The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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tribute paid TO OGLETHORPE ELOQUENT AND POLISHED ■WAS ADDRESS LAST NIGHT BY HOX. WALTER G. CHARLTON. Keen Attlyi of Conditions, Pol lulled Metaphors, Genial Humor and Kindly Wit, Coupled With Word-Paintings of Eloquent De livery Marked the Lecture—Sketch of Oglethorpe and Conditions Thu? Prevailed in Europe—Founding ot the Colony. Before a select and highly apprecia tive audience Hon. Walter G. Charl ton delivered an eloquent and polished lecture last night from the subject, • Oglethorpe and His Times.” The lec ture was the first of a' series to be given under the auspices of the Sa vannah Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. Charlton was heard at his best. The easy flow of language; the polished and striking figures of speech; the keen analysis of conditions, causes and effects; the genial humor and the kind iv wit that characterize the speaker’s addresses: coupled with a rapid series of word-paintings and sketches, and an eloquent delivery, made the lecture one which will deservedly rank among the best that have been delivered in this city during the present season. After a few words of introduction Mir. Charlton clearly and distinctly sketched the subject of the lecture, Gen. James Oglethorpe. With quick strokes he painted the tall figure, mil itary bearing and commanding pres ence of the founder of Georgia. The face he drew as handsome and deter mined, betraying the man of quick action, determination, and quick tem per, and yet withal a face that showed its owner bore no malice toward any one. Commanding in his personality, yet not without gentleness; a man of great patience, clear insight into pre vailing conditions, and crowning all with a sweetness of temper that en dured him to all. where among the chief characteristics of the man, that the speaker throw into the portrait. “Some men,” said Mr. Charlton, “are great because they are the complete embodiment of their time. Others are great because they are far in advance of the age In which they live. To the latter class belonged Gen. James Ogle thorpe, for he was a century in ad vance of the age in which he lived.” Conditions in Europe. Then followed a portrayal of the conditions existing in Europe in the century preceding the landing of Ogle thorpe and his colonists at Savannah. Learning was in its infancy. The trials by ordeal were pictured, and the chief amusement of the populace given as that of following the culprit, the sheriff was lashing and shouting at his cries of misery. Politics was painted as in lowest degradation; debtors suf fered in the jails, sanitation was un known, and religious intolerance and persecution flourished. Mr. Charlton then called attention to the fact that Oglethorpe had be come interested in silk culture. '“Here,” he said, “we have a great man, a great wrong to he righted, and a great in dustry. The result was the great state of Georgia.” Founding of Georgla. Briefly he pictured the landing of the colonists, the conference with Tomo chichi, whom he referred to as “the great Savannahian;” the laying of the foundations of the state on the broad est and freest principles, the sturdy courage, progressiveness, loyalty and patriotism pf the colonists them selves. “What few of the rabble and of the irresponsible debtors there were among them,” he said, “soon disappeared, re turning to the land from which they had come. A few years later even their names disappeared and were forgotten. Georgians have been pictured by the press of some sections as doing hom age for political favor. Such action is not true of the true Georgians. “They come of sturdy, independent, liberal stock. They inherit the manli ness that is not purchasable and the loyalty and patriotism that has made them famous. And to-day in Georgia there is no one so despised as he who ‘crooks the pregnant hinges of the knee that thrift may follow fawning.’ Tribute was paid to Tomochichl, the firm ally of the colonists and the speak er In vivid pictures painted the meet ing between the Indian and King George 11. “If there was anything that the great Savannahian found to admire in the little, red-faced Hanover ian carpet-bagger,” said Mr. Charlton, "it must have been his bravery only.” Concluding Thonglita. In concluding his lecture the Speak er pictured the last years of Ogle thorpe. About him were gathered ad miring friends, everywhere he met homage and justly earned admiration, comfort and rest were his. and death spared him until he could cordially greet the first ambassador of the great country he had done so much to es tablish when that gentleman first ap peared at the court of St. James. The peroration was a beautiful pic ture of Georgia scenes, scenes so close ly interwoven with historic memories, recollections of the deeds of great men; remembrances of heroes and men ot sturdy mould of character. He pictured. Georgia as it is to-day. the achieve ment of the years that have witnessed the logical carrying out of the cour age. broad statesmanship mtnded principles of Gen. James Ogle thorpe. woman Tot able to - APPEAR AGAINST DAVIS. Case Wan Continued Until Ida Long Entirely Recovers. IVhen the case against Herbert Da vis, charged with an attempt to mur der by asphyxiation, was called for a preliminary hearing In Police Court yesterday morning, it was found that the prtnclnal witness In the case, the woman who was with Davis at the time he la alleged to have turned on In* ffiiii, wait unable to appmir, She Is still confined at the Park View Sanitarium, her condition being such that the attending physician considers II unsafe for her to go out of the house. Hhe would be In grave danger, n# Atld, of rnfchliif pnfunioniH. A riumbfr i#f ft Uiidi of Ouvln tp m polln la*t nlgtit with forxl for th# young man, tn 4 h* la having v#ry attention Ironi i Hutlvoa Ituf ft Pinrn th pirm+it fttatua of tha oaa* H la hardly probatol* ht will lx* turnM •v# Th# woman #ft*# Ew domm not frtNMp vMhtr h lut n*l on th* gaa or All'S go*a ao far aa to ay aha don* know but what Mi* AH It (urwlf. I Hfti Ititogirataij at th# Urn* A* ho ha# upfMMM'#4 U> pruawyi# Pa via th# ha# at#it4 #b# 4i4 n#t w#nt him It J# prctatl# I# W UI X i AUTOMATIC COUPLERS ARE IN USE HERE. Federal Supreme Coart Deeleloa Does Not Affect Savannah Roads. None of the Savannah railroads Is affected by the decision of the Su preme Court of the United States, handed down recently, holding that all cars, Including locomotives, should be equipped with uniform automatic couplers. All railroads entering the city are now so equipped. The judgment of the court, which was delivered by Chief Justice Fuller, ■contains three points of interest to all railroad companies. These points have been summarized by Secretary Mosely of the Interstate Commission as fol lows: “First. That couplers on railroad cars must be of such a character that they will couple automatically and so save employes from going between cars, though absolutely uniformity is not required. “Second. A car, though and on a side track, may be engaged in interstate commerce. “Third. That for the purposes of the safety appliance law locomotives are cars and they are required to be equip ped with automatic couplers.” Locomotives include the tender, the car with the coal and water being con sidered when the word locomotive is dwelt upon. Dining cars in the de cision were said not to be exempt from the requirements of the safety appli ance law when in use, though empty. All lines entering Savannah have not uniform safety appliances, but all are provided with some variety of appli ance looking to the protection of their employes. The decision affects com panies operating lines nearly of a pri vate nature, but which employ many hands in operating the trains. It is this sort of a company the law’s inter pretation will apply to. CENTRAL’S CHANGES OF TRAINS. New Schedule Will Prevail on Road After Jan. 8. The Central of Georgia Railway will change schedules on Sunday, Jan. 8. Some important changes will be made in the departure of trains from Sa vannah, and a double daily service will be established between Savantfad and Birmingham. Train No. 3, for Augusta, Macon, At lanta, Columbus, • Montgomery and Birmingham, will leave Savannah at 8:45 p. m., instead of 9:00 p. m., rail road time, arrive Augusta 6:45 a, m., arrive Macon 3:25 a. m., arrive At lanta 7:35 a. m., arrive Columbus, 6:45 a. m., arrive Birmingham 12:05 p. m. This train carries sleepers for Au gusta, Macon, Atlanta, and Birming ham. Train No. 1, that leaves Savannah at 7:00 a. m... railroad time, will, on and after Sunday Jan. 8, make close con nection at Macon with Southwestern division train No. 1, for Columbus, Montgomery and Birmingham, reach ing Montgomery 7:50 p. m., Birming ham at 10:15 p. m., the same day. This train carries parlor car as far as Ma con. Train No. 5, for Dublin, Millen and Augusta, will leave Savannah at 2:00 p. m., instead of 3:00 p. m., railroad time. There will be no change in the ar rival of trains at Savannah. The Chicago and Florida limited, a solid vestibule ti’ain, steam heated and electric lighted, composed of Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, observa tion and library cars, dining car, day coach and baggage car, will be in augurated between Chlc'ago and St. Au gustine on Jan. 9. This train will also carry a through sleeper between St. Louis and St. Augustine. > which will be attached to it at Evansville. This train runs over the Central of Georgia Railway between Atlanta and Macon. It is the only solid train between Chi cago and Florida. It connects at At lanta with the through trains between Savannah and Atlanta. Persons leav ing Savannah at 7:00 a. m„ reach Chi cago, in the Chicago and Florida limited, at 4:30 p. m„ the next day. Since the inauguration of this train, a few years ago. it has increased in popularity exceedingly, and it is ex pected th'at the business this year will far exceed that of any previous year, and indications are there will be a very heavy traffic to Florida and the South this winter. While this train runs through Jack sonville and St. Augustine, it affords a very quick and convenient service, in connection with the Central of Georgia Railway trains, from the Northwest to Savannah. BY WATER AND RAIL. Mr. Charles F. Stewart, assistant general passenger agent of the Sea board Air Jjine, accompanied by his secretary, Mr. J. C. Whitaker, went to Columbia, S. C., yesterday on busi ness. Mr. L. E. Chaienor, assistant general freight agent of the Seaboard, will re turn to-day from a trip over the road. Mr. J. E. Schenck, traveling freight agent of the Louisville and Nashville, JUMPING UP Is a great deal harder than jumping down. And yet people who nave been for years running down in health expect to jump back at once. It takes years generally to make a man a con finned dyspeptic, and he cannot expect to be cured in a few daya / There is no auicker WyxxJ means of cure for dyspep l\vf s i® or ot^er f° rnis of stomach to) ¥ trouble than by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis- W covery. It cures Ok J diseases of the f stomach and other if J W, ' organs of digestion wul and nutrition and builds nljl up the body with sound BljlV flesh and solid muscle. 11 i j JNjj I wa token rick two year* lj||9tVtßi ago." writes Rev. W. H. fatter son.of WlHte Cloud, Ala.." with what theilpetors thought was WuNRUin B gastric trouble, indigestion or fi f nervous dyspepsia, also con- BlllUgM ■tlpation and Inactive liver. ■mJkjljWlJl I was in a dreadful condition. mWHllßiy I Tried several different doctor* ■WtnHH I with but little result. I had .Hm i gotten ao feeble that I waa al- UJfi#W Ml most pari traveling about, had ' f got down to iu uouuda. I MUHIIiM went and leouehl sla Isgllesof A ih Ul s -fl Medial Discovery,’ and K'A the Pellets and / began following direr- Uoata When I had taken W atioul five bottlre I felt R I very much better and waa NV a I greatly t tn proved, and I II weighed one hundred and IU ft II thirty right pounds. I will ll ,1 aay that Dr. Ihercr't IVu 1 nredUtnra are a God- 111 I send to peSrr suffering ---( humanity, and i adviseM any and all chronic V I sufferers to give (hem V I Ar cejd no nitwit- M&L^Sh. <uU for "Golden Medical Diw oewry * I There Is oath lug "jugt m gaud" K* I disease* of the •Lnoac li I I* Bierce s K-aawaf Pellet* nut I MUotimase and nth heeds*b | SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1004 with headquarters In Montgomery, was in the city yesterday. An unique advertising transparency, showing the steamship Olivette of the Peninsular and Occidental line enter ing Havana harbor, has been received In the city. The private car Hammond of the Central, is in the Savannah yards, with a crew of photographers aboard. Mr. W. B. Denham, superintendent of the second division of the Atlantic Coast Line, has returned from a busi ness trip to Wilmington. Mr. Frank S. Anthony, master me chanic of the Atlantic Coast Line, is in Jacksonville on business. COMMISSION TO HEAR EVIDENCE. Argument Will Probably Be Heard at Later Meeting. At 4 o’clock this afternoon there will be a meeting of the commission appointed by Judge Speer to appraise the Rauers holdings on St. Catherine’s Island, relative to the condemnation of certain lands there that are to be used for the purpose of a site for a lighthouse. The commissioners are Messrs. F. X. Douglas, W. F. Brun ner, and Walter G. Charlton. The meeting will be held in the United States court room. It is hoped that at this meeting all the evidence yet to be offered by both sides will be taken. Argument of counsel may be listened to this after noon, though it is probable this will be postponed until a later meeting. The length of time required to taka the evidence, and the time that the opposing counsel will require for argu ment will determine this point. Spe cial Assistant Attorney General Leaken will present the case for the government and Judge Samuel B. Adams will appear for the Rauers’ heirs. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. Few Propl? Know llow Useful It Is in Preserving Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that char coal is the safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier in nature, but few realize its value when taken into the human system for the same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of it the better: it is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities always present in the stomach and intestines and car ries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating on ions and other odorous vegetables. * Charcoal effectually clears and im proves the complexion; it whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money is in Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics In tablet form or rather in the form of large, pleasant tasting lozenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The daily use of these lozenges will soon tell In a much improved condi tion of the general health, better com plexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of it is, that no possible harm can result from* their continued use, but on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician in speaking of the benefits of charcoal, says: “I ad vise Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffering from gas in stom ach and bowels, and to clear the com plexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat: I also believe the liver is greatly benefited by the daily use of them; they cost but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although in some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better char coal in Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tablets.” LUMBER, DRESSED AND ROUGH. WINDOW JRAMES. INTERIOR FINISH . YELLOW PINE.WHITE PINE. OAK. ASH AND CYPRESS. WE MANUFACTURE Sash, Doors and Blinds. A. S. BACON & SONS . Office: Bryan and Whitaker Bts. Factory: Lathrop avenue and O. 8. b. Cos. wharves. UASSIFIEO/LV Efil ISEMENTS* PERSONAL. E. F. FUG BAS. LAWYER 116 Bull street; contracts, deeds, wills, collections, real estate, corporation work and foreign claims given espe cial attention; parle.Francais, Deutsch gesprochen. OIL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, hot stuff, wood uud coal stoves: cast Iron ranges, steel ranges, very cheap; cash or credit; will take your old stove In exchange; all kinds of repairing well done by one of the best stove mechan ics In the South; a complete line of the best of kitchen furniture. Savan nah Stove Company, corner Barnard and State; Georgia ’phone 2853; Bel! 'phone 1123. —‘•MOTOR CARS," THE VERY LAT est thing out, at Miller's; automobiles and sulkies; ‘‘The Pioneer Flyer;” buy your Christmas presents from us. 207 Broughton, west. A. A. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN pens, 32 to *10; nothing makes a more plecslng or useful present for the busi ness man. J. & C. N. Thomas, Whit aker and State. PATRONIZE SOUTHERN INDUS try; If yon need a farm or coupling wagon, one or two horse wagon, or wagon for draylng lumber, sand, brick, see H. F. C. Feus; these wagons are made South, from Southern lumber, by Southern mechanics, and handled by Southern railwaya; now, boys, help the South and buy wagons of me; time or cash, guaranteed twelve months. 512-620 Hull street, west; also Leer ing mowers, rake* and repairs. le-1.1, CAUTS FROM 26 CENTS To HO. at Miller's; dolls, 16 rents and up: tea sets. 25 rents and un. doll cradles und beds; doll trunks. 207 Broughton, west, FOR SEWING MACHINES OF ALL kinds and supplies, call at 141 Jeffer son. needles, oil in bulk or bottle. GHKI N THE EXPERT VL'LTAN- Iser, bring your vulcanising direct (e ne, 124 Wert Mroed; Jobe guaranteed er money refunded. Georgia ‘obonu, ,454. Bell IIM OLD NEWSPAPER*. t FOR 16 sente at office. Mama. PERSONAL. - ’PHONE GEORGIA 1821 FOR THE best light ever offered to the public at $1.25; guaranteed for 3 months; prompt attention to all orders; under Masonic Temple. , A.CAN EVEtT FRENCH SHOEMAK er. agent for the celebrated B. & L. shoes. $4; my price, $2.50; first-class sample shoes always on hand for sale; repairing done while you wait. 309 Broughton, west. HOME-MADE BROKEN CANDY, fresh-made every day, 10c a pound at Hetterlch's. 110 State street, west ONE-POUND BOX FINE ASSORT ed candies or chocolates, 25c, at Het terich’s, 110 State street, west. G. O. PEN TON, DEALER IN ALL kinds of sewing machines, has moved to 142 Jefferson and York_lane. GOOSE FEATHERS WANTED. I will renovate moss and cotton mat tresses at $1.50 apiece; new mattresses made to order at right prices; imme diate attention given to all orders and work guaranteed. J. R. Dooner, 331 Drayton; Bell 'phone 1136; Georgia 'phone 2841. “see our gas LAMP si WlL liams Bieycle Cos., the Cut-Rate House. dainty “Little watches for ladies, sunbursts of diamonds and pearls, fancy rings, signet rings and baby rings, all priced low. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker. K. FINBERO 18 BROUGHTON, east, has just received wedding rings, gbM watches, pins and charms for Christmas presents; repairing done. ASK TOUR NEIGHBORS IF THE ignito mantles are not the greatest convenience they ever had in their homes; call under the Masonic Temple and examine them. J. GARDNER, AGENT, Ts Broughton street, east, for the Kim ball anti-rheumatic ring. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS and rents Smith Premier typewriters. If you wish to buy anew machine he is the agent. Whitaker, near York._ FOR STORING, PACKING! "Skip ping and moving your household goods and cleaning and relaying carpets; general di'a.vage a specialty. See Ben ton Transfer Cos., corner Broughton and Montgomery streets; both 'phones 2. „TO MY FRIENDS! I TAKE pleasure in informing you that I no longer am with Savannah Stove Com pany, but with D. N. Thomason, 139 Jefferson, where I will be pleased to serve you. Mr. Thomason makes a specialty of repairing or exchanging anything in the stove line. Best prices for old stoves in exchange for new. stock just received. J. N. Sweat. RATTLE DRUMS. 50 CENTS. AT Miller’s; see our magnificent display of fancy rockers, music cabinets and ta bles; Morris chairs in mahogany, gold en oak and weathered oak. 207 Brough ton. west. I SELL. BUY, EXCHANGE, RB paiv or rebuild all kinds of sewing ma chines; excelsior needles, oil and sup plies. G. O. Penton. MERCHANTS. MILLINERS AND ribbon dealers, if you sell ribbon you are losing money unless you try my ribbon; the latest ribbon at the low est price of any ribbon house in America; send for samples. M. A. Stokes. Savannah, Ga. XMAS PRESENTS AT REDUCED prices at Wilensky’s opening sale. Watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds, umbrellas and everything that is usu ally kept tn a first-class Jewelry store. 244 Broughton, west. BEFORE BUYING YOiJr HOLD day gifts call at Wilensky’s jewelry Btore, 244 Broughton, west. It’ll be to your interest. ’lron and wood wagons " at Miller’s; velocipede*,' see-saws, toy ta bles, etc.; everything for “the little folks.” 207 Broughton, west. I’M ALWAYS READY TO DO your Jewelry repairing and always do good work. E. W. ’Sylvan, at Stern berg’s. DANIEL A. HOLLAND REPAIRS baby carriages bo that they are the same as new. See him on Whitaker, near York. GREEN, THE EXPERT VULCAN- Izer, sells the best tire oft the market for $3. Sundries at lowest prices. 324 West Broad. Both ’phones. KAFFIR, NATURAL AND COLOR ed reeds, all numbers, at Gardner's, 18 Broughton street, east. RING GEORGIA IS2I FOR MAN ties to fit any burner; guaranteed for three months by the only factory that guarantee their goods; 100 to 300 candle power. RIBBON! RIBBON! RIBBON! Heavy, stiff taffeta, all silk ribbon, No. 40, 60 and 80 at 10c per yard, all col ors; satin ribbon, lc. 2Hc, sc, 10c and 15c, all colors; can't match it else where for double the prices; If you can’t call, write for samples to M. A. Stokes’ Ribbon Store. Savannah. MAHOGANY SECRETARIES, 80- fas, bureaus, chiplndale buffet, card and work tables, china, and brass pewter. 428 Congress street, west. BOOKS, SCHOOL AND MlSCEL laneous, bought and sold, at Gardners’ 18 Broughton street, cast. K. FIN BERG. 18 BROUGHTON, east, has Just received the most beau tiful line of Jewelry for Christmas presents in the cltj’. He’ll please you In price and goods. DANIEL a! HOLLAND SELLS, repairs and rents bicycles of every kind. Plenty second-hand wheels, good as new for sale. FIVE-POUND BOXES FINE AST sorted candy, 75c, sl, and $1.50, at Hat terlch’s 110 Stats street, west HAVING OVERHAULED MT shop, equipping It with the best ma chines, tools and facilities for doing first-class work, I am before the pub lic for a share of Us patronage In wheelwrightlng, blacksmithing, horse shoeing, F. Chris Kramer. 310 St. Ju llan., OEM SAFETY RAZOR SHAVINO sets, shaving cups and shaving brushes at very low prices. J. & C. N. Thonns, Whitaker nnd State, GOLD HEARTS IN SEVERAL sixes, silver thimbles, souvenir and fancy spoons, plain and ornamental clocks and hundreds of other things, suitable for holiday gifts. J. H. Koch, 46 Whitaker CANARY BIRDS AND CAGES! gold fißh and globes; (lsh food; canary and parrot seed, at Gardners', 18 Broughton street, east. CHRISTMAS IS "COMING: WB sell you pure old port wine, muscatel, sherry, rhlne wine at 50 cent* bottle; pure blackberry and chlantl wine, 65 cents; other Imported wine* and liq uors, moderate price; macaroni, spag hetti, olive oil, figs, nuts, raisins. Georgia syrup, oat tneal, buckwheat, shredded wheat biscuit, etc.; give us a call. Trapani, Barnard-State. ‘SWAN” Rl i OOF LIES ; THEY ROLL nnd rork, at Miller's only; shoo files. 75 eenla to $3.50; Manta Claus, buy your Christmas presents at Miller’#. 207 Broughton, west. Ks’ A PPll EXPBCTORANT Iff" ~A household word: rurea toughs when everything elae falls; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufactured by W. O. Cubbedfe, ill Barnard atrest. •TORE YOIJR FURNITURE WITH the Benton Transfer Cos., and get the key to your storage room, both phones 2 corner Montgomery and Broughton at feet. OIVK tJff A TRIAL IF YOU NEED any repairs on your boiler or me. bin ary Of guy kind. Mlngiedorff A Cos. i pi i'l'iM, ONE rt JAUi •notch terrier. AbeynnMn Guinea pigs • I Gardner a, U ffr vugbluu -,revt, PERSONAL. A.CANEV J£T. FRENCH SHOEMAK er, 309 Broughton, west; the cheapest place In town to buy shoes, because his rent Is low, and he pays cash for his goods; the public gets the benefit of it. MANY STERLING SILVER NOV elties are shown in this mammoth jewelry store. E. W. Sylvan, with Sternberg & Cos.. Broughton street. photography! XMAS PHOTOS MADE THIS week and finished In time for Xmas; pictures made at night; studio open until 10 p. ni. life size picture free with a dozen cabi nets; call in and see samples and prices. Wilsons Photo Studio, 111 Whitaker, near Broughton street. FOR ONE WEEK~WE ARE GlV ing away free to every lady, a beauti ful and useful souvenir; be sure to call and get one at Silvenstoln’s popular price and good work studio, 348 Bull street, near Jones, where we are now prepared to do first-class work; every thing up to date. Don’t forget the place over Gerst’s ladies’ hair dressing parlor. Special prices on all photo graphs for holiday. S. SUversteln, photographer. IT IS NOT TOO LATE FOR A SlT ting for your Christmas photographs; come now and we will give you your pictures in time for Christmas; come and see dainty new earbon-platinoe, the leading photograph of the season; a large portrait free with every dozen cabinets; your money back if you are not satisfied. Moore, 107 Broughton street, west. NOTHING 'BETTER FOR A Christmas gift than a portrait; not the common kind, but the kind we make; a fine water color given with each doz en cabinet photographs for the holi days. Launey Studio. PROFESSION A L. J. DE BRUYN ICOPS. ARCHITECT and Civil Engineer, 18 Board of Trade building. Georgia ’phone 1950. medical! ""'knapps expectorant rUa medicine of merit, the most popular preparation for coughs and colds; at drug stores 25 and 50 cents. Manufac tured by W. O. Cubbedge, 111 Barnard street. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED, YOUNG COLORED MAN to attend horses and act butler; must have good references and willing to stay on premises. 211 West Broad. WANTED, ERRAND BOY WITH bicycle. Apply M. S. & D. A. Byck. TEN GOOD INDUSTRIAL CAN vassers for city; best selling contract on oiirth. Address Superintendent. WANTED, TWO FIRST-CLASS JOB printers; steady position and good pay for right parties; nine-hour day. Ad dress Morning News Job Department, Savannah. Ga. WANTED, IN LUMBER OFFICE, experienced A1 male bookkeeper; also order clerk; state salary expected ami when can report: best of refer ences required. Address G. S., care News. WANTED, fi' DRIVERS, 6 SAWMILL hands, 2 men cooks, 1 moat cutter. 8 women cooks, 5 house girls, 7 waiters, 6 chambermaids, and 5 bellboys for Florida; 2 city salesmen, 2 boys for drug store. Wandell’s, 209 Jefferson street. RELIABLE PERSON. EACH LO cality, for business position. Salary $20.00 weekly and expenses. Expense money advanced. Position permanent. Previous experience unnecessary. Busi ness established. Address Mr. Cooper, Como Block, Chicago. WANTED, THOROUGHLY CfoMFE! tent union job printer and book make up, who is sober and reliable; also good machine operator; same requirements; steady positions; send references. In dustrial Record Publishing Company, Jacksonville, Fin. WANTED, FOR THE U. S, MA rlne Corps, able-bodied men, between 21 and 35; good character; must speak, read and write English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land in our island pos sessions, and at naval stations in the United States. Apply to Recruiting Officer, U. S. Marino Corps, second floor Custom House, Savannah, Ga., t a. m. to 6 D. m. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. CHEF (FRENCH) WISHES SITUA tion in private family or hotel; first class references. C. TANARUS., 309 President street, west. “WANTED, SITUATION AS BTE nographer and bookkeeper; can take dictation; good references. Apply Y. W. C. A., 129 Abereorn. GE UMAX WANTS A POSITION as barkeeper or any kind of work; single man; call for Dlener, 224 State street, west. A “reliable and thorough! ly experienced bookkeeper and general office man desires position In or out of city. Address M. E. D., care News. BARKEEPER; THOROUGHLY understands his business; capable of taking charge hotel, .cafe; city or country. Hutcheon, 118 West Ogle thorpe avenue. “BOOKKEEPER OF FIVE YEARS' experience, can do anything In an of fice, from retail grocery to railroad work; best references; small salary. Quick, care News office. SPECIAL DAILY SALE No. 16. Thursday, Dec. 22, 1904. 38c The Price TO-DAY for Ladies’ 50c Hose. Plain, lace, embroidered and gauze lisle; plain, mercerized and fine gauze cottons; fancy colored lisle and cotton hose. An immense line of new patterns and colors, THE PRICE For To-day Only LEVY’S HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED. GOOD DINING ROOM girls and cooks; only those bringing references as to character need ap ply. Y. W. C. A., 129 Abereorn. WAKTEIK—MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for scrap iron and steel, metals, bones, and rubber. F. W. Storer & Cos. WANTED. A DUCK BOAT IN good condition; will pay a reasonable cash price. Address P. O. Box 80. PARTNER IN SALOON BUSINS*! desires to buy half interest in a good saloon; experienced bar men, with ex cellent references; Hend full particu lars and amount wanted. Address Partner, Morning News. WANTED. HICKORY, DOOWOOD, ash. persimmon and holly logs. Janies Cockshott, Charleston. S. C. - ’ 1 “ 11 -IL'-i ! MONEY TO LOAN. ~MONEYU?£nmUNEEUrr^ or write and I will get it for you at once, at legal charges, and without the least trouble, or inconvenience to you on your furniture, piano, horse, hack or other securities, without removing the same from your house; you can re new or reduce the loan. E. Mublberg, 225 Congress, west; Georgia phone 1992. FOR RENT-ROOMS. LARGE ROOMS 120 EAST BOL ton. DELIGHTFUL ROOlffs! EXCEL! lent table, hot baths, gas and tele phone. 222 AVest McDonough street. FOR RENT—flats. FLAT 120 ANDERSON. EAST, tew rooms and bath. Apply within. NICE FLAT, 4 ROOMS, LARGE CE dar closets; private toilet; recently overhauled (Dale residence), Jones and Habersham. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. ONE DESIRABLE APARTMENT left in “Casanova," corner Taylor and Lincoln. J. C. Fosteli, 18 Bryan, east, east. APA RTM ENT, TH IPTYTHIRD and Habersham. James B. Copps, 215 Congress; Bell ’phone 1919. for RENT-HOUSE!. FROM. JAN. 1, NEAT COMFOR table house, 317 Waldburg east. Row land & Rowland, 22 East Bryan. FOR RENT, A VERY DESIRABLE house, furnished or unfurnished. 525 Whitaker. Apply 244 East Oglethorpe avenue. HOUSE OR LOWER FLAT, 818 Waldburg. east. Jlowland & Rowland. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE. 244 Montgomery street. Apply next door. FOR RENT, SEVERAL DESIR able residences and flats. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT—STORES. VERY DESIRABLE STORE. 22-24 Bay, west. with Central Railway tracks at door, now occupied by L. Mohr & Sons. Apply to C. M. Gibbs, agent. FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT. THAT FARM KNOWN as Springfield, containing about 107 acres; used by the late MaJ. G. M. Ryals. For terms apply to Henry Blun. FOR LEASE. FOR LEASE. AN ESTABLISHED dairy business with dwelling house and fifteen acres of land on Middle Ground road, about one and one-half miles from the city. This ts an elegant chance for a business In running order. 11l health of owner compels him to give up. (}, A. Mercer, Jr., Southern Bank building. Foil SALIC—It LAI. ESTATE. ANY PORTION OF 218 ACRES OF land, known as the “Lamar Tract,” southwest of city limits, about two miles, will be sold In farm lots to suit purchasers. C. H. Dorsett. TWENTY ACRES OF WELL wooded land, fronting on Waters road, about three miles from Forty-second street, at S4O per acre. C. H. Dor- SCtt. FOR SALE, A VFRY ATTRACTIVE country home of ten acres, with a five-room cottage, and two-room kitchen adjoining. The property has a pretty salt water frontage on La- Jtoche avenue. Is supplied ’ with arte slun water, and has a variety of flow ers, and all sorts of fruits, grapes, nuts, etc. The property can be bought for $3,000 and for a responsible buyer, easy terms can be made. C. H. Dor sett. FOR SALE, A DESIRABLE country home, cont&lnlng 53 acres of land, 30 acres under cultivation; suit able for truck gardening, general farming, poultry raising, etc.; hand some large residence and good out buildings; beautiful grove and spacious grounds; pear orchard and pecan grove; particularly healthy and desir ably located. For further particulars address E. O. C., care Morning News. THREE SEPARATE HOUSES ON Habersham street on monthly Instal ments; now is a chance to get a home. R. H. Tatein, 24 President street, eust. FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. PARTY, AMPLY" desires to make arrangements with a few responsible farmers In South Geor gia to feed from 500 to 1,000 head of steers for delivery during the months of March, April and May; correspond ence solicited. Address "Cattle Feed lng.” care Savannah Morning News. FOR RENT. PLANTERS “HOTEL, wtlh or without bar; will make cheap rent to right party. Apply to Horae* livers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. lIL’SINKSS 01*1*0 HT UNITIES. PARTNER IN CHEMICAL Busi ness with SI,OOO to $2,000 wanted at once; good Investment;. Interesting business not necessary, working In of fice. K. G. W.. Savannah Morning News. < WANTED, TO BUY AN ESTAB- Ilshed real estate business. Name low cst terms. Cash, care Morning News. PICTURE! AND FRAMEsT** '^DO^r'^rRUST^GREEN^^iESr^TO frame your valuable pictures, but take your work to C. R. L. (Compe tent. Reliable Ladeveze), where you can get the best grade mouldings, neatly Joined, at prices that defy com petition. We do the framing for the Telfair Academy and the leading art teachers in Savannah. 11 Congress street, west. ENGINES AND IIOILRIl!*. ~machinery : 'Xy^ ble feed with iive rolls, engine and boiler complete; ready to operate. Hartfehler-Garbutt Company. 301-5 Bay street, west. ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS; IN fact, everything in machine line re paired by Mingledorff & Cos., 510 Indian street. TIMBER LANDS FOR S.U.K. VIRGIN PINE FOREST FOR SALE In Calhoun county. West Florida; 10,- 000 acres. Titles perfect. Want to realize at once. Address S. H. Alder man, Wcwahitchka, West Florida. FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. SADDLES. 75 CENTS AND SI.OO. Williams Bicycle Cos., the Cut-Rate House. THERE IS NO MORE DELIGHT fuI music than is made on the Edison phonograph; buy one for your home; the Edison phonograph is the best talking machine made; Edison records make the best music. S. S. Sollee. 120 State street, west. horses; Horses;' horses; 'at auction; one carload first-class horses will be offered for Rale at auction. Younglove & Sipple’s stables, Friday, Dec. 23. This load contains drivers, saddlers and draft horses; anyone wishing good, first-class stock, will do well, vvalt and attend this sale; every horse In load well broke. FIRST CLASS "UPRIGHT PIANO for sale on liberal terms; in good or der; should be seen to bo appreciated. Address P. O. Box 139. FOR SALE, A PAIR OF ENGLISH blood hound dogs, well trained for man trailing; 2 years old. (’has. F. Eaton, chief of police, Lake City, Fla. FOR SALE, A FINE RUBBER™ tired buggy (runabout) with three year guarantee, two sets harness, and one road cart; very little used. No. 10 Thirty-seventh street, east. for Sale, good everett piano. 304 East Oglethorpe avenue. just arrived and“f<Tr - sale! ten choice milkers and springers. Ap ply at Younglove & Sipple’s stable. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND records; the November-Decrmber rec ords will arrive here first New York steamer, about Wednesday. S. S. Soi iee, 120 State street, west. FOR SALE, MULES AND HORSES. From 200 to 400 head on hand all the time; broke and unbroko; reference Commercial National Bank of Beeville, Tex.; correspondence solicited; hand! this to your dealer and oblige, yours truly, E. G. Reagan. Beeville, Tex. FOR sale, typewriters, rib: bons and carbons, York Safe and Lock Company’s fire proof safes. our typewriters are all new, the ribbons and carbons tho best. The York fire proof safes are the best. Lippmau Drug Company. “GOOD PEDALS. 75 CENTS PAIR. Williams Bicycle Cos., the Cut-Rate House. STEINWAY SECOND-HAND PU ano, $100; Guild, SBS; Barmore, S3O, and other big bargains. Largest, best and handsomest stock personally selected, high grade pianos and or gans ever shown in Savannah; pianos tuned, repaired and thoroughly reno vated; prices moderate; best work guaranteed; estimates free. Murphy’s piano warerooms. Guards' Armory. Bull and Charlton: Georgia ’phone 810. PLUMBING. THE BLOCK LIGHT IS MADE IN styles to fit every lighting necessity ot home, office and factory, and every style is guaranteed to produce more light with a decreased quantity of gas than any other burner; fits any fix ture; any one can put them up; re quire no care and beyond an Infrequent renewal of mantles, last a lifetime and pay for themselves in decreased cost for gas. National Plumbing Company, agents, plumbers and gas fitters. Jef ferson and McDonough streets; Geor gia ’phone 2847. ■“FOR good RELIABLE plumb* Ing work call around to L. A. McCar thy & Son. 142 Drayton street. All work done by us strictly first class. LOST AM) COIN'D. LOST, ONE NEW COLUMBIA Bi cycle, bronze color. No. 4,209, from the front stoop of Morton School for Boy#, cn Park avenue. A suitable reward will be promptly paid If returned to Ambrose Gordon, No. 12 Oglethorpe avenue, west. STRAYED. Jefferson streets, bull, terrier puppy, with spot on eye. Liberal reward If returned to Yates Thompson, 222 West Thlrty-aeventh street. 1 ■ : ■ 1 ■ i ■ MISCELLANEOUS. wTC llama Bicycle Cos., the Cut-Rate House. MAKE YOUR PRESENT - PUR chases of me; I have a line stock to show you. E. W. Sylvan, with Stern berg & Cos., Broughton street. "if YOU WANT A NICE PRESENT for some loved one. call at Wllensky'a Jewelry atore. You'll find something suitable and at moderate cost there. Goods shown with pleasure. 24 Broughton, west. KNAPP'S EXPECTORANT CURES roughs, colds, croup and all bronchial troubles; at drug atorea 26 and 6o cents; manufactured by W, o Cubbedate. WHEN YOU WANT YOUR AUTO, mobile painted call on Kramer; he will do It right. BEAUTIFUL THINGS IN *TElt llng silver at very low prices. J. M. K<sh. 46 Whitaker, GREEN, THE EXPERT - vWLCAM. leer, makes a specialty of vulcanising automobile tires, casings and tubea Both ‘phones, K FIN BERG, II UHOUGMTOIT east, has brooches, ruuklacAa, flag w rings, etc., suitable for UhriatntM pree * FOR ad 66 RELIABLE plumb tag work eeil around to L A. HCar thy 6 6m. 161 Drayton streak. A| work done b* us strictly ffret tffggg. 3