The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 15, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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CAN’T LIFT PRICES OF XCW YORK STOCK MARKET I\ ITS PRESENT SHAPE. COPPER STILL A POWER. ITS WEAKNESS CAUSED EFFORT FOR A RISE TO BE ABANDONED. In bate Smlo Market Wan Doll and L,t*tlea* and Not Far from the l.evel of Ita Previooa Close—Ef fort* to Increaae Price* Centered In the Coaler*—Advances In Some Case* from 2 to 2% Points—Atelil .nn n Weak Spot. New York, Dec. 14.—Another step w*as taken towards the establishment of a nominal stock market to-day after the proxysmßU fluctuations of Ihe recent dealings. But it developed in the course of the day that conditions were not favorable to a rapid return to the speculative mood existing before the break in the market. Towards the end of the day the market sunk into a dull and listless state not far from last night's close. There w*as nothing in the circumstances to account either for the morning ad vance or to the afternoon reaction further than the natural tendency of the market to readjust itself by a series of lessening fluctuations after such a commotion as that to which it has been subjected. Copper Still Keynote. Sensitiveness to the course of Amal gamated Copper was still preceptible, but not to such a supersensitive de gree as lately ‘and its yielding was the signal for the abandoment of opera tions of the rise. The attempts to move prices upward centered con spicuously in the coalers. Advances in a number of stocks in the group ex tended to 2 or 2% points. Atchison w*as the most conspicuous weak spot. The decision to issue $50,000,000 of con vertible bonds to provide capital for ex- NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND LIST Railroad Stocks. Atchison 82% do preferred 101% Baltimore and Ohio 98% do do preferred 95 Canadian Pacific 128% Central of New Jersey .....189 Chesapeake and Ohio 46% Chicago and Alton 39% do do preferred 80 Chicago and Great Western 22% Chicago and Northwestern 200% Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. 166% do do preferred 182 Chicago Terminal and Trans 12 do do preferred 21 C., C., C. and St. Louis 88 Colorado Southern 20% do Ist preferred .' 57 do 2nd preferred 32 Delaware and Hudson 183 Delaware, Lackawanna and West.3ls Denver and Rio Grande 30 do do preferred 86% Erie 35% do Ist preferred 73% do 2nd preferred 53% Hocking Valley 89 do do preferred 91% Illinois Central 151% lowa Central v-. 28% JO do preferred ?%>4 Kansas City Southern '.. 28 do do preferred 51 Louisville and Nashville 134% Manhattan L ......'1 163 Metropolitan Securities „. 76 Metropolitan Street Railway 118% Minneapolis and St. Louis 61 Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste. : M.... 87% do do preferred 144% Missouri Pacific .105% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 29% do do preferred 61% National R. R. of Mexico pref... 39 New York Central 135% Norfolk and Western 77% do do preferred 92 Ontario and Western 42% Pennsylvania 134 Pittsburg, C., C. and St. Louis... 75 Reading 77 do Ist preferred 89 do 2nd preferred 81 Rock Island Company 31% do do preferred 82% St. Louis and S. F. 2nd preferred. 65 St. Louis, Southwestern 24% do do preferred 64% Southern Pacific 60% Southern Railway 33% do do preferred 95% Texas and Pacific 33% Toledo, St. Louis and Western... 34% do do preferred 50 Union Pacific 107 do do preferred 94% Wabash 20% do preferred 41% Wheeling and Lake Erie 18 Wisconsin Central 21% do do preferred 44% Mexican Central 20% Southern Pacific preferred 117% Express Companies. Adams Express 236 American Express 206 United States Express 117 Wells-Fargo Express 237 Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper 63 American Car and Foundry 30% do do preferred 90% American Cotton Oil 35% do do preferred 94 American Ice 7% do do preferred 38% American Linseed Oil 15% do do preferred 37 American Locomotive 31 do do preferred 100 American Smelting ad Refining... 77% do do preferred 11l American Sugar Refining 138% Anaconda Mining Company 96 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 57% Colorado Fuel and Iron 43% Consolidated Gas 201 Corn Products 20% do do preferred 78% Distillers' Securities 36% General Electric 184 International Paper 24% do do preferred 78% International Pump 40 do do preferred 84 National Lead 22% North American 100 Uar|f|o Mall 41% People's Gas 104% 1 ressod Steel Car 37% do Jo preferred 89% oilman Palace Car 235 “"public steel 14% ~„k. I ' o Preferred 66% I" do preferred 92 "nnessee Coal and Iron % 1 nlted States Leather 16% l-.n. . J> r * f errd 101% l a R e“l‘V 7* B, "*es Rubber *3% on do preferred 92 toted States Steel 26% W 1". preferred ... *7% K**ctrlo 171 ""•tern u„| on >2 Bands. „ refunding 2a. rsgielered...... 104% 1 do <ouis>d |O4V !’ 'eglatersff 104% ‘‘'’Upon ...104% do a*'* *"• r, *bHeraff ............ 190% Is roM leti ....11l Old 4a, legist *1 td 106% tension and absorptions was the evident cause of the disfavor with which the stock was viewed. Its drop to 3 points below last night in the late market perhaps helped to drag down the rest of the list. The addition of $1,600,000 in gold coin to the engagements of all the available gold bars for export Wad an unfavorable sentimental effect. Money Market Unaffected. The money market was not affected In any degree and in fact, was sensibly easier both for call and time loans. The reaction became pronounced in the late market and last prices were gen erally lower tWan last night, especially in the Pacifies, Grangers and United States Steel. The closing was weak. Bonds were irregular; total sales ptar value $3,520,000. United States Bonds were unchanged. Total sales stocks to-day 1,190.200 in cluding: Atchison 25,100; Baltimore and Ohio, 66,400; Chespeak and Ohio, 7,000; Great Western, 12,100; St. Paul, 16,900; Erie, 37,900; Erie first prefer red, 7,000; Illinois Central, 12,500; Kansas City, Southern preferred. 5,400; Metropolitan Street 7,700; Missouri Pacific, 18,700; Norfolk and Western, 24,100; Pennsylvania, 56,100; Reading, IS,100; Rock Island, 36,700; Southern Pacific, 23,400; Southern Railway, 15,100; Union Pacific, 64.100; Mexican Central, 18,900; Copper, 75,700; Smelting, 5,000; Sugar, 15,500; Brooklyn Ti'ansit, 19,200; Colorado Fuel, 13,900; Consolidated Gas, 6,200; International Paper, 5,000; Peoples Gas, 8,200; United States Leather, 59,300; Leather preferred, 12,- 600; United States Steel, 10,900; Steel preferred, 79,200. Stock Exchange to Close. New' York, Dec. 14.—The governors of the Stock Exchange voted to-day to close the Exchange on Saturday, Dec. 24. The Exchange thus will be closed from Friday, Dec. 23, until Tuesday, Dec. 27, in observance of the Christmas holidavs. MONEY MARKET. New York, Dec. 14.—Money on call steady, 2@3 per cent.; closing bid, 2 per cent.; offered at 2% per cent.; time loans easier; sixty days, ninety days and six months, 3%@3% per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4%@4% per cent. Sterling exchange strong, with actual' business in bankers’ bills at 4.87@4.87.05 for demand, and at $4.84.30@4.54.35 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.84%@4-85 and $4.87%. Commercial bills. $4.84@4.84%. Bar sil ver, 60%c. Mexican dollars, 48%c. do do coupon 106% Atchison general 4s 102% do adjustment 4s 94% Atlantic Coast Line 4s 99% Baltimore and Ohio 4s 103% do do 3%s 95% Central of Georgia 5s 110% do do Ist incomes 91 Central of Ga. second inc. closing.. 71% do third incomes closing bid .... 59 Chesapeake and hio 4%s 107% Chicago and Alton 3%s 82% C., B. and Q. new 4s 100 C., M. and St. P. gen. 4s 112 Chicago and Nw. con. 7s ~..128% C., R. I. and P. R. R. 4s 80% do do col. 5s 93% C., C., C. and St. L. gen. 4s 101 Chicago Terminal 4s 85 Consolidated Tobacco 4s T 9 Colorado and Southern 4s 89% Denver and Rio Grande 4s 102% Erie prior lien 4s 101% do general 4s 91% P. W. and D. C. lsts 107% Hocking Valley 4%s 111% Louisville and Nashville unified 4s. 103 M. & O. c. t. 4s closing 96% Manhattan consol gold 4s 104% Mexican Central 4s 76% do do Ist incomes 23% Minn, and St. Louis 4s 96% Missouri, Kansas and Texas 4s ...100 do do 2nds .■ g 4% National R. R. of Mexico con. 4s. 81 New York Central gen. B%s 100% New Jersey Central gen. 5s 136 Northern Pacific 4s 105 do do 3s 75 Norfolk and Western consol 4s ...101 regon Short Line 4s and Partic.,lo3% Pennsylvania conv. 3%s ...102% Reading general 4s "102% St. L. and I. M. consol 6s 116% St. L. and S. F. fg. 4s 89^ St. Louis, Southwestern lsts 97% Seaboard Air Line 4s 83u Southern Pacific 4s ”” 94 Southern Railway 5s "*'119% Texas and Pacific lsts !!!!!119% Toledo, St. L. and Western 45... 82% Union Pacific 4s 106 2 do do conv. 4s 108 United States Steel 2nd 5s I'.!'.’.'..'"' 90% Wabash lsts 1171/ do deb. B 66V Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s 93% Wisconsin Central 4s ’ 92 u Va-Carolina ’ preferred *.*..""* m New York, Dee. 14.—Standard oil, 630. Baltimore. Dec. 14.—Sesfboard Air Ji I J^-, C ,° mn ? on ' 17 *® 77 *: do preferred. .@ 3 -%. Atlantic Coast Line common, 150 asked. LOCAL FINANCIAL MARKET. The following are the Savannah Cotton Exchange quotations: FOREIGN EXCHANGE—SterIing firm; commercial demand, $4.86%@4.87; sixty days, 34.84; ninety days, $4.82%’ francs, steady; commercial demand’, 5.16%; sixty days, 5.19%; marks, com mercial demand. 95%; sixty days, 94%; ninety days, 94 7-16. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE—Buying at 75c per 31,000 discount; selling up to 3600 a graded charge of 10c to 45c over 3600 at rate of 75c per 31,000 prel mlum. Bank Stocks. .. . Bid. Asked. Citizens Bank igo Commercial Bank 109 Chatham R. E. and I. Cos 54% ... Germania Bank 150 Southern Bank 171 Merchants National Bank 110% ... The National Bank of 5av...172 ... Oglethorpe Sav. and Trust... 133 People’s Saving and Loan ..100 102 Savannah Bank and Trust .13* Savannah Trust 108 110 Railroads and Industrials. Bid. Asked. Augusta and Savannah .?..118% ... Atlanta and West Point 155 156 do 6 per cent, certif. 109 110 Chat, and Gulf stocks ill ua B— ! J 1 1 FINANCIAL. wM&leland; BROKERS. MEMBERS ~nr~ Vpw York Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Nett Orleans Cotton Exchange New York Coffee Exchange St. Louis Merchants’ Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Local Office 43 Bar Street. Esat Private wires to principal cltlee. K. R. OWEN. Manager. Reference Mercantile Agencled. JOHN W. DICKEY, Stock and Bond Broker, AUGUSTA, CA. Writ* for 1-Jst. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1904. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. WNL F. McCAULEY,Vice President SAMUEL L. CLAY. Cashier, Savannah Bank and Trust Go. SAVANNAH, OA Solicits accounts of Indi viduals, Firms, Banks, Bank ers and Corporations. Buys and sells Foreign Ex change. Savings Department Interest paid or compound ed quarterly. Correspondence Invited. Central Ice Georgia Telephone and Tel egraph 85 Georgia Brewery 92% 100 Macon Ry. and L. pref 85 do common 25 Georgia Railroad, c0mm0n..255 Planters' Rice Mill 95 Propeller Towboat 96% 98 Savannah Elec, preferred... 86 Savannah Elec, common .... 16 18 Savannah Hotel Company... 66 70 Southwestern 118% ... Southern Railway preferred. 94% 95% do do common 34 84% Savannah Brewing 100 102% Savannah Cotton Exchange. 65 70 Bond*. Chat, and Gulf R. R. 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 104% ... C. of G. coll, trust 11l 112 C. of Ga. cons 111% 112% C. of Ga. Ist Incomes 90 91 do do 2d incomes 70 71 do do 3d Incomes 60 61 M. G. and A 111% 112% G. S. and F. 5s 115 ... Georgia State 3%5, 1930 ....108 110 do do 3%5, 1915 104 106 do do 4%5, 1915 114% ... Macon Ry. and L. bonds 96% 97% Jacksonville Electric 5s 97 Ocean Steamship ss. 1926 108 Savannah city ss, 1913 108 110 Savannah city ss, 1909 104% ... Southbound 5s 112 S. A. L. common 17 17% do do preferred 36% 37% Savannah Electric Cos. 5s 97 98% Eatonton 11l 112 MARINE INTELLIGENCE Savannah Almanac, 78th Meri dian. City lime. Thursday, Dec. 15. Sun rises at 7:16 a. m. and sets 5:23 p. m. Moon, first quarter, sets 12:05 a. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 1:40 a. m. and at 1:56 p. m. High water at Savannah one hour later. Low water at 7:54 a. m. and 8:20 p. m. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Arrived. Steamship Jenny (Aus), Budtnich, Philadelphia, light—Strachan & Cos. Steamship City of Macon, Askins, New York, asst.—Ocean Steamship Company. Schooner William H. Sumner. French, New York, Salt.—Cooney, Eck stein & Cos. Schooner Anna R. Bishop, Bowen, New York, salt.—Master. Schooner Georgia Willard, Boston to St. Petersburg, Fla., put in for stores. Sailed. Steamship City of Memphis, New York. Steamship Berkshire, Philadelphia. Bark Gio Batta, Beverlno, Baltimore. Schooner Cactus, New York. Shipping Memoranda. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 14.—Arrived, steamer Iroquois, Chichester, New York; schooner Hattie Dunn, Thorn dike, Perth Amboy. Cleared, steamer Iroquois, Chichester, New York; schooner John W. Hall, Woodland, New York. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 14.—Arrived, steamer Huron, Ingram, Boston, and proceeded for Jacksonville; United States steamer Ameriu, Ruhland, New York; barkentlne Ethel V. Boynton, Rayner, Baltimore. Port Tampa, Fla., Dec. 14.—Arrived, steamer Olivette, •. Havana, via Key West. Sailed, schooner Helen Taft. Fales, Baltimore. Fernandina, Fla., Dec. 14.—Arrived, schooners Adelaide Barbour. Tilton, New York, John S. Deerlng, Locke. New York; barkentlne Westfield, Lar son, Barbados. Key West. Fla., Dec. 14.—Arrived, steamers Concho, Barstow, New York, and sailed for Galveston; Mascotte, Al len, Port Tampa, and sailed for Ha vana; cutter Hamilton, , Tampa. Sailed, steamer Mlddleham Castle, Jacksonville, with schooner Edith Fol well in tow; tug Independence, New Orleans. Philadelphia, Dec. 14.—Arrived, schooner William K. Park, Savannah. Cleared, schooner Collins W. Walton, Charleston. • New York. Dec. 14.—Arrived, Coman che. Charleston and Jacksonville. St. Nazaire, Dec. 11.—Arrived, Nym phaea, Port Tampa. Notice to Captains of Vessels. Vessels arriving at night will be re ported at the Morning News in its dispatches, without charge, if captains will confirm reports of their arrival to No. 241. either telephone. Notice to Mariuora. Pilot charU and hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished masters of vessels free of charge in the United States hydrographic offloe, In Custom House. Captains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received. This office operates a time ball on the roof of the Cotton Exchange, dropped daily at 12h. 00m. 00s. (Sun days and holidays excepted), 75th me ridian time. In case of the failure the ball is lowered slowly 5 minute* after 12. Clarence Hatch. in charge. OCEAN FREIGHT*. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per 100 pounds, 35c; to New York, per 100 pounds, 20c to dock; 23c lightered; to Philadelphia. 20c per 100 pounds; Bal timore, 20c Pr 100 pounds. COTTON—Foreign direct to Liver pool, 28c; Manchester, 28c; Bremen. 24c; Hamburg. 24c; Rotterdam, 28c; Barcelona, 28c; Havre, 88c; Antwerp, tic. LUMBER— By Sail—Freight, active; to Heltlmore, 26.00; to Philadelphia. |4.7t; to New York. 25-CB%, to Port land, 86.00. LUMBER—By Steam- Savannah to Baltimore, 15.58; to P. R. R. or I. and O. Dock*, |d M; (8 Philadelphia. 8880. to New York, 88.88 per li. to dock; lightered. 37.08; to Seaton, to dock I If *B. j CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Schedule Effective Oct. 6. 1904. Arrival and departure of trains, Central Station, West Brvad, foot of *kn rty slreet - except for Tybee. 90th meridian time—one hour alow — eltv time. departures! Macon, Augusta, Colum bus, Montgomery, Atlan _ * 7 00 am For Augusta, Macon, Al bany, Atlanta, Birming ham and Montgomery...* 0:00pm For Augusta and Dublin. . .* 3:00 pm For Egypt .t * 00 pra For Ouyton t 6:43 am - ARRIVALS. £*-• Guyton t 7:60 am From ,tgypt t 6:40 am hrom Augusta and Dublin.. *10:65 am From Montgomery, Birm ingham. Albany, Atlanta. Macon and Augusta • 7:00 nm From Stillmore and States boro t 6:lopm From Atlanta, Macon and Augusta ' • 6:10 pm BETWEEN SAVANNAH and TYBEE Trains arrive and depart at Tybee oenot, Randolph street, foot of Presi dent. Lv. Savannah t6:10 a. m.. *9:00 a. u. *2:30 p. m . Lv. Tybee tj;00 a. m„ *9:55 a. m.. *<•*o n. m. __ _ _____ Except Sunday. Parlor Car* between Savannah and •"■“•Mita on trains leaving Savannah 7:00 a. m., arriving 6:10 p. m. Sleeping cars between Savannah and Augusta, Savannah and Macon, Sa vannah and Atlanta, Savannah and Birmingham on tratns leaving Savan nah 9:00 p. m., and arriving Savan nah 7:00 a. m. For further Information apply or WTlte to J. S. HOLMES. C. T. & P. A.. 17 Bull street. Savannah. Ga. DR. PERKINS’ -American Herbs- Guaranteed to Cure Asthma, Lungs, Rheumatism. Kidney Disorders, Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sick and Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Scrofula, Female Complaints. Nervous Affections, Erysipelas, Catarrh, and al*. dis eases arising from Impure blood. Mall orders sl.lO, Office, Now 15 Congress street, west. PROF. R. L. GENTRY, Savannah. Ga. Imported Molasses. 681 Puncheons, 24 hogsheads, IS barrels. Muscovado Molasses re ceived by bark Letizia. For sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO.. IMPORTERS. BOILER TUBES J. D. WEED & CO. BISHOP TURNER AND THE FUTURE OF THE NEGRO. a; Hi* Atldres* Before the Georgia Con ference Outlines Hl* Changed View*. Millen, Ga.. Dec. 14.—The Georgia annual conference of the African M, E. Church, began its Sessions here to day. Over 300 ministers and delegates from all parts of South Georgia are in attendance. 7J.. Bishop H. M. Turner, of Atlanta is presiding. The Georgia, Is one of the oldest conferences of'-the A. M. E. Church. Owing to the prominence of many of the members, the proceed ings of the conference will be watch ed with much Interest’. Bishop Turner's annual address Is one of the features of the conference. All who know the bishop, are acquaint ed with th 9 fact, that he has hell gloomy views about the negroe’s fu ture in America. Tw'o weeks ago, Rev. Sam. P. Jones, wrote- to the Atlanta Journal, and Dr. Broughton preached a sermon, both of them on the race question. Their utterances attracted the attention of Bishop Turner, and for the first time In forty years, he is proclaiming that there is a bright future for the American negro. He gave utterance to the sentiment ex pressed in Rev. Sam Jones’ letter, and Dr. Broughton's sermon. There are 85,000 members of the A. M. E. Church in Georgia. They have established one of the best colleges In the South, in Atlanta, for the train ing of negro youth. Rev. J. S. Flip per, Is president of the college. There will be representatives from all the general departments of the church. These departments have head quarters in Washington, D. C., Phil adelphia, New York city, NashviHe, Jacksonville, and, Columbus. The conference will be In session one week. Bishop Turner will con duct a literary Institute each morn ing, for the purpose of Instructing the negro ministers In history, philosophy. Science, theology and chilrch govern ment. At the close of the conference, next Monday, Bishop Turner will appoint the preachers to their fields of labor for another twelve months. Temperance I**ne In Kllsaerald. Fitzgerald, Ga., Dec. 14.—At a mass meeting yesterday the temperance fac tion declared in favor of E. N. Davis, in opposition to B. C. Mosher, as can didate for alderman of the Fourth Ward, and Indorsed the candidacy of D. W. Faulk and L. 0., Tlsdel for Mayor. Dec. 20 Is the date of elec tion. Weak Men Find Strength Here I wish T could meet In person, or have a letter from *ll the then I see on the street* whom t, as an experienced specialist, recognize a* being vitally weak—deficient in procreative power. J wish I could come in contact with tfhern because 1 know that f am In possession of a treat ment—a system. In fact, by which riny man who is weak, or who suffers from a disease that results in sexual weak ness, can be cured in a marvelously short time, and per manently. I mean this regardless of the age of ths man. for I have letters to prove that I have cured men whom other doctors said v.-sre Impotent; old men they were, true enough,but far from senile when the right treatment was given them, as J proved by results with my system of cure. I can do permanent good lo men who suffer from sexual Weakness, varicocele, puny psrts, stricture, dis charges, prematurity, urinary disorders, weak back, lack of staying power, loxt manhood and such complication* as rheumatism, kidney trouble, gout, constipation, thin blood, etc. 1 will cure the disease and build up the body so that there never will bes recurrence of the weakness. DIC. HATHA WAY The beat wav to prove this to your own satisfaction is to Recognised us the ~a | | on me for consultation. Let me examine yqu. advise Oldest Established you. talk Uie matter over with you. man to men, but eon and Most Rellabls fldenUally. All callers have the free use of my vast niedl kpeidaiixt. r„| equipment. Including mII rrys end electric and mag netic apparatuses. To such men who cannot cjQI in person I extend a hearty invitation to writs me, describing their case, stiff they esn sfso have these full benefits free. I will aenff Nelf-KxamfnnMon blank, booklet, etc,, imme diately on receipt of name off addteee Whether you writs or csll ties ad dress ts f>r. J. Newton Hathaway, 26 4, Bryan atresf, tievxtinxh, Qa, qilke Hours V a. at. to 1| m I lo 6, I lo I p. at. bwnffaya 16 a, m. to I p. m. i(SK Southern Railway Trains arrive and depart Savannah Union Station by Central time—one hour slower than city or Eastern time. Schedule Effective. Nov. 6. I>o*. TO THE NORTH AND EAST. IDallyjDaily N0.34jN0.80 Lv Savannah (Can Time)) 1 00p 12 lax Ar Blacky die (East. Time) 4 50p 4 loa Ar Columbia 6 30p 6 00a Ar Charlotte 9 40p 9 55a Ar Greensboro 12 35a, 12 51p Ar Danville. 1 45a| V 10P Ar Richmond $ sal • $P Ar Lynchburg 4 04a 4 20u Ar Charlottesville 6 60a Wp Ar Washington 9 45a 9 50p Ar Baltimore 11 25a 11 ssp Ar Philadelphia 1 60p 2 35a Ar New York 4 13p a 43a TO THE NORTH AND WEST. - - | Dail y |No. 30 Lv Savannah (Central Time) .. 12 15a Ar Columbia (Eastern time) ... 6 Ar Spartanburg 1® ® ua Ar Hendersonville 72 Ar Asheville 1 50p Ar Hot Springs (Central Time) 2 3ip Ar Knoxville ® °® D Ar Cincinnati J Ar Louisville * “® a Ar St. Louis Trains arrive Savannah as follows: No. 29, daily, from New York, Wash ington. St. Louis and Cincinnati, 4.a0 a. m. No. 30, daily, from all points West, via Jesup. 12:10 a. m. , . No. 33, daily, from New York and Washington. 3:30 p. m. , No. 34, daily, from all points West. via Jesup, 12:55 p. m. i _ _ THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. Trains 33 and 34. The New York and Florida Express. Vestibuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Car* between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Trains 29 and 30, The Washington and Florida Limited. Vestibuled lim ited trains, carrying Pullman Draw ing-room Sleeping Cars between Sa vannah and New York. Dining Cars serve meals en route. Also Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Oars between Savannah and St. Louis, Asheville and “The Land of the Sky. For information as to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to C. H. ACKERT, G. M.. Washington. D. C. . S. H. HARDWICK. P. T. M., Wash ington, D. C. , W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A., Washing ton. D. C. BROOKS MORGAN, A. O. P. A.. Atlanta, Ga. R. C. BLATTNER. Depot Ticket Agent. Union Station, Savannah, Ga. E. G. THOMSON. C. P. & T. A.. Sa vannah, Ga„ 141 Bull street. 'Phones 850. MisSMißiispofioiionCo Steamship Lines To Baltimore &, Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points North and Wst. First-class tickets include meals and berths Savannah to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. The steamsfhps of this company are appointed to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE!. ITASCA. Capt. Crowell, THURSDAY, Dec. 15, 11 a. m. CHATHAM. Capt. Hudgins, SATUR DAY, Dec. 17, 1 p. in. FREDERICK. Capt. Tyler, TUES DAY. Dec. 20. 3 p. m. LEX r.NGTON.' Capt. Klrwan, THURS DAY Dec, 22, 4 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. MERRIMACK, Capt. McDorman, SATURDAY, Dec. 17, 1 p m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Dow, WEDNES DAY. Dec. 21. 4 p. m. BERKSHIRE Capt. Pratt, SATUR DAY, Dec. 24, 6 p. m, MERRIMACK, Capt. McDorman, WEDNESDAY, Dec. 28. 9 a. m. WM. W. TULL, Agent. J. F. WARD, T. P. A. Ticket Office 112 Bull street Phones 124. Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. A. D. STEBBINB, G. M. J. C. WHITNEY, 2d V. P. and T. M, General Offices. Baltimore. Md. JOHN G. BUTLER Sash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Cements, Plaster, 20 Congress Street, West. PltKKerulil Item*. Fitzgerald, Ga., Dec. 13.—Miss Mary Cole of Greenfield, 0., who Is spending the winter here, entertained at an In formal muslcale, assisted by Miss Burkins of Cleveland. O. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Dalzell of Greenfield, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Greenfield, O.; Miss Burktss and Miss Lillie Burkiss of Cleveland, O.; Miss Tipping of Cleveland, O.; Miss Bessie Sneydman and Miss Gladys Tapp of Fitzgerald: Mr. Furgeson of Chicago, 111.; Prof. W. H. Klepper and Messrs. J. J. Dorminey and S. S. Hubert of Fitzgerald. Miss Callle Cook, who has been vis iting her stster-in-law. Mrs. A. B. Cook, hae returned to her home in Milledgevllle. Dona la* Want* Electric Plant liar, rlad. Douglass. Ga.. Dec. 14.—Joseph 8. Walker. president Electric Supply Company of Savannah; H. F. Came ron of the Westlnghouse Electric Com pany and Electrician C. J. O’Farrell, arc here negotiating for the erection of the Douglas lighting plant. While the citizens are boeemlng rather im patient over the delay, the bonds hav ing been sold about four months ago. It Is not likely that the. present ad ministration will make any contrac s, as the election for Mayor and Board of Aldermen takes place next Saturday. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Cos. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 13, 1001. TjwjniL operated by 90th Meridian Time, One Hour Slower than City Time. — SB *** 40_ J NORTH AND SOUTH. | *39 j *35 *46 k !?® 1 35a Lv Savanah I 2 50a 9 02a 6 30p 6 14p u ooa 5 65a Ar Charleston Lvill 43p 6 6a 330 p i•••• 1 40p Ar Wilmington , Lv) 3 Sop i 7 4ap Ar Richmond Lv| 9 05a 7 25p - if 1 <O-<'Xr Baltimore Lv 2 37a 2 12p - 7 30a Ar New York Lv 1 9 25pj 9 25a y ,—r * s * l * ,!t * 3a f SOUTH *4O 1 *SB j *32 _ ... I ™ P i 9 L’* sa|Lv Bgrannah Ar 1 laal *4M 1 lti> P 10 OOn k It 8 40a ** Brunswick ...,,..Lv ) i •■• 4 1 *1 -Op. 6 05a Ar Waycross Lv 10 ISp 6 ?om 9 50a 6 30p j so- 4 2*4' 10 40a Ar ....Thomasvlile Lv 3 10a 6 15a - Sap 2o - • I 1 65p|Ar Albany Lv 1 45a ....... - -jjP It osa 6 40p 11 55a Ar ltalnbrtdge Lv 1 40a 5 00a 1 05p ’I’;:- •■ 6 15p Ar ....Montgomery Lv 7 45p ® ®? a ,, „" p 1 4 ®P 8 40a Ar Jacksonville Lv 8 05pl 9 00a 330 p - .. ■■’’ ; V" a 7 00p 330 pAr Winter Park Lv 12 62p 1 l*> a J? a 7 10p 3 41plAr Orlando Lv 12 41p 12 58a i** ,5 P * OOplAr Lakeland Lv 10 25a 10 20p . i J®' I ,}® ®op 7 25p Ar Tampa Lv 9 00a * 40p , i It 0 /® 40p 7 35p Ar.. Tampa Bay Hotel...Lv 8 40a 8 26p • 36a u 00p 7 65p Ar Port Tampa.... Lv 8 20a 8 05p * 00p|Ar Ocala Lv 1 OOp 8 42p Ar ....Tarpon Springs.... Lv 7 ii'on 10 05p Ar St. Petersburg... Lv 6 00a - ••••>.. 9 40p|Ar PuvtaGorda Lv 6 45a 4 05p u OOnlAr Fort Myers. ,_. L .. Lv 5 30a 2 45p -ir- — NORTH. WEST AND SOUTH WEST. ~ ~ Tin -XT a Joup- I *6B *37 1 *,.? Via Montgcmery. 1 *SB *22 8 30n a-• Sa . vnnr,a h. Ar 9 45a] 3 15a 6 45p]Lv ..Savannah.. Ar! 9 45a 9 3Sp 7 or,n0 r ,n a 1 " ■'••' 7^tiU P-• •• Lv 7 45a 6 15p 8 05a|Ar .Montgomery. Lv 7 45p 6 30a 3 •••Macon... Lv 2 15a L. and N. 8 ru, A r “-Atlanta... Lv It 50p S 17a 7 15plAr ..Nashville.. Lv 8 30a - 8 Isn a , t,anoo * a Lv 3n P 3 -® a 2 20a!Ar ..Louisville.. Lv 2 40a 5 Z? r .Louisville. Lv 7 40a 12 Oln 7 20a Ar ..Cincinnati.. Lv 11 OCp 7 A ' C i" cl nnntl. Lv 8 20n 1 85p 7 20a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 4Cp - 7 10* Loul,, ” l ‘ vlo 0< P M - and O. fi in. T •••Chicago... Lv 9 00p 7 36a Ar ..St. Louis.. Lv 8 31p BSi ■•• Atlanta... Ar,lo 15p| 4 lOp 9 15a Ar ...Chicago... Lv 7 OOp ala F Lv| 8 15a! 2 55a 4 12p Ar ...Mobile... Lv 1 17p 12 30a -LJogLiAr Kansas City Lv| 6 80pj 7 15a 8 15p Ar New Orleans Lv 9 25a 315 p •Dally. Trains Into and out of Charleston are operated by Eastern time. Ftorlda° ÜBh Pullman Sleeping Car service to North, East and West and to tv! ni ?o S i Cars on trains 32 and 8 ® between Savannah and New York, mnn o l ® a' ;l Savannah 3:15 a. m.,and connects at. Jacksonville with Pull - Buffet Parlor Cars for Tampa and St. Petersburg. le ? vln 8 Savannah 3:00 p. m„ connects at Jacksonville with Pullman uutiet Sleeping Cars for Tampa and Fort Myers. ~.,n H l ®* l ? at Port Tam P a "’lib U. S. mail steamship of the Penin tt A d n2 Cc d J entlll Steamship Line, leaving Port Tampa Sundays, Tues days and Thursdays at 11:15 p. m. ■nr V’ EMERSON, Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. r,r ,7enel 'al Pass. Agent. Wilmington, N. C. 11 aS'i L J SAHY ’ Div,s,on Pa**- Agent, Savannah, Ga. ’ r, Trav. Pass. Agent, D# Soto Hotel. 'Phones 73. T rV’c,?kd T 2!. NBR ' Unlon Ticket Agent. Bell ’phono 235. Georgia 911. I. C. SAPP, Ticket Agent, De Soto Hotel. ’Phones 73. S E ABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY, Schedule Effective Nov. 27, 1904--90th Meridian Time —One hour slower than City Time, south of Columbia: E astern Time north of Columbia. No. It INo. IL | NORTH AN - aoUXU |No. 34. |No. t>l>. *2 12 26pm|Lv NEW TURK Ar[ 4 15pml 8 30a 7 33am 2 55pm)Lv West Philadelphia Ar l 45pm| 3 3San * J2am 5 10pm[Lv Baltimore Ar|ll 30am,11 17pm 10 50am 6 25pm|Lv Washington ArilO lOatnl 8 36pm 2 20pm 10 00pm|Lv Richmond Arl 6 26am| 4 55pm 9 25am 9 05pm|Lv Portsmouth Ar 8 Ouaiuf 6 30pm 7 OOpin 3 40am|Lv Raleigh Ar| 1 25arn!ll 46am 320 pm 5 OOamjLv Wilmington Ar|U 20pm|12 46pm 12 19am 9 54am|Lv. Camdep ..Ar 7 45pm 6 24am 12 20am 10 OOamjLv Columbia Ar 5 40pm 4 25am 4 40um 2 25pm.|Lv SAVANNAH Lv 1 10pm 12 10am 7 43am| 6 02pm|Ar Darien Lv 10 10am 6 15pm 7 55an4 5 30pnijAr Brunswick ......Lv 9 50am 8 40pm 10 20am 6 fOpmjAr Fernaadina .Lv! 9 00am 5 15pm 8 45am 6 50pm|Ar JACKSONVILLE ........... Lvj 300 am 7 50pm 1 Olprri 2 06ainjAr Ocala ..." Lv| 2 21am| 1 01pm 5 45pm 7 35am|Ar. ~...Tamp Lvl 8 OOpinj 8 60am 11 10am |Ar ...Lake City ..Lv) j 5 36pm 310 pm ........lAr. Tallahassee Lvf.r I 1 53pm 31 18am I lOpmlAr Bt. Auguatina ..Lv| 7 88aml I 20pm WE ST INo. 72.[N0. 74. 4 30pm 7 15am Lv SAVANNAH Ar 8 20pmll0 09am 6 40pm 10 35am Ar Statesboro Lv 4 15pm[ 7 60am 7 09pm 9 49am Ar Lyons Lv 5 37pm 7 20am 8 36pm 11 l9am Ar . Helena Lv 4 05pm 6 00am 8 00am 4 20pm Ar Fitzgerald Lv 9 45am ......... 7 28am 1 26pm Ar Cor dele Lv 2 05pm 6 40pm 9 30am 3 Sspm Ar Albany Lv 12 05pm 7 00pm 8 85am 303 pm Ar Amerlcus Lv 12 82pm 5 10pm !!.“ 7 66pm'Ar :-rr::::rMUb Star:::::::::::: W SmISS. ’’ \ '/r. J 6 mm' Ar Bt. Louis Lv 8 00am * 7 16pm Ar New Orleans Lv 8 Ispm| ... ' NoeTll and 84," SEABOARD EXRRJBkU, solid vestlbuled train. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York and Tampa, Cafe dining core. Nos. 43 and 66. BEABOARD MAIL, through vestlbuied trains. Pullman buffet sleeping cars between Now York and Tampa. Nos. 71 and 72, WESTERN EXPRESS, connects at Montgomery for New Orl*ann ind Southwest. Full Information at City Ticket Office, No. 7 Bull street. Telephone No. 21l Savannah and Statesboro Railway. SHORT LINK—THROUGH TRAINS. No. 73* INo. 71*1 |~No. 721 INo. 74* 4 30pml 7 15am[Lv Savannah Ar 8 20pm 10 00am 6 40pmlt0 35am|Ar Statesboro Lv 4 00pm 7 60nm •Dally. Sunday. On Sundays train 71 arrives Statesboro 9:86 a. m. OFFICIAL. LIQUOR LICENSE. Cltv of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council, Dec. 13, 1904. —The follow ing application* to retail liquor dur ing the year 1905 were read at the meeting of Council Dec. 7, 1904, and referred to the Committee of the Whole. J. ROBERT CREAMER. Clerk of Council. Abel, Chas., 0. e. cor. Bay and Aber corn *t*. Anderson, Jos. N.. No. 42 Reynolds st. Badenhoop. J. H., 623 West Broad, cor. Huntingdon st. Christopher. Geo., 510 Berrien st., w. Christopher, Geo., 102 West Broad st. Capatan, G. P., Bay and Farm sts. Cunningham, Hardy C., s. w. cor. Ber rien and Jefferson sts. Dulohery, C. & Cos., Bast Broad and Hartridge sts. Friedman. J., 135 Margaret st. Goldberg, Joe, 1821 Ogeechee road, aerken. H., net , 715 Wheaton st. Hewett, M. W., Gwinnett and Bur roughs sts. Hodge, L. E., 666 Oak st. Hermann, Peter, 317 Congress st., w. Hicks, R. M„ 21 Congress st.. w. Heltmann, J. F.. 834 President st., e. Heltmann. C. H.. 25 East Broad st. Helmken, J. H., s. e. cor. Liberty and Whitaker sts. Jenkins. H. W.. "Marshall House," 123 Broughton st., e. Kuck, John, 412 Drayton st. Lubs. John F.. n. w. cor. Liberty and Habersham sts. Lang. Nicholas, 39 Barnard st. Mosenzza, 8. & Cos., Burroughs and Duffy st, lane. Ohslek, Chas., 202 Reynolds st. Peters, N. F., n.. cor. Park ave. and Burroughs st. Rocker, John A Bro., a. w. cor. Jones and West Broad sts. Btuhmer, John. Bryan and Ann sts. Kullivan, John, 16 Congress st., w. Vollers, Wm„ 430 West Broad st. Welibrock, John F., 624 Jefferson st. Wads, John TANARUS., s. w cor. Oglsthorpe ave. and Houston st. Wilkins, C.. West Broad and Oaston sts. NOTICE. In Regard to the Ametu of Real . ,I'rofirrty In Hie 4My of Matannah for Taxation for lire Year 1908 Offics Tag Assassors, Wavannab, Nov, 86, 1804.-—Undet a resolution of this board tatpsyera are hereby not I- Med that the anaeasment and valuation of property fur the year 1984, In ike absent# er abiertlona. will b# contin ued as the barns of taxation by Iks uity of Savannah fsr tbs year 1986, as to OFFICIAL. real estate, including Improvements covered thereby. Objections, if any, must be made in writing and filed in the office of the Board of Tax Assessors within FIF TEEN DAYS after the date of the publication of this notice. No objec tions will be considered unless verified by an affidavit made by the property owner or nts agent, stating that the property has been assessed higher than its actual market value. In the absence of objections within the time specified the assessment and valuation will be considered as satis factory. and will be binding for the year 1905. .T. H. H. OSBORNE. Chairman. Savannah, Oa., Nov. 30, 1904. NEW BOOKS ‘ at Estill’s. The Masquerader (Katherine Cecil Thurston). The Georgians (Will N. Harben). The Substitute (Will N. Harben). Vergilius (Irving Bachelor). He That Eatheth Bread With Me. My Japanese Prince (Gunter). Nights With Uncle Remus. Quincy Adams Sawyer. Peggy O'Neal. In Kedars Tents. By Right of Sword. ! Senator North. Lightning Conductor. ” The Ills of the South. , My Friend Bill. Simple Life. Kingship of Self Control. Mark Twain's Adam's Diary. For sale at ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, No. II Hull Street, corner Bryan, No. 2 East. Savannah. Oa. I’HUFOSALX WAITED. U. H ENGINEER OFFICE. SA vannah, Oa.. Nov, 18, 1904, seated pro posals for building a coaling wharf Ui Savsnifah harbor, Georgia, will be t'r < elved st tins offi<*e until 12 noon, (Kaaterti Standard Tim* I, Doc. 14, 1984, and then publi< ty opened, *p*< lib a tions, blank forms, and a U available Information will be furnlobad Ml xppil • St ton be this ofltue. Jmea H Quinn, lisui euent tuiuusl, Corps of tngi.netn. 11