a special meeting of City Council to-morrow night for the purpose of considering the tax ordinance and the budget for 1905. Mayor Myers, who returned from Macon early yesterday morning, an nounced he thought the meeting would be held then. The Mayor was yesterday furnished with a tabulated list showing the city’s income and the sources from which it is derived. With this information and the estimates prepared by the various departments of their expenses for next year, he is doing some figuring by him self on the budget. The city’s income, as shown by „a statement of the amount of money taken in during a year, is misleading, Mayor Myers says. Much of the money paid in is to reimburse the city in part for money already spent on paving, or sidewalks or something of the kind. The city’s actual income, deducting these amounts, is not over $900,000, Mayor Myers says. In figuring on the income these amounts Should not be considered, for the city has already paid out the money before these sums are paid back. RESIGNED TO ESCAPE MAYOR’S INVESTIGATION. Patrolman John L. Lady, who was to have been tried before Mayor Myers yesterday, handed in his resignation as ‘a member of the police force. The resignation under charges was accepted and Fireman M. N. Collins was ap pointed to the police force in his place. Collins was one of the best members of the Are department. Lady w*as charged with clubbing a negro, Robert Rose. The negro’s nose Is said to have been broken and he was badly beaten. Lady was formerly a member of the fire department and distinguished him self in that service for bravery. THE WEATHER. Morning News barometer. Dec. 13, 11:30 p. m 29.99 Morning News thermometer, Dec. 13, 11:30 p. m 44 Washington, Dec. 13.—Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: South Carolina and Georgia—Rain Wednesday; Thursday fair in west, rain in east portion; fresh northeast winds, increasing. Western Florida—Rain Wednesday; Thursday, fair and colder; fresh east winds, becoming west. Eastern Florida—Fair in south; rain in north portion Wednesday; Thursday, rain, fresh east winds. Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah: Maximum temperature 4 P. m 52 degrees Minimum temperature 8 a. m 35 degrees Mean temperature 44 degrees Normal temperature 64 degrees Deficiency of temperature . 10 degrees Accumulated excess since Dec. 1 61 degrees Accumulated deficiency since Jan. 1 213 degrees Rainfall 00 inch Normal 10 inch Deficiency since Dec. 1 72 inch Deficiency since Jan. 1 . .10.04 inches River Report.—The hight of the Sa vannah river at Augusta, at 8 a. m., (75th meridian time), yesterday, was 6.8 feet, a fall of 0.5 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours. Observations taken at the same mo ment of Time, Dec. 13, 1904, 8:00 p. m., 76th meridfan time. . Name of Station. I T | W I R. Boston, clear I 24 I NAVI .00 New York city, clear ....| 20 |NW| .02 Philadelphia, clear | 24 |NW T Washington city, clear .. 26 NW .00 Norfolk, clear 32 NW .00 Hatteras, clear 36 N .00 Wilmington, clear 38 NE .00 ('hurlotte, clear 24 NE .00 JAilelgh, clear 30 N .00 Asheville, clear 26 N .00 Charleston, clear 46 NE .00 Atlanta, clear 38 NW .00 Augusta, clear 42 NE .00 Savannah, cloudy 47 E .00 Jacksonville, rain 52 NT Jupiter, pt. cldy 62 NE .00 Key West, clear 72 SE .00 Tampa, cloudy 60 C .00 Mobile, pt. cldy 50 E .00 Montgomery, clear 48 NE .00 Vicksburg, cloudy I6o| NE T New Orleans, cloudy .| 62 | E| .00 Galveston, cloudy |56 | N|.oß Corpus Christ!, clear 68 |NW| .00 Palestine, clear 56 |NW| .00 Memphis. Cloudy 30 I NE .00 Cincinnati, cloudy 20 | N| .00 Pittsburg, cloudy 20 NW T Buffalo, snow 14 W .04 Detroit, pt. cldy 16 NW .00 Chl( ago, cloudy 20 NW .02 Marquette, cloudy 16 W .02 St. Paul, clear 14 S, .00 Davenport, clear 18 NKj .00 st - Ixnjls. 26 j E; .00 Kansas city, cloudy | 20 j NK| T Gklahoma. snow |24 N| .01 Dodge city, cloudy |l2 i N| .Oo ■North Platte, cloudy |2O | S| T it. B. Eioirer, Local Forecaster. MKDICAI.. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IB A medicine of merit, the most popular ("•iteration for coughs and oolda; at drug note* 26 and 60 cenla. Manufac tursd by W. o. Cut)badge, 111 Barnard • t rest. * TH E K RELBf IN¥t7ttrfE~FOß rt> cure of liquor, opium, morphlno, "><*lne, tobacco and cigarette habits, ror information addraaa Keelry Instl ,ul *. W Capitol avenue. Atlanta, Ua THE HOLIDAY SEASON Find- us fully prepared, and our stock is thoroughly complete. We show niany exclusive lines this season. A direct importation from Aus tria of The Famous Teflitz Ware. Fine French China In sets and single pieces. Fancy Goods from France, Austria and Ger many. .ENGLISH NOVELTIES, HAMMERED BRASS. Libbey's Regal Cut Glass ONLY SOLD HERE. The new Stem Pieces from Libbey. STUDENT LAMPS In Old Brass. FANCY LAMPS. JARDINIERES, And other rare and exclusive Gifts. Come and sec what we have. Thos. West & Cos., Importers'and Dealers. LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW JFRAMES. INTERIOR FINISH. YELLOW PINE.WHITE PINE. OAK, ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash, Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS. Office: Bryan and Whitaker St*, Factory: Lathrop avenue and O. 8. S. Cos. wharves. CLASSIFIED /LVLHIISEMEWTS, PERSONAL. “A BALD HEAD” IS A DETRl ment to your future in many ways; cease to squander money on mysterious nostrums that promise wonders—if. With us no ifs, no maybe; it is sure, it is positive, it is an absolute elimina tion of baldness, and with it comes back the natural youthful looks; our catalogue tells you all about it; it is free; send for it now. America’s Cheapest Hair Cos., Savannah, Ga. OIL heaters! WOOD HEATERS, hot stuff, wood and coal stoves: cast iron ranges, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit; will take your old stove in exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stove mechan ics in the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia 'phone 2853; Bel! 'phone 1123. ~"JOHNNY ON THE SPOT;” THAT means the “New Home” sewing ma chine; its always ready. A. J. Purs ley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State street. SEE THOMAS, WHITAKER AND State, for rings, lockets, bracelets, link buttons and novelties. ONE-POUND BOX FINE ASSORT ed candies or chocolates, 25c, at Het terich’s, 110 State street, west. KAFFIR, NATURAL AND COLOR ed reeds, all numbers, at Gardner's, 18 Broughton street, cast. GOOD REPAIR WORK COUNTS; we do It at cut rates. Williams Bi cycle Cos. O. O. PENTON, DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson and York lane. A.CANEVET, FRENCH SKOEMAK er, 309 Broughton, west; the cheapest place in town to buy shoes, because his rent Is low, and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of It. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED. I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at $1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell 'phone 1136; Georgia 'phone 2841. ■rattle DRUMS, 50 CENTS. AT Miller’s; ”U” want one of these; fancy rattan rockers for the children; come and see what we’ve got. 207 Brough ton, west. TO MY FRIENDS: I TAKE pleasure in informing you that I no longer am with Savannah Stove Com pany, but with D. N. Thomason, 139 Jefferson, where I will be pleased to serve you. Mr. Thomason makes a specialty of repairing or exchanging anything in the stove line. Best prices for old stoves In exchange for new. Nice stock Just received. 3. N- Sweat. LOCOMOTIVES AT MILLER'S that children can ride in; also "the Pioneer Flyer,” automobiles, tandems, tricycles and velocipedes; all good goods. 207 Broughton, west. MERCHANTS. MILLINERS AND ribbon dealers, if you sell ribbon you are losing money unless you try my ribbon; the latest ribbon at the low est price of any ribbon house in America; send for samples. M. A. Stokes, Savannah, Ga. K. FIN BERG. 18 BROUGHTON, east, has just received the most beau tiful line of Jewelry for Christmas presents in the city. He’ll please you in price and goods. CHAS. F. FULTON, Real Estate Agent and Broker, Buys and Sells on Commission. Rents Collected. Estates Managed. AumM tha entire management of real relate. collecting ranta, paying taxea, making returne, ate., thereby re lieving the owner of all rare and an noyance. Ixing axparlanea and paralatant at tention eneblee ma to raallsa for prop arty ownera tha vary beat reaulta. All bualnaaa placed In my handa trill receive tha moat rarefy! attention 111 Mall— rilOMJSM —Uaargla 111. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1004. PUMIAU J " V PHONE US WHEN" puncture: 10 cents is our price. Wil liams Bicycle Cos. XMAS PRESENTS AT REDUCED prices at Wilensky’s opening sale. Watches, clocks, Jewelry, diamonds, umbrellas and everything that is usu ally kept in a first-class Jewelry store. 2< Broughton, west. DANIEL A. HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents bicycles of every kind. Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new for sale. FINE OUTCLASS ARTICLES, beautiful pins, watches and clocks, sterling silver novelties, hatpins, scurf pins, link buttons, shirt studs and hundreds of other things in this mammoth Jewelry store I would be pleased to show to my friends and pa l„ror's - E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg, & Cos,, Broughton street. SETTER PUPPIES, ONE FEMALE Scotch terrier; Absynnlan Guinea pigs, at Gardner’s, 18 Broughton street, east. PEOPLE WHO USE THE “NEW Home" sewing machine will tell you that its “.Tohnny on the Spot.” A. J. Pursley, agent, 119 Whitaker, corner State street. HUNDREDS OF~THINGS SUITA bIe for Christmas presents at this store of solid values. J. & C. N. Thomas. Jewelers. Whitaker and State. STORE YOUR the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room; both ’phones i. corner Montgomery and Broughton street. RIBBON! RIBBON! RIBBON! Heavy, stiff taffeta, all silk ribbon. No 40. 60 and SO at 10c per yard, all col ors; satin ribbon, lc, 2&c, sc, 10c and 15c, all colors: can’t match it else where for double the prices; if you can’t call, write for samples to M. A. Stokes’ Ribbon Store, Savannah. J. GARDNER AGENT' 18 Broughton street, east, for the Kim ball anti-rheumatic ring. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIR'S and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York. GIVE US A TRIAL IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or machin ery of any kind, Mlngledorff & Cos. PUNCTURES REPAIRED FOR Ti) cents. Williams Bicycle Cos., the cut rate houee. ’phone georgiaTlsbTfor^the best light ever offered to the public at $1.25; guaranteed for 3 months; prompt attention to all orders; under Masonic Temple. ! SELL, BUY, EXCHANGE, RE paii- or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. G. O. Penton. FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE As sorted candy, 75c, sls and $1.50, at Het terich’s 110 State street, west. KNAPPS EXPECTORANT IS A household word; cures coughs when everything else fails; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. " HAVING OVERHAULED MY shop, equipping it with the best ma chines, tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of its patronage in wheelwrighting. blacksmithing, horse shoeing. F. Chris Kramer. 310 St. Ju lian. CANARY BIRDS AND CAGES; gold fish and globes; fish food; canary and parrot seed, at Gardners’, 18 Broughton street, east. CHRISTMAS IS COMING; "Tv! sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhine wine at 50 cents bottle; pure blackberry and chianti wine, 65 cents; other imported wines and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins, Georgia syrup, oat meal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a call. Trapani, Barnard-State. THIS STORE GRANTS PRICES that are not to be had in the more ex pensive locations; sterling silver novel ties, manicuring utensils, sterling bon bon dishes, gold hearts, hatpins, scarf pins, tie holders, ladies’ and gentle men’s watches, watch charms and fobs, link cuff buttons, ornamental clocks, combs and brushes, sunbursts, and many other things appropriate as Christmas presents; articles purchased here are engraved free. J. H. Koch, Jeweler, 46 Whitaker street. Just north of Broughton. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages so that they are the same as new. See him on Whitaker, near York. K. FINBERg! 18 BROUGHTON, east, has just received wedding rings, gold watches, pins and charms for Christmas presents; repairing done. ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS'TF THE lgnito mantles are not the greatest convenience they ever had in their homes; call under the Masonic Temple and examine them. LACE CURTAINS AND POR tieres at Miller’s; lovely rugs for pres ents; nice mattings; come and see us; Japanese fire screens and portieres. 207 Broughton, west. RING GEORGIA 1821 FOR - MAN tles to fit any burner; guaranteed for three months by the only factory that guarantee their goods; 100 to 300 candle power. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN izer; bring your vulcanizing direct to me, 324 West Broad; jobs guaranteed or money refunded. Georgia ’Dhone. 1834. Beil, 2130, MAHOGANY SECRETARIES, 80- fas, bureaus, chlplndale buffet, oard and work tables, china, and brass pewter. 428 Congress street, west. BOOKS, SCHOOL AND MlSCElT laneous, bought and sold, at Gardners’ 18 Broughton street, east. DOLL CARTS TAT 25 CENTS TO $lO at Miller’s; doll beds, dolls. Santa Claus, come and see us: wooden and iron wagons. 207 Broughton, west. 'LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S gold watches, $25 up. They are beau ties: late designs; finest movements. J. & C. N. Thomas, Whitaker and State. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN INDUB - If you need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draylng lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagons are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railways; now, boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash; guaranteed twelve months. 512-520 Hull street, west; also Deer lng mowers, rakes and repairs. JLCANEVET, FRENCH SHOEMAK er, agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes. $4: my price, $2.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale; repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. “FOR SEWING MACHINES OF ALL kinds and supplies, call at 142 Jeffer son. needles, oil in bulk or bottle. "HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterlch's. 110 State street, west. MILLER’S FURNITURE. LADIES' desks, rockers and other articles, make very desirable presents; combination desks and fancy rockera, odd placea, music cabinets. 207 Broughton, west. BEFORE BITYINO YOUR HOLl dsy gift" call at Wilensky’s Jewelry store, 244 Broughton, west. It'll be to your Intrit. *~GR BEN .THE' EXPERT VU LOAN - Her, sells the bast tire on the market tor 18 Sundries at lowest prices. 124 Wast Prosd. Both ‘phones PorITORINO, PACKING. SHlP plng and moving your household goods and (Manning and relaying carpels; general drtayage a specialty. Be# Ben ton Transfer C., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both ‘phenes t. • PHOTOGRAPHY. FREE! ABSOLUTELY FREE! with every dozen cabinet photos a life size water color or crayon tnot a little tinted cabinet photo), but the real thing. Come and see my elegant stu dio and the finest force of workmen in this line. Everything new and up-to date. Quality best, prices low. I still lead the procession and you should fall In line and take advantage of this ex ceptional holiday offer. Wilson’s Photo Studio, 111 Whitaker street, rear of Jackson & Gutman's. FREE? A LIFE -SIZE ~W A TER color pastel, sepia or crayon portrait with every dozen cabinet. See the new carbon-platinos in black and se pia; the best of all high-grade photo graphs; compare the work and prices of some of the self-proclaimed leaders, before you decide; your money back if you are not satisfied. Moore’s Stu dio, 107 Broughton street, west, Collat building. not hTno better for" A Christmas gift than a portrait; not the common kind, but the kind we make; a fine water color given with each doz en cabinet photographs for the hoil days. Launey Studio. PROFESSIONAL, and Civil Engineer. 18 Board of Trade building, Georgia 'phone 1950. HELP WANTED—MALE. ADLER'S STORE wants ten extra boys; only those of character and energy need apply. Leo pold Adler. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS DRAY man thoroughly conversant with the city. M. J. Doyle. WANTED, MEAT CUTTER, 3 drivers, 8 sawmill hands. 1 pantry girl, I chambermaid, 6 general house girls, 1 man cook, 3 waiters, general help for Florida, man to manage stable, boy for drug store, 1 watchman. Wandall’s 209 Jefferson street. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS SAW mill foreman. References required. Crystal River Lumber Company, River. Fla. PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade; established business; $26 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced; position permanent; previ ous experience not essential. Address Trade Manager, 323 Dearborn, Chicago. SALESMEN, REAL ESTATE; good opportunity for right men. For full particulars, address F. C., Room 1901, No. 108 Fulton street, New York. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE! copy letters, home evenings, $9.50 week; send addressed envelope for particu lars. Manager Dept., W 47, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, FOR THE U. S. MA rine Corps, able-bodied men. between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war in ail parts of the world, on land in our island pos sessions, and at naval stations in the United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. S. Marino Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga„ 9 a. m to 5 n. m. sio Lilt WEEK AND TRAVELING expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnec essary. Purity Cos., Chicago. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 303 Bull street, Sa vannah, Ga., or 108 West Forsyth street. Jacksonville. Fla. RELIABLE PERSON, EACH Lo cality for business position; salary $20.00 weekly and* expenses; expense money advanced; ■position permanent; previous experience unnecessary; busi ness established. Address Mr. Cooper, Como Block. Chicago. WANTED, TRAVELING SALES men in each state to sell our large line of tobaccos; permanent position. Par agon Tobacco Works, Bedford City, Va. HELP WANTED—FEMALE! more extra salesladies; experienced help receives first consideration. Ap ply at once at the store of Leopold Ad ler, WANTED, TWENTY MILES OUT of this city, at elegant plantation home, one good white cook; also a white laundress; light work for fam ily; good wages and transportation paid. Also wanted situations for ste nographer and bookkeeper who can take dictation; good references. Want ed, good white dining-room girl: only those bringing references as to char acter need apply. Y. W. C. A., 129 Abercorn street. "wanted! GOOD COOK WITH references for small family. Apply Mrs. Emerson. Pulaski Flats, Charl ton street, west. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE copying letters at home, evenings or spare time and return to us; no mail ing or canvassing. $9.00 weekly earned, materials free. Enclose self-address ed envelope for particulars. Guaran tee Cos., No. W 47, Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa. " EMPLOYMENT WANTED. WANTS PLACE to work and has good reference, or a good office boy and would like to start on Monday. H. D., care Morning News. COLORED WOMAN WISHES TO do cooking. 559 Maple street. SPECIAL DAILY SALE No. 9. Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1904. 42c The Price TO-DAY for WHITE APRONS Large full white aprons, with and without bibbs, fine quality lawn, some plain, some embroidery trimmed. Value 50c to 65c. price AOn For To-day Only *TfcVe LEVY’S EMPLOYMENT WANTED. DRUG CLERK WITH TWO AND a half years experience wants posi tion; can give first-class reference from former employers. Address O. M. P„ Providence. Fla. BOOKKEEPER OF FIVE YE A US’ experience, can do anything in an of fice, from retail grocery to railroad work; best references; small salary. Quick, care News office. WANTED." POSITION AS BOOK keeper or assistant: graduate of bus iness college: references. Address Box 7, this office. WANTED! POSITION AS COOK in hotel, restaurant or in private fam ily. Address H. G., care News. YOUNG MAN, WITH THREE years’ experience in insurance and cotton business as stenographer and office work; can furnish good refer ences from former employer. Will ing care News. W A S TE D—MISCE LI. ANEOIi S. CUSTOMERS WANTED FOR THE most perfect syrup product ever se cured from sugHr cane, obtained through new methods of handling which results in a syrup ■'like honey,” both in general appearance and dens ity, but much pleasanter to the taste. Mr. D. G. Purse, president of Inter state Sugar Cane Growers Association, in a personal letter, states the follow ing: "You have made a wonderful success in vour manufacture. Never tasted better syrup.” This is not the cheap product, Is absolutely free of any adulteration and so far ahead of other productions in quality it is cheap at our price. We will deliver any where within 500 miles any order for 2 cases or more, 6 gallons each, at $3.50 the case in gallons, or $3.75 on halves. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Sample will be sent on re ceipt of 10 cents (it costs us 15 cents for every sample mailed.) If you want the best cane syrup on earth try this; money back if not satisfied. Reference Jefferson County State Bank. H. A. Barrows, Monticello, Fla. “SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and household goods bought for cash. Bourquin, 113 Barnard street. WANTED, HICKORY, DOGWOOD, ash, persimmon and holly logs. James Cockshott, Charleston. S. C, MONEY TO LOAN. or write and I will get it for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the ioan. E. Muhlberg, 225 Congrees, west; Georgia 'phone 1992. FOII IIENT—ROOMS. DELIGHTFUL SUNNY FRONT rooms, nicely furnished; gas, bath, tel ephone; housekeeping. 304 Oglethorpe, west. DESIRABLE,' NICELY"FURnTsBL ed rooms for gentlemen; hot and cold bath: new fixtures in bath room. No. 31 Jones street, east. FOR RENT—FLATS. wide piazzas, instantaneous heater, with or without furniture. Apply 120 East Bolton street. NICE FLAT, 4 ROOMS, LARGE~CE dar closets; private toilet; recently overhauled (Dale residence), Jones and Habersham. MODERN FLAT! FIVE ROOMB and bath, 314 West Liberty street. Apply M. D. Hirsch. _ 'for! RENT, FI.AT ON PARK AVE nue, facing Park; three rooms and use of bath; sl3 per month. Apply 9 Park avenue, east. A I*ARTM ENTS FOR RENT. and Habersham. James B. Copps, 215 Congress; Bell ’phone 1919. FOR nENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT, THREE-8 TORT brick house, 439 Barnard street; late ly renovated throughout. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. 'desTrab L E SEVEN-ROOM house, perfect condition; corner Thirty third and Abercorn; S2O. J. C. Postell, 18 Bryan, east. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE, 244 Montgomery street. Apply next door. "FOR RENT, SEVERAL D ESI li able residences and flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. 237 GORDON. EAST, CORNER Lincoln, brick residence, modern and every convenience; six bedrooms; splendid exposure. Haines & Hunter. HOUSE OR LOWER FLAT. 31S Waldburg, east. Rowland & Rowland. FOR RENT, A VERY DESIRABLE house, furnished or unfurnished. 525 Whitaker. Apply 244 East Oglethorpe avenue. FOR RENT—MIS I I I t M O Is. FOR RENT. PLANTERS~HOTEL? wtih or without bar; will make cheap rent to right party. Apply to Horace Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. "for sale—real estate. " THE HABERSHAM HOUSE. FAC ing Orleans Square; one of the hand somest and most picturesque colonial residences in the South; can be bought cheap. Haines & Hunter. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. THE CHEAPEST RESIDENCE IN the city. No. 107 Perry, west, known as the Miller residence, between Whit aker and Barnard streets, within easy reach of the business portions of the city and near to churches, schools, theater, etc. The house is very large, having in all thirteen rooms. It was built with great care, as the private residence of a gentleman who had am ple means to secure comfort and last ing qualities. There is a large out building which could readily be made a source of revenue. In order to make a quick sale. I am authorized to sell this splendid property at the ridlc uously low figure of $6,000, very much less than the cost of duplicating the house. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE. TEN-ROOM HOUSE! all modern conveniences, near Union Depot; rents for $492 per annum; will entertain reasonable offer. Real Es tate, care News office. "BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL property consult Robt. H. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 24 President street, opposite Court House. Georgia 'phone 1360. ” 1 - RICE PLANTATIONS. FOR SALE, AT A GREAT BAR gain, four adjoining rice plantations situated on the Ogeechee river, and suitable for a large wild duck pre serve, namely Frog Camp, containing 135 acres; Prairie, containing 595 acres; Origa. containing 665 acres; of which eighty-three ucre3 is high land; lastly, Grove Point plantation, containing 2,070 acres. On Grove Point there are about 10 acres high land. 400 acres rice land and laigo and unknown quantities of fresh and salt water marsh, the winter haunt of wild ducks. There are three flowing artesian wells, a nine-room, brick, metal roof dwell ing; hot and cold water and modern conveniences; brick kitchen and sta ble, large barn, overseer’s house, and sixteen outhouses, two mills, with machinery, and everything necessary for un up-to-date rice plantation. For terms apply to Ralph Elliott, Savan nah. I’M TI IIKS AND Fit DIBS. DON’T TRUST GREEN MEN TO frame your valuable pictures, but take your work to C. R. L. (Compe tent, Reliable Ladeveze), where you can get the best grade mouldings, neatly joined, at prices that defy com petition. We do the framing for the Telfair Academy and the leading art teachers In Savannah. 11 Congress street, west. * ENGINES AND BOILERS! ble feed with live rolls, engine and boiler complete; ready to operate. Hartfelder-Garbutt Company, 301-5 Bay street, west. ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS; IN fact, everything in machine line re paired by Mingledorff & Cos., 510 Indiun street. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALK, BMwT~ACRES^HHrinMITERr , ON navigable stream in Nlcaraugua, with in 30 miles of ocean; for sale on fav orable terms; this timber is within 700 miles of Panama canal. For particu lars. R. McWilllaiuH Land Agency. 810 Common street, Hennen building, New Orleans, La. VIRGIN PINE FOREST FOR SALE in Calhoun county, West Florida; 10,- 000 acres. Titles perfect. Want to realize at once. Address S. S. Aider man, Wewahltchka, WeHt Florida. 1 _ . —™. . r . ?■; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS BAR and fixtures; good patronage; a bar gain for right party. Address Bar, Morning New*. DRUG STORE. COMPRISING soda fountain, fixtures and stock, for sale; location one of best in Jackson ville. Address Heffley Drug Company, Jacksonville. Fla. FOR SALK.~ TURPENTINE PHI V lleges on 80,000 acres of pine timber, very rich In rosin, in Nlcaraugua on navigable stream. For particulars, R. McWilliams Land Agency, 810 Com mon street. New Orleans, La. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR HALE, TWELVE HAND trucks, nearly new; office tables, desks, chairs, iron safe, three boxes frosted window glass, assorted sizes; mahog any dining, curd and center tables; brass andirons and fender; two fine plate-glass show cases, and second hand stoves of all kinds; almost any thing in the second-huud line. If haven't it in stock can place it for you. Ray's Second-Hand Store, 134 Whitaker street. NOTICE CATTLE BUYERS, "ON the 15th of December, 1904, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash about fifty head of stock and beef cattle; sale commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. at A. J. Saps farm in Chatham coun ty, about four miles from Meldrim sta tlon. A, J. Franklin, Statesboro, Ga. FOR SALE, CYPRESS SHINGLES! Jarratt Bros., Savannah, Ga. SYRUP BARRELS FOR SALE cheap. Savannah Cooperage Com pany. Phones 667. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND records; the November-December rec ords will arrive here first New York steamer, about Wednesday. S. 8. Sol lee. 120 State street, west. FOR SALE, MULES AND HORSES. From 200 to 400 head on hand all the time; broke and unbroke; reference Commercial National Bunk of Beevllle, Tex.; correspondence solicited; hand! this to.your dealer and oblige, yours truly, E. O. Keagan, Beevllle. Tex. THERE IS NO MORE DELIGHT fuI music than is made on the Edison phonograph; buy one for your home; the Edison phonograph i* the best talking machine made, Edison records make the best music. S. 8. Sollee, 120 State street, west. OUR TIKES ARE GOOD; WE SELL them at cut rates. Williams Bicycle Bn. STEINWAY' SECOND-HAND PI. ano, $100; Guild, SBS; Barmoro, SSO, and other big bargains. Largest, best and handsomest stock personally selected, high grade pianos and or gana ever shown In Savannah; pianos tuned, repaired and thoroughly reno vated; prices moderate; best work guaranteed; estimates free. Murphy's piano ware rooms, Guards' Armory, Bull and Charlton; Georgia 'phone 810. BOARDING. ' SOUTH ROOM" NICELY FURNI SH - ed, to gentlemen, with every conveni ence and board, if they desire same. "M. R„” care News. BOARD OR TABLE BOARD, WITH home comforts; large, pleasant rooms. 224 Oglethorpe, east. Catoosa Springs Water. “All Healing and Lithia.“ (flrbrilnl for tin* 4‘urc and ltHl<*f of Kloiimk-li. Kidney and lin%c| ( oiii|lmlmi*. A booklrt of te(liiuiill- fur lln- a-Mug All the water yon nan drink trie—3B wnli llu- gallon. Tryst, the New dame, 50 Cents. KNIGHTS PHARMACIES IXffVSi S2&. UNION FHAHMACY, Meat Honed Mmh. n §£g frLOBESMEfi 2 2 (WOUftHTOnSuv! Black and Tan Kid Suede, Snake Skin and Felt, Kid and Chamois lined, variety of orna mental designs, $1.25 to $3.00 a pair. AUCTION SALKS THIS DAY. AUCTION~SALL~ OGLETHORPE AVE. and BARNARD CARPETS, MIRRORS FURNITURE, CUT GLASS, BRIC-A-BRAC. C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell or. Wednesday, 11th inst., at 11 a. in., at the residence on the southwestern corner of BarnSard ami Oglethorpe avenue, the entire contents of said premises, consisting, in part, of: The floor coverings on all of the rooms, carpets, matting linoleum and oil elotfi. All of the mattresses and pillows, moss, hair and feathers, win dow shades, bed and table linen, bed steads .eiderdown sofa pillows, hand some portieres, valuable lace curtains, wardrobes, chairs, handsome set of dinning room chairs and fifteen-foot extension table, antique desk, refrig erators, cedar chest, blankets, antique etagere, mahogany ottoman, fine cut lery. ALSO, Two very elegant parlor mirrors in gilt frames, and a very large lot of bric-a-brac, including imported and domestic ware, curios, a few articles of cut glass and A great many articles rare and beautiful. MILLINKIIt. MILLINERY NOTICE: ALL trimmed hats at a sacrifice; sls hats, $7; $lO hats at $5, and so on down the line, at Kttnner & Britton, the popular price store. ALL “SHAPES AT POST. TO CLuHri them out to make room for new goods; don’t miss the sale. Kenner & Brit ton. j RIBBONS; Wli ARK OFFERING a special lot of silk and satin ribbon; No. 40 and 80 for 15c, this week only. Kenner & Britton, No. 118 Broughton street, west. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR baby caps; we sell the best caps made for 25c, 49c and 69e. Kenner A Brit ton. SANTA CLAUS HAS MADE KBN£ tier & Britton’s headquarters for doll hats, in all sizes and shapes. No. 118- Broughton street, west. LOST AND FOUND. LOST, MONDAY AFTERNOON on Barnard street car or Broughton and Barnard, about 5:15, fur neck piece. Reward, if returned to 2321 Barnard or Room 18, 6 Bay. east. LOST, BETWEEN WHITAKER and Jones, and Central Railway of fices, black handbag containing small sum of money. Reward If returned to L. A. Wilson, 23 Jones, west. PLUMBING. CUT DOWN YOUR GAS BILL AND Increase your light by equipping your fixture* with the new light that fur nishes the nearest artificial approach to daylight, the Block light. The most powerful yet most economical ga* light ever Invented; compared with the so called best burner* it gives four time* the light ut less than half the coat. National Plumbing Company, agents, Jefferson and McDonough street*. FOR GOOD RELIABLE PLUMB- Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son. 142 Drayton street. AU work done by us strictly first class. MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU WANT A NICE PRESENT for some loved one. call at Wllensky’s Jewelry store. You'll find something suitable and at moderate cost there. Goods shown with pleasure. 244 Broughton, west. BRING ME YOUR~JEWELRY RJJ palr work. E. W. Sylvan, with Stern berg & Cos.. Broughton street. "KNAPP'B EXPECTORANT CURES coughs, colds, croup and ail bronchial troubles; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents; manufactured bv W. Cubbedge. WHEN YOU WANT YOUR AllTO moblle painted call on Kramer; he will do it right. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer, makes a specialty of vulcanizing automobile tires, casings and tubes. Both 'phonss. K. FINBERG, 18 BROUGHTON, east, hah brooches, necklaces, finger rings, etc.; suitable for Christmas pres ent. FOR GOOD RELIABLE PI.UHB- Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy A Son. 142 Drayton street. All work done b - * ue trictly first class. 3